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Gerät                               KlasseDatumVersionVerarb.KeyboardMausKonnektGewichtAkkuDisplayLeistung SpieleLeistung Anw.Workst.ai_perf..Temp.Lautst.AudioCameraEindruckSchnittWertungsustain..
HP ZBook Fury 16 G10Workstation (8)30.09.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%73.5 → 92%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%75.5 → 79%0-95%92%100%98%100%87.1 → 92%0-95%86.4 → 96%0-90%90%44.5 → 52%0-85%   83.8%92.3%
Eurocom Tornado F7WWorkstation (8)06.12.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%81%83%64.5 → 80%0-81%47.5 → 67%10-66%69%86%99%99%100%93 → 98%0-95%61.7 → 69%0-90%70%78.9 → 93%0-85%   79.8%86.3%
Eurocom Tornado F5WWorkstation (8)16.11.2017v683 → 85%0-98%79%81%66 → 81%0-81%56 → 82%10-66%73%83%96%98%100%84 → 88%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%60%79 → 93%0-85%   80.4%86.9%
Dell Precision 5690Workstation (8)10.05.2024v785.9 → 88%0-98%89%68%60.5 → 76%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%86.1 → 91%0-95%92%99%97%99%90.6 → 95%0-95%80.9 → 90%0-90%88%41.5 → 49%0-85%   81.3%88.3%
Dell Precision 5000 5680Workstation (8)22.08.2023v785.9 → 88%0-98%89%68%71.1 → 89%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%87%99%97%99%89.4 → 94%0-95%87.2 → 97%0-90%76%43.5 → 51%0-85%   81.5%89%
Apple iMac ProDesktop (11)27.06.2018v692.4 → 94%0-98%79%92%78.8 → 97%0-81%82%86%95%99%93%85%90%63 → 74%0-85%-2%79.4%86.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G1 RTX A5500Workstation (8)17.02.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.3 → 83%10-66%67.9 → 71%0-95%92%99%96%98%84.3 → 89%0-95%88.3 → 98%0-90%86%32.4 → 38%0-85%   81.6%91%
Dell Precision 7000 7670 PerformanceWorkstation (8)14.12.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%88%90%73.9 → 92%0-80%57.5 → 85%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%86%97%96%98%86.1 → 91%0-95%76 → 84%0-90%91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   80.6%89.1%
Acer ConceptD 9 ProWorkstation (8)30.03.2020v787.6 → 89%0-98%75%92%69.2 → 87%0-80%43.8 → 60%10-66%54.1 → 57%0-95%90%98%88%98%86.9 → 91%0-95%80.5 → 89%0-90%59%35.6 → 42%0-85%   75.6%86.2%
Dell Precision 7720Workstation (8)21.01.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%92%86%71.4 → 88%0-81%52.7 → 76%10-66%88%89%95%94%98%89.6 → 94%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%55%39.6 → 47%0-85%   80.2%89.4%
Minisforum Neptune Series HX77GMini PC (23)01.11.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%59.8 → 74%0-81%   10-0%98%97%97%91%88%   85.2%90.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G2 21FA000FGEWorkstation (8)19.03.2024v787.6 → 89%0-98%90%92%70.8 → 89%0-80%56.4 → 83%10-66%82.9 → 87%0-95%91%98%95%96%91.4 → 96%0-95%77.4 → 86%0-90%78%35.6 → 42%0-85%   81.6%90.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G6-21FV000DGEWorkstation (8)19.10.2023v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.4 → 97%10-66%87.9 → 93%0-95%93%97%95%96%82.6 → 87%0-95%82.9 → 92%0-90%87%33.2 → 39%0-85%   83.2%91.7%
HP ZBook Fury 16 G9Workstation (8)11.06.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%72.9 → 91%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%68.8 → 72%0-95%92%98%95%96%88 → 93%0-95%86.2 → 96%0-90%84%45 → 53%0-85%   82.3%91%
MSI WE76 11UM-456Workstation (8)06.12.2021v779.1 → 81%0-98%91%78%71.2 → 89%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%69.6 → 73%0-95%93%97%96%96%84 → 88%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%79%32.8 → 39%0-85%   79%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P73-20QR0030GEWorkstation (8)20.01.2021v783.2 → 85%0-98%94%89%71.7 → 90%0-80%53.3 → 77%10-66%56.4 → 59%0-95%85%96%90%96%86.7 → 91%0-95%92.3 → 100%0-90%58%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.8%88.2%
HP ZBook Power 15 G10Workstation (8)31.12.2023v785.5 → 87%0-98%89%89%63.7 → 80%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%86%96%97%95%90.7 → 95%0-95%90.9 → 100%0-90%68%44 → 52%0-85%   81.8%88.9%
Dell Precision 5480Workstation (8)17.09.2023v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%70.8 → 89%0-80%67.8 → 100%10-66%88.6 → 93%0-95%87%98%97%95%89.7 → 94%0-95%85.7 → 95%0-90%91%30 → 35%0-85%   82.7%89.6%
Minisforum Neptune Series HX90GMini PC (23)27.10.2022v779.4 → 81%0-98%54.3 → 67%0-81%   10-0%98%95%95%90%86%   83.4%   
Dell Precision 5000 5490Workstation (8)28.04.2024v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%69.3 → 87%0-80%67.3 → 100%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%87%96%96%94%91.2 → 96%0-95%85.6 → 95%0-90%91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   82.8%89.3%
SCHENKER XMG SECTOR, i9 13900K, RTX 4090Desktop (11)06.03.2023v790 → 92%0-98%65.9 → 81%0-81%100%98%94%82%   88.3%92.3%
Minisforum Neptune Series HX99GMini PC (23)08.02.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%59.8 → 74%0-81%   10-0%98%97%94%85%   83.6%89.9%
MSI CreatorPro Z16P B12UKSTWorkstation (8)14.11.2022v789 → 91%0-98%82%83%58.8 → 74%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%67.7 → 71%0-95%89%93%93%94%41.2 → 43%0-95%81.8 → 91%0-90%82%36.4 → 43%0-85%   75.1%84.3%
MSI WT75 8SMWorkstation (8)19.04.2019v775.1 → 77%0-98%89%83%68.3 → 85%0-80%48.3 → 68%10-66%56.1 → 59%0-95%86%94%93%94%89.9 → 95%0-95%67.8 → 75%0-90%84%50 → 59%0-85%   77%85.2%
HP ZBook Fury 15 G8Workstation (8)18.10.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%73.4 → 92%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%69.7 → 73%0-95%87%94%94%93%84.4 → 89%0-95%91 → 100%0-90%85%38.5 → 45%0-85%   81.7%90.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15 G2-20YQ001JGEWorkstation (8)30.09.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%72.4 → 91%0-80%57.4 → 85%10-66%86 → 91%0-95%90%95%94%93%64.9 → 68%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%70%28.4 → 33%0-85%   77.5%87.2%
MSI WS66 10TMT-207USWorkstation (8)02.09.2020v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%86%65.4 → 82%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%78.6 → 83%0-95%82%95%93%93%86.3 → 91%0-95%63.7 → 71%0-90%69%40.5 → 48%0-85%   76.4%83.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 21D6001DMB A2000 RetestWorkstation (8)09.06.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%87.4 → 92%0-95%92%91%96%92%88.1 → 93%0-95%74.7 → 83%0-90%74%30.4 → 36%0-85%   80.3%89.3%
HP ZBook Fury 17 G8-4A6A9EAWorkstation (8)16.02.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%91%94%68.8 → 86%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%76.5 → 81%0-95%94%92%93%92%86.3 → 91%0-95%85.7 → 95%0-90%87%29.2 → 34%0-85%   80.6%89.7%
Razer Blade 15 Studio Edition 2020Workstation (8)04.08.2020v789.5 → 91%0-98%81%89%70.5 → 88%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%66.9 → 70%0-95%86%94%87%92%81.8 → 86%0-95%90.3 → 100%0-90%70%40 → 47%0-85%   78.4%87%
MSI WS75 9TL-636Workstation (8)24.06.2019v772.5 → 74%0-98%79%78%64.8 → 81%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%73.6 → 77%0-95%86%93%92%92%85.5 → 90%0-95%88.4 → 98%0-90%42%44 → 52%0-85%   75.1%83.8%
Aorus 17X AZFGaming (3)15.04.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%81%86%67.9 → 85%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%87%100%90%91%82.9 → 87%0-95%66.9 → 74%0-90%81%42.5 → 50%0-85%   77.1%86%
Asus ExpertBook B6 Flip B6602FC2Workstation (8)13.01.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%86%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%83.7 → 88%0-95%92%95%97%91%88.4 → 93%0-95%64 → 71%0-90%87%50.8 → 60%0-85%   82.3%89.6%
Corsair Voyager a1600Gaming (3)06.12.2022v790.5 → 92%0-98%88%86%62 → 78%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%66.3 → 70%0-95%89%98%96%91%82.9 → 87%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%56%44 → 52%0-85%   77.3%86.6%
Dell Precision 7670Workstation (8)07.10.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%88%90%74.5 → 93%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%68.3 → 72%0-95%87%92%96%91%85.9 → 90%0-95%79.3 → 88%0-90%82%43 → 51%0-85%   80%88.4%
Asus StudioBook Pro X W730G5T-H8050TWorkstation (8)12.11.2020v789.4 → 91%0-98%88%92%72.5 → 91%0-80%56.9 → 84%10-66%80.9 → 85%0-95%88%92%90%91%84.2 → 89%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%71%23.2 → 27%0-85%   79%88.4%
Dell Precision 7550Workstation (8)30.08.2020v780.8 → 82%0-98%88%93%72 → 90%0-80%57.6 → 85%10-66%84.7 → 89%0-95%87%94%92%91%85.6 → 90%0-95%77 → 86%0-90%84%34.5 → 41%0-85%   80%87.8%
Minisforum G7 PTMini PC (23)07.07.2024v883.6 → 85%0-98%63.2 → 78%0-81%   10-0%81.1 → 100%0-80%90.2 → 98%0-92%90%94%93%75%   53.3%84%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16v G1 AMDWorkstation (8)04.01.2024v780.3 → 82%0-98%91%86%64 → 80%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%90.5 → 95%0-95%88%91%87%90%87.6 → 92%0-95%78.1 → 87%0-90%70%34 → 40%0-85%   78.4%86.2%
HP ZBook Power 15 G9 6B8C4EAWorkstation (8)05.01.2023v785.5 → 87%0-98%89%89%66.7 → 83%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%88%88%95%90%89.5 → 94%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%60%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.7%87.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad P17 G2-20YU0025GWorkstation (8)04.10.2021v785.6 → 87%0-98%92%93%70.1 → 88%0-80%52.8 → 76%10-66%84.7 → 89%0-95%84%90%94%90%85.2 → 90%0-95%90.7 → 100%0-90%72%23.6 → 28%0-85%   79.1%87.8%
HP ZBook Fury 15 G7Workstation (8)20.01.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%72.8 → 91%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%82.9 → 87%0-95%89%94%93%90%83 → 87%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%87%37.5 → 44%0-85%   82.2%90.2%
Razer Blade 15 Studio EditionWorkstation (8)04.12.2019v789.5 → 91%0-98%81%89%69.9 → 87%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%69.4 → 73%0-95%86%93%85%90%88 → 93%0-95%90.7 → 100%0-90%52%45 → 53%0-85%   77.8%86.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P53-20QN000YGEWorkstation (8)11.11.2019v782.8 → 84%0-98%94%89%77.9 → 97%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%85.9 → 90%0-95%89%92%92%90%86.3 → 91%0-95%96.8 → 100%0-90%65%37.5 → 44%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G6 21FV001KUSWorkstation (8)09.12.2023v788.5 → 90%0-98%90%94%72.2 → 90%0-80%64.5 → 97%10-66%58.9 → 62%0-95%91%99%97%89%86.4 → 91%0-95%85.5 → 95%0-90%83%36 → 42%0-85%   81%90.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15v G3 21EM001AGEWorkstation (8)25.04.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%92%93%67 → 84%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%80.5 → 85%0-95%88%87%93%89%85.7 → 90%0-95%95.8 → 100%0-90%60%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.9%87.8%
HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 119W5EAWorkstation (8)14.04.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%71.5 → 89%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%81.2 → 85%0-95%93%91%91%89%84.8 → 89%0-95%83.8 → 93%0-90%83%37.5 → 44%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
HP ZBook Studio G7Workstation (8)22.03.2021v788 → 90%0-98%93%96%67.9 → 85%0-80%63.5 → 96%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%95%91%92%89%82.3 → 87%0-95%87.4 → 97%0-90%89%37.5 → 44%0-85%   82.4%90.6%
Asus ProArt StudioBook Pro 15 W500G5TWorkstation (8)11.11.2020v781.6 → 83%0-98%81%87%55.2 → 69%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%61.7 → 65%0-95%90%92%89%89%86.5 → 91%0-95%78.2 → 87%0-90%62%0 → 0%0-85%   72.5%83.1%
MSI WE75 9TKWorkstation (8)27.11.2019v776.3 → 78%0-98%85%89%60 → 75%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%62.8 → 66%0-95%86%93%92%89%88.6 → 93%0-95%80 → 89%0-90%79%47.5 → 56%0-85%   77.6%84.8%
HP ZBook Fury 16 G11Workstation (8)12.08.2024v883.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%64.7 → 81%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%72.5 → 76%0-95%84%84%86%88%85.3 → 90%0-95%76.6 → 85%0-90%84%44.5 → 59%0-75%   69.6%85.9%
HP ZBook Studio 16 G9 62U04EAWorkstation (8)10.11.2022v791 → 93%0-98%87%98%67.9 → 85%0-80%65.1 → 98%10-66%73.4 → 77%0-95%94%92%95%88%88.5 → 93%0-95%84.3 → 94%0-90%89%30 → 35%0-85%   81.6%90.1%
MSI Raider GE77 HX 12UHSGaming (3)12.07.2022v781.6 → 83%0-98%81%83%73.1 → 91%0-80%56 → 82%10-66%66.4 → 70%0-95%90%99%95%88%75.6 → 80%0-95%53.7 → 60%0-90%86%46 → 54%0-85%   76.8%86.8%
Dell Precision 5000 5560Workstation (8)14.10.2021v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%94%71.1 → 89%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%70.6 → 74%0-95%84%90%96%88%87.5 → 92%0-95%95.6 → 100%0-90%73%36.5 → 43%0-85%   80.3%88.3%
Asus Strix Scar 17 G732LXSGaming (3)12.07.2020v781.3 → 83%0-98%87%88%62 → 78%0-80%57.2 → 84%10-66%68.4 → 72%0-95%84%97%92%88%76.5 → 81%0-95%45.6 → 51%0-90%82%0 → 0%0-85%   72%82.7%
Fujitsu Celsius H980Workstation (8)07.02.2019v781 → 83%0-98%81%85%73.2 → 92%0-80%53.3 → 77%10-66%72.8 → 77%0-95%86%90%90%88%91.6 → 96%0-95%74.12 → 82%0-90%50%42 → 49%0-85%   75.5%84.6%
Dell Precision 5000 5470Workstation (8)19.09.2022v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%70.8 → 89%0-80%67.5 → 100%10-66%88 → 93%0-95%87%90%95%87%90.9 → 96%0-95%81.2 → 90%0-90%85%30 → 35%0-85%   80.6%87.6%
Acer Predator Orion 3000 PO3-640Desktop (11)13.09.2022v780 → 82%0-98%51.4 → 63%0-81%   10-0%99%95%87%84%   72%   
Dell Precision 5000 5750 P92FWorkstation (8)09.09.2020v789.3 → 91%0-98%89%88%65.9 → 82%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%88.6 → 93%0-95%85%91%91%87%86.8 → 91%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%86%40 → 47%0-85%   80.6%87%
Dell Precision 7530Workstation (8)06.11.2018v787.5 → 89%0-98%90%86%68.4 → 86%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%61.4 → 65%0-95%87%89%90%87%84.6 → 89%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%60%55 → 65%0-85%   78.1%86.9%
Acer Predator Helios 16 PH16-71-731QGaming (3)14.07.2023v784.5 → 86%0-98%85%86%75.7 → 95%0-80%59.3 → 88%10-66%62.8 → 66%0-95%92%99%94%86%84 → 88%0-95%82.5 → 92%0-90%70%47.2 → 56%0-85%   79.1%89.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G1 21D6001DMBWorkstation (8)30.01.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%87.4 → 92%0-95%92%83%96%86%90.9 → 96%0-95%76 → 84%0-90%74%30.4 → 36%0-85%   79.5%88.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y4Z9DVUSWorkstation (8)01.02.2022v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%82 → 86%0-95%91%87%93%86%84.2 → 89%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.3%89.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y30017GEWorkstation (8)08.10.2021v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%82.3 → 87%0-95%92%87%93%86%82.7 → 87%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.3%89.4%
Asus ROG Strix G15 G513QYGaming (3)22.07.2021v784.6 → 86%0-98%83%84%58.3 → 73%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%86.4 → 91%0-95%81%96%95%86%91.2 → 96%0-95%76.7 → 85%0-90%83%0 → 0%0-85%   76.1%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P73-20QR002DGEWorkstation (8)04.12.2019v783.6 → 85%0-98%94%89%71.5 → 89%0-80%53.5 → 78%10-66%85.7 → 90%0-95%84%88%91%86%81.3 → 86%0-95%98.4 → 100%0-90%53%37.2 → 44%0-85%   78.3%86.6%
MSI Stealth 16 Studio A13VGGaming (3)06.07.2023v786.3 → 88%0-98%81%83%68.7 → 86%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%75.6 → 80%0-95%89%99%92%85%69.1 → 73%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%89%44.4 → 52%0-85%   79.4%88.8%
Asus ProArt StudioBook Pro 17 W700G3TWorkstation (8)06.05.2020v784.6 → 86%0-98%91%89%63.5 → 79%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%68.5 → 72%0-95%88%89%91%85%86.7 → 91%0-95%91.3 → 100%0-90%77%24.5 → 29%0-85%   77.7%86.4%
Dell Precision 7730Workstation (8)09.05.2019v786.1 → 88%0-98%88%84%68.3 → 85%0-80%54.2 → 79%10-66%65.1 → 69%0-95%88%89%89%85%84.3 → 89%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%52%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.8%85.7%
Acemagic Tank03Mini PC (23)13.12.2023v773.6 → 75%0-98%67.3 → 83%0-81%   10-0%99%93%84%93%75%   80.9%87.7%
Minisforum NUCX i7Desktop (11)16.09.2022v779.1 → 81%0-98%54.3 → 67%0-81%   10-0%98%94%84%87%95%   81.3%   
Lenovo ThinkPad P15v G2 21A9000XGEWorkstation (8)06.06.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%90%93%72.7 → 91%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%75.7 → 80%0-95%81%83%94%84%83.7 → 88%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%66%29.6 → 35%0-85%   77.6%86.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y4S0KS00Workstation (8)26.10.2021v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%71.8 → 90%0-80%63.4 → 95%10-66%72 → 76%0-95%94%96%95%84%78.1 → 82%0-95%86.6 → 96%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
MSI GE66 Raider 10SFSGaming (3)05.07.2020v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%86%68.1 → 85%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%88%95%93%84%82.6 → 87%0-95%54.5 → 61%0-90%70%44.5 → 52%0-85%   75.5%84.6%
Gigabyte Aero 17 HDR XBGaming (3)22.04.2020v787.1 → 89%0-98%85%81%68.3 → 85%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%94%95%95%84%79.6 → 84%0-95%57.6 → 64%0-90%81%39 → 46%0-85%   76.7%87%
Gigabyte G7 KEGaming (3)22.01.2023v773.6 → 75%0-98%81%83%67.6 → 85%0-80%58.9 → 87%10-66%50.8 → 53%0-95%88%97%95%83%81.2 → 85%0-95%55.7 → 62%0-90%60%44 → 52%0-85%   72.8%83.3%
Lenovo Legion 5 15ACH6A-82NW0010GEGaming (3)30.04.2022v775.8 → 77%0-98%75%82%51.8 → 65%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%86.3 → 91%0-95%87%96%93%83%91.4 → 96%0-95%72.8 → 81%0-90%60%44 → 52%0-85%   75.6%82.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T15g-20UR000GGEWorkstation (8)03.03.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%74.2 → 93%0-80%57.8 → 85%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%88%96%93%83%80.9 → 85%0-95%70.4 → 78%0-90%81%28.4 → 33%0-85%   78.5%86.3%
MSI Creator 17 A10SGSMultimedia (1)07.07.2020v771.3 → 73%0-98%79%78%68.1 → 85%0-80%60.5 → 78%20-72%60.2 → 63%0-95%93%92.2 → 100%0-90%92.4 → 100%0-90%83%73%69 → 73%0-95%76%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.1%82.5%
Fujitsu Celsius H780Workstation (8)02.04.2019v686.3 → 88%0-98%81%85%77 → 95%0-81%58.1 → 86%10-66%90%87%90%94%83%91.3 → 96%0-95%73 → 81%0-90%52%42.1 → 50%0-85%   77.7%85.6%
HP ZBook Power 15 G8 313S5EAWorkstation (8)09.07.2022v787.4 → 89%0-98%93%95%68.9 → 86%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%86.7 → 91%0-95%90%80%94%82%92.7 → 98%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%65%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.9%87.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Gen1-20ST000DGEWorkstation (8)04.03.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%73.6 → 92%0-80%58.2 → 86%10-66%89.6 → 94%0-95%82%84%92%82%83.2 → 88%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%75%28.4 → 33%0-85%   78.2%85.6%
Acer ConceptD 3 Pro CN315-71P-73W1Workstation (8)11.06.2020v779.5 → 81%0-98%82%86%51.8 → 65%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%80 → 84%0-95%86%83%90%82%87 → 92%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%53%30.8 → 36%0-85%   74.4%82.1%
Dell Precision 5530 Xeon E-2176MWorkstation (8)07.09.2018v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%68.4 → 84%0-81%65.6 → 99%10-66%91%86%88%94%82%87 → 92%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%75%56 → 66%0-85%   82.5%88.5%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738RGaming (3)08.08.2022v778 → 80%0-98%83%82%58.3 → 73%0-80%56 → 82%10-66%66.3 → 70%0-95%85%96%97%81%87.6 → 92%0-95%65 → 72%0-90%74%37 → 44%0-85%   74.7%83.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2019 i9 5500MMultimedia (1)03.12.2019v792.2 → 94%0-98%96%100%48.3 → 60%0-80%63 → 83%20-72%85.7 → 90%0-95%90%84.6 → 94%0-90%90.6 → 100%0-90%81%93%83.8 → 88%0-95%97%28.4 → 33%0-85%   81%89.7%
HP ZBook 15 G4-Y4E80AVWorkstation (8)01.10.2017v694.2 → 96%0-98%91%89%76.7 → 95%0-81%58.8 → 87%10-66%92%89%88%96%81%87.2 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%73%41.7 → 49%0-85%   81.5%89%
Acemagic AM18Mini PC (23)12.04.2024v775.1 → 77%0-98%59.5 → 73%0-81%   10-0%80%96%80%89%73%   79.2%82.3%
Geekom A7Mini PC (23)28.02.2024v787.1 → 89%0-98%62.4 → 77%0-81%   10-0%71%96%80%91%74%   80.7%82.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16s G2 21K9000CGEWorkstation (8)24.01.2024v786 → 88%0-98%92%93%67.8 → 85%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%92%77%95%80%87.9 → 93%0-95%93.9 → 100%0-90%69%55.2 → 65%0-85%   81.6%88.6%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTXMini PC (23)29.11.2023v780.6 → 82%0-98%62.1 → 77%0-81%   10-0%82%98%80%93%89%   82.8%87.3%
HP ZBook Studio 15 G8Workstation (8)05.09.2021v788 → 90%0-98%93%96%67.2 → 84%0-80%63.6 → 96%10-66%69.6 → 73%0-95%87%95%94%80%80.9 → 85%0-95%84.1 → 93%0-90%90%41.5 → 49%0-85%   80.6%87.8%
Dell Precision 5550 P91FWorkstation (8)10.08.2020v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 83%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%85.2 → 90%0-95%83%85%90%80%87.5 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%91%41 → 48%0-85%   80.5%86.3%
Dell Precision 5540Workstation (8)22.11.2019v793.6 → 96%0-98%85%94%65.6 → 82%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%82.3 → 87%0-95%90%79%86%80%86.8 → 91%0-95%96.5 → 100%0-90%80%42.8 → 50%0-85%   80.3%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P71-20HK0004GEWorkstation (8)18.12.2017v782.5 → 84%0-98%94%86%78.2 → 98%0-80%53.1 → 77%10-66%72.9 → 77%0-95%91%82%84%80%90.3 → 95%0-95%83.7 → 93%0-90%40%40 → 47%0-85%   75.5%86.4%
Geekom A8Mini PC (23)24.05.2024v787.1 → 89%0-98%62.4 → 77%0-81%   10-0%76%97%79%86%81%   81.5%84.9%
Acemagic AM20Mini PC (23)30.09.2023v773.3 → 75%0-98%65 → 80%0-81%   10-0%77%96%79%89%83%   81%84%
ACEMagician Ace Magician AM08 ProMini PC (23)02.06.2023v786.9 → 89%0-98%59.9 → 74%0-81%   10-0%78%94%79%72%   77.9%82%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G3 AMD 21J6S05000Workstation (8)13.04.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%90%89%67.3 → 84%0-80%69.5 → 100%10-66%88.8 → 93%0-95%91%74%94%79%91.2 → 96%0-95%95.8 → 100%0-90%60%30.8 → 36%0-85%   79%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 2019-20QT000RGEWorkstation (8)22.08.2019v790.7 → 93%0-98%95%91%73.3 → 92%0-80%66.4 → 100%10-66%82.6 → 87%0-95%88%78%89%79%87.2 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%64%45.2 → 53%0-85%   79.6%87.8%
Minisforum V3Convertible (5)18.04.2024v789.7 → 92%0-98%86%89%69.9 → 93%0-75%67.8 → 87%20-75%68%81%80.3 → 100%0-78%95.6 → 100%0-85%78%80%88%71 → 78%0-91%45.6 → 54%0-85%   77.9%85.7%
Aoostar GOD77Mini PC (23)23.02.2024v775.1 → 77%0-98%61.2 → 76%0-81%   10-0%76%97%78%86%75%   78.6%81.9%
Morefine M600, 6900HXMini PC (23)27.03.2023v786.9 → 89%0-98%62.8 → 78%0-81%   10-0%78%96%78%85%   80.6%85.5%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G9-6B8A2EAWorkstation (8)08.01.2023v787.9 → 90%0-98%91%96%68.3 → 85%0-80%68.8 → 100%10-66%84.3 → 89%0-95%89%76%85%78%88.8 → 93%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%83%43.2 → 51%0-85%   80.7%87.4%
Lenovo Legion Y740-17IRHg-81UJ001VGEGaming (3)26.03.2020v770.6 → 72%0-98%83%83%64.4 → 81%0-80%56.4 → 83%10-66%48.9 → 51%0-95%85%93%91%78%90.2 → 95%0-95%90.9 → 100%0-90%65%42 → 49%0-85%   74.4%84%
Minisforum Venus Series UM790 ProMini PC (23)20.07.2023v784.4 → 86%0-98%58.9 → 73%0-81%   10-0%70%97%77%85%   78.7%82.8%
Intel NUC 12, NUC12SNKi72_Serpent CanyonMini PC (23)09.03.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%67.3 → 83%0-81%   10-0%94%97%77%75%   79.6%88.4%
Minisforum Venus Series UM690Mini PC (23)01.02.2023v781 → 83%0-98%67.7 → 84%0-81%   10-0%78%97%77%85%   81%86.1%
Asus Zephyrus G14 GA401QECGaming (3)10.10.2021v784 → 86%0-98%81%85%51.2 → 64%0-80%66.1 → 100%10-66%87 → 92%0-95%83%92%95%77%79.9 → 84%0-95%74.4 → 83%0-90%81%0 → 0%0-85%   74%82.7%
Dell Precision 5530 2-in-1Workstation (8)16.10.2018v694.7 → 97%0-98%85%86%46.8 → 58%0-81%63 → 95%10-66%89%86%85%88%77%88 → 93%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%50%55.3 → 65%0-85%   77.3%83%
Minisforum Mercury Series EM780Mini PC (23)16.03.2024v783.4 → 85%0-98%61.2 → 76%0-81%   10-0%77%95%76%90%87%   82%85.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G4 21K5000LGEWorkstation (8)21.01.2024v785.9 → 88%0-98%90%93%67.5 → 84%0-80%70.8 → 100%10-66%86.1 → 91%0-95%92%77%95%76%89.5 → 94%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%69%55.2 → 65%0-85%   81.6%87.8%
Geekom AS 6, R9 6900HXMini PC (23)07.07.2023v783.7 → 85%0-98%64.1 → 79%0-81%   10-0%77%91%76%80%   78.6%82.8%
Asus TUF Gaming A15 FA506IV-HN172Gaming (3)10.06.2020v781.4 → 83%0-98%81%86%57.8 → 72%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%65.8 → 69%0-95%81%91%86%76%88.8 → 93%0-95%83.3 → 93%0-90%70%39 → 46%0-85%   74.9%82.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1-20MD002LUSWorkstation (8)19.10.2018v691.3 → 93%0-98%95%91%77.8 → 96%0-81%64.9 → 98%10-66%84%85%90%87%76%87.3 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%68%50 → 59%0-85%   80.8%87.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P52 20MAS03N00Workstation (8)13.08.2018v687.4 → 89%0-98%94%89%76.4 → 94%0-81%59.2 → 88%10-66%93%87%85%93%76%89.6 → 94%0-95%92.7 → 100%0-90%61%37.5 → 44%0-85%   80%87.6%
Minisforum Neptune Series HN2673Mini PC (23)11.09.2023v785.7 → 87%0-98%57.7 → 71%0-81%   10-0%92%96%75%89%79%   80.2%87.1%
Apple MacBook Pro 15 2018 (2.9 GHz, Vega 20)Multimedia (1)04.06.2019v693.4 → 95%0-98%90%100%63.3 → 78%0-81%65 → 96%20-67%93%92%87.6 → 100%0-85%90.1 → 98%0-92%75%89%80.7 → 85%0-95%91%53 → 62%0-85%-1%77.4%90.9%
MSI Aegis 3 8RDDesktop (11)01.12.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%57.3 → 71%0-81%98%97%75%   80.8%89.1%
HP ZBook Firefly 15 G8 2C9R7EAWorkstation (8)27.04.2021v790 → 92%0-98%88%89%62.4 → 78%0-80%66 → 100%10-66%89.1 → 94%0-95%83%64%91%74%88.8 → 93%0-95%94.9 → 100%0-90%77%28 → 33%0-85%   77.6%83.8%
Acer Swift Edge SFE16-42-R1GMOffice (2)19.06.2023v784.5 → 86%0-98%91%96%57.3 → 72%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%77%92%71.6 → 92%0-78%92.2 → 97%0-95%71%88%86%73%40.5 → 48%0-85%   78%87.5%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G8 2C9Q2EAWorkstation (8)05.04.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%90%92%65.7 → 82%0-80%70 → 100%10-66%89.5 → 94%0-95%88%72%88%71%88 → 93%0-95%94.9 → 100%0-90%85%32 → 38%0-85%   79.4%85.2%
Dell Precision 3000 3551Workstation (8)20.10.2020v775.8 → 77%0-98%83%92%68.3 → 85%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%89.9 → 95%0-95%79%70%92%71%86.1 → 91%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%83%34.5 → 41%0-85%   75.8%81.2%
MSI Bravo 15 A4DCRGaming (3)07.07.2020v772.9 → 74%0-98%75%75%52.5 → 66%0-80%63.5 → 96%10-66%60.4 → 64%0-95%84%85%93%70%83.6 → 88%0-95%64.4 → 72%0-90%81%42.5 → 50%0-85%   71.6%79.5%
MSI P65 8RF-451 - CreatorMultimedia (1)13.11.2018v672.4 → 74%0-98%75%79%65.1 → 80%0-81%64.2 → 94%20-67%87%89%93.2 → 100%0-85%95.8 → 100%0-92%70%86%86.7 → 91%0-95%74%   79.9%87.2%
HP ZBook Studio x360 G5-4QH13EAWorkstation (8)09.11.2018v789 → 91%0-98%86%83%66.7 → 83%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%85.2 → 90%0-95%87%68%86%70%89.4 → 94%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%73%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.3%83.1%
HP ZBook Studio G4-Y6K17EAWorkstation (8)20.10.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%88%91%70.4 → 87%0-81%62.6 → 94%10-66%71%92%82%93%70%82.1 → 86%0-95%86.4 → 96%0-90%70%41.7 → 49%0-85%   78%86.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15s Gen2-20W6000GGEWorkstation (8)15.06.2021v785.3 → 87%0-98%92%91%65 → 81%0-80%84.8 → 100%10-66%80.7 → 85%0-95%95%69%91%69%85.6 → 90%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%66%26.4 → 31%0-85%   77.6%85.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen2-20VX000GGEWorkstation (8)31.05.2021v785.8 → 88%0-98%93%92%72.2 → 90%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%86.2 → 91%0-95%87%67%90%69%78.9 → 83%0-95%94.2 → 100%0-90%67%34.8 → 41%0-85%   77.6%85.1%
Minisforum Mercury Series EM680Mini PC (23)29.06.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%60.9 → 75%0-81%   10-0%66%95%68%85%   78.1%81.8%
HP ZBook Studio G5-4QH10EAWorkstation (8)23.11.2018v789.5 → 91%0-98%86%87%70.8 → 89%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%83.7 → 88%0-95%89%69%84%68%90.2 → 95%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%76%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.4%84.4%
Dell Precision 3530Workstation (8)28.08.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%88%90%76.2 → 94%0-81%86%83%90%68%87.8 → 92%0-95%82.8 → 92%0-90%59%43.8 → 52%0-85%   78.2%84.3%
HP Z2 Mini G9-996Q4ETMini PC (23)05.09.2024v889.1 → 91%0-98%42.4 → 52%0-81%   10-0%68.6 → 86%0-80%87.2 → 95%0-92%67%92%90%63%54%   62.4%75.6%
Maxtang MTN-FP750Mini PC (23)05.02.2024v774 → 76%0-98%56.4 → 70%0-81%   10-0%64%93%67%91%84%   76.4%79.5%
Geekom A5Mini PC (23)15.10.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%61.2 → 76%0-81%   10-0%70%92%67%94%77%   78.3%81.2%
Morefine M600, 6600UMini PC (23)12.05.2023v786.9 → 89%0-98%62.8 → 78%0-81%   10-0%68%90%67%95%   78.4%83.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G2 AMDWorkstation (8)17.09.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%93%92%71 → 89%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%84.1 → 89%0-95%90%65%93%66%90 → 95%0-95%95.5 → 100%0-90%67%21.6 → 25%0-85%   77.1%85.2%
MSI GP72VR 7RFXGaming (3)18.10.2017v667 → 68%0-98%90%80%61 → 75%0-81%58 → 86%10-66%64%80%92%95%66%81 → 85%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%60%61 → 72%0-85%   73.8%82.2%
Minisforum Venus Series UM560 XTMini PC (23)22.05.2023v781.4 → 83%0-98%61.6 → 76%0-81%   10-0%67%94%64%87%   76.5%81.7%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G7Workstation (8)13.01.2021v786.2 → 88%0-98%90%92%69.6 → 87%0-80%70.1 → 100%10-66%88.5 → 93%0-95%80%62%88%64%82.6 → 87%0-95%93 → 100%0-90%72%36 → 42%0-85%   76.7%82.4%
Minisforum AtomMan X7 TiMini PC (23)20.05.2024v784.3 → 86%0-98%72.6 → 90%0-81%   10-0%78%97%63%94%83%30.5 → 36%0-85%   75.6%87.5%
Minisforum MS-01Mini PC (23)11.05.2024v778.6 → 80%0-98%64.2 → 79%0-81%   10-0%76%96%63%92%67%   75.7%81.5%
Acemagic F2AMini PC (23)05.04.2024v776.3 → 78%0-98%55.4 → 68%0-81%   10-0%81%96%63%93%80%   77.8%83.4%
Minisforum Mars Series MC560Mini PC (23)13.02.2023v782.6 → 84%0-98%51.7 → 64%0-81%   10-0%65%93%63%87%37.6 → 44%0-85%   70.3%79.5%
HP ZBook Firefly 15 G7Workstation (8)16.10.2020v790 → 92%0-98%88%89%62.4 → 78%0-80%65.9 → 100%10-66%87.1 → 92%0-95%91%63%86%63%83.2 → 88%0-95%94.1 → 100%0-90%67%21.2 → 25%0-85%   75.1%82.7%
Dell Precision 3520Workstation (8)26.05.2017v683.7 → 85%0-98%88%90%64.1 → 79%0-81%60.8 → 91%10-66%90%87%75%93%63%87.9 → 93%0-95%77.9 → 87%0-90%56%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.6%82%
Geekom AS 5Mini PC (23)01.07.2023v783.7 → 85%0-98%62.5 → 77%0-81%   10-0%69%92%61%73%   74.3%79.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad P52s-20LB000HGEWorkstation (8)27.06.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%94%89%70.7 → 87%0-81%61.6 → 92%10-66%99%85%69%91%61%86.5 → 91%0-95%95.14 → 100%0-90%36%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.9%83.2%
Asus ROG NUC 14-90AS0051Mini PC (23)10.08.2024v880.6 → 82%0-98%71.6 → 88%0-81%   10-0%85.3 → 100%0-80%84 → 91%0-92%60%96%86%87%   58%86%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB9Mini PC (23)01.05.2024v782 → 84%0-98%59.6 → 74%0-81%   10-0%73%94%60%89%80%   77.4%82.4%
Geekom XT12 ProMini PC (23)26.04.2024v887.7 → 89%0-98%61.9 → 76%0-81%   10-0%67.3 → 84%0-80%94.4 → 100%0-92%60%87%84%   78.1%84.1%
Intel NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition KitMini PC (23)16.08.2023v787.7 → 89%0-98%61.8 → 76%0-81%70%95%60%84%   76.3%83.1%
Acemagic M2AMini PC (23)05.06.2024v881.7 → 83%0-98%66.2 → 82%0-81%   10-0%83.3 → 100%0-80%83.9 → 91%0-92%59%93%65%   50.7%80.7%
Khadas MindMini PC (23)08.08.2023v787.1 → 89%0-98%56.2 → 69%0-81%   10-0%69%95%59%67%   74%78.8%
Intel NUC 13 Pro Kit NUC13ANKMini PC (23)05.04.2023v781.4 → 83%0-98%57.3 → 71%0-81%   10-0%68%95%59%82%   75%80.8%
Minisforum Neptune Series NAD9Mini PC (23)23.01.2023v786.3 → 88%0-98%58.3 → 72%0-81%   10-0%70%97%59%95%   76.9%85.1%
HP ZBook 15u G6 6TP54EAWorkstation (8)08.10.2019v789 → 91%0-98%86%88%62.1 → 78%0-80%67.9 → 100%10-66%73.7 → 78%0-95%89%58%78%59%88.8 → 93%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%72%26 → 31%0-85%   73.8%80.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G5 21G3S00A00Workstation (8)18.07.2024v889 → 91%0-98%90%93%71.2 → 89%0-80%66.3 → 100%10-66%78.7 → 83%0-95%84%63%83%58%87.5 → 92%0-95%79.5 → 88%0-90%85%45.7 → 61%0-75%   68.3%82.5%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5Mini PC (23)02.08.2023v782 → 84%0-98%62.8 → 78%0-81%   10-0%71%91%58%84%   75.7%81.7%
Geekom Mini IT12Mini PC (23)01.05.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%63.3 → 78%0-81%   10-0%67%93%58%88%   76.3%82.3%
NiPoGi AD08Mini PC (23)04.01.2024v786.9 → 89%0-98%58.4 → 72%0-81%   10-0%65%90%57%91%70%   74.5%78.4%
HP ZBook Firefly 16 G9-6B897EAWorkstation (8)07.10.2022v788.3 → 90%0-98%91%96%66 → 83%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%90.2 → 95%0-95%87%75%71%57%87.7 → 92%0-95%92.4 → 100%0-90%83%42 → 49%0-85%   77.8%82.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen1-20Y10002GEWorkstation (8)22.03.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%93%91%73 → 91%0-80%67.9 → 100%10-66%71.6 → 75%0-95%89%64%91%57%85.8 → 90%0-95%95.4 → 100%0-90%74%26 → 31%0-85%   76%83.8%
HP ZBook 14u G6 6TP71EAWorkstation (8)06.10.2019v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%89%64.1 → 80%0-80%69.2 → 100%10-66%85.3 → 90%0-95%89%38%86%57%90 → 95%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%76%26 → 31%0-85%   74.4%81%
Lenovo ThinkStation P3 Tiny-30H0006AGEMini PC (23)20.09.2024v885.7 → 87%0-98%59.4 → 73%0-81%   10-0%51.7 → 65%0-80%83.9 → 91%0-92%56%89%84%61%46%   58.3%73.6%
Acemagic AD15Mini PC (23)22.02.2024v764.3 → 66%0-98%58.7 → 72%0-81%   10-0%58%93%56%92%93%   74.2%78.7%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6Mini PC (23)05.05.2023v782 → 84%0-98%60.2 → 74%0-81%   10-0%66%94%56%90%   75.5%81.9%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G9-6B8A2EAWorkstation (8)19.10.2022v787.9 → 90%0-98%91%96%68.3 → 85%0-80%68.8 → 100%10-66%84.3 → 89%0-95%89%74%73%56%88.8 → 93%0-95%94.1 → 100%0-90%83%43.2 → 51%0-85%   78.4%83.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15s Gen1-20T4000JGEWorkstation (8)09.01.2021v784 → 86%0-98%91%91%69.9 → 87%0-80%65 → 98%10-66%78.8 → 83%0-95%92%61%85%56%85.3 → 90%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%61%22.8 → 27%0-85%   73.7%82.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen1 20S40009GEWorkstation (8)31.12.2020v784.8 → 87%0-98%93%91%74 → 93%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%88.4 → 93%0-95%88%59%88%56%80.1 → 84%0-95%93.4 → 100%0-90%59%22.4 → 26%0-85%   74.7%82.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P53s-20N6001NGEWorkstation (8)05.11.2019v782.8 → 84%0-98%91%91%70.8 → 89%0-80%64.4 → 97%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%81%63%86%56%89.1 → 94%0-95%91.1 → 100%0-90%60%32.5 → 38%0-85%   74.4%81.2%
Geekom AX8 ProMini PC (23)18.08.2024v887.7 → 89%0-98%63.9 → 79%0-81%   10-0%50.9 → 64%0-80%83.9 → 91%0-92%55%89%91%79%   55.2%78.4%
Geekom AE7Mini PC (23)16.07.2024v883.1 → 85%0-98%67.3 → 83%0-81%   10-0%51.6 → 65%0-80%84.3 → 92%0-92%55%89%90%76%   57.4%78%
Aoostar GEM12Mini PC (23)10.06.2024v887 → 89%0-98%64.9 → 80%0-81%   10-0%52.4 → 66%0-80%86 → 93%0-92%55%89%89%86%   59.7%80.8%
Geekom Mini IT11, i7-11390HMini PC (23)10.07.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%62.1 → 77%0-81%   10-0%63%92%55%87%   74.9%80.6%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G11Workstation (8)19.07.2024v887.5 → 89%0-98%89%89%71.4 → 89%0-80%68.6 → 100%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%85%41%77%54%88.9 → 94%0-95%83.5 → 93%0-90%79%41.2 → 55%0-75%   66.8%80.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G4 21HF0017GEWorkstation (8)29.06.2024v886.4 → 88%0-98%90%93%71.8 → 90%0-80%69.6 → 100%10-66%67.4 → 71%0-95%87%47%81%54%89%83.5 → 88%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%72%41.4 → 55%0-75%   75.3%81%
HP ZBook 15u G4Workstation (8)28.09.2017v689.2 → 91%0-98%85%88%59.5 → 73%0-81%64.2 → 97%10-66%90%86%64%93%54%84.2 → 89%0-95%92.9 → 100%0-90%55%43.8 → 52%0-85%   74.8%80.5%
Aoostar GEM10Mini PC (23)02.06.2024v886.4 → 88%0-98%63 → 78%0-81%   10-0%48.3 → 60%0-80%80.8 → 88%0-92%53%89%91%65%   56.7%73.7%
Geekom Mini IT12Mini PC (23)27.11.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%65.7 → 81%0-81%   10-0%83%62%93%53%91%68%   75.6%79.5%
NiPoGi CK10Mini PC (23)18.10.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%49.9 → 62%0-81%   10-0%61%87%53%90%85%   73.8%77.2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245Mini PC (23)09.10.2023v770.9 → 72%0-98%55.1 → 68%0-81%   10-0%62%95%53%94%78%   73.9%78%
Acemagic AD15Mini PC (23)22.09.2023v764.3 → 66%0-98%58.4 → 72%0-81%   10-0%59%90%53%92%93%   73.3%77.8%
HP ZBook 15u G5 2ZC05EAWorkstation (8)01.06.2018v691.1 → 93%0-98%86%88%69 → 85%0-81%64 → 96%10-66%91%85%50%91%53%90.4 → 95%0-95%85.46 → 95%0-90%47%27.1 → 32%0-85%   72.8%80.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P43s-20RH001FGEWorkstation (8)22.10.2019v784.3 → 86%0-98%93%91%67.7 → 85%0-80%68.6 → 100%10-66%85.6 → 90%0-95%80%59%79%52%85.7 → 90%0-95%96 → 100%0-90%64%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.6%80.1%
HP ZBook 14u G4Workstation (8)07.11.2017v689.2 → 91%0-98%85%88%68.8 → 85%0-81%66.6 → 100%10-66%92%79%64%90%52%85 → 89%0-95%90.8 → 100%0-90%55%43.8 → 52%0-85%   74.9%79.9%
Blackview MP200Mini PC (23)01.08.2023v779 → 81%0-98%55.8 → 69%0-81%   10-0%51%90%51%79%   69.4%73.8%
HP ZBook 14u G5-2ZB99EAWorkstation (8)22.05.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%89%62.4 → 77%0-81%68.1 → 100%10-66%91%84%63%92%51%90.7 → 95%0-95%96.7 → 100%0-90%68%27.1 → 32%0-85%   76%81%
ACEMagician ACE-CK10-8259UMini PC (23)11.04.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%48.3 → 60%0-81%   10-0%55%83%50%88%   69.7%73.4%
Geekom MiniAir 12Mini PC (23)23.11.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%60 → 74%0-81%   10-0%51%84%49%93%94%   74.6%77.4%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15 Office (2)05.02.2020v778.4 → 80%0-98%79%82%65.1 → 81%0-80%64.8 → 81%20-75%71%81%52.2 → 67%0-78%82.7 → 87%0-95%49%93%97%43%34 → 40%0-85%   69.5%81.8%
Trigkey G4Mini PC (23)16.11.2023v762.9 → 64%0-98%49.9 → 62%0-81%   10-0%50%79%45%90%85%   68.5%70.1%
Acemagic S1Mini PC (23)11.11.2023v773.7 → 75%0-98%55 → 68%0-81%   10-0%49%82%45%92%91%   71.4%74.1%
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3 2018Subnotebook (4)22.03.2018v687.9 → 90%0-98%84%88%47.2 → 59%0-80%71.3 → 84%35-78%89%79%73 → 100%0-68%92 → 100%0-87%45%85.8 → 94%0-91%83%75 → 82%0-91%34.2 → 40%0-85%   73.9%84.6%
Apple MacBook Air 2020 i5Subnotebook (4)08.04.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%92%100%57.1 → 76%0-75%71.5 → 94%20-75%83%90%39.2 → 50%0-78%74.8 → 88%0-85%41%89%86%87.2 → 96%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   73.8%88%
Asus NUC 14 ProMini PC (23)28.08.2024v881.4 → 83%0-98%57.9 → 71%0-81%   10-0%47.3 → 59%0-80%79.7 → 87%0-92%28%77%87%80%   53.9%74.7%
Minisforum UH125 ProMini PC (23)25.07.2024v884 → 86%0-98%72.4 → 89%0-81%   10-0%43.8 → 55%0-80%79.7 → 87%0-92%26%71%95%65%   47.4%74.5%
Geekom XT13 ProMini PC (23)02.08.2024v887.7 → 89%0-98%65.1 → 80%0-81%   10-0%28.5 → 36%0-80%79.5 → 86%0-92%24%75%90%75%   50.1%72.4%
Geekom GT13 ProMini PC (23)16.06.2024v887.1 → 89%0-98%71.1 → 88%0-81%   10-0%26.9 → 34%0-80%80.2 → 87%0-92%24%80%81%75%   52.8%72.1%
HP Elite Mini 800 G9-5M9X6EAMini PC (23)19.07.2024v885.4 → 87%0-98%61 → 75%0-81%   10-0%13.5 → 17%0-80%80.4 → 87%0-92%14%58%91%82%65%   55.8%71.1%
HP Elite Mini 800 G9-5M9T9EAMini PC (23)20.06.2024v885.4 → 87%0-98%61.2 → 76%0-81%   10-0%13.9 → 17%0-80%80 → 87%0-92%14%58%91%84%68%   56.7%71.5%
HP Pro Mini 400 G9-937U0EAMini PC (23)29.07.2024v885.1 → 87%0-98%60.9 → 75%0-81%   10-0%13.5 → 17%0-80%77 → 84%0-92%13%58%93%88%   56%70.8%
HP Pro Mini 400 G9-936M3EAMini PC (23)25.06.2024v885.1 → 87%0-98%61.4 → 76%0-81%   10-0%11.8 → 15%0-80%74.3 → 81%0-92%12%58%95%85%71%   56.5%70.2%
Oppo Reno12 ProSmartphone (10)03.09.2024v889%64.6 → 86%0-75%93%50 → 72%0-69%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%90%13.3 → 24%0-55%48.6 → 57%0-85%0%36%86%100%74.1 → 82%0-90%75%   60.8%78.3%
Tecno Camon 30 Premier 5GSmartphone (10)12.06.2024v884%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%52.6 → 76%0-69%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%90%26 → 47%0-55%61.2 → 72%0-85%0%33%88%100%79.2 → 88%0-90%82%   55.1%81.1%
Xiaomi Poco M6 ProSmartphone (10)15.03.2024v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%51.6 → 74%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%93%27 → 42%0-64%73.5 → 85%0-86%0%91%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%58%   70.6%81.5%
Oppo Find N3 FlipSmartphone (10)15.02.2024v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%54.8 → 78%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%94%51.6 → 81%0-64%93.6 → 100%0-86%0%89%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%73%   75.4%86.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad SETablet (9)12.01.2024v785.4 → 87%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%41.4 → 59%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%91%87%17 → 22%0-78%64.3 → 70%0-92%0%93%100%83 → 91%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   67.7%83.5%
Asus Chromebook CM14 CM1402CM2A-EK0048Office (2)09.01.2024v776.3 → 78%0-98%71%84%53.6 → 67%0-80%69.9 → 91%20-75%89%73%13.9 → 18%0-78%54.5 → 57%0-95%0%97%100%76%26 → 31%0-85%   63.2%78.1%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 5GTablet (9)09.10.2023v790.9 → 93%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%96%72.1 → 100%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%87%89%72.1 → 92%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-92%0%88%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%54.8 → 64%0-85%   77.4%90.9%
Telekom T TabletTablet (9)26.09.2023v775.9 → 77%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%86%46.2 → 66%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%90%79%26.3 → 34%0-78%66.1 → 72%0-92%0%91%100%76 → 84%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   66.6%81.5%
HTC U23 proSmartphone (10)29.08.2023v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%50.6 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%88%89%57.2 → 89%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%0%82%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%63%   72.3%83.6%
Samsung Galaxy A14 LTESmartphone (10)21.07.2023v781%66.2 → 88%0-75%84%47.7 → 68%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%80%14.8 → 23%0-64%58.8 → 68%0-86%0%91%100%72.6 → 81%0-90%52%   66.1%75.9%
Sony Xperia 5 IVSmartphone (10)13.12.2022v789%66.2 → 88%0-75%96%67.6 → 97%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%89%92%57.9 → 90%0-64%88.7 → 100%0-86%0%90%100%90 → 100%0-90%71%   77.8%89.2%
MSI Raider GE66 12UHSGaming (3)08.06.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%81%86%76.5 → 96%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%68.5 → 72%0-95%89%98%97%0%71.1 → 75%0-95%69.2 → 77%0-90%76%38.8 → 46%0-85%0%66.1%87.4%
Asus ZenBook Flip 14 UN5401QA-KN085WConvertible (5)16.05.2022v781 → 83%0-98%85%89%71.5 → 95%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%84%90%63.2 → 81%0-78%94.1 → 100%0-85%0%83%87%59.6 → 65%0-91%23.6 → 28%0-85%   70%86.5%
Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED XDGaming (3)31.07.2021v788.3 → 90%0-98%73%83%73.1 → 91%0-80%61.5 → 92%10-66%82.2 → 87%0-95%90%95%94%0%75 → 79%0-95%62.2 → 69%0-90%67%37.5 → 44%0-85%0%65.5%85.6%
HP Envy 13-ba0001ngSubnotebook (4)05.12.2020v784.5 → 86%0-98%80%92%55.3 → 74%0-75%71.6 → 94%20-75%89%89%62.4 → 80%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%0%94%93%65.4 → 72%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   71.4%87.1%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge 14Office (2)20.09.2024v882.1 → 84%0-98%79%86%67.7 → 85%0-80%73.1 → 97%20-75%85%86%31.5 → 42%0-75%79.1 → 86%0-92%86%99%79%33.5 → 45%0-75%   64.9%85.1%
Maingear ML-16 MK2Gaming (3)20.09.2024v878.8 → 80%0-98%82%78%66.9 → 84%0-80%62.3 → 90%10-68%55.6 → 59%0-95%84%83%80%81.5 → 86%0-95%66.5 → 74%0-90%79%35.9 → 48%0-75%   57%80.9%
Honor Magic V FlipSmartphone (10)18.09.2024v883%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%45.7 → 66%0-69%88.8 → 78%50-100%92%92%28.7 → 52%0-55%67.5 → 79%0-85%69%85%100%82.3 → 91%0-90%68%   66.3%80.2%
HP Envy 17-da0076ngMultimedia (1)17.09.2024v885 → 87%0-98%91%90%61.8 → 77%0-80%59.7 → 74%20-74%89 → 94%0-95%68%56.1 → 64%0-88%71.7 → 78%0-92%90%87%86.6 → 91%0-95%86%50.3 → 67%0-75%   67.3%80%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14ASP G9Subnotebook (4)17.09.2024v887.2 → 89%0-98%87%83%63.3 → 86%0-74%68.5 → 85%20-77%84%84%54.6 → 73%0-75%85.6 → 93%0-92%81%88%76.8 → 84%0-91%32.5 → 43%0-75%   68.9%85.1%
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 5GSmartphone (10)17.09.2024v891%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%63.1 → 91%0-69%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%90%29.9 → 54%0-55%73.6 → 87%0-85%87%82%100%77 → 86%0-90%82%   82.4%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G5 21L50014GEOffice (2)13.09.2024v885.3 → 87%0-98%92%93%72.8 → 91%0-80%68.2 → 88%20-75%89%77%22.7 → 30%0-75%73.2 → 80%0-92%91%87%72%44.1 → 59%0-75%   75.7%85.3%
Nothing Phone (2a) PlusSmartphone (10)13.09.2024v886%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%48.1 → 70%0-69%89.2 → 78%50-100%91%90%21.1 → 38%0-55%61.2 → 72%0-85%26%89%100%76.9 → 85%0-90%79%   71.7%79.9%
Motorola Razr 50Smartphone (10)13.09.2024v886%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%43.8 → 63%0-69%89.4 → 79%50-100%89%90%13 → 24%0-55%60.4 → 71%0-85%30%87%100%66.9 → 74%0-90%71%   60.9%76.7%
Dell Latitude 7350 DetachableConvertible (5)12.09.2024v883.7 → 85%0-98%82%81%62.4 → 84%0-74%77.2 → 100%20-75%88%77%26.5 → 41%0-65%75.6 → 82%0-92%92%81%77.7 → 85%0-91%60.8 → 81%0-75%   66.2%83.3%
Asus ProArt PZ13 HT5306Convertible (5)11.09.2024v884.1 → 86%0-98%79%88%63.7 → 86%0-74%77 → 100%20-75%90%83%25.6 → 39%0-65%74.2 → 81%0-92%87%90%82.3 → 90%0-91%64.3 → 86%0-75%   61.3%85.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 16IMH G9 RTX 4050Multimedia (1)09.09.2024v879.9 → 82%0-98%85%88%71.9 → 90%0-80%63 → 80%20-74%88.4 → 93%0-95%82%76.2 → 87%0-88%84.6 → 92%0-92%82%80.2 → 84%0-95%76%37.2 → 50%0-75%   66.7%84.7%
Huawei MatePad 11.5 STablet (9)07.09.2024v886.1 → 88%0-98%70.4 → 88%0-80%91%51.8 → 75%0-69%83 → 90%40-88%90%79%19.9 → 31%0-65%62.6 → 68%0-92%6%90%100%79.4 → 87%0-91%56.6 → 63%0-90%   58.7%81.1%
