Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Durchschnitt von 22 Bewertungen (aus 31 Tests)
Testberichte für das HTC One
Aluminium-Bolide. Das HTC One ist das neuste High-End-Smartphone des taiwanischen Herstellers. Ein flinker Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Quad-Core-SoC, Stereo-Speaker, ein 4,7-Zoll-Display mit 1.080 x 1.920 Pixel und aktuelle Software verpackt in einem hochwertigen Aluminium-Unibody. Der neue Klassenprimus im Wert von 680 Euro?
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Spitzenklasse (93 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (84 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 98% Emissionen: 93%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 2/2014

Auch wenn der Prozessor mittlerweile eine Generation hinterher ist, ist HTCs One mit seinem Unibody-Alugehäuse nach wie vor eines der schönsten Android-Handys überhaupt. Obendrauf gibt es das brillante Full-HD-Display, die tollen Boom-Sound-Lautsprecher sowie eine integrierte IR-Remote für mittlerweile 400 Euro.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 97%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 1/2014

Den wohl gelungensten Kompromiss zwischen Handlichkeit und möglichst großem Display erreicht das HTC One mit einer Diagonalen von 4,7 Zoll. Es ist auch das aktuell schärfste Display auf dem Markt. Dank Full-HD-Auflösung auf 4,7 Zoll erreicht es eine Pixeldichte von sagenhaften 469 ppi.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: PC News - Heft 01/2014

In Sachen Verarbeitung und Display-Qualität setzt das HTC One die Messlatte ordentlich nach oben und führt deshalb unsere Rangliste an. Die Performance ist hervorragend und die 4 MP-Kamera überzeugt vor allem bei schlechtem Licht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 98%
Quelle: PC News - Heft 1/2014

In Sachen Verarbeitung und Display-Qualität setzt das HTC One die Messlatte ordentlich nach oben und führt deshalb unsere Rangliste an. Die Performance ist hervorragend und die 4 MP-Kamera überzeugt vor allem bei schlechtem Licht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 98%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Ob die geneigte Käuferschaft künftig wieder mehr zum Taiwanesen statt zum Südkoreaner greift, werden die nächsten Quartalsergebnisse zeigen. Autorin Anne hat bereits einen ersten Blick auf die Zahlen geworfen. Darüber hinaus steht mit dem HTC One Mini bereits ein etwas kleinerer Ableger in den Startlöchern und das HTC One Max als Phablet-Version kommt wohl auch in diesem Jahr noch auf den Markt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.09.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Hartware

Das HTC One ist ein High-End-Smartphone mit tollen Alleinstellungsmerkmalen, aber auch einigen Ecken und Kanten – und damit meinen wir nicht das Gehäuse. Letzteres punktet mit einer sehr hochwertigen Verarbeitung. So liegt das Smartphone super in der Hand und das verarbeitete Aluminium fühlt sich schlichtweg wertiger an als das Plastik diverser Konkurrenzmodelle.
Verarbeitung hochwertig; Bedienung angenehm
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2013
Quelle: Connect - Heft 2/2014

Der S600-Prozessor von Qualcomm sorgt für Power: Das One läuft schnell und ruckelfrei. Mit beinahe sieben Stunden im typischen Nutzungsmix zeigt sich auch der Akku potent ... Auch wenn das One nicht in jeder Hinsicht Maßstäbe setzt, kann es sich locker unter den Giganten behaupten. Mit außergewöhnlichem Design und innovativer Benutzeroberfläche ist es ein echter Herzensbrecher.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Expert Reviews

HTC has pulled off a blinder with the HTC One. It’s a gorgeous phone with a beautiful screen, and we think it's a more desirable handset than the Sony Xperia Z. Given you can move BlinkFeed out of view, the HTC should appeal to everyone. It will be especially tempting to those who crave the low-light capabilities of its camera. Its metal chassis is also a big selling point - and one, based on past models, that is unlikely to appear on the Samsung Galaxy S4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Evenly matched on price, cameras and performance, the HTC One wins on storage and display, whilst the iPhone 5c may just edge it on battery life. Build quality and software are of a similar quality but different. But if you have no strong feelings on design or Android/iOS, you need to opt for the HTC.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.03.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The HTC One might be the most desirable phone available right now. Its metal-backed body feels fantastic in the hand, its screen is superb, performance is great and Sense 5 offers some interesting new features that you can choose to side-step if you prefer old-style Sense. The UltraPixel camera is a mite disappointing given the ballyhoo made at its launch, but it proves that HTC is one of just a few mobile companies trying something truly interesting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techradar

