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Samsung Galaxy Book Serie

Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i7-1165G7Prozessor: unknown, Intel Comet Lake i5-10210U, Intel Comet Lake i7-10510U, Intel Ice Lake i5-1035G4, Intel Ice Lake i7-1065G7, Intel Kaby Lake i5-7200U, Intel Kaby Lake m3-7Y30, Intel Lakefield i5-L16G7, Intel Tiger Lake i5-1135G7, Intel Tiger Lake i7-1165G7, Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 7c Gen 2, Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 8cx
Grafikkarte: unknown, Intel HD Graphics 615, Intel HD Graphics 620, Intel Iris Plus Graphics G4 (Ice Lake 48 EU), Intel Iris Plus Graphics G7 (Ice Lake 64 EU), Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs, Intel Iris Xe G7 96EUs, Intel UHD Graphics 620, Intel UHD Graphics G7 (Lakefield GT2 64 EU), NVIDIA GeForce MX250, Qualcomm Adreno 618, Qualcomm Adreno 630, Qualcomm Adreno 680
Bildschirm: 10.60 Zoll, 12.00 Zoll, 12.10 Zoll, 13.20 Zoll, 13.30 Zoll, 14.00 Zoll, 15.60 Zoll
Gewicht: 0.64kg, 0.754kg, 0.793kg, 0.94kg, 0.951kg, 0.97kg, 1kg, 1.05kg, 1.15kg, 1.16kg, 1.18kg, 1.2kg, 1.253kg, 1.26kg, 1.38kg, 1.59kg, 1.6kg, 1.8kg
Preis: 500, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1099, 1129, 1250, 1400, 1500, 1599, 1600 Euro
Bewertung: 76.79% - Gut
Durchschnitt von 217 Bewertungen (aus 354 Tests)
Preis: 68%, Leistung: 74%, Ausstattung: 71%, Bildschirm: 86%, Mobilität: 80%, Gehäuse: 83%, Ergonomie: 83%, Emissionen: 91%


Samsung Galaxy Book 12

Während die Hälfte des Tablet Marktes hinter Microsofts Surface Slate hinterherläuft, ist es kein Wunder, dass Samsung entschieden hat, dieses Jahr mit dem Galaxy Book 12 den Einsatz zu erhöhen, auch angesichts der Tatsache, dass es dem TabPro S vom letzten Jahr nicht gelungen ist, Microsoft Marktanteile abzuringen. Für den Anfang hat das Galaxy Book 12 einen AMOLED-1440p-Bildschirm im 3:2 Format, welcher ein sehr scharfes, farbfreudiges, und erfreuliches Bild liefert. Nicht umsonst wird Samsung als einer der besten Bildschirmhersteller angesehen. Weiter zum Herzen des Galaxy Book 12, gibt es dort Intels Power Core i5-7200U Prozessor der 7. Generation, der eine gute Balance zwischen Leistung und Energieverbrauch liefert, ohne die Akkulaufzeit aufzugeben, zusammen mit 8GB Arbeitsspeicher, was mehr als genug für den durchschnittlichen Business Anwender sein sollte. Weil es ein Windows Tablet ist, kommt es natürlich mit Windows 10, jedoch ist Samsung Flow, welches mit Windows Hello verbunden ist und biometrisches Einloggen mit einem per Bluetooth verbundenen Samsung Galaxy S6 oder neueren Smartphone Fingerabdruckleser erlaubt, in diese Windows Version integriert. Zusätzlich zum biometrischen Einloggen kann Samsung Flow außerdem die Smartphone Notifications laden, was ein Plus für die Ökosystem-Integration ist. 
Verglichen mit Microsofts Angebot, ist es lobenswert, dass es automatisch zusammen mit Samsungs Keyboard Cover und dem S-Pen kommt, was ein Bonus ist, wenn man sich den hohen Preis ansieht. Um bei den Eingabegeräten zu bleiben, die Benutzung des Keyboards ist sehr erfreulich mit angemessenem Feedback und es ist sehr geeignet zum längeren Schreiben, besonders für die Business Zielgruppe. Auch der mitgelieferte S-Pen liegt angenehm in der Hand, was zu einem befriedigenden Schreiberlebnis führt. Das könnte allerdings auch an den unterstützen 1024 verschiedenen Druckstufen liegen. Benutzer können auch das klassische Staedler Design wählen, wenn ihnen das lieber ist.
Während die vollgepackte Austattung erstaunlich ist, sollten Benutzer jedoch auch auf Haltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit achten. In dieser Hinsicht ist das Chassis des Galaxy Book 12 aus Aluminium gefertigt und gut gebaut. Das Keyboard hat eine gummierte Oberfläche. Leider hat der eingebaute Stand wegen seines Designs nur 2 mögliche Positionen, was seinen Gebrauch auf harte, flache Oberflächen beschränkt. 
Weil das ein Tablet ist, sollten wir eine gute Akkulaufzeit erwarten, die über den durchschnittlichen Arbeitstag hinweg reicht. Und tatsächlich reicht es mit 11 Stunden mehr als das. Eine weitere erwähnenswerte Besonderheit des Galaxy Book 12 ist die Unterstüztung von Fast Charge, mit dem wir das Tablet innerhalb von 3 Stunden vollständig wiederaufladen können, was die Abhängigkeit von der Steckdose einschränkt. Falls der Benutzer schon andere Samsung Geräte hat, sind die besonderen Fähigkeiten wahrscheinlich praktisch, andererseits schaden sie auch nicht.
Hands-on Artikel von Jagadisa Rajarathnam

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 12Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 12
Prozessor: Intel Kaby Lake i5-7200U
Grafikkarte: Intel HD Graphics 620
Bildschirm: 12.00 Zoll, , 2160 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.754kg
Preis: 1500 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 77.13% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 64 Bewertungen (aus 110 Tests)



Test Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Convertible (Erster Eindruck) | Notebookcheck
Office to go. Höchste Produktivität für jene die immer unterwegs sind verspricht Samsung mit dem neuen Galaxy Book 12. Das Windows-basierte Tablet kommt stets im Bundle mit Keyboard Cover und S-Pen. Wir hatten die Möglichkeit am MWC in Barcelona das Convertible bereits etwas genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Hier unsere ersten Eindrücke und Benchmarks.
77% Verfolgerduell
Quelle: Connect - 01/10/17 Deutsch
Contra: starke Wärmeentwicklung im Lastbetrieb, gewöhnungsbedürftiger Standmechanismus, mäßige Ausdauer, Tastatur liegt nicht ganz plan auf, hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Leistung: 67% Ausstattung: 75% Mobilität: 81% Ergonomie: 85%
80% Mobiler Kreativ-Arbeiter
Quelle: PC Magazin - 10/17 Deutsch
Das Galaxy Book ist zweifellos schick und schnell und ultramobil. Doch wirken der Preis von über 1600 Euro, fehlende Anschlüsse und die recht kurze Akkulaufzeit ein wenig zu dürftig.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
77% Verfolgerduell
Quelle: Connect - 01/10/17 Deutsch
Contra: starke Wärmeentwicklung im Lastbetrieb, gewöhnungsbedürftiger Standmechanismus, mäßige Ausdauer, Tastatur liegt nicht ganz plan auf, hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Leistung: 67% Ausstattung: 75% Mobilität: 81% Ergonomie: 85%
80% Mobiler Kreativ-Arbeiter
Quelle: PC Magazin - 10/17 Deutsch
Das Galaxy Book ist zweifellos schick und schnell und ultramobil. Doch wirken der Preis von über 1600 Euro, fehlende Anschlüsse und die recht kurze Akkulaufzeit ein wenig zu dürftig.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
92% Samsung Galaxy Book 12
Quelle: PC Welt Deutsch version
Das Samsung Galaxy Book 12 ist eine hervorragende Tablet-Notebook-Kombination, weil es viele Vorteile aus beiden Welten zusammenbringt: Die Rechenleistung liegt auf hohem Laptop-Niveau, der tolle AMOLED-Bildschirm und die Ausstattung mit LTE und Typ-C-Buchsen betonen die Flexibilität eines echten Mobilgerätes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 96% Ausstattung: 94% Bildschirm: 86% Mobilität: 83%
92% Samsung Galaxy Book 12
Quelle: PC Welt Deutsch version
Das Samsung Galaxy Book 12 ist eine hervorragende Tablet-Notebook-Kombination, weil es viele Vorteile aus beiden Welten zusammenbringt: Die Rechenleistung liegt auf hohem Laptop-Niveau, der tolle AMOLED-Bildschirm und die Ausstattung mit LTE und Typ-C-Buchsen betonen die Flexibilität eines echten Mobilgerätes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 96% Ausstattung: 94% Bildschirm: 86% Mobilität: 83%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12
Quelle: Connect - 5/2017 Deutsch
Pro: sehr handlich; tolle Haptik; superflach; 12-Zoll-OLED-Display mit 2160 x 1440 Pixeln; Intel-Core-i5-CPU mit 3,1 GHz; abnehmbare Tastatur mit guten Druckpunkten im Lieferumfang; optional mit LTE; ac-WLAN; 2 x USB-C-3.1; Wechselspeicherslot; 13-MP-Kamera. Contra: vermutlich sehr hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12
Quelle: Connect - 5/2017 Deutsch
Pro: sehr handlich; tolle Haptik; superflach; 12-Zoll-OLED-Display mit 2160 x 1440 Pixeln; Intel-Core-i5-CPU mit 3,1 GHz; abnehmbare Tastatur mit guten Druckpunkten im Lieferumfang; optional mit LTE; ac-WLAN; 2 x USB-C-3.1; Wechselspeicherslot; 13-MP-Kamera. Contra: vermutlich sehr hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2017
Bock auf Book?
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch version
Samsung hat das Tab Pro S an den richtigen Stellen verbessert und es zum Galaxy Book ausgebaut. Beide Modellvarianten hinterlassen im Kurztest einen guten Eindruck. Dank nun nahezu uneingeschränkt brauchbaren Tastaturen lässt sich dieses Tablet tatsächlich als Notebook-Ersatz nutzen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.02.2017
Bock auf Book?
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch version
Samsung hat das Tab Pro S an den richtigen Stellen verbessert und es zum Galaxy Book ausgebaut. Beide Modellvarianten hinterlassen im Kurztest einen guten Eindruck. Dank nun nahezu uneingeschränkt brauchbaren Tastaturen lässt sich dieses Tablet tatsächlich als Notebook-Ersatz nutzen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Zoll
Quelle: Deutsch version
Das Galaxy Book richtet sich an Profi-User, die gerne zeichnen und die Flexibilität wünschen, zwischen einem Notebook und einem Tablet wechseln zu können, ohne zwei Geräte besitzen und transportieren zu müssen. Doch grundsätzlich bleibt der 2-in-1-Markt wahrscheinlich weiterhin eher ein Nischenmarkt, auch wenn er laut Samsung wächst.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Zoll
Quelle: Deutsch version
Das Galaxy Book richtet sich an Profi-User, die gerne zeichnen und die Flexibilität wünschen, zwischen einem Notebook und einem Tablet wechseln zu können, ohne zwei Geräte besitzen und transportieren zu müssen. Doch grundsätzlich bleibt der 2-in-1-Markt wahrscheinlich weiterhin eher ein Nischenmarkt, auch wenn er laut Samsung wächst.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.02.2017