Huawei MatePad SE 11Tablet (9)07.09.2024v883.6 → 85%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%30.7 → 44%0-69%83.5 → 91%40-88%90%81%2.5 → 4%0-65%38.9 → 42%0-92%11%92%100%71.2 → 78%0-91%53.2 → 59%0-90%   55.3%76.2%
Tolino Vision ColorTablet (9)07.09.2024v878.7 → 80%0-98%59.6 → 75%0-80%75%17.4 → 25%0-69%88 → 100%40-88%88%73%5 → 8%0-65%20 → 22%0-92%95%100%   62.7%68.7%
Asus VivoBook S 15 Snapdragon 8-CoreMultimedia (1)07.09.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%89%92%71.9 → 90%0-80%69.9 → 92%20-74%89.1 → 94%0-95%83%23.6 → 27%0-88%77.7 → 84%0-92%90%97.1 → 100%0-95%81%33.8 → 45%0-75%   63.6%80.7%
Asus ZenBook S 16 OLED UM5606WAMultimedia (1)07.09.2024v888.3 → 90%0-98%86%92%71.9 → 90%0-80%69 → 91%20-74%88.9 → 94%0-95%84%50.7 → 58%0-88%83 → 90%0-92%90%82%91.7 → 97%0-95%84%34.3 → 46%0-75%   66.2%84.1%
Honor MagicBook Art 14Subnotebook (4)05.09.2024v891.9 → 94%0-98%90%100%69.3 → 94%0-74%74.6 → 96%20-77%87%88%47.4 → 63%0-75%76.6 → 83%0-92%88%93%80 → 88%0-91%34.2 → 46%0-75%   62.8%89.6%
Honor Magic V3Smartphone (10)05.09.2024v891%70.4 → 94%0-75%95%68 → 99%0-69%87.6 → 75%50-100%90%92%36.9 → 67%0-55%67.6 → 80%0-85%86%89%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%82%   71.1%86.3%
Asus ProArt PZ13 HT5306Convertible (5)04.09.2024v884.1 → 86%0-98%79%88%63.7 → 86%0-74%77 → 100%20-75%90%83%25.6 → 39%0-65%74.2 → 81%0-92%87%90%82.3 → 90%0-91%64.3 → 86%0-75%   61.3%85.3%
Asus VivoBook S 15 Snapdragon 8-CoreMultimedia (1)04.09.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%89%92%71.9 → 90%0-80%69.9 → 92%20-74%89.1 → 94%0-95%83%23.6 → 27%0-88%77.7 → 84%0-92%90%97.1 → 100%0-95%81%33.8 → 45%0-75%   63.6%80.7%
MSI Raider 18 HX A14VGaming (3)03.09.2024v885.1 → 87%0-98%87%80%74.3 → 93%0-80%52.9 → 74%10-68%52.6 → 55%0-95%85%92%92%88.4 → 93%0-95%48.7 → 54%0-90%84%33.1 → 44%0-75%   60.1%84.7%
OnePlus Nord 4Smartphone (10)02.09.2024v890%67.3 → 90%0-75%94%45.6 → 66%0-69%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%91%38.6 → 70%0-55%63.8 → 75%0-85%39%85%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%60%   65.6%80.9%
Acer Nitro 14 AN14-41-R3MXGaming (3)02.09.2024v875.9 → 77%0-98%81%83%65.1 → 81%0-80%63.2 → 92%10-68%88.2 → 93%0-95%80%82%85%94%89.2 → 94%0-95%65.3 → 73%0-90%71%30.2 → 40%0-75%   65.7%80.3%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge 16 X1E-84-100Multimedia (1)01.09.2024v883.5 → 85%0-98%79%86%72.1 → 90%0-80%68.3 → 89%20-74%83.1 → 87%0-95%83%43.7 → 50%0-88%80.2 → 87%0-92%81%95.6 → 100%0-95%83%33.5 → 45%0-75%   60.7%81%
HTC U24 ProSmartphone (10)31.08.2024v886%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%49.1 → 71%0-69%88.1 → 76%50-100%90%82%22.1 → 40%0-55%63.4 → 75%0-85%33%86%100%67 → 74%0-90%60%   55.1%76.9%
Asus TUF Gaming A14 FA401WV-WB94Gaming (3)29.08.2024v880 → 82%0-98%81%85%58.6 → 73%0-80%69.5 → 100%10-68%74.2 → 78%0-95%83%82%85%86.4 → 91%0-95%71.2 → 79%0-90%67%35.9 → 48%0-75%   59.9%80.3%
Punkt. MC 02Smartphone (10)28.08.2024v880%66.5 → 89%0-75%86%47.8 → 69%0-69%87.5 → 75%50-100%92%75%8.8 → 16%0-55%57.4 → 68%0-85%29%87%100%68 → 76%0-90%56%   55.2%72%
Asus VivoBook S 14 OLED M5406WASubnotebook (4)28.08.2024v880.3 → 82%0-98%81%86%67.7 → 91%0-74%71.2 → 90%20-77%91%84%55.1 → 73%0-75%85.1 → 93%0-92%90%83%87%79.6 → 87%0-91%38.8 → 52%0-75%   62.6%84.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3i 15IRU9Multimedia (1)27.08.2024v873.6 → 75%0-98%89%57 → 71%0-80%67.8 → 89%20-74%74 → 78%0-95%75%22.3 → 25%0-88%77.6 → 84%0-92%92%83.1 → 87%0-95%69%30.6 → 41%0-75%   55.6%66.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G5 21ML005JGEOffice (2)24.08.2024v885.7 → 87%0-98%91%91%73.5 → 92%0-80%69.4 → 90%20-75%87%84%29.6 → 39%0-75%77.2 → 84%0-92%90%86%73%43.4 → 58%0-75%   75.2%86.6%
Nubia RedMagic Titan 16 ProGaming (3)22.08.2024v878.6 → 80%0-98%83%86%69.2 → 87%0-80%60.5 → 87%10-68%61.6 → 65%0-95%84%83%83%95%76.3 → 80%0-95%53.4 → 59%0-90%87%38 → 51%0-75%   62.6%81.2%
Xiaomi Poco F6Smartphone (10)21.08.2024v884%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%49.1 → 71%0-69%90.5 → 81%50-100%90%86%36.8 → 67%0-55%71.2 → 84%0-85%53%84%100%78.9 → 88%0-90%75%   62.7%82.2%
Medion S17431-MD62640Office (2)20.08.2024v881.8 → 83%0-98%75%64%58.7 → 73%0-80%62.4 → 77%20-75%82%77%33.9 → 45%0-75%80.8 → 88%0-92%85%86%78%69%39.2 → 52%0-75%   57.3%77%
Doogee V Max PlusSmartphone (10)20.08.2024v881%66.2 → 88%0-75%86%48.3 → 70%0-69%82.5 → 65%50-100%100%77%8.8 → 16%0-55%58.4 → 69%0-85%11%91%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%60%   50.3%73.3%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 GA605WVGaming (3)20.08.2024v891.1 → 93%0-98%92%100%73 → 91%0-80%65.2 → 95%10-68%78.7 → 83%0-95%87%78%87%84.7 → 89%0-95%62.8 → 70%0-90%95%37.3 → 50%0-75%   65.7%85.9%
HP EliteBook x360 1040 G11Convertible (5)20.08.2024v891.3 → 93%0-98%85%94%71.8 → 97%0-74%69.2 → 89%20-75%91%82%46.7 → 72%0-65%80.2 → 87%0-92%93%82%78.7 → 86%0-91%40.4 → 54%0-75%   68.3%87.2%
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6Smartphone (10)16.08.2024v891%70 → 93%0-75%96%64 → 93%0-69%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%92%37.1 → 67%0-55%74.9 → 88%0-85%58%85%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%82%   75.2%86.1%
Framework Laptop 13.5 Core Ultra 7 155HOffice (2)16.08.2024v877.5 → 79%0-98%87%83%72 → 90%0-80%70.7 → 92%20-75%88%82%49.8 → 66%0-75%80.1 → 87%0-92%90%82%81%24.9 → 33%0-75%   69.1%84%
HMD SkylineSmartphone (10)16.08.2024v885%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%45.9 → 67%0-69%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%86%11.8 → 21%0-55%60.6 → 71%0-85%23%87%100%74.3 → 83%0-90%65%   64%75.7%
Acer Predator Helios Neo 14 (2024)Gaming (3)15.08.2024v874.2 → 76%0-98%81%83%65.4 → 82%0-80%63.6 → 92%10-68%83.3 → 88%0-95%84%81%87%95%73.4 → 77%0-95%62.5 → 69%0-90%76%38.3 → 51%0-75%   65.3%80.5%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7X 14Q8X9Subnotebook (4)14.08.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%87%88%66.3 → 90%0-74%71.6 → 91%20-77%89%85%37.5 → 50%0-75%78.5 → 85%0-92%87%88%83.4 → 92%0-91%33.8 → 45%0-75%   67.6%86.4%
Lenovo Legion Tab TB320FCTablet (9)14.08.2024v884.4 → 86%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%96%46.6 → 68%0-69%85.6 → 95%40-88%90%80%43 → 66%0-65%73.1 → 79%0-92%43%83%100%81.9 → 90%0-91%59.3 → 66%0-90%   68%86%
Microsoft Surface Pro Copilot+Tablet (9)10.08.2024v890.6 → 92%0-98%94%63.7 → 92%0-69%77.1 → 77%40-88%89%81%38.5 → 59%0-65%74.6 → 81%0-92%83%84%84.6 → 93%0-91%70.4 → 78%0-90%   68.1%80.7%
Xiaomi Poco F6 ProSmartphone (10)09.08.2024v889%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%53.8 → 78%0-69%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%90%33.5 → 61%0-55%66.6 → 78%0-85%46%85%100%70.3 → 78%0-90%75%   62.3%82.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 4 21J3001VGESubnotebook (4)09.08.2024v888.1 → 90%0-98%90%94%71.3 → 96%0-74%72 → 91%20-77%88%81%35.6 → 47%0-75%77.1 → 84%0-92%88%87%70.1 → 77%0-91%44.9 → 60%0-75%   74.3%86.9%
Medion SPRCHRGD 14 S1 EliteSubnotebook (4)09.08.2024v873.8 → 75%0-98%80%87%61.4 → 83%0-74%70.2 → 88%20-77%90%84%36.6 → 49%0-75%77.3 → 84%0-92%74%84%87%76.4 → 84%0-91%41.4 → 55%0-75%   62.1%82.7%
Sony Xperia 10 VISmartphone (10)08.08.2024v885%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%45.8 → 66%0-69%92.3 → 85%50-100%92%92%9.6 → 17%0-55%65.5 → 77%0-85%33%85%100%73.1 → 81%0-90%66%   67.1%77.3%
Motorola Moto G85Smartphone (10)08.08.2024v884%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%43.5 → 63%0-69%91.5 → 83%50-100%90%90%7.6 → 14%0-55%57.9 → 68%0-85%19%86%100%69.3 → 77%0-90%59%   61.4%74.7%
Realme GT 6Smartphone (10)07.08.2024v888%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%49.5 → 72%0-69%88.1 → 76%50-100%92%92%29 → 53%0-55%70.2 → 83%0-85%32%82%100%74.9 → 83%0-90%79%   63.3%82%
Dell XPS 13 9345Subnotebook (4)07.08.2024v886.5 → 88%0-98%78%83%58.4 → 79%0-74%72.3 → 92%20-77%94%85%38.8 → 52%0-75%81.5 → 89%0-92%88%87%85.3 → 94%0-91%32.5 → 43%0-75%   65.9%84.5%
Sony Xperia 1 VISmartphone (10)05.08.2024v890%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%64.7 → 94%0-69%89 → 78%50-100%92%91%31.9 → 58%0-55%73.4 → 86%0-85%58%88%100%79.4 → 88%0-90%86%   72.3%86.3%
Asus ProArt P16 H7606WIMultimedia (1)04.08.2024v891 → 93%0-98%92%97%78.4 → 98%0-80%65.3 → 84%20-74%79.8 → 84%0-95%83%84.1 → 96%0-88%86.3 → 94%0-92%85%65.3 → 69%0-95%95%32.1 → 43%0-75%   66.3%87.8%
Motorola Razr 50 UltraSmartphone (10)03.08.2024v888%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%50.3 → 73%0-69%89.3 → 79%50-100%89%90%22.2 → 40%0-55%71.1 → 84%0-85%37%83%100%76.9 → 85%0-90%75%   65.1%80.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 5 16IRU9Multimedia (1)01.08.2024v874.1 → 76%0-98%75%89%54.2 → 68%0-80%65.3 → 84%20-74%89.2 → 94%0-95%72%26.8 → 30%0-88%80.1 → 87%0-92%94%87.2 → 92%0-95%70%36.7 → 49%0-75%   57.8%74.7%
SCHENKER XMG Evo 15 (M24)Multimedia (1)31.07.2024v888.3 → 90%0-98%87%92%76.2 → 95%0-80%66.3 → 86%20-74%87 → 92%0-95%87%51.6 → 59%0-88%85.6 → 93%0-92%87%84.1 → 89%0-95%82%32.1 → 43%0-75%   64.5%84.7%
Lenovo Tab PlusTablet (9)31.07.2024v885.7 → 87%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%89%38.7 → 56%0-69%80.5 → 84%40-88%94%76%5.4 → 8%0-65%56.8 → 62%0-92%25%94%100%85.9 → 94%0-91%58.3 → 65%0-90%   69.5%77.8%
Medion S10 OLEDMultimedia (1)30.07.2024v883.1 → 85%0-98%79%83%59.2 → 74%0-80%67.9 → 89%20-74%75.6 → 80%0-95%82%34.3 → 39%0-88%82.5 → 90%0-92%72%83%79.2 → 83%0-95%83%39.6 → 53%0-75%   58.9%76.7%
Lenovo Yoga 7 2-in-1 14IML9Convertible (5)29.07.2024v885.8 → 88%0-98%91%97%71.7 → 97%0-74%67.5 → 86%20-75%91%68%28.1 → 43%0-65%75.6 → 82%0-92%92%89%76 → 84%0-91%36.3 → 48%0-75%   63.9%85.2%
Asus ProArt PX13 HN7306Multimedia (1)28.07.2024v891 → 93%0-98%93%89%70.7 → 88%0-80%70.3 → 93%20-74%80.4 → 85%0-95%83%79.8 → 91%0-88%85.6 → 93%0-92%86%65.2 → 69%0-95%84%32.5 → 43%0-75%   64.8%86%
Asus Zenbook S16 UM5606Multimedia (1)28.07.2024v889 → 91%0-98%87%93%73.6 → 92%0-80%68.8 → 90%20-74%88.4 → 93%0-95%85%49.9 → 57%0-88%85.3 → 93%0-92%84%90.3 → 95%0-95%85%32.5 → 43%0-75%   65%84.7%
Asus Zenbook S16 UM5606Multimedia (1)28.07.2024v889 → 91%0-98%87%93%73.6 → 92%0-80%68.8 → 90%20-74%88.4 → 93%0-95%85%49.9 → 57%0-88%85.3 → 93%0-92%84%90.3 → 95%0-95%85%32.5 → 43%0-75%   65%84.7%
Asus ProArt PX13 HN7306Multimedia (1)28.07.2024v891 → 93%0-98%93%89%70.7 → 88%0-80%70.3 → 93%20-74%80.4 → 85%0-95%83%79.8 → 91%0-88%85.6 → 93%0-92%86%65.2 → 69%0-95%84%32.5 → 43%0-75%   64.8%86%
Asus Zenbook S16 UM5606Multimedia (1)28.07.2024v889 → 91%0-98%87%93%73.6 → 92%0-80%68.8 → 90%20-74%88.4 → 93%0-95%85%49.9 → 57%0-88%85.3 → 93%0-92%84%90.3 → 95%0-95%85%32.5 → 43%0-75%   65%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 21N10007GEOffice (2)27.07.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%92%92%70.3 → 88%0-80%72.5 → 95%20-75%93%85%31.1 → 41%0-75%74.7 → 81%0-92%89%86%79%35.9 → 48%0-75%   70.5%87%
Honor 200 ProSmartphone (10)26.07.2024v886%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%46 → 67%0-69%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%92%27.7 → 50%0-55%65.3 → 77%0-85%37%84%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%76%   63.3%80.5%
Tolino Shine 5Tablet (9)25.07.2024v877.7 → 79%0-98%59.2 → 74%0-80%74%17 → 25%0-69%91.2 → 100%40-88%88%76%3 → 5%0-65%13 → 14%0-92%95%100%   64.7%68.2%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 16 Studio (Mid 24)Gaming (3)24.07.2024v877 → 79%0-98%78%83%72 → 90%0-80%61.2 → 88%10-68%66.7 → 70%0-95%82%87%86%96%73.9 → 78%0-95%60 → 67%0-90%72%40 → 53%0-75%   60%81.2%
Tolino Shine ColorTablet (9)24.07.2024v877.7 → 79%0-98%58.5 → 73%0-80%74%15.9 → 23%0-69%91.2 → 100%40-88%85%73%5 → 8%0-65%20 → 22%0-92%95%100%   64.7%67.9%
HP Omen 17-db0079ngGaming (3)24.07.2024v876.9 → 78%0-98%83%78%56.6 → 71%0-80%57.6 → 82%10-68%85.6 → 90%0-95%82%86%83%88.5 → 93%0-95%69.7 → 77%0-90%72%39 → 52%0-75%   66.8%80.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Gen 5 21LS001PGEOffice (2)23.07.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%92%83%68.2 → 85%0-80%71.3 → 93%20-75%87%86%35.4 → 47%0-75%75.1 → 82%0-92%93%88%72%44.2 → 59%0-75%   76.6%86.6%
Dell Inspiron 16 7640 2-in-1Convertible (5)22.07.2024v884.9 → 87%0-98%79%75%69.9 → 94%0-74%62.3 → 77%20-75%89%76%48.8 → 75%0-65%81.2 → 88%0-92%87%84%83.4 → 92%0-91%36.7 → 49%0-75%   64.8%82.1%
Asus ROG Ally XHandheld / UMPC (6)22.07.2024v885.4 → 87%0-98%85%100%59.7 → 88%0-68%80.1 → 79%69-83%90%82%52.2 → 70%0-75%83.2 → 90%0-92%88%82%83.8 → 92%0-91%   66.1%84.6%
OnePlus 12R 5GSmartphone (10)17.07.2024v889%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%53.3 → 77%0-69%87.9 → 76%50-100%93%92%40.8 → 74%0-55%70.2 → 83%0-85%56%87%100%78.7 → 87%0-90%81%   70.8%85.4%
Asus TUF Gaming A15 FA507UVGaming (3)17.07.2024v878.3 → 80%0-98%79%85%59.7 → 75%0-80%62.2 → 90%10-68%88.8 → 93%0-95%80%80%86%94%83.1 → 87%0-95%75.9 → 84%0-90%79%34.7 → 46%0-75%   63%80.3%
Samsung Galaxy M15 5GSmartphone (10)17.07.2024v879%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%39.6 → 57%0-69%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%87%5.1 → 9%0-55%54.2 → 64%0-85%18%88%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%58%   63.7%72%
Apple iPad Pro 13 2024Tablet (9)15.07.2024v887.4 → 89%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%97%59.9 → 87%0-69%81.8 → 87%40-88%89%93%47.8 → 74%0-65%93.4 → 100%0-92%91%94%100%80.8 → 89%0-91%69.3 → 77%0-90%   81.1%89.2%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge 16Multimedia (1)14.07.2024v883.5 → 85%0-98%79%86%72.1 → 90%0-80%68.5 → 90%20-74%76.2 → 80%0-95%83%40.8 → 46%0-88%80.5 → 88%0-92%82%94.9 → 100%0-95%83%33.5 → 45%0-75%   60.2%80.2%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 GU605MYGaming (3)12.07.2024v889.9 → 92%0-98%92%100%63 → 79%0-80%64.1 → 93%10-68%69.4 → 73%0-95%87%86%86%86.9 → 91%0-95%67.2 → 75%0-90%91%38.1 → 51%0-75%   64.8%86.1%
Samsung Galaxy A05sSmartphone (10)12.07.2024v880%69.2 → 92%0-75%90%38.8 → 56%0-69%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%71%2.9 → 5%0-55%45.6 → 54%0-85%15%82%100%68.4 → 76%0-90%53%   62.3%68.5%
Huawei Pura 70 UltraSmartphone (10)11.07.2024v891%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%59.3 → 86%0-69%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%91%15.6 → 28%0-55%65.6 → 77%0-85%28%86%100%79.2 → 88%0-90%83%   59.6%81.8%
SCHENKER VIA 14 Pro (M24)Subnotebook (4)10.07.2024v885.3 → 87%0-98%88%93%60.3 → 81%0-74%70.2 → 88%20-77%87%85%52.5 → 70%0-75%85.7 → 93%0-92%81%85%70.3 → 77%0-91%23.4 → 31%0-75%   62.2%85.1%
Lenovo LOQ 15IRX9Gaming (3)09.07.2024v874 → 76%0-98%85%86%57.6 → 72%0-80%60.3 → 87%10-68%65.2 → 69%0-95%82%80%82%93%78.9 → 83%0-95%63.8 → 71%0-90%80%38.8 → 52%0-75%   64.9%79%
Beelink SER8Mini PC (23)09.07.2024v887.1 → 89%0-98%58.2 → 72%0-81%   10-0%54.2 → 68%0-80%86.3 → 94%0-92%87%   47%74.9%
Motorola Edge 50 UltraSmartphone (10)08.07.2024v889%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%50 → 72%0-69%88.4 → 77%50-100%90%93%41 → 75%0-55%72.6 → 85%0-85%46%81%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%82%   65.8%84.6%
GMK NucBox M6Mini PC (23)08.07.2024v882.3 → 84%0-98%56.2 → 69%0-81%   10-0%32.2 → 40%0-80%78.1 → 85%0-92%69%   42.7%63.6%
LG gram Pro 16Z90SPMultimedia (1)05.07.2024v884.3 → 86%0-98%75%87%65.6 → 82%0-80%71.8 → 96%20-74%86.9 → 91%0-95%83%56.3 → 64%0-88%72.7 → 79%0-92%90%89%77 → 81%0-95%88%37.6 → 50%0-75%   62.6%81.2%
Motorola Edge 50 FusionSmartphone (10)05.07.2024v881%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%40.3 → 58%0-69%91 → 82%50-100%91%90%12.2 → 22%0-55%62.4 → 73%0-85%24%86%100%75.5 → 84%0-90%65%   60.9%75.4%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 13.8 Copilot+Subnotebook (4)04.07.2024v890.4 → 92%0-98%90%96%66.7 → 90%0-74%70.9 → 89%20-77%90%81%46.4 → 62%0-75%79.4 → 86%0-92%66%92%84.4 → 93%0-91%33.2 → 44%0-75%   69.9%86.2%
HP EliteBook Ultra G1q 14Subnotebook (4)04.07.2024v883.2 → 85%0-98%85%88%59.8 → 81%0-74%71.1 → 90%20-77%89%70%66.3 → 72%0-92%91%94%79.8 → 88%0-91%44.5 → 59%0-75%   63%82.3%
Lenovo Legion Pro 5 16IRX9, i7-14700HX, RTX 4060Gaming (3)04.07.2024v884.7 → 86%0-98%83%86%63.9 → 80%0-80%60 → 86%10-68%62 → 65%0-95%88%82%89%94%80.8 → 85%0-95%71.7 → 80%0-90%67%38 → 51%0-75%   60.3%82.3%
Xiaomi RedmiBook Pro 14 2024Subnotebook (4)02.07.2024v885 → 87%0-98%91%89%53.1 → 72%0-74%69.7 → 87%20-77%89%86%54.2 → 72%0-75%82.2 → 89%0-92%88%83%79.4 → 87%0-91%31.5 → 42%0-75%   57.5%85.5%
Vivo V40 SE 5GSmartphone (10)02.07.2024v887%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%43 → 62%0-69%89.1 → 78%50-100%91%83%3.3 → 6%0-55%58.4 → 69%0-85%14%89%100%70.3 → 78%0-90%69%   56.4%74%
Newsmay AC8F-POEMini PC (23)02.07.2024v887.1 → 89%0-98%31.2 → 39%0-81%   10-0%6.9 → 9%0-80%56.9 → 62%0-92%36%87%100%   46.5%61.3%
Realme 12 Pro+Smartphone (10)02.07.2024v887%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.1 → 64%0-69%88.5 → 77%50-100%90%89%12.3 → 22%0-55%60.6 → 71%0-85%35%86%100%68.5 → 76%0-90%76%   52%77.1%
Dell Latitude 13 7350Subnotebook (4)01.07.2024v884.1 → 86%0-98%87%86%72.7 → 98%0-74%74.1 → 95%20-77%90%83%30.4 → 41%0-75%72.9 → 79%0-92%95%84%81 → 89%0-91%44.9 → 60%0-75%   69.7%86.2%
Google Pixel 8aSmartphone (10)28.06.2024v886%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%61.9 → 90%0-69%89.4 → 79%50-100%89%91%22.4 → 41%0-55%60.5 → 71%0-85%76%88%100%74.1 → 82%0-90%77%   70.2%81.9%
OnePlus 12Smartphone (10)28.06.2024v890%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%61.9 → 90%0-69%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%92%45.6 → 83%0-55%73.6 → 87%0-85%62%86%100%83.2 → 92%0-90%85%   73.5%88.1%
Apple iPad Air 13 2024Tablet (9)28.06.2024v886.1 → 88%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%92%53.7 → 78%0-69%81.2 → 86%40-88%89%85%43.2 → 66%0-65%83.2 → 90%0-92%90%90%100%80.4 → 88%0-91%62.4 → 69%0-90%   79.3%85.7%
Microsoft Surface Pro OLED Copilot+Tablet (9)27.06.2024v890.6 → 92%0-98%94%63.7 → 92%0-69%77.1 → 77%40-88%89%86%44.5 → 68%0-65%78.8 → 86%0-92%83%87%84.6 → 93%0-91%70.4 → 78%0-90%   69.1%82.5%
Dell Inspiron 14 7445 2-in-1Convertible (5)27.06.2024v883.8 → 86%0-98%79%75%57.8 → 78%0-74%66.8 → 85%20-75%89%66%47.4 → 73%0-65%80.5 → 88%0-92%90%87%84.8 → 93%0-91%33.5 → 45%0-75%   72.3%80.1%
Nokia 3210Smartphone (10)27.06.2024v865%73.1 → 97%0-75%18.6 → 27%0-69%100 → 100%50-100%95%41%5 → 9%0-55%5 → 6%0-85%0%97%100%68.8 → 76%0-90%19%   39.5%53%
Lenovo Legion 9 16IRX9, RTX 4090Gaming (3)26.06.2024v886 → 88%0-98%87%73%71 → 89%0-80%59.5 → 85%10-68%60 → 63%0-95%92%91%87%97%72.9 → 77%0-95%72.5 → 81%0-90%80%38 → 51%0-75%-2%60%83.9%
GPD Win Mini G1617-01Handheld / UMPC (6)25.06.2024v886 → 88%0-98%68%69%63 → 93%0-68%82.7 → 98%69-83%83%79%46 → 61%0-75%80 → 87%0-92%87%84%75 → 82%0-91%0 → 0%0-75%   69.4%76.9%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte displayTablet (9)25.06.2024v874.9 → 76%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%75%40.1 → 58%0-69%81.3 → 86%40-88%89%74%9.8 → 15%0-65%59.9 → 65%0-92%22%95%100%82.5 → 91%0-91%44.1 → 49%0-90%   55.6%74.8%
HP Envy x360 2-in-1 14-fc0078TUConvertible (5)25.06.2024v890.6 → 92%0-98%94%96%69 → 93%0-74%70.3 → 91%20-75%88%83%34.7 → 53%0-65%74.4 → 81%0-92%90%95%82.1 → 90%0-91%40.8 → 54%0-75%   70.3%89.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G4 21H1003DGEOffice (2)24.06.2024v879.3 → 81%0-98%91%83%69 → 86%0-80%68.3 → 88%20-75%81%72%28.3 → 38%0-75%74.8 → 81%0-92%91%96%67%31.9 → 43%0-75%   74.9%83.1%
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7640Multimedia (1)24.06.2024v883.6 → 85%0-98%82%78%59.8 → 75%0-80%61.6 → 77%20-74%89.4 → 94%0-95%82%76.3 → 87%0-88%80.5 → 88%0-92%88%80.1 → 84%0-95%83%37.6 → 50%0-75%   75.5%83.4%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 16 (Early 24)Gaming (3)22.06.2024v885.3 → 87%0-98%85%86%69.6 → 87%0-80%59.6 → 86%10-68%67.9 → 71%0-95%84%92%93%100%81.3 → 86%0-95%62.4 → 69%0-90%84%41.2 → 55%0-75%   62.7%85.5%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5GSmartphone (10)21.06.2024v887%75 → 100%0-75%96%48 → 70%0-69%91.1 → 82%50-100%89%91%5.4 → 10%0-55%54.9 → 65%0-85%14%93%100%59 → 66%0-90%64%   69.1%75.8%
Asus Vivobook S 15 OLED SnapdragonMultimedia (1)19.06.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%89%92%71.9 → 90%0-80%69.8 → 92%20-74%89.3 → 94%0-95%83%45.9 → 52%0-88%78.3 → 85%0-92%88%90.2 → 95%0-95%81%33.8 → 45%0-75%   76.9%83.3%
Microsoft Surface Pro OLED Copilot+Tablet (9)19.06.2024v890.6 → 92%0-98%94%63.7 → 92%0-69%77.1 → 77%40-88%89%86%44.5 → 68%0-65%78.8 → 86%0-92%83%87%84.6 → 93%0-91%70.4 → 78%0-90%   69.1%82.5%
Microsoft Surface Pro Copilot+Tablet (9)19.06.2024v890.6 → 92%0-98%94%63.7 → 92%0-69%77.1 → 77%40-88%89%81%38.5 → 59%0-65%74.6 → 81%0-92%83%84%84.6 → 93%0-91%70.4 → 78%0-90%   68.1%80.7%
LG gram Pro 2-in-1 16T90SPConvertible (5)19.06.2024v886.5 → 88%0-98%69%87%59.2 → 80%0-74%70.7 → 92%20-75%86%83%36.8 → 57%0-65%76.5 → 83%0-92%92%88%85.9 → 94%0-91%37.6 → 50%0-75%   61.2%82.8%
Xiaomi Redmi A3Smartphone (10)19.06.2024v871%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%34.1 → 49%0-69%88.8 → 78%50-100%90%77%1.6 → 3%0-55%25.1 → 30%0-85%92%100%57.1 → 63%0-90%37%   51%64%
Asus Vivobook S 15 OLED SnapdragonMultimedia (1)18.06.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%89%92%71.9 → 90%0-80%69.8 → 92%20-74%89.3 → 94%0-95%83%45.9 → 52%0-88%78.3 → 85%0-92%88%90.2 → 95%0-95%81%33.8 → 45%0-75%   76.9%83.3%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XAOffice (2)17.06.2024v768.5 → 70%0-98%81%69%58.9 → 74%0-80%67.6 → 87%20-75%90%78%51.1 → 66%0-78%62.5 → 66%0-95%94%100%78%23.2 → 27%0-85%   70.9%79.5%
Teclast P50Tablet (9)17.06.2024v878 → 80%0-98%70.4 → 88%0-80%88%38.5 → 56%0-69%82.4 → 88%40-88%89%69%2 → 3%0-65%43 → 47%0-92%18%95%100%60.8 → 67%0-91%51 → 57%0-90%   47.4%73.8%
Getac S410 G5Office (2)17.06.2024v784 → 86%0-98%73%68%66.3 → 83%0-80%57.5 → 68%20-75%92%85%71.9 → 92%0-78%92.9 → 98%0-95%93%91%71%46 → 54%0-85%   76.3%82.9%
MSI ClawHandheld / UMPC (6)16.06.2024v880.9 → 83%0-98%67%100%57.5 → 85%0-68%80.3 → 81%69-83%78%69%47.9 → 64%0-75%83.1 → 90%0-92%87%73%78.9 → 87%0-91%0 → 0%0-75%   69.5%77.4%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15 (M24)Gaming (3)14.06.2024v883.4 → 85%0-98%81%85%63.8 → 80%0-80%62.7 → 91%10-68%86.7 → 91%0-95%87%87%87%96%80.2 → 84%0-95%75.4 → 84%0-90%73%35.9 → 48%0-75%   61.8%83.7%
Tuxedo Sirius 16 Gen 1Gaming (3)13.06.2024v880.4 → 82%0-98%83%85%62.6 → 78%0-80%61.1 → 88%10-68%73.4 → 77%0-95%79%82%85%74%86.6 → 91%0-95%66.1 → 73%0-90%82%39.7 → 53%0-75%   61.7%80.7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100DMini PC (23)12.06.2024v877.1 → 79%0-98%52.7 → 65%0-81%   10-0%7.2 → 9%0-80%61.9 → 67%0-92%34%93%100%   53.2%65.8%
Huawei MateBook 14 FLMH-W7611TSubnotebook (4)11.06.2024v886 → 88%0-98%80%92%54.7 → 74%0-74%71.1 → 90%20-77%89%79%50.8 → 68%0-75%82.3 → 89%0-92%81%89%82%84 → 92%0-91%39.3 → 52%0-75%0%55.5%83.5%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 16IMH9 RTX 4050Gaming (3)10.06.2024v782.9 → 85%0-98%89%91%72.1 → 90%0-80%62 → 93%10-66%85.1 → 90%0-95%88%99%97%90.4 → 95%0-95%80.3 → 89%0-90%98%57.9 → 68%0-85%   84%91.7%
Huawei MateBook X Pro 2024Subnotebook (4)06.06.2024v781.4 → 83%0-98%90%100%60.6 → 81%0-75%75.3 → 100%20-75%85%93%79.8 → 100%0-78%89.7 → 100%0-85%79%85%92 → 100%0-91%43.5 → 51%0-85%   81.1%89%
Oukitel WP35Smartphone (10)05.06.2024v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%48 → 69%0-70%85.4 → 71%50-100%96%82%26 → 41%0-64%69 → 80%0-86%94%100%65.4 → 73%0-90%54%   74%79.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 2in1 G9 21KE004AGEConvertible (5)03.06.2024v788.9 → 91%0-98%89%95%70.5 → 94%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%81%81%67.4 → 86%0-78%91.3 → 100%0-85%90%86%85 → 93%0-91%46.3 → 54%0-85%   80.2%88.4%
Teclast T65 MaxTablet (9)31.05.2024v779.4 → 81%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%91%44.9 → 64%0-70%79.7 → 83%40-88%89%73%26.6 → 34%0-78%71.1 → 77%0-92%96%100%75.2 → 83%0-91%51 → 60%0-85%   73%81.2%
Alienware x16 R2 P120FGaming (3)31.05.2024v785.4 → 87%0-98%90%74%62.5 → 78%0-80%58.6 → 87%10-66%53.2 → 56%0-95%89%100%97%80.6 → 85%0-95%81.2 → 90%0-90%91%42 → 49%0-85%-0.2%71.7%88.4%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2024Tablet (9)29.05.2024v787.1 → 89%0-98%77.3 → 97%0-80%97%54.7 → 78%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%90%95%91.1 → 100%0-78%95.8 → 100%0-92%91%100%86 → 95%0-91%67 → 79%0-85%   85.9%93.2%
Apple iPad Air 6 2024Tablet (9)28.05.2024v785.3 → 87%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%92%56.1 → 80%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%89%90%86.5 → 100%0-78%94 → 100%0-92%92%100%64.8 → 71%0-91%58.8 → 69%0-85%   81.8%90%
Lenovo ThinkPad T16 G2 21K70035GEOffice (2)27.05.2024v787.8 → 90%0-98%92%93%72.3 → 90%0-80%64.9 → 82%20-75%89%87%77.5 → 99%0-78%95.2 → 100%0-95%87%98%68%42.4 → 50%0-85%   81.1%89.9%
BOSGAME M1Mini PC (23)26.05.2024v774.8 → 76%0-98%64.4 → 80%0-81%   10-0%82%97%80%81%   79.8%84.5%
Samsung Galaxy S24 UltraSmartphone (10)25.05.2024v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%70.9 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%94%93%72.1 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%87%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%85%   85.8%91.1%
Honor Magic6 ProSmartphone (10)25.05.2024v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%70.8 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%96%92%72.6 → 100%0-64%94.6 → 100%0-86%84%100%82.2 → 91%0-90%80%   85.5%90.6%
HP Envy x360 2-in-1 16-ad0097nrConvertible (5)24.05.2024v783 → 85%0-98%86%82%63 → 84%0-75%65.8 → 83%20-75%78%88%75.2 → 96%0-78%94.8 → 100%0-85%90%94%91.4 → 100%0-91%45.2 → 53%0-85%   79.7%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkBook 13x G4 21KR0008GESubnotebook (4)23.05.2024v786.8 → 89%0-98%80%94%68.1 → 91%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%90%93%74.9 → 96%0-78%89.6 → 100%0-85%90%93%90.6 → 100%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   81.8%90.1%
Tulpar T7 V20.6Gaming (3)23.05.2024v770.8 → 72%0-98%83%67%67.4 → 84%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%54.1 → 57%0-95%91%99%95%89.6 → 94%0-95%82.6 → 92%0-90%75%36 → 42%0-85%   74.6%86.3%
Nubia Flip 5GSmartphone (10)22.05.2024v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%52.3 → 75%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%91%95%61.2 → 96%0-64%79.9 → 93%0-86%86%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%67%   79.4%85.4%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14 2-in-1 G4 IMLConvertible (5)21.05.2024v783.9 → 86%0-98%89%84%67.9 → 91%0-75%67.3 → 86%20-75%89%81%63.3 → 81%0-78%93.9 → 100%0-85%92%92%78.8 → 87%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   78.4%87.4%
Xiaomi Pad 6S ProTablet (9)21.05.2024v781.5 → 83%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%90%59.3 → 85%0-70%81.7 → 87%40-88%90%88%73.5 → 94%0-78%95 → 100%0-92%91%100%85.6 → 94%0-91%69.2 → 81%0-85%   82.6%89.3%
Honor Magic6 RSRSmartphone (10)21.05.2024v794%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%70.8 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%96%92%74.7 → 100%0-64%97.2 → 100%0-86%87%100%82.8 → 92%0-90%80%   86.2%90.7%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2024Tablet (9)19.05.2024v787.1 → 89%0-98%77.3 → 97%0-80%97%54.7 → 78%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%90%95%91.1 → 100%0-78%95.8 → 100%0-92%91%100%86 → 95%0-91%67 → 79%0-85%   85.9%93.2%
Apple iPad Pro 13 2024Tablet (9)19.05.2024v887.4 → 89%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%97%59.9 → 87%0-69%81.8 → 87%40-88%89%93%47.8 → 74%0-65%93.4 → 100%0-92%91%94%100%80.8 → 89%0-91%69.3 → 77%0-90%   81.1%89.2%
Asus Zenbook 14 OLED UM3406HASubnotebook (4)17.05.2024v788.1 → 90%0-98%84%89%60.3 → 80%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%90%77.7 → 100%0-78%95.8 → 100%0-85%87%93%83.6 → 92%0-91%36.7 → 43%0-85%   80.5%88.6%
Vivo X Fold3Smartphone (10)16.05.2024v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%94%68.3 → 98%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%89%94%65.5 → 100%0-64%96.1 → 100%0-86%89%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%76%   83.8%88.8%
HP Victus 16 (2024)Gaming (3)15.05.2024v774.2 → 76%0-98%79%83%62.1 → 78%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%82.5 → 87%0-95%81%98%87%86.1 → 91%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%80%46.4 → 55%0-85%   76.6%84.3%
Dell XPS 13 9340 Core Ultra 7Subnotebook (4)14.05.2024v786.5 → 88%0-98%78%83%56.4 → 75%0-75%72.5 → 95%20-75%90%88%62.3 → 80%0-78%84.9 → 100%0-85%90%93%83.8 → 92%0-91%35.9 → 42%0-85%   77.2%86.5%
Teclast T50 HDTablet (9)11.05.2024v782.6 → 84%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%89%41.7 → 60%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%90%81%9.9 → 13%0-78%66 → 72%0-92%96%100%65.8 → 72%0-91%52.2 → 61%0-85%   71.6%81.7%
PocketBook Era ColorTablet (9)11.05.2024v778.3 → 80%0-98%62.3 → 78%0-80%81%21.8 → 31%0-70%87.4 → 99%40-88%77%74%5 → 6%0-78%29 → 32%0-92%97%100%57 → 63%0-91%   64.1%75.4%
Samsung Galaxy A55 5GSmartphone (10)10.05.2024v793%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%51 → 73%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%93%94%57.7 → 90%0-64%79.8 → 93%0-86%89%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%73%   80.9%87.4%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 2024Tablet (9)10.05.2024v781.9 → 84%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%89%44.8 → 64%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%90%87%42 → 54%0-78%73.7 → 80%0-92%95%100%71.2 → 78%0-91%55.6 → 65%0-85%   75.4%85.3%
Lenovo Tab M11Tablet (9)10.05.2024v785 → 87%0-98%67.7 → 85%0-80%94%45.5 → 65%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%82%16.5 → 21%0-78%60 → 65%0-92%94%100%75.6 → 83%0-91%50.4 → 59%0-85%   72.7%83.4%
Motorola Moto G24Smartphone (10)09.05.2024v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%47.3 → 68%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%91%84%15 → 23%0-64%67 → 78%0-86%92%100%72 → 80%0-90%54%   73.4%78.8%
Motorola Edge 50 ProSmartphone (10)07.05.2024v789%67.7 → 90%0-75%96%56.5 → 81%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%91%93%50 → 78%0-64%82 → 95%0-86%90%100%80 → 89%0-90%76%   81.4%87.6%
Razer Blade 18 2024 RZ09-0509Gaming (3)07.05.2024v790.6 → 92%0-98%83%89%55.6 → 81%10-66%59.9 → 63%0-95%93%100%97%87 → 92%0-95%73.2 → 81%0-90%89%47.5 → 56%0-85%   80.3%90.5%
Acer Predator Helios Neo 16 (2024)Gaming (3)07.05.2024v774.7 → 76%0-98%80%86%69.4 → 87%0-80%58.9 → 87%10-66%55.8 → 59%0-95%91%99%97%69.5 → 77%0-90%74%46.8 → 55%0-85%   75.2%86.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 16IMH G9Multimedia (1)06.05.2024v779.9 → 82%0-98%85%88%68.9 → 86%0-80%64.3 → 85%20-72%89.7 → 94%0-95%84%82.1 → 91%0-90%94.9 → 100%0-90%94%85.4 → 90%0-95%81%42.7 → 50%0-85%   80%87.9%
CSL GameStar Notebook VenomGamer G16Gaming (3)05.05.2024v780.4 → 82%0-98%83%81%63.9 → 80%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%73.8 → 78%0-95%87%92%95%85.2 → 90%0-95%64.8 → 72%0-90%70%45 → 53%0-85%   75.4%84.2%
Samsung Galaxy A35 5GSmartphone (10)03.05.2024v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%54.8 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%92%49.9 → 78%0-64%76.9 → 89%0-86%88%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%71%   79.7%85.9%
SCHENKER XMG Fusion 15 (Early 24)Gaming (3)03.05.2024v782.6 → 84%0-98%81%86%71.7 → 90%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%81.9 → 86%0-95%92%99%97%80.9 → 85%0-95%68.4 → 76%0-90%82%46 → 54%0-85%   79.3%88.9%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro 4GSmartphone (10)03.05.2024v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%49.2 → 70%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%92%31.3 → 49%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%91%64 → 71%0-90%71%   74.3%82.5%
Lenovo Yoga 7 2-in-1 16IML9Convertible (5)03.05.2024v785.3 → 87%0-98%87%85%64.3 → 86%0-75%62.7 → 78%20-75%89%78%66.8 → 86%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%94%95%79.4 → 87%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.4%86.7%
HMD Pulse ProSmartphone (10)02.05.2024v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%47.1 → 67%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%84%11.6 → 18%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%90%100%64.6 → 72%0-90%53%   71.5%77%
SCHENKER Work 14 BaseOffice (2)01.05.2024v777.4 → 79%0-98%82%80%63.1 → 79%0-80%71.5 → 94%20-75%78%81%58.7 → 75%0-78%89.5 → 94%0-95%91%83%72%31.2 → 37%0-85%   73.6%82%
Motorola Moto G04Smartphone (10)28.04.2024v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%44.2 → 63%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%91%86%11.7 → 18%0-64%59 → 69%0-86%89%100%64 → 71%0-90%55%   71.6%77.7%
Dell Latitude 9450 2-in-1Convertible (5)28.04.2024v789.4 → 91%0-98%85%74%70.3 → 94%0-75%68.3 → 88%20-75%90%87%67.9 → 87%0-78%93.6 → 100%0-85%94%91%89 → 98%0-91%41 → 48%0-85%   80%88.3%
Asus Zenfone 11 UltraSmartphone (10)26.04.2024v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%71.8 → 100%0-64%92 → 100%0-86%87%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%76%   82.8%88.1%
Lenovo Yoga Book 9 13IMU9Convertible (5)25.04.2024v789 → 91%0-98%79%65%70.7 → 92%20-75%88%87%67.9 → 87%0-78%94.69 → 100%0-85%90%99%91.2 → 100%0-91%46 → 54%0-85%   80.6%87%
Motorola Moto G24 PowerSmartphone (10)25.04.2024v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%48.1 → 69%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%93%84%15 → 23%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%91%100%72 → 80%0-90%54%   73.5%79%
Nothing Phone (2a)Smartphone (10)24.04.2024v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%53.1 → 76%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%93%56.8 → 89%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%88%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%75%   80.8%86.9%
Xiaomi 14 UltraSmartphone (10)23.04.2024v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%70.8 → 100%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%94%77.1 → 100%0-64%97.5 → 100%0-86%77%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%80%   84.9%89.2%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 16 G634JZRGaming (3)22.04.2024v780 → 82%0-98%87%90%65.4 → 82%0-80%58.8 → 87%10-66%73.7 → 78%0-95%93%99%95%80.9 → 85%0-95%59.8 → 66%0-90%82%34.2 → 40%0-85%   76.8%87.6%
Cubot KingKong AXSmartphone (10)22.04.2024v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%48.4 → 69%0-70%86.4 → 73%50-100%92%83%27 → 42%0-64%61 → 71%0-86%91%100%69.6 → 77%0-90%59%   73.6%79.1%
Xiaomi RedmiBook Pro 16 2024Multimedia (1)21.04.2024v785.1 → 87%0-98%91%89%57.3 → 72%0-80%64.6 → 86%20-72%91.6 → 96%0-95%92%81.4 → 90%0-90%92.4 → 100%0-90%90%95.5 → 100%0-95%84%36.7 → 43%0-85%   80.9%89.7%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 16IMH9Multimedia (1)20.04.2024v782.9 → 85%0-98%89%91%72.1 → 90%0-80%62.5 → 82%20-72%86.1 → 91%0-95%94%99.5 → 100%0-90%95.5 → 100%0-90%88%77.3 → 81%0-95%90%57.1 → 67%0-85%-2%77.4%88.7%
Razer EdgeTablet (9)18.04.2024v780.4 → 82%0-98%66.5 → 83%0-80%94%56.1 → 80%0-70%87 → 98%40-88%85%86%61.7 → 79%0-78%89.2 → 97%0-92%87%80%76 → 84%0-91%-2%72.8%86.6%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 14Office (2)16.04.2024v784.1 → 86%0-98%79%86%69.2 → 87%0-80%72.2 → 95%20-75%84%92%66.4 → 85%0-78%86.9 → 91%0-95%89%96%85%38.3 → 45%0-85%   79.2%87.4%
Teclast M50Tablet (9)16.04.2024v779.1 → 81%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%82%42.2 → 60%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%89%78%9 → 12%0-78%58 → 63%0-92%95%100%68 → 75%0-91%46 → 54%0-85%   69.2%79.3%
GMK NucBox M5Mini PC (23)16.04.2024v782.3 → 84%0-98%59.5 → 73%0-81%   10-0%63%92%80%   76.8%78.9%
Asus ExpertBook B3 B3404CVFOffice (2)15.04.2024v778 → 80%0-98%80%86%59.2 → 74%0-80%67.2 → 86%20-75%89%84%82.9 → 100%0-78%91.3 → 96%0-95%95%82%80%   81.1%84.3%
Lenovo Legion 7 16 IRX G9Gaming (3)13.04.2024v781.4 → 83%0-98%87%84%71 → 89%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%80.4 → 85%0-95%93%100%94%87.7 → 92%0-95%84.7 → 94%0-90%87%36 → 42%0-85%   80.7%90.8%
LG Gram 17 17Z90S-G.AA79GMultimedia (1)13.04.2024v776.9 → 78%0-98%89%89%66.8 → 84%0-80%70.9 → 98%20-72%90.6 → 95%0-95%86%70.7 → 79%0-90%83.1 → 92%0-90%93%94.1 → 99%0-95%74%43.2 → 51%0-85%   79.1%87%
Xiaomi Redmi K70 ProSmartphone (10)12.04.2024v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%54.2 → 77%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%92%70.8 → 100%0-64%94.5 → 100%0-86%85%100%75 → 83%0-90%71%   82%87.2%
Acer Aspire Go 15 AG15-31P-34JPOffice (2)11.04.2024v773.6 → 75%0-98%77%86%57.9 → 72%0-80%66.5 → 85%20-75%89%83%56.4 → 72%0-78%86.1 → 91%0-95%94%80%68%34.4 → 40%0-85%   73.2%81%
Lenovo Yoga 9 2-in-1 14IMH9Convertible (5)10.04.2024v789.3 → 91%0-98%93%99%71.1 → 95%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%88%87%77.4 → 99%0-78%96 → 100%0-85%91%90%90.6 → 100%0-91%46.4 → 55%0-85%-1%77.8%90.5%
Aorus 16X 2024Gaming (3)10.04.2024v776.5 → 78%0-98%79%86%67.3 → 84%0-80%60.8 → 91%10-66%79.4 → 84%0-95%91%99%95%88.2 → 93%0-95%59.6 → 66%0-90%89%45.5 → 54%0-85%   78.2%87.4%
Dell XPS 16 9640Multimedia (1)09.04.2024v786.4 → 88%0-98%85%69.9 → 87%0-80%61 → 79%20-72%89.3 → 94%0-95%79%98.9 → 100%0-90%95.7 → 100%0-90%91%85.1 → 90%0-95%90%35.9 → 42%0-85%   80.6%88.6%
Tecno Pova 6 ProSmartphone (10)09.04.2024v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%50.5 → 72%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%93%27 → 42%0-64%72 → 84%0-86%91%100%69 → 77%0-90%54%   75.4%81.4%
Oppo Find X7 UltraSmartphone (10)08.04.2024v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%68.1 → 97%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%94%94%74.9 → 100%0-64%95 → 100%0-86%77%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%84%   85.3%90.6%
GMK NucBox K6Mini PC (23)03.04.2024v783.7 → 85%0-98%62.2 → 77%0-81%   10-0%81%98%71%   79.7%83.6%
Dell XPS 14 2024 OLEDMultimedia (1)03.04.2024v786.5 → 88%0-98%80%85%70.1 → 88%0-80%65.5 → 88%20-72%82.5 → 87%0-95%72%89.7 → 100%0-90%86.8 → 96%0-90%89%89 → 94%0-95%88%35.9 → 42%0-85%   78.4%86.3%
Lenovo Legion Pro 5 16IRX9Gaming (3)02.04.2024v785.7 → 87%0-98%85%83%69.2 → 87%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%62.5 → 66%0-95%92%100%98%85.9 → 90%0-95%74.2 → 82%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   78.2%89.3%
Samsung Galaxy A15Smartphone (10)01.04.2024v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%47.3 → 68%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%91%26.6 → 42%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%88%100%68 → 76%0-90%58%   74.2%80%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 16Multimedia (1)28.03.2024v784.4 → 86%0-98%79%86%67.8 → 85%0-80%68.5 → 93%20-72%89.8 → 95%0-95%93%75.1 → 83%0-90%89.8 → 100%0-90%91%91.7 → 97%0-95%87%38.3 → 45%0-85%   80.1%88.9%
Samsung Galaxy A15 5GSmartphone (10)27.03.2024v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%50 → 71%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%91%26.3 → 41%0-64%68.8 → 80%0-86%89%100%70.4 → 78%0-90%58%   74.4%80.1%
Dell Inspiron 14 Plus 7440Subnotebook (4)27.03.2024v782.8 → 84%0-98%79%75%63.2 → 84%0-75%68.1 → 87%20-75%89%88%75.9 → 97%0-78%95.7 → 100%0-85%93%84%87.8 → 96%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   78.4%85.2%
Lenovo Legion Pro 7 16IRX9HGaming (3)25.03.2024v786 → 88%0-98%87%86%71.1 → 89%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%69.9 → 74%0-95%94%99%98%79.2 → 83%0-95%58.1 → 65%0-90%90%45 → 53%0-85%   78.6%89.5%
Gigabyte G6X 9KG (2024)Gaming (3)23.03.2024v774.9 → 76%0-98%79%83%59.9 → 75%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%79.1 → 83%0-95%82%98%88%88.4 → 93%0-95%63.6 → 71%0-90%76%44.5 → 52%0-85%   75.1%83.2%
Samsung Galaxy XCover 7Smartphone (10)23.03.2024v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%48 → 69%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%84%26.3 → 41%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%91%100%60 → 67%0-90%61%   73.1%79.1%
Asus Expertbook B5 Flip B5402F, i7-1360POffice (2)23.03.2024v786.1 → 88%0-98%91%94%73.1 → 91%0-80%70.1 → 91%20-75%89%89%65.8 → 84%0-78%82 → 86%0-95%93%91%75%46 → 54%0-85%   80.4%89.3%
Alienware m18 R2Gaming (3)23.03.2024v791.4 → 93%0-98%91%86%70.8 → 89%0-80%50.3 → 72%10-66%62.5 → 66%0-95%85%100%98%89 → 94%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%80%43.5 → 51%0-85%   78.9%89.5%
Honor Magic6 ProSmartphone (10)22.03.2024v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%70.8 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%96%92%72.6 → 100%0-64%94.6 → 100%0-86%84%100%82.2 → 91%0-90%80%   85.5%90.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 14AHP9Subnotebook (4)20.03.2024v781.6 → 83%0-98%85%88%66 → 88%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%90%90%80.5 → 100%0-78%96.5 → 100%0-85%92%88%81.6 → 90%0-91%42.7 → 50%0-85%   80.8%88.1%
Cubot Tab 50Tablet (9)20.03.2024v778.6 → 80%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%84%45.2 → 65%0-70%83.9 → 91%40-88%90%77%22 → 28%0-78%68 → 74%0-92%96%100%64 → 70%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   70.4%80.7%
Honor Pad 9Tablet (9)20.03.2024v780.1 → 82%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%91%39.1 → 56%0-70%82.2 → 88%40-88%89%87%34.8 → 45%0-78%79.8 → 87%0-92%92%100%88.4 → 97%0-91%49.8 → 59%0-85%   75.5%84.8%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 360Convertible (5)19.03.2024v781 → 83%0-98%77%86%67.8 → 90%0-75%66.9 → 85%20-75%87%93%65.9 → 84%0-78%85.9 → 100%0-85%92%94%86.2 → 95%0-91%38.3 → 45%0-85%   78.6%87.8%
Motorola Moto G34Smartphone (10)19.03.2024v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%49.5 → 71%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%91%89%30.3 → 47%0-64%75.3 → 88%0-86%89%100%72.8 → 81%0-90%66%   75.9%81.9%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5GSmartphone (10)18.03.2024v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%53 → 76%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%94%58.1 → 91%0-64%81.5 → 95%0-86%88%100%82 → 91%0-90%75%   81.4%87.4%
Asus BR1402FGOffice (2)18.03.2024v767.6 → 69%0-98%75%87%58.6 → 73%0-80%66.4 → 84%20-75%87%76%51 → 65%0-78%82.8 → 87%0-95%95%85%74%32 → 38%0-85%   72.1%79.5%
Samsung Galaxy Book4 UltraMultimedia (1)16.03.2024v782.6 → 84%0-98%80%86%68 → 85%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%89.7 → 94%0-95%90%90.8 → 100%0-90%92.6 → 100%0-90%91%93.1 → 98%0-95%88%43.9 → 52%0-85%   81.6%90.4%
Samsung Galaxy S23 FESmartphone (10)15.03.2024v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%55.8 → 80%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%85%92%59.5 → 93%0-64%91.4 → 100%0-86%84%100%74 → 82%0-90%74%   80.4%85.5%
HP Spectre x360 16 RTX 4050Convertible (5)15.03.2024v787%96%67.4 → 90%0-75%63 → 78%20-75%89%90%91.9 → 100%0-78%95.2 → 100%0-85%90%98%90.4 → 99%0-91%59.2 → 70%0-85%   84.8%91.1%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 5 14IMH9Subnotebook (4)14.03.2024v786.5 → 88%0-98%87%81%62.6 → 83%0-75%69.6 → 90%20-75%86%89%78.7 → 100%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%88%83%73 → 80%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   78.7%86.6%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 14IMH9Subnotebook (4)13.03.2024v789.1 → 91%0-98%85%84%65 → 87%0-75%69.8 → 91%20-75%82%87%79.6 → 100%0-78%95.5 → 100%0-85%95%91%83.8 → 92%0-91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   80.4%88.3%
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active5 5GTablet (9)12.03.2024v785.6 → 87%0-98%72.7 → 91%0-80%89%54.1 → 77%0-70%84.2 → 92%40-88%90%89%51 → 65%0-78%78 → 85%0-92%90%100%71.2 → 78%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%   78.3%87.4%
Alienware m16 R2Gaming (3)10.03.2024v788.8 → 91%0-98%90%83%68.3 → 85%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%79.9 → 84%0-95%90%99%97%88.4 → 93%0-95%76.6 → 85%0-90%84%36.5 → 43%0-85%   80.2%90.2%
Apple MacBook Air 15 M3Subnotebook (4)09.03.2024v788.1 → 90%0-98%91%62.1 → 83%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%91%92%74.7 → 96%0-78%96.4 → 100%0-85%91%100%91.2 → 100%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   82.3%91.6%
Samsung Galaxy S24+Smartphone (10)09.03.2024v793%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%68.8 → 98%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%92%76.5 → 100%0-64%95.5 → 100%0-86%83%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%81%   85%89.8%
Apple MacBook Air 13 M3 10C GPUSubnotebook (4)07.03.2024v788.4 → 90%0-98%92%100%62.1 → 83%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%91%91%70.5 → 90%0-78%95.9 → 100%0-85%91%100%89 → 98%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   83.3%92.4%
Acemagic S1Mini PC (23)07.03.2024v773.7 → 75%0-98%55.3 → 68%0-81%   10-0%53%84%91%93%   76.2%75.8%
Vivo X100 ProSmartphone (10)07.03.2024v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%55.8 → 80%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%94%72.6 → 100%0-64%96.5 → 100%0-86%84%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%79%   83.4%88.5%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14IMH9Subnotebook (4)06.03.2024v786.6 → 88%0-98%87%83%61.7 → 82%0-75%67.9 → 87%20-75%89%90%81.5 → 100%0-78%96.1 → 100%0-85%91%91%88 → 97%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   81.3%88.5%
MSI Prestige 13 AI EvoSubnotebook (4)06.03.2024v776.5 → 78%0-98%78%88%69.9 → 93%0-75%75.5 → 100%20-75%90%90%68 → 87%0-78%84.5 → 99%0-85%92%82%76.8 → 84%0-91%38.7 → 46%0-85%   77.7%86.6%
HP Omen Transcend 14-fb0014Gaming (3)06.03.2024v772.2 → 74%0-98%85%84%64.7 → 81%0-80%67.2 → 100%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%92%96%95%91 → 96%0-95%87.3 → 97%0-90%81%37.5 → 44%0-85%   79.8%88.5%
Samsung Galaxy S24Smartphone (10)04.03.2024v793%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%68.1 → 97%0-70%90.8 → 82%50-100%91%92%71.2 → 100%0-64%95.7 → 100%0-86%77%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%80%   84.2%90%
Xiaomi Redmi 13CSmartphone (10)04.03.2024v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%48.1 → 69%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%92%85%15.5 → 24%0-64%65.3 → 76%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%52%   72.1%77.7%
Xiaomi Poco X6 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)04.03.2024v781%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%54 → 77%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%90%94%65.5 → 100%0-64%91 → 100%0-86%88%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%64%   80.7%86.1%
HP EliteBook 865 G10Office (2)04.03.2024v788 → 90%0-98%91%95%64.4 → 81%20-75%90%66%64.7 → 83%0-78%95.4 → 100%0-95%86%96%69%39.2 → 46%0-85%   78.7%85.8%
Samsung Galaxy S24 UltraSmartphone (10)01.03.2024v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%70.9 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%94%93%72.1 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%87%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%85%   85.8%91.1%