As we said, this is the best HTC phone ever, without a doubt. But we'll go one better than that: it's the best phone on the market full stop. The Samsung Galaxy S4 isn't far behind at all with its stunning screen and rich detail, but for sheer level of functionality, innovation and just overall effect it has in the hand, we can't help but recommend the HTC One to anyone looking to buy a new smartphone. So whether it's the Ultrapixel camera that extends the range of photos you can take, or the moving photos on offer, or simply the improved speakers bolted on the front (as long as you don't play them on public transport) the HTC One takes the best the smartphone market has to offer and just makes it better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

You should buy SIM free, and therefore you should buy the Nexus 5. Both are great handsets, but the Nexus 5 is priced to shift. However, if you are likely to purchase on contract, you have a choice to make between two brilliant Android phones. Either way you'll be happy.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.11.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The HTC One is up there with the very best smartphones on the market today. It has superb performance, and excellent build quality spoiled only slightly by running hot in use. You can't fault the feature set, and it matches the other high-end products in terms of price. In terms of audio and visual output it is unsurpassed. The interface might be an acquired taste for some, and we weren't overly impressed with the camera. It's not perfect, but alongside the Xperia Z and iPhone 5 this is about as good a phone as you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.09.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Kitguru

It’s no secret that HTC are trying very hard to regain market share from Samsung after a steady decline over the past few years. There is no doubt in our minds that the One is the best phone that HTC have released in some time as it cannot really be faulted. The only drawback of the HTC One is the lack of expandable storage. The 32 GB version may not provide enough space for some users and the 64 GB version carries a heavy price premium. Camera performance was very good though, despite the low resolution sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.09.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

In terms of specs is a split decision as to which smartphone is better. We will be able to give a more definitive verdict as to which smartphone is the best once we do a full review of the iPhone 5s.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.09.2013
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The HTC One blends an unmatched premium design for Android phones with impressive performance, a beautiful 1080p display and rich, front-mounted speakers. HTC Sense 5.0, with its Blinkfeed feature, adds flavor to the stock Android OS. And while Samsung's TouchWiz software offers more features, Sense has a cleaner look and feel and suffers from less lag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With the iPhone 5 and HTC One neck and neck in so many areas it's almost impossible to choose an outright winner. You get a little more for your money with the HTC One in storage, connectivity and screen. However, the ultimate decision is whether you want iOS or Android.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.08.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The HTC One is up there with the very best smartphones on the market today. It has superb performance, and excellent build quality spoiled only slightly by running hot in use. You can't fault the feature set, and it matches the other high-end products in terms of price. In terms of audio and visual output it is unsurpassed. The interface might be an acquired taste for some, and we weren't overly impressed with the camera. It's not perfect, but alongside the Xperia Z and iPhone 5 this is about as good a phone as you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

As we said, this is the best HTC phone ever, without a doubt. But we'll go one better than that: it's the best phone on the market full stop. The Samsung Galaxy S4 isn't far behind at all with its stunning screen and rich detail, but for sheer level of functionality, innovation and just overall effect it has in the hand, we can't help but recommend the HTC One to anyone looking to buy a new smartphone. The Galaxy S4 is sleeker, the iPhone 5 is, well, Apple-ier, and the Nexus 4 is cheaper. But for the overall package of smartphone design and functionality, the HTC One stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The HTC One is up there with the very best smartphones on the market today. It has superb performance, and excellent build quality spoiled only slightly by running hot in use. You can't fault the feature set, and it matches the other high-end products in terms of price. In terms of audio and visual output it is unsurpassed. The interface might be an acquired taste for some, and we weren't overly impressed with the camera. It's not perfect, but alongside the Xperia Z and iPhone 5 this is about as good a phone as you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