Ausländische Testberichte

70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book is a detachable, 12-inch notebook with a fantastic display and short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book is a detachable, 12-inch notebook with a fantastic display and short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
84% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 – a Windows 10 tablet with style (review)
Quelle: Gadgetguy Englisch EN→DE version
Don’t measure this by the Surface Pro 2017 or HP x2 Spectre 2017 – measure it by what the Samsung package is, and what its ecosystem can, and will offer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
84% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 – a Windows 10 tablet with style (review)
Quelle: Gadgetguy Englisch EN→DE version
Don’t measure this by the Surface Pro 2017 or HP x2 Spectre 2017 – measure it by what the Samsung package is, and what its ecosystem can, and will offer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
If money’s no object and portability is your primary concern, the Galaxy Book 12 is a great convertible. Just don’t expect it to match the Surface Pro when it comes to productivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
If money’s no object and portability is your primary concern, the Galaxy Book 12 is a great convertible. Just don’t expect it to match the Surface Pro when it comes to productivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 12in review
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
The 12in Galaxy Book is by far the best in the range. It offers a solid 2-in-1 Windows 10-based experience, truly excellent screen performance, and an all-day battery life, with the power to meet most daily work needs. It's an impressive device, and comparable to Microsoft's excellent Surface Pro 4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 12in review
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
The 12in Galaxy Book is by far the best in the range. It offers a solid 2-in-1 Windows 10-based experience, truly excellent screen performance, and an all-day battery life, with the power to meet most daily work needs. It's an impressive device, and comparable to Microsoft's excellent Surface Pro 4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung has undoubtedly made a better product than last year’s Tab Pro S, but it’s still found wanting. The plastic build is unforgivable at this price point and while performance is decent, it’s not a product that is all that compelling to use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung has undoubtedly made a better product than last year’s Tab Pro S, but it’s still found wanting. The plastic build is unforgivable at this price point and while performance is decent, it’s not a product that is all that compelling to use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-inch, 2017) Review
Quelle: Toptenreviews Englisch EN→DE version
We like that the keyboard and S Pen are included in the box, unlike some key rivals. Plus, the screen is downright gorgeous, and the tablet is thin and light, making it excellent for portability. However, it falls short of truly contending with the king of 2-in-1 PC devices, the Surface Pro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-inch, 2017) Review
Quelle: Toptenreviews Englisch EN→DE version
We like that the keyboard and S Pen are included in the box, unlike some key rivals. Plus, the screen is downright gorgeous, and the tablet is thin and light, making it excellent for portability. However, it falls short of truly contending with the king of 2-in-1 PC devices, the Surface Pro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
85% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 4G — Australian Review
Quelle: Ausdroid Englisch EN→DE version
If you’re after a highly portable Windows 10 machine, then something like the Samsung Galaxy Book is going to be right up your alley. It’s super thin — even with the keyboard cover attached — and with built in 4G capability, this is a truly use-anywhere device. There’s a few things that don’t make too much sense, though. The S-Pen truly feels like a little bit of an afterthought and it really isn’t necessary to make the most of out of the Galaxy Book.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 70% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 90%
85% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 4G — Australian Review
Quelle: Ausdroid Englisch EN→DE version
If you’re after a highly portable Windows 10 machine, then something like the Samsung Galaxy Book is going to be right up your alley. It’s super thin — even with the keyboard cover attached — and with built in 4G capability, this is a truly use-anywhere device. There’s a few things that don’t make too much sense, though. The S-Pen truly feels like a little bit of an afterthought and it really isn’t necessary to make the most of out of the Galaxy Book.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 70% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 90%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-inch) Review
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book is one of those devices that makes it difficult for a review to give a clear recommendation. We can’t definitively say whether or not it’s worth a purchase because that really depends on what you value. There’s a lot to love here. The Super AMOLED screen is nothing short of breathtaking, and you’ll be hard knocked to find a better display on a convertible. Overall performance is quite good and the battery life is acceptable for most use cases. Additionally, the keyboard is one of the best wrap-around peripherals we’ve tried, and the magnetic design is one of the best solutions we’ve tried.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-inch) Review
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book is one of those devices that makes it difficult for a review to give a clear recommendation. We can’t definitively say whether or not it’s worth a purchase because that really depends on what you value. There’s a lot to love here. The Super AMOLED screen is nothing short of breathtaking, and you’ll be hard knocked to find a better display on a convertible. Overall performance is quite good and the battery life is acceptable for most use cases. Additionally, the keyboard is one of the best wrap-around peripherals we’ve tried, and the magnetic design is one of the best solutions we’ve tried.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book review: An excellent 2-in-1 for a good price
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book touches all the bases of what makes a solid Windows tablet: a sharp display, very good performance, and excellent battery life, all for a reasonable price. As for Samsung’s choice of USB-C—a port expander or dongle might not be the most convenient option, but it will carry you through. Eventually, you’ll begin shifting your own personal ecosystem to the newer connectivity format.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book review: An excellent 2-in-1 for a good price
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book touches all the bases of what makes a solid Windows tablet: a sharp display, very good performance, and excellent battery life, all for a reasonable price. As for Samsung’s choice of USB-C—a port expander or dongle might not be the most convenient option, but it will carry you through. Eventually, you’ll begin shifting your own personal ecosystem to the newer connectivity format.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
80% Samsung Galaxy Book review: An excellent 2-in-1 for a good price
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book touches all the bases of what makes a solid Windows tablet: a sharp display, very good performance, and excellent battery life, all for a reasonable price. As for Samsung’s choice of USB-C—a port expander or dongle might not be the most convenient option, but it will carry you through. Eventually, you’ll begin shifting your own personal ecosystem to the newer connectivity format.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book review: An excellent 2-in-1 for a good price
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book touches all the bases of what makes a solid Windows tablet: a sharp display, very good performance, and excellent battery life, all for a reasonable price. As for Samsung’s choice of USB-C—a port expander or dongle might not be the most convenient option, but it will carry you through. Eventually, you’ll begin shifting your own personal ecosystem to the newer connectivity format.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
72% This gorgeous Samsung 2-in-1 gives Microsoft's best tablet a run for its money
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
If you're looking for a lightweight 2-in-1, this is a good alternative to the Surface Pro. Between the colorful display and bundled accessories, it's great for watching Netflix, finishing a class project, or fine-tuning that presentation. The 12" model is the more expensive option, but the larger display and higher resolution won't disappoint. Even if you're drowning in open tabs, it shouldn't freeze up on you, thanks to the 7th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72%
72% This gorgeous Samsung 2-in-1 gives Microsoft's best tablet a run for its money
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
If you're looking for a lightweight 2-in-1, this is a good alternative to the Surface Pro. Between the colorful display and bundled accessories, it's great for watching Netflix, finishing a class project, or fine-tuning that presentation. The 12" model is the more expensive option, but the larger display and higher resolution won't disappoint. Even if you're drowning in open tabs, it shouldn't freeze up on you, thanks to the 7th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch, LTE)
Quelle: PC Mag Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's Galaxy Book is a high-end 2-in-1 convertible with a gorgeous Super AMOLED screen and category-leading battery life. But it could use a bump up in memory and storage to merit its $1,300 price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch, LTE)
Quelle: PC Mag Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's Galaxy Book is a high-end 2-in-1 convertible with a gorgeous Super AMOLED screen and category-leading battery life. But it could use a bump up in memory and storage to merit its $1,300 price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Samsung Galaxy Book review: You're better off with a Surface Pro
Quelle: Engadget Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's Galaxy Book doesn't get anything totally wrong. And if it were a few hundred dollars cheaper than the Surface Pro, it could find an audience. But as it is, the good things about the Galaxy Book (its display and overall performance) are come with some big tradeoffs. Battery life in particular has been a big letdown, and though the keyboard cover is better than it was last year, it's still not as good as what Microsoft offers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.06.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book review: You're better off with a Surface Pro
Quelle: Engadget Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's Galaxy Book doesn't get anything totally wrong. And if it were a few hundred dollars cheaper than the Surface Pro, it could find an audience. But as it is, the good things about the Galaxy Book (its display and overall performance) are come with some big tradeoffs. Battery life in particular has been a big letdown, and though the keyboard cover is better than it was last year, it's still not as good as what Microsoft offers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.06.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12: A 2-in-1 Surface Pro Rival To Beat
Quelle: iTech Post Englisch EN→DE version
The price of $1,430, for the Core i5 model matched with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, which seems reasonable, especially when comparing it with many of the highly portable to-end laptops now on the market. An all-rounder laptop ideal for professionals who seek a 2-in-1 and who can live with USB-C, this laptop is worth to invest. The Galaxy Book is a real productivity hybrid laptop with the bonus of being flexible and highly portable. It is surely a 2-in-1 that Microsoft will need to worry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.05.2017
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book provides one of the best displays we've seen on any laptop, as well as a keyboard that's good for typing, provided you've got a hard surface. If only this machine lasted longer, fit better in your lap or cost less, it would be more exciting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12: A 2-in-1 Surface Pro Rival To Beat
Quelle: iTech Post Englisch EN→DE version
The price of $1,430, for the Core i5 model matched with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, which seems reasonable, especially when comparing it with many of the highly portable to-end laptops now on the market. An all-rounder laptop ideal for professionals who seek a 2-in-1 and who can live with USB-C, this laptop is worth to invest. The Galaxy Book is a real productivity hybrid laptop with the bonus of being flexible and highly portable. It is surely a 2-in-1 that Microsoft will need to worry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.05.2017
70% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book provides one of the best displays we've seen on any laptop, as well as a keyboard that's good for typing, provided you've got a hard surface. If only this machine lasted longer, fit better in your lap or cost less, it would be more exciting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Review: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Quelle: The Verge Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book is okay in a vacuum — it has a nice display, solid performance, and a comfortable keyboard — but in this surprisingly competitive field, it doesn’t match up. The PC market marches on, but this one merely stumbles.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Review: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Quelle: The Verge Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book is okay in a vacuum — it has a nice display, solid performance, and a comfortable keyboard — but in this surprisingly competitive field, it doesn’t match up. The PC market marches on, but this one merely stumbles.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
81% Samsung Galaxy Book Review
Quelle: Pocketnow Englisch EN→DE version
In all aspects, the Samsung Galaxy Book is an improvement over last year’s Galaxy TabPro S. The keyboard is much better, the stylus is much better, the trackpad is much better, the stand is much better, 2 USB-C ports is much better, having a MicroSD card slot is much better… the Super AMOLED screen is about the same, but much better than most other Windows 10 tablet screens. Pricing wise, the Galaxy Book is about on par with other comparable 2-in-1 Windows 10 tablet PCs like the Surface Pro 4 once you factor in the price of a clip on keyboard. Samsung even smartened up about the range of models they’re making available, too. The Galaxy TabPro S was only available in one configuration. With the Galaxy Book, you’ve got 5 options with prices between $629.99 and $1329.99 to fit your budget. It’s great to see Samsung stepping up their Windows 10 tablet game this year and the Galaxy Book is a worthy competitor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 87%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Review: OLED Display Meets S Pen And Portability
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
Either way you look at it, the new Samsung Galaxy Book 12 is a gorgeous 2-in-1 device offering the kind of performance you'll find in a premium ultrabook, but with 1.5 pound portability and a stunning OLED display. It's a solid option in convertible devices, if you're willing to make the leap price-wise. When you consider, for a tablet 2-in-1 hybrid, that the display is such a critical aspect of the total package, the Samsung Galaxy Book 12 is a standout device worthy of consideration.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
70% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Review: A premium 2-in-1 with a price to match
Quelle: Slashgear Englisch EN→DE version
The selling point of a 2-in-1 is its flexibility. Don’t need to type? Leave the keyboard behind. Need a traditional keyboard and trackpad? Snap them on magnetically. While manufacturers might argue that makes it the best of all worlds, personally, I’d rather have a regular hinge and less likelihood of the two sections of my notebook coming apart. Then again, my typical usage relies heavily on the keyboard, and I’m no digital artist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12: A top 2-in-1 for the enterprise
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book’s $1,430 price tag is high, but with Windows 10 Pro, keyboard case, stylus and one-year warranty, it comes complete. A similarly configured Surface Pro 4 costs $1,200, but its Type Cover keyboard costs an extra $130, bringing it to $100 less than the Galaxy Book 12.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2017
80% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review and Ratings
Quelle: Computer Shopper Englisch EN→DE version
Our biggest reservation about the Samsung Galaxy Book is its $1,329 price. The $1,129 entry-level model is a bit easier to live with on paper, but with just 4GB of RAM, it's tough to argue for if you're planning to do any kind of multitasking (or just keeping more than a few Chrome tabs open). While the Galaxy Book's performance is very good, its screen second to none, and its battery life stellar, upward of $1,300 is a lot to ask for in even the most premium Windows portable these days. And that's doubly true of one that lacks Windows Hello support or a fingerprint reader for secure login.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
81% Samsung Galaxy Book Review
Quelle: Pocketnow Englisch EN→DE version
In all aspects, the Samsung Galaxy Book is an improvement over last year’s Galaxy TabPro S. The keyboard is much better, the stylus is much better, the trackpad is much better, the stand is much better, 2 USB-C ports is much better, having a MicroSD card slot is much better… the Super AMOLED screen is about the same, but much better than most other Windows 10 tablet screens. Pricing wise, the Galaxy Book is about on par with other comparable 2-in-1 Windows 10 tablet PCs like the Surface Pro 4 once you factor in the price of a clip on keyboard. Samsung even smartened up about the range of models they’re making available, too. The Galaxy TabPro S was only available in one configuration. With the Galaxy Book, you’ve got 5 options with prices between $629.99 and $1329.99 to fit your budget. It’s great to see Samsung stepping up their Windows 10 tablet game this year and the Galaxy Book is a worthy competitor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 87%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Review: OLED Display Meets S Pen And Portability
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
Either way you look at it, the new Samsung Galaxy Book 12 is a gorgeous 2-in-1 device offering the kind of performance you'll find in a premium ultrabook, but with 1.5 pound portability and a stunning OLED display. It's a solid option in convertible devices, if you're willing to make the leap price-wise. When you consider, for a tablet 2-in-1 hybrid, that the display is such a critical aspect of the total package, the Samsung Galaxy Book 12 is a standout device worthy of consideration.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
70% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 Review: A premium 2-in-1 with a price to match
Quelle: Slashgear Englisch EN→DE version
The selling point of a 2-in-1 is its flexibility. Don’t need to type? Leave the keyboard behind. Need a traditional keyboard and trackpad? Snap them on magnetically. While manufacturers might argue that makes it the best of all worlds, personally, I’d rather have a regular hinge and less likelihood of the two sections of my notebook coming apart. Then again, my typical usage relies heavily on the keyboard, and I’m no digital artist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12: A top 2-in-1 for the enterprise
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book’s $1,430 price tag is high, but with Windows 10 Pro, keyboard case, stylus and one-year warranty, it comes complete. A similarly configured Surface Pro 4 costs $1,200, but its Type Cover keyboard costs an extra $130, bringing it to $100 less than the Galaxy Book 12.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2017
80% Samsung Galaxy Book (12-Inch) Review and Ratings
Quelle: Computer Shopper Englisch EN→DE version
Our biggest reservation about the Samsung Galaxy Book is its $1,329 price. The $1,129 entry-level model is a bit easier to live with on paper, but with just 4GB of RAM, it's tough to argue for if you're planning to do any kind of multitasking (or just keeping more than a few Chrome tabs open). While the Galaxy Book's performance is very good, its screen second to none, and its battery life stellar, upward of $1,300 is a lot to ask for in even the most premium Windows portable these days. And that's doubly true of one that lacks Windows Hello support or a fingerprint reader for secure login.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.05.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book: Two-in-one Windows 10 machine gets price and release date
Quelle: International Business Times Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book's battery supports fast charging and offers up to 10 and half hours of video playback, although tests are yet to be done qualifying Samsung's claim.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.04.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book: Two-in-one Windows 10 machine gets price and release date
Quelle: International Business Times Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book's battery supports fast charging and offers up to 10 and half hours of video playback, although tests are yet to be done qualifying Samsung's claim.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.04.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book review: Hands-on with Samsung’s high-end hybrid
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
We had limited time with the Galaxy Book but our first impressions are good. Samsung has definitely improved the obvious flaws of the TabPro S from last year and produced a product that it will market heavily against the upcoming Surface Pro 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.03.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book review: Hands-on with Samsung’s high-end hybrid
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
We had limited time with the Galaxy Book but our first impressions are good. Samsung has definitely improved the obvious flaws of the TabPro S from last year and produced a product that it will market heavily against the upcoming Surface Pro 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.03.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book: Is It Good for Business?
Quelle: Business News Daily Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung claims the Galaxy Book should last up to 12 hours on a charge. But we'll have to get it into our labs to prove that. No pricing or availability have been announced. Stay tuned for a full review when we have it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.03.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book: Is It Good for Business?
Quelle: Business News Daily Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung claims the Galaxy Book should last up to 12 hours on a charge. But we'll have to get it into our labs to prove that. No pricing or availability have been announced. Stay tuned for a full review when we have it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.03.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book Hands On: Another Entry in the Crowded 2-in-1 Market
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
It’s also worth noting that we still have no idea how much the Samsung Galaxy Book 10 and 12 will cost – availability of these two tablets have not been announced too. As it is, the Galaxy Book tablets are impressive in their own right (especially the S Pen support and HDR display of the Book 12). But whether or not it can compete on equal ground with the Surface Pro 4 would depend on how well Samsung price its new Windows tablets.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book Hands On: Another Entry in the Crowded 2-in-1 Market
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE version
It’s also worth noting that we still have no idea how much the Samsung Galaxy Book 10 and 12 will cost – availability of these two tablets have not been announced too. As it is, the Galaxy Book tablets are impressive in their own right (especially the S Pen support and HDR display of the Book 12). But whether or not it can compete on equal ground with the Surface Pro 4 would depend on how well Samsung price its new Windows tablets.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book preview: A viable Surface alternative
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book has a great form factor. We like the look and the feel and on paper at least, there are two different devices here to appeal to different types of users. The Galaxy Book 10 will have ample power for those looking for mobile Windows working, without stepping into the realms of serious processing of things like video that might need the additional grunt of the 12-inch model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book hands-on: Samsung goes head-to-head with Microsoft’s Surface
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
Experts have been predicting that the 2-in-1 market will take off like a rocket for a while now, and Samsung is clearly banking on this being the case. However, its new Galaxy Book range is going up against the iPad Pro and Surface Pro in the business device market, neither of which have been particularly succesful in denting the popularity of traditional PC form factors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book preview: A viable Surface alternative
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book has a great form factor. We like the look and the feel and on paper at least, there are two different devices here to appeal to different types of users. The Galaxy Book 10 will have ample power for those looking for mobile Windows working, without stepping into the realms of serious processing of things like video that might need the additional grunt of the 12-inch model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book hands-on: Samsung goes head-to-head with Microsoft’s Surface
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
Experts have been predicting that the 2-in-1 market will take off like a rocket for a while now, and Samsung is clearly banking on this being the case. However, its new Galaxy Book range is going up against the iPad Pro and Surface Pro in the business device market, neither of which have been particularly succesful in denting the popularity of traditional PC form factors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
Both the 12- and 10-inch Galaxy Books look like seriously impressive hybrid devices. However, from what I’ve seen, outside of their branding and aesthetics, they're completely different devices that cater to two different markets.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book hands-on review
Quelle: Stuff TV Englisch EN→DE version
With a while to go before launch, and no word from Samsung on how much one will cost, we’ll just have to wait for a full review to see how it stacks up against Microsoft’s game-changing convertible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 10” and 12” Review: Hands-on
Quelle: Ubergizmo English Englisch EN→DE version
Leveraging the success of its first attempt at cramming a full-blown Windows 10 PC tablet in an ultra-thin form factor with a keyboard, Samsung delivers an impressive product design performance with the Galaxy Book at MWC 2017.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
Both the 12- and 10-inch Galaxy Books look like seriously impressive hybrid devices. However, from what I’ve seen, outside of their branding and aesthetics, they're completely different devices that cater to two different markets.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book hands-on review
Quelle: Stuff TV Englisch EN→DE version
With a while to go before launch, and no word from Samsung on how much one will cost, we’ll just have to wait for a full review to see how it stacks up against Microsoft’s game-changing convertible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 10” and 12” Review: Hands-on
Quelle: Ubergizmo English Englisch EN→DE version
Leveraging the success of its first attempt at cramming a full-blown Windows 10 PC tablet in an ultra-thin form factor with a keyboard, Samsung delivers an impressive product design performance with the Galaxy Book at MWC 2017.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2017
78% Samsung Galaxy Book 12, análisis y opinión
Quelle: Computerhoy Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
78% Samsung Galaxy Book 12, análisis y opinión
Quelle: Computerhoy Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
75% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Hipertextual Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
75% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Hipertextual Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
88% Samsung Galaxy Book, análisis: un 2 en 1 que convence gracias a su gran teclado y al S Pen
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 83% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
88% Samsung Galaxy Book, análisis: un 2 en 1 que convence gracias a su gran teclado y al S Pen
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.06.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 83% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Samsung Galaxy Book 12. Pros y contras (1048 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Nice display; smart stylus pen; good hardware; decent cameras; support NFC. Negative: No HDMI port.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.08.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12. Pros y contras (1048 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Nice display; smart stylus pen; good hardware; decent cameras; support NFC. Negative: No HDMI port.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.08.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12, la hemos probado
Quelle: Tuexperto Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent display; high performance; comfortable keyboard; nice design. Negative: Short battery life; high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.07.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 12, la hemos probado
Quelle: Tuexperto Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent display; high performance; comfortable keyboard; nice design. Negative: Short battery life; high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.07.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book, el convertible con S-Pen incluido
Quelle: Media Trends Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; excellent display; comfortable keyboard; nice performance. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.06.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book, el convertible con S-Pen incluido
Quelle: Media Trends Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; excellent display; comfortable keyboard; nice performance. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.06.2017
80% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book 12.0 by Smartphone Italia
Quelle: Smartphone Italia Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 90%
80% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book 12.0 by Smartphone Italia
Quelle: Smartphone Italia Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 90%
80% Recensione SAMSUNG Galaxy Book 12”
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Recensione SAMSUNG Galaxy Book 12”
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 recensione: un tablet eccellente e con display incredibile
Quelle: Ridble Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 12 recensione: un tablet eccellente e con display incredibile
Quelle: Ridble Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
82% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 70%
82% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 70%
Galaxy Book 12: il 2-in-1 di Samsung che finalmente convince
Quelle: Tech Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Nice display; good ergonomy; smart stylus pen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.09.2017
Galaxy Book 12: il 2-in-1 di Samsung che finalmente convince
Quelle: Tech Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Nice display; good ergonomy; smart stylus pen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.09.2017
Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book 12: penna, AMOLED e Kaby Lake
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Good price; comfortable keyboard; compact size; lightweight; smart stylus pen. Negative: Slow charge; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.07.2017
Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book 12: penna, AMOLED e Kaby Lake
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Good price; comfortable keyboard; compact size; lightweight; smart stylus pen. Negative: Slow charge; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.07.2017
70% Test de la Samsung Galaxy Book : Windows 10 et l’expertise coréenne, mariage réussi ?
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
70% Test de la Samsung Galaxy Book : Windows 10 et l’expertise coréenne, mariage réussi ?
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: CNet France Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book
Quelle: CNet France Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
74% Test : Samsung Galaxy Book 12'', l'hybride qui réussit presque à éclipser la Surface Pro
Quelle: 01Net Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 70%
74% Test : Samsung Galaxy Book 12'', l'hybride qui réussit presque à éclipser la Surface Pro
Quelle: 01Net Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 70%
80% Galaxy Book : notre test & avis sur le nouveau PC hybride de Samsung + promo à 499€
Quelle: Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Galaxy Book : notre test & avis sur le nouveau PC hybride de Samsung + promo à 499€
Quelle: Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.07.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
88% Samsung Galaxy Book İncelemesi
Quelle: Chip Online TR Türkisch TR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
88% Samsung Galaxy Book İncelemesi
Quelle: Chip Online TR Türkisch TR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
82% Samsung Galaxy Book incelemesi
Quelle: Türkisch TR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
82% Samsung Galaxy Book incelemesi
Quelle: Türkisch TR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Samsung Galaxy Book first look: A Surface Pro competitor with keyboard and stylus included
Quelle: KO→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book first look: A Surface Pro competitor with keyboard and stylus included
Quelle: KO→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2017


Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 W627N LTE

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 W627N LTENotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 W627N LTE
Prozessor: Intel Kaby Lake m3-7Y30
Grafikkarte: Intel HD Graphics 615
Bildschirm: 10.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.64kg
Preis: 800 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 80.29% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 7 Bewertungen (aus 13 Tests)



82% Preis-Leistungs-Hit unter den 2in1-Tablets
Quelle: Deutsch version
Im Test schneidet das Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 LTE (SM-W627NZKB) trotz seines vergleichbar niedrigen Preises in jedem Bereich überdurchschnittlich gut ab. Insbesondere Akkulaufzeiten, Ausstattung und Alltagsperformance können überzeugen. Kein Wunder, dass sich Samsung damit den begehrten Platz als aktueller Preis-Leistungs-Sieger unter den 2-in-1-Notebooks schnappt - für knapp 600 Euro gibt es aktuell kaum ein besseres Modell.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.04.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 81% Ausstattung: 86% Bildschirm: 73% Mobilität: 89%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6
Quelle: Connect - 5/2017 Deutsch
Pro: sehr handlich; tolle Haptik; 10,6-Zoll-Display mit 1920 x 1280 Pixeln; Intel-Core-m3-CPU mit 2,6 GHz; abnehmbare Tastatur mit guten Druckpunkten im Lieferumfang; optional mit LTE; ac-WLAN; USB-C-3.1; Wechselspeicherslot. Contra: Basisversion mit nur 32 GB internem Speicher; einfache Kamera.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

Ausländische Testberichte

80% Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6in Review – affordable, compact, refined and the Windows hybrid to beat
Quelle: Toptenreviews Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book is affordable, compact and refined - at this price, it’s the Windows hybrid to beat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6in review
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
An affordable Windows 10 2-in-1 that offers decent screen performance for the price. However, it's held back a inadequate keyboard that makes it difficult to use as a workplace detachable device. More compelling machines are available on the market, at a similarly affordable price point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book (10.6 inch) review: The affordable, long-lasting Windows 2-in-1
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book trims the price compared to its TabPro S spiritual predecessor, which is a big step in the right direction. Working against this positive, however, is just how well finished its quality competitors are, such as the pricier Microsoft Surface Pro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
For £650, the Galaxy Book is a great device for people who want a note-taking tablet that can also be used like a laptop. It’s good-value, too, coming equipped with a good screen, folio keyboard and an excellent stylus, it’s the complete package in terms of practicality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book Review
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch EN→DE version
For a 2-in-1 Windows tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Book has done a pretty good job on providing its users a seamless experience. It has a 10.6-inch display which allows users to view their favorite contents. It runs on Intel Core M3 which is pretty satisfactory for daily usage. Since it comes with an S Pen, scribbling down notes and sketching are quite an experience. It’s also portable and only comes with a little heft. So if you’re someone who’s always on-the-go, then this tablet is for you to try.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2017
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 review
Quelle: Stuff TV Englisch EN→DE version
It’s not as slick, as well-equipped or as quick as a Surface, or indeed Samsung’s 12in Galaxy Book, but unless you’re ready to spend at least £300 more, it’s a happy middle ground.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.08.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book Hands-on, Initial Review: Surface Competitor
Quelle: Unbox Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book comes in a variety of configurations. Our review unit had around 64GB of eMMC storage, expandable via microSD up to 256GB, along with 7th Gen Intel Core m3 processor and 4GB of RAM. Windows 10 runs everything, and from our experience the 10.6-inch Galaxy Book is pretty capable of handling most productivity tasks and programs, though you’ll probably not want to run games or any program on it that requires a lot of processing power to run smoothly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.07.2017
Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6. Pros y contras (595 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; nice display; smart stylus pen; powerful processor; good cooling system. Negative: Poor connectivity; only 64GB ROM; no rear camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.03.2018
Đánh giá Galaxy Book: Sự lựa chọn thú vị cho người năng động
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE version
Positive: Smart stylus pen; good ergonomy; compact size; high mobility. Negative: High price; short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.06.2017
Đánh giá Galaxy Book: Sự lựa chọn thú vị cho người năng động
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE version
Positive: Excellent S-Pen; good ergonomy; compact size. Negative: Low autonomy; high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.06.2017
Mở hộp Galaxy Book 10.6 inch: Tablet lai laptop, có Spen và bàn phím rời
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; smart S Pen; comfortable keyboard; metal case; decent hardware; quick charge. Negative: Heavy; short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.06.2017


Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W728

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W728Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W728
Prozessor: Intel Kaby Lake i5-7200U
Grafikkarte: Intel HD Graphics 620
Bildschirm: 12.00 Zoll, 3:2, 2160 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.18kg
Preis: 1599 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite




85.2% Test Samsung Galaxy Book 12 LTE Convertible | Notebookcheck
Surface-Konkurrent mit AMOLED. Samsung bläst mit seinem neuen Galaxy Book 12 auf dem Markt für professionelle Windows-Tablets mit Keyboard-Case zum Angriff und sichert sich dank hauseigenem Super-AMOLED-Display gleich ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Für den üppigen Preis erhält der mobile Business-User ein rundes Paket mit umfassender Ausstattung und nur wenigen Schwächen.


Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W720

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W720Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 12 SM-W720
Prozessor: Intel Kaby Lake i5-7200U
Grafikkarte: Intel HD Graphics 620
Bildschirm: 12.00 Zoll, 16:9, 2160 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.754kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite



Ausländische Testberichte

Samsung Galaxy Book 12 – Система «Все Включено»
Quelle: RU→DE version
Positive: Excellent display; high performance; comfortable keyboard; nice design. Negative: Short battery life; relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.08.2017


Samsung Galaxy Book2

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book2Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book2
Prozessor: unknown
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 630
Bildschirm: 12.10 Zoll, 3:2, 2160 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.793kg
Preis: 1000 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 74.33% - Befriedigend

Durchschnitt von 9 Bewertungen (aus 18 Tests)



Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Windows 10-Tablet mit ARM-Chip
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Technisch bietet das Samsung Galaxy Book2 einen 12 Zoll Super AMOLED-Bildschirm mit einer FullHD+ Auflösung von 2160 x 1440 Pixeln und einem 3:2-Seitenverhältnis. Der Snapdragon 850 Chip im Inneren bringt es auf bis zu 2,96 GHz und wird zusätzlich von 4 GB Arbeitsspeicher und einem per MicroSD-Karte erweiterbaren 128 GB Flash-Speicher unterstützt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.02.2019

Ausländische Testberichte

90% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 – Rapid Review
Quelle: Ausdroid Englisch EN→DE version
I personally quite like the Galaxy Book 2, but I need a little more power, and I can do without the always-on connectivity. For people who prize battery life and connectivity above all else and do most of their work in a browser, get yourself the Galaxy Book 2 — it will do just fine.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.06.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Samsung MWC 2019: Galaxy Book 2 with Windows 10 and LTE lands in Australia
Quelle: Gadgetguy Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung MWC 2019 announcements confirm that the Samsung Galaxy Book 2, the successor to – guess what – the highly successful Galaxy Book 12 that was the successor to the very successful Galaxy Tab Pro S is coming soon to Australia.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.02.2019
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 tablet review: Performance takes a back seat to battery life
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book 2 delivers fantastic battery life, marginal performance, a lovely display, and optional LTE. If you’re not doing much more with it than office work and web browsing, we see no reason not to buy it. We still encounter some apps that simply won’t run on a Snapdragon chip, though, and we’re hesitant to recommend anything that may yield a similar experience. Buying a notebook or tablet that can’t run the one app you need is a frustrating experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.11.2018
70% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 tablet review: Performance takes a back seat to battery life
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's latest 2-in-1 now looks much like the competition, but with a key change: it uses Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon processor, which delivers game-changing battery life but anemic performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
83% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 review: A better, but limited Surface rival
Quelle: Engadget Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung’s Galaxy Book 2 looks like the ultimate Surface Pro rival, thanks to its crisp, vibrant display and handy new kickstand. Its long-lasting battery and speedy gigabit LTE are compelling draws, too. But its Snapdragon 850 CPU causes some programs to perform slowly and limits app compatibility. For $999 with a keyboard and S Pen, the Galaxy Book 2 is a reasonable deal, but only if you often travel for long distances.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Review
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book 2 boasts an awesome OLED display and built-in LTE, but this Snapdragon-powered 2-in-1's performance and battery life aren't quite good enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Review
Quelle: Pocketnow Englisch EN→DE version
While the Galaxy Book 1 was a clear improvement over the Galaxy TabPro S, the Galaxy Book 2 is not such an obvious improvement. There are some improvements of course. The battery life is better, the kickstand is better, the pen is better in some ways… but there are some areas where the Galaxy Book 2 is lacking. It only has 4Gb of RAM and 128Gb of storage now and there currently are no options for higher-end hardware. It’s only available with the Qualcomm ARM processor architecture, and that’s a performance problem when running standard Windows programs since they need to be run through an emulation subsystem. What’s more is you can’t use the 64-bit versions of those Windows programs since the emulation only supports 32 bit applications.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
65% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 review: the Surface Amateur
Quelle: The Verge Englisch EN→DE version
All of this makes the Samsung Galaxy Book 2 rather frustrating. It has a great, super portable form factor, long battery life, and built-in LTE, which should make it a great computer for road warriors. But then it’s hampered by its processor platform and lack of RAM, which make it hard to work efficiently on. Those who only have to do a handful of tasks for their work might not have an issue with the Book 2’s performance, but anyone that juggles a lot of web browsing with other productivity apps will likely hit the Book 2’s wall rather quickly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 65%
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 tablet hands-on: Performance takes a back seat to battery life
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
While we're still working on our tests, you can see how we’re leaning. The Samsung Galaxy Book 2 delivers fantastic battery life, marginal performance, a lovely display, and optional LTE. It’s a bigger smartphone with a good keyboard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 tablet hands-on: Performance takes a back seat to battery life
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
While we're still working on our tests, you can see how we’re leaning. The Samsung Galaxy Book 2 delivers fantastic battery life, marginal performance, a lovely display, and optional LTE. It’s a bigger smartphone with a good keyboard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
81% Samsung Galaxy Book2 review:
Quelle: CNet Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book2 is a clear-cut example of the always-on, always connected future of PCs. If you want to work anywhere at anytime and don't mind adding a device to your data plan, it's worth consideration.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book2
Quelle: PC Mag Englisch EN→DE version
With a power-sipping Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 processor, the Samsung Galaxy Book2 Windows tablet promises excellent battery life and LTE connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book2 review: Windows on ARM gets a lot better
Quelle: Neowin Englisch EN→DE version
All in all, I do think that the Samsung Galaxy Book2 is worthwhile. I'd have liked to have seen more RAM and storage, but I think it's an excellent portable PC for entertainment and productivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 first look: The next step in Snapdragon-powered laptops
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
It might look a bit dull, but the Samsung Galaxy Book 2 has a lot going for it. LTE connectivity, thanks to the Snapdragon 850, a gloriously colourful screen and both the keyboard and S Pen stylus included in the box plus impressive-sounding battery life mean it’s got a lot to offer. It’ll all come down to performance though and how the Galaxy Book 2 operates under stress remains to be seen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.10.2018
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 review: Hands-on
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung has seriously upgraded the Galaxy Book's aesthetic in this sequel, and the switch to Snapdragon should make it much more appealing to anyone who needs to be able to work on the go. The lightweight design makes it even better for travelling, even with the new metal construction.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.10.2018
Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Windows on Qualcomm 850 (WOA)
Quelle: Gadgetguy Englisch EN→DE version
The bottom line is that WOA will not be as fast as an x86 desktop or laptop, but it will be sufficient for office productivity, playing 4K video and web browsing – all in the familiar Windows environment. It may also be a challenger in the Chromebook market.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.10.2018
80% Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Windows 2-in-1 lets you work anywhere, anytime
Quelle: CNet Englisch EN→DE version
How to describe my experience with Samsung's Galaxy Book2 in one word? Seamless. Between the Windows tablet's long battery life and Gigabit LTE wireless, you can work on it all day anywhere you want and then close it up, run to catch your train and open it up again to keep working on your commute home. Or you could watch some Netflix, catch up on email, read a graphic novel or sketch out one of your own with the included S Pen. Powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 850, the always-connected tablet PC gets up to 20 hours of battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%


Samsung Galaxy Book S

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book SNotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book S
Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 8cx
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 680
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.951kg
Preis: 1099 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 78.71% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 28 Bewertungen (aus 62 Tests)



86.2% Samsung Galaxy Book S Laptop im Test: Lange Akkulaufzeit und unter 1 kg | Notebookcheck
Mit dem Galaxy Book S bietet Samsung einen extrem leichten mobilen Begleiter, der von einem ARM-Prozessor angetrieben wird. Dieser bietet Vorteile beim Stromverbrauch und der Konnektivität dank eingebautem LTE, doch auf 64-Bit-Apps muss man verzichten.
Samsung Galaxy Book S Akkuriese mit LTE-Anbindung
Quelle: Inside Handy Deutsch version
Das Galaxy Book S ist mehr als nur ein Hingucker. Im Vergleich zu anderen Notebooks dieser Klasse scheint es mindestens eine Generation weiter zu sein, und dass nicht nur wegen seiner flachen Form und dem geringen Gewicht. Auch technisch begeistert das Samsung-Notebook.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Akkuriese mit LTE-Anbindung
Quelle: Inside Handy Deutsch version
Das Galaxy Book S ist mehr als nur ein Hingucker. Im Vergleich zu anderen Notebooks dieser Klasse scheint es mindestens eine Generation weiter zu sein, und dass nicht nur wegen seiner flachen Form und dem geringen Gewicht. Auch technisch begeistert das Samsung-Notebook.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S ARM drin bedeutet nicht arm dran
Quelle: Computerbase Deutsch version
Die Vorzüge des Samsung Galaxy Book S mit Snapdragon 8cx sind klar das extrem kompakte Gesamtpaket, der dauerhaft passive Betrieb, die langen Akkulaufzeiten, die integrierte LTE-Konnektivität und der aus all diesen Faktoren resultierende, weitgehend reibungslose Office-Betrieb. Dazu tragen auch das gute Display und die Eingabegeräte bei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.05.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S ARM drin bedeutet nicht arm dran
Quelle: Computerbase Deutsch version
Die Vorzüge des Samsung Galaxy Book S mit Snapdragon 8cx sind klar das extrem kompakte Gesamtpaket, der dauerhaft passive Betrieb, die langen Akkulaufzeiten, die integrierte LTE-Konnektivität und der aus all diesen Faktoren resultierende, weitgehend reibungslose Office-Betrieb. Dazu tragen auch das gute Display und die Eingabegeräte bei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.05.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Erster Laptop mit Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Das Samsung Galaxy Book S hinterließ in Sachen Optik und Haptik einen äußerst positiven Eindruck. Das Gerät ist - auch wegen der nur zwei USB-C-Ports und des Verzichts auf jedwede andere Anschlüsse - extrem dünn. Immerhin hat Samsung einen MicroSD-Slot in den Einschub für die NanoSIM-Karte integriert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.09.2019
Samsung Galaxy Book S Erster Laptop mit Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Das Samsung Galaxy Book S hinterließ in Sachen Optik und Haptik einen äußerst positiven Eindruck. Das Gerät ist - auch wegen der nur zwei USB-C-Ports und des Verzichts auf jedwede andere Anschlüsse - extrem dünn. Immerhin hat Samsung einen MicroSD-Slot in den Einschub für die NanoSIM-Karte integriert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.09.2019