Acer Predator Helios 18 PH18-72-98MWGaming (3)29.02.2024v783 → 85%0-98%87%83%71.1 → 89%0-80%54.7 → 80%10-66%53.1 → 56%0-95%92%99%90%81.5 → 86%0-95%58.7 → 65%0-90%80%44 → 52%0-85%   75.1%87.1%
Honor MagicBook Pro 16 2024Multimedia (1)28.02.2024v780.9 → 83%0-98%86%79%64.3 → 80%0-80%64.3 → 85%20-72%89 → 94%0-95%93%98.8 → 100%0-90%95 → 100%0-90%92%90.9 → 96%0-95%88%36.7 → 43%0-85%   81.3%90%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G12Office (2)27.02.2024v789.9 → 92%0-98%90%95%64.3 → 80%0-80%73.8 → 98%20-75%78%92%78.3 → 100%0-78%95.8 → 100%0-95%91%96%86%42.5 → 50%0-85%   82.5%90.8%
HP Spectre x360 16-aa0074ngConvertible (5)26.02.2024v790.2 → 92%0-98%87%96%67.4 → 90%0-75%64 → 80%20-75%89%90%76.1 → 98%0-78%90.5 → 100%0-85%91%99%84.4 → 93%0-91%58.4 → 69%0-85%   83.3%91.4%
Asus Zenbook Duo OLED UX8406MAConvertible (5)25.02.2024v784 → 86%0-98%85%93%67.8 → 90%0-75%66.5 → 85%20-75%88%91%38.6 → 49%0-78%82.4 → 97%0-85%90%87%83.2 → 91%0-91%39.1 → 46%0-85%   76.6%87.8%
Honor Magic V2 RSRSmartphone (10)25.02.2024v789%70.4 → 94%0-75%94%69.3 → 99%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%94%60.9 → 95%0-64%96.2 → 100%0-86%90%100%77 → 86%0-90%78%   84.4%89.1%
Oukitel OT8Tablet (9)25.02.2024v780.7 → 82%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%91%45.5 → 65%0-70%82.9 → 89%40-88%92%81%9 → 12%0-78%56 → 61%0-92%96%100%70 → 77%0-91%47.6 → 56%0-85%   70.5%81.3%
Medion Erazer Beast X40 2024Gaming (3)23.02.2024v783.9 → 86%0-98%89%86%69 → 86%0-80%57.3 → 84%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%92%97%98%82.4 → 87%0-95%71.6 → 80%0-90%86%44 → 52%0-85%   78.9%89.2%
Lenovo Tab M8 2024Tablet (9)23.02.2024v781.6 → 83%0-98%63.5 → 79%0-80%84%37.3 → 53%0-70%86.1 → 96%40-88%92%79%5.6 → 7%0-78%48.1 → 52%0-92%95%100%66.6 → 73%0-91%42.8 → 50%0-85%   67.8%80%
Ninkear A15 Plus (16+512)Office (2)22.02.2024v777.5 → 79%0-98%89%79%56.1 → 70%0-80%65.2 → 82%20-75%89%80%57.4 → 74%0-78%92.5 → 97%0-95%95%93%51%26.4 → 31%0-85%   73.1%83.6%
Razer Blade 14 RZ09-0508Gaming (3)21.02.2024v790.8 → 93%0-98%81%93%61.8 → 77%0-80%64.6 → 98%10-66%74.8 → 79%0-95%92%99%98%88.8 → 93%0-95%85.5 → 95%0-90%77%40 → 47%0-85%   80.5%89.7%
HP Pavilion Plus 16-ab0456txMultimedia (1)21.02.2024v785.9 → 88%0-98%83%86%61.8 → 77%0-80%64.3 → 85%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%89%91.3 → 100%0-90%95.7 → 100%0-90%85%90.5 → 95%0-95%75%42.8 → 50%0-85%   79.8%88.7%
Tecno Spark 20 Pro+Smartphone (10)20.02.2024v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45.4 → 65%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%91%88%27 → 42%0-64%72.7 → 85%0-86%90%100%65.4 → 73%0-90%60%   74.9%81.2%
Asus ZenBook 14 UX3405MASubnotebook (4)20.02.2024v788.1 → 90%0-98%84%89%64 → 85%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%91%37.3 → 48%0-78%81 → 95%0-85%89%79%90.2 → 99%0-91%36.7 → 43%0-85%   76.1%86.7%
Honor Magic V2Smartphone (10)20.02.2024v789%70.4 → 94%0-75%94%69.3 → 99%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%89%94%60.9 → 95%0-64%96.2 → 100%0-86%90%100%77 → 86%0-90%78%   84.3%89%
Razer Blade 16 2024, RTX 4090Gaming (3)19.02.2024v792.4 → 94%0-98%83%89%71.6 → 90%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%69.2 → 73%0-95%93%98%97%86 → 91%0-95%82.2 → 91%0-90%89%39.6 → 47%0-85%   80.7%91.1%
HP Omen 16 (2024)Gaming (3)18.02.2024v781.8 → 83%0-98%81%86%66 → 83%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%68.1 → 72%0-95%88%99%90%82.5 → 87%0-95%75.6 → 84%0-90%75%48 → 56%0-85%   77%86.7%
HP Spectre x360 14-eu0078ngConvertible (5)17.02.2024v790.3 → 92%0-98%87%99%65.4 → 87%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%88%91%43 → 55%0-78%87.1 → 100%0-85%90%98%89.4 → 98%0-91%54.3 → 64%0-85%   81%91.4%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+Tablet (9)16.02.2024v782.7 → 84%0-98%69.6 → 87%0-80%91%43.6 → 62%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%90%82%32.7 → 42%0-78%73.8 → 80%0-92%91%100%78.4 → 86%0-91%50.6 → 60%0-85%   74.4%84.2%
HP EliteBook x360 830 G10 7L7U1ETConvertible (5)16.02.2024v786.9 → 89%0-98%89%88%69.7 → 93%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%86%87%63.9 → 82%0-78%84.2 → 99%0-85%90%94%73.2 → 80%0-91%42.4 → 50%0-85%   78.9%89.4%
Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2Tablet (9)16.02.2024v785.7 → 87%0-98%66.9 → 84%0-80%98%60.5 → 86%0-70%81.8 → 87%40-88%89%93%58.4 → 75%0-78%89 → 97%0-92%92%100%85.6 → 94%0-91%54.2 → 64%0-85%   81%89.6%
Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Fold 16Convertible (5)15.02.2024v788 → 90%0-98%77%64%62.2 → 83%0-75%64 → 80%20-75%66%88%62.8 → 81%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-85%91%100%83.4 → 92%0-91%44.5 → 52%0-85%   75.7%84.4%
Samsung Galaxy A25 5GSmartphone (10)14.02.2024v785%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%50.2 → 72%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%94%40.8 → 64%0-64%84.6 → 98%0-86%89%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%68%   78.6%84.5%
Dell G16, i7-13650HX, RTX 4060Gaming (3)14.02.2024v772.4 → 74%0-98%80%86%59.6 → 75%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%68.4 → 72%0-95%88%98%96%83.6 → 88%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%69%33.2 → 39%0-85%   75.5%85.5%
Teclast P30TTablet (9)13.02.2024v778.7 → 80%0-98%68.5 → 86%0-80%83%35.2 → 50%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%77%72%11.4 → 15%0-78%45 → 49%0-92%93%100%65.4 → 72%0-91%43.2 → 51%0-85%   65.9%75.9%
Nubia Z60 UltraSmartphone (10)13.02.2024v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%92%56.8 → 81%0-70%87.3 → 75%50-100%93%92%75.4 → 100%0-64%97.4 → 100%0-86%54%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%76%   81.2%86.8%
HP Omen Transcend 16-u1095ngGaming (3)12.02.2024v783.4 → 85%0-98%81%86%66.6 → 83%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%62.7 → 66%0-95%94%99%97%79.5 → 84%0-95%76.2 → 85%0-90%78%42 → 49%0-85%   77.4%88.4%
Valve Steam Deck 1 TB OLED Handheld / UMPC (6)12.02.2024v778%86%41.1 → 63%0-65%80.9 → 87%35-88%87%94%70.4 → 100%0-68%90.2 → 100%0-76%93.4 → 100%0-91%83.6 → 98%0-85%   80.4%88.9%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 4GSmartphone (10)12.02.2024v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%47.7 → 68%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%93%16.2 → 25%0-64%70.2 → 82%0-86%92%100%70 → 78%0-90%61%   74.5%80.2%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50Mini PC (23)10.02.2024v774.3 → 76%0-98%41 → 51%0-81%   10-0%54%81%93%92%   73.5%73%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9Tablet (9)09.02.2024v782.6 → 84%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%90%39.7 → 57%0-70%85.9 → 96%40-88%91%82%26.5 → 34%0-78%72.5 → 79%0-92%92%100%71.4 → 78%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   72.6%84.1%
Asus ROG Phone 8 ProSmartphone (10)08.02.2024v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%73.5 → 100%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%92%80 → 100%0-64%95.9 → 100%0-86%84%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%71%   84.8%88.6%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 18 G834JYR (2024)Gaming (3)07.02.2024v780.1 → 82%0-98%83%64.3 → 80%0-80%55.9 → 82%10-66%74.8 → 79%0-95%95%100%98%84.5 → 89%0-95%71.5 → 79%0-90%80%33.2 → 39%0-85%   76.6%88.3%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 2024 GA403UGaming (3)06.02.2024v791 → 93%0-98%92%100%66 → 83%0-80%69.3 → 100%10-66%87.5 → 92%0-95%94%99%96%86.6 → 91%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%96%43.8 → 52%0-85%   85%93%
Oukitel WP33 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)06.02.2024v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%46.7 → 67%0-70%81.9 → 64%50-100%100%80%26.1 → 41%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%95%100%76 → 84%0-90%60%   75.1%80.1%
Nubia RedMagic 9 ProSmartphone (10)05.02.2024v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%64.4 → 92%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%92%93%80.6 → 100%0-64%96.3 → 100%0-86%37%70%78.4 → 87%0-90%   78.5%86.8%
MSI Vector 16 HX A14VGaming (3)04.02.2024v787.4 → 89%0-98%86%93%62.5 → 78%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%66.3 → 70%0-95%89%100%97%94.1 → 99%0-95%53.6 → 60%0-90%88%39.5 → 46%0-85%   78.1%88%
Onyx Boox TabXTablet (9)04.02.2024v780 → 82%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%91%29.3 → 42%0-70%82 → 88%40-88%90%72%14 → 18%0-78%42 → 46%0-92%97%100%52 → 57%0-91%   67.8%78.5%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 GU605MGaming (3)04.02.2024v791.1 → 93%0-98%92%100%70 → 88%0-80%65.2 → 99%10-66%81.8 → 86%0-95%92%99%95%85 → 89%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%96%43.8 → 52%0-85%   83.5%92.3%
Honor Magic6 LiteSmartphone (10)02.02.2024v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%48.5 → 69%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%90%94%43.6 → 68%0-64%77.2 → 90%0-86%88%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%62%   77.9%83.9%
HP Victus 15-fa1057ngGaming (3)02.02.2024v769.1 → 71%0-98%81%83%61 → 76%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%76.7 → 81%0-95%80%96%96%90.4 → 95%0-95%78.6 → 87%0-90%76%41 → 48%0-85%   76.1%84%
MSI Titan 18 HX A14VIGGaming (3)31.01.2024v785.1 → 87%0-98%89%70%66.8 → 84%0-80%52.4 → 76%10-66%58.9 → 62%0-95%91%100%97%91 → 96%0-95%75.4 → 84%0-90%86%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77.2%88.8%
Asus VivoBook S15 K5504Multimedia (1)30.01.2024v780.4 → 82%0-98%90%91%60 → 75%0-80%67.3 → 91%20-72%80.6 → 85%0-95%92%72.8 → 81%0-90%94.6 → 100%0-90%79%83.9 → 88%0-95%51%46 → 54%0-85%   76.1%84.9%
Teclast P26TTablet (9)30.01.2024v777.3 → 79%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%88%32.3 → 46%0-70%82.9 → 89%40-88%73%71%10.6 → 14%0-78%44.9 → 49%0-92%89%100%68.4 → 75%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   65.6%75.2%
Samsung Galaxy M34 5GSmartphone (10)30.01.2024v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%51.9 → 74%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%92%41.1 → 64%0-64%72 → 84%0-86%88%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%64%   77.5%83.7%
Lenovo Legion 5 16IRX G9Gaming (3)29.01.2024v785.4 → 87%0-98%87%79%64.9 → 81%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%79.1 → 83%0-95%94%99%96%89.8 → 95%0-95%71.8 → 80%0-90%83%32.4 → 38%0-85%   78.6%89.1%
One-Netbook OneXPlayer 2 Pro AR18Handheld / UMPC (6)29.01.2024v785 → 100%0-80%57%53.2 → 82%0-65%77 → 79%35-88%89%79%78.2 → 100%0-68%95.4 → 100%0-76%91.4 → 100%0-91%83.2 → 98%0-85%   78.8%84.9%
Onyx Boox Note Air 3Tablet (9)25.01.2024v782.6 → 84%0-98%60.4 → 76%0-80%77%27.6 → 39%0-70%84.3 → 92%40-88%86%79%13 → 17%0-78%68 → 74%0-92%98%100%66 → 73%0-91%   70.1%79%
Blackview Tab 80Tablet (9)24.01.2024v773.8 → 75%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%88%38.7 → 55%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%90%81%10.2 → 13%0-78%59.8 → 65%0-92%95%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%53.8 → 63%0-85%   70.1%80.4%
Dell G15 5530, i5-13450HX RTX 4050Gaming (3)24.01.2024v773.5 → 75%0-98%79%78%58.9 → 74%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%74.4 → 78%0-95%87%98%96%77.8 → 82%0-95%83.2 → 92%0-90%75%38.5 → 45%0-85%   75.1%84.7%
Xiaomi 14Smartphone (10)24.01.2024v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%67.9 → 97%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%93%94%72.2 → 100%0-64%96.1 → 100%0-86%77%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%78%   84.5%89.8%
Onyx Boox PalmaTablet (9)24.01.2024v779 → 81%0-98%63.5 → 79%0-80%81%33.9 → 48%0-70%90.6 → 100%40-88%91%85%11 → 14%0-78%41 → 45%0-92%93%100%54 → 59%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   66.5%79.8%
Framework Laptop 16Multimedia (1)24.01.2024v780.3 → 82%0-98%90%89%61.8 → 77%0-80%60.3 → 78%20-72%86 → 91%0-95%92%97.1 → 100%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%90%86.2 → 91%0-95%86%47 → 55%0-85%   81.8%89.6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100LMini PC (23)23.01.2024v773.1 → 75%0-98%59.7 → 74%0-81%   10-0%42%78%90%95%   74.8%72.8%
Ayaneo KunHandheld / UMPC (6)23.01.2024v786%61.2 → 77%0-80%100%61.3 → 94%0-65%75.9 → 77%35-88%88%83%80.3 → 100%0-68%88.1 → 100%0-76%81.6 → 90%0-91%80.8 → 95%0-85%   0-0%   75.7%85.2%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)23.01.2024v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%52 → 74%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%91%93%49.3 → 77%0-64%78 → 91%0-86%88%100%69.2 → 77%0-90%75%   79.1%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad Z13 Gen 2Subnotebook (4)21.01.2024v789.8 → 92%0-98%91%93%63.3 → 84%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%79%91%76.4 → 98%0-78%93.1 → 100%0-85%90%89%86.2 → 95%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   79.8%89.5%
Tuxedo Pulse 14 Gen3Subnotebook (4)20.01.2024v785.3 → 87%0-98%88%93%62.3 → 83%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%86%91%80.9 → 100%0-78%96.4 → 100%0-85%89%96%71 → 78%0-91%18 → 21%0-85%   79%89%
Acer TravelMate P4 TMP414-53-58XQSubnotebook (4)19.01.2024v785.7 → 87%0-98%84%88%61.9 → 83%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%89%81%58.4 → 75%0-78%94.1 → 100%0-85%94%86%73.8 → 81%0-91%28.8 → 34%0-85%   76.5%85.9%
Huawei MateBook 14 (KLV-W5651T), i5-1240POffice (2)19.01.2024v785.5 → 87%0-98%82%92%58.2 → 73%0-80%69.8 → 91%20-75%86%87%62.9 → 81%0-78%92.6 → 97%0-95%93%90%66%24 → 28%0-85%   76.1%85.8%
Realme GT5Smartphone (10)19.01.2024v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%53.3 → 76%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%89%69.5 → 100%0-64%85 → 99%0-86%47%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%73%   77.8%84.9%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJMini PC (23)18.01.2024v783.6 → 85%0-98%54 → 67%0-81%   10-0%50%74%46%92%   69.3%69.9%
Acer Nitro V 15 ANV15-51-582SGaming (3)17.01.2024v773.4 → 75%0-98%73%72%59.9 → 75%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%87.2 → 92%0-95%79%97%96%85.5 → 90%0-95%74.5 → 83%0-90%78%38 → 45%0-85%   75.1%82.8%
Lenovo Legion GoHandheld / UMPC (6)17.01.2024v775%100%52.9 → 81%0-65%77.5 → 80%35-88%69%85%72.7 → 100%0-68%94.4 → 100%0-76%95 → 100%0-91%56.6 → 67%0-85%   77.7%84.9%
Teclast T60Tablet (9)15.01.2024v781.7 → 83%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%83%43.9 → 63%0-70%82 → 88%40-88%92%86%11.2 → 14%0-78%62.5 → 68%0-92%94%100%67.6 → 74%0-91%49.6 → 58%0-85%   70.9%80.7%
Teclast T45 HDTablet (9)14.01.2024v782.9 → 85%0-98%69.6 → 87%0-80%83%43.4 → 62%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%90%76%9.8 → 13%0-78%63.2 → 69%0-92%97%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%50.8 → 60%0-85%   70.4%79.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3 CB 14M868Office (2)13.01.2024v775.6 → 77%0-98%82%78%46.6 → 58%0-80%71.4 → 93%20-75%90%73%16.6 → 21%0-78%54.5 → 57%0-95%95%100%76%20.4 → 24%0-85%   67.6%78.5%
Huawei MateBook D 16 2024Multimedia (1)12.01.2024v781.3 → 83%0-98%88%89%51.4 → 64%0-80%66.4 → 89%20-72%89 → 94%0-95%86%71 → 79%0-90%91.3 → 100%0-90%90%97.3 → 100%0-95%83%28.8 → 34%0-85%-1%72.2%85%
SCHENKER Vision 14 M23 RTX 3050Subnotebook (4)11.01.2024v787.7 → 89%0-98%87%98%66.3 → 88%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%89%92%89.1 → 100%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%87%74%83.6 → 92%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   81.3%88.2%
Asus TUF Gaming A17 FA707XI-NS94Gaming (3)08.01.2024v777.4 → 79%0-98%82%86%62.6 → 78%0-80%59.7 → 89%10-66%86 → 91%0-95%80%98%97%94.3 → 99%0-95%73.5 → 82%0-90%79%36 → 42%0-85%   77.8%85.6%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MVMini PC (23)06.01.2024v774.9 → 76%0-98%57.7 → 71%0-81%   10-0%42%78%84%100%   73.6%73.2%
Xiaomi Poco F5 ProSmartphone (10)05.01.2024v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%94%68.3 → 100%0-64%91.2 → 100%0-86%88%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%66%   81.9%87.4%
Teclast M50 HDTablet (9)02.01.2024v779.4 → 81%0-98%68.8 → 86%0-80%82%43.5 → 62%0-70%84.2 → 92%40-88%89%76%9 → 12%0-78%58 → 63%0-92%97%100%70 → 77%0-91%46.4 → 55%0-85%   69.4%79.4%
Teclast T40 HDTablet (9)31.12.2023v779.7 → 81%0-98%68.8 → 86%0-80%83%44.6 → 64%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%73%9 → 12%0-78%58 → 63%0-92%97%100%65 → 71%0-91%51.2 → 60%0-85%   69.5%79.3%
Xiaomi 14 ProSmartphone (10)30.12.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%70 → 100%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%93%71 → 100%0-64%87.5 → 100%0-86%76%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%78%   83.6%89.4%
MSI Prestige 16 B1MG-001USMultimedia (1)29.12.2023v783.3 → 85%0-98%88%94%71.7 → 90%0-80%68.3 → 93%20-72%92 → 97%0-95%82%77.5 → 86%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%89%83 → 87%0-95%83%40.5 → 48%0-85%   80.7%88.1%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14APH G8Subnotebook (4)28.12.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%89%84%61.8 → 82%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%89%91%80.2 → 100%0-78%95.9 → 100%0-85%89%90%78.4 → 86%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   80.1%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G4 21K4S02000Office (2)23.12.2023v781.6 → 83%0-98%91%93%69.4 → 87%0-80%69.4 → 90%20-75%89%92%74 → 95%0-78%96 → 100%0-95%90%98%70%47.6 → 56%0-85%   81.6%90.4%
Oppo Find N3Smartphone (10)21.12.2023v788%70 → 93%0-75%94%67.5 → 96%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%93%60 → 94%0-64%96.2 → 100%0-86%79%100%87.4 → 97%0-90%73%   83.6%88.3%
Colorful EVOL X15 AT 23Gaming (3)21.12.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%81%81%69.4 → 87%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%65.9 → 69%0-95%85%100%95%88.2 → 93%0-95%57.9 → 64%0-90%61%36.5 → 43%0-85%   74.2%84.9%
Geekom Mini IT13Mini PC (23)20.12.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%65.7 → 81%0-81%   10-0%75%98%50%   75.5%78.8%
Aorus 15 YE5-54DEB34SHGaming (3)18.12.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%81%88%63.7 → 80%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%63.3 → 67%0-95%89%99%94%88.1 → 93%0-95%83.1 → 92%0-90%70%33.6 → 40%0-85%   76.2%86.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad Z16 Gen 2Multimedia (1)16.12.2023v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%93%63.6 → 80%0-80%64.9 → 86%20-72%68.5 → 72%0-95%91%91.5 → 100%0-90%96.8 → 100%0-90%90%82.4 → 87%0-95%83%31.5 → 37%0-85%   79.6%88.6%
PocketBook InkPad Color 3Tablet (9)16.12.2023v778.1 → 80%0-98%64.2 → 80%0-80%81%20 → 29%0-70%86.9 → 98%40-88%79%75%5 → 6%0-78%30 → 33%0-92%97%100%56 → 62%0-91%   64.3%75.7%
Onyx Boox PageTablet (9)15.12.2023v779.4 → 81%0-98%61.5 → 77%0-80%79%28.7 → 41%0-70%88.4 → 100%40-88%77%81%10 → 13%0-78%40 → 43%0-92%97%100%49.2 → 54%0-91%   66%77.2%
HP ProBook 450 G10Office (2)13.12.2023v781.1 → 83%0-98%85%89%69 → 86%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%88%81%70.8 → 91%0-78%92.1 → 97%0-95%91%93%68%50 → 59%0-85%   78.7%86.2%
GMK NucBox M4Mini PC (23)13.12.2023v784.6 → 86%0-98%59 → 73%0-81%   10-0%59%92%95%91%   79.4%81.1%
Apple iPhone 15 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)12.12.2023v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%65 → 93%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%95%95%65.5 → 100%0-64%91.8 → 100%0-86%84%100%80.6 → 90%0-90%83%   84.8%91.1%
Google Pixel 8 ProSmartphone (10)12.12.2023v792%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%57 → 81%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%87%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%83%   82.9%89%
HP Pavilion Plus 14-ew0153TUMultimedia (1)11.12.2023v787.5 → 89%0-98%87%86%63.8 → 80%0-80%69.7 → 96%20-72%88.2 → 93%0-95%89%65.9 → 73%0-90%93.9 → 100%0-90%92%97.2 → 100%0-95%77%42.3 → 50%0-85%   79.9%87.5%
Onyx Boox Tab Ultra C ProTablet (9)08.12.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%81%41.8 → 60%0-70%83.9 → 91%40-88%85%68%50 → 64%0-78%85.8 → 93%0-92%98%100%66 → 73%0-91%56.8 → 67%0-85%   74.5%82.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad L15 Gen 4 21H70021GEOffice (2)08.12.2023v778.5 → 80%0-98%85%87%72.9 → 91%0-80%64.6 → 81%20-75%85%81%56.4 → 72%0-78%92.5 → 97%0-95%93%98%75%47.5 → 56%0-85%   78.3%86.6%
Xiaomi 13TSmartphone (10)08.12.2023v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%51 → 73%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%94%61 → 95%0-64%86.3 → 100%0-86%89%100%79 → 88%0-90%76%   81.6%87.7%
Cubot P80Smartphone (10)07.12.2023v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%49.4 → 71%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%83%15.2 → 24%0-64%59 → 69%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%51%   71.2%76.6%
HP 250 G9 7N029ESOffice (2)06.12.2023v769.5 → 71%0-98%75%75%47.4 → 59%0-80%66.5 → 85%20-75%69%80%57.2 → 73%0-78%89.3 → 94%0-95%91%64%81%27.2 → 32%0-85%   68.7%75.2%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M3 ProMultimedia (1)06.12.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%92%100%71.1 → 89%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%91.3 → 96%0-95%93%90.8 → 100%0-90%98.1 → 100%0-90%89%90.4 → 95%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%-0.5%79.2%93.2%
Fairphone 5Smartphone (10)30.11.2023v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%55.4 → 79%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%88%88%58.2 → 91%0-64%80 → 93%0-86%83%100%72 → 80%0-90%58%   77.7%83.2%
Medion Erazer Crawler E40 - MD 62518Gaming (3)30.11.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%80%82%61.6 → 77%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%56.4 → 59%0-95%85%99%97%94.9 → 100%0-95%72.2 → 80%0-90%78%38.4 → 45%0-85%   75.5%85.4%
Eurocom C315 BlitzOffice (2)30.11.2023v775.6 → 77%0-98%82%88%66 → 83%0-80%66.3 → 84%20-75%79%84%64 → 82%0-78%94.7 → 100%0-95%95%83%60%24.5 → 29%0-85%   74%83.4%
Google Pixel 8 ProSmartphone (10)29.11.2023v792%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%57 → 81%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%87%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%83%   82.9%89%
MSI Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport A13VGGaming (3)29.11.2023v786.3 → 88%0-98%81%83%68.3 → 85%0-80%64.2 → 97%10-66%71.3 → 75%0-95%91%96%98%82.3 → 87%0-95%83.3 → 93%0-90%85%46 → 54%0-85%   79.7%89.1%
Lenovo ThinkBook 16 G6 ABPOffice (2)27.11.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%87%83%66.7 → 83%0-80%65.5 → 83%20-75%88%81%62.1 → 80%0-78%92.6 → 97%0-95%89%95%76%36.8 → 43%0-85%   77.2%85.7%
Alienware m18 R1 AMDGaming (3)27.11.2023v791.4 → 93%0-98%91%86%67.7 → 85%0-80%50.7 → 73%10-66%26.6 → 28%0-95%89%99%98%92.4 → 97%0-95%80.9 → 90%0-90%80%44.5 → 52%0-85%   76.7%89.2%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FETablet (9)25.11.2023v787.3 → 89%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%91%41.7 → 60%0-70%82.7 → 89%40-88%90%87%50.9 → 65%0-78%76.8 → 83%0-92%90%100%84.6 → 93%0-91%51.6 → 61%0-85%   77.2%86.8%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2023 M3 ProMultimedia (1)24.11.2023v789.2 → 91%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%62.1 → 81%20-72%93 → 98%0-95%94%91.6 → 100%0-90%98.1 → 100%0-90%91%89.5 → 94%0-95%93%39.2 → 46%0-85%   85.1%93.7%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE PlusTablet (9)22.11.2023v789.1 → 91%0-98%70.4 → 88%0-80%91%41.9 → 60%0-70%81.1 → 86%40-88%91%87%50.9 → 65%0-78%78.3 → 85%0-92%93%100%88.8 → 98%0-91%52 → 61%0-85%   78%87%
Teclast T40 AirTablet (9)22.11.2023v779 → 81%0-98%70.8 → 89%0-80%83%46.1 → 66%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%76%11 → 14%0-78%60.2 → 65%0-92%95%100%70 → 77%0-91%45.2 → 53%0-85%   70.1%80%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G4 i7-1365UOffice (2)22.11.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%91%92%66.2 → 83%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%79%83%67.6 → 87%0-78%94.8 → 100%0-95%94%98%77%34 → 40%0-85%   79.7%88.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M3 MaxMultimedia (1)20.11.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%92%100%71.1 → 89%0-80%67.7 → 92%20-72%90.6 → 95%0-95%93%88.3 → 98%0-90%97.8 → 100%0-90%84%89.4 → 94%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   84.5%92.8%
LG Gram 2in1 16 16T90R - G.AA78GConvertible (5)16.11.2023v774.9 → 76%0-98%81%88%63 → 84%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%89%82%68.9 → 88%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%88%96%77.4 → 85%0-91%44.4 → 52%0-85%   77.9%85.8%
HP Pavilion Plus 14-ey0095clMultimedia (1)15.11.2023v787.5 → 89%0-98%87%86%56.9 → 71%0-80%70.4 → 97%20-72%82.4 → 87%0-95%88%73.9 → 82%0-90%95.6 → 100%0-90%94%94.7 → 100%0-95%84%41.5 → 49%0-85%   80.1%87.8%
Google Pixel 8Smartphone (10)15.11.2023v790%66.2 → 88%0-75%93%52.7 → 75%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%91%93%64.6 → 100%0-64%84 → 98%0-86%88%100%83.2 → 92%0-90%80%   82.6%88.9%
Acer Aspire Vero AV15-53POffice (2)14.11.2023v786.9 → 89%0-98%86%88%63.5 → 79%0-80%65.7 → 83%20-75%89%89%67.9 → 87%0-78%91.6 → 96%0-95%93%88%69%62.4 → 73%0-85%   80%87.6%
Lenovo Tab M10 5GTablet (9)14.11.2023v782.1 → 84%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%86%49.4 → 71%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%91%82%25 → 32%0-78%71 → 77%0-92%96%100%67.2 → 74%0-91%48.8 → 57%0-85%   72.8%82.6%
Asus VivoBook Pro 16 K6602VUMultimedia (1)13.11.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%85%86%71.6 → 90%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%85.5 → 90%0-95%87%96.8 → 100%0-90%93.2 → 100%0-90%82%75.5 → 79%0-95%83%37 → 44%0-85%   79.2%87.6%
Onyx Boox Note Air 3 CTablet (9)13.11.2023v783.3 → 85%0-98%60.8 → 76%0-80%77%29.4 → 42%0-70%84.3 → 92%40-88%85%67%12.8 → 16%0-78%68 → 74%0-92%97%100%66.8 → 73%0-91%   69.3%77.5%
Asus Zenbook Pro 16X UX7602BZ-MY005WGaming (3)11.11.2023v781.8 → 83%0-98%83%92%67.4 → 84%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%79 → 83%0-95%88%100%98%96 → 100%0-95%86.8 → 96%0-90%91%45.2 → 53%0-85%   82.2%90.5%
GMK NucBox M3Mini PC (23)10.11.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%54.3 → 67%0-81%   10-0%83%61%94%82%   76.7%78.7%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M3Multimedia (1)09.11.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%92%100%60.1 → 75%0-80%68.7 → 94%20-72%91 → 96%0-95%91%80.5 → 89%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%90%81 → 85%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   82.8%90.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G11 21HNS54T00Subnotebook (4)09.11.2023v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 95%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%71%90%55 → 71%0-78%76 → 89%0-85%90%94%83 → 91%0-91%33.2 → 39%0-85%   77.6%89.1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2023 M3 MaxMultimedia (1)08.11.2023v789.2 → 91%0-98%92%73.5 → 92%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%91.4 → 96%0-95%94%92 → 100%0-90%98.7 → 100%0-90%90%90.8 → 96%0-95%93%39.2 → 46%0-85%   83.8%93.2%
Asus ExpertBook B9 B9403CVA-KM0153XSubnotebook (4)08.11.2023v788.3 → 90%0-98%94%96%69.2 → 92%0-75%74.9 → 100%20-75%86%91%65.4 → 84%0-78%93.9 → 100%0-85%84%92%82 → 90%0-91%47.8 → 56%0-85%   81.9%91.5%
Beelink SER5Mini PC (23)08.11.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%59.3 → 73%0-81%   10-0%83%62%93%98%   79.8%82.1%
Google Pixel 8 ProSmartphone (10)07.11.2023v792%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%57 → 81%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%87%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%83%   82.9%89%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M3Multimedia (1)06.11.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%92%100%60.1 → 75%0-80%68.7 → 94%20-72%91 → 96%0-95%91%80.5 → 89%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%90%81 → 85%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   82.8%90.4%
Lenovo Legion Slim 7 16APH8Gaming (3)06.11.2023v785 → 87%0-98%83%82%70.6 → 88%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%74.5 → 78%0-95%92%99%97%83.5 → 88%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%89%48.5 → 57%0-85%   80.7%90.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad E16 G1 Core i5-1335UOffice (2)05.11.2023v785.6 → 87%0-98%89%83%68.7 → 86%0-80%65.1 → 82%20-75%65%83%62.9 → 81%0-78%91.2 → 96%0-95%90%95%78%37.6 → 44%0-85%   76.4%85.5%
Blackview N6000Smartphone (10)04.11.2023v781%64.2 → 86%0-75%89%44.3 → 63%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%83%21 → 33%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%93%100%56 → 62%0-90%46%   70.9%76.5%
Xiaomi Mix Fold 3Smartphone (10)04.11.2023v784%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%53 → 76%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%92%93%73.3 → 100%0-64%95.9 → 100%0-86%79%100%82.6 → 92%0-90%80%   82.7%87.3%
Acer Predator Helios Neo 16 NH.QLTEG.002Gaming (3)03.11.2023v784 → 86%0-98%83%83%69.5 → 87%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%64.9 → 68%0-95%85%98%93%87.7 → 92%0-95%74.9 → 83%0-90%75%36.8 → 43%0-85%   76.4%86.6%
Apple iPhone 15 PlusSmartphone (10)03.11.2023v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%66.7 → 95%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%93%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%91.1 → 100%0-86%90%100%80 → 89%0-90%76%   84.4%89.7%
Acer Swift Go 14 SFG14-71Office (2)02.11.2023v778.5 → 80%0-98%79%85%70.2 → 88%0-80%72 → 95%20-75%77%86%67.6 → 87%0-78%91.7 → 97%0-95%91%91%79%53.5 → 63%0-85%   78.6%85.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga G4 i7-1355UConvertible (5)01.11.2023v784.6 → 86%0-98%88%92%71.2 → 95%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%70%82%66.3 → 85%0-78%92.9 → 100%0-85%91%96%81.2 → 89%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   78.7%88.1%
Oukitel WP30 ProSmartphone (10)01.11.2023v785%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%49.2 → 70%0-70%84.5 → 69%50-100%95%83%53.3 → 83%0-64%82.7 → 96%0-86%88%100%64 → 71%0-90%63%   77.7%83.4%
Motorola Moto G84Smartphone (10)31.10.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%51.7 → 74%0-70%90.8 → 82%50-100%90%92%32 → 50%0-64%76 → 88%0-86%88%100%60 → 67%0-90%63%   75.7%82.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G4-21F8002TGEOffice (2)31.10.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%91%92%65.1 → 81%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%90%90%75.2 → 96%0-78%94.6 → 100%0-95%91%95%77%44 → 52%0-85%   81.9%90.4%
Motorola Moto G54Smartphone (10)28.10.2023v785%69.2 → 92%0-75%89%45.3 → 65%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%90%84%25 → 39%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%88%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%65%   75.2%80.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 G5 i7-1355UOffice (2)27.10.2023v786.5 → 88%0-98%89%87%64.7 → 81%0-80%69 → 89%20-75%66%84%64 → 82%0-78%92.6 → 97%0-95%88%94%82%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.2%86%
Acer Predator Helios 18 N23Q2Gaming (3)27.10.2023v784.6 → 86%0-98%86%86%70.8 → 89%0-80%54.9 → 80%10-66%59.6 → 63%0-95%88%100%97%87.3 → 92%0-95%74.1 → 82%0-90%71%44 → 52%0-85%   77.3%88.3%
Apple iPhone 15Smartphone (10)26.10.2023v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%48.3 → 69%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%92%93%68.8 → 100%0-64%91.2 → 100%0-86%90%100%80 → 89%0-90%76%   83.1%89.1%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 14APU G8Subnotebook (4)25.10.2023v789.3 → 91%0-98%85%87%64.2 → 86%0-75%71.4 → 93%20-75%88%91%79.3 → 100%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%86%84%94 → 100%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   81%88.2%
Dell OptiPlex MicroMini PC (23)25.10.2023v784 → 86%0-98%58.7 → 72%0-81%   10-0%62%95%83%82%   76.8%80.2%
Motorola Edge 40 NeoSmartphone (10)24.10.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%49 → 70%0-70%90.6 → 81%50-100%91%92%44.7 → 70%0-64%78.8 → 92%0-86%86%100%76 → 84%0-90%69%   78.2%84.6%
 XMG Pro 16 Studio (Mid 23)Gaming (3)23.10.2023v777 → 79%0-98%78%83%73.1 → 91%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%72.8 → 77%0-95%89%100%96%72.8 → 77%0-95%77.7 → 86%0-90%86%48 → 56%0-85%   77.9%87.9%
Apple iPhone 15 ProSmartphone (10)20.10.2023v792%65.8 → 88%0-75%96%65.9 → 94%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%92%95%66 → 100%0-64%91.7 → 100%0-86%89%100%80 → 89%0-90%81%   84.8%90.7%
Beelink Mini S12 ProMini PC (23)20.10.2023v767.1 → 68%0-98%49.9 → 62%0-81%   10-0%50%82%94%93%   74.5%73.1%
Gigabyte G5 KFGaming (3)19.10.2023v772.4 → 74%0-98%83%83%64.6 → 81%0-80%64.2 → 97%10-66%61.1 → 64%0-95%78%98%95%80.4 → 85%0-95%82.2 → 91%0-90%70%34 → 40%0-85%-2%68.8%81.8%
Lenovo Legion 9 16IRX8Gaming (3)17.10.2023v785.3 → 87%0-98%87%76%71.8 → 90%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%49.7 → 52%0-95%94%99%97%82.7 → 87%0-95%81.6 → 91%0-90%89%43 → 51%0-85%   78.1%90.2%
Lenovo LOQ 15IRH8 Core i7Gaming (3)16.10.2023v774.5 → 76%0-98%85%86%61.4 → 77%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%66.7 → 70%0-95%88%99%96%79.3 → 83%0-95%74.3 → 83%0-90%74%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.7%85.9%
Dell Latitude 13 7340 i5-1345USubnotebook (4)16.10.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%87%86%69.7 → 93%0-75%73.4 → 97%20-75%91%88%66.2 → 85%0-78%84 → 99%0-85%94%96%84.4 → 93%0-91%51.2 → 60%0-85%   81.1%90.2%
HP ProBook 445 G10Office (2)14.10.2023v778.5 → 80%0-98%77%83%59.5 → 74%0-80%71.2 → 93%20-75%88%89%58.9 → 76%0-78%92.6 → 97%0-95%86%94%63%43 → 51%0-85%   75.7%84.6%
Intel NUC X15 LAPAC71HMultimedia (1)14.10.2023v778 → 80%0-98%79%84%62.9 → 79%0-80%61.7 → 80%20-72%67.4 → 71%0-95%87%92.1 → 100%0-90%91.5 → 100%0-90%82%79.5 → 84%0-95%78%40 → 47%0-85%   75.7%84.4%
SCHENKER Vision 14 2023Subnotebook (4)13.10.2023v787.7 → 89%0-98%87%98%65.7 → 88%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%90%92%69.2 → 89%0-78%95.6 → 100%0-85%91%77%83.6 → 92%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   80.4%88.9%
Acer Swift Edge SFE16 Ryzen 7 7840UOffice (2)13.10.2023v784.5 → 86%0-98%91%96%70 → 88%0-80%72.2 → 95%20-75%67%89%70.7 → 91%0-78%96.5 → 100%0-95%91%90%78%48.5 → 57%0-85%   80.2%88.6%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+Tablet (9)12.10.2023v790.6 → 92%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%97%66.8 → 95%0-70%81.7 → 87%40-88%88%90%71 → 91%0-78%93 → 100%0-92%93%100%90 → 99%0-91%64.4 → 76%0-85%   84.3%91.3%
Ayaneo Air 1S Retro Power Handheld / UMPC (6)12.10.2023v783%85 → 100%0-80%100%55.9 → 86%0-65%84 → 92%35-88%59%85%74.5 → 100%0-68%94.1 → 100%0-76%85%89 → 98%0-91%76.2 → 90%0-85%   80.9%88.2%
Xiaomi 13T ProSmartphone (10)11.10.2023v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%51.5 → 74%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%93%68.2 → 100%0-64%93.6 → 100%0-86%84%100%78 → 87%0-90%76%   82.5%88.1%
GMK NucBox K3 ProMini PC (23)11.10.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%62.7 → 77%0-81%   10-0%83%69%93%91%   80.3%82.8%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G10 AWorkstation (8)11.10.2023v787.5 → 89%0-98%89%89%65.5 → 82%0-80%69 → 100%10-66%89.6 → 94%0-95%90%74%94%82.5 → 87%0-95%82.8 → 92%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   79.6%87.4%
Asus ROG Flow X13 GV302XVConvertible (5)10.10.2023v791.1 → 93%0-98%90%97%68.3 → 91%0-75%71.4 → 93%20-75%89%85%97.4 → 100%0-78%95.8 → 100%0-85%85%78%68.6 → 75%0-91%42.3 → 50%0-85%   81.4%88.2%
Teclast M50 ProTablet (9)10.10.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%88%39.5 → 56%0-70%84.2 → 92%40-88%84%76%11.1 → 14%0-78%61.6 → 67%0-92%95%100%67.2 → 74%0-91%55 → 65%0-85%   70.2%79.9%
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 3Subnotebook (4)09.10.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%79%88%49.8 → 66%0-75%73.7 → 98%20-75%78%87%60.4 → 77%0-78%81.6 → 96%0-85%90%86%77.8 → 85%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   73.9%83.3%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 15 (Late 23)Gaming (3)09.10.2023v777 → 79%0-98%79%83%61 → 76%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%75 → 79%0-95%88%97%97%83.8 → 88%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%80%44.5 → 52%0-85%   77.4%86.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G4 21F6005GGEOffice (2)09.10.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%91%92%71.2 → 89%0-80%71.3 → 93%20-75%77%88%66 → 85%0-78%87 → 92%0-95%91%95%78%44.4 → 52%0-85%   80.1%89.1%
SCHENKER XMG CORE 16 (L23)Gaming (3)06.10.2023v782.6 → 84%0-98%87%81%64.9 → 81%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%89%100%96%88.9 → 94%0-95%81.1 → 90%0-90%72%   82.1%89.2%
MSI Raider GE68HX 13VFGaming (3)05.10.2023v781.6 → 83%0-98%83%83%71.5 → 89%0-80%58.4 → 86%10-66%72.9 → 77%0-95%83%100%97%89.1 → 94%0-95%62.9 → 70%0-90%82%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77.4%86.9%
Tecno Phantom V FlipSmartphone (10)05.10.2023v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%48.4 → 69%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%88%90%48 → 75%0-64%80 → 93%0-86%83%100%60 → 67%0-90%73%   76.9%83.3%
HP Envy x360 15-fe0072ngConvertible (5)05.10.2023v783.5 → 85%0-98%84%84%76.9 → 100%0-75%66 → 84%20-75%88%84%69.1 → 89%0-78%86.5 → 100%0-85%92%93%83.6 → 92%0-91%47.6 → 56%0-85%   79.9%88.1%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 17 (Late 23)Gaming (3)05.10.2023v778.8 → 80%0-98%79%83%62.5 → 78%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%66.4 → 70%0-95%91%99%98%84.2 → 89%0-95%77.2 → 86%0-90%78%46.5 → 55%0-85%   77.1%87.1%
Framework Laptop 13.5 Ryzen 7 7840UOffice (2)04.10.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%87%83%67.1 → 84%0-80%71 → 93%20-75%89%91%78 → 100%0-78%96.8 → 100%0-95%90%89%85%38 → 45%0-85%   80.2%87.5%
Oukitel RT7 TitanTablet (9)04.10.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%86%48.4 → 69%0-70%72.5 → 68%40-88%97%80%39 → 50%0-78%67.6 → 73%0-92%94%100%74 → 81%0-91%58.6 → 69%0-85%   74.6%81%
Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2 RTX 4060Multimedia (1)03.10.2023v780.4 → 82%0-98%85%90%66.3 → 83%0-80%63 → 83%20-72%84.7 → 89%0-95%91%87.1 → 97%0-90%90.9 → 100%0-90%68%68.3 → 72%0-95%84%34.4 → 40%0-85%   76.3%85.5%
Apple iPhone 15 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)01.10.2023v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%65 → 93%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%95%95%65.5 → 100%0-64%91.8 → 100%0-86%84%100%80.6 → 90%0-90%83%   84.8%91.1%
HP Envy x360 15-fh0077ngConvertible (5)30.09.2023v783.5 → 85%0-98%84%84%74.6 → 99%0-75%65.8 → 83%20-75%84%84%64.8 → 83%0-78%94 → 100%0-85%94%92%83.6 → 92%0-91%47.6 → 56%0-85%0%74%87.8%
Lenovo LOQ 16IRH8Gaming (3)29.09.2023v777.4 → 79%0-98%84%80%58.7 → 87%10-66%68.5 → 72%0-95%92%99%92%83.5 → 88%0-95%72.4 → 80%0-90%74%36.8 → 43%0-85%   76.5%87.3%
Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14Tablet (9)28.09.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%94%58.2 → 83%0-70%79.1 → 81%40-88%91%89%73.5 → 94%0-78%93.6 → 100%0-92%88%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%57.6 → 68%0-85%   82.1%89.1%
Lenovo Legion Slim 5 14APH8Gaming (3)27.09.2023v786.1 → 88%0-98%83%82%63.6 → 80%0-80%66.2 → 100%10-66%76.7 → 81%0-95%86%99%98%87.5 → 92%0-95%78.4 → 87%0-90%77%37.5 → 44%0-85%   78.6%87.7%
Sony Xperia 5 VSmartphone (10)27.09.2023v789%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%57.1 → 82%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%92%93%65.9 → 100%0-64%94.3 → 100%0-86%84%100%83.8 → 93%0-90%76%   83.3%89%
HP Victus 16-r0077ngGaming (3)25.09.2023v774.2 → 76%0-98%79%83%59.6 → 75%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%74.6 → 79%0-95%89%98%95%81.2 → 85%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%73%40.5 → 48%0-85%   75.8%85.1%
Aokzoe A1Gaming (3)25.09.2023v778.3 → 80%0-98%100%57.6 → 72%0-80%79.3 → 100%10-66%70.6 → 74%0-95%77%75%95%89.5 → 94%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%64%   78.8%80.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 G4 21EX004QGESubnotebook (4)22.09.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%90%94%71.3 → 95%0-75%72.3 → 95%20-75%76%92%59.6 → 76%0-78%82.8 → 97%0-85%89%92%74.8 → 82%0-91%45.2 → 53%0-85%   78.7%89.7%
HP EliteBook 845 G10 5Z4X0ESOffice (2)22.09.2023v791 → 93%0-98%92%65.2 → 82%0-80%69.4 → 90%20-75%89%90%72.3 → 93%0-78%95.3 → 100%0-95%85%98%82%50.6 → 60%0-85%   81.7%90.5%
Captiva Advanced Gaming I74-121Gaming (3)22.09.2023v779.6 → 81%0-98%83%85%61.4 → 77%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%62.2 → 65%0-95%85%99%95%90.7 → 95%0-95%81.9 → 91%0-90%63%40.4 → 48%0-85%   75.9%85.7%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 UltraTablet (9)22.09.2023v791 → 93%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%97%70.6 → 100%0-70%79.4 → 82%40-88%88%91%71.2 → 91%0-78%92.6 → 100%0-92%90%100%89.6 → 98%0-91%65 → 76%0-85%   84.3%90.6%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-58GM-76S8Office (2)20.09.2023v780.9 → 83%0-98%77%81%66.4 → 83%0-80%65.5 → 83%20-75%76%81%82.7 → 100%0-78%91.2 → 96%0-95%95%80%69%48 → 56%0-85%   76.4%82%
Sony Xperia 10 VSmartphone (10)20.09.2023v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%48.6 → 69%0-70%91.5 → 83%50-100%93%93%33.6 → 53%0-64%71.9 → 84%0-86%89%100%81 → 90%0-90%55%   76.9%83.1%
Tecno Spark 10 ProSmartphone (10)20.09.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%49.6 → 71%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%82%16 → 25%0-64%62 → 72%0-86%90%100%50 → 56%0-90%54%   70.4%76.1%
Realme 11 Pro+Smartphone (10)19.09.2023v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.1 → 67%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%91%46 → 72%0-64%78 → 91%0-86%85%100%72 → 80%0-90%69%   77.8%84.3%
Apple Mac Studio 2023 M2 MaxDesktop (11)19.09.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%64.2 → 79%0-81%   10-0%99%98%80%100%79%   82.8%92%
Xiaomi Poco F5Smartphone (10)18.09.2023v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%52.8 → 75%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%91%92%66.9 → 100%0-64%85 → 99%0-86%85%100%73 → 81%0-90%65%   80.4%86.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga G4 21F20017GEConvertible (5)18.09.2023v787.9 → 90%0-98%90%94%71.8 → 96%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%89%87%56.8 → 73%0-78%76.3 → 90%0-85%86%95%70 → 77%0-91%45.6 → 54%0-85%   78.5%89.4%
HP Omen 16-xf0376ngGaming (3)14.09.2023v781.8 → 83%0-98%81%86%61.8 → 77%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%67.4 → 71%0-95%87%98%96%79.6 → 84%0-95%79.6 → 88%0-90%80%47.5 → 56%0-85%   77.4%86.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad E16 G1-21JUS08X00Office (2)14.09.2023v785.6 → 87%0-98%89%83%64.4 → 81%0-80%65.2 → 82%20-75%89%91%62.7 → 80%0-78%93.5 → 98%0-95%87%98%75%37.6 → 44%0-85%   78.5%88.1%
BMAX B7 Power G7A2Mini PC (23)14.09.2023v773.4 → 75%0-98%54.9 → 68%0-81%   10-0%58%88%85%98%   77.6%78.4%
GMK NucBox K2Mini PC (23)13.09.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%59.6 → 74%0-81%   10-0%76%95%83%   79.5%83%
Amazon Fire Max 11Tablet (9)12.09.2023v781.9 → 84%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%88%41.5 → 59%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%91%83%25.6 → 33%0-78%67.8 → 74%0-92%91%100%77.6 → 85%0-91%47.2 → 56%0-85%   73.1%83.3%
Beelink SER7Mini PC (23)11.09.2023v784.6 → 86%0-98%60.7 → 75%0-81%   10-0%81%96%89%   82%86.6%
Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Gen4 IRUConvertible (5)11.09.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%83%82%65.3 → 87%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%80%87%68.6 → 88%0-78%94.7 → 100%0-85%94%92%90.6 → 100%0-91%46.5 → 55%0-85%   79.8%87.4%
Acer Nitro 17 AN17-41-R9LNGaming (3)09.09.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%87%75%65.4 → 82%0-80%56.6 → 83%10-66%64.3 → 68%0-95%88%99%94%83.6 → 88%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%75%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G4 21HD0043GEOffice (2)09.09.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%91%93%69.4 → 87%0-80%69.9 → 91%20-75%89%87%63.3 → 81%0-78%83.8 → 88%0-95%91%97%70%45.2 → 53%0-85%   79.3%88.5%
HP EliteBook 1040 G10 818N7EAOffice (2)07.09.2023v791.1 → 93%0-98%96%92%70.2 → 88%0-80%71.4 → 93%20-75%88%86%59.3 → 76%0-78%81.2 → 85%0-95%89%84%73%50.6 → 60%0-85%   79.4%88.4%
Alienware m16 R1 IntelGaming (3)06.09.2023v786.1 → 88%0-98%85%83%70.9 → 89%0-80%56.6 → 83%10-66%62.6 → 66%0-95%88%100%97%77.4 → 81%0-95%73.2 → 81%0-90%82%44.5 → 52%0-85%   77.4%88.3%
Lenovo IdeaCentre Mini 01IRH8Mini PC (23)06.09.2023v761.2 → 76%0-81%   10-0%66%95%85%   74.5%81%
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7630Multimedia (1)06.09.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%82%78%64.4 → 81%0-80%61.8 → 80%20-72%87.6 → 92%0-95%86%98.5 → 100%0-90%96.7 → 100%0-90%85%86.1 → 91%0-95%78%45.5 → 54%0-85%   79.4%87.1%
Realme 11 ProSmartphone (10)04.09.2023v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45.2 → 65%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%91%91%45.8 → 72%0-64%77.5 → 90%0-86%86%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%66%   77.5%83.9%
Huawei MatePad 11.5Tablet (9)04.09.2023v782.4 → 84%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%44.5 → 64%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%90%85%57.6 → 74%0-78%80.7 → 88%0-92%91%100%78.2 → 86%0-91%52 → 61%0-85%   77.1%86.5%
Google Pixel TabletTablet (9)02.09.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%93%45.4 → 65%0-70%83.2 → 90%40-88%91%89%66.6 → 85%0-78%85.3 → 93%0-92%93%100%81.2 → 89%0-91%49 → 58%0-85%   79.4%89.3%
Motorola Moto G14Smartphone (10)02.09.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%46.1 → 66%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%91%85%13.2 → 21%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%90%100%72 → 80%0-90%55%   72.4%78.1%
Blackview MP80Mini PC (23)01.09.2023v780.9 → 83%0-98%52.8 → 65%0-81%   10-0%50%80%94%   74.2%73.5%
Apple Mac Mini M2Mini PC (23)31.08.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%59 → 73%0-81%   10-0%82%96%98%69%   80.2%87.3%
Lenovo Tab P12Tablet (9)30.08.2023v782.9 → 85%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%91%47.1 → 67%0-70%81.3 → 86%40-88%86%87%45 → 58%0-78%77.9 → 85%0-92%92%100%81.8 → 90%0-91%56 → 66%0-85%   76.8%85.2%
LG Gram Style 14Z90RS-G.AD7AGSubnotebook (4)30.08.2023v783.2 → 85%0-98%88%88%64.6 → 86%0-75%75.2 → 100%20-75%87%91%54.8 → 70%0-78%89 → 100%0-85%94%94%81.4 → 89%0-91%48 → 56%0-85%   79.9%90%
Tecno Spark 10 5GSmartphone (10)29.08.2023v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%45.2 → 65%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%91%85%30.3 → 47%0-64%71 → 83%0-86%89%100%64 → 71%0-90%55%   73.2%78.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano Gen 3Subnotebook (4)27.08.2023v790.8 → 93%0-98%87%89%64.8 → 86%0-75%75.2 → 100%20-75%78%92%66.4 → 85%0-78%93.8 → 100%0-85%91%96%84.4 → 93%0-91%43.5 → 51%0-85%-1%75.1%89.5%