HTC was the first company to embrace Android, but it’s had a tough couple of years. The HTC One is currently the world’s best smartphone. It’s got the best design, specification and screen so, if you’re in the market for a high-end handset, this is the phone to buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

With a premium metal design, captivating 1080p display and speedy quad-core processor, you'd be hard pressed to find a superior smartphone than the HTC One. Although T-Mobile's LTE network is still rolling out, you'll be paying considerably less than other carriers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

Android enthusiasts can be a demanding group. The call for pure-Android versions of flagships other than the Nexus range has been a consistent one, and it will be interesting to see how many Google Play Edition phones actually get bought. Adding to the muddle is the pricing: the HTC comes in at $599, the Samsung more expensive again at $649. What the two Google Play Edition phones offer is a compromise somewhere in-between. The freedom of pure Android and the freshness and undeniable appeal of flagship hardware. It’s a compromise that comes at a cost, and it’s one with the risk of still relying on manufacturers for new software rather than getting it straight from Google, but if your wallet is deep enough then the pure Android experience, liberation from carrier subsidies, and top-tier specifications make them each excellent, if niche, options.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.07.2013
Quelle: Laptop Mag

There aren't many smartphone shoppers willing to pay $599 up front for a device, but if you want the pure Google experience, the HTC One Google Play Edition is an excellent choice. You get the same beautiful craftsmanship, gorgeous display and outstanding sound quality found on the standard version of the One, along with an unadulterated Android experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The HTC One is up there with the very best smartphones on the market today. It has superb performance, and excellent build quality spoiled only slightly by running hot in use. You can't fault the feature set, and it matches the other high-end products in terms of price. In terms of audio and visual output it is unsurpassed. The interface might be an acquired taste for some, and we weren't overly impressed with the camera. It's not perfect, but alongside the Xperia Z and iPhone 5 this is about as good a phone as you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.07.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: ITNews Australia

Despite a few caveats when considered as a package the HTC One looks impressive, is fast and easy to use. However the HTC One is unlikely to get even close to selling as many units as the juggernaut Galaxy S4 aided by Samsung’s massive marketing spend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.06.2013
Quelle: PC Authority

On balance, the HTC One justifies that premium. The loss of expandable storage is a blow, but there’s little else amiss: it’s a stylish and highly capable all-rounder. HTC needed to come out fighting with its latest handset, and it’s done so with gusto: the One is the finest smartphone money can buy at the time of writing. The only serious competitor on the horizon is the Samsung Galaxy S4, which had been announced but hadn’t officially launched when we went to print. For now at least, HTC has a real winner on its hands, but one wonders if it can translate this into a real comeback.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.06.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 83% Leistung: 100% Ausstattung: 100% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Engadget

If you've been eyeing the HTC One as your next smartphone, it's safe to say that T-Mobile offers a very compelling option. By and large, the handset is a faithful interpretation of the original, which is all the more reason to fall in love. Unique to T-Mobile's version is LTE support for both T-Mobile and AT&T, which makes it the One to get if you're interested in its flexibility as an unlocked smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.05.2013
Quelle: Hot Hardware

When you pick up the HTC One, you instantly get the sense that this is a high-end phone with plenty to offer. The One’s outer shell aesthetically pleasing and gives the phone a high-end look. It’s also solid thanks to its full-metal unibody design. This design adds a bit of weight to the phone, but it’s a tradeoff we suspect many users will tolerate.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.05.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the Moto X is making its way to the UK but how does it fare against one of the best smartphone from last year, the HTC One? Find out in our HTC One vs Moto X comparison review. With the same screen size, and both running Android, the Moto X and HTC One might seem like similar smartphones. But they have their differences and we're here to point them out for you.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.01.2013
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HTC: High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC) ist ein taiwanesischer Hersteller von Mobiltelefonen, Tablets und anderen elektronischen Produkten.
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