Ausländische Testberichte

100% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: ARMed and dangerous
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
After our experiences with the Surface Pro X, we weren’t expecting terribly much from the Samsung Galaxy Book S; a sleek and shiny package, maybe, but with little to recommend it above and beyond similarly-priced Intel-based laptops. Instead, what we got was a laptop that not only looks amazing and goes toe-to-toe with rivals on performance, but also delivers one of the most staggeringly long-lived batteries we’ve seen - and all for less than £1,000 after tax. That’s some seriously impressive stuff, and well worth overlooking some lingering compatibility issues for. If this is the future of Windows on ARM, then it can’t come soon enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: ARMed and dangerous
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
After our experiences with the Surface Pro X, we weren’t expecting terribly much from the Samsung Galaxy Book S; a sleek and shiny package, maybe, but with little to recommend it above and beyond similarly-priced Intel-based laptops. Instead, what we got was a laptop that not only looks amazing and goes toe-to-toe with rivals on performance, but also delivers one of the most staggeringly long-lived batteries we’ve seen - and all for less than £1,000 after tax. That’s some seriously impressive stuff, and well worth overlooking some lingering compatibility issues for. If this is the future of Windows on ARM, then it can’t come soon enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: A sleek laptop with mobile smarts
Quelle: Android Authority Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a Windows on Arm laptop with mobile smarts. Leaning on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx processor, Samsung offers 4G LTE, all-day battery life, and a fanless design. It's an ideal stylish companion for those who always need to be online.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.10.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: A sleek laptop with mobile smarts
Quelle: Android Authority Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a Windows on Arm laptop with mobile smarts. Leaning on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx processor, Samsung offers 4G LTE, all-day battery life, and a fanless design. It's an ideal stylish companion for those who always need to be online.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.10.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: A sleek laptop with mobile smarts
Quelle: Android Authority Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a Windows on Arm laptop with mobile smarts. Leaning on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx processor, Samsung offers 4G LTE, all-day battery life, and a fanless design. It's an ideal stylish companion for those who always need to be online.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.10.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: A sleek laptop with mobile smarts
Quelle: Android Authority Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a Windows on Arm laptop with mobile smarts. Leaning on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx processor, Samsung offers 4G LTE, all-day battery life, and a fanless design. It's an ideal stylish companion for those who always need to be online.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.10.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Shoot-Out: Intel Lakefield Vs. Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
We began this shoot-out thinking that the full x86 compatibility of the Core i5-L16G7 was going to be nothing but an asset. Coming into this, we expected better single-threaded performance, similar battery life thanks to Lakefield's low TDP, and full x86 compatibility. In the end, we got the full x86 compatibility, but the rest of the numbers didn't look very good. Overall, of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx's performance relative to the Core i5-L16G7 is excellent and the battery life for the Arm-based system is in another league. As a result, we have to give this version of the Galaxy Book S a pass.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.09.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Shoot-Out: Intel Lakefield Vs. Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
We began this shoot-out thinking that the full x86 compatibility of the Core i5-L16G7 was going to be nothing but an asset. Coming into this, we expected better single-threaded performance, similar battery life thanks to Lakefield's low TDP, and full x86 compatibility. In the end, we got the full x86 compatibility, but the rest of the numbers didn't look very good. Overall, of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx's performance relative to the Core i5-L16G7 is excellent and the battery life for the Arm-based system is in another league. As a result, we have to give this version of the Galaxy Book S a pass.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.09.2020
100% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: ARMed and dangerous
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
After our experiences with the Surface Pro X, we weren’t expecting terribly much from the Samsung Galaxy Book S; a sleek and shiny package, maybe, but with little to recommend it above and beyond similarly-priced Intel-based laptops. Instead, what we got was a laptop that not only looks amazing and goes toe-to-toe with rivals on performance, but also delivers one of the most staggeringly long-lived batteries we’ve seen - and all for less than £1,000 after tax. That’s some seriously impressive stuff, and well worth overlooking some lingering compatibility issues for. If this is the future of Windows on ARM, then it can’t come soon enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: ARMed and dangerous
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
After our experiences with the Surface Pro X, we weren’t expecting terribly much from the Samsung Galaxy Book S; a sleek and shiny package, maybe, but with little to recommend it above and beyond similarly-priced Intel-based laptops. Instead, what we got was a laptop that not only looks amazing and goes toe-to-toe with rivals on performance, but also delivers one of the most staggeringly long-lived batteries we’ve seen - and all for less than £1,000 after tax. That’s some seriously impressive stuff, and well worth overlooking some lingering compatibility issues for. If this is the future of Windows on ARM, then it can’t come soon enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book S sets a new standard for laptops with an unbelievably thin and light design. Excellent battery life and LTE connectivity also ensure this is one of the best laptops for on-the-go work, but underwhelming performance and niggling compatibility issues with certain apps mean this device can only be recommended if you're sticking to the basics and using well known apps such as Spotify and Netflix.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book S sets a new standard for laptops with an unbelievably thin and light design. Excellent battery life and LTE connectivity also ensure this is one of the best laptops for on-the-go work, but underwhelming performance and niggling compatibility issues with certain apps mean this device can only be recommended if you're sticking to the basics and using well known apps such as Spotify and Netflix.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a brilliant laptop for people who travel a lot, thanks to its slimline and light design, built-in 4G connectivity and epic battery life. However, it's very expensive, and isn't the most powerful laptop out there either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book S Review: Thin, Sleek, Big Battery Life
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
Overall, we think the Galaxy Book S is a solid device, and by far the nicest Windows on Arm laptop we've laid our hands on thus far. If your use cases align with its strengths, including media playback, web app productivity, and the need to always be connected while having great battery life, this machine is worthy of serious consideration. With our few complaints about apps that didn't quite worked out, the Galaxy Book S running Windows 10 is also far more useful beyond web browsing than any Chromebook.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S is a brilliant laptop for people who travel a lot, thanks to its slimline and light design, built-in 4G connectivity and epic battery life. However, it's very expensive, and isn't the most powerful laptop out there either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book S Review: Thin, Sleek, Big Battery Life
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
Overall, we think the Galaxy Book S is a solid device, and by far the nicest Windows on Arm laptop we've laid our hands on thus far. If your use cases align with its strengths, including media playback, web app productivity, and the need to always be connected while having great battery life, this machine is worthy of serious consideration. With our few complaints about apps that didn't quite worked out, the Galaxy Book S running Windows 10 is also far more useful beyond web browsing than any Chromebook.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
70% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Super battery life, subpar app access
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
If a long-lasting machine for desk and on-the-go use is exactly what you want, this Samsung is a dream. However, only consider it if you need to do the basics - word processing, Office 365, browsing, videos, and such like - as the Qualcomm hardware typically means compatibility issues with full-fat apps.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Super battery life, subpar app access
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
If a long-lasting machine for desk and on-the-go use is exactly what you want, this Samsung is a dream. However, only consider it if you need to do the basics - word processing, Office 365, browsing, videos, and such like - as the Qualcomm hardware typically means compatibility issues with full-fat apps.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
If you want an extremely thin, light and long lasting laptop then the Galaxy Book S is the front runner in 2020, smashing our battery life benchmark. While performance is improved compared to older Snapdragon chips, there are still issues, some of which will be a dealbreaker for some users.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
If you want an extremely thin, light and long lasting laptop then the Galaxy Book S is the front runner in 2020, smashing our battery life benchmark. While performance is improved compared to older Snapdragon chips, there are still issues, some of which will be a dealbreaker for some users.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
85% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: This is what Windows on ARM can do
Quelle: Neowin Englisch EN→DE version
But if you're looking for a Windows on ARM PC in a clamshell form factor, this is the one to go for. No really, it's literally the only one. There won't even be a Snapdragon 8cx convertible until the Lenovo Yoga 5G is out. But if you do most of your work in the browser, you're on the go and want something that's easy to carry, and cellular connectivity sounds good, the Galaxy Book S is for you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.04.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
85% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: This is what Windows on ARM can do
Quelle: Neowin Englisch EN→DE version
But if you're looking for a Windows on ARM PC in a clamshell form factor, this is the one to go for. No really, it's literally the only one. There won't even be a Snapdragon 8cx convertible until the Lenovo Yoga 5G is out. But if you do most of your work in the browser, you're on the go and want something that's easy to carry, and cellular connectivity sounds good, the Galaxy Book S is for you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.04.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Samsung Galaxy Book S impresses
Quelle: Fudzilla Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung Galaxy Book S is an impressive office machine that brings the always-connected angle in the equation. The excellent battery life, incredibly thin and lite and sub 2.2 pounds (1 KG) machine will be perfect for most people working home office. Once the situation clears out, it will be a great companion for travel, working outside your office or home.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.04.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S impresses
Quelle: Fudzilla Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung Galaxy Book S is an impressive office machine that brings the always-connected angle in the equation. The excellent battery life, incredibly thin and lite and sub 2.2 pounds (1 KG) machine will be perfect for most people working home office. Once the situation clears out, it will be a great companion for travel, working outside your office or home.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.04.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S unboxing and first impressions
Quelle: Neowin Englisch version
Unboxing and first impressions of the Samsung Galaxy Book S, which packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx chipset, 8GB RAM, a 256GB SSD, and a 13.3-inch FHD display.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.04.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S unboxing and first impressions
Quelle: Neowin Englisch version
Unboxing and first impressions of the Samsung Galaxy Book S, which packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx chipset, 8GB RAM, a 256GB SSD, and a 13.3-inch FHD display.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.04.2020
Galaxy Book S Review: Featherweight, Ultra-Thin – And No WiFi Needed
Quelle: MrMobile Englisch version
The first Apple computer I ever bought was a MacBook Air in 2009. When I think back on my favorite laptops of all time, that machine ranks very highly to this day. Why am I talking about a MacBook Air, on a review covering a Samsung Windows laptop? To make this point: if what you want is a super portable notebook with powerful features … you don’t always need to look for an Apple logo. In today's video: the Galaxy Book S. And while the first thing your eye might go to is the Samsung logo, or the impossibly thin casing … the biggest deal for me, is this: it’s the first “Always Connected PC” I’d actually buy. Come find out why in MrMobile's Samsung Galaxy Book S Review!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.03.2020
Galaxy Book S Review: Featherweight, Ultra-Thin – And No WiFi Needed
Quelle: MrMobile Englisch version
The first Apple computer I ever bought was a MacBook Air in 2009. When I think back on my favorite laptops of all time, that machine ranks very highly to this day. Why am I talking about a MacBook Air, on a review covering a Samsung Windows laptop? To make this point: if what you want is a super portable notebook with powerful features … you don’t always need to look for an Apple logo. In today's video: the Galaxy Book S. And while the first thing your eye might go to is the Samsung logo, or the impossibly thin casing … the biggest deal for me, is this: it’s the first “Always Connected PC” I’d actually buy. Come find out why in MrMobile's Samsung Galaxy Book S Review!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.03.2020
70% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Incredible battery life, WWAN options sell this on-the-go PC
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's ultralight, ultraconnected laptop has many great features and just one major flaw: its Snapdragon processor, which limits the apps you can use and their performance. But its bigger problem is that the competition is getting better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Incredible battery life, WWAN options sell this on-the-go PC
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The great failing of the Microsoft Surface Pro X is that it couldn’t deliver on performance, price, or battery-life. While Samsung’s Galaxy Book S can’t overcome the Snapdragon’s inherent performance deficiencies, it satisfies the other two criteria. As we’ve tried to show, however, there are comparably priced alternatives that do everything well, and you owe it to yourself to look at those too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.03.2020
70% Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Incredible battery life, WWAN options sell this on-the-go PC
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung's ultralight, ultraconnected laptop has many great features and just one major flaw: its Snapdragon processor, which limits the apps you can use and their performance. But its bigger problem is that the competition is getting better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Samsung Galaxy Book S review: Incredible battery life, WWAN options sell this on-the-go PC
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The great failing of the Microsoft Surface Pro X is that it couldn’t deliver on performance, price, or battery-life. While Samsung’s Galaxy Book S can’t overcome the Snapdragon’s inherent performance deficiencies, it satisfies the other two criteria. As we’ve tried to show, however, there are comparably priced alternatives that do everything well, and you owe it to yourself to look at those too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.03.2020
2020 Galaxy Book S Review - is ARM Ready for the Masses?
Quelle: Max Tech Englisch version
In this video I review Samsungs 2020 Galaxy Book S laptop which uses a snapdragon 8cx mobile ARM CPU processor which is an 8 core. We see how good it works with Windows 10 and various apps such as office suite and also netflix, spotify, slack, etc. I also talk about photo and video editing with Photoshop and Geekbench 4. This laptop has an HDR touchscreen display and works well for simple tasks and web use with Firefox, edge chromium and other ARM apps. I also talk about real world battery life and the benefits of LTE but couldn't test the Speed. Watch the full thing to see if ARM is worth it and ready for most people to use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.02.2020
2020 Galaxy Book S Review - is ARM Ready for the Masses?
Quelle: Max Tech Englisch version
In this video I review Samsungs 2020 Galaxy Book S laptop which uses a snapdragon 8cx mobile ARM CPU processor which is an 8 core. We see how good it works with Windows 10 and various apps such as office suite and also netflix, spotify, slack, etc. I also talk about photo and video editing with Photoshop and Geekbench 4. This laptop has an HDR touchscreen display and works well for simple tasks and web use with Firefox, edge chromium and other ARM apps. I also talk about real world battery life and the benefits of LTE but couldn't test the Speed. Watch the full thing to see if ARM is worth it and ready for most people to use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.02.2020
60% Samsung Galaxy Book S: In-Depth, Australian review
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book S is sleeker and thinner and lighter in a way that’s adept at distracting you from the areas where the experience falls short. Until ARM-based Windows PCs improve, this may as well just be a walled garden by another name.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book S: In-Depth, Australian review
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
For as much as the Galaxy Book S showcases Samsung’s affinity for delivering top-notch hardware, it also serves to highlight a lot of things that make modern Windows PCs compelling than tablets like the iPad - and a lot those things are missing in action here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book S: In-Depth, Australian review
Quelle: Good Gear Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book S is sleeker and thinner and lighter in a way that’s adept at distracting you from the areas where the experience falls short. Until ARM-based Windows PCs improve, this may as well just be a walled garden by another name.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book S: In-Depth, Australian review
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE version
For as much as the Galaxy Book S showcases Samsung’s affinity for delivering top-notch hardware, it also serves to highlight a lot of things that make modern Windows PCs compelling than tablets like the iPad - and a lot those things are missing in action here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
If you hate that pro tablets don’t commit to their keyboards, the Samsung Galaxy Book S is for you. While we’re skeptical its specs will compete with the big dogs, its solid frame and light weight is a promising start.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.08.2019
Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book S review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
If you hate that pro tablets don’t commit to their keyboards, the Samsung Galaxy Book S is for you. While we’re skeptical its specs will compete with the big dogs, its solid frame and light weight is a promising start.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.08.2019
77% Samsung Galaxy Book S Recensione: Windows Su Snapdragon Al Suo Apice
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77%
77% Samsung Galaxy Book S Recensione: Windows Su Snapdragon Al Suo Apice
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77%
73% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S
Quelle: Notebook Italia Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 85%
73% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S
Quelle: Notebook Italia Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 85%
77% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S: il miglior Windows on Snapdragon (foto e video)
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Preis: 65% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 95% Ergonomie: 75%
77% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S: il miglior Windows on Snapdragon (foto e video)
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Preis: 65% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 95% Ergonomie: 75%
Samsung Galaxy Book S: l'always connected PC ha ARM e connettività LTE
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; beautiful design; excellent autonomy; decent hardware; nice performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S: l'always connected PC ha ARM e connettività LTE
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; beautiful design; excellent autonomy; decent hardware; nice performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; very long battery life; powerful hardware; high performance; nice ergonomy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.06.2020
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; very long battery life; powerful hardware; high performance; nice ergonomy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.06.2020
Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S: il portatile del futuro, forse
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; nice display; decent speakers. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S: il portatile del futuro, forse
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; nice display; decent speakers. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.06.2020
Prise en main du Samsung Galaxy Chromebook : à quand la version Windows 10 ?
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; excellent display; powerful hardware; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.01.2020
Prise en main du Samsung Galaxy Chromebook : à quand la version Windows 10 ?
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; excellent display; powerful hardware; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.01.2020
90% نظرة على الحاسب المحمول Samsung Galaxy Book S: شيء مبهر!
Quelle: Unlimited Tech →DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% نظرة على الحاسب المحمول Samsung Galaxy Book S: شيء مبهر!
Quelle: Unlimited Tech →DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%


Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13
Prozessor: unknown
Grafikkarte: unknown
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.15kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 87% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 7 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex Review
Quelle: Mobile Tech Review Englisch version
Lisa Gade reviews the Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3” 2-in-1 convertible laptop with S Pen and a QLED Quantum Dot display (this is the first laptop with a QLED display). It’s also available in a 15.6” size. This is a stunning redesign from Samsung, and the Ultrabook has a very rigid yet slim aluminum casing finished in Royal Blue with silver accents. The Flex runs Windows 10 on the 10th gen Intel Ice Lake Core i7-1065G7 with Intel Iris Plus graphics. It has WiFi 6, a fingerprint scanner and the trackpad doubles as a Qi wireless charger. Given the Wacom EMR S Pen, it’s a great pick for artists.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.05.2020
4 reasons why the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G has the best display on a phone yet
Quelle: Engadget Englisch EN→DE version
To recap, the Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G features an Exynos 990 chipset, 5G connectivity, 12GB of RAM, 128GB internal storage, a 5000mAh battery pack with wireless charging support. As for the cameras, there's also a 12MP ultrawide lens and a 48MP telephoto lens, accompanied by a DepthVision sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.05.2020
87% Galaxy Book Flex review: A pretty QLED laptop with a useful S Pen
Quelle: Engadget Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book Flex is a gorgeous, powerful laptop with a vibrant QLED display. Though its battery life isn’t as long as some of the competition, the Flex is still a capable machine with a helpful S Pen onboard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review: A pricey but capable QLED laptop
Quelle: Engadget Englisch version
The Flex is the first laptop with a QLED panel, which promises more colors, deeper blacks and greater brightness. The laptop also comes standard with an S-Pen and a wireless charging pad built into the trackpad.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.05.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex Review: Goes anywhere you can't (for now)
Quelle: Pocketnow Englisch version
Samsung has updated their Galaxy Book laptop line with a few new devices, but the premium Book Flex is the convertible with an S-Pen. JV has used the laptop for some time, but how effective is an ultraportable laptop when travel is sparse? Come see how he feels in this full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.05.2020
Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
With brand new QLED displays, wireless device charging and a new naming convention, Samsung is looking to revamp its laptop line entirely. But, with many details still unknown, it’s tough to be too excited for these new devices.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex
Quelle: Dinside NO→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; good ergonomy; long battery life; USB-C; silent system; fast fingerprint sensor. Negative: High price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2020


Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13
Prozessor: unknown
Grafikkarte: unknown
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite



Ausländische Testberichte

Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung is making some wild promises with its Galaxy Book Ion line of laptops, namely 20 hours of battery life with QLED displays. But, is that enough to be excited for laptops with no firm price or release date? Not really, but they’re at least more interesting than Samsung’s Flex flagship laptops.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019


Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3
Prozessor: Intel Comet Lake i5-10210U
Grafikkarte: Intel UHD Graphics 620
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.97kg
Preis: 1400 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite
 Galaxy Book Ion 13.3 (Modell)


Bewertung: 84% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 20 Bewertungen (aus 24 Tests)



83.8% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3 im Test: Subnotebook mit QLED-Display | Notebookcheck
Die aktualisierte 2020-Version des Samsung Galaxy Book Ion bringt nicht nur moderne Hardware mit sich, sondern auch ein ansprechendes Design. Hinzu kommen QLEDs als Hintergrundbeleuchtung und das Versprechen einer langen Akkulaufzeit. Was die Neuauflage tatsächlich im Alltag leistet, klären wir in unserem Testbericht.
Leichtgewicht mit großem Display
Quelle: Inside Handy Deutsch version
Großer Bildschirm, geringes Gewicht, das Ganze kombiniert mit einer leistungsfähigen Hardware – das könnte viele überzeugen. Die Eingabegeräte sowie die Ergonomie gefallen, und auch die Verarbeitung geht in Ordnung. Das Galaxy Book Ion ist ein gutes Notebook mit kleinen Abzügen bei Details.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Leichtgewicht mit großem Display
Quelle: Inside Handy Deutsch version
Großer Bildschirm, geringes Gewicht, das Ganze kombiniert mit einer leistungsfähigen Hardware – das könnte viele überzeugen. Die Eingabegeräte sowie die Ergonomie gefallen, und auch die Verarbeitung geht in Ordnung. Das Galaxy Book Ion ist ein gutes Notebook mit kleinen Abzügen bei Details.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Klassisches Notebook von Samsung
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Samsung kehrt nach sechs Jahren Pause auf den Notebook-Markt zurück. Zu den ersten neuen Modellen zählt das recht kompakte Samsung Galaxy Book Ion, welches in un­ter­schied­li­chen Displaygrößen erscheint. Sämtliche Modelle besitzen ein QLED-Panel mit einer Auflösung von 1920 × 1080 Pixeln.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.06.2020
Klassisches Notebook von Samsung
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Samsung kehrt nach sechs Jahren Pause auf den Notebook-Markt zurück. Zu den ersten neuen Modellen zählt das recht kompakte Samsung Galaxy Book Ion, welches in un­ter­schied­li­chen Displaygrößen erscheint. Sämtliche Modelle besitzen ein QLED-Panel mit einer Auflösung von 1920 × 1080 Pixeln.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.06.2020

Ausländische Testberichte

100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review: A slender beauty
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
There are so many things to love about the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion that the one or two little foibles don’t spoil things. It’s fast and responsive. It’s very light and thin. And, unlike so many other ultraportables, there are loads of ports to play with; you can even expand the storage by adding a second SSD internally. Combined with a stunning display, battery life that just won’t quit and a price that’s really rather reasonable (especially for the 15in model), it all goes together to produce an ultraportable laptop of rare quality. Welcome back to the world of Windows laptops, Samsung; you’ve been sorely missed.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review: A slender beauty
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
There are so many things to love about the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion that the one or two little foibles don’t spoil things. It’s fast and responsive. It’s very light and thin. And, unlike so many other ultraportables, there are loads of ports to play with; you can even expand the storage by adding a second SSD internally. Combined with a stunning display, battery life that just won’t quit and a price that’s really rather reasonable (especially for the 15in model), it all goes together to produce an ultraportable laptop of rare quality. Welcome back to the world of Windows laptops, Samsung; you’ve been sorely missed.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is a nicely designed thin and light laptop that boasts an impressive amount of power, along with some genuinely unique features - though not all of them are successful. It has a stunning 1080p screen and a truly impressive battery life, but it's also very expensive, meaning it won't be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is a nicely designed thin and light laptop that boasts an impressive amount of power, along with some genuinely unique features - though not all of them are successful. It has a stunning 1080p screen and a truly impressive battery life, but it's also very expensive, meaning it won't be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review: Save £200 in Amazon's Spring Sale
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
There are so many things to love about the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion that the one or two little foibles don’t spoil things. It’s fast and responsive. It’s very light and thin. And, unlike so many other ultraportables, there are loads of ports to play with; you can even expand the storage by adding a second SSD internally. Combined with a stunning display, battery life that just won’t quit and a price that’s really rather reasonable (especially for the 15in model), it all goes together to produce an ultraportable laptop of rare quality. Welcome back to the world of Windows laptops, Samsung; you’ve been sorely missed.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review: Save £200 in Amazon's Spring Sale
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
There are so many things to love about the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion that the one or two little foibles don’t spoil things. It’s fast and responsive. It’s very light and thin. And, unlike so many other ultraportables, there are loads of ports to play with; you can even expand the storage by adding a second SSD internally. Combined with a stunning display, battery life that just won’t quit and a price that’s really rather reasonable (especially for the 15in model), it all goes together to produce an ultraportable laptop of rare quality. Welcome back to the world of Windows laptops, Samsung; you’ve been sorely missed.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3in review: Welcome back, Samsung
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
As soon as you clap eyes on the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion, you can tell this is a special machine. This is no MacBook Air clone, clad in dull grey aluminium, but a laptop with its own identity that hits all the right notes for a 13in ultraportable: it’s light at 970g, robust and packs a stunner of a screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3in review: Welcome back, Samsung
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE version
As soon as you clap eyes on the Samsung Galaxy Book Ion, you can tell this is a special machine. This is no MacBook Air clone, clad in dull grey aluminium, but a laptop with its own identity that hits all the right notes for a 13in ultraportable: it’s light at 970g, robust and packs a stunner of a screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion (13-inch) Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is aimed at casual laptop users who want the best experience possible. A glorious QLED display, long-lasting battery life and ultra-portable premium design make it a worthwhile alternative to Dell and Microsoft systems, but that high price will be hard to justify for some, especially with the sub-standard keyboard and lack of a decent integrated graphics performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion (13-inch) Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is aimed at casual laptop users who want the best experience possible. A glorious QLED display, long-lasting battery life and ultra-portable premium design make it a worthwhile alternative to Dell and Microsoft systems, but that high price will be hard to justify for some, especially with the sub-standard keyboard and lack of a decent integrated graphics performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is a nicely designed thin and light laptop that boasts an impressive amount of power, along with some genuinely unique features - though not all of them are successful. It has a stunning 1080p screen and a truly impressive battery life, but it's also very expensive, meaning it won't be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Ion is a nicely designed thin and light laptop that boasts an impressive amount of power, along with some genuinely unique features - though not all of them are successful. It has a stunning 1080p screen and a truly impressive battery life, but it's also very expensive, meaning it won't be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
70% Test Av Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 2020
Quelle: NO→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Test Av Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 2020
Quelle: NO→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
83% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13 [TEST]: Mobilvenlig bærbar
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 67% Leistung: 67%
83% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13 [TEST]: Mobilvenlig bærbar
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 67% Leistung: 67%
67% TEST : Samsung Galaxy Book Ion NP930XCJ-K01SE
Quelle: Lyd og Billede DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
67% TEST : Samsung Galaxy Book Ion NP930XCJ-K01SE
Quelle: Lyd og Billede DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
80% Anmeldelse: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13″
Quelle: Input DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Anmeldelse: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13″
Quelle: Input DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%


Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3
Prozessor: Intel Ice Lake i5-1035G4
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Plus Graphics G4 (Ice Lake 48 EU)
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.16kg
Preis: 1600 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 90% - Sehr Gut

Durchschnitt von 2 Bewertungen (aus 8 Tests)



84.4% Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 im Test: Samsung-Convertible mit hellem Display | Notebookcheck
Das Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 kommt mit einem schicken Aluminiumgehäuse und einem leuchtstarken Touchscreen auf den Tisch. In unserem Test muss das Windows-Convertible aber zeigen, dass auch dessen inneren Werte überzeugen können.
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 Erste Eindrücke zu Samsungs neuem Convertible
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
2014 war Samsung vom deutschen Notebook-Markt verschwunden. Jetzt kehrt der Hersteller allerdings mit gleich zwei neuen Modellen zurück: dem Galaxy Book Ion und dem Samsung Galaxy Book Flex. Letzteres ist, wie es der Name bereits vermuten lässt, ein Convertible und kann daher auch als Tablet genutzt werden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.06.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 Erste Eindrücke zu Samsungs neuem Convertible
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
2014 war Samsung vom deutschen Notebook-Markt verschwunden. Jetzt kehrt der Hersteller allerdings mit gleich zwei neuen Modellen zurück: dem Galaxy Book Ion und dem Samsung Galaxy Book Flex. Letzteres ist, wie es der Name bereits vermuten lässt, ein Convertible und kann daher auch als Tablet genutzt werden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.06.2020

Ausländische Testberichte

90% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book Flex is an ambitious step into the world of convertibles for Samsung, but it’s done an excellent job. The 1080p OLED screen is just as excellent as you’d expect from a Samsung device, while the tiny bezels make it much more compact than most 13in laptops. Having the option to flip the screen a full 360 degrees is welcome, but it does mean the hinge is a bit more unstable than hoped. However, that feels like a minor point, especially when performance is so solid and it has such great battery life. There’s even a decent webcam for working from home, although it doesn’t support Windows Hello for face unlock. However, the superb physical fingerprint scanner more than makes up for it. The Flex can’t rival high-end laptops on internals, but for most people, this can be a great everyday laptop for many years to come.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
The Galaxy Book Flex is an ambitious step into the world of convertibles for Samsung, but it’s done an excellent job. The 1080p OLED screen is just as excellent as you’d expect from a Samsung device, while the tiny bezels make it much more compact than most 13in laptops. Having the option to flip the screen a full 360 degrees is welcome, but it does mean the hinge is a bit more unstable than hoped. However, that feels like a minor point, especially when performance is so solid and it has such great battery life. There’s even a decent webcam for working from home, although it doesn’t support Windows Hello for face unlock. However, the superb physical fingerprint scanner more than makes up for it. The Flex can’t rival high-end laptops on internals, but for most people, this can be a great everyday laptop for many years to come.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex: il 2-in-1 con la pennina integrata
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; solid workmanship; smart stylus pen; excellent display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex: il 2-in-1 con la pennina integrata
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; solid workmanship; smart stylus pen; excellent display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Recensione Galaxy Book Flex: il ritorno dei portatili Samsung, in grande stile
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; bright display; smart stylus pen; high autonomy; great touchpad. Negative: Mediocre speakers; overheats while using.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2020
Recensione Galaxy Book Flex: il ritorno dei portatili Samsung, in grande stile
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; bright display; smart stylus pen; high autonomy; great touchpad. Negative: Mediocre speakers; overheats while using.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2020


Samsung Galaxy Book S Intel

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book S IntelNotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book S Intel
Prozessor: Intel Lakefield i5-L16G7
Grafikkarte: Intel UHD Graphics G7 (Lakefield GT2 64 EU)
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.94kg
Preis: 1129 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 80.4% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 10 Bewertungen (aus 20 Tests)



85.1% Samsung Galaxy Book S Laptop im Test: Lakefield mit Startschwierigkeiten | Notebookcheck
Samsung bietet das kompakte Galaxy Book S nun auch mit einem Intel Prozessor an. Gegenüber dem ARM Modell verbessert sich damit die Kompatibilität mit Apps, doch im Gegenzug muss man auf ein LTE-Modem verzichten, und auch die Akkulaufzeiten fallen deutlich kürzer aus. Welche Unterschiede es sonst noch gibt, haben wir uns im Test genau angesehen. Update: Statement von Samsung hinzugefügt

Ausländische Testberichte

80% Samsung Galaxy Book S (Intel) review: Slimline supreme
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
A lightweight looker that - despite the battery life being about 25 per cent less than the Qualcomm equivalent - is still a decent daily driver, with full access to Windows 10 Home and all that apps that you'll need.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book S (Intel) review: Slimline supreme
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
A lightweight looker that - despite the battery life being about 25 per cent less than the Qualcomm equivalent - is still a decent daily driver, with full access to Windows 10 Home and all that apps that you'll need.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book S Shoot-Out: Intel Lakefield Vs. Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
We began this shoot-out thinking that the full x86 compatibility of the Core i5-L16G7 was going to be nothing but an asset. Coming into this, we expected better single-threaded performance, similar battery life thanks to Lakefield's low TDP, and full x86 compatibility. In the end, we got the full x86 compatibility, but the rest of the numbers didn't look very good. Overall, of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx's performance relative to the Core i5-L16G7 is excellent and the battery life for the Arm-based system is in another league. As a result, we have to give this version of the Galaxy Book S a pass.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.09.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Shoot-Out: Intel Lakefield Vs. Snapdragon 8cx
Quelle: Hot Hardware Englisch EN→DE version
We began this shoot-out thinking that the full x86 compatibility of the Core i5-L16G7 was going to be nothing but an asset. Coming into this, we expected better single-threaded performance, similar battery life thanks to Lakefield's low TDP, and full x86 compatibility. In the end, we got the full x86 compatibility, but the rest of the numbers didn't look very good. Overall, of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx's performance relative to the Core i5-L16G7 is excellent and the battery life for the Arm-based system is in another league. As a result, we have to give this version of the Galaxy Book S a pass.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.09.2020
100% Samsung Galaxy Book S (Intel) review: a champion among portables
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S series continues to impress, and the new hybrid chip that Intel has been able to fit here manages to find a good balance between performance and battery life. On top of that, the screen and design is one of the best we've seen too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book S (Intel) review: a champion among portables
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book S series continues to impress, and the new hybrid chip that Intel has been able to fit here manages to find a good balance between performance and battery life. On top of that, the screen and design is one of the best we've seen too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Review | Samsung Galaxy Book S
Quelle: Target HD Portugiesisch PT→DE
Positive: Slim size; light weight; premium design; solid workmanship; metal case; nice display; powerful hardware; high performance; good connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.07.2022
Review | Samsung Galaxy Book S
Quelle: Target HD Portugiesisch PT→DE
Positive: Slim size; light weight; premium design; solid workmanship; metal case; nice display; powerful hardware; high performance; good connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.07.2022
[Review] Samsung Galaxy Book S: um notebook ultrafino e levíssimo (e só isso mesmo)
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; high mobility; elegant design; great built quality; bright display; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.04.2021
[Review] Samsung Galaxy Book S: um notebook ultrafino e levíssimo (e só isso mesmo)
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; high mobility; elegant design; great built quality; bright display; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.04.2021
75% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S con Intel Lakefield: meglio x86 o ARM? (foto e video)
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 55% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 75%
75% Recensione Samsung Galaxy Book S con Intel Lakefield: meglio x86 o ARM? (foto e video)
Quelle: Smart World Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 55% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 75%
Samsung Galaxy Book S: il notebook compatto con CPU Intel Lakefield
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; powerful processor; good cooling and silent system; beautiful design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.11.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S: il notebook compatto con CPU Intel Lakefield
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Compact size; light weight; powerful processor; good cooling and silent system; beautiful design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.11.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE version
Positive: Impressive processor; nice performance; slim size; light weight.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.08.2020
Samsung Galaxy Book S Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE version
Positive: Impressive processor; nice performance; slim size; light weight.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.08.2020
67% Samsung Galaxy Book S: Lækker letvægter
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67% Preis: 67% Leistung: 50%
67% Samsung Galaxy Book S: Lækker letvægter
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67% Preis: 67% Leistung: 50%
80% Galaxy Book S: Samsungs ultratunna laptop övertygar starkt
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Galaxy Book S: Samsungs ultratunna laptop övertygar starkt
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%


Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15 NP950XCJ-K01DE

Das Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15.6 ist eines von Samsungs ersten und vielleicht allgemein eines der frühesten Notebooks mit Quantum-Dot-Technologie (QLED). Andere Highlights des Galaxy Book Ion sind das leichtgewichtige Gehäuse und das TouchPad mit kabellosem Laden. Diesmal wurde das 15,6-Zoll Galaxy Book Ion in eine schlankes und leichtes Gehäuse gepackt, es misst 355 x 227,2 x 14,9 mm und bringt bloß 1,52 kg auf die Waage, man kann es also leicht mitnehmen. Das Notebook hat eine silbern-weiße Farbe und matte Oberflächen.  Die Konfiguration besteht aus einem Intel Ice-Lake-Core-Prozessor zehnter Generation, 16 GB LPDDR4X-Arbeitsspeicher und einer 1-TB-NVMe-SSD. Für Grafikleistung sorgt eine dedizierte Nvidia GeForce MX 250 2GB GDDR5 Grafikkarte. Der Bildschirm kann um 360° gewendet werden, es handelt sich um ein QLED-Touchscreen (Quantum Dot LED) mit einer Auflösung von 1920 x 1080 Pixel, einer maximalen Helligkeit von 600 nits, und ausgezeichneter Farbwiedergabe. Außerdem gibt es einen Outdoor-Modus, der die Bildschirm-Helligkeit im Freien verbessert, damit jeder den Inhalt auf dem Bildschirm auch im Sonnenlicht gut erkennen kann. Das Display ist so anders, dass man den Unterschied sofort bemerken wird, wenn man von einem gewöhnlichen Laptop wechselt. Das QLED-Display eignet sich wesentlich besser für die Wiedergabe von Inhalten. 