Alienware m16 R1 AMDGaming (3)26.08.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%90%83%68.6 → 86%0-80%55.8 → 82%10-66%56.2 → 59%0-95%88%99%97%86.6 → 91%0-95%79.5 → 88%0-90%82%42.5 → 50%0-85%   78.2%89.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IRU8Convertible (5)26.08.2023v775.1 → 77%0-98%75%59%65.4 → 87%0-75%67.8 → 87%20-75%88%77%65.5 → 84%0-78%92.6 → 100%0-85%92%95%71.4 → 78%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.4%81.9%
Asus VivoBook 14X K3405Multimedia (1)25.08.2023v779.3 → 81%0-98%87%86%54.8 → 69%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%83.1 → 87%0-95%89%86.3 → 96%0-90%94.7 → 100%0-90%83%75.6 → 80%0-95%70%35 → 41%0-85%   76.4%85.6%
Acer Iconia Tab P10Tablet (9)24.08.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%90%37.7 → 54%0-70%84.1 → 92%40-88%90%80%10 → 13%0-78%44 → 48%0-92%93%100%66 → 73%0-91%48 → 56%0-85%   68.7%80.5%
Honor 90 5GSmartphone (10)23.08.2023v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%51.4 → 73%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%91%58.2 → 91%0-64%80 → 93%0-86%82%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%75%   79.5%86%
Blackview Tab 12 ProTablet (9)22.08.2023v771.4 → 73%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%85%42.9 → 61%0-70%84.3 → 92%40-88%90%77%11.6 → 15%0-78%17 → 18%0-92%89%100%77.8 → 85%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   66.2%77.8%
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5Smartphone (10)22.08.2023v790%70 → 93%0-75%96%68.7 → 98%0-70%87.1 → 74%50-100%90%92%64.5 → 100%0-64%94.6 → 100%0-86%88%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%78%   84%89.1%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 17 G733PYV-LL053XGaming (3)22.08.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%83%86%59.9 → 75%0-80%56.9 → 84%10-66%61.2 → 64%0-95%90%100%96%89.9 → 95%0-95%67.7 → 75%0-90%89%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77%87.2%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 17 G733PYV-LL053XGaming (3)22.08.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%83%86%59.9 → 75%0-80%56.9 → 84%10-66%61.2 → 64%0-95%90%100%96%89.9 → 95%0-95%67.7 → 75%0-90%89%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77%87.2%
Nubia RedMagic 8S ProSmartphone (10)22.08.2023v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%66.2 → 95%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%92%92%82.2 → 100%0-64%97.1 → 100%0-86%75%63%74.2 → 82%0-90%   81.1%88.3%
Lenovo Legion Slim 5 16APH8Gaming (3)20.08.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%86%77%68.8 → 86%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%74.6 → 79%0-95%91%98%97%92.7 → 98%0-95%83.2 → 92%0-90%81%43.6 → 51%0-85%-2%74.1%87.7%
HP Chromebook 15a-n0008TUOffice (2)20.08.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%75%79%49.9 → 62%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%81%69%15.2 → 19%0-78%66.2 → 70%0-95%94%100%62%21 → 25%0-85%   66%77.2%
Xiaomi Pad 6Tablet (9)18.08.2023v785.4 → 87%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%94%57.1 → 82%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%89%89%58.8 → 75%0-78%84.9 → 92%0-92%90%100%82.8 → 91%0-91%55.6 → 65%0-85%   79.9%88.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 G5-21JSS05C00Office (2)18.08.2023v786.5 → 88%0-98%89%87%64.4 → 81%0-80%69.6 → 90%20-75%88%90%62.6 → 80%0-78%93.5 → 98%0-95%87%94%78%37.6 → 44%0-85%   79%88.3%
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 5GSmartphone (10)18.08.2023v790%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%52 → 74%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%89%92%57.1 → 89%0-64%94.4 → 100%0-86%79%100%78.8 → 88%0-90%77%   81.3%86.9%
Lenovo Slim Pro 9i 16IRP8Multimedia (1)18.08.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%89%84%67.6 → 85%0-80%61.6 → 80%20-72%71.9 → 76%0-95%86%98.1 → 100%0-90%97.2 → 100%0-90%89%85.5 → 90%0-95%91%55.8 → 66%0-85%   81.3%88%
Lenovo Tab ExtremeTablet (9)17.08.2023v788.3 → 90%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%97%57.4 → 82%0-70%79.2 → 82%40-88%89%88%65 → 83%0-78%88 → 96%0-92%93%100%82.6 → 91%0-91%59.8 → 70%0-85%   81.4%88.8%
Lenovo Smart PaperTablet (9)16.08.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%61.5 → 77%0-80%78%23.2 → 33%0-70%84.6 → 93%40-88%83%78%6.4 → 8%0-78%35.3 → 38%0-92%93%100%30 → 33%0-91%   63.4%75.2%
Dell Inspiron 14 7435 2-in-1Convertible (5)15.08.2023v783.8 → 86%0-98%79%75%68 → 87%20-75%89%75%66 → 85%0-78%92.8 → 100%0-85%94%94%83 → 91%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   78.5%84.5%
Aorus 15 BSFGaming (3)14.08.2023v777.3 → 79%0-98%79%83%64.1 → 80%0-80%60.3 → 90%10-66%83.8 → 88%0-95%89%100%93%81.1 → 85%0-95%62 → 69%0-90%77%46 → 54%0-85%   76.6%85.7%
HP EliteBook 845 G10 818N0EAOffice (2)14.08.2023v791.1 → 93%0-98%96%92%68.9 → 86%0-80%69.4 → 90%20-75%80%88%62.6 → 80%0-78%95.1 → 100%0-95%86%93%82%50.6 → 60%0-85%   81.1%90.1%
Google Pixel FoldSmartphone (10)11.08.2023v783%70 → 93%0-75%91%57.3 → 82%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%89%83%50.1 → 78%0-64%82.7 → 96%0-86%86%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%78%   79.9%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G4 21H6S00900Office (2)09.08.2023v782 → 84%0-98%89%89%71 → 89%0-80%68.9 → 89%20-75%90%90%52.8 → 68%0-78%89.1 → 94%0-95%90%95%74%42 → 49%0-85%   78.7%88.6%
Nokia G42Smartphone (10)09.08.2023v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%48.2 → 69%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%91%82%20 → 31%0-64%64 → 74%0-86%90%100%66 → 73%0-90%59%   72.7%78.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12SSmartphone (10)07.08.2023v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%46.4 → 66%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%92%24.1 → 38%0-64%69.4 → 81%0-86%89%100%64 → 71%0-90%60%   74%80.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T16 G2 21HH003AGEOffice (2)07.08.2023v788 → 90%0-98%90%93%72.2 → 90%0-80%64.9 → 82%20-75%89%92%62.8 → 81%0-78%84.9 → 89%0-95%90%96%75%60.5 → 71%0-85%   81.4%90%
Xiaomi Redmi 12Smartphone (10)06.08.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%48.4 → 69%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%90%88%15.5 → 24%0-64%61.9 → 72%0-86%89%100%74 → 82%0-90%63%   73.5%79%
HP Omen Transcend 16Gaming (3)05.08.2023v784.2 → 86%0-98%83%89%68.5 → 86%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%58.7 → 62%0-95%89%99%97%87.5 → 92%0-95%71.3 → 79%0-90%76%41 → 48%0-85%   77.3%87.9%
SCHENKER Vision 16 PH6PRX1Office (2)04.08.2023v786.5 → 88%0-98%87%97%69.8 → 87%0-80%69 → 89%20-75%80%91%65.8 → 84%0-78%94.9 → 100%0-95%93%86%77%38 → 45%0-85%   79.6%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga G4 21FSS00100Convertible (5)04.08.2023v784.6 → 86%0-98%88%92%69.5 → 93%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%78%85%59.2 → 76%0-78%88.2 → 100%0-85%90%99%72.8 → 80%0-91%35.6 → 42%0-85%   77.8%88.7%
Realme C55Smartphone (10)03.08.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%46.1 → 66%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%87%15.9 → 25%0-64%64 → 74%0-86%87%100%68.6 → 76%0-90%57%   72.7%78.5%
Acer Nitro 16 AN16-41-R7YEGaming (3)02.08.2023v774.2 → 76%0-98%79%83%68.6 → 86%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%88.3 → 93%0-95%87%98%95%74.7 → 79%0-95%82.4 → 92%0-90%81%44.5 → 52%0-85%   78%86.7%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 9 16-IRP G8Multimedia (1)31.07.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%89%84%67.6 → 85%0-80%61.5 → 80%20-72%71.4 → 75%0-95%92%99.2 → 100%0-90%94.8 → 100%0-90%88%81.6 → 86%0-95%92%56.6 → 67%0-85%   81.3%88.4%
LG Gram SuperSlim (2023)Office (2)31.07.2023v780 → 82%0-98%79%86%68.9 → 86%0-80%75.2 → 100%20-75%89%82%57 → 73%0-78%90.7 → 95%0-95%87%89%77%46 → 54%0-85%   77.5%85%
BOSGAME N95Mini PC (23)31.07.2023v775.4 → 77%0-98%50.2 → 62%0-81%   10-0%49%81%88%   71.4%71.1%
Lenovo Legion Pro 5 16ARX8 (R5 7645HX, RTX 4050)Gaming (3)30.07.2023v786.1 → 88%0-98%86%77%66.5 → 83%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%64.2 → 68%0-95%93%99%98%84.3 → 89%0-95%88.1 → 98%0-90%68%44 → 52%0-85%   78%89%
Dell Inspiron 16 7635 2-in-1Convertible (5)29.07.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%79%75%65 → 87%0-75%62.9 → 78%20-75%90%80%67.4 → 86%0-78%92.9 → 100%0-85%92%90%87 → 96%0-91%43.5 → 51%0-85%   77.6%84.6%
Lenovo LOQ 15APH8Gaming (3)29.07.2023v774.5 → 76%0-98%85%83%60.6 → 76%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%76 → 80%0-95%84%97%95%88.1 → 93%0-95%81.6 → 91%0-90%78%40 → 47%0-85%   77.1%85.7%
Nothing Phone (2)Smartphone (10)26.07.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%51.4 → 73%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%93%66.1 → 100%0-64%88 → 100%0-86%87%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%72%   81.2%87.4%
ACEMagician Ace ‎AX15, N95Office (2)26.07.2023v776.8 → 78%0-98%78%76%43.7 → 55%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%66%83%46.1 → 59%0-78%70.1 → 74%0-95%92%93%71%25.5 → 30%0-85%   68.2%77.9%
Asus Vivobook Pro 16X K6604JV-MX016WMultimedia (1)25.07.2023v777.6 → 79%0-98%91%93%73.7 → 92%0-80%62.4 → 82%20-72%66.5 → 70%0-95%81%96.8 → 100%0-90%90.8 → 100%0-90%88%75.9 → 80%0-95%84%42.4 → 50%0-85%   78.6%86.2%
Acer Predator Triton 14 PT14-51Gaming (3)24.07.2023v781.4 → 83%0-98%81%83%67.1 → 84%0-80%66.4 → 100%10-66%71.3 → 75%0-95%89%98%93%73.7 → 78%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%78%49.5 → 58%0-85%   77.8%87.3%
Honor Magic5 ProSmartphone (10)24.07.2023v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%69.6 → 99%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%93%65.6 → 100%0-64%96.2 → 100%0-86%92%100%77 → 86%0-90%80%   85.1%90.1%
Motorola Razr 40Smartphone (10)24.07.2023v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%53.4 → 76%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%90%93%50 → 78%0-64%75 → 87%0-86%85%100%78 → 87%0-90%77%   79.7%86.4%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 9-14IRP G8Multimedia (1)23.07.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%89%84%72.1 → 90%0-80%66.7 → 90%20-72%79.5 → 84%0-95%89%97.2 → 100%0-90%94.8 → 100%0-90%86%79.5 → 84%0-95%91%56.6 → 67%0-85%   82.6%89.8%
Teclast T50 ProTablet (9)21.07.2023v781.1 → 83%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%92%45.2 → 65%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%92%79%25.8 → 33%0-78%67 → 73%0-92%94%100%76 → 84%0-91%49.4 → 58%0-85%   73%83.3%
Robo and Kala TW220 2-in-1Tablet (9)21.07.2023v780.9 → 83%0-98%81.2 → 100%0-80%78%56.4 → 81%0-70%79.7 → 83%40-88%83%84%58.9 → 76%0-78%78.8 → 86%0-92%91%100%57.4 → 63%0-91%56.5 → 66%0-85%   75.7%82.1%
HP Dragonfly G4Subnotebook (4)20.07.2023v789.8 → 92%0-98%94%86%70.9 → 95%0-75%73.2 → 97%20-75%91%86%69.3 → 89%0-78%94.4 → 100%0-85%92%96%88.6 → 97%0-91%51.5 → 61%0-85%   83.4%91.9%
Huawei Nova 11 ProSmartphone (10)18.07.2023v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%51.6 → 74%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%89%91%55 → 86%0-64%78 → 91%0-86%83%100%66 → 73%0-90%81%   79.5%86.4%
SCHENKER VISION 16 Pro (M23)Multimedia (1)18.07.2023v787.6 → 89%0-98%87%99%71.3 → 89%0-80%67.7 → 92%20-72%75.9 → 80%0-95%88%99 → 100%0-90%95.5 → 100%0-90%85%75.7 → 80%0-95%79%37.2 → 44%0-85%   80.6%88.6%
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 Core i7-1360PSubnotebook (4)17.07.2023v789.1 → 91%0-98%85%91%56.5 → 75%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%76%87%71 → 91%0-78%94.1 → 100%0-85%90%93%80 → 88%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   78.1%87.4%
MSI Pulse 17 B13VGKGaming (3)16.07.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%87%90%56 → 70%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%84.9 → 89%0-95%80%98%97%86.6 → 91%0-95%90.8 → 100%0-90%81%42.4 → 50%0-85%   79.2%86.3%
Dell Latitude 7440Office (2)15.07.2023v779 → 81%0-98%95%86%70.9 → 89%0-80%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%88%68.2 → 87%0-78%93.1 → 98%0-95%92%97%80%50 → 59%0-85%   81.7%90.3%
Xiaomi Redmi A2Smartphone (10)14.07.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%36 → 51%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%85%5.3 → 8%0-64%37 → 43%0-86%91%100%56 → 62%0-90%50%   67.2%73.8%
OnePlus Nord 3Smartphone (10)13.07.2023v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%53.7 → 77%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%92%91%65.9 → 100%0-64%92.2 → 100%0-86%84%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%77%   82%88.2%
Nokia G11 PlusSmartphone (10)13.07.2023v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45.4 → 65%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%92%82%10 → 16%0-64%64 → 74%0-86%86%100%66.4 → 74%0-90%53%   71.4%77.2%
MSI Stealth 14 Studio A13VGaming (3)12.07.2023v782.4 → 84%0-98%81%86%59.3 → 74%0-80%66.6 → 100%10-66%70.4 → 74%0-95%90%95%93%81.3 → 86%0-95%69.9 → 78%0-90%83%26 → 31%0-85%   75.7%85.4%
Asus Zenfone 10Smartphone (10)12.07.2023v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%56 → 80%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%91%91%65 → 100%0-64%95.7 → 100%0-86%80%100%76 → 84%0-90%77%   82.5%88.7%
SCHENKER XMG Focus 15 (E23)Gaming (3)11.07.2023v781.1 → 83%0-98%86%92%69.5 → 87%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%68.3 → 72%0-95%88%92%94%84.3 → 89%0-95%63.3 → 70%0-90%64%46.8 → 55%0-85%   76%85.1%
Motorola Edge 40Smartphone (10)11.07.2023v788%66.2 → 88%0-75%89%52.7 → 75%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%91%91%60.2 → 94%0-64%77.9 → 91%0-86%83%100%79 → 88%0-90%74%   80.2%86.8%
Beelink GTR7 7840HSMini PC (23)08.07.2023v783.7 → 85%0-98%58.2 → 72%0-81%   10-0%82%97%87%   80.9%86.3%
One Netbook XPlayer 2Multimedia (1)06.07.2023v776.3 → 78%0-98%94%50.3 → 63%0-80%77.2 → 100%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%81%76.1 → 85%0-90%89.2 → 99%0-90%87%85.5 → 90%0-95%83%0 → 0%0-85%   74.1%84%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 15 (E23)Gaming (3)06.07.2023v784.5 → 86%0-98%86%92%67 → 84%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%67.3 → 71%0-95%82%98%94%84.3 → 89%0-95%74 → 82%0-90%67%49.2 → 58%0-85%   77.3%86.2%
Acer Swift X SFX14-71GMultimedia (1)04.07.2023v784.4 → 86%0-98%88%90%69.6 → 87%0-80%68.7 → 94%20-72%79.8 → 84%0-95%90%89.9 → 100%0-90%85.6 → 95%0-90%86%55.9 → 59%0-95%74%38 → 45%0-85%   76.9%86.3%
Lenovo Legion Slim 7i 16 Gen 8Gaming (3)03.07.2023v784.5 → 86%0-98%84%83%69.9 → 87%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%59.7 → 63%0-95%91%98%99%86.6 → 91%0-95%84.8 → 94%0-90%89%42.5 → 50%0-85%   79.5%90%
HTC Desire 22 ProSmartphone (10)02.07.2023v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%52.2 → 75%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%83%30 → 47%0-64%73 → 85%0-86%85%100%54 → 60%0-90%51%   72.5%78.2%
Honor X7aSmartphone (10)01.07.2023v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%46 → 66%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%84%5.4 → 8%0-64%37 → 43%0-86%88%100%60 → 67%0-90%58%   68.3%74.6%
HP Omen 16-wf000Gaming (3)01.07.2023v781.8 → 83%0-98%81%86%64.7 → 81%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%64.1 → 67%0-95%88%100%97%87.7 → 92%0-95%71.7 → 80%0-90%80%45 → 53%0-85%   77.5%87.4%
SCHENKER VIA 15 Pro M22Office (2)29.06.2023v784.9 → 87%0-98%90%89%62.1 → 78%0-80%69.6 → 90%20-75%89%87%66.2 → 85%0-78%91.6 → 96%0-95%91%92%61%25.6 → 30%0-85%   76.8%87.1%
Dell G15 5530Gaming (3)29.06.2023v774.1 → 76%0-98%79%78%58.9 → 74%0-80%56.7 → 83%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%83%100%93%75.7 → 80%0-95%86.5 → 96%0-90%77%33.5 → 39%0-85%   74.2%84.2%
Acer Nitro 17 AN17-51-71ERGaming (3)29.06.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%87%75%68.8 → 86%0-80%56.3 → 83%10-66%75 → 79%0-95%86%99%96%84.5 → 89%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%71%33.2 → 39%0-85%   76.5%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 G3 21CM002UGESubnotebook (4)27.06.2023v785.6 → 87%0-98%89%92%65.7 → 88%0-75%71.4 → 93%20-75%89%92%61.9 → 79%0-78%92.6 → 100%0-85%92%98%70.8 → 78%0-91%40.4 → 48%0-85%   80%90.6%
Asus ProArt Studiobook 16 OLED H7604Multimedia (1)27.06.2023v790.1 → 92%0-98%92%94%73.3 → 92%0-80%60.2 → 77%20-72%65.6 → 69%0-95%89%99.6 → 100%0-90%96 → 100%0-90%59%75.8 → 80%0-95%89%34 → 40%0-85%   78.3%86.1%
Dell Latitude 9440 2-in-1Convertible (5)27.06.2023v789.4 → 91%0-98%85%74%68.8 → 92%0-75%68 → 87%20-75%87%87%71.4 → 92%0-78%94 → 100%0-85%91%91%95 → 100%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   80.3%87.9%
Fujitsu LifeBook E5412A E542AMHAAMDEOffice (2)26.06.2023v776.7 → 78%0-98%79%76%73.4 → 92%0-80%70.3 → 91%20-75%82%78%55 → 71%0-78%91.8 → 97%0-95%87%85%70%37.6 → 44%0-85%   74%82.1%
Alienware x16 R1Gaming (3)24.06.2023v785.4 → 87%0-98%90%74%62.5 → 78%0-80%58.9 → 87%10-66%46.6 → 49%0-95%87%100%98%83.9 → 88%0-95%80.7 → 90%0-90%90%42.5 → 50%0-85%   77%88.4%
Sony Xperia 1 VSmartphone (10)23.06.2023v790%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%71.5 → 100%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%89%94%68.5 → 100%0-64%85 → 99%0-86%86%100%83.8 → 93%0-90%80%   84.4%89.9%
Honor X8aSmartphone (10)23.06.2023v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%45.5 → 65%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%91%90%13.2 → 21%0-64%61.8 → 72%0-86%88%100%69 → 77%0-90%63%   72.7%78.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G11-21HNS00000Office (2)22.06.2023v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%92%70.4 → 88%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%90%89%28.3 → 36%0-78%89.6 → 94%0-95%79%89%83%   80.2%88.9%
Razer Blade 14 RTX 4070Gaming (3)22.06.2023v790.8 → 93%0-98%81%93%62.8 → 79%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%87%99%97%89.9 → 95%0-95%83.5 → 93%0-90%78%40.5 → 48%0-85%   79.8%88.7%
Nokia XR21Smartphone (10)21.06.2023v790%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%48 → 69%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%91%88%33.5 → 52%0-64%72.1 → 84%0-86%77%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%66%   76%82.3%
OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)21.06.2023v783%68.8 → 92%0-75%91%50.7 → 72%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%86%30.3 → 47%0-64%74 → 86%0-86%88%100%76 → 84%0-90%64%   76.1%81.4%
Acer Swift Go SFG16-71Multimedia (1)21.06.2023v780.4 → 82%0-98%85%83%69.2 → 87%0-80%67.3 → 91%20-72%78.5 → 83%0-95%91%71.4 → 79%0-90%95.9 → 100%0-90%88%81.7 → 86%0-95%82%   81.1%86.6%
Huawei Mate X3Smartphone (10)20.06.2023v788%68.1 → 91%0-75%90%68.2 → 97%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%79%93%62.2 → 97%0-64%93.5 → 100%0-86%90%100%77 → 86%0-90%77%   82.6%86.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga G8 i7-1355UConvertible (5)20.06.2023v788.6 → 90%0-98%90%95%72.7 → 97%0-75%70 → 91%20-75%73%88%68.5 → 88%0-78%95.1 → 100%0-85%89%95%83.4 → 92%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   80.4%90%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-5552Gaming (3)19.06.2023v782.3 → 84%0-98%90%69%62.7 → 78%0-80%56.6 → 83%10-66%79.4 → 84%0-95%79%99%97%88.6 → 93%0-95%75 → 83%0-90%77%35.6 → 42%0-85%   76.3%85.5%
Huawei MateBook X Pro 2023Subnotebook (4)19.06.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%87%100%64.8 → 86%0-75%71.9 → 94%20-75%83%91%74.1 → 95%0-78%91.7 → 100%0-85%88%89%85.8 → 94%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   80.4%89.6%
Apple MacBook Air 15 2023 M2 16 GBSubnotebook (4)19.06.2023v788.1 → 90%0-98%91%100%61.5 → 82%0-75%68.8 → 89%20-75%91%91%66.3 → 85%0-78%92.9 → 100%0-85%88%100%91.8 → 100%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   82.5%91.8%
Asus ZenBook 14X UX3404VCSubnotebook (4)18.06.2023v789.1 → 91%0-98%89%91%58.7 → 78%0-75%68.3 → 88%20-75%88%91%68.3 → 88%0-78%93.1 → 100%0-85%90%88%82.8 → 91%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   78.9%88.5%
Asus ZenBook 14 UM3402YMultimedia (1)18.06.2023v778.9 → 81%0-98%77%81%62.8 → 79%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%89.2 → 94%0-95%90%66.9 → 74%0-90%92.1 → 100%0-90%91%83.8 → 88%0-95%83%44.5 → 52%0-85%   77.7%85.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga G3 21AW003UGEConvertible (5)17.06.2023v788.6 → 90%0-98%89%93%71.1 → 95%0-75%72.1 → 95%20-75%80%91%62.2 → 80%0-78%84.7 → 100%0-85%87%90%66.6 → 73%0-91%28 → 33%0-85%   77.1%89.1%
Google Pixel 7aSmartphone (10)16.06.2023v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%57.9 → 83%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%94%54.9 → 86%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%84%100%77 → 86%0-90%77%   80.8%87.1%
Lenovo Legion Pro 7 RTX4090Gaming (3)16.06.2023v784.7 → 86%0-98%87%86%67.9 → 85%0-80%58.6 → 87%10-66%64.2 → 68%0-95%92%100%98%72.4 → 76%0-95%64.1 → 71%0-90%90%47 → 55%0-85%   77.8%88.8%
Acer Nitro 16 AN16-41Gaming (3)16.06.2023v774.7 → 76%0-98%80%85%69 → 86%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%85.1 → 90%0-95%91%99%96%87.1 → 92%0-95%77.1 → 86%0-90%80%44.5 → 52%0-85%   78.9%88.1%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5GSmartphone (10)15.06.2023v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%55.1 → 79%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%91%94%47 → 73%0-64%77 → 90%0-86%86%100%77 → 86%0-90%70%   79.1%85.1%
Huawei MateBook 16s i9Multimedia (1)15.06.2023v786.1 → 88%0-98%89%84%55.8 → 70%0-80%63.1 → 83%20-72%89.6 → 94%0-95%88%71.9 → 80%0-90%96.6 → 100%0-90%90%81.6 → 86%0-95%84%44.4 → 52%0-85%   78.7%86%
Asus TUF A15 FA507Gaming (3)13.06.2023v778.8 → 80%0-98%79%85%58.4 → 73%0-80%62 → 93%10-66%88.8 → 93%0-95%87%97%93%87.7 → 92%0-95%94 → 100%0-90%78%32.8 → 39%0-85%   78.5%86.3%
SCHENKER XMG Focus 17 (E23)Gaming (3)13.06.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%83%78%71.2 → 89%0-80%57.2 → 84%10-66%53.8 → 57%0-95%89%100%95%81.8 → 86%0-95%65 → 72%0-90%67%42 → 49%0-85%   73.9%85.9%
Asus ROG Flow X16 GV601VGaming (3)13.06.2023v790.4 → 92%0-98%84%92%61.1 → 76%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%78.7 → 83%0-95%87%99%93%86.1 → 91%0-95%87.3 → 97%0-90%79%   83.5%89.7%
Motorola Razr 40 UltraSmartphone (10)12.06.2023v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%53.6 → 77%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%90%89%57.5 → 90%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%83%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%79%   80.5%87%
Acer Aspire 5 Spin 14Convertible (5)12.06.2023v776.9 → 78%0-98%77%89%63.8 → 85%0-75%67.6 → 87%20-75%89%75%66.8 → 86%0-78%89.7 → 100%0-85%89%79%72 → 79%0-91%44.5 → 52%0-85%   75.3%82.2%
CAT S75Smartphone (10)11.06.2023v781%71.2 → 95%0-75%90%48.3 → 69%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%91%83%25.8 → 40%0-64%76.6 → 89%0-86%93%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%58%   75.4%79.7%
Asus VivoBook 15X OLED M3504YAMultimedia (1)09.06.2023v779.2 → 81%0-98%87%86%51 → 64%0-80%66.6 → 90%20-72%89 → 94%0-95%87%64.4 → 72%0-90%92.4 → 100%0-90%88%73.7 → 78%0-95%77%37.8 → 44%0-85%   75.3%82.8%
Asus Zenbook Pro 14 OLED UX6404VIMultimedia (1)09.06.2023v786.9 → 89%0-98%86%91%65.9 → 82%0-80%66.9 → 90%20-72%77.1 → 81%0-95%91%99 → 100%0-90%93.8 → 100%0-90%87%87.5 → 92%0-95%84%36.4 → 43%0-85%   80.9%89.3%
Asus ZenBook Pro 14 Duo UX8402VV-P1021WMultimedia (1)09.06.2023v784.7 → 86%0-98%82%95%64.2 → 80%0-80%65.3 → 87%20-72%85.4 → 90%0-95%90%97.6 → 100%0-90%96.3 → 100%0-90%89%56.1 → 59%0-95%77%48.4 → 57%0-85%   79.3%87%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 G4 21EB0041GEOffice (2)09.06.2023v787.4 → 89%0-98%92%88%60.6 → 76%0-80%68 → 87%20-75%88%84%58.6 → 75%0-78%93.7 → 99%0-95%90%97%56%36 → 42%0-85%   76.8%87.5%
Asus TUF Gaming A16 FA617XSGaming (3)06.06.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%77%92%63.2 → 79%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%89 → 94%0-95%88%99%96%82.9 → 87%0-95%78.5 → 87%0-90%77%39 → 46%0-85%   78.5%86.9%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 5GSmartphone (10)06.06.2023v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%51.2 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%91%29 → 45%0-64%71.9 → 84%0-86%90%100%78.4 → 87%0-90%64%   76.4%81.7%
Xiaomi 13 UltraSmartphone (10)06.06.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%67.2 → 96%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%78.7 → 100%0-64%95.9 → 100%0-86%82%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%80%   85.3%89.7%
Dell Latitude 3440Office (2)06.06.2023v779.5 → 81%0-98%87%73%63.1 → 79%0-80%68.6 → 88%20-75%84%82%63.9 → 82%0-78%94.1 → 99%0-95%93%94%88%41 → 48%0-85%   77.8%85.3%
Lenovo Yoga Book 9i 2-in-1 Dual ScreenConvertible (5)03.06.2023v789 → 91%0-98%79%65%64.7 → 86%0-75%67.9 → 87%20-75%88%87%70.5 → 90%0-78%93.7 → 100%0-85%93%95%91.6 → 100%0-91%46.5 → 55%0-85%   79.2%86.4%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 15, Core i5-1335UOffice (2)02.06.2023v785 → 87%0-98%73%86%51.6 → 65%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%71%81%67.9 → 87%0-78%91.3 → 96%0-95%90%83%73%41 → 48%0-85%   74%80.7%
Lenovo Legion Pro 5 16ARX8Gaming (3)01.06.2023v785.7 → 87%0-98%85%83%66.1 → 83%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%57.7 → 61%0-95%92%99%98%89.8 → 95%0-95%84.5 → 94%0-90%63%38 → 45%0-85%   77.1%88.4%
SCHENKER Key 17 Pro (Early 23)Gaming (3)01.06.2023v780.6 → 82%0-98%77%83%69.8 → 87%0-80%53.6 → 78%10-66%73.3 → 77%0-95%93%99%95%70.2 → 74%0-95%44.8 → 50%0-90%80%49 → 58%0-85%   74.5%85.5%
Dell XPS 17 9730 RTX 4070Multimedia (1)31.05.2023v789.1 → 91%0-98%87%88%69.9 → 87%0-80%59.9 → 77%20-72%88.2 → 93%0-95%87%97.8 → 100%0-90%96.8 → 100%0-90%92%87 → 92%0-95%91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   81.9%90%
Huawei P60 ProSmartphone (10)30.05.2023v793%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%69.7 → 100%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%93%59.4 → 93%0-64%91.8 → 100%0-86%84%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%80%   83.3%88.8%
Medion Erazer Defender P40Gaming (3)28.05.2023v773.5 → 75%0-98%77%81%65.6 → 82%0-80%57.2 → 84%10-66%66.6 → 70%0-95%91%99%88%88.1 → 93%0-95%61.3 → 68%0-90%73%43 → 51%0-85%   74.1%84.6%
Oppo Find X6 ProSmartphone (10)26.05.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%66.8 → 95%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%93%94%59.1 → 92%0-64%94.3 → 100%0-86%78%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%79%   83.1%88.9%
Xiaomi 13 UltraSmartphone (10)23.05.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%67.2 → 96%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%78.7 → 100%0-64%95.9 → 100%0-86%82%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%80%   85.3%89.7%
Asus VivoBook Pro 16Multimedia (1)23.05.2023v778.9 → 81%0-98%82%87%72.9 → 91%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%75.5 → 79%0-95%91%88.8 → 99%0-90%92.6 → 100%0-90%87%65.6 → 69%0-95%77%42 → 49%0-85%   77.2%86.3%
Xiaomi Poco X5Smartphone (10)22.05.2023v778%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%51.4 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%89%91%33.4 → 52%0-64%72.2 → 84%0-86%95%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%58%   76.1%81.4%
OnePlus PadTablet (9)21.05.2023v787.2 → 89%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%96%47.8 → 68%0-70%82.3 → 88%40-88%89%87%63.1 → 81%0-78%91.5 → 99%0-92%91%100%89 → 98%0-91%56.3 → 66%0-85%   80.7%89.3%
Honor Magic5 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)19.05.2023v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%42.8 → 61%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%90%92%37 → 58%0-64%83.1 → 97%0-86%87%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%54%   76.3%82%
Medion Erazer Scout E20Gaming (3)17.05.2023v773.5 → 75%0-98%77%81%58.1 → 73%0-80%57.7 → 85%10-66%60 → 63%0-95%86%99%93%91.4 → 96%0-95%61.3 → 68%0-90%70%43.5 → 51%0-85%   73.1%83%
Framework Laptop 13.5 13th Gen IntelOffice (2)17.05.2023v777.5 → 79%0-98%87%83%67.9 → 85%0-80%70.9 → 93%20-75%84%89%73 → 94%0-78%96.3 → 100%0-95%93%84%68%38 → 45%0-85%   77.8%86.2%
HP EliteBook 645 G9, Ryzen 7 5825UOffice (2)16.05.2023v788 → 90%0-98%86%85%65.9 → 82%0-80%70.7 → 92%20-75%89%92%54.7 → 70%0-78%93 → 98%0-95%93%97%69%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.8%89.1%
Lenovo Legion Pro 5 16IRX8Gaming (3)15.05.2023v785.7 → 87%0-98%85%83%66.1 → 83%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%54.3 → 57%0-95%92%99%97%88.4 → 93%0-95%82.7 → 92%0-90%63%37 → 44%0-85%   76.4%87.9%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 Pro 14Office (2)14.05.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%79%86%67.3 → 84%0-80%73 → 96%20-75%86%90%65.6 → 84%0-78%89.8 → 95%0-95%86%82%77%51 → 60%0-85%   78.3%85.6%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-24P-R77ZOffice (2)14.05.2023v766.2 → 68%0-98%65%75%44.7 → 56%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%86%72%48.5 → 62%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%87%93%60%45.8 → 54%0-85%   69%75.7%
OnePlus 11 5GSmartphone (10)13.05.2023v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54.1 → 77%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%91%67.6 → 100%0-64%96.7 → 100%0-86%87%100%84.4 → 94%0-90%80%   84%89.1%
Asus ROG Ally Z1 ExtremeMultimedia (1)11.05.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%100%48.9 → 61%0-80%81.3 → 100%20-72%79.8 → 84%0-95%86%76.6 → 85%0-90%94.4 → 100%0-90%86%92.2 → 97%0-95%84%   83%87.5%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 4GSmartphone (10)11.05.2023v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%90%48.3 → 69%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%92%16 → 25%0-64%67.6 → 79%0-86%92%100%70 → 78%0-90%61%   74.4%80.1%
Lenovo Tab M8 (Gen 4)Tablet (9)11.05.2023v781.6 → 83%0-98%63.5 → 79%0-80%82%40.8 → 58%0-70%86.1 → 96%40-88%90%83%3.3 → 4%0-78%38 → 41%0-92%96%100%70 → 77%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   67.2%79.5%
LG Gram 17 (2023)Office (2)09.05.2023v781.3 → 83%0-98%86%85%72.9 → 91%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%89%87%61.4 → 79%0-78%87.7 → 92%0-95%90%83%82%45.5 → 54%0-85%   78.6%86.4%
Samsung Galaxy A14 5GSmartphone (10)08.05.2023v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%48.5 → 69%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%81%26.5 → 41%0-64%69.5 → 81%0-86%93%100%78 → 87%0-90%57%   74.6%79.4%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 Ultra 16, i9-13900H RTX 4070Multimedia (1)08.05.2023v788.9 → 91%0-98%90%98%67.6 → 85%0-80%65.3 → 87%20-72%79.2 → 83%0-95%89%95.6 → 100%0-90%93.5 → 100%0-90%81%82.7 → 87%0-95%66%46.4 → 55%0-85%   80.2%88.8%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14IRH G8Multimedia (1)07.05.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%89%84%65 → 81%0-80%68.8 → 94%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%95%90.8 → 100%0-90%93.9 → 100%0-90%87%79.2 → 83%0-95%84%38.4 → 45%0-85%   80.8%90.2%
Lenovo Yoga 7 16IRL8Convertible (5)06.05.2023v785.3 → 87%0-98%87%85%65.8 → 88%0-75%62.8 → 78%20-75%88%77%71.4 → 92%0-78%94.8 → 100%0-85%92%88%82 → 90%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   78.6%85.8%
Gigabyte Aero 14 OLED BMFMultimedia (1)05.05.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%90%91%68.6 → 86%0-80%70.1 → 96%20-72%77.5 → 82%0-95%93%91.5 → 100%0-90%96.8 → 100%0-90%87%78.2 → 82%0-95%71%55.2 → 65%0-85%   81.1%89.4%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 Pro 16Office (2)05.05.2023v785.4 → 87%0-98%81%86%67.3 → 84%0-80%68.3 → 88%20-75%89%89%65.1 → 83%0-78%87.4 → 92%0-95%90%82%80%49 → 58%0-85%   78.4%85.6%
Motorola Moto G73 5GSmartphone (10)04.05.2023v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%47.7 → 68%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%92%86%29.8 → 47%0-64%75 → 87%0-86%88%100%79.4 → 88%0-90%74%   77.3%82.8%
Motorola Edge 40 ProSmartphone (10)04.05.2023v788%67.7 → 90%0-75%97%58.6 → 84%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%94%65 → 100%0-64%95 → 100%0-86%85%100%81.6 → 91%0-90%78%   83.8%89.4%
Asus ROG Ally Z1 ExtremeMultimedia (1)03.05.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%100%48.9 → 61%0-80%81.3 → 100%20-72%79.8 → 84%0-95%86%76.6 → 85%0-90%94.4 → 100%0-90%86%92.2 → 97%0-95%84%   83%87.5%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 LTE 2022Tablet (9)03.05.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%89%39.4 → 56%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%90%78%15 → 19%0-78%60 → 65%0-92%95%100%79.2 → 87%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   70.4%81.2%
Nokia G22Smartphone (10)02.05.2023v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%47.1 → 67%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%85%12 → 19%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%88%100%70 → 78%0-90%58%   73.1%78.7%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 GA402XYGaming (3)30.04.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%87%86%63.1 → 79%0-80%66.7 → 100%10-66%76.7 → 81%0-95%96%99%96%83.7 → 88%0-95%74.8 → 83%0-90%86%47 → 55%0-85%   80.5%90%
Gigabyte G5 KEGaming (3)29.04.2023v772.4 → 74%0-98%83%83%68.9 → 86%0-80%63.1 → 95%10-66%51.6 → 54%0-95%78%98%96%75 → 79%0-95%59.3 → 66%0-90%59%34 → 40%0-85%   70.9%81.8%
Asus ZenBook S13 OLED UX5304Subnotebook (4)29.04.2023v785 → 87%0-98%81%89%66.4 → 89%0-75%74.4 → 99%20-75%89%91%63 → 81%0-78%88.6 → 100%0-85%89%64%89.2 → 98%0-91%36.8 → 43%0-85%   77.4%85.4%
Asus ROG Flow Z13 GZ301VGaming (3)28.04.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%80%88%70.8 → 89%0-80%72.7 → 100%10-66%61 → 64%0-95%89%96%92%86.5 → 91%0-95%91.5 → 100%0-90%77%55.8 → 66%0-85%   80.7%89.1%
Asus ROG Phone 7 UltimateSmartphone (10)28.04.2023v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%75.6 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%93%93%78.7 → 100%0-64%94.5 → 100%0-86%95%100%84.6 → 94%0-90%71%   86.7%90.2%
Samsung Galaxy A54 5GSmartphone (10)27.04.2023v788%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%54 → 77%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%93%50.5 → 79%0-64%76.5 → 89%0-86%92%100%73 → 81%0-90%70%   79.7%86%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 Ultra 16Multimedia (1)27.04.2023v785.4 → 87%0-98%81%86%68 → 85%0-80%65.3 → 87%20-72%88.5 → 93%0-95%90%91.8 → 100%0-90%85.1 → 95%0-90%87%87.8 → 92%0-95%85%52.5 → 62%0-85%   81%89.4%
Dell XPS 15 9530 RTX 4070Multimedia (1)27.04.2023v790.4 → 92%0-98%85%88%66.9 → 84%0-80%63.7 → 84%20-72%87%94.1 → 100%0-90%96.5 → 100%0-90%87%93.1 → 98%0-95%96%32 → 38%0-85%   81.7%90.3%
Lenovo Tab P11 (Gen 2)Tablet (9)27.04.2023v780.6 → 82%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%93%36.8 → 53%0-70%82.8 → 89%40-88%90%82%22.7 → 29%0-78%61 → 66%0-92%95%100%68 → 75%0-91%50.4 → 59%0-85%   71.4%82.4%
Samsung Galaxy A34 5GSmartphone (10)26.04.2023v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%53 → 76%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%92%92%45.1 → 70%0-64%76.4 → 89%0-86%88%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%68%   78.7%84.9%
Samsung Galaxy Book3 Pro 360 16, i5-1340PConvertible (5)24.04.2023v783 → 85%0-98%75%81%67.5 → 90%0-75%66.9 → 85%20-75%88%92%64.2 → 82%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%90%92%80.8 → 89%0-91%56 → 66%0-85%   78.7%86.7%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 15, i7-1255UOffice (2)24.04.2023v773.8 → 75%0-98%84%89%52.5 → 66%0-80%68.1 → 87%20-75%83%90%67.5 → 87%0-78%89.7 → 94%0-95%81%96%82%36.4 → 43%0-85%   76.3%84.3%
Lenovo Slim Pro 7 14ARP8Multimedia (1)24.04.2023v786.5 → 88%0-98%86%84%62.9 → 79%0-80%67.5 → 91%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%85%90.4 → 100%0-90%95.2 → 100%0-90%90%88.3 → 93%0-95%89%39 → 46%0-85%   80.9%89.2%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)22.04.2023v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%53 → 76%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%91%94%45.9 → 72%0-64%75.5 → 88%0-86%93%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%69%   79.3%85.4%
Medion Erazer Major X20Gaming (3)22.04.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%90%86%68 → 85%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%56.5 → 59%0-95%90%100%96%85.4 → 90%0-95%67.8 → 75%0-90%85%47 → 55%0-85%   78.2%89%
Xiaomi Poco X5 ProSmartphone (10)21.04.2023v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%53.4 → 76%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%92%49.9 → 78%0-64%84 → 98%0-86%94%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%67%   79.7%85.4%
Teclast T50Tablet (9)20.04.2023v781 → 83%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%93%43.5 → 62%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%91%82%8.9 → 11%0-78%55 → 60%0-92%94%100%80 → 88%0-91%47.6 → 56%0-85%   71.1%81.8%
MSI Stealth 17 Studio A13VH-014Gaming (3)19.04.2023v781.3 → 83%0-98%89%79%73.2 → 92%0-80%56.5 → 83%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%94%90%97%80 → 84%0-95%88.6 → 98%0-90%90%43.2 → 51%0-85%   78.9%89.2%
Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14ARP G8Subnotebook (4)19.04.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%89%84%61.8 → 82%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%90%88%78.4 → 100%0-78%95.4 → 100%0-85%90%96%83.6 → 92%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   80.7%89%
Higole PC Stick-J4125Mini PC (23)19.04.2023v776.9 → 78%0-98%41.9 → 52%0-81%   10-0%15%57%100%   64.5%57.2%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 17 G733PY-XS96Gaming (3)19.04.2023v780.7 → 82%0-98%83%86%59.9 → 75%0-80%56.9 → 84%10-66%58.5 → 62%0-95%90%100%97%94.1 → 99%0-95%81.8 → 91%0-90%89%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.3%88.3%
Telekom T Phone ProSmartphone (10)19.04.2023v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%85%47.5 → 68%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%82%26.4 → 41%0-64%71.3 → 83%0-86%94%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%52%   74%78.2%
CAT S53Smartphone (10)17.04.2023v785%67.3 → 90%0-75%93%50.4 → 72%0-70%86.1 → 72%50-100%92%85%24.2 → 38%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%88%100%70 → 78%0-90%48%   72.9%78.3%
Xiaomi Redmi 12CSmartphone (10)15.04.2023v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%43.5 → 62%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%85%15.2 → 24%0-64%66 → 77%0-86%88%100%66 → 73%0-90%51%   71.2%76.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 16ABR G8Convertible (5)14.04.2023v772.8 → 74%0-98%79%75%61 → 81%0-75%62.9 → 78%20-75%89%78%64.7 → 83%0-78%92.3 → 100%0-85%86%82%76.8 → 84%0-91%35.6 → 42%0-85%   73.4%80.7%
Huawei MateBook D 14 2023, 53013PKGOffice (2)13.04.2023v785.3 → 87%0-98%85%93%47.3 → 59%0-80%70.7 → 92%20-75%88%83%67.3 → 86%0-78%90 → 95%0-95%93%92%81%40.4 → 48%0-85%   78.2%85.8%
HP Envy 17-cr0079ngMultimedia (1)13.04.2023v785.8 → 88%0-98%89%90%72.8 → 91%0-80%59.4 → 76%20-72%62.1 → 65%0-95%86%83.6 → 93%0-90%93 → 100%0-90%89%80.5 → 85%0-95%77%48.8 → 57%0-85%   78.3%86.3%
MSI Cyborg 15 A12VFGaming (3)13.04.2023v775.3 → 77%0-98%80%87%54.1 → 68%0-80%63.2 → 95%10-66%75.6 → 80%0-95%84%96%91%90.2 → 95%0-95%53.3 → 59%0-90%75%41 → 48%0-85%   74.4%82.4%
Xiaomi 13 LiteSmartphone (10)12.04.2023v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%89%50.7 → 72%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%91%93%54.8 → 86%0-64%77.8 → 90%0-86%93%100%79 → 88%0-90%73%   80.2%86.4%
Honor Magic5 ProSmartphone (10)11.04.2023v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%69.6 → 99%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%93%65.6 → 100%0-64%96.2 → 100%0-86%92%100%77 → 86%0-90%80%   85.1%90.1%
Dell Latitude 7230 Rugged ExtremeTablet (9)11.04.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%84.6 → 100%0-80%86%72 → 100%0-70%68.3 → 59%40-88%90%94%63.9 → 82%0-78%93 → 100%0-92%92%95%74 → 81%0-91%54.5 → 64%0-85%   81%83.9%
Motorola Moto G13Smartphone (10)10.04.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45.5 → 65%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%92%84%16 → 25%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%93%100%70 → 78%0-90%60%   72.9%79%
Asus ROG Flow Z13 ACRNMGaming (3)09.04.2023v788.5 → 90%0-98%79%94%66.5 → 100%10-66%66.6 → 70%0-95%90%98%95%87.9 → 93%0-95%75.5 → 84%0-90%75%61.4 → 72%0-85%   81.5%89.4%
Aorus 15X ASFGaming (3)06.04.2023v777.3 → 79%0-98%81%86%64.6 → 81%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%77 → 81%0-95%90%100%91%87.2 → 92%0-95%62.1 → 69%0-90%75%45.5 → 54%0-85%   76.8%86.2%
Alienware m18 R1Gaming (3)06.04.2023v791.4 → 93%0-98%91%86%70.8 → 89%0-80%50.7 → 73%10-66%59.6 → 63%0-95%90%99%98%92.9 → 98%0-95%82 → 91%0-90%82%44.5 → 52%0-85%   79.8%90.7%
Telekom T PhoneSmartphone (10)05.04.2023v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%85%47.8 → 68%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%81%30 → 47%0-64%68.3 → 79%0-86%93%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%50%   73.9%78.3%
Asus ROG Strix G17 G713PIGaming (3)01.04.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%87%83%62 → 78%0-80%57.9 → 86%10-66%52.6 → 55%0-95%89%100%96%88.7 → 93%0-95%78.2 → 87%0-90%90%36.4 → 43%0-85%   77.4%88.4%
Asus Zephyrus Duo 16 GX650PY-NM006WGaming (3)01.04.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%81%83%62.8 → 79%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%55.8 → 59%0-95%94%99%96%85.2 → 90%0-95%68.1 → 76%0-90%85%44.8 → 53%0-85%   77%88%
MSI GE78HX 13VH-070USGaming (3)01.04.2023v781.9 → 84%0-98%83%83%71.6 → 90%0-80%56.5 → 83%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%86%100%98%91.9 → 97%0-95%71.8 → 80%0-90%86%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.4%88.3%
Razer Blade 16 Early 2023 RTX 4090Gaming (3)30.03.2023v792.4 → 94%0-98%83%89%75 → 94%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%71.8 → 76%0-95%90%97%96%79 → 83%0-95%86.4 → 96%0-90%71%43 → 51%0-85%   79.6%89.8%
Gigaset GX4Smartphone (10)30.03.2023v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%83%49.6 → 71%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%92%81%33.5 → 52%0-64%70.6 → 82%0-86%93%73.2 → 81%0-90%49%   72%78.1%
Acer TravelMate P4 TMP416-51-55KNOffice (2)29.03.2023v785.8 → 88%0-98%84%88%69.4 → 87%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%87%83%66.7 → 86%0-78%89.7 → 94%0-95%92%87%79%43 → 51%0-85%   78.6%86%
HP Omen 17-ck2097ngGaming (3)29.03.2023v778.6 → 80%0-98%81%81%67.3 → 84%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%54.4 → 57%0-95%90%99%85%83 → 87%0-95%69.2 → 77%0-90%79%40 → 47%0-85%   74.2%85.4%
MSI Katana 15 B12VEKGaming (3)29.03.2023v772.2 → 74%0-98%82%77%54.8 → 69%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%58.3 → 61%0-95%81%97%93%86.5 → 91%0-95%83.6 → 93%0-90%73%32.4 → 38%0-85%   73.2%82.9%
Motorola Moto G23Smartphone (10)29.03.2023v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.7 → 68%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%84%15.5 → 24%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%92%100%69 → 77%0-90%58%   73%79%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 16 E23Gaming (3)28.03.2023v784.8 → 87%0-98%92%86%70.5 → 88%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%68.1 → 72%0-95%91%100%96%83.3 → 88%0-95%46.3 → 51%0-90%75%44 → 52%0-85%   76.6%87.7%
HP Dragonfly Pro ChromebookSubnotebook (4)27.03.2023v785.7 → 87%0-98%84%86%65 → 87%0-75%68.6 → 88%20-75%88%88%66.7 → 86%0-78%91.8 → 100%0-85%95%99%91 → 100%0-91%47 → 55%0-85%   81.2%89.4%
HP Dragonfly Pro 2023Multimedia (1)25.03.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%85%86%64.9 → 81%0-80%68.4 → 93%20-72%89.6 → 94%0-95%86%95.1 → 100%0-90%94%95.9 → 100%0-95%86%48 → 56%0-85%   82%89.4%
Lenovo Tab M10 Gen 3Tablet (9)25.03.2023v781.3 → 83%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%89%40.1 → 57%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%90%81%10 → 13%0-78%46 → 50%0-92%91%100%64 → 70%0-91%48.4 → 57%0-85%   68.4%80%
GPD Win 4Subnotebook (4)25.03.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%65%87%63.6 → 85%0-75%81.4 → 100%20-75%77%81%75 → 96%0-78%94.9 → 100%0-85%95%72%70.4 → 77%0-91%0 → 0%0-85%   72.7%80.3%
Huawei MateBook D 15 2023-53013BSJOffice (2)23.03.2023v786.6 → 88%0-98%83%92%47.5 → 59%0-80%67.7 → 87%20-75%88%82%66.5 → 85%0-78%92 → 97%0-95%90%88%76%31.6 → 37%0-85%   76.3%84.2%
Lenovo Yoga 9 14IRP G8Convertible (5)23.03.2023v788.8 → 91%0-98%93%99%69.5 → 93%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%84%85%70.1 → 90%0-78%90.4 → 100%0-85%90%81%89.8 → 99%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   80.9%89.3%
Medion Erazer Beast X40Gaming (3)22.03.2023v783.9 → 86%0-98%89%86%68.6 → 86%0-80%57.3 → 84%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%90%100%95%83 → 87%0-95%68.9 → 77%0-90%76%44 → 52%0-85%   77.8%88.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G3-21AJS00400Office (2)21.03.2023v783.8 → 86%0-98%88%89%73.1 → 91%0-80%69.1 → 89%20-75%80%84%77.7 → 100%0-78%93.5 → 98%0-95%87%85%74%40.4 → 48%0-85%   78.8%86.4%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 GU604VY-NM042XGaming (3)20.03.2023v782.4 → 84%0-98%84%88%65.9 → 82%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%59.1 → 62%0-95%96%99%97%82.9 → 87%0-95%73.5 → 82%0-90%88%40.8 → 48%0-85%   78.3%89.4%
Honor Magic VsSmartphone (10)18.03.2023v788%69.6 → 93%0-75%96%52.9 → 76%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%90%90%69.7 → 100%0-64%81.2 → 94%0-86%90%100%65.2 → 72%0-90%77%   81.2%87.2%
Motorola Moto G53Smartphone (10)18.03.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%47.4 → 68%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%87%20 → 31%0-64%64 → 74%0-86%90%100%60 → 67%0-90%61%   72.7%79.1%
Asus ROG Strix G16 G614JZGaming (3)17.03.2023v779.9 → 82%0-98%85%85%65.8 → 82%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%88.1 → 93%0-95%91%99%98%79.9 → 84%0-95%74.1 → 82%0-90%81%35.6 → 42%0-85%   78.7%88.4%
Intel NUC11ATKPE, N6005Mini PC (23)17.03.2023v784 → 86%0-98%54.9 → 68%0-81%   10-0%51%74%84%   71.7%70.9%
Intel NUC11ATKC2, N4505Mini PC (23)17.03.2023v784 → 86%0-98%54.9 → 68%0-81%   10-0%29%67%83%   66.7%63.2%
Asus ROG Strix G17 G713PIGaming (3)16.03.2023v784.3 → 86%0-98%87%83%62 → 78%0-80%57.9 → 86%10-66%52.6 → 55%0-95%89%100%96%88.7 → 93%0-95%78.2 → 87%0-90%90%36.4 → 43%0-85%   77.4%88.4%
Samsung Galaxy S23 UltraSmartphone (10)15.03.2023v795%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%72.1 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%93%93%70.1 → 100%0-64%94.5 → 100%0-86%96%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%81%   86.2%91.1%
Apple iPhone 14 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)15.03.2023v792%67.7 → 90%0-75%97%59.7 → 85%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%93%94%68 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%87%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%81%   84.8%90.3%
Asus Zephyrus Duo 16 GX650PY-NM006WGaming (3)15.03.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%81%83%62.8 → 79%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%55.8 → 59%0-95%94%99%96%85.2 → 90%0-95%68.1 → 76%0-90%85%44.8 → 53%0-85%   77%88%
Lenovo Yoga 6 13 83B2001SGEConvertible (5)13.03.2023v786 → 88%0-98%85%91%64.3 → 86%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%89%82%63.6 → 82%0-78%91.6 → 100%0-85%91%95%76 → 84%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   79.1%88%
Gigabyte AERO 16 OLED BSFGaming (3)12.03.2023v788.3 → 90%0-98%74%89%65.2 → 82%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%74 → 78%0-95%90%99%96%88.6 → 93%0-95%70.1 → 78%0-90%54%45.6 → 54%0-85%   76.6%86.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 17ABA7Office (2)11.03.2023v774.1 → 76%0-98%77%87%59.1 → 74%0-80%63 → 78%20-75%73%81%55.2 → 71%0-78%91.3 → 96%0-95%93%76%58%40 → 47%0-85%   71.3%79.4%
Motorola ThinkPhoneSmartphone (10)10.03.2023v790%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%50.5 → 72%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%93%70 → 100%0-64%89.8 → 100%0-86%86%100%78 → 87%0-90%75%   82.7%88.8%
Samsung Galaxy S23+Smartphone (10)10.03.2023v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%68.5 → 98%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%93%92%67.8 → 100%0-64%93.8 → 100%0-86%95%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%79%   85.1%90.3%
Samsung Galaxy S23Smartphone (10)09.03.2023v792%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%67 → 96%0-70%90.8 → 82%50-100%91%91%69.7 → 100%0-64%92.9 → 100%0-86%95%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%80%   85.1%90.5%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M2 Pro EntryMultimedia (1)09.03.2023v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%89.8 → 95%0-95%93%91.2 → 100%0-90%97 → 100%0-90%87%86.7 → 91%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   84.9%93.4%
Xiaomi 13 ProSmartphone (10)08.03.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%55.2 → 79%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%91%93%72.3 → 100%0-64%93.7 → 100%0-86%95%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%78%   84.4%89.2%
Razer Blade 15 OLED (Early 2022)Gaming (3)08.03.2023v787.5 → 89%0-98%83%89%72.8 → 91%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%62.6 → 66%0-95%91%99%93%83 → 87%0-95%85.2 → 95%0-90%82%46.5 → 55%0-85%   79.7%89.9%
Asus ROG Strix G18 G814JIGaming (3)07.03.2023v778.8 → 80%0-98%81%83%62.9 → 79%0-80%56.7 → 83%10-66%80 → 84%0-95%90%100%95%86.5 → 91%0-95%76.7 → 85%0-90%84%37.5 → 44%0-85%   77.8%87.4%
Microsoft Surface Pro 9, ARMConvertible (5)04.03.2023v790.6 → 92%0-98%87%92%58.5 → 78%0-75%76.9 → 100%20-75%88%90%37.7 → 48%0-78%54.1 → 64%0-85%81%100%81 → 89%0-91%62.8 → 74%0-85%   76.8%86.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M2 ProMultimedia (1)03.03.2023v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%90.2 → 95%0-95%93%94.7 → 100%0-90%98 → 100%0-90%91%89.5 → 94%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   85.8%93.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2023 M2 MaxMultimedia (1)03.03.2023v789.9 → 92%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%90.7 → 95%0-95%93%97.4 → 100%0-90%98.3 → 100%0-90%90%92.6 → 97%0-95%98%39.2 → 46%0-85%   85.8%93.7%
Lenovo Tab M9Tablet (9)02.03.2023v781.7 → 83%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%92%40.9 → 58%0-70%85.7 → 95%40-88%91%82%13 → 17%0-78%50 → 54%0-92%95%100%66 → 73%0-91%50.8 → 60%0-85%   70.2%82.2%
Asus ExpertBook B5 Flip B5602FBNConvertible (5)02.03.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%80%87%76 → 100%0-75%65.4 → 83%20-75%80%94%78.1 → 100%0-78%90.3 → 100%0-85%92%80%71.2 → 78%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   78.3%86.5%
Lenovo Slim 7 Pro X 14ARH7Multimedia (1)01.03.2023v786.8 → 89%0-98%86%84%62.9 → 79%0-80%68.2 → 93%20-72%68 → 72%0-95%88%88.3 → 98%0-90%95.1 → 100%0-90%89%89.2 → 94%0-95%71%31 → 36%0-85%   77.5%86.9%
HP ProBook 440 G9-5Y3Z3EAOffice (2)01.03.2023v786.4 → 88%0-98%83%95%63.5 → 79%0-80%70.3 → 91%20-75%67%77%61.2 → 78%0-78%90.4 → 95%0-95%94%97%78%36.4 → 43%0-85%   76.9%85.3%
LG Gram 17Z90Q-E.AD78GMultimedia (1)01.03.2023v774.4 → 76%0-98%87%85%71.5 → 89%0-80%70.1 → 96%20-72%90.3 → 95%0-95%86%79.1 → 88%0-90%94.8 → 100%0-90%87%75 → 79%0-95%75%43.6 → 51%0-85%   78.3%86.4%
Samsung Galaxy S23 UltraSmartphone (10)01.03.2023v795%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%72.1 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%93%93%70.1 → 100%0-64%94.5 → 100%0-86%96%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%81%   86.2%91.1%
Asus ProArt StudioBook 16 H7600ZWMultimedia (1)27.02.2023v794.4 → 96%0-98%92%86%58 → 73%0-80%60.4 → 78%20-72%79.8 → 84%0-95%89%98.8 → 100%0-90%96.4 → 100%0-90%90%88.9 → 94%0-95%86%20 → 24%0-85%   80%89%
Blackview Tab 13Tablet (9)27.02.2023v781.3 → 83%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%92%44.1 → 63%0-70%83.9 → 91%40-88%91%81%17.2 → 22%0-78%57 → 62%0-92%96%100%60 → 66%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%-1%65.3%80.8%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95Mini PC (23)25.02.2023v779.3 → 81%0-98%49.6 → 61%0-81%   10-0%46%75%82%   69.6%68.2%
Blackview BV5200Smartphone (10)24.02.2023v784%69.2 → 92%0-75%92%38.9 → 56%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%91%82%8 → 13%0-64%48 → 56%0-86%95%100%64 → 71%0-90%40%   69.1%74.3%
Asus Chromebook Flip CX5 CX5601FBConvertible (5)23.02.2023v782.6 → 84%0-98%81%88%55.9 → 75%0-75%62.1 → 77%20-75%89%77%68.9 → 88%0-78%97 → 100%0-85%96%95%77.6 → 85%0-91%33.6 → 40%0-85%   77.2%84.8%
Vivo X90 ProSmartphone (10)23.02.2023v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%66.7 → 95%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%91%94%69.4 → 100%0-64%90.1 → 100%0-86%96%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%75%   84.1%89.1%
Dell Latitude 3520Office (2)22.02.2023v775.4 → 77%0-98%84%86%65.4 → 82%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%86%82%54.4 → 70%0-78%90.9 → 96%0-95%92%93%76%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.3%84.6%
MSI Katana 17 B13VFKGaming (3)22.02.2023v779.8 → 81%0-98%81%80%52.1 → 65%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%51.5 → 54%0-95%82%98%97%90.2 → 95%0-95%64.1 → 71%0-90%70%25.2 → 30%0-85%   71.5%82.1%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 18 2023 G834JY-N6005WGaming (3)21.02.2023v780.1 → 82%0-98%83%85%64 → 80%0-80%55.9 → 82%10-66%72.1 → 76%0-95%86%99%97%85.5 → 90%0-95%72.8 → 81%0-90%85%32 → 38%0-85%   76.7%86.6%
Lenovo Legion Pro 7 16IRX8HGaming (3)21.02.2023v784.7 → 86%0-98%87%86%67.9 → 85%0-80%58.6 → 87%10-66%63.7 → 67%0-95%94%99%98%75.9 → 80%0-95%67.1 → 75%0-90%90%46 → 54%0-85%   78.3%89.4%
Razer Blade 18 RTX 4070Gaming (3)21.02.2023v790.6 → 92%0-98%83%89%76.5 → 96%0-80%56.3 → 83%10-66%57.7 → 61%0-95%90%99%98%92.6 → 97%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%90%47.5 → 56%0-85%   81%91.4%
Asus VivoBook S15 M3502RA-L1029WMultimedia (1)21.02.2023v778.5 → 80%0-98%85%84%52.3 → 65%0-80%64.3 → 85%20-72%88.8 → 93%0-95%89%75.2 → 84%0-90%94.5 → 100%0-90%90%61.9 → 65%0-95%72%39.6 → 47%0-85%   75%83.2%
Huawei MateBook D 15 2021, i5-1135G7Office (2)20.02.2023v784.9 → 87%0-98%82%92%48.9 → 61%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%83%82%65.7 → 84%0-78%89.1 → 94%0-95%89%96%75%34 → 40%0-85%   76%84.3%
Asus VivoBook 15 X M1503QAMultimedia (1)17.02.2023v772.8 → 74%0-98%80%87%44.4 → 56%0-80%66.5 → 89%20-72%88.8 → 93%0-95%93%56.2 → 62%0-90%92 → 100%0-90%96%95.2 → 100%0-95%67%36 → 42%0-85%   75%83.1%
Nubia RedMagic 8 ProSmartphone (10)17.02.2023v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%58.6 → 84%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%92%90%81.9 → 100%0-64%96.4 → 100%0-86%95%62%75.8 → 84%0-90%61%   80.3%85.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ABA7Office (2)16.02.2023v774.5 → 76%0-98%77%87%59.3 → 74%0-80%67.4 → 86%20-75%88%82%60.3 → 77%0-78%92.7 → 98%0-95%93%82%63%41 → 48%0-85%   74.5%82.1%
Samsung Galaxy S23 UltraSmartphone (10)15.02.2023v795%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%72.1 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%93%93%70.1 → 100%0-64%94.5 → 100%0-86%96%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%81%   86.2%91.1%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 GU603ZGaming (3)15.02.2023v785.2 → 87%0-98%79%86%67.3 → 84%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%73.6 → 77%0-95%91%99%96%80.9 → 85%0-95%65.8 → 73%0-90%89%32 → 38%0-85%   77.5%87.8%
Asus TUF Gaming A16 FA617Gaming (3)14.02.2023v779.1 → 81%0-98%77%92%61.7 → 77%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%89.2 → 94%0-95%88%97%96%80.6 → 85%0-95%80.8 → 90%0-90%73%40 → 47%0-85%   78.1%86.2%
Xiaomi 13 ProSmartphone (10)14.02.2023v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%55.2 → 79%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%91%93%72.3 → 100%0-64%93.7 → 100%0-86%95%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%78%   84.4%89.2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2023 M2 MaxMultimedia (1)14.02.2023v789.9 → 92%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%90.7 → 95%0-95%93%97.4 → 100%0-90%98.3 → 100%0-90%90%92.6 → 97%0-95%98%39.2 → 46%0-85%   85.8%93.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14ALC6-82KT0077GEOffice (2)13.02.2023v779.5 → 81%0-98%84%87%43.7 → 55%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%82%82%60 → 77%0-78%87.9 → 93%0-95%94%89%71%34.8 → 41%0-85%   74.2%82.6%
Blackview A52Smartphone (10)13.02.2023v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%37 → 53%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%89%82%3 → 5%0-64%45 → 52%0-86%92%100%50 → 56%0-90%38%-1%60.8%70.2%
Vivo X90 Pro+Smartphone (10)09.02.2023v792%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%66.9 → 96%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%91%94%74 → 100%0-64%93.4 → 100%0-86%95%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%79%   85.5%90%
Lenovo V14 G2 IJL-82QX002LGEOffice (2)09.02.2023v779 → 81%0-98%82%80%45.9 → 57%0-80%71.2 → 93%20-75%70%75%34.3 → 44%0-78%70.8 → 75%0-95%92%100%70%30.8 → 36%0-85%   69.2%79.4%
Xiaomi 13Smartphone (10)07.02.2023v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%55.3 → 79%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%93%68.8 → 100%0-64%94.6 → 100%0-86%95%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%73%   83.8%89.1%
Razer Blade 16 Early 2023Gaming (3)07.02.2023v792 → 94%0-98%83%89%72.7 → 91%0-80%60.3 → 90%10-66%69.2 → 73%0-95%90%100%97%91.1 → 96%0-95%86 → 96%0-90%82%46 → 54%0-85%   81.4%91.2%
MSI Titan GT77 HX 13VIGaming (3)07.02.2023v783.2 → 85%0-98%90%89%71.9 → 90%0-80%53.3 → 77%10-66%64.9 → 68%0-95%90%100%96%89.4 → 94%0-95%61.8 → 69%0-90%90%29.6 → 35%0-85%   77.6%89%
Lenovo Tab P11 5GTablet (9)07.02.2023v784.9 → 87%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%95%53.8 → 77%0-70%82.8 → 89%40-88%90%83%28.8 → 37%0-78%76.1 → 83%0-92%96%100%76 → 84%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   75.6%85.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T16 G1 21CH004MGEOffice (2)02.02.2023v788 → 90%0-98%90%93%67.6 → 85%0-80%65.1 → 82%20-75%88%93%70.2 → 90%0-78%93.2 → 98%0-95%94%97%58%42 → 49%0-85%   80%90.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T16 Gen 1 Core i7-1270POffice (2)02.02.2023v788 → 90%0-98%90%93%72.5 → 91%0-80%63.3 → 79%20-75%80%82%66.5 → 85%0-78%93.4 → 98%0-95%93%97%76%45.6 → 54%0-85%   80.1%88.6%
Nokia T10Tablet (9)01.02.2023v779 → 81%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%93%34.2 → 49%0-70%85.2 → 94%40-88%91%82%13 → 17%0-78%60 → 65%0-92%96%100%65.8 → 72%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   69.7%82.2%
Lenovo Yoga 9 14IRP G8Convertible (5)30.01.2023v788.8 → 91%0-98%93%99%69.5 → 93%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%84%85%70.1 → 90%0-78%90.4 → 100%0-85%90%81%89.8 → 99%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   80.9%89.3%
Lenovo Tab M8 (3rd Gen)Tablet (9)30.01.2023v780.6 → 82%0-98%64.6 → 81%0-80%88%39.7 → 57%0-70%86.3 → 96%40-88%91%78%10 → 13%0-78%45 → 49%0-92%95%100%72 → 79%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   68.4%80.8%
Asus F415EA-EK115WOffice (2)30.01.2023v775.1 → 77%0-98%72%86%40.4 → 51%0-80%68.4 → 88%20-75%68%72%58.8 → 75%0-78%86.2 → 91%0-95%95%95%72%40.5 → 48%0-85%   71.5%78.4%
LG UltraPC 14 14U70Q-G.AA79GSubnotebook (4)29.01.2023v782.4 → 84%0-98%74%92%54.6 → 73%0-75%71.5 → 94%20-75%91%84%66.2 → 85%0-78%90.8 → 100%0-85%89%81%74.6 → 82%0-91%33 → 39%0-85%   75.7%83.6%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2023 M2 ProMultimedia (1)28.01.2023v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%90.2 → 95%0-95%93%94.7 → 100%0-90%98 → 100%0-90%91%89.5 → 94%0-95%96%39.2 → 46%0-85%   85.8%93.9%
Huawei MateBook D 14 (2021)Office (2)27.01.2023v784 → 86%0-98%87%91%45 → 56%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%89%83%62.5 → 80%0-78%85.2 → 90%0-95%91%90%71%48 → 56%0-85%   76.7%84.7%
Oppo Pad AirTablet (9)25.01.2023v783.4 → 85%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%96%37.1 → 53%0-70%84.1 → 92%40-88%90%81%16.2 → 21%0-78%57 → 62%0-92%97%100%80 → 88%0-91%42.4 → 50%0-85%   71.4%83.1%
Geo Computers GeoFlex 140 Convertible (5)25.01.2023v777.9 → 79%0-98%74%91%43.1 → 57%0-75%63.3 → 79%20-75%67%70%16.2 → 21%0-78%54.3 → 64%0-85%88%100%67.6 → 74%0-91%36.8 → 43%0-85%   65.2%76.1%
Microsoft Surface Pro 9, i7-1255UConvertible (5)24.01.2023v790.6 → 92%0-98%87%92%59.3 → 79%0-75%77 → 100%20-75%79%90%65.8 → 84%0-78%89.9 → 100%0-85%83%88%81 → 89%0-91%62.8 → 74%0-85%   80.3%88.4%
Huawei MatePad SETablet (9)24.01.2023v779.3 → 81%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%89%36.6 → 52%0-70%84.1 → 92%40-88%89%87%13.9 → 18%0-78%55 → 60%0-92%97%100%59.4 → 65%0-91%47.2 → 56%0-85%   69.4%81.2%
Asus ZenBook Flip 15 Q508UConvertible (5)22.01.2023v776.4 → 78%0-98%77%78%45.6 → 61%0-75%64.6 → 81%20-75%89%78%75.5 → 97%0-78%89.6 → 100%0-85%94%87%75.6 → 83%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   74.4%81.1%
Realme 10Smartphone (10)20.01.2023v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.6 → 68%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%86%25 → 39%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%89%100%50 → 56%0-90%54%   72.6%79.2%
Xiaomi 12TSmartphone (10)20.01.2023v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%54.1 → 77%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%93%60.6 → 95%0-64%82.6 → 96%0-86%94%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%68%   80.4%86.4%
MSI Pulse GL76 12UGKGaming (3)19.01.2023v774.2 → 76%0-98%82%82%47.1 → 59%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%68.2 → 72%0-95%84%98%98%87.2 → 92%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%81%38 → 45%0-85%   74.6%83.2%
Asus P1511CEA-BQ753ROffice (2)19.01.2023v774.9 → 76%0-98%74%84%38.6 → 48%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%64%81%58.9 → 76%0-78%89.4 → 94%0-95%94%81%72%34 → 40%0-85%   70.1%77.5%
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active4 ProTablet (9)19.01.2023v785.3 → 87%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%90%55.7 → 80%0-70%80.3 → 84%40-88%91%84%53.5 → 69%0-78%77.6 → 84%0-92%97%100%64 → 70%0-91%58.4 → 69%0-85%   77.7%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G3 21CQ002LGEOffice (2)17.01.2023v788.6 → 90%0-98%91%92%68.4 → 86%0-80%71.2 → 93%20-75%89%92%76.7 → 98%0-78%92.9 → 98%0-95%90%100%63%30.4 → 36%0-85%   80.3%90.6%
Nokia T21Tablet (9)16.01.2023v782.7 → 84%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%86%36.1 → 52%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%84%9.9 → 13%0-78%60.2 → 65%0-92%95%100%76.2 → 84%0-91%52.2 → 61%0-85%   71.2%81.5%
Cubot KingKong Mini 3Smartphone (10)16.01.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%41.9 → 60%0-70%92.4 → 85%50-100%90%84%16.6 → 26%0-64%58 → 67%0-86%92%100%60 → 67%0-90%34%   69.4%75.4%
Alienware m17 R5 (R9 6900HX, RX 6850M XT)Gaming (3)16.01.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%89%85%58.7 → 73%0-80%54 → 79%10-66%61 → 64%0-95%87%94%96%82.3 → 87%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%81%34.8 → 41%0-85%   76.1%86.1%
Ulefone Note 14Smartphone (10)14.01.2023v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%85%43.5 → 62%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%82%3.8 → 6%0-64%50 → 58%0-86%95%100%40 → 44%0-90%40%   66.4%72.2%
LG Gram 16Z90QOffice (2)13.01.2023v778.4 → 80%0-98%81%86%67.3 → 84%0-80%72.6 → 96%20-75%88%90%50.3 → 64%0-78%93.8 → 99%0-95%90%91%79%43 → 51%0-85%   77.7%86.6%
HP EliteBook 835 G9Subnotebook (4)13.01.2023v780.9 → 83%0-98%87%86%75.3 → 100%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%87%90%71.2 → 91%0-78%92.9 → 100%0-85%86%91%77.2 → 85%0-91%56.5 → 66%0-85%   81%89.2%
Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids 2022Tablet (9)12.01.2023v773.3 → 75%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%87%33.2 → 47%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%91%83%8.1 → 10%0-78%40 → 43%0-92%96%100%74.8 → 82%0-91%42.8 → 50%0-85%   67.7%79.3%
Amazon Fire HD 8 2022Tablet (9)12.01.2023v774.1 → 76%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%87%33.9 → 48%0-70%85.8 → 95%40-88%91%83%8.1 → 10%0-78%40 → 43%0-92%96%100%74.8 → 82%0-91%42.8 → 50%0-85%   68.1%80.4%
Motorola Razr 2022Smartphone (10)11.01.2023v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%52.8 → 75%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%88%89%60.9 → 95%0-64%81.6 → 95%0-86%89%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%79%   80.8%87%
HP Victus 15 fa0020nrGaming (3)10.01.2023v767.9 → 69%0-98%82%86%57.3 → 72%0-80%60.8 → 91%10-66%39.7 → 42%0-95%81%92%96%95.5 → 100%0-95%85.6 → 95%0-90%79%37.5 → 44%0-85%-2%68.5%81%
Minipc Union Ace Magician T8ProMini PC (23)09.01.2023v780.3 → 82%0-98%49.1 → 61%0-81%   10-0%31%72%95%   69.1%65.9%
SCHENKER XMG Focus 16 (i7-12700H, RTX 3060)Gaming (3)06.01.2023v786.5 → 88%0-98%87%83%69 → 86%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%62.1 → 65%0-95%90%97%96%85.3 → 90%0-95%69.3 → 77%0-90%66%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.1%87%
Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming Chromebook 16Multimedia (1)04.01.2023v779 → 81%0-98%78%69%61.2 → 77%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%72.8 → 77%0-95%91%66.6 → 74%0-90%95.8 → 100%0-90%95%97.7 → 100%0-95%70%35.5 → 42%0-85%   75.2%83.4%
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 16-f1075ngConvertible (5)04.01.2023v779.9 → 82%0-98%80%89%76.5 → 100%0-75%62.9 → 78%20-75%88%82%65.6 → 84%0-78%88 → 100%0-85%93%92%87.6 → 96%0-91%63.5 → 75%0-85%   80.6%87.3%
Apple iPhone 14 ProSmartphone (10)04.01.2023v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%59.7 → 85%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%94%71.3 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%91%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%81%   85.1%90.3%
Cubot KingKong 7Smartphone (10)04.01.2023v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%44.2 → 63%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%91%85%10 → 16%0-64%62 → 72%0-86%95%100%50 → 56%0-90%47%   69.5%75%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15 (M22)Gaming (3)04.01.2023v781.3 → 83%0-98%83%83%66.8 → 84%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%78.3 → 82%0-95%90%97%97%85.4 → 90%0-95%80.4 → 89%0-90%77%39.6 → 47%0-85%   78.5%87.9%
Acer Aspire Vero AV14-51-72DLOffice (2)04.01.2023v778.1 → 80%0-98%81%86%63.7 → 80%0-80%69 → 89%20-75%91%90%69.9 → 90%0-78%92 → 97%0-95%89%80%72%50 → 59%0-85%   77.8%84.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 7i 14IAU7Convertible (5)29.12.2022v775.1 → 77%0-98%75%71%64.5 → 86%0-75%68.7 → 89%20-75%77%81%69.6 → 89%0-78%92.7 → 100%0-85%95%96%65.2 → 72%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.9%83.2%
LG Gram 15Z90QOffice (2)26.12.2022v774.2 → 76%0-98%81%83%68.1 → 85%0-80%73.7 → 98%20-75%89%89%60 → 77%0-78%94 → 99%0-95%89%91%75%41 → 48%0-85%   77.5%85.9%
HP EliteBook 840 G9Office (2)26.12.2022v787.5 → 89%0-98%89%83%67.1 → 84%0-80%69.3 → 90%20-75%78%91%72 → 92%0-78%96.2 → 100%0-95%97%91%86%43 → 51%0-85%   80.7%88.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G10 Core i7-1265UOffice (2)23.12.2022v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%95%69.4 → 87%0-80%72.8 → 96%20-75%72%91%70.6 → 91%0-78%93.7 → 99%0-95%94%95%89%31.6 → 37%0-85%   81%90.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G10 21CB00DCGEOffice (2)22.12.2022v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%95%72.1 → 90%0-80%73.2 → 97%20-75%63%94%62.4 → 80%0-78%88.7 → 93%0-95%85%95%77%32 → 38%0-85%   78.2%88.9%
MSI Crosshair 15 R6E B12UGZ-050Gaming (3)20.12.2022v787.8 → 90%0-98%89%89%46.5 → 58%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%77 → 81%0-95%87%99%97%82.6 → 87%0-95%85.2 → 95%0-90%72%23 → 27%0-85%   76.4%85.8%
Asus ROG Phone 6DSmartphone (10)19.12.2022v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%99%68.3 → 98%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%91%88%72.1 → 100%0-64%91 → 100%0-86%88%100%80 → 89%0-90%72%   83.7%88.6%
Asus ROG Phone 6D UltimateSmartphone (10)19.12.2022v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%99%68.3 → 98%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%91%88%72.1 → 100%0-64%91 → 100%0-86%88%100%80 → 89%0-90%72%   83.6%88.5%
HP EliteBook 865 G9Office (2)18.12.2022v788.4 → 90%0-98%91%96%66.6 → 83%0-80%64.5 → 81%20-75%91%72%64 → 82%0-78%92.2 → 97%0-95%90%98%83%42 → 49%0-85%   79.8%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G3 21BR00CDGEOffice (2)16.12.2022v789.5 → 91%0-98%91%92%68.4 → 86%0-80%71 → 93%20-75%81%89%64.9 → 83%0-78%87.9 → 93%0-95%92%97%70%32.8 → 39%0-85%   78.9%89.1%
Asus ExpertBook L1 L1401CDA-EK0457ROffice (2)14.12.2022v776.1 → 78%0-98%80%86%51.8 → 65%0-80%82%49.8 → 64%0-78%78.5 → 83%0-95%86%88%79%33.5 → 39%0-85%   71.9%80.1%
Huawei MatePad Pro 11 2022Tablet (9)14.12.2022v785.9 → 88%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%96%40.4 → 58%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%90%91%64 → 82%0-78%81 → 88%0-92%92%100%86.2 → 95%0-91%58.4 → 69%0-85%   79.5%89.7%
Asus ZenBook Pro 16X OLED UX7602ZM-ME115WMultimedia (1)13.12.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%83%80%69.4 → 87%0-80%60.4 → 78%20-72%84.5 → 89%0-95%90%95.6 → 100%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%91%77.5 → 82%0-95%90%51.2 → 60%0-85%   80.8%88.4%
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3Convertible (5)12.12.2022v785.9 → 88%0-98%94%83%63.9 → 85%0-75%69.7 → 90%20-75%88%85%69.5 → 89%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%96%98%87.4 → 96%0-91%53.3 → 63%0-85%   82.2%90.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGEConvertible (5)09.12.2022v781.1 → 83%0-98%83%81%63.1 → 84%0-75%67.6 → 87%20-75%88%79%62.4 → 80%0-78%92.3 → 100%0-85%89%90%72 → 79%0-91%50.4 → 59%0-85%   76.8%84.8%
Xiaomi Poco M5sSmartphone (10)09.12.2022v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%47.3 → 68%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%92%83%32.9 → 51%0-64%72.5 → 84%0-86%88%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%57%   75.1%80.9%
Xiaomi Mix Fold 2Smartphone (10)08.12.2022v785%70.4 → 94%0-75%93%53.4 → 76%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%88%92%59.9 → 94%0-64%92.6 → 100%0-86%94%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%70%   81.7%86.3%
Gigaset GX6Smartphone (10)08.12.2022v788%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%52.3 → 75%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%91%86%43.8 → 68%0-64%79.2 → 92%0-86%92%100%52 → 58%0-90%64%   76.7%82.6%
Xiaomi Redmi PadTablet (9)07.12.2022v783.6 → 85%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%38.9 → 56%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%91%87%27.1 → 35%0-78%67.4 → 73%0-92%95%100%78 → 86%0-91%56.6 → 67%0-85%   74.3%84.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme G5-21DE003RGEMultimedia (1)06.12.2022v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%94%71.9 → 90%0-80%62.5 → 82%20-72%71.5 → 75%0-95%89%91 → 100%0-90%95.2 → 100%0-90%80%85.9 → 90%0-95%83%33.2 → 39%0-85%   79.7%88.7%
Aorus 15 XE5Gaming (3)06.12.2022v778.3 → 80%0-98%81%86%61.1 → 76%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%69.5 → 73%0-95%87%98%90%80.2 → 84%0-95%74.1 → 82%0-90%79%43 → 51%0-85%   76%85.5%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro X 14IAH7 82TK006CGEMultimedia (1)05.12.2022v787 → 89%0-98%86%84%64.4 → 81%0-80%68.8 → 94%20-72%76.9 → 81%0-95%91%87.8 → 98%0-90%93.7 → 100%0-90%86%83.2 → 88%0-95%70%32.4 → 38%0-85%   77.8%87.7%
Huawei Nova 10 ProSmartphone (10)02.12.2022v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%51.4 → 73%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%89%93%56.7 → 89%0-64%81.3 → 95%0-86%92%82.2 → 91%0-90%71%   79%86%
MSI Prestige 15 A12UD-093Multimedia (1)02.12.2022v782 → 84%0-98%88%94%62.6 → 78%0-80%65.9 → 88%20-72%77.1 → 81%0-95%91%70.6 → 78%0-90%94.3 → 100%0-90%87%85 → 89%0-95%67%36.8 → 43%0-85%   77%85.4%
HP Omen 16-n0033dxGaming (3)01.12.2022v779.3 → 81%0-98%83%75%66.7 → 83%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%73.9 → 78%0-95%88%96%96%87.5 → 92%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%79%37.5 → 44%0-85%   76.7%86.4%
Motorola Moto G72Smartphone (10)01.12.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%48 → 69%0-70%90.9 → 82%50-100%91%89%27.1 → 42%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%93%100%64 → 71%0-90%65%   75.4%81.9%
Apple iPad Pro 12.9 2022Tablet (9)29.11.2022v786.4 → 88%0-98%77.7 → 97%0-80%97%65.8 → 94%0-70%80.2 → 84%40-88%89%92%82.4 → 100%0-78%93.2 → 100%0-92%92%100%90.6 → 100%0-91%66 → 78%0-85%   85.6%91.8%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15 G3 ACL 21A400B2GEOffice (2)29.11.2022v780.1 → 82%0-98%86%87%64.6 → 81%0-80%66.6 → 85%20-75%80%84%54.8 → 70%0-78%88.3 → 93%0-95%91%92%75%40 → 47%0-85%   76.2%85.1%
Minipc Union NiPoGi CK10 - 10810UMini PC (23)26.11.2022v780.7 → 82%0-98%47.9 → 59%0-81%   10-0%44%84%88%   71.3%70.9%
Lenovo Legion 5 15IAH7H 82RB Gaming (3)26.11.2022v780.4 → 82%0-98%85%81%67 → 84%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%63.6 → 67%0-95%85%99%98%91.2 → 96%0-95%85.3 → 95%0-90%74%37.5 → 44%0-85%   77.4%87.5%
Lenovo Tab P11 Pro Gen 2Tablet (9)25.11.2022v784.9 → 87%0-98%74.2 → 93%0-80%93%58.2 → 83%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%88%90%64.5 → 83%0-78%80.5 → 88%0-92%92%100%82.8 → 91%0-91%54 → 64%0-85%   80.4%89.2%
SCHENKER Vision 16 Pro RTX 3070 TiMultimedia (1)24.11.2022v787.6 → 89%0-98%87%99%72.2 → 90%0-80%67.2 → 91%20-72%67.1 → 71%0-95%87%98 → 100%0-90%95.9 → 100%0-90%75%86.1 → 91%0-95%75%37.2 → 44%0-85%   79.6%87.8%
Xiaomi 12T Pro 5GSmartphone (10)24.11.2022v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%53.7 → 77%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%93%73.3 → 100%0-64%88.3 → 100%0-86%93%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%70%   82.5%87.7%
Apple iPad 10Tablet (9)24.11.2022v785.7 → 87%0-98%70.4 → 88%0-80%93%45.6 → 65%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%89%88%63.3 → 81%0-78%88.5 → 96%0-92%91%100%77.2 → 85%0-91%51.6 → 61%0-85%   79%88.6%
Xiaomi Poco M5Smartphone (10)24.11.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%45.9 → 66%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%90%26.9 → 42%0-64%72 → 84%0-86%93%100%50 → 56%0-90%51%   72.8%78.9%
Intel NUC 12 Pro Kit NUC12WSKi7Mini PC (23)24.11.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%54.9 → 68%0-81%   10-0%67%94%78%   76.3%78.9%
Dell Latitude 9330Convertible (5)24.11.2022v790 → 92%0-98%85%78%69.5 → 93%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%87%87%66 → 85%0-78%92.8 → 100%0-85%91%94%91.4 → 100%0-91%44.5 → 52%0-85%   80.7%89%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 G3 21BN0046GESubnotebook (4)23.11.2022v786 → 88%0-98%88%88%69.9 → 93%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%88%90%61.3 → 79%0-78%86.6 → 100%0-85%88%96%68.8 → 76%0-91%36.4 → 43%0-85%   78.3%89.4%
Huawei Mate 50 ProSmartphone (10)19.11.2022v792%65.4 → 87%0-75%98%52.4 → 75%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%58.8 → 92%0-64%81.5 → 95%0-86%86%100%80 → 89%0-90%84%   82.2%88.9%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 17 SE G733CX-LL014WGaming (3)19.11.2022v780.7 → 82%0-98%86%83%61.2 → 77%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%58.7 → 62%0-95%91%100%95%85.4 → 90%0-95%90.8 → 100%0-90%74%0 → 0%0-85%   74%86.9%
Google Pixel 7 ProSmartphone (10)18.11.2022v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%59 → 84%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%95%62.4 → 98%0-64%82.9 → 96%0-86%89%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%82%   82.7%89.1%
Google Pixel 7Smartphone (10)18.11.2022v790%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%58.2 → 83%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%94%58.6 → 92%0-64%82.9 → 96%0-86%89%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%81%   82.2%88.5%
Acer Predator Helios 300 (i7-12700H, RTX 3070 Ti)Gaming (3)18.11.2022v780.1 → 82%0-98%84%84%68.3 → 85%0-80%56.5 → 83%10-66%66.7 → 70%0-95%88%99%97%86 → 91%0-95%64.3 → 71%0-90%70%44.4 → 52%0-85%   76%86.5%
Honor Pad 8Tablet (9)17.11.2022v778.9 → 81%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%88%35.9 → 51%0-70%82.8 → 89%40-88%89%80%14.4 → 18%0-78%65.8 → 72%0-92%95%100%83.6 → 92%0-91%55.2 → 65%0-85%   72.3%81.7%
HP EliteBook 845 G9 6F6H9EAOffice (2)16.11.2022v787.5 → 89%0-98%89%83%67.1 → 84%0-80%69.9 → 91%20-75%89%91%63.8 → 82%0-78%91.8 → 97%0-95%87%94%81%42 → 49%0-85%   79.7%88.6%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2022Tablet (9)15.11.2022v785.9 → 88%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%97%54.2 → 77%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%90%90%76 → 97%0-78%94 → 100%0-92%95%100%87 → 96%0-91%70.2 → 83%0-85%   84.6%92.5%
Lenovo Legion Slim 7-16IAH 82TF004YGEGaming (3)15.11.2022v784.5 → 86%0-98%84%83%68.3 → 85%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%72.9 → 77%0-95%92%96%97%84 → 88%0-95%82.6 → 92%0-90%69%30.8 → 36%0-85%   77.3%87.9%
Dell XPS 13 9315 2-in-1 Core i5-1230UConvertible (5)10.11.2022v784.9 → 87%0-98%87%85%64.7 → 86%0-75%78.8 → 100%20-75%85%88%62.1 → 80%0-78%84.1 → 99%0-85%92%100%82.8 → 91%0-91%61.2 → 72%0-85%   81.2%90.1%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-71-56U3Subnotebook (4)09.11.2022v785.2 → 87%0-98%86%85%66 → 88%0-75%70.6 → 92%20-75%67%88%66.5 → 85%0-78%92.2 → 100%0-85%90%95%79.2 → 87%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   77.6%87.3%
Asus VivoBook Pro 16X OLED N7600PC-L2026XMultimedia (1)07.11.2022v776 → 78%0-98%82%87%61.3 → 77%0-80%63.4 → 83%20-72%83.4 → 88%0-95%91%80.3 → 89%0-90%89.7 → 100%0-90%89%53.9 → 57%0-95%79%43.6 → 51%0-85%   75.3%83.7%
Samsung Galaxy A13 4G A137FSmartphone (10)07.11.2022v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.8 → 64%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%85%16.2 → 25%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%92%100%68 → 76%0-90%50%   71.7%77.3%
Lenovo Legion S7 16ARHA7Gaming (3)06.11.2022v784.5 → 86%0-98%84%83%62.1 → 78%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%93%98%97%86.8 → 91%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%84%46 → 54%0-85%   79.8%89.3%
Xiaomi Poco C40Smartphone (10)05.11.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%43.2 → 62%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%84%6.8 → 11%0-64%35 → 41%0-86%94%100%56 → 62%0-90%50%   68%74.4%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-56-P8NZOffice (2)05.11.2022v777.1 → 79%0-98%79%89%44.2 → 55%0-80%67.2 → 86%20-75%79%85%54.1 → 69%0-78%81.9 → 86%0-95%96%96%66%38 → 45%0-85%   73.2%82.2%
Acer Swift X SFX14-51G-5876Subnotebook (4)04.11.2022v787.5 → 89%0-98%86%80%65.4 → 87%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%89%88%84.2 → 100%0-78%93.5 → 100%0-85%85%77%79.8 → 88%0-91%43.6 → 51%0-85%   79%85.9%
Eurocom Nightsky TXi317Gaming (3)04.11.2022v780 → 82%0-98%83%83%70.9 → 89%0-80%57.3 → 84%10-66%58.7 → 62%0-95%85%98%97%83.6 → 88%0-95%63 → 70%0-90%73%26.4 → 31%0-85%   73.8%85.3%
Nokia X30Smartphone (10)04.11.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%46.4 → 66%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%85%33.5 → 52%0-64%72.8 → 85%0-86%93%100%74 → 82%0-90%68%   76.1%81.7%
Acer Predator Triton 300 SEGaming (3)03.11.2022v778.8 → 80%0-98%77%81%61.9 → 77%0-80%66.2 → 100%10-66%70 → 74%0-95%91%96%97%87.9 → 93%0-95%71.5 → 79%0-90%76%43.5 → 51%0-85%   76.7%86%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-46-R1A1Gaming (3)01.11.2022v774.6 → 76%0-98%81%83%60.4 → 76%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%65.7 → 69%0-95%86%97%96%89 → 94%0-95%64 → 71%0-90%70%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.5%83.9%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16ARH7H RTX 3070 TiGaming (3)31.10.2022v784.9 → 87%0-98%87%83%70.3 → 88%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%60 → 63%0-95%90%99%97%87.1 → 92%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%56%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.2%87.7%
Acer Swift X SFX16-52G-77RXMultimedia (1)29.10.2022v782.7 → 84%0-98%82%70%67.6 → 85%0-80%66 → 88%20-72%85.7 → 90%0-95%91%79.3 → 88%0-90%94.1 → 100%0-90%85%84.8 → 89%0-95%74%45.2 → 53%0-85%   77.5%86.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad Z13 G1-21D20016GESubnotebook (4)28.10.2022v789.8 → 92%0-98%91%93%63.3 → 84%0-75%71.5 → 94%20-75%77%90%65.3 → 84%0-78%91.6 → 100%0-85%85%92%68.6 → 75%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   77.9%88.8%
Oukitel RT2Tablet (9)28.10.2022v782.7 → 84%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%83%43 → 61%0-70%74.6 → 72%40-88%93%78%15.9 → 20%0-78%54 → 59%0-92%93%100%71.6 → 79%0-91%55 → 65%0-85%   70.3%77.6%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 (Ryzen 9 6900HX, RTX 3070 Ti)Gaming (3)27.10.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%86%83%67 → 84%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%88 → 93%0-95%90%99%97%85.5 → 90%0-95%71.8 → 80%0-90%70%37.2 → 44%0-85%   78.4%88%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13s Gen 1 21BX000QGESubnotebook (4)26.10.2022v785.9 → 88%0-98%89%87%57.5 → 77%0-75%73.3 → 97%20-75%90%90%58.6 → 75%0-78%70 → 82%0-85%75%100%67.2 → 74%0-91%35.6 → 42%0-85%   75.3%86.7%
Samsung Galaxy A04sSmartphone (10)26.10.2022v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%45.5 → 65%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%83%10.1 → 16%0-64%55 → 64%0-86%92%100%56 → 62%0-90%47%   69.1%74.7%
Apple iPhone 14 PlusSmartphone (10)26.10.2022v790%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%48.2 → 69%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%93%90%71.6 → 100%0-64%90.8 → 100%0-86%91%100%80 → 89%0-90%80%   83.3%88.7%
SCHENKER Vision 14 2022 RTX 3050 TiSubnotebook (4)25.10.2022v787.7 → 89%0-98%88%98%67.4 → 90%0-75%71.3 → 93%20-75%88%91%91 → 100%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%82%83%76.8 → 84%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   81.2%88.8%
Motorola Edge 30 NeoSmartphone (10)24.10.2022v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%47.8 → 68%0-70%91.9 → 84%50-100%89%92%32.4 → 51%0-64%77.5 → 90%0-86%94%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%65%   77.9%83.6%
Motorola Moto E22iSmartphone (10)24.10.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%44.4 → 63%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%89%84%5 → 8%0-64%47 → 55%0-86%92%100%58 → 64%0-90%51%   69.1%75.4%
MSI Summit E16 Flip A12UDT-031Convertible (5)24.10.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%82%89%72.1 → 96%0-75%64.2 → 80%20-75%75%84%87.9 → 100%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-85%85%79%66.8 → 73%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   77.3%84.2%
HP Envy x360 13-bf0013dxConvertible (5)23.10.2022v786.3 → 88%0-98%77%81%70.9 → 95%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%88%84%66 → 85%0-78%92.4 → 100%0-85%94%96%88 → 97%0-91%56.5 → 66%0-85%   80.8%87.9%
Acer Swift X SFX16-52G-52VEMultimedia (1)23.10.2022v779.5 → 81%0-98%80%71%69.2 → 87%0-80%65.8 → 88%20-72%85.4 → 90%0-95%91%79.2 → 88%0-90%93.4 → 100%0-90%85%91.6 → 96%0-95%68%42.4 → 50%0-85%   77%86.2%
LG Ultra-PC 16 16U70Q-G.AR36GOffice (2)23.10.2022v783 → 85%0-98%74%92%61.8 → 77%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%92%79%58.7 → 75%0-78%85.3 → 90%0-95%92%95%76%34.5 → 41%0-85%   76.2%83.8%
Oppo A77 5GSmartphone (10)22.10.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%47.8 → 68%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%85%32 → 50%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%88%100%56 → 62%0-90%59%   73.7%80.2%
Honor 70Smartphone (10)21.10.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%48.9 → 70%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%90%91%53 → 83%0-64%74 → 86%0-86%88%100%60 → 67%0-90%73%   77.7%84.9%
Dell G16 7620Gaming (3)19.10.2022v773.3 → 75%0-98%78%82%61.9 → 77%0-80%59 → 88%10-66%63.2 → 67%0-95%90%98%97%86.8 → 91%0-95%82.8 → 92%0-90%80%37 → 44%0-85%   76%86.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G3 21C50030GEOffice (2)19.10.2022v782.7 → 84%0-98%88%86%69.8 → 87%0-80%68.2 → 88%20-75%89%82%48 → 62%0-78%91.1 → 96%0-95%90%94%63%42.4 → 50%0-85%   76.5%86.5%
Geekom MiniAir 11 Special EditionMini PC (23)17.10.2022v783.6 → 85%0-98%55.7 → 69%0-81%   10-0%29%68%98%   69.5%66.5%
Asus Zenbook 17 Fold UX9702Convertible (5)17.10.2022v779.6 → 81%0-98%70%94%61.2 → 82%0-75%65.1 → 82%20-75%80%86%60.9 → 78%0-78%87 → 100%0-85%89%94%79.6 → 87%0-91%48.2 → 57%0-85%   76.5%84.5%
Lenovo ThinkBook 16p G3 ARHMultimedia (1)17.10.2022v778.6 → 80%0-98%85%82%66.9 → 84%0-80%62.5 → 82%20-72%71.2 → 75%0-95%92%94.8 → 100%0-90%95.4 → 100%0-90%87%90.6 → 95%0-95%83%42 → 49%0-85%   79.3%87.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15IAH7Gaming (3)14.10.2022v772.5 → 74%0-98%85%75%58.1 → 73%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%68.1 → 72%0-95%86%92%91%82.5 → 87%0-95%72.2 → 80%0-90%76%40.5 → 48%0-85%   73.8%82.8%
Apple iPhone 14Smartphone (10)13.10.2022v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%48.2 → 69%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%92%90%72 → 100%0-64%90.9 → 100%0-86%92%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%80%   83.6%89.2%
Samsung Galaxy A13 5GSmartphone (10)12.10.2022v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%47.6 → 68%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%83%26.1 → 41%0-64%65.2 → 76%0-86%92%100%60 → 67%0-90%52%   72.2%77.9%
Ulefone Armor 15Smartphone (10)11.10.2022v778%65 → 87%0-75%82%51.4 → 73%0-70%85.6 → 71%50-100%92%80%6.4 → 10%0-64%60.8 → 71%0-86%93%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%50%   70.7%74.5%
Motorola Edge 30 FusionSmartphone (10)11.10.2022v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%53.2 → 76%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%89%93%62.2 → 97%0-64%89 → 100%0-86%93%100%83.2 → 92%0-90%72%   81.8%87.4%
Xiaomi Poco X4 GTSmartphone (10)11.10.2022v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%53.3 → 76%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%90%61.2 → 96%0-64%84.4 → 98%0-86%92%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%67%   80.3%85.6%
Nokia G60Smartphone (10)10.10.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.9 → 68%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%84%36.9 → 58%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%78%100%52 → 58%0-90%56%   72.4%79.2%
Samsung Galaxy A23 5GSmartphone (10)08.10.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.8 → 68%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%83%28.8 → 45%0-64%68.4 → 80%0-86%91%100%66.6 → 74%0-90%60%   74.4%80.3%
Morefine S600-Apex EngineerMini PC (23)08.10.2022v785.7 → 87%0-98%53.7 → 66%0-81%   10-0%69%94%60%   73.4%   
Alienware x15 R2 P111FGaming (3)07.10.2022v780.9 → 83%0-98%92%86%56 → 70%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%87%99%97%77 → 81%0-95%86.1 → 96%0-90%82%42.5 → 50%0-85%   78.1%87.7%
Gateway Ultra Slim 14.1 GWTC51427Subnotebook (4)06.10.2022v763.3 → 65%0-98%67%78%55.4 → 74%0-75%67.5 → 86%20-75%73%73%62.2 → 80%0-78%81.9 → 96%0-85%96%93%75.8 → 83%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   70.9%78%
Eurocom Raptor X15Gaming (3)05.10.2022v775.3 → 77%0-98%83%78%67 → 84%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%57.4 → 60%0-95%86%98%96%83 → 87%0-95%81.4 → 90%0-90%74%48.5 → 57%0-85%   75.8%86.1%
Apple iPhone 14 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)05.10.2022v792%67.7 → 90%0-75%97%59.7 → 85%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%93%94%68 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%87%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%81%   84.8%90.3%
Apple iPhone 14 ProSmartphone (10)05.10.2022v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%59.7 → 85%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%94%71.3 → 100%0-64%95.3 → 100%0-86%91%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%81%   85.1%90.3%
LG Gram 14Z90QOffice (2)04.10.2022v780.6 → 82%0-98%83%86%68 → 85%0-80%75.3 → 100%20-75%89%86%58.2 → 75%0-78%93.5 → 98%0-95%89%90%77%45 → 53%0-85%   78.4%86.6%
Motorola Edge 30 UltraSmartphone (10)04.10.2022v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%67.5 → 96%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%93%65.9 → 100%0-64%90.7 → 100%0-86%94%100%75 → 83%0-90%77%   83.9%89.3%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Carbon 13IAP7-82U9005FGESubnotebook (4)03.10.2022v784.1 → 86%0-98%79%92%54.9 → 73%0-75%75.2 → 100%20-75%82%91%66.9 → 86%0-78%89.1 → 100%0-85%87%90%78.8 → 87%0-91%26.4 → 31%0-85%   76.6%86.4%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 GA402RJGaming (3)02.10.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%83%86%60.7 → 76%0-80%66.6 → 100%10-66%88.3 → 93%0-95%91%91%96%74.4 → 78%0-95%82.6 → 92%0-90%78%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.5%86.4%
HP Envy x360 15-ey0023dxConvertible (5)02.10.2022v782.4 → 84%0-98%83%90%68.8 → 92%0-75%64.5 → 81%20-75%88%77%65.7 → 84%0-78%92.7 → 100%0-85%95%95%82.8 → 91%0-91%48.5 → 57%0-85%   79.4%86.8%
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 5GSmartphone (10)02.10.2022v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%49.3 → 70%0-70%89.1 → 78%50-100%89%93%57.6 → 90%0-64%91.7 → 100%0-86%94%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%77%   82.3%87.9%
HP Envy 16 h0112nrMultimedia (1)01.10.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%82%74%68.5 → 86%0-80%61.3 → 79%20-72%78.9 → 83%0-95%88%96 → 100%0-90%96.6 → 100%0-90%88%81.4 → 86%0-95%82%45.5 → 54%0-85%   78.9%86.9%
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 5GSmartphone (10)29.09.2022v792%70 → 93%0-75%97%67.2 → 96%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%90%93%62.4 → 98%0-64%91.5 → 100%0-86%95%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%79%   84.7%89.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad Z16 G1 21D5S00T00Multimedia (1)29.09.2022v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%93%75.1 → 94%0-80%64.4 → 85%20-72%88.2 → 93%0-95%91%82.5 → 92%0-90%95.4 → 100%0-90%82%91.7 → 97%0-95%78%32 → 38%0-85%-3%75%87.3%
Realme C30Smartphone (10)28.09.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%34.5 → 49%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%83%10 → 16%0-64%65.6 → 76%0-86%89%100%50 → 56%0-90%43%   68.8%75%
Acer TravelMate P6 TMP614P-52-724GOffice (2)28.09.2022v782.4 → 84%0-98%83%86%69.9 → 87%0-80%73 → 96%20-75%89%88%65.3 → 84%0-78%89.6 → 94%0-95%91%94%75%40.5 → 48%0-85%   78.9%87.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G3-21CF004NGEOffice (2)27.09.2022v783.2 → 85%0-98%88%89%68.3 → 85%0-80%69.6 → 90%20-75%90%91%73.1 → 94%0-78%92.8 → 98%0-95%86%95%74%40.4 → 48%0-85%   80%88.8%
Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Gen3Office (2)23.09.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%84%92%69.7 → 87%0-80%63.3 → 79%20-75%65%92%68.4 → 88%0-78%94.6 → 100%0-95%94%83%77%38 → 45%0-85%   77.1%85.6%
MSI Creator Z17 A12UGST-054Multimedia (1)23.09.2022v791.5 → 93%0-98%87%87%68.8 → 86%0-80%59.8 → 77%20-72%64.4 → 68%0-95%85%95.4 → 100%0-90%94.2 → 100%0-90%76%60.4 → 64%0-95%74%43.2 → 51%0-85%   75.8%83.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad T16 G1 21BWS00200Office (2)22.09.2022v788 → 90%0-98%90%93%72.5 → 91%0-80%63.6 → 79%20-75%88%88%57.3 → 73%0-78%89.4 → 94%0-95%90%99%70%44 → 52%0-85%   79.4%89.3%
Xiaomi Poco F4Smartphone (10)22.09.2022v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%52.6 → 75%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%89%91%61 → 95%0-64%80.2 → 93%0-86%94%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%65%   80.6%86.4%
HP Omen 17-ck1075ngGaming (3)21.09.2022v782.1 → 84%0-98%81%80%62.4 → 78%0-80%57.8 → 85%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%87%100%97%88.9 → 94%0-95%69.2 → 77%0-90%77%44.4 → 52%0-85%   76.6%86.3%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-57G-53N8Multimedia (1)21.09.2022v770.9 → 72%0-98%73%72%62.2 → 78%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%74.5 → 78%0-95%80%79.5 → 88%0-90%91.4 → 100%0-90%88%78.3 → 82%0-95%63%40 → 47%0-85%   72.2%80.7%
Google Pixel 6aSmartphone (10)21.09.2022v788%65.8 → 88%0-75%86%52.7 → 75%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%93%51.9 → 81%0-64%83.3 → 97%0-86%91%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%71%   80%85.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 Pro 16ARH7Multimedia (1)20.09.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%85%86%62.3 → 78%0-80%63.7 → 84%20-72%88.1 → 93%0-95%91%65.6 → 73%0-90%94.6 → 100%0-90%88%88.5 → 93%0-95%74%42 → 49%0-85%   77.8%85.7%
Lenovo ThinkBook 16 G4+ IAPMultimedia (1)20.09.2022v779.6 → 81%0-98%83%85%72.5 → 91%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%84.6 → 89%0-95%90%88.4 → 98%0-90%92.6 → 100%0-90%87%84 → 88%0-95%75%40.4 → 48%0-85%   79.1%88.4%
Xiaomi 12 LiteSmartphone (10)20.09.2022v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%53.4 → 76%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%89%92%53.5 → 84%0-64%76.7 → 89%0-86%92%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%66%   79.3%85.6%
Huawei Mate Xs 2Smartphone (10)16.09.2022v780%63.5 → 85%0-75%89%67.1 → 96%0-70%87.1 → 74%50-100%77%90%51.8 → 81%0-64%87.9 → 100%0-86%91%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%81%   80.4%84.1%