Für Konnektivität steht vieles zur Verfügung: das neueste WiFi 6, integrierte AKG-Stereolautsprecher, Fingerabdruck-Erkennung für Windows-Hello-Funktionen, ein duales Mikrofon und eine 720-p-Kamera über dem Bildschirm, dazu noch das S-Pen, mit dem man Notizen machen kann. Auf beiden Seiten gibt es einen Thunderbolt-3-Anschluss und einen Mikro-SD-Kartenleser. Das Ganze wird von einem fest verbauten Lithium-Akku mit 69,74 Wh angetrieben. Eine Ladung kann für mehr als 21 Stunden reichen. Eine Erwähnung wert ist außerdem die Wireless-PowerShare-Funktion. Wenn sie eingeschaltet ist, kann das TouchPad als kabelloses Lade-Pad verwendet werden. Sobald ein Smartphone darauf liegt, wird es geladen, doch das TouchPad kann nicht gleichzeitig benutzt werden. Alles in allem ist das Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15.6 ein attraktives Notebook mit einem großartigen Panel und guter Leistung. Es bietet ein tolles Gleichgewicht zwischen einem leichten Gehäuse, guter Leistung und schickem Aussehen, allerdings für einen etwas höheren Preis.


Hands-on-Artikel von Jagadisa Rajarathnam

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15 NP950XCJ-K01DENotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15 NP950XCJ-K01DE
Prozessor: Intel Comet Lake i7-10510U
Grafikkarte: Intel UHD Graphics 620
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.26kg
Preis: 1500 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 80% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 1 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

80% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15 review: Positively charged
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
Although unconventional in a number of ways, so many of those features - user-expandable storage and RAM, an eye-catching finish, NUM pad, large screen aspect - will only add to this laptop's appeal. It's good to see Samsung back in the game and trying things a little differently, with positive effect.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.06.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%


Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3-930QCG-K01SE

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3-930QCG-K01SENotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3-930QCG-K01SE
Prozessor: Intel Ice Lake i7-1065G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Plus Graphics G7 (Ice Lake 64 EU)
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.2kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 75.75% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 4 Bewertungen (aus 4 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

80% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Tom's Guide Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Flex is the company's latest attempt to stand out in a field it's had less-than-stellar success with: Windows PCs. But this 2-in-1 laptop offers a mix of strong performance with some unique features, to mostly successful results. From its bright 15-inch screen to its strong performance and striking color, the Galaxy Book Flex is one of the best 2-in-1 laptops you can buy, one that brings Samsung back into the PC conversation. Even further, its nifty Qi-charging touchpad offers the kind of unique functionality we’d like to see other laptop makers use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Tom's Guide Englisch EN→DE version
Throughout this Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review, I've been impressed more often than not. Amazing battery life and decent 10th Gen Core i7 performance combine for a 15-inch laptop that is made for work, while its built-in S-Pen is a boon for the creative class. That being said, while Outdoors mode helps the Galaxy Book Flex get brighter, you’ll find an even brighter and more colorful screen on the e OLED XPS 15. However, you'll be paying at least $345 more for Dell’s laptop , and you also lose battery life. And compared to the $2,547 super-fast XPS 15 mentioned above, the $1,399 Samsung Galaxy Book Flex looks like a bargain. Overall, the Galaxy Book Flex is one of the best laptops for creatives who want a big canvas for their next project.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review
Quelle: Tom's Guide Englisch EN→DE version
Throughout this Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review, I've been impressed more often than not. Amazing battery life and decent 10th Gen Core i7 performance combine for a 15-inch laptop that is made for work, while its built-in S-Pen is a boon for the creative class.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
63% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex [TEST]: En lille revolution for den bærbare
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 63% Preis: 67% Leistung: 83%


Samsung Galaxy Book Ion Aura Silver

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion Aura SilverNotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Ion Aura Silver
Prozessor: Intel Comet Lake i7-10510U
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce MX250
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.253kg
Preis: 1250 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite




81.7% Samsung Galaxy Book Ion Aura Silver im Laptop-Test: Tolles 15-Zoll-Ultrabook mit Treiberproblemen | Notebookcheck
Samsung bringt nach dem 13-Zoll-Modell auch eine 15 Zoll große Version seiner ultraleichten Ion-Laptops auf den Markt. Wir schauen uns an, ob das große Modell die gleichen Fehler macht wie die 13-Zoll-Variante (lauter Lüfter) und ob das Galaxy Book Ion wirklich eine ansprechende Alternative zum ultraleichten LG Gram ist.


Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 NP930QCG-K01IT

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 NP930QCG-K01ITNotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3 NP930QCG-K01IT
Prozessor: Intel Ice Lake i5-1035G4
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Plus Graphics G4 (Ice Lake 48 EU)
Bildschirm: 13.30 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.2kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 100% - Sehr Gut

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 2 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

100% Samsung Galaxy Book Flex review: a premium Windows 2-in-1 laptop
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Flex has just about everything you could want from a Windows laptop, including a superb screen, decent performance and long battery life. It also comes with several useful extras, though you'll need to pay a steep price for the whole package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; metal case; great built quality; compact size; light weight; nice connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.11.2020


Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13
Prozessor: Intel Tiger Lake i5-1135G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Bildschirm: 13.20 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.05kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 85.3% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 20 Bewertungen (aus 28 Tests)



85.4% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13" im Test: Samsungs neue Businessklasse bei Convertibles | Notebookcheck
ist das Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13 mit bis zu 31 Stunden im Akkubetrieb. Der knapp über ein Kilogramm wiegende 3 in 1 Laptop ist zudem gut ausgestattet. Für das flache Design mussten die Entwickler aber bei der Kühlung einige Einschränkungen vornehmen.

Ausländische Testberichte

80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: An excellent coffee shop PC
Quelle: PC World Australia Englisch EN→DE
The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is less like a traditional laptop and more like a convertible, connected tablet. Sure, it's not as light as or as thin as a traditional tablet like the Surface Pro 8 nor is it as powerful as a more traditional clamshell. But if you like it offers, you might consider the 15-inch Galaxy Book Pro that we separately reviewed. In fact, you might consider this review as a jumping-off point for what you'd really like in a laptop. More performance? Well, inevitable discounts might spur you to buy the Core i7 version of this machine. However, performance should only increase rather marginally. Other business notebooks offer competitive features and they're worth a look. Our review, though, probably underscores what makes this laptop a must buy for a certain niche. At a little over US$1,200 and with the possibility of more discounts to come, this convertible is both lightweight and connected. Samsung's OLED screens are simply lovely for watching videos upon and the 360-convertible form factor does allow for a tablet-like experience in this new era of Android apps on Windows.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: An excellent coffee shop PC
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE
The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is less like a traditional laptop and more like a convertible, connected tablet. Sure, it’s not as light as or as thin as a traditional tablet like the Surface Pro 8 nor is it as powerful as a more traditional clamshell. But if you like it offers, you might consider the 15-inch Galaxy Book Pro that we separately reviewed. In fact, you might consider this review as a jumping-off point for what you’d really like in a laptop. More performance? Well, inevitable discounts might spur you to buy the Core i7 version of this machine. However, performance should only increase rather marginally. Other business notebooks offer competitive features and they’re worth a look. Our review, though, probably underscores what makes this laptop a must buy for a certain niche. At a little over $1,200 and with the possibility of more discounts to come, this convertible is both lightweight and connected. Samsung’s OLED screens are simply lovely for watching videos upon and the 360-convertible form factor does allow for a tablet-like experience in this new era of Android apps on Windows.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: An excellent coffee shop PC
Quelle: PC World Australia Englisch EN→DE
The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is less like a traditional laptop and more like a convertible, connected tablet. Sure, it's not as light as or as thin as a traditional tablet like the Surface Pro 8 nor is it as powerful as a more traditional clamshell. But if you like it offers, you might consider the 15-inch Galaxy Book Pro that we separately reviewed. In fact, you might consider this review as a jumping-off point for what you'd really like in a laptop. More performance? Well, inevitable discounts might spur you to buy the Core i7 version of this machine. However, performance should only increase rather marginally. Other business notebooks offer competitive features and they're worth a look. Our review, though, probably underscores what makes this laptop a must buy for a certain niche. At a little over US$1,200 and with the possibility of more discounts to come, this convertible is both lightweight and connected. Samsung's OLED screens are simply lovely for watching videos upon and the 360-convertible form factor does allow for a tablet-like experience in this new era of Android apps on Windows.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: An excellent coffee shop PC
Quelle: PC World Englisch EN→DE
The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is less like a traditional laptop and more like a convertible, connected tablet. Sure, it’s not as light as or as thin as a traditional tablet like the Surface Pro 8 nor is it as powerful as a more traditional clamshell. But if you like it offers, you might consider the 15-inch Galaxy Book Pro that we separately reviewed. In fact, you might consider this review as a jumping-off point for what you’d really like in a laptop. More performance? Well, inevitable discounts might spur you to buy the Core i7 version of this machine. However, performance should only increase rather marginally. Other business notebooks offer competitive features and they’re worth a look. Our review, though, probably underscores what makes this laptop a must buy for a certain niche. At a little over $1,200 and with the possibility of more discounts to come, this convertible is both lightweight and connected. Samsung’s OLED screens are simply lovely for watching videos upon and the 360-convertible form factor does allow for a tablet-like experience in this new era of Android apps on Windows.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: The perfect on-the-go laptop
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE
As for whether or not you should buy the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G, you can probably guess the answer. It’s a hard yes. This is one of my favorite laptops that I’ve used in a long time. One suggestion would be to pay the extra $200 for the Core i7 model with 16GB RAM, as the extra memory can be useful. Like any laptop, it’s not perfect. It’s still got a 720p webcam, which is probably its biggest downside. Also, the battery life isn’t anything to write home about, although that can be forgiven given the form factor. It’s also frustrating that there’s no place to store the pen, making it easy to lose. But let’s talk about the good, because there’s so much at a reasonable price of $1,399.99. Performance is great, and that comes in a slim and light form factor that’s easy to carry around. You get 5G connectivity, and as I mentioned earlier, that has to be a thing that you really want. But my favorite is the beautiful OLED display. It’s FHD, so it doesn’t suck down battery life like a 4K screen would. It’s so visually pleasing to use, so when you’re working, it just feels good.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.01.2022
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: The perfect on-the-go laptop
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE
As for whether or not you should buy the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G, you can probably guess the answer. It’s a hard yes. This is one of my favorite laptops that I’ve used in a long time. One suggestion would be to pay the extra $200 for the Core i7 model with 16GB RAM, as the extra memory can be useful. Like any laptop, it’s not perfect. It’s still got a 720p webcam, which is probably its biggest downside. Also, the battery life isn’t anything to write home about, although that can be forgiven given the form factor. It’s also frustrating that there’s no place to store the pen, making it easy to lose. But let’s talk about the good, because there’s so much at a reasonable price of $1,399.99. Performance is great, and that comes in a slim and light form factor that’s easy to carry around. You get 5G connectivity, and as I mentioned earlier, that has to be a thing that you really want. But my favorite is the beautiful OLED display. It’s FHD, so it doesn’t suck down battery life like a 4K screen would. It’s so visually pleasing to use, so when you’re working, it just feels good.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.01.2022
80% Samsung's Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G: A limber lightweight
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
In many ways, it’s easy to like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G. It’s very light and slim, build quality is excellent and the quality of its display is second to none. On the other hand, it isn’t particularly fast, battery life is middling and, with a price that’s higher than that of most of its rivals, you’re going to need a pretty compelling reason to stump up the extra cash for 5G cellular connectivity. Overall, it’s a very attractive laptop but there are a few too many compromises for it to warrant a wholehearted recommendation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung's Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G: A limber lightweight
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
In many ways, it’s easy to like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G. It’s very light and slim, build quality is excellent and the quality of its display is second to none. On the other hand, it isn’t particularly fast, battery life is middling and, with a price that’s higher than that of most of its rivals, you’re going to need a pretty compelling reason to stump up the extra cash for 5G cellular connectivity. Overall, it’s a very attractive laptop but there are a few too many compromises for it to warrant a wholehearted recommendation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung's Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G: A limber lightweight
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
In many ways, it’s easy to like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G. It’s very light and slim, build quality is excellent and the quality of its display is second to none. On the other hand, it isn’t particularly fast, battery life is middling and, with a price that’s higher than that of most of its rivals, you’re going to need a pretty compelling reason to stump up the extra cash for 5G cellular connectivity. Overall, it’s a very attractive laptop but there are a few too many compromises for it to warrant a wholehearted recommendation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung's Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G: A limber lightweight
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
In many ways, it’s easy to like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G. It’s very light and slim, build quality is excellent and the quality of its display is second to none. On the other hand, it isn’t particularly fast, battery life is middling and, with a price that’s higher than that of most of its rivals, you’re going to need a pretty compelling reason to stump up the extra cash for 5G cellular connectivity. Overall, it’s a very attractive laptop but there are a few too many compromises for it to warrant a wholehearted recommendation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: Connectivity is king
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G manages to side-step many of the issues we've raised in some Samsung laptops of the last couple of years. It's one of the best Samsung models in recent memory. However, its keyboard is still a little shallow and Samsung OLED panels need higher pixel density to give them the impact their contrast and colour deserve. Above all else, though, you can't complain about the portability. The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is light, tidy, offers all-day battery life, a solid build, and that all-important super-fast connectivity - which is what you're paying for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G review: Connectivity is king
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G manages to side-step many of the issues we've raised in some Samsung laptops of the last couple of years. It's one of the best Samsung models in recent memory. However, its keyboard is still a little shallow and Samsung OLED panels need higher pixel density to give them the impact their contrast and colour deserve. Above all else, though, you can't complain about the portability. The Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G is light, tidy, offers all-day battery life, a solid build, and that all-important super-fast connectivity - which is what you're paying for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 review: the best 2-in-1 laptop for Samsung Galaxy users
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
Simply put, the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is one of the best lightweight laptops out there right now. It not only impressed with its sleek, slim design but it also packs in plenty of extra features. It won’t be suited to absolutely everyone though. Gamers won’t get the power they need from it, and creative professionals may find the aspect ratio of the screen frustrating. But for anyone who needs a versatile everyday workhorse, or a laptop to stream TV, movies and YouTube videos on - the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is an excellent choice, especially if you’ve already bought into the Galaxy ecosystem.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 review: the best 2-in-1 laptop for Samsung Galaxy users
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
Simply put, the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is one of the best lightweight laptops out there right now. It not only impressed with its sleek, slim design but it also packs in plenty of extra features. It won’t be suited to absolutely everyone though. Gamers won’t get the power they need from it, and creative professionals may find the aspect ratio of the screen frustrating. But for anyone who needs a versatile everyday workhorse, or a laptop to stream TV, movies and YouTube videos on - the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is an excellent choice, especially if you’ve already bought into the Galaxy ecosystem.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is a new 2-in-1 laptop that can double up as a tablet whenever required. Its light and thin design makes it ideal for tablet use, while the Super AMOLED screen provides a big visual boost for video content. However, the lack of an S-Pen slot is an odd omission, while questions still remain over its performance and battery life. Keep an eye on Trusted Reviews for our upcoming review and final verdict.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.05.2021
Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 is a new 2-in-1 laptop that can double up as a tablet whenever required. Its light and thin design makes it ideal for tablet use, while the Super AMOLED screen provides a big visual boost for video content. However, the lack of an S-Pen slot is an odd omission, while questions still remain over its performance and battery life. Keep an eye on Trusted Reviews for our upcoming review and final verdict.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.05.2021
93% REVIEW: Galaxy Book Pro 360 é um excelente notebook 2-em-1
Quelle: Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 100%
93% REVIEW: Galaxy Book Pro 360 é um excelente notebook 2-em-1
Quelle: Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 100%
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360: le nostre prime impressioni
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; compact size; light weight; excellent display; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.05.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360: le nostre prime impressioni
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; compact size; light weight; excellent display; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.05.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book : une gamme très mobile et connectée
Quelle: Geekbecois Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; great built quality; high mobility; nice connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.05.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book : une gamme très mobile et connectée
Quelle: Geekbecois Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; great built quality; high mobility; nice connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.05.2021
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G [TEST]: Førsteklasses laptop med 5G
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 5G [TEST]: Førsteklasses laptop med 5G
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 [TEST]: Den nye konge af de konvertible
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
100% Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 [TEST]: Den nye konge af de konvertible
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
80% Test: Galaxy Book Pro 360 – flippdator i slimmad design
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Test: Galaxy Book Pro 360 – flippdator i slimmad design
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%


Samsung Galaxy Book NP750XDA

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book NP750XDANotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book NP750XDA
Prozessor: Intel Tiger Lake i5-1135G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.6kg
Preis: 900 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite




82% Galaxy Book (2021) im Test: Das günstige Samsung Notebook für Office-Anwender | Notebookcheck
Seit dem vergangenem Jahr fertigt Samsung wieder Notebooks und platziert diese mit dem Galaxy Book (2021) nun auch im günstigeren Preissegment. Die Verarbeitung und die Ausstattung sind auf den ersten Blick gut. Was aber tatsächlich im Alltag geboten wird, klären wir in unserem Testbericht.