Lenovo Legion 7 16ARHA7Gaming (3)16.09.2022v783.5 → 85%0-98%87%90%68 → 85%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%75.6 → 80%0-95%92%100%97%86.9 → 91%0-95%86 → 96%0-90%88%43.5 → 51%0-85%   81.2%90.8%
Lenovo Legion 7 16IAX7-82TD004SGEGaming (3)15.09.2022v783.6 → 85%0-98%87%90%68.9 → 86%0-80%59.3 → 88%10-66%60.4 → 64%0-95%91%98%96%77.7 → 82%0-95%73.5 → 82%0-90%88%43.2 → 51%0-85%   78.2%88.9%
Nubia RedMagic 7S ProSmartphone (10)15.09.2022v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%58.8 → 84%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%89%69.8 → 100%0-64%93.5 → 100%0-86%92%61%76.4 → 85%0-90%61%   78.5%84.9%
HP Pavilion Gaming 17-cd2146ngGaming (3)13.09.2022v771.5 → 73%0-98%79%77%62.5 → 78%0-80%57.6 → 85%10-66%63.3 → 67%0-95%84%90%93%87.9 → 93%0-95%82.9 → 92%0-90%73%40.5 → 48%0-85%   73.9%82.7%
Sony Xperia 10 IVSmartphone (10)13.09.2022v787%69.2 → 92%0-75%89%51.2 → 73%0-70%91.3 → 83%50-100%93%92%33.6 → 53%0-64%74.3 → 86%0-86%94%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%53%   77.2%82.9%
Asus Zenfone 9Smartphone (10)13.09.2022v789%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%53.3 → 76%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%92%60.2 → 94%0-64%93.6 → 100%0-86%93%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%76%   82.6%88.6%
Asus ExpertBook B2 Flip B2502FBA-N80141XConvertible (5)13.09.2022v776.5 → 78%0-98%82%91%74.6 → 99%0-75%64.2 → 80%20-75%67%76%64.5 → 83%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%94%81%78 → 86%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   75.1%83.3%
Medion Erazer Major X10Gaming (3)12.09.2022v777.3 → 79%0-98%81%81%60.3 → 75%0-80%59.7 → 89%10-66%72.3 → 76%0-95%92%92%97%82.8 → 87%0-95%73.6 → 82%0-90%75%44 → 52%0-85%   75.9%85%
Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15ARH7Gaming (3)10.09.2022v774.2 → 76%0-98%84%71%53.2 → 67%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%71.4 → 75%0-95%81%91%94%87.6 → 92%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%69%38.5 → 45%0-85%-1%68.6%80.8%
Xiaomi 12S ProSmartphone (10)09.09.2022v789%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%51.2 → 73%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%71.5 → 100%0-64%90.4 → 100%0-86%89%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%76%   82.7%88%
Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022Subnotebook (4)09.09.2022v787.8 → 90%0-98%87%100%65.7 → 88%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%75%93%67.6 → 87%0-78%88.3 → 100%0-85%89%94%92.4 → 100%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   80.2%90.3%
Minipc Union Ace Magician TK11-A0Mini PC (23)08.09.2022v778.6 → 80%0-98%60.2 → 74%0-81%   10-0%67%91%83%   76.8%   
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano Gen 2 Core i7-1280PSubnotebook (4)08.09.2022v790.8 → 93%0-98%87%89%64.8 → 86%0-75%75.7 → 100%20-75%64%88%72.1 → 92%0-78%93.5 → 100%0-85%92%96%83.4 → 92%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   79.6%88.9%
Motorola Moto E32sSmartphone (10)07.09.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%44.5 → 64%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%81%6.4 → 10%0-64%50 → 58%0-86%90%100%54 → 60%0-90%51%   68.8%75.1%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 9 14IAP7Subnotebook (4)07.09.2022v789.9 → 92%0-98%86%72%67.1 → 89%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%75%89%68.3 → 88%0-78%91.8 → 100%0-85%90%87%79.4 → 87%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   77.4%86.6%
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 i7-1280P OLEDSubnotebook (4)06.09.2022v789.1 → 91%0-98%85%91%54.7 → 73%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%69%89%72.7 → 93%0-78%95.2 → 100%0-85%87%95%89.4 → 98%0-91%32.8 → 39%0-85%   78.6%87.3%
Honor MagicBook 14 2022Multimedia (1)05.09.2022v783.3 → 85%0-98%84%86%57 → 71%0-80%68.3 → 93%20-72%88.7 → 93%0-95%84%89.8 → 100%0-90%94.4 → 100%0-90%87%86.2 → 91%0-95%83%25.2 → 30%0-85%   78.2%87.4%
Xiaomi 12S UltraSmartphone (10)02.09.2022v792%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%50.5 → 72%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%93%63 → 98%0-64%84.1 → 98%0-86%87%100%76 → 84%0-90%81%   82%88.8%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11SSmartphone (10)02.09.2022v781%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%49.8 → 71%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%90%90%25.4 → 40%0-64%65.7 → 76%0-86%92%100%70.6 → 78%0-90%58%   74.6%80%
Lenovo Yoga 7-14ARB G7Convertible (5)02.09.2022v789 → 91%0-98%91%97%65.7 → 88%0-75%69.8 → 91%20-75%88%90%73.7 → 94%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%89%88%75.4 → 83%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   80.8%90%
Gigabyte A5 K1Gaming (3)01.09.2022v774 → 76%0-98%79%78%60.1 → 75%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%73.6 → 77%0-95%84%96%94%79.8 → 84%0-95%59.4 → 66%0-90%72%38 → 45%0-85%   73%82.3%
Dell Inspiron 14 Plus 7420Multimedia (1)01.09.2022v783.9 → 86%0-98%79%75%64.7 → 81%0-80%67 → 90%20-72%75.2 → 79%0-95%88%89.2 → 99%0-90%94.6 → 100%0-90%94%80.6 → 85%0-95%89%45 → 53%0-85%   78.9%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15 G4 21DL0009GEOffice (2)01.09.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%84%87%66.3 → 83%0-80%65.9 → 83%20-75%81%83%65.8 → 84%0-78%90.6 → 95%0-95%91%93%55%40 → 47%0-85%   75.6%84.9%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G4 21DK0004GEOffice (2)01.09.2022v779.8 → 81%0-98%84%87%61.2 → 77%0-80%69.6 → 90%20-75%83%81%61.6 → 79%0-78%90.8 → 96%0-95%92%95%52%39.4 → 46%0-85%   75%84.6%
Vivo X80 ProSmartphone (10)01.09.2022v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%53.7 → 77%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%94%60 → 94%0-64%87 → 100%0-86%93%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%80%   82.6%88.5%
HP Elite Dragonfly G3Office (2)30.08.2022v789.8 → 92%0-98%94%86%70.9 → 89%0-80%73 → 96%20-75%89%85%68.2 → 87%0-78%92.4 → 97%0-95%92%98%90%52 → 61%0-85%   83.2%91%
Motorola Moto E32Smartphone (10)30.08.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%40 → 57%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%91%82%11.5 → 18%0-64%55 → 64%0-86%92%100%54 → 60%0-90%54%   69.9%76.4%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 17 M22Gaming (3)30.08.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%89%86%60.2 → 75%0-80%57.9 → 86%10-66%76.4 → 80%0-95%92%99%97%80.3 → 85%0-95%66.2 → 74%0-90%78%42 → 49%0-85%   77.5%87.6%
MSI Titan GT77 12UHSGaming (3)29.08.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%94%89%69.9 → 87%0-80%54 → 79%10-66%68.4 → 72%0-95%89%99%93%75.2 → 79%0-95%55.7 → 62%0-90%89%27 → 32%0-85%   76%87.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 Pro 14ITL6Office (2)28.08.2022v779 → 81%0-98%83%81%59.9 → 75%0-80%70 → 91%20-75%76%91%61.9 → 79%0-78%91.1 → 96%0-95%87%86%75%30 → 35%0-85%   74.6%83.8%
Dynabook Portégé X30L-K-139Subnotebook (4)27.08.2022v778.3 → 80%0-98%78%82%67 → 89%0-75%76.5 → 100%20-75%88%87%62.4 → 80%0-78%87.1 → 100%0-85%91%84%71.6 → 79%0-91%28.8 → 34%0-85%   75.5%85.1%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i 14IAU7Convertible (5)26.08.2022v775.1 → 77%0-98%75%59%65.4 → 87%0-75%67.6 → 87%20-75%85%80%66.6 → 85%0-78%92.7 → 100%0-85%92%96%67.6 → 74%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   74.3%82.4%
MSI Titan GT77 12UHSGaming (3)25.08.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%94%89%67.9 → 85%0-80%54.6 → 80%10-66%72 → 76%0-95%83%100%98%83.6 → 88%0-95%72.1 → 80%0-90%88%25 → 29%0-85%   77.7%88.3%
HP Envy 14-eb0252ngMultimedia (1)25.08.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%81%78%63.6 → 80%0-80%69.5 → 95%20-72%89.7 → 94%0-95%90%63.5 → 71%0-90%90.8 → 100%0-90%89%90.7 → 95%0-95%84%38.5 → 45%0-85%   77.7%85.6%
Asus ZenBook 14 UM425UMultimedia (1)24.08.2022v777.6 → 79%0-98%77%81%55.7 → 70%0-80%72.5 → 100%20-72%90.3 → 95%0-95%88%61.1 → 68%0-90%91.5 → 100%0-90%85%78.9 → 83%0-95%84%37 → 44%0-85%   75.3%82.6%
HP ProBook 450 G9 6A180EAOffice (2)23.08.2022v781.6 → 83%0-98%83%94%60.5 → 76%0-80%66.4 → 84%20-75%88%79%55.6 → 71%0-78%84.6 → 89%0-95%90%99%77%32.4 → 38%0-85%   76.3%85%
Samsung Galaxy Book2 15Multimedia (1)23.08.2022v762.8 → 64%0-98%75%80%60.5 → 76%0-80%68.1 → 93%20-72%83.9 → 88%0-95%82%69 → 77%0-90%86.2 → 96%0-90%89%75.7 → 80%0-95%71%28.4 → 33%0-85%   71.5%79.8%
SCHENKER XMG Fusion 15 (Mid 22)Gaming (3)21.08.2022v781.5 → 83%0-98%90%89%68.1 → 85%0-80%63.7 → 96%10-66%74.1 → 78%0-95%86%97%93%67.1 → 71%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%83%37 → 44%0-85%   77.5%87.4%
Samsung Galaxy XCover 6 ProSmartphone (10)21.08.2022v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%94%49 → 70%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%82%50 → 78%0-64%75 → 87%0-86%90%100%64 → 71%0-90%57%   76.4%81.9%
OnePlus 10TSmartphone (10)20.08.2022v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%51.7 → 74%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%91%71.1 → 100%0-64%87.4 → 100%0-86%86%100%70.2 → 78%0-90%70%   81.2%87%
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620Multimedia (1)19.08.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%82%78%64.4 → 81%0-80%62.7 → 82%20-72%88 → 93%0-95%89%90.9 → 100%0-90%94.7 → 100%0-90%88%78 → 82%0-95%83%44 → 52%0-85%   78.8%87.4%
Asus ROG Phone 6 ProSmartphone (10)19.08.2022v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%73.1 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%92%91%70.7 → 100%0-64%93.2 → 100%0-86%91%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%72%   84.9%89.5%
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 Core i5Subnotebook (4)19.08.2022v777.6 → 79%0-98%79%88%49.8 → 66%0-75%73.4 → 97%20-75%77%88%61.7 → 79%0-78%84.2 → 99%0-85%89%84%75.4 → 83%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   73.7%83.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)19.08.2022v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%51.1 → 73%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%91%32.9 → 51%0-64%74 → 86%0-86%93%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%57%   76.5%81.9%
LG Gram 17 (2022)Office (2)17.08.2022v778.1 → 80%0-98%86%85%76.7 → 96%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%89%88%55.4 → 71%0-78%87.7 → 92%0-95%88%93%76%45 → 53%0-85%   78.4%87.3%
Aorus 17X XESGaming (3)17.08.2022v776.4 → 78%0-98%81%86%63.7 → 80%0-80%58.2 → 86%10-66%57 → 60%0-95%83%98%98%72.4 → 76%0-95%59.4 → 66%0-90%80%36.8 → 43%0-85%   73.1%83.7%
HP Spectre x360 13.5 14t-ef000Convertible (5)16.08.2022v789.6 → 91%0-98%87%86%69.5 → 93%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%80%88%69.8 → 89%0-78%94.3 → 100%0-85%97%95%87.6 → 96%0-91%56.5 → 66%0-85%   82.3%90.3%
Honor Magic4 LiteSmartphone (10)13.08.2022v781%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%47.8 → 68%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%90%86%32.3 → 50%0-64%68.6 → 80%0-86%91%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%48%   73.9%79%
Lenovo Yoga 7 16IAP7Convertible (5)13.08.2022v784.7 → 86%0-98%89%85%70.7 → 94%0-75%63 → 78%20-75%79%87%68.8 → 88%0-78%93.9 → 100%0-85%96%94%83.6 → 92%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   79.8%88.7%
AGM Glory G1SSmartphone (10)12.08.2022v785%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%58.6 → 84%0-70%86.1 → 72%50-100%91%83%26 → 41%0-64%67 → 78%0-86%84%100%64 → 71%0-90%57%   74.1%79.7%
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 i5-1240pSubnotebook (4)12.08.2022v789 → 91%0-98%85%91%56.2 → 75%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%80%89%71.7 → 92%0-78%86 → 100%0-85%79%86%84.4 → 93%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   76.6%86.1%
Apple MacBook Air M2 10C GPUSubnotebook (4)12.08.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%91%100%61.3 → 82%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%90%92%67.9 → 87%0-78%91.1 → 100%0-85%87%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   82.4%92%
Asus TUF Dash F15 FX517ZCGaming (3)11.08.2022v780.6 → 82%0-98%81%86%64.8 → 81%0-80%63.7 → 96%10-66%57.8 → 61%0-95%86%91%93%93.1 → 98%0-95%77.1 → 86%0-90%76%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.2%84.9%
Dell XPS 13 9315, i5-1230USubnotebook (4)10.08.2022v791.1 → 93%0-98%85%88%56.7 → 76%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%90%89%55 → 71%0-78%84.3 → 99%0-85%87%92%89.2 → 98%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   77.6%88.2%
Xiaomi Black Shark 5Smartphone (10)09.08.2022v783%69.2 → 92%0-75%96%48 → 69%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%88%55 → 86%0-64%80 → 93%0-86%86%100%75 → 83%0-90%69%   78.9%84.9%
Dell Latitude 9430 2-in-1Convertible (5)09.08.2022v788.6 → 90%0-98%85%89%73.4 → 98%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%90%86%69.5 → 89%0-78%93.3 → 100%0-85%93%93%87.2 → 96%0-91%44.5 → 52%0-85%   81.6%89.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad Z13 21D2CTO1WWSubnotebook (4)08.08.2022v789.9 → 92%0-98%91%93%62.1 → 83%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%90%91%63.7 → 82%0-78%87.8 → 100%0-85%88%96%68.6 → 75%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   79.2%90.5%
Samsung Galaxy M53 5GSmartphone (10)05.08.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%44.2 → 63%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%92%92%40 → 63%0-64%74 → 86%0-86%88%100%72 → 80%0-90%66%   77.1%84%
Sony Xperia 1 IVSmartphone (10)05.08.2022v790%68.5 → 91%0-75%95%69.6 → 99%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%81%94%53.6 → 84%0-64%91.8 → 100%0-86%90%100%82.6 → 92%0-90%79%   83.4%87.7%
ZTE Axon 40 UltraSmartphone (10)04.08.2022v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%52.5 → 75%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%91%58.3 → 91%0-64%88.7 → 100%0-86%92%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%75%   81.6%87.5%
Realme Narzo 50A PrimeSmartphone (10)03.08.2022v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%43.2 → 62%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%90%86%12 → 19%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%92%100%52 → 58%0-90%49%   70.2%76%
Asus ROG Flow X16 GV601RW-M5082WGaming (3)03.08.2022v790.2 → 92%0-98%84%92%68.3 → 85%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%66.9 → 70%0-95%93%98%97%82 → 86%0-95%74.4 → 83%0-90%81%34.8 → 41%0-85%   78.8%89.5%
Vivo X FoldSmartphone (10)03.08.2022v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%95%50.4 → 72%0-70%86.2 → 72%50-100%89%91%63 → 98%0-64%85 → 99%0-86%93%100%72 → 80%0-90%75%   81.2%86.9%
HP Pavilion Plus 14 eh0097nrMultimedia (1)03.08.2022v788.6 → 90%0-98%85%92%61.6 → 77%0-80%70.8 → 98%20-72%61 → 64%0-95%88%68.3 → 76%0-90%93.1 → 100%0-90%94%92.5 → 97%0-95%78%41 → 48%0-85%   77.9%85.4%
Dell Inspiron 14 5425 6VPKROffice (2)02.08.2022v778 → 80%0-98%80%87%63.4 → 79%0-80%68.4 → 88%20-75%90%81%62.9 → 81%0-78%92.5 → 97%0-95%91%91%78%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77.3%84.6%
Huawei MatePad PaperTablet (9)30.07.2022v780.1 → 82%0-98%71.9 → 90%0-80%80%28 → 40%0-70%85.4 → 95%40-88%80%68%41.1 → 53%0-78%74.2 → 81%0-92%94%100%81.2 → 89%0-91%0 → 0%0-85%   68%79.4%
Apple MacBook Air M2 EntrySubnotebook (4)29.07.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%92%100%61.3 → 82%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%92%70.4 → 90%0-78%91.2 → 100%0-85%88%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   82.8%92.3%
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen IntelOffice (2)29.07.2022v777.5 → 79%0-98%87%83%69.2 → 87%0-80%71.1 → 93%20-75%77%85%71 → 91%0-78%93.4 → 98%0-95%94%82%68%44.5 → 52%0-85%   77.2%85.1%
OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)29.07.2022v782%69.2 → 92%0-75%90%48.1 → 69%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%82%32.8 → 51%0-64%73.4 → 85%0-86%90%100%72 → 80%0-90%63%   75.5%80.8%
Dell Latitude 13 7330Office (2)29.07.2022v788.1 → 90%0-98%93%84%61.7 → 77%0-80%75 → 100%20-75%81%91%66 → 85%0-78%90.5 → 95%0-95%94%92%80%36 → 42%0-85%   79.4%89%
Realme Narzo 50i PrimeSmartphone (10)27.07.2022v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%35.1 → 50%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%81%11.8 → 18%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%88%100%54 → 60%0-90%45%   68.9%74.8%
Dell Inspiron 15 5515-H8P8FOffice (2)27.07.2022v779.9 → 82%0-98%88%82%59.3 → 74%0-80%67.4 → 86%20-75%88%82%54.6 → 70%0-78%86.3 → 91%0-95%91%95%76%34.8 → 41%0-85%   75.6%84.7%
Xiaomi Poco X4 ProSmartphone (10)27.07.2022v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%50.6 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%33.6 → 53%0-64%72.5 → 84%0-86%93%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%62%   76.9%82.5%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16IAH7HGaming (3)26.07.2022v784.9 → 87%0-98%87%83%74.9 → 94%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%55.4 → 58%0-95%84%98%98%84.8 → 89%0-95%69.2 → 77%0-90%63%33.8 → 40%0-85%   75%86.6%
Samsung Galaxy M33 5GSmartphone (10)26.07.2022v784%71.2 → 95%0-75%93%48.9 → 70%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%90%84%39 → 61%0-64%70 → 81%0-86%88%100%60 → 67%0-90%60%   75.1%81%
Asus TUF Dash F15 FX517ZRGaming (3)26.07.2022v780.6 → 82%0-98%81%86%64.8 → 81%0-80%63.6 → 96%10-66%68.8 → 72%0-95%88%95%94%76.6 → 81%0-95%73.2 → 81%0-90%77%42.5 → 50%0-85%   76.3%85.8%
Lenovo V17 G2 ITL-82NX00EUGEOffice (2)25.07.2022v777.1 → 79%0-98%82%86%46.6 → 58%0-80%62 → 76%20-75%69%83%66.9 → 86%0-78%89.7 → 94%0-95%88%88%62%35.2 → 41%0-85%   72%80.4%
Asus ExpertBook B3 Detachable B3000Convertible (5)25.07.2022v772.2 → 74%0-98%64%81%36.5 → 49%0-75%74.7 → 99%20-75%88%82%21 → 27%0-78%58 → 68%0-85%93%100%57.6 → 63%0-91%28.8 → 34%0-85%   65.9%77.3%
Apple MacBook Air M2 EntrySubnotebook (4)24.07.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%92%100%61.3 → 82%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%92%70.4 → 90%0-78%91.2 → 100%0-85%88%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   82.8%92.3%
MSI Summit E14 Flip Evo A12MTConvertible (5)23.07.2022v786.1 → 88%0-98%81%86%70.5 → 94%0-75%68 → 87%20-75%81%85%71.3 → 91%0-78%93.9 → 100%0-85%92%85%73.2 → 80%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   77.8%86.1%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 15 (i7-12700H, RTX 3080 Ti)Gaming (3)22.07.2022v782.8 → 84%0-98%85%85%73.2 → 92%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%64.6 → 68%0-95%87%99%95%76.7 → 81%0-95%60.7 → 67%0-90%75%52.4 → 62%0-85%   76.6%86.9%
GPD Win Max 2Subnotebook (4)21.07.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%68%76%72.4 → 97%0-75%74.5 → 99%20-75%84%81%70.2 → 90%0-78%94.3 → 100%0-85%97%92%71.4 → 78%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   76.9%84.5%
Xiaomi Redmi 10CSmartphone (10)21.07.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%45.4 → 65%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%88%15 → 23%0-64%63 → 73%0-86%91%100%60 → 67%0-90%48%   71%76.6%
Motorola Moto G42Smartphone (10)21.07.2022v784%69.2 → 92%0-75%89%48 → 69%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%90%14.4 → 23%0-64%67.9 → 79%0-86%91%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%65%   75.4%80.8%
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 4KSubnotebook (4)20.07.2022v789.1 → 91%0-98%85%91%54.7 → 73%0-75%72.1 → 95%20-75%81%88%67.9 → 87%0-78%92.8 → 100%0-85%87%88%84.4 → 93%0-91%32.8 → 39%0-85%   77.9%86.9%
Nothing Phone (1)Smartphone (10)20.07.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%50.3 → 72%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%92%54.6 → 85%0-64%80.8 → 94%0-86%87%100%74 → 82%0-90%69%   79.2%85.6%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 17 E22Gaming (3)18.07.2022v780 → 82%0-98%83%83%72.4 → 91%0-80%57.4 → 85%10-66%65.4 → 69%0-95%88%97%97%75.1 → 79%0-95%50 → 56%0-90%78%42.4 → 50%0-85%   74.5%85.4%
Acer Swift X SFX16-51G-5388Multimedia (1)18.07.2022v786 → 88%0-98%84%90%63.3 → 79%0-80%65.2 → 87%20-72%78.2 → 82%0-95%86%84.9 → 94%0-90%89.6 → 100%0-90%86%85 → 89%0-95%62%39.2 → 46%0-85%   76.9%86.2%
HP EliteBook 845 G9 6F6H6EASubnotebook (4)17.07.2022v787.6 → 89%0-98%96%89%63.8 → 85%0-75%69.4 → 90%20-75%87%85%61 → 78%0-78%95.7 → 100%0-85%82%92%75.6 → 83%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   78.8%88.6%
Vivo X NoteSmartphone (10)16.07.2022v782%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%66.5 → 95%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%94%68.9 → 100%0-64%93.8 → 100%0-86%93%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%74%   83%87.5%
Huawei MateBook D 16 2022Multimedia (1)15.07.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%90%89%55.3 → 69%0-80%66.6 → 90%20-72%74.5 → 78%0-95%85%71.8 → 80%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%79%79 → 83%0-95%73%42.8 → 50%0-85%   75.8%83.6%
Oppo Reno8 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)15.07.2022v781%66.2 → 88%0-75%87%48.8 → 70%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%91%90%33.3 → 52%0-64%76.2 → 89%0-86%94%100%80 → 89%0-90%64%   77%82.4%
Motorola Moto G52Smartphone (10)15.07.2022v784%68.5 → 91%0-75%89%49.8 → 71%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%92%92%14.8 → 23%0-64%69.1 → 80%0-86%89%100%81.6 → 91%0-90%59%   75.4%81%
MSI GE67 HX 12UGSGaming (3)14.07.2022v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%86%74.5 → 93%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%66.6 → 70%0-95%84%100%98%93.6 → 99%0-95%77 → 86%0-90%70%43 → 51%0-85%   78%87.7%
Prime Computer PrimeBook Circular-i7-1165G7Office (2)14.07.2022v787 → 89%0-98%85%85%65.6 → 82%0-80%67.9 → 87%20-75%87%88%70.6 → 91%0-78%93.3 → 98%0-95%91%92%66%45.5 → 54%0-85%   78.8%87.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X12 Detachable 20UW000KGEConvertible (5)14.07.2022v784.3 → 86%0-98%88%89%64.4 → 86%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%76%90%58.6 → 75%0-78%74.9 → 88%0-85%95%95%59.4 → 65%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   75.3%87.5%
Honor X8Smartphone (10)13.07.2022v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%84%45.7 → 65%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%90%85%16 → 25%0-64%70.6 → 82%0-86%90%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%61%   73.3%78.5%
Honor Magic4 ProSmartphone (10)13.07.2022v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%68.6 → 98%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%91%65.9 → 100%0-64%88.1 → 100%0-86%93%100%72.6 → 81%0-90%78%   83.2%88.6%
Samsung Galaxy M13Smartphone (10)13.07.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%45.4 → 65%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%84%8 → 13%0-64%58 → 67%0-86%91%100%50 → 56%0-90%52%   69.7%75.8%
Cubot PocketSmartphone (10)13.07.2022v780%63.5 → 85%0-75%86%40.1 → 57%0-70%94.2 → 88%50-100%91%85%4.6 → 7%0-64%62.8 → 73%0-86%88%100%56 → 62%0-90%43%   68.8%75.3%
HP ProBook 445 G8-3Z6Q8ESOffice (2)12.07.2022v783 → 85%0-98%79%94%61.1 → 76%0-80%70.3 → 91%20-75%88%82%54.8 → 70%0-78%89.5 → 94%0-95%92%98%56%30.8 → 36%0-85%   75.2%85.3%
Dell Inspiron 15 PlusMultimedia (1)12.07.2022v783.1 → 85%0-98%83%81%62.6 → 78%0-80%64.7 → 86%20-72%68.4 → 72%0-95%84%85.9 → 95%0-90%93 → 100%0-90%78%77.7 → 82%0-95%76%41 → 48%0-85%   75.1%83.5%
Realme GT Neo 3TSmartphone (10)11.07.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%50.3 → 72%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%91%92%59 → 92%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%87%100%75 → 83%0-90%67%   79.4%85.7%
Asus VivoBook S 14X S5402ZMultimedia (1)09.07.2022v784 → 86%0-98%82%83%62.8 → 79%0-80%67.5 → 91%20-72%74.6 → 79%0-95%91%63.5 → 71%0-90%94.1 → 100%0-90%93%80.5 → 85%0-95%81%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.6%84.1%
Huawei MateBook 16s i7Multimedia (1)08.07.2022v790.5 → 92%0-98%89%89%63.9 → 80%0-80%63.4 → 83%20-72%80.1 → 84%0-95%87%69.9 → 78%0-90%92.9 → 100%0-90%79%93.2 → 98%0-95%87%42.8 → 50%0-85%   79%86.4%
Asus ZenBook 14X UM5401QA-KN162Subnotebook (4)08.07.2022v789.6 → 91%0-98%91%92%61.7 → 82%0-75%70.1 → 91%20-75%81%89%63.9 → 82%0-78%93.7 → 100%0-85%90%82%55.4 → 61%0-91%23.6 → 28%0-85%   75.7%87.3%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 (i7-12700H, RTX 3080 Ti)Gaming (3)08.07.2022v786 → 88%0-98%86%82%68.6 → 86%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%74.2 → 78%0-95%92%98%96%79.9 → 84%0-95%75.4 → 84%0-90%70%44.8 → 53%0-85%   78.1%88.4%
Asus Vivobook Pro 14 M3401QC-KM007TMultimedia (1)06.07.2022v779 → 81%0-98%83%88%51 → 64%0-80%69.3 → 95%20-72%87.9 → 93%0-95%92%86.8 → 96%0-90%92.3 → 100%0-90%88%76.5 → 81%0-95%70%28 → 33%0-85%   76.3%86.3%
Asus Zenbook S 13 OLEDSubnotebook (4)06.07.2022v788.8 → 91%0-98%92%97%61.7 → 82%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%88%90%72 → 92%0-78%93.3 → 100%0-85%84%94%74.8 → 82%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   79.9%90.1%
Motorola Edge 30Smartphone (10)05.07.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%50.4 → 72%0-70%91.9 → 84%50-100%89%88%55.5 → 87%0-64%81.2 → 94%0-86%80%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%77%   79.4%86.4%
Razer Blade 17 Early 2022Gaming (3)05.07.2022v791 → 93%0-98%83%89%75 → 94%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%57.9 → 61%0-95%93%99%92%75.1 → 79%0-95%74.6 → 83%0-90%89%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.3%89.9%
Dynabook Satellite Pro C50D-B-115Office (2)03.07.2022v774.6 → 76%0-98%72%88%51.3 → 64%0-80%65.7 → 83%20-75%85%81%55.4 → 71%0-78%87.1 → 92%0-95%91%88%65%29.2 → 34%0-85%   71.8%80%
Lenovo Tab M10 Plus Gen 3Tablet (9)03.07.2022v781.7 → 83%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%88%43.9 → 63%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%87%15 → 19%0-78%54.5 → 59%0-92%93%100%77.2 → 85%0-91%47.8 → 56%0-85%   71.7%82.5%
Motorola Moto G82 5GSmartphone (10)02.07.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%48.7 → 70%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%92%88%33.6 → 53%0-64%71 → 83%0-86%89%100%60 → 67%0-90%62%   74.9%81.7%
Samsung Galaxy A33 5GSmartphone (10)30.06.2022v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%50.4 → 72%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%90%92%39.3 → 61%0-64%69.8 → 81%0-86%92%100%72 → 80%0-90%61%   77%83.2%
Realme GT Neo 3Smartphone (10)28.06.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%51.8 → 74%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%93%59.6 → 93%0-64%84.3 → 98%0-86%85%100%75 → 83%0-90%67%   79.8%86.3%
Acer Chromebook 514 CB514-1WT-36DPOffice (2)27.06.2022v774.5 → 76%0-98%79%85%58 → 73%0-80%70.2 → 91%20-75%85%79%66.5 → 85%0-78%92.3 → 97%0-95%95%96%71%42 → 49%0-85%   76.4%83.7%
Asus ZenBook Flip 15 Q539ZDConvertible (5)26.06.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%84%89%63.6 → 85%0-75%65.1 → 82%20-75%87%88%82.5 → 100%0-78%94.2 → 100%0-85%93%92%83.6 → 92%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   80.4%88%
Xiaomi Poco F4 GTSmartphone (10)25.06.2022v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54 → 77%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%92%56.9 → 89%0-64%87.9 → 100%0-86%92%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%62%   80.4%85.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G10 21CC001RGEOffice (2)23.06.2022v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%95%72.1 → 90%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%88%89%57.7 → 74%0-78%91.5 → 96%0-95%89%97%76%29.6 → 35%0-85%   79.7%90.2%
MSI Creator Z16P B12UHSTMultimedia (1)23.06.2022v790.1 → 92%0-98%81%83%64.5 → 81%0-80%60.5 → 78%20-72%64 → 67%0-95%88%89.9 → 100%0-90%97.8 → 100%0-90%64%79.6 → 84%0-95%73%42.4 → 50%0-85%   75.2%83.7%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2022 M2Subnotebook (4)22.06.2022v789.9 → 92%0-98%95%100%59.7 → 80%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%92%93%81.7 → 100%0-78%95.6 → 100%0-85%90%91%89.6 → 98%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   83.3%91.9%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 15 MaxGaming (3)22.06.2022v774 → 76%0-98%81%78%67.2 → 84%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%16.7 → 18%0-95%87%98%96%77.8 → 82%0-95%60.9 → 68%0-90%75%41.5 → 49%0-85%   70.1%83.4%
Dell Inspiron 16 7620 2-in-1Convertible (5)22.06.2022v784.1 → 86%0-98%79%75%68.9 → 92%0-75%62.3 → 77%20-75%90%83%66.3 → 85%0-78%91.9 → 100%0-85%89%96%88.4 → 97%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   78.1%85.7%
OnePlus Nord 2TSmartphone (10)20.06.2022v784%67.3 → 90%0-75%94%50.9 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%89%52.9 → 83%0-64%76.7 → 89%0-86%87%100%72 → 80%0-90%72%   78.9%85.4%
Dell XPS 17 9720Multimedia (1)17.06.2022v789.1 → 91%0-98%87%88%69.9 → 87%0-80%59.9 → 77%20-72%87.2 → 92%0-95%86%92.5 → 100%0-90%89.4 → 99%0-90%89%85.1 → 90%0-95%87%30 → 35%0-85%   80.1%89.3%
Huawei Nova 9 SESmartphone (10)17.06.2022v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%46.3 → 66%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%90%89%16.3 → 25%0-64%67 → 78%0-86%94%100%80.6 → 90%0-90%64%   75.2%80.3%
Dell Inspiron 14 7420 2-in-1Convertible (5)16.06.2022v783.9 → 86%0-98%79%75%66.7 → 89%0-75%67.5 → 86%20-75%77%74%66.5 → 85%0-78%90.9 → 100%0-85%92%92%88.6 → 97%0-91%44.5 → 52%0-85%   76.8%83.7%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Pro 14IAP G7Subnotebook (4)15.06.2022v781.3 → 83%0-98%86%84%60.5 → 81%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%85%92%65.6 → 84%0-78%92.9 → 100%0-85%87%93%70.8 → 78%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   78%87.6%
Dell G15 5510Gaming (3)15.06.2022v772.4 → 74%0-98%77%78%56.1 → 70%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%82%89%91%82.2 → 87%0-95%78.5 → 87%0-90%74%42 → 49%0-85%   73.2%81%
Vivo V23 5GSmartphone (10)14.06.2022v787%65.8 → 88%0-75%89%51.9 → 74%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%90%44.8 → 70%0-64%74.3 → 86%0-86%95%100%75 → 83%0-90%61%   78%83.6%
Xiaomi Black Shark 5 ProSmartphone (10)14.06.2022v783%69.2 → 92%0-75%96%48 → 69%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%89%88%60 → 94%0-64%84 → 98%0-86%85%100%76 → 84%0-90%71%   79.7%85.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14ITL6 82H700CCGEOffice (2)14.06.2022v774.4 → 76%0-98%77%86%44.2 → 55%0-80%70.1 → 91%20-75%75%82%51 → 65%0-78%65.7 → 69%0-95%92%92%82%41.5 → 49%0-85%   71.7%79.2%
Samsung Galaxy Book2 Pro 360 13 NP930QED-KA3DEConvertible (5)12.06.2022v786.4 → 88%0-98%79%89%68.5 → 91%0-75%74.5 → 99%20-75%89%88%56.8 → 73%0-78%84.8 → 100%0-85%87%95%62.8 → 69%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   77.3%88%
Acer Predator Triton 500 SE PT516-52s-70KXGaming (3)10.06.2022v783.6 → 85%0-98%83%86%67.5 → 84%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%71.2 → 75%0-95%92%97%96%80.8 → 85%0-95%66.9 → 74%0-90%76%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.8%87.2%
Getac S410 Gen 4Office (2)09.06.2022v784 → 86%0-98%73%68%64.5 → 81%0-80%55.1 → 64%20-75%97%83%67.6 → 87%0-78%89.6 → 94%0-95%93%88%73%38.5 → 45%0-85%   74.9%81.7%
Dell XPS 17 9720 RTX 3060Multimedia (1)08.06.2022v789.3 → 91%0-98%89%88%70.5 → 88%0-80%59.7 → 76%20-72%83.7 → 88%0-95%82%94.4 → 100%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%87%85.6 → 90%0-95%88%42.5 → 50%0-85%   81.3%88.8%
Samsung Galaxy M23Smartphone (10)08.06.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%49 → 70%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%91%85%34.6 → 54%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%88%100%68 → 76%0-90%62%   74.8%81.1%
Asus Zenbook Pro 14 Duo OLED UX8402ZAMultimedia (1)06.06.2022v787.2 → 89%0-98%83%86%62.5 → 78%0-80%66.2 → 89%20-72%69.8 → 73%0-95%85%70.7 → 79%0-90%93.4 → 100%0-90%86%93.3 → 98%0-95%81%27.6 → 32%0-85%   76.2%84.4%
Samsung Galaxy A53Smartphone (10)05.06.2022v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.4 → 66%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%92%39.7 → 62%0-64%72.1 → 84%0-86%89%100%70 → 78%0-90%66%   76.8%83.4%
Samsung Galaxy A03Smartphone (10)04.06.2022v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%38.7 → 55%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%83%11.5 → 18%0-64%50 → 58%0-86%89%100%54 → 60%0-90%46%   68.2%74.6%
OnePlus 9 ProSmartphone (10)03.06.2022v790%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.3 → 76%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%94%62.3 → 97%0-64%82.5 → 96%0-86%88%100%76 → 84%0-90%77%   81.9%88.6%
OnePlus 10 ProSmartphone (10)03.06.2022v787%56.5 → 75%0-75%95%53.3 → 76%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%86.4 → 100%0-86%86%100%80.6 → 90%0-90%76%   81.7%88.1%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 5GTablet (9)03.06.2022v788.4 → 90%0-98%69.6 → 87%0-80%97%69.5 → 99%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%90%88%58.2 → 75%0-78%85.4 → 93%0-92%95%100%82.8 → 91%0-91%60.6 → 71%0-85%   82.1%90.2%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 15 G533ZW-LN106WSGaming (3)02.06.2022v787.5 → 89%0-98%92%83%58.6 → 73%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%79.1 → 83%0-95%87%99%98%82.1 → 86%0-95%45.6 → 51%0-90%89%31.5 → 37%0-85%   76.4%86.3%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-58-72QRGaming (3)02.06.2022v774.6 → 76%0-98%81%83%62.7 → 78%0-80%60.1 → 89%10-66%57.9 → 61%0-95%86%96%93%79.9 → 84%0-95%71.9 → 80%0-90%74%45 → 53%0-85%   74.2%84%
Dell XPS 15 9520 RTX 3050 TiMultimedia (1)31.05.2022v790.3 → 92%0-98%85%88%62.6 → 78%0-80%63.9 → 84%20-72%84.1 → 89%0-95%89%87.5 → 97%0-90%96.9 → 100%0-90%85%92.4 → 97%0-95%96%32.8 → 39%0-85%   81.1%89.5%
Asus Zenbook S 13 OLEDSubnotebook (4)31.05.2022v788.8 → 91%0-98%92%97%61.7 → 82%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%88%90%72 → 92%0-78%93.3 → 100%0-85%84%94%74.8 → 82%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   79.9%90.1%
Oppo A76Smartphone (10)31.05.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%47.9 → 68%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%87%16.1 → 25%0-64%60 → 70%0-86%92%100%64 → 71%0-90%49%   71.8%77.7%
MSI Katana GF66 12UGSGaming (3)31.05.2022v771.5 → 73%0-98%79%78%47.6 → 60%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%43.9 → 46%0-95%81%94%94%72 → 76%0-95%80.3 → 89%0-90%75%36.8 → 43%0-85%   70.3%80.3%
LG Gram 14T90PConvertible (5)30.05.2022v778.3 → 80%0-98%85%88%64.2 → 86%0-75%72.3 → 95%20-75%89%83%69.2 → 89%0-78%89.2 → 100%0-85%92%95%79.6 → 87%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   78.7%87.5%
Oppo Find X5 LiteSmartphone (10)25.05.2022v780%66.2 → 88%0-75%87%53.7 → 77%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%90%89%41.8 → 65%0-64%85.5 → 99%0-86%93%100%79.2 → 88%0-90%65%   78.6%83.7%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11Smartphone (10)23.05.2022v782%65.8 → 88%0-75%87%51 → 73%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%90%93%14.7 → 23%0-64%63.6 → 74%0-86%94%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%60%   74.5%80%
Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 16 GX650RXGaming (3)23.05.2022v786.4 → 88%0-98%81%83%70 → 88%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%79.6 → 84%0-95%89%98%97%79.6 → 84%0-95%80.9 → 90%0-90%74%41 → 48%0-85%   78.4%88.2%
Alienware x17 R2 P48EGaming (3)21.05.2022v785.1 → 87%0-98%87%89%70.2 → 88%0-80%55.8 → 82%10-66%36.6 → 39%0-95%86%100%97%86.6 → 91%0-95%86.7 → 96%0-90%87%42 → 49%0-85%   77.5%89.2%
Samsung Galaxy Book2 Pro 13 NP930XED-KA1DESubnotebook (4)20.05.2022v783.1 → 85%0-98%73%89%66.9 → 89%0-75%76.9 → 100%20-75%89%90%56.4 → 72%0-78%84.4 → 99%0-85%85%93%72 → 79%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   76.8%86.7%
HP Victus 16-e0145ngGaming (3)18.05.2022v776.8 → 78%0-98%81%81%62.6 → 78%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%74.5 → 78%0-95%78%91%94%81.5 → 86%0-95%73.7 → 82%0-90%73%41 → 48%0-85%   74.5%82.3%
Asus Zenbook Pro 15 OLED UM535QMultimedia (1)17.05.2022v786 → 88%0-98%83%88%53.2 → 67%0-80%64.6 → 86%20-72%89.5 → 94%0-95%87%90.1 → 100%0-90%94.5 → 100%0-90%88%86.2 → 91%0-95%81%35.6 → 42%0-85%   78.9%87.7%
MSI Katana GF76 12UGSGaming (3)16.05.2022v776.3 → 78%0-98%84%84%46.7 → 58%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%53.6 → 56%0-95%84%98%97%85.1 → 90%0-95%62.1 → 69%0-90%81%36 → 42%0-85%   72.8%82.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga G7 21CE002HGEConvertible (5)15.05.2022v788.6 → 90%0-98%90%95%72.7 → 97%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%87%91%56.6 → 73%0-78%90.1 → 100%0-85%83%84%82.2 → 90%0-91%40.4 → 48%0-85%   79.2%89.4%
Realme 9 5GSmartphone (10)12.05.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%47.2 → 67%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%92%85%36.9 → 58%0-64%71 → 83%0-86%88%100%60 → 67%0-90%55%   73.9%80.2%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 UltraTablet (9)12.05.2022v790.3 → 92%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%97%64.6 → 92%0-70%79.5 → 82%40-88%86%90%59 → 76%0-78%87.6 → 95%0-92%94%100%84.8 → 93%0-91%64.4 → 76%0-85%   82.1%88.8%
MSI Vector GP76 12UGS-434Gaming (3)12.05.2022v783.9 → 86%0-98%81%88%64.1 → 80%0-80%57.5 → 85%10-66%64.1 → 67%0-95%86%100%97%88.3 → 93%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%78%35.6 → 42%0-85%   76.5%86.7%
Samsung Galaxy A13 4GSmartphone (10)11.05.2022v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.5 → 64%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%90%85%10.1 → 16%0-64%55.1 → 64%0-86%93%100%68 → 76%0-90%50%   70.8%76.5%
Lenovo Yoga 9 14IAP7 82LU0001USConvertible (5)10.05.2022v788.8 → 91%0-98%93%99%67.4 → 90%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%73%87%71.1 → 91%0-78%94.4 → 100%0-85%89%92%89.4 → 98%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   80.8%89.8%
Samsung Galaxy S22+Smartphone (10)10.05.2022v792%69.6 → 93%0-75%93%66.9 → 96%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%93%57.3 → 90%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%94%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%79%   83.3%88.9%
Razer Blade 14 Ryzen 9 6900HXGaming (3)09.05.2022v789.4 → 91%0-98%81%92%61.8 → 77%0-80%65.6 → 99%10-66%88 → 93%0-95%91%98%97%86.4 → 91%0-95%85.8 → 95%0-90%77%42.5 → 50%0-85%   81.2%89.4%
Medion Erazer Beast X30Gaming (3)09.05.2022v783.6 → 85%0-98%87%83%67.3 → 84%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%67 → 71%0-95%88%99%96%71.1 → 75%0-95%70.3 → 78%0-90%71%45 → 53%0-85%   76.1%86.7%
Razer Blade 17 (i7-12800H, RTX 3070 Ti)Gaming (3)09.05.2022v793.8 → 96%0-98%83%89%72.9 → 91%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%63.9 → 67%0-95%84%99%95%85.5 → 90%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%89%48.8 → 57%0-85%   80.7%90.1%
Lenovo Yoga 9i 14 2022 i7-1260PConvertible (5)06.05.2022v788.8 → 91%0-98%93%99%67.4 → 90%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%86%88%69.8 → 89%0-78%93.3 → 100%0-85%85%91%92.2 → 100%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   81.9%90.6%
Motorola Moto G22Smartphone (10)06.05.2022v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%44.4 → 63%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%82%5.8 → 9%0-64%38.7 → 45%0-86%92%100%69 → 77%0-90%55%   69.2%75.1%
Realme C31Smartphone (10)05.05.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%40.3 → 58%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%84%9.8 → 15%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%91%100%52 → 58%0-90%47%   69.9%75.9%
Asus VivoBook 17 F712JA-AU708WMultimedia (1)04.05.2022v773.9 → 75%0-98%70%84%50.3 → 63%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%59.8 → 63%0-95%81%58.3 → 65%0-90%84.3 → 94%0-90%91%83 → 87%0-95%64%40 → 47%0-85%   69.6%76.5%
Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model Early 2022Gaming (3)04.05.2022v787 → 89%0-98%83%88%69.1 → 86%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%63.7 → 67%0-95%90%96%97%73.1 → 77%0-95%86.1 → 96%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   78.1%88.3%
Realme C35Smartphone (10)03.05.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44 → 63%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%84%11.1 → 17%0-64%66 → 77%0-86%90%100%60 → 67%0-90%56%   71.7%77.6%
HP Omen 16-b1090ngGaming (3)03.05.2022v778.5 → 80%0-98%83%72%67.1 → 84%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%66.6 → 70%0-95%85%98%97%81.6 → 86%0-95%63.6 → 71%0-90%82%41 → 48%0-85%   75.1%85.5%
Samsung Galaxy S22Smartphone (10)02.05.2022v792%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%66 → 94%0-70%90.8 → 82%50-100%89%93%58.3 → 91%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%94%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%79%   83.3%89.3%
Dell G15 5510-43NHTGaming (3)02.05.2022v774.4 → 76%0-98%79%81%58.6 → 73%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%73.7 → 78%0-95%76%83%86%88.9 → 94%0-95%76.5 → 85%0-90%73%40 → 47%0-85%   73%79.1%
Realme GT 2Smartphone (10)29.04.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.7 → 67%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%89%55 → 86%0-64%75 → 87%0-86%87%100%75 → 83%0-90%70%   78.4%85%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ 5GTablet (9)29.04.2022v788.6 → 90%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%97%67.6 → 97%0-70%82 → 88%40-88%80%90%56.4 → 72%0-78%85.7 → 93%0-92%95%100%83.6 → 92%0-91%60.6 → 71%0-85%   81.2%88.3%
Asus VivoBook 15 OLED M513UA-L1282WOffice (2)29.04.2022v772.4 → 74%0-98%76%84%43.5 → 54%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%71%88%62.8 → 81%0-78%90.1 → 95%0-95%91%92%57%41 → 48%0-85%   71.9%80.7%
MSI Bravo 15 B5DD-010USGaming (3)28.04.2022v770.9 → 72%0-98%77%75%45.8 → 57%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%70.1 → 74%0-95%80%89%92%86.6 → 91%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%62%45.5 → 54%0-85%   71.2%78.2%
Huawei MateBook D 15 Ryzen 5 5500UMultimedia (1)28.04.2022v783.4 → 85%0-98%80%91%44.8 → 56%0-80%67.7 → 92%20-72%84.2 → 89%0-95%82%61.9 → 69%0-90%90.2 → 100%0-90%91%90.2 → 95%0-95%83%32 → 38%0-85%   75.4%82.6%
Asus ZenBook 14X OLED UX5400EA-L7154WSubnotebook (4)22.04.2022v788.4 → 90%0-98%91%92%70.8 → 94%0-75%69.8 → 91%20-75%67%90%73.3 → 94%0-78%89.9 → 100%0-85%86%91%40 → 44%0-91%22.4 → 26%0-85%   74.7%87.7%
OnePlus 10 ProSmartphone (10)21.04.2022v787%56.5 → 75%0-75%95%53.3 → 76%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%94%68.6 → 100%0-64%86.4 → 100%0-86%86%100%80.6 → 90%0-90%76%   81.7%88.1%
Dell Latitude 7420 JW6MHOffice (2)21.04.2022v790 → 92%0-98%95%86%73 → 91%0-80%71.2 → 93%20-75%90%91%61.8 → 79%0-78%88.3 → 93%0-95%94%87%83%34 → 40%0-85%   80.4%90.1%
Honor MagicBook 16 2022Multimedia (1)20.04.2022v786.7 → 88%0-98%82%86%52.5 → 66%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%77.6 → 82%0-95%87%62.7 → 70%0-90%93.9 → 100%0-90%82%85.4 → 90%0-95%76%34.8 → 41%0-85%   74.7%82.2%
MSI Pulse GL66 12UEKGaming (3)19.04.2022v772.6 → 74%0-98%82%54%45 → 56%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%54.8 → 58%0-95%85%98%96%84.2 → 89%0-95%72.3 → 80%0-90%72%28 → 33%0-85%   69.6%80.7%
Asus Chromebook Flip CM1Convertible (5)19.04.2022v772.3 → 74%0-98%77%85%48.5 → 65%0-75%67.2 → 86%20-75%84%77%21.5 → 28%0-78%62.1 → 73%0-85%92%100%71.6 → 79%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   69.2%79.9%
Google Pixel 6 ProSmartphone (10)13.04.2022v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%67.7 → 97%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%94%61.6 → 96%0-64%81.1 → 94%0-86%93%100%76 → 84%0-90%81%   83.3%89.2%
SCHENKER Work 17 Tiger Lake-HOffice (2)13.04.2022v775.1 → 77%0-98%82%91%61.5 → 77%0-80%61.2 → 75%20-75%88%89%67.6 → 87%0-78%93.8 → 99%0-95%92%86%68%24 → 28%0-85%   75.3%84.3%
Huawei MateBook 14 2021, i7-1165G7Subnotebook (4)13.04.2022v785.5 → 87%0-98%82%92%58.3 → 78%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%83%87%63.9 → 82%0-78%90 → 100%0-85%91%93%66 → 73%0-91%22.8 → 27%0-85%   75.6%86.4%
Aorus 17 XE4Gaming (3)13.04.2022v777.9 → 79%0-98%82%86%64.1 → 80%0-80%59 → 88%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%86%98%94%77.1 → 81%0-95%68.1 → 76%0-90%80%40.5 → 48%0-85%   75.2%85.2%
Apple iPhone SE 2022Smartphone (10)12.04.2022v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%48.5 → 69%0-70%92.8 → 86%50-100%89%90%59.8 → 93%0-64%90.7 → 100%0-86%88%100%71 → 79%0-90%64%   79.8%86.1%
MSI Stealth GS77 12UHS-083USGaming (3)11.04.2022v783.5 → 85%0-98%79%83%71 → 89%0-80%57.1 → 84%10-66%69.6 → 73%0-95%85%99%97%80.2 → 84%0-95%78.9 → 88%0-90%79%41.5 → 49%0-85%   77.2%87.2%
Huawei MateBook 14 2021 AMDSubnotebook (4)11.04.2022v787.4 → 89%0-98%83%92%52.2 → 70%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%84%88%63.1 → 81%0-78%90.6 → 100%0-85%89%96%81 → 89%0-91%26.4 → 31%0-85%   77%86.9%
HP Omen 16-c0077ngGaming (3)09.04.2022v779.9 → 82%0-98%88%86%63.5 → 79%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%69.3 → 73%0-95%86%96%96%92.1 → 97%0-95%61.6 → 68%0-90%82%39.6 → 47%0-85%   76.9%86%
Lenovo V15 G2 ALC-82KD003XGEOffice (2)08.04.2022v777.8 → 79%0-98%82%79%50.3 → 63%0-80%67.3 → 86%20-75%73%74%61.4 → 79%0-78%89.9 → 95%0-95%92%97%49%14.5 → 17%0-85%   69.7%80%
Oppo Find X5Smartphone (10)08.04.2022v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%51.6 → 74%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%92%56.2 → 88%0-64%88.6 → 100%0-86%91%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%78%   81.7%87.9%
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011WGaming (3)07.04.2022v777.4 → 79%0-98%84%86%61.9 → 77%0-80%59.7 → 89%10-66%78 → 82%0-95%75%99%87%83.7 → 88%0-95%86.8 → 96%0-90%76%34.4 → 40%0-85%   75.9%84.1%
Dell Inspiron 15 3505-PXHPWOffice (2)06.04.2022v773.8 → 75%0-98%72%86%44.9 → 56%0-80%63.5 → 79%20-75%61%83%38.2 → 49%0-78%74.5 → 78%0-95%91%96%70%39.5 → 46%0-85%-2%63.7%75.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPUMultimedia (1)06.04.2022v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%100%62.5 → 78%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%88.7 → 93%0-95%94%95.6 → 100%0-90%86.2 → 96%0-90%86%89.4 → 94%0-95%97%36.8 → 43%0-85%   83.6%92.1%
Realme 9iSmartphone (10)05.04.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45.8 → 65%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%85%14.3 → 22%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%88%100%66 → 73%0-90%56%   72.7%78.8%
Nokia G11Smartphone (10)05.04.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.2 → 63%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%83%9.5 → 15%0-64%63.9 → 74%0-86%87%100%72 → 80%0-90%49%   71.5%77%
Razer Blade 17 RTX 3080 TiGaming (3)01.04.2022v791 → 93%0-98%83%89%75.3 → 94%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%66.1 → 70%0-95%88%100%98%86.5 → 91%0-95%86.9 → 97%0-90%91%40 → 47%0-85%   80.9%91.2%
Motorola Moto G41Smartphone (10)31.03.2022v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%47.7 → 68%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%92%15.7 → 25%0-64%55.6 → 65%0-86%90%100%82.2 → 91%0-90%62%   74.5%80.6%
Lenovo Tab P12 ProTablet (9)31.03.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%96%49.1 → 70%0-70%82.1 → 88%40-88%89%89%64.6 → 83%0-78%81.5 → 89%0-92%92%100%83.6 → 92%0-91%59.2 → 70%0-85%   80.1%89.1%
Oppo Find X5 ProSmartphone (10)31.03.2022v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%65.9 → 94%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%93%57.4 → 90%0-64%83.6 → 97%0-86%92%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%80%   83.3%89.2%
Asus TUF Gaming F15 FX507ZMGaming (3)30.03.2022v779 → 81%0-98%82%83%65.6 → 82%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%62 → 65%0-95%89%99%96%87.5 → 92%0-95%80.2 → 89%0-90%74%37.5 → 44%0-85%   76.7%87.2%
Realme 9 ProSmartphone (10)29.03.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%45.6 → 65%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%85%33.5 → 52%0-64%70.7 → 82%0-86%86%100%60 → 67%0-90%61%   74.1%80.5%
Xiaomi 12Smartphone (10)28.03.2022v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%96%55.3 → 79%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%90%92%59.7 → 93%0-64%87.1 → 100%0-86%91%100%75 → 83%0-90%73%   81.5%87.7%
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5GSmartphone (10)28.03.2022v794%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%71.6 → 100%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%90%95%56.3 → 88%0-64%86.1 → 100%0-86%93%100%74 → 82%0-90%81%   83.7%89.4%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070TiGaming (3)28.03.2022v784.1 → 86%0-98%85%83%67.2 → 84%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%66 → 69%0-95%92%99%98%81.2 → 85%0-95%69.9 → 78%0-90%78%33.8 → 40%0-85%   76.7%88%
Apple iPad Air 5 2022Tablet (9)26.03.2022v787.3 → 89%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%96%53.5 → 76%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%89%91%79.8 → 100%0-78%95 → 100%0-92%94%100%83.8 → 92%0-91%58 → 68%0-85%   83.2%91.7%
Huawei MatePad T10STablet (9)25.03.2022v779.3 → 81%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%88%35.3 → 50%0-70%83.9 → 91%40-88%86%81%13.6 → 17%0-78%54 → 59%0-92%95%100%82 → 90%0-91%51.4 → 60%0-85%   70.6%80.9%
Gigabyte Aero 16 YE5Multimedia (1)25.03.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%84%87%61.3 → 77%0-80%61.1 → 79%20-72%71.3 → 75%0-95%89%97.2 → 100%0-90%96.1 → 100%0-90%71%67.2 → 71%0-95%80%43.5 → 51%0-85%   76.5%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G2 20XGS01100Office (2)22.03.2022v787.8 → 90%0-98%94%93%71.6 → 90%0-80%71.4 → 93%20-75%90%85%58.1 → 74%0-78%92.8 → 98%0-95%92%97%60%34.4 → 40%0-85%   79%90.1%
Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 15IHU-82K1002RGEGaming (3)22.03.2022v774.2 → 76%0-98%84%81%42.8 → 54%0-80%62.7 → 94%10-66%72.4 → 76%0-95%82%87%91%87.7 → 92%0-95%78.9 → 88%0-90%73%27.2 → 32%0-85%   72.5%79.7%
Realme GT 2 ProSmartphone (10)21.03.2022v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%49.3 → 70%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%89%63.1 → 99%0-64%80.8 → 94%0-86%85%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%77%   80.5%87.4%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15p G2 ITH 21B1000YGEMultimedia (1)21.03.2022v779.9 → 82%0-98%85%78%69.7 → 87%0-80%64 → 85%20-72%56.8 → 60%0-95%90%91.4 → 100%0-90%93.4 → 100%0-90%88%91 → 96%0-95%60%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.8%85.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga G1 20QB0016GEConvertible (5)19.03.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%87%87%67.8 → 90%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%85%90%60.7 → 78%0-78%82.7 → 97%0-85%92%93%70.4 → 77%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   77.6%88.5%
Huawei P50 ProSmartphone (10)18.03.2022v792%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%65.8 → 94%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%88%93%56 → 88%0-64%80.9 → 94%0-86%93%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%83%   83.2%88.8%
OnePlus Nord CE 2 5GSmartphone (10)18.03.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%53.2 → 76%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%92%89%41.2 → 64%0-64%74 → 86%0-86%86%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%67%   77.6%84.1%
Realme 9 Pro PlusSmartphone (10)17.03.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.9 → 67%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%90%40.9 → 64%0-64%85.7 → 100%0-86%84%100%70.8 → 79%0-90%67%   77.7%84.1%
Xiaomi 12XSmartphone (10)17.03.2022v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%96%53.1 → 76%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%92%93%57.7 → 90%0-64%83.1 → 97%0-86%93%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%73%   81.5%88.1%
Alienware x14 i7 RTX 3060Gaming (3)16.03.2022v779.3 → 81%0-98%85%83%61.4 → 77%0-80%65.5 → 99%10-66%82.8 → 87%0-95%89%96%94%82.7 → 87%0-95%81.9 → 91%0-90%79%33.2 → 39%0-85%   77.8%86.7%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro 14 OLED Ryzen 9Subnotebook (4)15.03.2022v780.7 → 82%0-98%86%84%55.4 → 74%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%66%90%75 → 96%0-78%93.7 → 100%0-85%84%89%79 → 87%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   75.8%84.8%
Motorola Edge 30 ProSmartphone (10)14.03.2022v787%67.7 → 90%0-75%96%52.1 → 74%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%93%63.1 → 99%0-64%85.6 → 100%0-86%84%100%80 → 89%0-90%74%   81.6%87.9%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 GA402RKGaming (3)14.03.2022v783.8 → 86%0-98%83%86%60.7 → 76%0-80%66.5 → 100%10-66%88 → 93%0-95%89%92%97%73.3 → 77%0-95%80.3 → 89%0-90%87%43 → 51%0-85%   79.1%86.7%
Razer Blade 15 2022Gaming (3)14.03.2022v787.5 → 89%0-98%83%89%70.3 → 88%0-80%62.3 → 93%10-66%62.7 → 66%0-95%89%98%98%84.2 → 89%0-95%77.6 → 86%0-90%82%43 → 51%0-85%   78.9%89.1%
Nubia RedMagic 7Smartphone (10)14.03.2022v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%59.9 → 86%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%88%72.5 → 100%0-64%91.7 → 100%0-86%94%61%74.6 → 83%0-90%62%   78.7%85%
Dell Latitude 5320-TM4V2Subnotebook (4)12.03.2022v775.3 → 77%0-98%84%71%70.3 → 94%0-75%71.6 → 94%20-75%88%82%59.8 → 77%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%92%85%75 → 82%0-91%20 → 24%0-85%   74.2%84.1%
Huawei P50 PocketSmartphone (10)11.03.2022v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%62.1 → 89%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%80%93%60.4 → 94%0-64%81.3 → 95%0-86%93%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%78%   81.2%86.1%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-43-R8BPSubnotebook (4)09.03.2022v784.6 → 86%0-98%86%85%52.1 → 69%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%82%85%61.3 → 79%0-78%89.3 → 100%0-85%95%94%56.8 → 62%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   74.6%86%
Teclast T40 ProTablet (9)09.03.2022v773.9 → 75%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%84%44.4 → 63%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%90%84%15.7 → 20%0-78%58 → 63%0-92%94%100%74.8 → 82%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   70.3%80.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga G2 21AES01A00Convertible (5)09.03.2022v781.8 → 83%0-98%93%91%69.7 → 93%0-75%69.8 → 91%20-75%79%81%61.1 → 78%0-78%88.9 → 100%0-85%94%97%60 → 66%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   77%88.3%
Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio i7 RTX 3050 TiMultimedia (1)08.03.2022v780.5 → 82%0-98%86%90%57.1 → 71%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%84.1 → 89%0-95%90%89.5 → 99%0-90%91.8 → 100%0-90%90%90.6 → 95%0-95%91%35.6 → 42%0-85%   80.1%89%
Acer Swift X SFX14-41G-R7F3Multimedia (1)07.03.2022v785.9 → 88%0-98%86%85%53.6 → 67%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%88.3 → 93%0-95%85%80.4 → 89%0-90%86.3 → 96%0-90%92%85.7 → 90%0-95%63%27.2 → 32%0-85%   76%85.6%
Nokia G21Smartphone (10)07.03.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45.3 → 65%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%83%11.4 → 18%0-64%65.9 → 77%0-86%85%100%72 → 80%0-90%60%   72.6%78.5%
MSI Vector GP66 12UGSGaming (3)04.03.2022v781 → 83%0-98%81%89%61.8 → 77%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%67.2 → 71%0-95%87%99%97%90.3 → 95%0-95%79.1 → 88%0-90%77%36.5 → 43%0-85%   77.4%86.9%
Huawei MateBook E Core i5Convertible (5)03.03.2022v782.1 → 84%0-98%77%93%55.4 → 74%0-75%79.6 → 100%20-75%68%91%49.6 → 64%0-78%79.3 → 93%0-85%91%88%84.6 → 93%0-91%59 → 69%0-85%   76.7%85.3%
SCHENKER Uniwill Technology GM7AG8PGaming (3)27.02.2022v781.1 → 83%0-98%88%84%67.3 → 84%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%52.1 → 55%0-95%85%100%98%79.5 → 84%0-95%77.3 → 86%0-90%70%43 → 51%0-85%   75.9%86.9%
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 15 NP950QDB-KC3DEConvertible (5)26.02.2022v781.4 → 83%0-98%79%100%58 → 77%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%89%87%53.8 → 69%0-78%86 → 100%0-85%92%93%73.2 → 80%0-91%23.2 → 27%0-85%   75.8%86.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-21AB000PGESubnotebook (4)25.02.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%94%87%64.7 → 86%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%89%85%56.8 → 73%0-78%91.6 → 100%0-85%91%85%60 → 66%0-91%37.4 → 44%0-85%   76.5%87.5%
Asus ROG Flow Z13 GZ301ZEGaming (3)25.02.2022v788.5 → 90%0-98%82%94%66.3 → 83%0-80%72.8 → 100%10-66%65.8 → 69%0-95%88%88%96%84.4 → 89%0-95%91.7 → 100%0-90%73%43.6 → 51%0-85%   79.5%86.8%
Asus ExpertBook B3 Flip B3402FEAConvertible (5)23.02.2022v780.1 → 82%0-98%82%88%77.4 → 100%0-75%67.7 → 87%20-75%78%78%61.3 → 79%0-78%89.7 → 100%0-85%89%84%80.4 → 88%0-91%61.5 → 72%0-85%   78.2%85.2%
Lenovo Legion 5 17ACH6H-82JY0003GEGaming (3)22.02.2022v776.4 → 78%0-98%83%82%58 → 73%0-80%56.1 → 82%10-66%56.3 → 59%0-95%87%96%94%89.3 → 94%0-95%83.5 → 93%0-90%74%44 → 52%0-85%   75.4%85.2%
Huawei MateBook 13s i5 11300HSubnotebook (4)21.02.2022v789.9 → 92%0-98%88%89%58 → 77%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%88%89%65.7 → 84%0-78%91 → 100%0-85%90%94%85.8 → 94%0-91%28 → 33%0-85%   78.9%88.8%
SCHENKER Work 15 Tiger Lake-HOffice (2)18.02.2022v775.6 → 77%0-98%82%88%66.2 → 83%0-80%66.3 → 84%20-75%88%84%63.7 → 82%0-78%95.3 → 100%0-95%91%86%71%28.6 → 34%0-85%   75.8%84.3%
Sony Xperia Pro-ISmartphone (10)18.02.2022v791%70.4 → 94%0-75%94%62.3 → 89%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%91%66 → 100%0-64%84.9 → 99%0-86%91%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%74%   83%88.2%
Acer Extensa 15 EX215-54-5103Office (2)18.02.2022v775.6 → 77%0-98%75%86%43.5 → 54%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%74%72%53.8 → 69%0-78%90.3 → 95%0-95%92%87%66%41 → 48%0-85%   70.8%78%
Xiaomi 12 ProSmartphone (10)17.02.2022v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%55.3 → 79%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%93%57.3 → 90%0-64%84.8 → 99%0-86%92%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%76%   81.7%87.6%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 2022Tablet (9)17.02.2022v780.9 → 83%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%44.2 → 63%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%89%78%16.1 → 21%0-78%56.7 → 62%0-92%91%100%78.8 → 87%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   70.8%81%
MSI Stealth GS66 12UGSGaming (3)17.02.2022v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%83%63.9 → 80%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%65.6 → 69%0-95%84%97%98%74 → 78%0-95%69.6 → 77%0-90%78%41.5 → 49%0-85%   74.8%84.5%
Motorola Moto G51Smartphone (10)17.02.2022v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%45 → 64%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%88%27.6 → 43%0-64%68.1 → 79%0-86%91%100%68 → 76%0-90%60%   74.3%80.2%
Asus ExpertBook B7 Flip B7402FEAConvertible (5)15.02.2022v786 → 88%0-98%90%93%77.8 → 100%0-75%69.7 → 90%20-75%89%86%63 → 81%0-78%86.9 → 100%0-85%93%86%78 → 86%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   79.7%89.4%
Motorola Moto G200 5GSmartphone (10)14.02.2022v785%68.5 → 91%0-75%94%48.5 → 69%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%86%60.7 → 95%0-64%81 → 94%0-86%86%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%65%   79.2%85.3%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-511-54ZKSubnotebook (4)10.02.2022v783.3 → 85%0-98%87%86%62.6 → 83%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%89%90%61.4 → 79%0-78%91.5 → 100%0-85%92%92%76 → 84%0-91%26.4 → 31%0-85%   77.6%88.2%
Samsung Galaxy M32Smartphone (10)08.02.2022v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45 → 64%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%92%15.2 → 24%0-64%54 → 63%0-86%88%100%64 → 71%0-90%59%   71.9%78.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ITL05 81X80074GEOffice (2)07.02.2022v774.4 → 76%0-98%79%87%45.4 → 57%0-80%66.6 → 85%20-75%65%75%57.7 → 74%0-78%86.5 → 91%0-95%91%94%72%30.4 → 36%0-85%   71.1%79.3%
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5GSmartphone (10)07.02.2022v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%66.8 → 95%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%89%92%61.6 → 96%0-64%80.9 → 94%0-86%92%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%74%   82.5%88.8%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-45-R4R1Multimedia (1)04.02.2022v782.5 → 84%0-98%82%90%44.2 → 55%0-80%66.3 → 89%20-72%83.2 → 88%0-95%83%57 → 63%0-90%89.4 → 99%0-90%92%91.5 → 96%0-95%59%31.6 → 37%0-85%   73.2%81%
Microsoft Surface Duo 2Smartphone (10)04.02.2022v788%67.3 → 90%0-75%91%65.8 → 94%0-70%86.6 → 73%50-100%76%90%64.7 → 100%0-64%87.8 → 100%0-86%91%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%66%   80.9%84.3%
Vivo Y52 5GSmartphone (10)02.02.2022v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%44.8 → 64%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%87%25 → 39%0-64%65 → 76%0-86%91%100%64 → 71%0-90%64%   73.3%79.4%
Honor 50 LiteSmartphone (10)31.01.2022v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%82%47 → 67%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%87%12.2 → 19%0-64%59.3 → 69%0-86%92%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%56%   72.1%76.9%
Fujitsu Lifebook A3510 (FPC04905BP)Office (2)31.01.2022v772 → 73%0-98%76%86%63.4 → 79%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%71%81%52.2 → 67%0-78%82.5 → 87%0-95%96%94%60%40 → 47%0-85%   72.3%81.2%
Fairphone 4Smartphone (10)31.01.2022v785%65 → 87%0-75%91%47.2 → 67%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%90%87%28.8 → 45%0-64%77 → 90%0-86%84%100%64 → 71%0-90%65%   74.7%80.5%
Alldocube iPlay 40HTablet (9)29.01.2022v769.7 → 71%0-98%75 → 94%0-80%86%20.9 → 30%0-70%84 → 92%40-88%89%81%16.2 → 21%0-78%53.8 → 58%0-92%95%100%73.2 → 80%0-91%55 → 65%0-85%   69.1%80%
Xiaomi Redmi 9CSmartphone (10)28.01.2022v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%35 → 50%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%83%5.2 → 8%0-64%40 → 47%0-86%91%100%50 → 56%0-90%53%   67%73.8%
Acer Aspire 7 A715-42G-R0XBMultimedia (1)27.01.2022v780.4 → 82%0-98%83%86%48 → 60%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%74.7 → 79%0-95%82%76.2 → 85%0-90%86.7 → 96%0-90%91%93.4 → 98%0-95%49%42 → 49%0-85%   73.3%82.1%
Acer TravelMate P4 TMP414-51-59MROffice (2)27.01.2022v779.8 → 81%0-98%82%86%66.2 → 83%0-80%70.2 → 91%20-75%88%84%54.5 → 70%0-78%83.6 → 88%0-95%94%95%63%41 → 48%0-85%   76%85.3%
Dell Latitude 14 5420-D2G5WSubnotebook (4)27.01.2022v780.6 → 82%0-98%90%56%68 → 91%0-75%68.5 → 88%20-75%90%85%54 → 69%0-78%87.8 → 100%0-85%93%86%78.6 → 86%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   74.2%84.8%
MSI GE76 RaiderGaming (3)25.01.2022v781.6 → 83%0-98%83%81%69.8 → 87%0-80%56.4 → 83%10-66%64 → 67%0-95%88%99%98%85.9 → 90%0-95%66.4 → 74%0-90%85%40 → 47%0-85%   76.7%87.5%
Dell Inspiron 15 3000 3511Office (2)25.01.2022v778.6 → 80%0-98%72%86%42.5 → 53%0-80%67.1 → 86%20-75%71%78%54.3 → 70%0-78%89.3 → 94%0-95%92%97%66%38.5 → 45%0-85%   71.7%79.9%
LG Gram 15Z90P-G.AA89GSubnotebook (4)24.01.2022v773 → 74%0-98%80%83%62.4 → 83%0-75%73.7 → 98%20-75%90%81%59.1 → 76%0-78%84.8 → 100%0-85%93%96%68 → 75%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   74.5%84.9%
SCHENKER Vision 14Subnotebook (4)24.01.2022v787 → 89%0-98%88%98%66.7 → 89%0-75%73.5 → 97%20-75%67%92%86.9 → 100%0-78%94.6 → 100%0-85%83%84%69.4 → 76%0-91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   78.5%87.7%
Realme C25YSmartphone (10)20.01.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%39 → 56%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%81%16.1 → 25%0-64%61.6 → 72%0-86%86%100%40 → 44%0-90%48%   68.4%75.1%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 15 (Late 2021)Gaming (3)19.01.2022v781 → 83%0-98%83%86%68.6 → 86%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%66 → 69%0-95%89%98%94%74.7 → 79%0-95%46.4 → 52%0-90%70%38.4 → 45%0-85%   73.7%84.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 ChromebookConvertible (5)18.01.2022v763.6 → 65%0-98%64%77%51.4 → 69%0-75%79.6 → 100%20-75%89%87%24.2 → 31%0-78%54.9 → 65%0-85%95%100%76.2 → 84%0-91%55 → 65%0-85%   70.5%79.4%
Motorola Moto G31Smartphone (10)17.01.2022v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%45.4 → 65%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%92%90%15.8 → 25%0-64%57.1 → 66%0-86%93%100%71 → 79%0-90%57%   72.8%78.9%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 17 (Late 2021, RTX 3080)Gaming (3)17.01.2022v781.8 → 83%0-98%79%87%66.7 → 83%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%63.9 → 67%0-95%87%96%95%73.4 → 77%0-95%63.7 → 71%0-90%78%35.6 → 42%0-85%   74.3%84.7%
Xiaomi Poco M4 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)14.01.2022v781%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%49.9 → 71%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%85%28.6 → 45%0-64%70.5 → 82%0-86%93%100%71.8 → 80%0-90%66%   75.3%80.5%
Getac B360Office (2)12.01.2022v784 → 86%0-98%86%81%52.1 → 65%0-80%60.5 → 74%20-75%80%83%52 → 67%0-78%89.8 → 95%0-95%94%97%61%38 → 45%0-85%   73.7%83.8%
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s G3 20YA0005GESubnotebook (4)10.01.2022v789.8 → 92%0-98%83%90%57.2 → 76%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%89%92%61.6 → 79%0-78%90.8 → 100%0-85%92%86%78.4 → 86%0-91%28.8 → 34%0-85%   77.7%87.8%
Acer TravelMate Spin B3 TMB311RN-31-P5KKConvertible (5)10.01.2022v773.4 → 75%0-98%77%86%61.3 → 82%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%85%79%4.2 → 5%0-78%62.5 → 74%0-85%93%100%42.4 → 47%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   67.2%81%
MSI Alpha 15 B5EEK-008Gaming (3)09.01.2022v780.1 → 82%0-98%83%81%50.9 → 64%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%83.3 → 88%0-95%84%94%94%87.4 → 92%0-95%65.6 → 73%0-90%71%40 → 47%0-85%   74.9%82.6%
HP Pavilion 14-dv0357ngOffice (2)09.01.2022v788.1 → 90%0-98%85%92%54 → 68%0-80%69.7 → 90%20-75%67%85%61.1 → 78%0-78%85.5 → 90%0-95%93%95%72%30 → 35%0-85%   75.1%84.8%
Eurocom Nightsky ARX315Gaming (3)07.01.2022v778 → 80%0-98%79%79%64.7 → 81%0-80%58.8 → 87%10-66%19.1 → 20%0-95%86%99%96%89.7 → 94%0-95%53.9 → 60%0-90%70%39.2 → 46%0-85%   70.1%83%
Honor MagicBook View 14Subnotebook (4)07.01.2022v786.9 → 89%0-98%81%86%60.3 → 80%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%86%89%70.2 → 90%0-78%94.2 → 100%0-85%89%86%83.8 → 92%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   78.7%86.4%
Xiaomi Mi NoteBook ProMultimedia (1)06.01.2022v791 → 93%0-98%77%86%54.3 → 68%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%80.8 → 85%0-95%86%66.1 → 73%0-90%92.2 → 100%0-90%86%86.4 → 91%0-95%78%29.5 → 35%0-85%   75.7%83.7%
Vivo Y21sSmartphone (10)05.01.2022v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%43.5 → 62%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%82%16.3 → 25%0-64%76.7 → 89%0-86%90%100%50 → 56%0-90%50%   71%76.5%
Gigabyte A5 X1Gaming (3)03.01.2022v777.8 → 79%0-98%81%81%61.6 → 77%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%70.7 → 74%0-95%86%98%95%79.5 → 84%0-95%58.5 → 65%0-90%75%40.4 → 48%0-85%   74.3%84.1%
Samsung Galaxy M52 5GSmartphone (10)31.12.2021v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%48.6 → 69%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%91%91%52.5 → 82%0-64%73.3 → 85%0-86%88%100%72.8 → 81%0-90%64%   78.1%84.7%
Vivo Y33sSmartphone (10)30.12.2021v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%43.8 → 63%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%84%16.2 → 25%0-64%71.1 → 83%0-86%92%100%56 → 62%0-90%50%   71.4%76.9%
Huawei Nova 9Smartphone (10)29.12.2021v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%95%51.7 → 74%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%89%91%51.1 → 80%0-64%77 → 90%0-86%93%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%64%   79.4%85.3%
Lenovo Flex 3 Chrome 11M836Convertible (5)26.12.2021v775.5 → 77%0-98%79%89%42.7 → 57%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%90%76%11.1 → 14%0-78%49.4 → 58%0-85%95%100%71 → 78%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   68.7%79.9%
mobilcom-debitel rephoneSmartphone (10)23.12.2021v787%65.8 → 88%0-75%93%47.7 → 68%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%81%15.8 → 25%0-64%65.4 → 76%0-86%93%100%64 → 71%0-90%64%   73.5%79.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme G4-20Y50040GEMultimedia (1)23.12.2021v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%71.8 → 90%0-80%64.7 → 86%20-72%71 → 75%0-95%91%96.4 → 100%0-90%94.7 → 100%0-90%77%76.2 → 80%0-95%89%34 → 40%0-85%   79.9%88.3%
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 15 NP950XDB-KC5USMultimedia (1)23.12.2021v782.6 → 84%0-98%86%86%64.7 → 81%0-80%74.3 → 100%20-72%88.3 → 93%0-95%85%68.7 → 76%0-90%90.7 → 100%0-90%94%93.5 → 98%0-95%81%41.5 → 49%0-85%   79.8%87.3%
Acer Aspire 1 A114-61-S58JOffice (2)22.12.2021v772.5 → 74%0-98%77%85%37.2 → 47%0-80%69 → 89%20-75%91%80%18 → 23%0-78%49.5 → 52%0-95%94%100%50%42 → 49%0-85%   66.6%77.6%
Samsung Galaxy A12 Exynos SM-A127FSmartphone (10)22.12.2021v778%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%40.7 → 58%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%83%9.7 → 15%0-64%47.5 → 55%0-86%93%100%68.8 → 76%0-90%50%   69.5%74.9%
Honor 50Smartphone (10)22.12.2021v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%95%51.4 → 73%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%89%52.7 → 82%0-64%79.8 → 93%0-86%92%100%79.2 → 88%0-90%62%   79.5%85.5%
Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NESmartphone (10)19.12.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%53.8 → 77%0-70%91.6 → 83%50-100%90%94%53.1 → 83%0-64%77.6 → 90%0-86%94%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%65%   80.1%86.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ALC6Multimedia (1)18.12.2021v768.6 → 70%0-98%82%69%46.4 → 58%0-80%66.7 → 90%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%81%60.1 → 67%0-90%89.8 → 100%0-90%95%90 → 95%0-95%72%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73%80.4%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 2021Smartphone (10)17.12.2021v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%46.9 → 67%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%85%15.5 → 24%0-64%57.9 → 67%0-86%91%100%72 → 80%0-90%60%   72.8%78.4%
MSI Summit B15 A11MOffice (2)15.12.2021v778.4 → 80%0-98%79%78%61.8 → 77%0-80%68.7 → 89%20-75%72%81%69.6 → 89%0-78%92.1 → 97%0-95%88%84%69%36.5 → 43%0-85%   73.7%81.2%
Acer Swift 1 SF114-34-P6U1Office (2)15.12.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%80%86%46.7 → 58%0-80%71.4 → 93%20-75%90%82%28.9 → 37%0-78%59.9 → 63%0-95%93%100%65%42.5 → 50%0-85%   71.2%81.5%
Xiaomi Pad 5Tablet (9)14.12.2021v780.1 → 82%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%94%40.6 → 58%0-70%82.9 → 89%40-88%90%85%60.4 → 77%0-78%79.7 → 87%0-92%94%100%82.8 → 91%0-91%53 → 62%0-85%   78%87.6%
Samsung Galaxy A03sSmartphone (10)13.12.2021v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%36.7 → 52%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%82%5.8 → 9%0-64%45.5 → 53%0-86%92%100%54 → 60%0-90%44%   67.2%73.6%
Gigaset GS5Smartphone (10)13.12.2021v787%66.2 → 88%0-75%89%49.4 → 71%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%82%17 → 27%0-64%70.1 → 82%0-86%92%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%64%   74.7%79.5%
MSI GP66 Leopard 11UH-028Gaming (3)11.12.2021v769.9 → 71%0-98%86%79%57.7 → 72%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%53.9 → 57%0-95%87%98%96%81.7 → 86%0-95%83.7 → 93%0-90%82%38 → 45%0-85%   74.9%85.4%
Xiaomi 11T ProSmartphone (10)10.12.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%54.8 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%92%63.8 → 100%0-64%82.5 → 96%0-86%93%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%69%   81.8%87.6%
Samsung Galaxy M22Smartphone (10)09.12.2021v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.5 → 66%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%92%90%15.2 → 24%0-64%58.8 → 68%0-86%89%100%68 → 76%0-90%57%   72.7%79.2%
Asus ROG Phone 5sSmartphone (10)09.12.2021v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%73.1 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%92%70.4 → 100%0-64%92.6 → 100%0-86%90%100%80 → 89%0-90%71%   84.3%88.7%
Acer Swift 3X SF314-510G-70DWMultimedia (1)09.12.2021v785.1 → 87%0-98%88%85%47.9 → 60%0-80%70.6 → 97%20-72%90 → 95%0-95%91%73.8 → 82%0-90%90 → 100%0-90%92%87.7 → 92%0-95%60%36.4 → 43%0-85%   76.7%86.1%
Dell Inspiron 14 5410-D3D7TConvertible (5)07.12.2021v779.6 → 81%0-98%86%92%59.7 → 80%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%71%76%55.5 → 71%0-78%85.2 → 100%0-85%92%99%74 → 81%0-91%19.2 → 23%0-85%   73.6%84.8%
Xiaomi Mix 4Smartphone (10)07.12.2021v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%93%63.4 → 99%0-64%87.7 → 100%0-86%95%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%73%   81.9%87.7%
Motorola Moto E20Smartphone (10)06.12.2021v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%38.8 → 55%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%90%84%9.3 → 15%0-64%64.1 → 75%0-86%94%100%62 → 69%0-90%42%   69.7%74.9%
Acer Enduro Urban N3 EUN314Office (2)03.12.2021v776.6 → 78%0-98%80%85%59.6 → 75%0-80%65.1 → 82%20-75%71%80%66.3 → 85%0-78%90.7 → 95%0-95%92%97%58%38 → 45%0-85%   73.7%82.4%
Dell Inspiron 13 7306-6TYH5Convertible (5)01.12.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%89%96%58.3 → 78%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%73%85%62.1 → 80%0-78%88.4 → 100%0-85%94%89%80 → 88%0-91%26 → 31%0-85%   76.4%86.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 Pro 14ACN6Subnotebook (4)01.12.2021v783.1 → 85%0-98%86%86%47.7 → 64%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%86%85%63.6 → 82%0-78%93.2 → 100%0-85%94%92%74.4 → 82%0-91%26.5 → 31%0-85%   75.9%85.5%
Dell Latitude 15 9520 2-in-1Office (2)30.11.2021v792.9 → 95%0-98%93%86%69.7 → 87%0-80%67 → 85%20-75%90%83%69.2 → 89%0-78%90.7 → 95%0-95%92%94%89%39 → 46%0-85%   81.2%89.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad L15 G2-20X4S0KU00Office (2)30.11.2021v777.2 → 79%0-98%91%86%65.8 → 82%0-80%64.7 → 81%20-75%71%82%54.8 → 70%0-78%89.4 → 94%0-95%91%97%63%28.4 → 33%0-85%   73.9%84.6%
Medion Erazer Deputy P25Gaming (3)30.11.2021v771.4 → 73%0-98%79%78%57.8 → 72%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%72.7 → 77%0-95%81%96%95%88.6 → 93%0-95%59.3 → 66%0-90%65%42.5 → 50%0-85%   72.9%81.4%
Google Pixel 6Smartphone (10)27.11.2021v790%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%54 → 77%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%58.4 → 91%0-64%80.9 → 94%0-86%91%100%76 → 84%0-90%79%   81.4%87.4%
Alienware m15 R6, i7-11800H RTX 3080Gaming (3)26.11.2021v779.3 → 81%0-98%86%86%64.7 → 81%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%63.2 → 67%0-95%88%97%92%75.6 → 80%0-95%79.8 → 89%0-90%75%33.2 → 39%0-85%   75.4%86.1%
Asus Vivobook 13 SlateConvertible (5)25.11.2021v784.7 → 86%0-98%87%86%62.2 → 83%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%77%84%50.8 → 65%0-78%70.8 → 83%0-85%83%100%80 → 88%0-91%60.4 → 71%0-85%   76.5%86%
Realme GT Neo 2Smartphone (10)25.11.2021v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%50.7 → 72%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%87%58 → 91%0-64%80 → 93%0-86%88%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%67%   79.1%85.2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 MaxMultimedia (1)25.11.2021v789.9 → 92%0-98%92%100%64.8 → 81%0-80%61.7 → 80%20-72%90.4 → 95%0-95%93%97.4 → 100%0-90%95 → 100%0-90%89%89.5 → 94%0-95%98%36.8 → 43%0-85%   84.4%92.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G2-20X1003WGEOffice (2)24.11.2021v781.6 → 83%0-98%89%86%70.5 → 88%0-80%67.2 → 86%20-75%74%84%56.1 → 72%0-78%89.9 → 95%0-95%92%96%53%22 → 26%0-85%   73.9%85.6%
Microsoft Surface Pro 8, i7-1185G7Convertible (5)23.11.2021v790.6 → 92%0-98%87%92%60 → 80%0-75%76.8 → 100%20-75%81%90%69.1 → 89%0-78%89.1 → 100%0-85%80%92%88.2 → 97%0-91%62.8 → 74%0-85%   81.3%89.1%
Gigabyte U4 UDSubnotebook (4)23.11.2021v786 → 88%0-98%84%81%58.5 → 78%0-75%75.7 → 100%20-75%61%88%61.8 → 79%0-78%93.2 → 100%0-85%93%83%59.6 → 65%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   73.9%84.4%
Nokia T20Tablet (9)23.11.2021v783.4 → 85%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%94%39.7 → 57%0-70%83.6 → 91%40-88%92%80%10 → 13%0-78%59.9 → 65%0-92%96%100%64 → 70%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   70.4%82.1%
Asus ExpertBook B1 B1400CEAE, i5-1135G7Office (2)22.11.2021v784 → 86%0-98%78%91%65.5 → 82%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%74%80%58.6 → 75%0-78%87.5 → 92%0-95%87%96%81%32.8 → 39%0-85%   75.7%83.9%
GPD Pocket 3Handheld / UMPC (6)22.11.2021v783%72.3 → 90%0-80%86%61.5 → 95%0-65%79.4 → 84%35-88%69%83%62.1 → 91%0-68%93 → 100%0-76%90%91.7 → 100%0-91%72.6 → 85%0-85%   0-0%   75%86.3%
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7610-MHJ8FMultimedia (1)22.11.2021v783.1 → 85%0-98%80%78%63.5 → 79%0-80%62.9 → 83%20-72%87.7 → 92%0-95%88%59 → 66%0-90%89.4 → 99%0-90%89%86.4 → 91%0-95%61%33.6 → 40%0-85%   73.9%82.6%
Gigabyte G5 GDGaming (3)22.11.2021v779 → 81%0-98%81%75%65.2 → 82%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%52.7 → 55%0-95%81%91%92%85.6 → 90%0-95%64.8 → 72%0-90%71%35.6 → 42%0-85%   71.9%81.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 G2 AMD 20XH001KGESubnotebook (4)19.11.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%88%92%72 → 96%0-75%69.7 → 90%20-75%88%90%64.7 → 83%0-78%93 → 100%0-85%92%98%74.8 → 82%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   80.4%90.6%
Nokia G50Smartphone (10)19.11.2021v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.6 → 67%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%91%83%29 → 45%0-64%72 → 84%0-86%94%100%52 → 58%0-90%47%   72.7%78.5%
MSI Creator Z16 A11UET-209Multimedia (1)18.11.2021v790.1 → 92%0-98%83%81%65.2 → 82%0-80%61.7 → 80%20-72%87.7 → 92%0-95%87%91.7 → 100%0-90%94.4 → 100%0-90%84%72.7 → 77%0-95%84%24.4 → 29%0-85%   77.3%86.7%
Realme PadTablet (9)18.11.2021v783.8 → 86%0-98%67.7 → 85%0-80%91%38.4 → 55%0-70%84.1 → 92%40-88%90%82%16.5 → 21%0-78%74.4 → 81%0-92%96%100%70 → 77%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   72%82.9%
Acer Chromebook Spin 511 R752T-C26NConvertible (5)16.11.2021v776.4 → 78%0-98%79%94%47.1 → 63%0-75%72.8 → 96%20-75%81%75%13.9 → 18%0-78%57.4 → 68%0-85%93%100%70 → 77%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   67.9%80.3%
Asus ExpertBook B1 B1500CEAE, i5-1135G7Office (2)16.11.2021v784.7 → 86%0-98%79%91%68.6 → 86%0-80%66.3 → 84%20-75%75%82%53.1 → 68%0-78%87.8 → 92%0-95%90%97%76%33.6 → 40%0-85%   75.7%84.8%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 15 NH57E PSGaming (3)16.11.2021v778 → 80%0-98%79%79%61.5 → 77%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%86%96%94%90.1 → 95%0-95%79.5 → 88%0-90%63%38 → 45%0-85%   74.8%84.4%
Motorola Moto E40Smartphone (10)16.11.2021v782%64.6 → 86%0-75%92%40.8 → 58%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%91%85%18.5 → 29%0-64%61.1 → 71%0-86%93%100%60 → 67%0-90%48%   71.2%77.1%
Asus Vivobook 15 K513EQMultimedia (1)15.11.2021v772.4 → 74%0-98%80%67%49 → 61%0-80%68.3 → 93%20-72%68.9 → 73%0-95%87%66.8 → 74%0-90%90.3 → 100%0-90%88%87.6 → 92%0-95%82%37 → 44%0-85%   72.6%80.6%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 ProMultimedia (1)13.11.2021v789.9 → 92%0-98%92%100%63.4 → 79%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%90.9 → 96%0-95%93%90.7 → 100%0-90%95.9 → 100%0-90%93%97.4 → 100%0-95%98%36.8 → 43%0-85%   84.8%93.2%
Asus ExpertBook B5 Flip B5302FEAConvertible (5)13.11.2021v781.7 → 83%0-98%89%95%62.6 → 83%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%89%87%60.2 → 77%0-78%87.6 → 100%0-85%90%90%73.4 → 81%0-91%33.6 → 40%0-85%   77.7%88.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme G4-20Y5CTO1WW (3050 Ti)Multimedia (1)12.11.2021v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%63 → 83%20-72%70.1 → 74%0-95%91%89.2 → 99%0-90%94.2 → 100%0-90%88%82.6 → 87%0-95%78%33.2 → 39%0-85%   79.6%89%
Motorola Edge 20Smartphone (10)10.11.2021v787%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%50.1 → 72%0-70%91.2 → 82%50-100%90%89%50 → 78%0-64%78.1 → 91%0-86%88%100%54 → 60%0-90%68%   77.2%84.2%
Acer Spin 3 SP314-21N-R4GUConvertible (5)10.11.2021v777.8 → 79%0-98%76%87%51.4 → 69%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%75%78%47.9 → 61%0-78%74.4 → 88%0-85%94%93%63.2 → 69%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   71.4%81.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G9-20XW0089GESubnotebook (4)09.11.2021v789.7 → 92%0-98%89%95%67 → 89%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%88%72%66.1 → 85%0-78%88.9 → 100%0-85%91%92%83.8 → 92%0-91%22.4 → 26%0-85%   78.2%87.4%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G2 ITL 20VDS02G00Office (2)05.11.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%78%81%67.9 → 85%0-80%69.1 → 89%20-75%78%84%54.5 → 70%0-78%87.7 → 92%0-95%94%91%82%22 → 26%0-85%   74.6%83.6%
Xiaomi Redmi 10Smartphone (10)05.11.2021v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%50 → 71%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%88%15.7 → 25%0-64%62.6 → 73%0-86%92%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%57%   73.9%79%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Pro EntryMultimedia (1)02.11.2021v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%100%63.1 → 79%0-80%67.8 → 92%20-72%89.7 → 94%0-95%94%89.2 → 99%0-90%95 → 100%0-90%88%89.9 → 95%0-95%97%36.8 → 43%0-85%   84%92.7%
Lenovo Legion S7 15ACH6 82K80030GEGaming (3)02.11.2021v781.9 → 84%0-98%85%86%64.1 → 80%0-80%63.4 → 95%10-66%73 → 77%0-95%95%97%94%76.2 → 80%0-95%71.9 → 80%0-90%83%40 → 47%0-85%   77.7%87.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 7i Pro 14IHU5Subnotebook (4)02.11.2021v780.7 → 82%0-98%86%84%63.1 → 84%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%82%87%70.1 → 90%0-78%92.3 → 100%0-85%91%90%80.6 → 89%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   78.5%86.9%
Xiaomi Pad 5 ProTablet (9)31.10.2021v780.1 → 82%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%94%47.2 → 67%0-70%82.9 → 89%40-88%90%89%65.2 → 84%0-78%83 → 90%0-92%91%100%83.8 → 92%0-91%53 → 62%0-85%   79.3%88.7%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 17 M21Gaming (3)30.10.2021v777.4 → 79%0-98%81%78%57.7 → 72%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%62.9 → 66%0-95%84%99%96%85.6 → 90%0-95%59.9 → 67%0-90%74%38.5 → 45%0-85%   73.3%83.4%
Lenovo Tab P11 PlusTablet (9)29.10.2021v782.3 → 84%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%91%40.8 → 58%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%90%83%29.7 → 38%0-78%62.6 → 68%0-92%92%100%80.4 → 88%0-91%46.6 → 55%0-85%   73.8%84.1%
Asus VivoBook 15 Pro M3500QC-L1062Multimedia (1)29.10.2021v770.3 → 72%0-98%85%84%47.8 → 60%0-80%66.9 → 90%20-72%84.9 → 89%0-95%89%87.3 → 97%0-90%93.7 → 100%0-90%91%88.5 → 93%0-95%77%29.6 → 35%0-85%   76.6%85.9%
Dynabook Portégé X30W-J-10KConvertible (5)28.10.2021v781.5 → 83%0-98%75%83%63.7 → 85%0-75%75.6 → 100%20-75%89%91%68.6 → 88%0-78%91.1 → 100%0-85%93%94%81.2 → 89%0-91%37.6 → 44%0-85%   78.7%87.2%
Teclast T40 PlusTablet (9)28.10.2021v772.6 → 74%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%83%41.3 → 59%0-70%83.9 → 91%40-88%89%84%15.8 → 20%0-78%53.2 → 58%0-92%92%100%75.8 → 83%0-91%32.2 → 38%0-85%   68.7%79.9%
Xiaomi 11TSmartphone (10)27.10.2021v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%54.1 → 77%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%92%59.8 → 93%0-64%78.6 → 91%0-86%91%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%68%   80.5%86.6%
Oppo A16sSmartphone (10)27.10.2021v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%86%47.6 → 68%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%87%6.4 → 10%0-64%61.4 → 71%0-86%93%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%51%   72.1%77%
Apple iPhone 13 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)25.10.2021v793%68.1 → 91%0-75%98%60.3 → 86%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%93%94%65 → 100%0-64%95 → 100%0-86%88%100%80 → 89%0-90%81%   84.8%90.5%
Apple iPhone 13 miniSmartphone (10)24.10.2021v791%64.6 → 86%0-75%94%60.3 → 86%0-70%93.1 → 86%50-100%90%94%61.8 → 97%0-64%94.9 → 100%0-86%91%100%74 → 82%0-90%76%   83.5%89.8%
Motorola Edge 20 LiteSmartphone (10)23.10.2021v783%68.5 → 91%0-75%92%48 → 69%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%87%29.2 → 46%0-64%64.1 → 75%0-86%87%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%64%   75.3%81.5%
Motorola Edge 20 ProSmartphone (10)22.10.2021v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%46.4 → 66%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%92%61.6 → 96%0-64%81.9 → 95%0-86%90%100%66 → 73%0-90%72%   80%86.9%
HP Chromebook x2 11-da0023dxConvertible (5)22.10.2021v783.4 → 85%0-98%57%71%51.2 → 68%0-75%81.8 → 100%20-75%87%88%28.1 → 36%0-78%58.8 → 69%0-85%90%100%71.2 → 78%0-91%41 → 48%0-85%   69.9%79.5%
Huawei MateBook 16 R7 5800HMultimedia (1)22.10.2021v791.1 → 93%0-98%89%89%62.8 → 79%0-80%63.1 → 83%20-72%88.8 → 93%0-95%87%62.4 → 69%0-90%94.2 → 100%0-90%91%92.6 → 97%0-95%85%27.2 → 32%0-85%   78.7%86.5%
Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 2021Tablet (9)21.10.2021v784 → 86%0-98%72.7 → 91%0-80%93%48.8 → 70%0-70%81.4 → 86%40-88%91%88%67.1 → 86%0-78%77.4 → 84%0-92%94%100%88.2 → 97%0-91%57.8 → 68%0-85%   80.3%88.8%
Dell XPS 15 9510 i5 11400H FHDMultimedia (1)20.10.2021v790.3 → 92%0-98%85%94%62.6 → 78%0-80%65.6 → 88%20-72%76.4 → 80%0-95%88%51.6 → 57%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%90%97.4 → 100%0-95%76%26.8 → 32%0-85%   76.5%84.2%
Lenovo ThinkBook 13x G1-20WJ001KGESubnotebook (4)20.10.2021v785.8 → 88%0-98%82%87%50 → 67%0-75%73.6 → 97%20-75%87%91%68.4 → 88%0-78%83.5 → 98%0-85%89%97%88.6 → 97%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   77.9%87.3%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 14ITL05 82A300CNGEOffice (2)20.10.2021v782.9 → 85%0-98%85%78%60.1 → 75%0-80%70.7 → 92%20-75%89%88%63.2 → 81%0-78%89.6 → 94%0-95%92%98%67%41 → 48%0-85%   77.2%86.4%
Dynabook Tecra A40-J-12EOffice (2)18.10.2021v777.8 → 79%0-98%84%81%62.7 → 78%0-80%69.6 → 90%20-75%89%79%54.8 → 70%0-78%89.8 → 95%0-95%91%98%75%32 → 38%0-85%   75.6%84.4%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021Desktop (11)17.10.2021v783.8 → 86%0-98%81%98%64.4 → 80%0-81%   10-0%   0-0%82%80%93%93%92%97%30.8 → 36%0-85%   68.8%85.4%
Apple iPad Mini 6Tablet (9)17.10.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%93%52.9 → 76%0-70%86.4 → 97%40-88%90%93%61.7 → 79%0-78%94.8 → 100%0-92%93%100%76 → 84%0-91%56 → 66%0-85%   80.7%90.7%
Lenovo Yoga Tab 11Tablet (9)16.10.2021v783.9 → 86%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%88%34.2 → 49%0-70%80.6 → 85%40-88%91%87%29.2 → 37%0-78%63.5 → 69%0-92%93%100%87 → 96%0-91%41 → 48%0-85%   73.5%83.4%
Gigabyte A7 X1Gaming (3)16.10.2021v780 → 82%0-98%81%78%61.5 → 77%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%84%98%94%85.1 → 90%0-95%56.5 → 63%0-90%72%34.4 → 40%0-85%   72.7%83.2%
Apple iPad 2021Tablet (9)15.10.2021v784.7 → 86%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%92%46 → 66%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%90%88%60.7 → 78%0-78%90.9 → 99%0-92%90%100%80 → 88%0-91%46.8 → 55%0-85%   78.9%88.5%
Microsoft Surface Go 3 Core i3Convertible (5)15.10.2021v782.6 → 84%0-98%80%89%51.7 → 69%0-75%78.5 → 100%20-75%74%89%33.6 → 43%0-78%74.6 → 88%0-85%89%100%70.2 → 77%0-91%46.4 → 55%0-85%   73.8%85.3%
MSI Delta 15 A5EFKGaming (3)14.10.2021v777 → 79%0-98%77%78%56.2 → 70%0-80%63.5 → 96%10-66%79.1 → 83%0-95%84%95%94%75.9 → 80%0-95%69.1 → 77%0-90%80%40 → 47%0-85%   74.5%82.9%
Apple iPhone 13 ProSmartphone (10)13.10.2021v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%98%60.8 → 87%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%94%65.1 → 100%0-64%94.9 → 100%0-86%91%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%81%   85%90.8%
Apple iPhone 13Smartphone (10)12.10.2021v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%48 → 69%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%92%94%64.6 → 100%0-64%94.3 → 100%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%78%   82.1%88.7%
Dell G15 5515Gaming (3)12.10.2021v774.9 → 76%0-98%79%81%59.7 → 75%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%78.8 → 83%0-95%80%93%93%83.5 → 88%0-95%80.8 → 90%0-90%72%40 → 47%0-85%   75%82.7%
Lenovo Yoga 6 13ALC6Convertible (5)09.10.2021v777.3 → 79%0-98%82%83%59.8 → 80%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%89%81%61.9 → 79%0-78%91.6 → 100%0-85%87%93%75.8 → 83%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   76.6%85%
HP Omen 16-b0085ngGaming (3)07.10.2021v778.9 → 81%0-98%89%63%66 → 83%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%85%100%93%82.2 → 87%0-95%76.8 → 85%0-90%83%38 → 45%0-85%   75.8%86.6%
Dell Inspiron 15 3501Office (2)06.10.2021v773.8 → 75%0-98%72%86%46.7 → 58%0-80%63.5 → 79%20-75%73%83%63.8 → 82%0-78%88.9 → 94%0-95%92%95%77%41 → 48%0-85%   73.5%80.5%
Acer Swift 3 SF316-51Multimedia (1)06.10.2021v786 → 88%0-98%85%92%51.9 → 65%0-80%66.9 → 90%20-72%86.6 → 91%0-95%88%72.4 → 80%0-90%91.7 → 100%0-90%90%94 → 99%0-95%70%40.8 → 48%0-85%   78.1%86.4%
Huawei MateBook 14s i7Subnotebook (4)05.10.2021v789.9 → 92%0-98%88%89%61.8 → 82%0-75%69.7 → 90%20-75%88%89%69.2 → 89%0-78%93 → 100%0-85%90%89%89.8 → 99%0-91%28 → 33%0-85%   79.5%88.6%
Dell XPS 13 9310 2-in-1Convertible (5)05.10.2021v783 → 85%0-98%84%86%63.9 → 85%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%89%82%66.7 → 86%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%88%92%83 → 91%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   78.1%86.7%
Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Gen2 Core i5Subnotebook (4)04.10.2021v785 → 87%0-98%83%89%50.9 → 68%0-75%72.9 → 96%20-75%77%89%57.7 → 74%0-78%89 → 100%0-85%89%91%88.6 → 97%0-91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   76.4%86.1%
Alienware x15 RTX 3070 P111FGaming (3)04.10.2021v779.6 → 81%0-98%90%86%66.2 → 83%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%69.3 → 73%0-95%87%99%95%77.4 → 81%0-95%82 → 91%0-90%67%41 → 48%0-85%   76.9%87.2%
Xiaomi Mi NoteBook 14 Horizon EditionMultimedia (1)04.10.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%62%78%42 → 53%0-80%70.8 → 98%20-72%89.4 → 94%0-95%79%67.7 → 75%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%81%84.1 → 89%0-95%51%20.5 → 24%0-85%   68.9%78%
SCHENKER XMG Focus 17Gaming (3)03.10.2021v777.4 → 79%0-98%83%81%62.8 → 79%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%56.4 → 59%0-95%85%92%95%75.7 → 80%0-95%54.5 → 61%0-90%63%41 → 48%0-85%   71.2%81.3%
Sony Xperia 5 IIISmartphone (10)01.10.2021v790%69.2 → 92%0-75%95%53.8 → 77%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%89%89%57 → 89%0-64%85.9 → 100%0-86%85%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%70%   80.9%87.1%
Nubia RedMagic 6S ProSmartphone (10)30.09.2021v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%65.3 → 93%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%86%57.3 → 90%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%70%61%78.8 → 88%0-90%60%   75.6%83.6%
Motorola DefySmartphone (10)30.09.2021v788%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%45.7 → 65%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%90%82%12.4 → 19%0-64%58.2 → 68%0-86%91%100%66 → 73%0-90%57%   72.3%78%
SCHENKER XMG Focus 15Gaming (3)29.09.2021v778.5 → 80%0-98%83%83%62.8 → 79%0-80%63.7 → 96%10-66%57.2 → 60%0-95%89%93%95%77.3 → 81%0-95%53 → 59%0-90%74%39 → 46%0-85%   72.9%83.2%
Alienware x17 RTX 3080 P48EGaming (3)28.09.2021v785 → 87%0-98%87%89%69.2 → 87%0-80%55.1 → 81%10-66%68.2 → 72%0-95%90%99%96%79.7 → 84%0-95%81.9 → 91%0-90%81%40 → 47%0-85%   78.4%89%
Dell Inspiron 14 7400 7415 2-in-1Convertible (5)28.09.2021v779.9 → 82%0-98%79%81%51.9 → 69%0-75%68.7 → 89%20-75%89%74%61.8 → 79%0-78%90.9 → 100%0-85%90%93%86 → 95%0-91%38.5 → 45%0-85%   75.6%82.9%
Samsung Galaxy A52s 5GSmartphone (10)27.09.2021v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%51.4 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%91%50 → 78%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%87%100%70 → 78%0-90%66%   78.9%85.1%
Oppo Reno6 5GSmartphone (10)27.09.2021v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%52.8 → 75%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%90%38.3 → 60%0-64%73.4 → 85%0-86%88%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%67%   77.8%83.8%
HP Victus 16-e0179ngGaming (3)27.09.2021v776.8 → 78%0-98%81%83%62.5 → 78%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%68.2 → 72%0-95%87%94%95%76.7 → 81%0-95%77.2 → 86%0-90%71%38 → 45%0-85%   74.6%84.3%
ZTE Axon 30 5GSmartphone (10)25.09.2021v781%67.3 → 90%0-75%93%63.3 → 90%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%89%90%64.6 → 100%0-64%83.3 → 97%0-86%88%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%67%   81%86.6%
Motorola Moto G60sSmartphone (10)25.09.2021v785%68.5 → 91%0-75%93%47.7 → 68%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%88%27.3 → 43%0-64%64.4 → 75%0-86%92%100%78.8 → 88%0-90%61%   75.6%80.9%
Razer Blade 17 RTX 3070Gaming (3)23.09.2021v793.5 → 95%0-98%82%89%74.2 → 93%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%83%99%97%86.3 → 91%0-95%84.2 → 94%0-90%83%40.5 → 48%0-85%   79.5%89.4%
Lenovo Yoga Tab 13Tablet (9)23.09.2021v784.6 → 86%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%94%43.3 → 62%0-70%77.8 → 79%40-88%92%84%61.1 → 78%0-78%83.4 → 91%0-92%92%100%84 → 92%0-91%25.4 → 30%0-85%   76.8%86.2%
Fujitsu LifeBook U9311X i7 LTEConvertible (5)22.09.2021v779.5 → 81%0-98%72%82%80.5 → 100%0-75%74.7 → 99%20-75%81%86%67 → 86%0-78%87.1 → 100%0-85%90%94%64.2 → 71%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.5%85.6%