Samsung Galaxy Book Go

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book GoNotebook: Samsung Galaxy Book Go
Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 7c Gen 2
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 618
Bildschirm: 14.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.38kg
Preis: 500 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 61.67% - Genügend

Durchschnitt von 36 Bewertungen (aus 44 Tests)



79.3% Samsung Galaxy Book Go im Test: Lautloses Office-Notebook | Notebookcheck
Das Samsung Galaxy Book Go ist ein sehr günstiges Notebook, das sich für alltägliche Büroaufgaben und Surfen im Internet eignet. Mit dem ARM-Prozessor bietet der Laptop eine sehr gute Akkulaufzeit, allerdings auch Einschränkungen. Welche das sind, klären wir in unserem Testbericht.

Ausländische Testberichte

60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE
Ironically, it's only the familiarity of Windows that really saves this. You can, with luck and a big asterisk, run whatever Windows apps you need, something a Chromebook can't offer. If you're careful with your tab management you might even find this to be a reasonable tool for using online apps. But the Galaxy Book Go is far from a productivity powerhouse. Pick one up and we'd imagine you'll feel the same kind of buyer's remorse as Samsung must be feeling for going down this path in the first place.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.09.2024
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE
Ironically, it's only the familiarity of Windows that really saves this. You can, with luck and a big asterisk, run whatever Windows apps you need, something a Chromebook can't offer. If you're careful with your tab management you might even find this to be a reasonable tool for using online apps. But the Galaxy Book Go is far from a productivity powerhouse. Pick one up and we'd imagine you'll feel the same kind of buyer's remorse as Samsung must be feeling for going down this path in the first place.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.09.2024
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.01.2023
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.01.2023
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.07.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.07.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go review: a cheap day-to-day laptop
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go is a cheap and durable laptop that will be best for casual day-to-day tasks. To keep the price low, Samsung has made some sacrifices across the screen and hardware which is why it won't be so good for more demanding tasks like photo editing or gaming.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go review: a cheap day-to-day laptop
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go is a cheap and durable laptop that will be best for casual day-to-day tasks. To keep the price low, Samsung has made some sacrifices across the screen and hardware which is why it won't be so good for more demanding tasks like photo editing or gaming.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
40% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: A galactic disappointment
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go has plenty of appeal on the surface, but scratching below that reveals it’s only suitable for a very niche demographic: specifically people who have very low hardware demands and prioritise battery life over every other metric. Without sugar coating it, it was hard to open the Galaxy Book Go without a sense of dread. Compatibility issues mean Windows on ARM is still somewhat unappealing despite its ongoing development, and the quality of the display on this laptop is unforgivable for a product released in 2022. We can’t think of a valid reason that justifies how bad it is, even when considering its affordability. The Microsoft Surface Go 3 is available for £499 including the keyboard, but it has a fantastic display for the price and applications like Chrome don’t run like a pig in high heels. If we’ve learned anything from the Samsung Galaxy Book Go, it’s that a tight budget can only be pushed so far and Windows on ARM still needs more time in the oven. In the meantime, you should only consider buying the Galaxy Book Go if you want to experience what it feels like to use a laptop from 2012.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 40%
40% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: A galactic disappointment
Quelle: It Pro Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go has plenty of appeal on the surface, but scratching below that reveals it’s only suitable for a very niche demographic: specifically people who have very low hardware demands and prioritise battery life over every other metric. Without sugar coating it, it was hard to open the Galaxy Book Go without a sense of dread. Compatibility issues mean Windows on ARM is still somewhat unappealing despite its ongoing development, and the quality of the display on this laptop is unforgivable for a product released in 2022. We can’t think of a valid reason that justifies how bad it is, even when considering its affordability. The Microsoft Surface Go 3 is available for £499 including the keyboard, but it has a fantastic display for the price and applications like Chrome don’t run like a pig in high heels. If we’ve learned anything from the Samsung Galaxy Book Go, it’s that a tight budget can only be pushed so far and Windows on ARM still needs more time in the oven. In the meantime, you should only consider buying the Galaxy Book Go if you want to experience what it feels like to use a laptop from 2012.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 40%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review
Quelle: PC Verge Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go is simply a mixed bag, but a hard sell at the very best. This budget Windows laptop – on one hand, has a very good battery life and beautiful design, but there are just too many compromises to make it a worthwhile pick over a Chromebook or VivoBook 15. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Book Go’s terribly slow performance and overall cheap design all combine for a less desirable machine. For the price, you’re better off spending on the Acer Chromebook Spin 513, and if Windows is a must-have, both the Acer A515-46-R3UB and Asus VivoBook 15 are excellent alternatives.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review
Quelle: PC Verge Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go is simply a mixed bag, but a hard sell at the very best. This budget Windows laptop – on one hand, has a very good battery life and beautiful design, but there are just too many compromises to make it a worthwhile pick over a Chromebook or VivoBook 15. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Book Go’s terribly slow performance and overall cheap design all combine for a less desirable machine. For the price, you’re better off spending on the Acer Chromebook Spin 513, and if Windows is a must-have, both the Acer A515-46-R3UB and Asus VivoBook 15 are excellent alternatives.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book Go
Quelle: Gadgetspeak Englisch EN→DE
This is one of three different models of notebooks that have something that few notebooks have, a SIM slot so that when out and about you do not have to rely on your SmartPhone or dodgy open Wi-Fi to stay in touch. While I have seen this before it has only been on a very few Tablets and not on a full notebook like the Samsung Galaxy Book Go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
70% Samsung Galaxy Book Go
Quelle: Gadgetspeak Englisch EN→DE
This is one of three different models of notebooks that have something that few notebooks have, a SIM slot so that when out and about you do not have to rely on your SmartPhone or dodgy open Wi-Fi to stay in touch. While I have seen this before it has only been on a very few Tablets and not on a full notebook like the Samsung Galaxy Book Go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
50% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go may benefit from an attractive enough design, plenty of ports, and perks like excellent battery life and 4G connectivity, but its performance problems overshadow them all. All the ports in the world don’t matter when a laptop is this slow and frustrating for basic, everyday tasks, and even at a relatively affordable price this is really a false economy. You’re much better off spending a little bit more for better performance elsewhere – or turning to a Chromebook for a budget laptop you won’t want to throw in the bin.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
50% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go may benefit from an attractive enough design, plenty of ports, and perks like excellent battery life and 4G connectivity, but its performance problems overshadow them all. All the ports in the world don’t matter when a laptop is this slow and frustrating for basic, everyday tasks, and even at a relatively affordable price this is really a false economy. You’re much better off spending a little bit more for better performance elsewhere – or turning to a Chromebook for a budget laptop you won’t want to throw in the bin.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE
We have to imagine that, some time in 2016 or 2017, Samsung gleefully signed on to the Windows on ARM program, a move which eventually led to the Samsung Galaxy Book Go. We'd also have to imagine that Samsung is not feeling nearly as gleeful right now, because whatever Windows on Arm is supposed to be, the Galaxy Book Go just isn't it. Its failures aren't only the fault of the Snapdragon processor at its heart. That chip sure does its darnedest, and works at a decent clip when running things which are pre-baked to support it. It runs cool, the machine is super-quiet, and the phone-esque features that such a chipset brings (notably instant-on and ridiculous battery life) are a real highlight here. But challenge it in any way and it crumples. Whatever compatibility layer Windows 11 has implemented for x86 apps is generally pretty poor, which we somewhat expected. But we expected slightly more snappiness on the desktop; the 4GB RAM package in this laptop just isn't enough to do more than one or two things at a time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE
We have to imagine that, some time in 2016 or 2017, Samsung gleefully signed on to the Windows on ARM program, a move which eventually led to the Samsung Galaxy Book Go. We'd also have to imagine that Samsung is not feeling nearly as gleeful right now, because whatever Windows on Arm is supposed to be, the Galaxy Book Go just isn't it. Its failures aren't only the fault of the Snapdragon processor at its heart. That chip sure does its darnedest, and works at a decent clip when running things which are pre-baked to support it. It runs cool, the machine is super-quiet, and the phone-esque features that such a chipset brings (notably instant-on and ridiculous battery life) are a real highlight here. But challenge it in any way and it crumples. Whatever compatibility layer Windows 11 has implemented for x86 apps is generally pretty poor, which we somewhat expected. But we expected slightly more snappiness on the desktop; the 4GB RAM package in this laptop just isn't enough to do more than one or two things at a time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. An ARM64 native version of Chrome would go a long way to improving the situation – making the Galaxy Book Go a potential Chromebook killer – but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will eventually come to fruition. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go a budget Windows machine riddled with problems. While it may have a nice look to it, everything else is subpar, including the performance. The Galaxy Book Go feels sluggish in the real world, its display is very dim and doesn’t feel well made. It’s only worth a purchase if you’re desperate for Windows at a budget price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book Go a budget Windows machine riddled with problems. While it may have a nice look to it, everything else is subpar, including the performance. The Galaxy Book Go feels sluggish in the real world, its display is very dim and doesn’t feel well made. It’s only worth a purchase if you’re desperate for Windows at a budget price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go review: You’re better off with a Chromebook
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
What to make of the Galaxy Book Go, then? It certainly makes good on its two main promises of great battery life and always-on wireless connectivity, but its awful display is impossible to overlook. That’s a shame, because the keyboard is great and hardware performance isn’t an issue, either. Windows 10 runs beautifully on the Qualcomm chipset, as do Windows on ARM native apps. But the performance penalty incurred when running x86 Win32 apps under emulation really knocks the shine off, as does the current inability to run x64 apps at all. The great battery life, quality keyboard and built-in 4G modem may well attract some interest at the price, and if all you want is a laptop for basic on-the-go productivity then it may suit, but that wretched display and inconsistent app compatibility inevitably lead the Galaxy Book Go to being just a poor man’s MacBook Air.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go: The $349 laptop that tests your patience
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
I’d only recommend the Galaxy Book Go to one specific type of consumer: the budget-conscious Samsung Galaxy loyalist who uses non-Chrome browsers (i.e. Edge and Firefox) for ultra-basic, low-intensity workflows. I’d also suggest gifting this laptop to someone you despise — like your mother-in-law. As of this writing, the Gateway laptop only costs $299 at Walmart. One downside, though, is that it’s not as power efficient as the Galaxy Book Go; it lasts 8 hours on a charge. I really wanted to like the Galaxy Book Go — it would have been nice to add it to our best laptops under $500 page. Samsung is one of the most reliable tech brands, but this Windows-on-ARM PC just didn’t make the cut.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
60% Samsung Galaxy Book Go: The $349 laptop that tests your patience
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
I’d only recommend the Galaxy Book Go to one specific type of consumer: the budget-conscious Samsung Galaxy loyalist who uses non-Chrome browsers (i.e. Edge and Firefox) for ultra-basic, low-intensity workflows. I’d also suggest gifting this laptop to someone you despise — like your mother-in-law. As of this writing, the Gateway laptop only costs $299 at Walmart. One downside, though, is that it’s not as power efficient as the Galaxy Book Go; it lasts 8 hours on a charge. I really wanted to like the Galaxy Book Go — it would have been nice to add it to our best laptops under $500 page. Samsung is one of the most reliable tech brands, but this Windows-on-ARM PC just didn’t make the cut.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Samsung Galaxy Book Go First Impressions: I can’t believe it’s so cheap
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE version
Thanks to the Snapdragon 7c Gen 2 chipset, a $349 laptop can be thinner and lighter than ever before, and it can get better battery life too (naturally, I haven’t tested battery life yet). It can even have 4G LTE, although this one sadly only has Wi-Fi; indeed, part of the Qualcomm value proposition was originally integrated cellular. But still, the cellular model is going to cost less than pretty much anything you can get with an Intel chip inside of it. I’m really excited to review this laptop. It’s my first Snapdragon 7c review unit, so that’s fun, although I’m not placing any unrealistic expectations on it. And really, I’m excited that it’s doing things at an entry-level price point that weren’t happening before.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.06.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Go First Impressions: I can’t believe it’s so cheap
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE version
Thanks to the Snapdragon 7c Gen 2 chipset, a $349 laptop can be thinner and lighter than ever before, and it can get better battery life too (naturally, I haven’t tested battery life yet). It can even have 4G LTE, although this one sadly only has Wi-Fi; indeed, part of the Qualcomm value proposition was originally integrated cellular. But still, the cellular model is going to cost less than pretty much anything you can get with an Intel chip inside of it. I’m really excited to review this laptop. It’s my first Snapdragon 7c review unit, so that’s fun, although I’m not placing any unrealistic expectations on it. And really, I’m excited that it’s doing things at an entry-level price point that weren’t happening before.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.06.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review - Lowest Cost ARM Windows Laptop
Quelle: Lon.TV Englisch version
Samsung's Galaxy Book Go is the most affordable ARM Windows laptop on the market but it has all of the frustrations of its more expensive cousins. We'll dive into the good and bad in this review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.06.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Go Review - Lowest Cost ARM Windows Laptop
Quelle: Lon.TV Englisch version
Samsung's Galaxy Book Go is the most affordable ARM Windows laptop on the market but it has all of the frustrations of its more expensive cousins. We'll dive into the good and bad in this review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.06.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Go: il notebook con cuore di ARM
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE
Positive: High mobility; long battery life; good price; nice connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.01.2022
Samsung Galaxy Book Go: il notebook con cuore di ARM
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE
Positive: High mobility; long battery life; good price; nice connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.01.2022
Samsung Galaxy Book Go Recensione: Parola D'Ordine Semplicità
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; high mobility; long battery life; great connectivity; nice performance. Negative: Poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.12.2021
Samsung Galaxy Book Go Recensione: Parola D'Ordine Semplicità
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; high mobility; long battery life; great connectivity; nice performance. Negative: Poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.12.2021
80% Samsung Galaxy Book GO LTE (14", 7c Gen2 ,4GB, 128GB Opslag, Qwerty) Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.01.2023
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book GO LTE (14", 7c Gen2 ,4GB, 128GB Opslag, Qwerty) Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.01.2023
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book GO LTE (14", 7c Gen2 ,4GB, 128GB Opslag, Qwerty) Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE
User-Test, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.12.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book GO LTE (14", 7c Gen2 ,4GB, 128GB Opslag, Qwerty) Review
Quelle: Tweakers Holländisch NL→DE
User-Test, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.12.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%


Samsung Book 15 NP550XDA-KF2BR

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Book 15 NP550XDA-KF2BRNotebook: Samsung Book 15 NP550XDA-KF2BR
Prozessor: Intel Tiger Lake i5-1135G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.8kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 86% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 2 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

86% Review: Samsung Book, um excelente notebook de entrada
Quelle: Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 85% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Gehäuse: 90%
Review Samsung Book | Notebook custo-benefício com upgrade fácil
Quelle: Canaltech Portugiesisch PT→DE
Positive: Powerful processor; high performance; slim size; light weight; elegant design; good battery life. Negative: Poor display; uncomfortable keyboard; mediocre speakers; weak webcam.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 31.08.2022


Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i5-1135G7

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i5-1135G7Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i5-1135G7
Prozessor: Intel Tiger Lake i5-1135G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.59kg
Preis: 700 Euro
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 74.33% - Befriedigend

Durchschnitt von 3 Bewertungen (aus 4 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

60% Samsung Galaxy Book review: A cornucopia of compromises
Quelle: Digital Trends Englisch EN→DE version
The Samsung Galaxy Book is, as I said at the beginning, a strange laptop. The model I reviewed is aimed at business users, but it doesn’t offer anything out of the box that many consumer laptops don’t also offer. Its biggest strength is solid productivity performance and a thin and light chassis, and while those are welcome to business users, they’re not exactly business-specific features. Most disappointing is the display, which should offer a better experience at the Galaxy Book’s price. Battery life was a mixed bag, with the laptop doing well in the PCMark 10 test but not as well in our other benchmarks. And in terms of look and feel, the laptop is a bit boring and lacks rigidity. There’s just not a lot to recommend this machine over its wide range of competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
80% Samsung Galaxy Book (2021) review: An enticing new arrival
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung is getting good at developing laptops. That’s not to say its past efforts were failures, but it hasn’t quite reached the heights of being a leader in the market like it has with its Samsung Galaxy smartphones. However, the Samsung Galaxy Book 2021 is putting the company on a path to greatness. Not only does its 11th Gen Intel Core i5 processor impress by delivering fantastic overall performance for a $750 laptop, but its decent keyboard, port variety and thin design make it a promising notebook for professionals. With the ARM Exynos processor for laptops Samsung is expected to be working on, it’s exciting to see how the company will make its line of Galaxy Books even better. Still, there are some cogs that need some polishing to make the machine flow. While the laptop’s thin bezels make the most of the 15-inch display, the panel itself is dull. Samsung also needs to do something about their terrible touchpad and webcam, especially if it's promoting the latter by stating it can put on an “impressive video presentation”.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Samsung Galaxy Book: il notebook classico da 15 pollici
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Classical design; big screen; powerful processor; nice display; long battery life; high gaming performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2021
83% Samsung Galaxy Book [TEST]: Overdådig bærbar til flot pris
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 100% Leistung: 83%


Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i7-1165G7

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i7-1165G7Notebook: Samsung Galaxy Book 15, i7-1165G7
Prozessor: Intel Tiger Lake i7-1165G7
Grafikkarte: Intel Iris Xe G7 96EUs
Bildschirm: 15.60 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 1.59kg
Links:  Samsung Notebooks Übersichtseite


Bewertung: 70% - Befriedigend

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 2 Tests)


Ausländische Testberichte

Samsung Galaxy Book Review
Quelle: Englisch EN→DE
This Samsung Galaxy Book retails for about $1,000. Most laptops in that price range offer more than the bare minimum in a capable laptop. Meanwhile, despite decent performance and good battery life, the Galaxy Book feels more like a budget laptop despite its high price tag. Even if you can find the Galaxy Book on sale, we still recommend exploring other options. Its display gets easily washed out by mild viewing angles, which makes it hard to recommend for anyone who likes to read a lot or spend a lot of time getting work done. That poor display also isn't great for streaming movies or video games, both of which you can obviously do on similarly priced laptops like the M1 MacBook Air or HP Spectre x360 14t with better displays. The Galaxy Book is in a weird spot: it costs as much as laptops with the same or slightly better specs but doesn't stack up very well against cheaper laptops, either. A bad display and mediocre keyboard hold this laptop back from being an otherwise decent package. But for $1,000, you should expect a little more decent.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.02.2022
70% Samsung Galaxy Book review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
Samsung has proven it can make great smartphones that don’t break the bank, but it still has work to do when it comes to laptops. The regular Galaxy Book gets a lot of things right, with a premium build, excellent performance and decent display. Audio is also very impressive, and there’s a decent port selection. Unfortunately, Samsung has cut too many corners to get there. Battery life is underwhelming, trackpad navigation is very poor and there’s no fingerprint scanner or face unlock. I also miss the touch support and convertible functionality you get on so many laptops these days. If you can find the Galaxy Book with a significant discount, it’s probably worth taking the plunge. Otherwise, it’s hard to justify in the ultra-competitive world of modern laptops.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%



Samsung: Die Samsung Group ist der größte südkoreanische Mischkonzern und wurde 1938 gegründet. In der Samsung-Gruppe waren 2014 489.000 Menschen beschäftigt, und sie gehört zu den weltweit größten Unternehmen gemessen an Umsatz und Marktstärke. Der Name Samsung bedeutet im Koreanischen "Drei Sterne" und repräsentiert die drei Söhne des Firmengründers. Das Unternehmen wurde 1938 als Lebensmittelladen gegründet. Mit der 1969 gegründeten Tochter Samsung Electronics nahm Samsung die Fertigung elektrotechnischer Artikel in Angriff, wobei man sich frühzeitig auf Unterhaltungselektronik und Haushaltsgeräte konzentrierte. Weitere Zweige, in denen der Großkonzern tätig ist, sind Maschinenbau, Automobile (Hyundai), Versicherung, Großhandel, Immobilien und Freizeit. Samsung stellt eine breite Palette von elektronischen Produkten her, darunter Smartphones, Fernsehgeräte, Haushaltsgeräte und Halbleiter. Die Galaxy-Smartphone-Reihe des Unternehmens ist eine der beliebtesten der Welt. Samsung ist auch ein wichtiger Akteur in der Halbleiterindustrie und stellt Speicherchips und Prozessoren für viele andere Elektronikhersteller her.

Diese Klasse ist noch durchaus fähig neueste Spiele flüssig darzustellen, nur nicht mehr mit allen Details und in hohen Auflösungen. Besonders anspruchsvolle Spiele laufen nur in minimalen Detailstufen, wodurch die grafische Qualität oft deutlich leidet. Diese Klasse ist nur noch für Gelegenheitsspieler empfehlenswert. Der Stromverbrauch von modernen Grafikkarten in dieser Klasse ist dafür geringer und erlaubt auch bessere Akkulaufzeiten.

Intel HD Graphics 620: Integrierte Grafikkarte (GT2-Ausbau, 24 EUs), welche in einigen Kaby-Lake-CPUs (ULV-Modelle, 15 Watt TDP) verbaut wird.

Qualcomm Adreno 680: Grafikchip für Windows-Notebooks welcher im Snapdragon 8cx integriert ist. Architekturell ähnlich zum Adreno 640. Laut Qualcomm 2x schneller als die alte Adreno 630 im Snapdragon 850 für Windows Laptops bei 60% verbesserter Effizienz.

Intel UHD Graphics 620: Integrierte Grafikkarte (GT2-Ausbau, 24 EUs), welche in einigen Kaby-Lake-CPUs (Refresh, ULV-Modelle, 15 Watt TDP) verbaut wird. Technisch identisch zur HD Graphics 620 in den Kaby-Lake Modellen aus 2016.

Intel Iris Plus Graphics G4 (Ice Lake 48 EU): Integrierte Grafikkarte (in Ice-Lake G4 SoCs) der Gen. 11 Architektur mit 48 der 64 EUs (Shader-Cluster). Taktet mit 300 MHz Basistakt und 1050 bzw. 1100 MHz Boost (erste Modelle). Der Ice-Lake-Chip wird im modernen 10nm Verfahren bei Intel gefertigt und soll mit 7nm bei TSMC mithalten können.

Intel UHD Graphics G7 (Lakefield GT2 64 EU): integrierte Grafikkarte (in Lakefield Ice-Lake G7 SoCs) der Gen. 11 Architektur mit 64 EUs (Shader-Cluster). Taktet mit 200 MHz Basistakt und 500 MHz Boost (erste Modelle). Der Lakefield-Chip wird im modernen 10nm Verfahren bei Intel gefertigt und soll mit 7nm bei TSMC mithalten können.

Intel Iris Plus Graphics G7 (Ice Lake 64 EU): Integrierte Grafikkarte (in Ice-Lake G7 SoCs) der Gen. 11 Architektur mit 64 EUs (Shader-Cluster). Taktet mit 300 MHz Basistakt und 1050 bzw. 1100 MHz Boost (erste Modelle). Der Ice-Lake-Chip wird im modernen 10nm Verfahren bei Intel gefertigt und soll mit 7nm bei TSMC mithalten können.

NVIDIA GeForce MX250: Umbenannte MX150 und damit weitherhin Pascal GP108 basierende Notebook-Grafikkarte und mobile Version der GT 1030. Bietet 384 Shader und meist 2 GB GDDR5 Grafikspeicher. Die Taktraten sind ev. etwas oberhalb der MX150 angesiedelt. Weiterhin als normale (25 Watt) und langsamere Stromsparvariante (10 Watt) erhältlich.

Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs: Integrierte Grafikkarte (in Tiger-Lake G4 SoCs) der Gen. 12 Architektur mit 80 EUs. Z.B. in Tiger Lake i5 CPUs verbaute iGPU.

Intel Iris Xe G7 96EUs: Integrierte Grafikkarte (in Tiger-Lake G7 SoCs) der Gen. 12 Architektur mit 96 EUs.

Einige nicht anspruchsvolle aktuelle Spiele können mit geringen Details noch flüssig gespielt werden. Für Office und Video natürlich ausreichende Leistungsreserven.

Intel HD Graphics 615: Integrierte Grafikkarte (GT2-Ausbau, 24 EUs), welche in einigen Kaby-Lake-CPUs der Y-Serie (4,5 Watt TDP) verbaut wird.

Qualcomm Adreno 630: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC. Laut Qualcomm um 30% schneller als die alte Adreno 540 im Snapdragon 835 bei 30% geringerem Stromverbrauch.

3D Spiele sind auf diesen Vertretern nur in Ausnahmen spielbar, grundsätzlich sind die Grafiklösungen hierfür jedoch nicht geeignet. Office Programme und Internet surfen dürfte jedoch ohne Problem möglich sein.


Diese Karten können nur sehr alte und sehr anspruchslose 3D Spiele flüssig darstellen.  Anwendungen wie Office, Internet surfen, Bildbearbeitung oder (SD) Videoschnitt sind jedoch ohne große Einschränkungen möglich.

Qualcomm Adreno 618: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 SoC. Etwas schnellere Version der Adreno 616.

» Weitere Informationen gibt es in unserem Notebook-Grafikkartenvergleich und der Benchmarkliste.

Intel Kaby Lake:

i5-7200U: Auf der Kaby-Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem zwei CPU-Kerne mit 2,5 - 3,1 GHz und HyperThreading sowie eine Grafikeinheit und wird in 14-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt.

m3-7Y30: Auf der Kaby-Lake-Architektur basierender, extrem sparsamer ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für Tablets und lüfterlose Notebooks. Integriert unter anderem zwei CPU-Kerne mit 1,0 - 2,6 GHz Taktrate und HyperThreading sowie eine Grafikeinheit und wird in 14-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt.


Qualcomm Snapdragon:

SD 8cx: ARM basierender SoC für Windows Notebooks. Der CPU-Teil ist ähnlich zum Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 für Smartphones, jedoch ohne Prime Cores und mit einer stärkeren GPU. Weiters ist ein X24 LTE Modem (2 Gbps Download) im Chip verbaut. Die großen Kerne takten mit bis zu 2,84 GHz (alle 4) und die kleinen Stromsparkerne mit bis zu 1,8 GHz.

SD 7c Gen 2: ARM basierender SoC für Windows Notebooks. Integriert zwei schnelle ARM Cortex-A76 basierende Kerne (Kryo 468 Gold) mit bis zu 2,55 GHz und 6 energieeffiziente A55 Kerne. Weiters ist ein X15 LTE Modem, Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.0, eine Adreno 618 GPU und eine Hexagon 692 NPU verbaut.

Intel Comet Lake:

i5-10210U: Auf der Comet Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne mit 1,6 - 4,2 GHz (3,9 GHz für alle 4 Kerne) und HyperThreading sowie eine Grafikeinheit und wird in 14-Nanometer-Technik (14nm++) gefertigt. Unterstützt bis zu LPDDR3-2133/DDR4-2666 Dual-Channel Hauptspeicher. Per cTDP up/down kann der Stromverbrauch und die Leistung vom Notebookhersteller von 10 auf 25 Watt eingestellt werden. Die CPU unterstützt kein vPro. Bietet im Vergleich zum höher getakteten i5-1051U auch nur 6 statt 8 MB L3 Cache.

i7-10510U: Auf der Comet Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne mit 1,8 - 4,9 GHz (4,3 GHz für alle 4 Kerne) und HyperThreading sowie eine Grafikeinheit und wird in 14-Nanometer-Technik (14nm++) gefertigt. Unterstützt bis zu LPDDR3-2133/DDR4-2666 Dual-Channel Hauptspeicher. Per cTDP up/down kann der Stromverbrauch und die Leistung vom Notebookhersteller von 10 auf 25 Watt eingestellt werden. Die CPU unterstützt kein vPro.

Intel Ice Lake:

i5-1035G4: Auf der Ice-Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne der Sunnycove Microarchitektur mit 1,1 (Basis) - 3,7 GHz und HyperThreading sowie eine starke Iris Plus G4 Grafikeinheit und wird in 10-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt. 

i7-1065G7: Auf der Ice-Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne der Sunnycove Microarchitektur mit 1,3 (Basis) - 3,9 GHz und HyperThreading sowie eine starke Iris Plus G7 Grafikeinheit und wird in 10-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt. Durch die 18 % bessere IPC Performance von Sunnycove versus Skylake sollte die CPU Performance mit dem alten Whisky-Lake Core i7-8565U (max 4,1 GHz) mithalten können.

Intel Lakefield:

i5-L16G7: Auf der Lakefield-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für dünne Notebooks, Tablets und Convertibles. Integriert einen schnellen Sunny Cove Kern (bekannt aus Ice Lake) mit bis zu 3 GHz und 4 kleine Tremont Kerne (neuer Atom Kern). Der Rest des SoC kommt aus der Ice Lake-Generation wie auch die Gen 11 Grafik (Iris Plus Graphics G7 Grafikeinheit). Der SoC wird im aktuellen 10-Nanometer-Prozess bei Intel gefertigt. 

Intel Tiger Lake:

i5-1135G7: Auf der Tiger-Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne mit 2,4 - 4,2 GHz und HyperThreading sowie eine starke G7 Grafikeinheit mit 80 Eus und wird in 10-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt (10nm+). 

i7-1165G7: Auf der Tiger-Lake-Architektur basierender ULV-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) für schlanke Notebooks und Ultrabooks. Integriert unter anderem vier CPU-Kerne mit 2,8 - 4,7 GHz und HyperThreading sowie eine starke Iris Xe G7 Grafikeinheit und wird in 10-Nanometer-Technik gefertigt (10nm+). 

» Weitere Infos gibt es in unserem Prozessorvergleich Vergleich mobiler Prozessoren und der Prozessoren Benchmarkliste .


Dieser Bereich des Displayformats bildet weitgehend die Obergrenze für Tablets und die Untergrenze für Subnotebooks.

Der Vorteil von Subnotebooks liegt darin, dass das ganze Notebook klein dimensioniert sein kann und daher leicht tragbar ist. Das winzige Display hat noch den Vorteil wenig Strom zu benötigen, was die Akkulaufzeit und damit die Mobilität weiter verbessert. Der Nachteil ist, dass das Lesen von Texten anstrengend für die Augen ist. Hohe Auflösungen, die man von einem Standard-Laptop gewohnt ist, sind fast nicht nutzbar.

Ähnliches gilt auch für Tablets in diesem Größenbereich.


14 Zoll Display-Grösse stellt ein Mittelding zwischen den kleinen Subnotebook-Formaten und den Bildschirmen der 15 Zoll-Standard-Laptops dar.

Der Grund der Beliebtheit mittelgrosser Displays ist, dass diese Größe einigermaßen augenschonend ist, gute Auflösungen mit brauchbaren Detailgrößen liefern und dennoch nicht allzu viel Strom verbraucht und die Geräte noch halbwegs kompakt sein können. 

Früher waren 14 Zoll-Geräte sehr selten, jetzt stellen sie nach den 15-Zollern den Standard bei Laptops dar.

» Prüfen Sie in unserer DPI Liste, welche Displays wie fein aufgelöst sind.

0.64 kg:

Most smartphones and only a few tablets fall into this weight category. Only a few smartphones are heavier and should rather be considered tablets.

1.8 kg:

Subnotebooks, convertibles and a few tablets are found in this weight range.

76.79%: Weltbewegend ist diese Bewertung nicht. Diese Bewertung muss man eigentlich als unterdurchschnittlich ansehen, denn es gibt etwa ebenso mehr Geräte mit schlechtere Beurteilungen als Besseren. Eine Kaufempfehlung kann man nur mit viel Wohlwollen darin sehen, es sei denn es handelt sich um Websites, die generell streng urteilen.

» Lesen Sie auch unsere Notebook-Kaufberatung.

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> Notebook Test, Laptop Test und News > Externe Tests > Samsung > Samsung Galaxy Book Serie
Autor: Stefan Hinum,  2.07.2017 (Update:  2.07.2017)