SCHENKER XMG NEO 17 GM7TG8SGaming (3)21.09.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%89%82%66.3 → 83%0-80%59.3 → 88%10-66%54.8 → 58%0-95%91%97%96%78.9 → 83%0-95%77.1 → 86%0-90%77%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.9%87.4%
Asus ROG Phone 5 UltimateSmartphone (10)20.09.2021v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%75.6 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%92%70.1 → 100%0-64%92.2 → 100%0-86%92%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%70%   84.7%88.9%
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5GSmartphone (10)20.09.2021v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%51.8 → 74%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%85%92%53.4 → 83%0-64%84.8 → 99%0-86%93%100%78 → 87%0-90%77%   81%86.3%
Razer Blade Stealth 13 2021 OLEDSubnotebook (4)20.09.2021v788.6 → 90%0-98%75%88%63.1 → 84%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%59%89%81.8 → 100%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%87%83%70.8 → 78%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   75.8%83.8%
Asus ROG Phone 5 ProSmartphone (10)19.09.2021v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%73.1 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%92%70.6 → 100%0-64%92.5 → 100%0-86%92%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%70%   84.6%89%
Blackview Tab 10Tablet (9)18.09.2021v774.9 → 76%0-98%69.6 → 87%0-80%59%29 → 41%0-70%82.8 → 89%40-88%90%78%6.6 → 8%0-78%48.5 → 53%0-92%92%100%74.8 → 82%0-91%52 → 61%0-85%   65.9%74.3%
Huawei MatePad 11 2021Tablet (9)17.09.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%93%61.6 → 88%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%90%83%62.9 → 81%0-78%78.4 → 85%0-92%93%100%85.6 → 94%0-91%52.8 → 62%0-85%   79.9%88.4%
MSI GS76 Stealth 11UHGaming (3)16.09.2021v772.5 → 74%0-98%79%75%67.9 → 85%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%70.7 → 74%0-95%91%97%97%77.4 → 81%0-95%73.6 → 82%0-90%83%41.5 → 49%0-85%   75.8%86.2%
GPD Win Max 2021Handheld / UMPC (6)15.09.2021v765%56.2 → 70%0-80%57%47.3 → 73%0-65%77.4 → 80%35-88%87%80%63.9 → 94%0-68%91.2 → 100%0-76%92%78.9 → 87%0-91%73.6 → 87%0-85%   0-0%   66.8%79.3%
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5GSmartphone (10)15.09.2021v792%73.1 → 97%0-75%97%69.7 → 100%0-70%86.8 → 74%50-100%89%92%56.9 → 89%0-64%83.7 → 97%0-86%92%100%78.4 → 87%0-90%78%   83.7%88.9%
Dell Inspiron 15 5518-2X3JROffice (2)14.09.2021v775.8 → 77%0-98%82%86%62.1 → 78%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%87%84%71.1 → 91%0-78%87.2 → 92%0-95%85%81%79%37 → 44%0-85%   75.6%82.3%
Teclast TBOLT F15 ProOffice (2)14.09.2021v765.4 → 67%0-98%72%78%41.2 → 52%0-80%63.7 → 79%20-75%68%82%53.8 → 69%0-78%80.2 → 84%0-95%88%100%71%25.2 → 30%0-85%   68.4%77%
MSI Katana GF66 11UG-220Gaming (3)13.09.2021v771.3 → 73%0-98%75%78%48 → 60%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%65 → 68%0-95%85%92%91%78.7 → 83%0-95%64.3 → 71%0-90%71%35.2 → 41%0-85%   70.4%79.2%
Realme GT Master EditionSmartphone (10)13.09.2021v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%51.6 → 74%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%89%88%53.7 → 84%0-64%77.8 → 90%0-86%83%100%70 → 78%0-90%61%   77.5%84%
Lenovo ThinkBook 16p G2 ACHMultimedia (1)10.09.2021v778.6 → 80%0-98%85%82%63.2 → 79%0-80%62.7 → 82%20-72%75.9 → 80%0-95%92%93.9 → 100%0-90%95 → 100%0-90%83%88.3 → 93%0-95%75%38.8 → 46%0-85%   77.9%87%
Lenovo Legion 5 15ACH-82JU00C6GE-FLGaming (3)07.09.2021v776.6 → 78%0-98%84%87%55.7 → 70%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%59.6 → 63%0-95%87%93%95%87.2 → 92%0-95%66.6 → 74%0-90%80%28 → 33%0-85%   73.7%83.4%
Panasonic Toughbook FZ-55 MK2Office (2)07.09.2021v784.6 → 86%0-98%77%69%64.3 → 80%0-80%60.9 → 74%20-75%90%85%69.9 → 90%0-78%91 → 96%0-95%92%95%74%44 → 52%0-85%   76.7%83.9%
Asus Chromebook Flip CX5 CX5500FEAConvertible (5)06.09.2021v775 → 77%0-98%80%85%54 → 72%0-75%63.6 → 79%20-75%87%78%65.9 → 84%0-78%94.7 → 100%0-85%94%94%79 → 87%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   76.3%83.6%
Dell Inspiron 13 5310-NJ24JSubnotebook (4)05.09.2021v786.5 → 88%0-98%81%85%63.5 → 85%0-75%71.3 → 93%20-75%88%90%74 → 95%0-78%87 → 100%0-85%83%83%78.8 → 87%0-91%22 → 26%0-85%   76.3%85.7%
LG Gram 17Z90P-G.AA56GOffice (2)04.09.2021v778.1 → 80%0-98%86%85%69.9 → 87%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%90%83%61.8 → 79%0-78%88.9 → 94%0-95%93%97%77%36 → 42%0-85%   78.1%86.7%
HP 14s-fq1357ngSubnotebook (4)02.09.2021v770 → 71%0-98%63%77%35.4 → 47%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%82%82%55.4 → 71%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%93%86%63.2 → 69%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   68.3%76.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 Pro 16ACHMultimedia (1)02.09.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%83%84%62.6 → 78%0-80%63.3 → 83%20-72%87.6 → 92%0-95%91%83.8 → 93%0-90%93.1 → 100%0-90%87%83.1 → 87%0-95%58%25.2 → 30%0-85%   75.6%86.1%
Gigabyte G5 KCGaming (3)31.08.2021v780.3 → 82%0-98%81%75%67.2 → 84%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%55.3 → 58%0-95%81%95%90%80.4 → 85%0-95%38.6 → 43%0-90%67%34.4 → 40%0-85%   69.8%80.7%
Fujitsu LifeBook U7311 i5Subnotebook (4)30.08.2021v779.8 → 81%0-98%86%77%72.8 → 97%0-75%72.1 → 95%20-75%81%83%57.6 → 74%0-78%88.1 → 100%0-85%92%94%70.8 → 78%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%   75.8%86.4%
Nokia XR20Smartphone (10)29.08.2021v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%97%53.6 → 77%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%90%87%27.4 → 43%0-64%67.7 → 79%0-86%91%100%62 → 69%0-90%60%   75.3%81.1%
HP EliteBook 830 G8-i7-1165G7Subnotebook (4)26.08.2021v790.2 → 92%0-98%89%85%73.5 → 98%0-75%71.1 → 93%20-75%84%77%64 → 82%0-78%91.9 → 100%0-85%92%94%68 → 75%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   77.9%88%
Wiko Power U30Smartphone (10)26.08.2021v780%66.9 → 89%0-75%83%40.5 → 58%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%93%80%5.4 → 8%0-64%44.1 → 51%0-86%92%100%70 → 78%0-90%49%   68.6%73.8%
Samsung Galaxy A22 4GSmartphone (10)25.08.2021v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%44 → 63%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%93%84%14.1 → 22%0-64%56.7 → 66%0-86%87%100%62 → 69%0-90%59%   71.4%78.1%
Xiaomi Mi 11iSmartphone (10)24.08.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%55 → 79%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%91%59.3 → 93%0-64%85.9 → 100%0-86%90%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%70%   80.9%86.6%
Vivo V21 5GSmartphone (10)23.08.2021v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%51.2 → 73%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%90%91%39.1 → 61%0-64%85.8 → 100%0-86%92%100%77 → 86%0-90%72%   79.2%84.8%
Asus ROG Strix G17 G713QE-RB74Gaming (3)21.08.2021v783 → 85%0-98%87%85%58.6 → 73%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%68.6 → 72%0-95%81%92%93%89.5 → 94%0-95%86.5 → 96%0-90%67%0 → 0%0-85%   73.1%83.4%
Oppo A74 5GSmartphone (10)20.08.2021v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%49.9 → 71%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%93%90%30.5 → 48%0-64%79.7 → 93%0-86%90%100%73 → 81%0-90%60%   76.6%82.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 Pro 16IHU6Multimedia (1)19.08.2021v782 → 84%0-98%83%87%63.3 → 79%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%85.7 → 90%0-95%90%77.4 → 86%0-90%90.1 → 100%0-90%81%91.4 → 96%0-95%59%43.5 → 51%0-85%   76.8%86%
HP Envy 17-cgMultimedia (1)18.08.2021v785.3 → 87%0-98%84%86%63 → 79%0-80%58.3 → 74%20-72%78.9 → 83%0-95%80%69.9 → 78%0-90%87.1 → 97%0-90%91%78.6 → 83%0-95%75%31.2 → 37%0-85%   74.5%82.4%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-45-R1JHGaming (3)18.08.2021v775.3 → 77%0-98%81%85%49.2 → 62%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%68 → 72%0-95%84%95%93%85.8 → 90%0-95%79.7 → 89%0-90%62%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.9%82.2%
HP Pavilion Aero 13 be0097nrSubnotebook (4)16.08.2021v772.2 → 74%0-98%75%75%55.7 → 74%0-75%75.8 → 100%20-75%85%89%63.4 → 81%0-78%91.7 → 100%0-85%93%97%66.6 → 73%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   75.1%84.4%
OnePlus Nord 2 5GSmartphone (10)15.08.2021v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%50.8 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%90%52.8 → 83%0-64%77.8 → 90%0-86%80%100%74 → 82%0-90%70%   78.4%85.1%
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7610Multimedia (1)13.08.2021v783.1 → 85%0-98%80%78%64.1 → 80%0-80%62.7 → 82%20-72%88.2 → 93%0-95%89%90.8 → 100%0-90%92.1 → 100%0-90%85%82 → 86%0-95%70%37 → 44%0-85%   77%86.7%
Samsung Galaxy Book GoOffice (2)12.08.2021v782.5 → 84%0-98%80%88%43.8 → 55%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%90%72%17.9 → 23%0-78%56.4 → 59%0-95%90%100%75%32.4 → 38%0-85%   69.1%79.3%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16ACH6H (82JQ001PGE)Gaming (3)12.08.2021v784.1 → 86%0-98%85%83%63.8 → 80%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%74.1 → 78%0-95%93%95%94%81.3 → 86%0-95%86.5 → 96%0-90%66%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.2%87.4%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 LiteTablet (9)12.08.2021v776.1 → 78%0-98%71.5 → 89%0-80%85%42.8 → 61%0-70%85.3 → 94%40-88%89%78%9.5 → 12%0-78%44.7 → 49%0-92%92%100%72.2 → 79%0-91%47 → 55%0-85%   68.7%79.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad E15 G3-20YG003UGEOffice (2)11.08.2021v779.8 → 81%0-98%91%88%55.4 → 69%0-80%65.3 → 82%20-75%88%85%64.5 → 83%0-78%91.2 → 96%0-95%83%95%81%31.2 → 37%0-85%   76.7%85.5%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-41-R9S5Gaming (3)11.08.2021v777.1 → 79%0-98%82%89%44.7 → 56%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%67.1 → 71%0-95%81%97%93%88.3 → 93%0-95%80 → 89%0-90%64%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.2%82%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-53-54DQGaming (3)11.08.2021v776.6 → 78%0-98%81%86%50.6 → 63%0-80%59.3 → 88%10-66%75.2 → 79%0-95%81%89%92%84.8 → 89%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%71%40 → 47%0-85%   74.2%81.1%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15ALC05Multimedia (1)11.08.2021v783.9 → 86%0-98%89%87%57.3 → 72%0-80%66.5 → 89%20-72%89.9 → 95%0-95%81%63.8 → 71%0-90%89.1 → 99%0-90%88%91.5 → 96%0-95%52%43.5 → 51%0-85%   75.5%83.5%
HP EliteBook 850 G8 3C7Z8EAOffice (2)10.08.2021v787.9 → 90%0-98%85%89%70.3 → 88%0-80%66 → 84%20-75%75%83%65.1 → 83%0-78%92.5 → 97%0-95%93%94%63%28.2 → 33%0-85%   76.2%86.1%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro 14ACH5Subnotebook (4)10.08.2021v780.7 → 82%0-98%86%84%54.7 → 73%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%86%85%64.8 → 83%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-85%91%93%60.8 → 67%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.3%86%
Samsung Galaxy A22 5GSmartphone (10)10.08.2021v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%48.6 → 69%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%83%25.3 → 40%0-64%65.2 → 76%0-86%91%100%64 → 71%0-90%58%   73.6%79.6%
Asus Zenfone 8 FlipSmartphone (10)10.08.2021v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%54.8 → 78%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%87%90%65.9 → 100%0-64%87.6 → 100%0-86%91%100%81 → 90%0-90%72%   82%87%
Dell XPS 15 9510 11800H RTX 3050 Ti OLEDMultimedia (1)09.08.2021v790.3 → 92%0-98%85%94%62.6 → 78%0-80%63.8 → 84%20-72%80 → 84%0-95%92%80.1 → 89%0-90%89.1 → 99%0-90%88%95.5 → 100%0-95%76%26.8 → 32%0-85%   78.7%88.4%
HP EliteBook Folio 13.5-3G2L2EAConvertible (5)09.08.2021v786.1 → 88%0-98%80%88%50.9 → 68%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%90%80%51.2 → 66%0-78%65.8 → 77%0-85%95%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   73.2%84%
HP EliteBook 840 Aero G8 3E4Q6AAOffice (2)09.08.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%89%92%67.5 → 84%0-80%72.6 → 96%20-75%89%89%68.5 → 88%0-78%91.6 → 96%0-95%89%98%83%37.5 → 44%0-85%   81%89.8%
Nubia RedMagic 6RSmartphone (10)06.08.2021v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%64.3 → 92%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%85%89%57 → 89%0-64%85.2 → 99%0-86%25%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%59%   74.4%81.6%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-41-R5Z7Gaming (3)05.08.2021v777.1 → 79%0-98%82%89%45.6 → 57%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%68 → 72%0-95%80%95%93%89.2 → 94%0-95%73.2 → 81%0-90%64%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.7%81.3%
MSI Summit E14 A11SCSOffice (2)04.08.2021v780.6 → 82%0-98%79%86%64.1 → 80%0-80%71.5 → 94%20-75%61%89%79.3 → 100%0-78%93.4 → 98%0-95%82%79%74%37.5 → 44%0-85%   75%82.3%
MSI Prestige 14 Evo A11MO-026USSubnotebook (4)03.08.2021v781.1 → 83%0-98%79%89%62.8 → 84%0-75%72.3 → 95%20-75%82%87%71.4 → 92%0-78%91 → 100%0-85%84%88%76.8 → 84%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   76.6%85.3%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE 5GTablet (9)31.07.2021v785.6 → 87%0-98%72.3 → 90%0-80%92%64.7 → 92%0-70%81.4 → 86%40-88%92%86%31.1 → 40%0-78%70 → 76%0-92%92%100%88.8 → 98%0-91%48.4 → 57%0-85%   77.3%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14 G2 AMDOffice (2)31.07.2021v781.6 → 83%0-98%89%86%72.7 → 91%0-80%66.9 → 85%20-75%80%81%58.1 → 74%0-78%93.1 → 98%0-95%91%98%53%21.2 → 25%0-85%   74.7%86.1%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 15 G533QSGaming (3)31.07.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%90%83%58.4 → 73%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%75.9 → 80%0-95%86%99%93%88.2 → 93%0-95%77.9 → 87%0-90%81%0 → 0%0-85%   75.2%86.3%
Nokia X10Smartphone (10)29.07.2021v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%49.8 → 71%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%84%27.4 → 43%0-64%66.7 → 78%0-86%89%100%64 → 71%0-90%64%   74.3%80.2%
HP ProBook x360 435 G8 R7-5800UConvertible (5)29.07.2021v786.3 → 88%0-98%86%87%63.7 → 85%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%87%79%58.9 → 76%0-78%91.3 → 100%0-85%89%89%72 → 79%0-91%23.2 → 27%0-85%   75.5%85.7%
Asus BR1100FKA-BP0109RAConvertible (5)29.07.2021v777.1 → 79%0-98%64%67%49.1 → 65%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%78%77%15.7 → 20%0-78%36.2 → 43%0-85%92%100%76 → 84%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   65.6%74.9%
Framework Laptop 13.5Office (2)28.07.2021v777.3 → 79%0-98%87%83%67.1 → 84%0-80%71.4 → 93%20-75%80%86%64.6 → 83%0-78%94.5 → 99%0-95%92%84%76%43.5 → 51%0-85%   77.4%85.4%
MSI Modern 14 B11SB-085Multimedia (1)27.07.2021v775.4 → 77%0-98%83%86%60.8 → 76%0-80%71.4 → 99%20-72%83.6 → 88%0-95%84%70.7 → 79%0-90%86.6 → 96%0-90%79%78 → 82%0-95%66%38 → 45%0-85%   74%82.2%
Medion Erazer Beast X25Gaming (3)26.07.2021v785 → 87%0-98%83%83%62.7 → 78%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%73.2 → 77%0-95%87%98%95%74.3 → 78%0-95%57.2 → 64%0-90%77%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75%85%
Lenovo ThinkPad L15 G2 AMDOffice (2)26.07.2021v777.2 → 79%0-98%91%86%59.1 → 74%0-80%63.9 → 80%20-75%79%84%57.8 → 74%0-78%92.2 → 97%0-95%91%98%63%29.2 → 34%0-85%   74.6%85.1%
Dell XPS 17 9710 Core i7 RTX 3060Multimedia (1)25.07.2021v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%88%65.9 → 82%0-80%59.9 → 77%20-72%77.1 → 81%0-95%87%94.6 → 100%0-90%94.7 → 100%0-90%88%80.9 → 85%0-95%84%36 → 42%0-85%   79.5%87.9%
Samsung Galaxy S21 UltraSmartphone (10)23.07.2021v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%98%69.4 → 99%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%62.5 → 98%0-64%85.3 → 99%0-86%92%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%81%   84.3%90.4%
Xiaomi Mi 11 UltraSmartphone (10)23.07.2021v790%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%57.9 → 83%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%93%65 → 100%0-64%84.4 → 98%0-86%90%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%79%   83.3%89.2%
Vivo Y72 5GSmartphone (10)23.07.2021v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%44.7 → 64%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%92%85%29.5 → 46%0-64%68 → 79%0-86%88%100%62 → 69%0-90%63%   73.8%80%
Nokia G20Smartphone (10)22.07.2021v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%37.4 → 53%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%93%82%4.4 → 7%0-64%60.8 → 71%0-86%91%100%54 → 60%0-90%56%   70%76.4%
Sony Xperia 1 IIISmartphone (10)20.07.2021v790%68.1 → 91%0-75%97%51.8 → 74%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%85%87%61.3 → 96%0-64%85.5 → 99%0-86%90%100%84 → 93%0-90%75%   81.8%87.2%
Oppo A54 5GSmartphone (10)20.07.2021v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%48.3 → 69%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%89%27.4 → 43%0-64%66.2 → 77%0-86%89%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%56%   74.6%80%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53-786BGaming (3)20.07.2021v780.3 → 82%0-98%83%86%58.7 → 73%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%85%95%88%75.6 → 80%0-95%74.9 → 83%0-90%74%42 → 49%0-85%   74.9%83.8%
Vivo X60 ProSmartphone (10)17.07.2021v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%53.8 → 77%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%89%93%61.6 → 96%0-64%86.5 → 100%0-86%90%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%74%   81.5%87.5%
Lenovo Yoga 6 13 82ND0009USConvertible (5)17.07.2021v777.3 → 79%0-98%82%83%59.8 → 80%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%90%81%64.2 → 82%0-78%88.5 → 100%0-85%89%91%72 → 79%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   75.9%84.7%
Sony Xperia 10 IIISmartphone (10)17.07.2021v789%64.6 → 86%0-75%93%65 → 93%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%93%25.1 → 39%0-64%65.3 → 76%0-86%92%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%60%   77.3%83.4%
Xiaomi Black Shark 4Smartphone (10)17.07.2021v784%91.9 → 100%0-75%96%46 → 66%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%87%65 → 100%0-64%91.6 → 100%0-86%88%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%71%   82.5%86.3%
Asus TUF Gaming A15 FA506QR-AZ061TGaming (3)16.07.2021v778.5 → 80%0-98%81%96%54.8 → 69%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%88.9 → 94%0-95%88%96%94%85.7 → 90%0-95%81.3 → 90%0-90%64%36 → 42%0-85%   77.2%85%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 G3-20Y7003SGEOffice (2)14.07.2021v786.4 → 88%0-98%92%88%59.5 → 74%0-80%67.9 → 87%20-75%89%84%62.2 → 80%0-78%90.7 → 95%0-95%84%96%74%23.2 → 27%0-85%   76.7%86.7%
HP Pavilion x360 14-dy0157ngConvertible (5)14.07.2021v772 → 73%0-98%77%87%53 → 71%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%77%77%56 → 72%0-78%89.1 → 100%0-85%92%94%67.8 → 75%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   72.7%81.8%
Realme GT 5GSmartphone (10)14.07.2021v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%53.5 → 76%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%89%92%58.5 → 91%0-64%79.2 → 92%0-86%90%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%64%   79.9%85.9%
Dell Inspiron 13 5301-0D0XNSubnotebook (4)14.07.2021v783.6 → 85%0-98%81%92%58.2 → 78%0-75%73.2 → 97%20-75%63%85%59.1 → 76%0-78%88 → 100%0-85%90%82%75.6 → 83%0-91%26.8 → 32%0-85%   73.6%83.8%
Asus VivoBook S15 D533UAOffice (2)13.07.2021v782.9 → 85%0-98%82%85%45.6 → 57%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%85%83%62.6 → 80%0-78%89.6 → 94%0-95%90%84%75%40.5 → 48%0-85%   74.6%82.1%
OnePlus Nord CE 5G (Nord Core Edition)Smartphone (10)13.07.2021v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%48.1 → 69%0-70%90.6 → 81%50-100%91%91%31.8 → 50%0-64%72.2 → 84%0-86%87%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%68%   76.9%83.1%
Asus ROG Zephyrus S17 GX703HSDGaming (3)13.07.2021v784.6 → 86%0-98%89%92%78.3 → 98%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%73.5 → 77%0-95%86%100%96%78.2 → 82%0-95%76.1 → 85%0-90%84%44 → 52%0-85%   79.9%90.1%
Samsung Galaxy S21 UltraSmartphone (10)11.07.2021v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%98%69.4 → 99%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%62.5 → 98%0-64%85.3 → 99%0-86%92%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%81%   84.3%90.4%
Xiaomi Mi 11 UltraSmartphone (10)11.07.2021v790%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%57.9 → 83%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%93%65 → 100%0-64%84.4 → 98%0-86%90%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%79%   83.3%89.2%
Razer Blade 15 Advanced (Mid 2021)Gaming (3)10.07.2021v787.5 → 89%0-98%81%89%70.3 → 88%0-80%62.8 → 94%10-66%68.2 → 72%0-95%88%99%97%81.7 → 86%0-95%82 → 91%0-90%80%42.5 → 50%0-85%   79.1%88.9%
Asus ZenBook Flip 13 UX363EA-HP069TConvertible (5)10.07.2021v786.9 → 89%0-98%89%95%58.1 → 77%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%89%81%61.3 → 79%0-78%83.8 → 99%0-85%88%81%72.2 → 79%0-91%45.5 → 54%0-85%   77.1%86.3%
Motorola Moto G20Smartphone (10)08.07.2021v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%45.8 → 65%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%85%15.7 → 25%0-64%56.7 → 66%0-86%90%100%70 → 78%0-90%53%   72.2%78.1%
MSI GE76 Raider 11UH-472USGaming (3)08.07.2021v779.8 → 81%0-98%88%78%67.7 → 85%0-80%56.4 → 83%10-66%65.9 → 69%0-95%82%99%96%84.7 → 89%0-95%65.1 → 72%0-90%84%40.4 → 48%0-85%   76%86.2%
Dell Latitude 9420 2-in-1Convertible (5)07.07.2021v788.6 → 90%0-98%85%89%71.2 → 95%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%89%86%70.3 → 90%0-78%91.9 → 100%0-85%83%96%92 → 100%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   80.7%89%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 G2 20WK0024GESubnotebook (4)06.07.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%88%92%72.9 → 97%0-75%70.9 → 93%20-75%89%88%67.4 → 86%0-78%89.3 → 100%0-85%84%93%74.8 → 82%0-91%36.4 → 43%0-85%   79.3%89.3%
Medion Erazer Beast X20Gaming (3)06.07.2021v786.1 → 88%0-98%83%83%62.7 → 78%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%74.5 → 78%0-95%90%97%91%75.5 → 79%0-95%62.2 → 69%0-90%75%41.5 → 49%0-85%   75.6%85.5%
Motorola Moto G50Smartphone (10)06.07.2021v784%63.5 → 85%0-75%91%43.6 → 62%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%92%83%30.5 → 48%0-64%63.3 → 74%0-86%88%100%58 → 64%0-90%57%   72.6%79.2%
Amazon Fire HD 10 Plus 2021Tablet (9)05.07.2021v778.3 → 80%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%87%37 → 53%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%90%81%12.3 → 16%0-78%52.4 → 57%0-92%94%100%74.6 → 82%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   69.3%80.3%
Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 4GSmartphone (10)05.07.2021v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%51.1 → 73%0-70%91.7 → 83%50-100%90%92%31.9 → 50%0-64%71.2 → 83%0-86%91%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%64%   77.5%83.8%
HP Pavilion x360 15-er0155ngConvertible (5)05.07.2021v770.9 → 72%0-98%76%87%50.3 → 67%0-75%65.5 → 83%20-75%73%76%66.4 → 85%0-78%89.7 → 100%0-85%92%93%71.2 → 78%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   73%80.8%
Chuwi CoreBook XSubnotebook (4)04.07.2021v761.3 → 63%0-98%85%81%39.5 → 53%0-75%69.1 → 89%20-75%72%79%53.6 → 69%0-78%83.1 → 98%0-85%88%90%71.2 → 78%0-91%25.5 → 30%0-85%   69.1%79%
Samsung Galaxy Book NP750XDAOffice (2)04.07.2021v780.5 → 82%0-98%75%84%55.6 → 70%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%88%84%65.3 → 84%0-78%87.8 → 92%0-95%91%87%67%30.4 → 36%0-85%   74.1%82%
Honor MagicBook 15 i5 1135G7Office (2)01.07.2021v782 → 84%0-98%82%91%41.3 → 52%0-80%68.7 → 89%20-75%77%86%63.7 → 82%0-78%86 → 91%0-95%92%96%77%32 → 38%0-85%   75%83.6%
Asus Zephyrus G14 GA401QMGaming (3)01.07.2021v783 → 85%0-98%81%85%52.8 → 66%0-80%66.8 → 100%10-66%89.1 → 94%0-95%85%93%95%77.9 → 82%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%81%0 → 0%0-85%   74.3%83.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s G2 20WM003TGEOffice (2)30.06.2021v787.7 → 89%0-98%94%93%71.5 → 89%0-80%71.3 → 93%20-75%89%87%70.1 → 90%0-78%88 → 93%0-95%90%96%64%20.8 → 24%0-85%   78.6%89.4%
Asus TUF Gaming F15 FX506HMGaming (3)30.06.2021v778.5 → 80%0-98%81%96%63.1 → 79%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%79 → 83%0-95%80%94%95%88.9 → 94%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%81%36 → 42%0-85%   78.7%85.9%
Motorola Moto E7 PowerSmartphone (10)29.06.2021v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%34.8 → 50%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%81%5.5 → 9%0-64%55.2 → 64%0-86%91%100%62 → 69%0-90%43%   68.1%73.8%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 GU603HGaming (3)29.06.2021v782.1 → 84%0-98%79%86%66.3 → 83%0-80%62.7 → 94%10-66%78.1 → 82%0-95%90%96%95%73.4 → 77%0-95%62.3 → 69%0-90%82%31.6 → 37%0-85%   75.6%85.6%
Xiaomi Poco M3 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)28.06.2021v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%48 → 69%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%88%24.4 → 38%0-64%70.5 → 82%0-86%91%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%61%   75.1%80.5%
Apple iPad Pro 12.9 2021 A2378Tablet (9)27.06.2021v786.1 → 88%0-98%78.5 → 98%0-80%97%54.8 → 78%0-70%80.1 → 84%40-88%89%92%77 → 99%0-78%95 → 100%0-92%92%100%89.8 → 99%0-91%70.4 → 83%0-85%   84.7%91.3%
MSI Katana GF76 11UEGaming (3)26.06.2021v779.5 → 81%0-98%82%83%47.6 → 60%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%55.1 → 58%0-95%82%94%92%81.8 → 86%0-95%55.9 → 62%0-90%79%33.2 → 39%0-85%   71%80.4%
Acer Spin 3 SP313-51N-56YVConvertible (5)25.06.2021v785.3 → 87%0-98%77%79%56.9 → 76%0-75%70.1 → 91%20-75%80%81%66.7 → 86%0-78%90.2 → 100%0-85%93%96%63.6 → 70%0-91%19.6 → 23%0-85%2%68.5%85.7%
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX706HMGaming (3)24.06.2021v781.7 → 83%0-98%81%85%54.9 → 69%0-80%58.8 → 87%10-66%77 → 81%0-95%80%96%94%79.6 → 84%0-95%73.7 → 82%0-90%72%26.4 → 31%0-85%   73.9%82.8%
Razer Blade 14 Ryzen 9 RTX 3070Gaming (3)23.06.2021v789.4 → 91%0-98%81%92%59.9 → 75%0-80%65.8 → 100%10-66%75.8 → 80%0-95%89%97%94%81.1 → 85%0-95%85.8 → 95%0-90%73%38.5 → 45%0-85%   78.7%87.5%
Alienware m15 R5 Ryzen EditionGaming (3)23.06.2021v778.9 → 81%0-98%85%86%57.7 → 72%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%70.9 → 75%0-95%88%95%93%67.8 → 71%0-95%78.4 → 87%0-90%78%33.6 → 40%0-85%   74.8%84.7%
Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13Convertible (5)23.06.2021v786.4 → 88%0-98%64%94%64.4 → 86%0-75%74.4 → 99%20-75%92%88%63 → 81%0-78%88.5 → 100%0-85%90%88%80 → 88%0-91%34.6 → 41%0-85%   77.4%85.4%
Aorus 17G YDGaming (3)23.06.2021v784.1 → 86%0-98%87%86%70.4 → 88%0-80%57.7 → 85%10-66%67.2 → 71%0-95%85%97%95%86.6 → 91%0-95%56.7 → 63%0-90%75%39 → 46%0-85%   75.9%86%
Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro 2021Tablet (9)22.06.2021v777.6 → 79%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%87%36.2 → 52%0-70%79.6 → 83%40-88%89%81%13.3 → 17%0-78%54.4 → 59%0-92%94%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   68.7%78.6%
HP Pavilion 15-egMultimedia (1)22.06.2021v774.4 → 76%0-98%74%81%57.5 → 72%0-80%66 → 88%20-72%72 → 76%0-95%76%75 → 83%0-90%92 → 100%0-90%86%90 → 95%0-95%82%34.5 → 41%0-85%   73.9%81.2%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TP470EZConvertible (5)22.06.2021v779 → 81%0-98%78%67%51.2 → 68%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%76%74%67 → 86%0-78%90.5 → 100%0-85%90%84%69 → 76%0-91%33 → 39%0-85%   71.3%79.1%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 5GSmartphone (10)20.06.2021v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%50.1 → 72%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%88%22.4 → 35%0-64%70.5 → 82%0-86%90%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%61%   75%80.4%
MSI Modern 15 A11M-062Office (2)20.06.2021v779.6 → 81%0-98%79%78%61.2 → 77%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%74%84%61.5 → 79%0-78%89.8 → 95%0-95%90%82%62%32.6 → 38%0-85%   72.5%81.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10SSmartphone (10)18.06.2021v787%65.8 → 88%0-75%89%47.6 → 68%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%92%91%29.1 → 45%0-64%50.1 → 58%0-86%91%100%73 → 81%0-90%63%   74.5%81.1%
SCHENKER Vision 14Subnotebook (4)17.06.2021v787 → 89%0-98%88%98%68.2 → 91%0-75%74.7 → 99%20-75%69%92%68.8 → 88%0-78%94.5 → 100%0-85%88%92%69.4 → 76%0-91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   78.3%89.1%
Xiaomi RedmiBook Pro 15Multimedia (1)16.06.2021v785.1 → 87%0-98%77%86%61.3 → 77%0-80%66.1 → 89%20-72%80.9 → 85%0-95%84%72 → 80%0-90%93 → 100%0-90%81%85.6 → 90%0-95%73%26.4 → 31%0-85%   74.7%83.2%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2021Tablet (9)16.06.2021v786.1 → 88%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%97%68.4 → 98%0-70%83.6 → 91%40-88%90%89%75.2 → 96%0-78%94.3 → 100%0-92%93%100%87.4 → 96%0-91%70.4 → 83%0-85%   85.5%92.6%
Dell Latitude 13 7320 Detachable, i7-1180G7Convertible (5)16.06.2021v781.3 → 83%0-98%79%83%73.1 → 97%0-75%78.5 → 100%20-75%89%85%67.6 → 87%0-78%89.9 → 100%0-85%91%91%80.4 → 88%0-91%57.5 → 68%0-85%   80.5%87.7%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 Tiger LakeGaming (3)14.06.2021v783.8 → 86%0-98%85%84%68.2 → 85%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%65.5 → 69%0-95%86%100%96%84.8 → 89%0-95%70 → 78%0-90%75%33.2 → 39%0-85%   76.4%87%
Aorus 15P YDGaming (3)14.06.2021v782 → 84%0-98%83%87%67.6 → 85%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%65.1 → 69%0-95%85%99%95%79.7 → 84%0-95%69.6 → 77%0-90%77%38 → 45%0-85%   76.2%86.4%
Lenovo Legion 7 16ACHg6Gaming (3)12.06.2021v780.4 → 82%0-98%85%87%64.6 → 81%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%70.8 → 75%0-95%94%98%95%76.3 → 80%0-95%74.2 → 82%0-90%89%36 → 42%0-85%   77.6%88.1%
Xiaomi Mi 11 UltraSmartphone (10)11.06.2021v790%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%57.9 → 83%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%93%65 → 100%0-64%84.4 → 98%0-86%90%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%79%   83.3%89.2%
HP Elite Dragonfly MaxConvertible (5)09.06.2021v789.8 → 92%0-98%94%84%70.6 → 94%0-75%73 → 96%20-75%89%84%65.8 → 84%0-78%90.6 → 100%0-85%90%98%88.4 → 97%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   81.4%90.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga G2Convertible (5)09.06.2021v788.6 → 90%0-98%89%93%69.8 → 93%0-75%72.3 → 95%20-75%87%94%66.8 → 86%0-78%85.7 → 100%0-85%90%97%67.2 → 74%0-91%24.8 → 29%0-85%   78.8%91.1%
Oppo A94 5GSmartphone (10)07.06.2021v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%49.5 → 71%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%92%90%34.7 → 54%0-64%69.4 → 81%0-86%93%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%61%   76.5%82.1%
Alienware m15 R4 RTX 3080Gaming (3)06.06.2021v784.1 → 86%0-98%89%89%65.1 → 81%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%33 → 35%0-95%89%98%92%68.7 → 72%0-95%73.1 → 81%0-90%79%33.6 → 40%0-85%   73.4%86.1%
ZTE Axon 30 Ultra 5GSmartphone (10)06.06.2021v787%67.3 → 90%0-75%94%54.6 → 78%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%88%86%64 → 100%0-64%90.3 → 100%0-86%85%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%72%   80.8%86.4%
Asus ZenFone 8Smartphone (10)04.06.2021v789%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%53.1 → 76%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%76%91%65.8 → 100%0-64%84.3 → 98%0-86%90%100%82.2 → 91%0-90%70%   81%85.9%
LG Gram 16 (2021)Office (2)03.06.2021v783.2 → 85%0-98%84%92%63.9 → 80%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%91%80%60.4 → 77%0-78%84.8 → 89%0-95%92%98%73%37 → 44%0-85%   77.7%86.3%
Asus ZenBook Pro Duo UX582 LR-1BH2Multimedia (1)02.06.2021v784.3 → 86%0-98%81%82%59.3 → 74%0-80%60.4 → 78%20-72%75.6 → 80%0-95%88%95.7 → 100%0-90%92.2 → 100%0-90%85%81.9 → 86%0-95%82%32 → 38%0-85%   76.9%85.8%
Dell XPS 13 9310 OLEDSubnotebook (4)02.06.2021v791.4 → 93%0-98%84%88%63.4 → 85%0-75%72.1 → 95%20-75%72%90%70 → 90%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%88%96%83.4 → 92%0-91%29.6 → 35%0-85%   78.5%88.3%
Samsung Galaxy M12Smartphone (10)01.06.2021v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%38.8 → 55%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%91%83%9.2 → 14%0-64%58.6 → 68%0-86%91%100%66 → 73%0-90%51%   70.3%75.7%
Oppo A74Smartphone (10)01.06.2021v781%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%46.5 → 66%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%89%12.2 → 19%0-64%61.1 → 71%0-86%92%100%82.8 → 92%0-90%55%   73.5%78.9%
SCHENKER XMG Core 17 (Early 2021)Gaming (3)30.05.2021v778.8 → 80%0-98%83%81%62.5 → 78%0-80%59.5 → 88%10-66%60.7 → 64%0-95%88%95%92%85.8 → 90%0-95%60.6 → 67%0-90%74%38 → 45%0-85%   73.7%83.9%
HP Envy x360 15-eu0097nrConvertible (5)29.05.2021v779.6 → 81%0-98%83%90%61.6 → 82%0-75%64.7 → 81%20-75%88%84%67.3 → 86%0-78%91.7 → 100%0-85%91%96%70.6 → 78%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   77.3%86.4%
Gigabyte Aero 17 HDR YDGaming (3)28.05.2021v787.2 → 89%0-98%85%81%70.7 → 88%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%66.5 → 70%0-95%95%98%97%81.7 → 86%0-95%59.5 → 66%0-90%76%36 → 42%0-85%   76.2%88%
Asus Strix Scar 17 G733QSA-XS99Gaming (3)28.05.2021v781.1 → 83%0-98%85%86%56.4 → 71%0-80%57.9 → 86%10-66%87 → 92%0-95%87%99%97%90.4 → 95%0-95%86.2 → 96%0-90%77%0 → 0%0-85%   76.1%86.6%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 13 Ryzen 5Subnotebook (4)28.05.2021v780.7 → 82%0-98%82%89%43.3 → 58%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%89%87%62.7 → 80%0-78%86.9 → 100%0-85%86%94%83.4 → 92%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   75.9%85.2%
Xiaomi Poco X3 ProSmartphone (10)26.05.2021v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%52.6 → 75%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%89%60.1 → 94%0-64%78 → 91%0-86%88%100%77 → 86%0-90%60%   78.9%84.6%
LG Gram 14Z90P-G.AA79GSubnotebook (4)25.05.2021v783 → 85%0-98%85%88%65.5 → 87%0-75%75.5 → 100%20-75%91%82%70.1 → 90%0-78%92.2 → 100%0-85%92%98%69.4 → 76%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   79.3%88.3%
Motorola Moto E7i PowerSmartphone (10)25.05.2021v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%33.6 → 48%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%82%5 → 8%0-64%46.2 → 54%0-86%91%100%60 → 67%0-90%43%   67.1%73.2%
HP Spectre x360 14-ea0378ngConvertible (5)25.05.2021v789.8 → 92%0-98%89%85%65.3 → 87%0-75%70.9 → 93%20-75%83%91%60.9 → 78%0-78%87.8 → 100%0-85%92%95%76.4 → 84%0-91%34.5 → 41%0-85%   78.5%89.5%
HP Envy 13-ba1475ngSubnotebook (4)24.05.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%80%92%51.2 → 68%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%88%85%72 → 92%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%86%88%85.2 → 94%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   77.6%85.3%
Motorola Moto E6iSmartphone (10)24.05.2021v774%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%32.9 → 47%0-70%91.4 → 83%50-100%90%81%5 → 8%0-64%46.4 → 54%0-86%90%100%66.4 → 74%0-90%40%   67.2%73.3%
Honor Magicbook 14 i7-1165G7Office (2)23.05.2021v783.5 → 85%0-98%83%86%49.2 → 62%0-80%70.5 → 92%20-75%88%89%62.9 → 81%0-78%93 → 98%0-95%89%88%78%34.8 → 41%0-85%   76.5%84.9%
Acer Aspire Nitro 5 AN515-55-57GFGaming (3)22.05.2021v774.1 → 76%0-98%75%81%51.6 → 65%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%66.4 → 70%0-95%82%93%89%83.6 → 88%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%66%41 → 48%0-85%   72.2%80.5%
Nokia G10Smartphone (10)22.05.2021v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%35.9 → 51%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%86%6.3 → 10%0-64%53.7 → 62%0-86%91%100%56 → 62%0-90%55%   69.7%76.3%
Xiaomi Redmi K40 ProSmartphone (10)21.05.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%53 → 76%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%89%93%65.2 → 100%0-64%90.1 → 100%0-86%90%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%65%   81.3%86.9%
Xiaomi Poco F3Smartphone (10)21.05.2021v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%51.8 → 74%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%93%61.1 → 95%0-64%83.8 → 97%0-86%92%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%63%   80.2%86%
Asus ZenBook 13 UX325EASubnotebook (4)20.05.2021v787.2 → 89%0-98%89%95%63.1 → 84%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%87%90%68.8 → 88%0-78%84.1 → 99%0-85%90%85%77.2 → 85%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   79%88.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 14ALC05 82LM005YGESubnotebook (4)20.05.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%86%86%59.1 → 79%0-75%70.4 → 92%20-75%89%85%63.5 → 81%0-78%88.9 → 100%0-85%92%91%59.6 → 65%0-91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   76%86.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10Smartphone (10)19.05.2021v789%65.8 → 88%0-75%89%47.9 → 68%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%92%91%16.5 → 26%0-64%64.5 → 75%0-86%90%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%59%   74.6%80.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G9-20XXS00100Subnotebook (4)19.05.2021v789.7 → 92%0-98%89%95%67 → 89%0-75%72.9 → 96%20-75%89%88%66 → 85%0-78%91.9 → 100%0-85%89%97%83.8 → 92%0-91%22.4 → 26%0-85%   80.1%90.6%
Alcatel 3L 2021Smartphone (10)18.05.2021v781%65.8 → 88%0-75%82%38.4 → 55%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%90%82%5.9 → 9%0-64%57.8 → 67%0-86%92%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%58%   70.4%75.1%
Huawei MateBook X Silver Frost (2020)Subnotebook (4)18.05.2021v790.5 → 92%0-98%86%91%43.8 → 58%0-75%74.9 → 100%20-75%78%89%40.9 → 52%0-78%81.8 → 96%0-85%93%100%78.2 → 86%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   76%87.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14ALC05-82HU006NGEConvertible (5)18.05.2021v777.4 → 79%0-98%84%89%51.6 → 69%0-75%68.6 → 88%20-75%89%78%62.3 → 80%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%93%86%61.4 → 67%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%-1%68.6%82.3%
Samsung Galaxy A72Smartphone (10)17.05.2021v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%50.6 → 72%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%89%24 → 38%0-64%68.8 → 80%0-86%92%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%67%   76.4%82.2%
HP Spectre x360 13-aw2003dxConvertible (5)17.05.2021v789.9 → 92%0-98%89%85%69.6 → 93%0-75%72.3 → 95%20-75%69%85%67.8 → 87%0-78%89.2 → 100%0-85%89%91%76.4 → 84%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   77.8%87.8%
Samsung Galaxy A52Smartphone (10)17.05.2021v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%50.6 → 72%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%91%29 → 45%0-64%70.3 → 82%0-86%92%100%72.6 → 81%0-90%65%   76.7%82.8%
Alcatel 1S 2021Smartphone (10)17.05.2021v775%63.5 → 85%0-75%79%38.8 → 55%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%83%5.9 → 9%0-64%56.8 → 66%0-86%92%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%50%   68.9%73.6%
Lenovo V17-IIL 82GX008TGEOffice (2)15.05.2021v772.4 → 74%0-98%79%86%45.8 → 57%0-80%61.7 → 76%20-75%70%87%52 → 67%0-78%81 → 85%0-95%94%93%57%34.5 → 41%0-85%   70.2%80%
Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)14.05.2021v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%56.2 → 80%0-70%91.5 → 83%50-100%91%90%52.4 → 82%0-64%79.5 → 92%0-86%90%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%62%   79.5%85.9%
Realme 8Smartphone (10)14.05.2021v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%42.9 → 61%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%92%90%32.8 → 51%0-64%81.4 → 95%0-86%84%100%68 → 76%0-90%58%   75.3%81.7%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 13 i7Subnotebook (4)13.05.2021v781 → 83%0-98%82%89%43.3 → 58%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%83%87%71.3 → 91%0-78%88.5 → 100%0-85%85%94%83.4 → 92%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   76.1%84.7%
Dell XPS 13 9305 Core i5 FHDSubnotebook (4)13.05.2021v789 → 91%0-98%84%88%59.4 → 79%0-75%72.8 → 96%20-75%87%87%65.6 → 84%0-78%87.1 → 100%0-85%91%94%73.4 → 81%0-91%25.6 → 30%0-85%   77.2%87.7%
Carbon 1 Mk IISmartphone (10)12.05.2021v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%44.7 → 64%0-70%94.4 → 89%50-100%89%83%11.6 → 18%0-64%69.7 → 81%0-86%88%100%71 → 79%0-90%60%   73.4%79.5%
Realme 8 5GSmartphone (10)12.05.2021v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%46.7 → 67%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%85%22.7 → 35%0-64%77.6 → 90%0-86%88%100%70 → 78%0-90%59%   74.5%80.2%
HP 255 G7 159P1EAOffice (2)11.05.2021v767.8 → 69%0-98%78%75%45.7 → 57%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%66%66%44.1 → 57%0-78%76.8 → 81%0-95%96%88%60%35.5 → 42%0-85%   66.5%74.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14ALC05 82HU002YUSConvertible (5)10.05.2021v774.4 → 76%0-98%75%75%44.1 → 59%0-75%68.3 → 88%20-75%89%74%64.9 → 83%0-78%91.3 → 100%0-85%84%89%74.6 → 82%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   72.3%79.2%
HP ProBook 440 G8-2W1G4EAOffice (2)08.05.2021v783.5 → 85%0-98%77%95%55.7 → 70%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%77%79%58.8 → 75%0-78%86.4 → 91%0-95%94%96%65%28.4 → 33%0-85%   74.3%83.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G9-20XWCTO1WWSubnotebook (4)08.05.2021v789.7 → 92%0-98%89%95%67 → 89%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%78%91%59 → 76%0-78%91.9 → 100%0-85%89%97%83.8 → 92%0-91%22.4 → 26%0-85%   78.9%90.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 CB 13IML05 82B80010GEConvertible (5)06.05.2021v777.2 → 79%0-98%80%85%49.6 → 66%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%78%84%55.7 → 71%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%91%95%63.8 → 70%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   73.8%83.7%
Asus ZenBook 13 UM325SSubnotebook (4)05.05.2021v787.5 → 89%0-98%89%95%62.7 → 84%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%85%89%65.6 → 84%0-78%91.4 → 100%0-85%90%86%66 → 73%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   78.4%88.5%
Nokia X20Smartphone (10)04.05.2021v785%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%51.7 → 74%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%83%30.2 → 47%0-64%67 → 78%0-86%87%100%64 → 71%0-90%64%   74.6%80.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen2-20W1S00000Office (2)02.05.2021v784.4 → 86%0-98%93%91%70.6 → 88%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%85%88%70 → 90%0-78%90.9 → 96%0-95%83%95%70%23.2 → 27%0-85%   77.9%88.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad T15 Gen2-20W5S00100Office (2)02.05.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%91%91%73.5 → 92%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%79%83%69.3 → 89%0-78%91.8 → 97%0-95%87%96%66%25.6 → 30%0-85%   77.2%87.1%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 ProSmartphone (10)02.05.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%52 → 74%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%92%31.9 → 50%0-64%69.3 → 81%0-86%90%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%66%   77.7%83.7%
Realme 8 ProSmartphone (10)02.05.2021v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%45.2 → 65%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%86%32.7 → 51%0-64%76 → 88%0-86%85%100%66 → 73%0-90%63%   75.5%82.2%
OnePlus 9 ProSmartphone (10)01.05.2021v790%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.3 → 76%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%94%62.3 → 97%0-64%82.5 → 96%0-86%88%100%76 → 84%0-90%77%   81.9%88.6%
OnePlus 8 ProSmartphone (10)01.05.2021v791%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.2 → 76%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%94%61.1 → 95%0-64%82.6 → 96%0-86%82%100%76 → 84%0-90%78%   81.5%88.5%
Xiaomi Redmi 9TSmartphone (10)01.05.2021v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%47.9 → 68%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%93%90%13 → 20%0-64%62.2 → 72%0-86%88%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%56%   73.2%78.9%
Motorola Moto G100Smartphone (10)01.05.2021v782%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%62.1 → 89%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%84%62.7 → 98%0-64%83.9 → 98%0-86%85%100%60 → 67%0-90%68%   79%85.4%
Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model Early 2021Gaming (3)30.04.2021v787.5 → 89%0-98%81%89%68.8 → 86%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%81.9 → 86%0-95%90%97%89%75.1 → 79%0-95%74.6 → 83%0-90%77%40 → 47%0-85%   78%87.5%
MSI Summit E13 Flip Evo A11MTConvertible (5)29.04.2021v780 → 82%0-98%85%83%70.2 → 94%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%89%88%71.1 → 91%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-85%83%87%84.2 → 93%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   78.7%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga G6-20Y0S00200Convertible (5)29.04.2021v791.1 → 93%0-98%90%95%71.4 → 95%0-75%70.1 → 91%20-75%89%90%59.1 → 76%0-78%93 → 100%0-85%90%93%87.2 → 96%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   81.4%91.4%
Acer Chromebook Spin 713 CP713-2W-560VConvertible (5)28.04.2021v782.1 → 84%0-98%82%89%50.9 → 68%0-75%70.6 → 92%20-75%88%85%54.2 → 69%0-78%84.9 → 100%0-85%96%94%69.4 → 76%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76%86.2%
Huawei MateBook D 16-53011VFJOffice (2)27.04.2021v786.9 → 89%0-98%84%86%59 → 74%0-80%66.3 → 84%20-75%81%89%61.7 → 79%0-78%91.6 → 96%0-95%92%94%61%34.4 → 40%0-85%   75.9%86%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 15 AMD TFF_00028Subnotebook (4)27.04.2021v780.1 → 82%0-98%80%89%46.6 → 62%0-75%68.3 → 88%20-75%89%86%67.7 → 87%0-78%85.9 → 100%0-85%88%93%84 → 92%0-91%34.8 → 41%0-85%   76.3%84.9%
Oppo Find X3 NeoSmartphone (10)26.04.2021v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%52.9 → 76%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%92%93%64.9 → 100%0-64%83.7 → 97%0-86%89%100%78.8 → 88%0-90%73%   82.1%88.6%
OnePlus 8TSmartphone (10)24.04.2021v785%66.2 → 88%0-75%97%51.2 → 73%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%93%59.3 → 93%0-64%80.6 → 94%0-86%86%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%77%   80.8%87.8%
OnePlus 9Smartphone (10)24.04.2021v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%52.4 → 75%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%93%54.2 → 85%0-64%83.4 → 97%0-86%87%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%77%   80.7%87.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad 1 11ADA05 ()23.04.2021v7   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   65.9%77.5%
Acer TravelMate Spin P4 TMP414RN-51-53J8Convertible (5)22.04.2021v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%69%70.6 → 94%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%87%81%56.6 → 73%0-78%83.3 → 98%0-85%96%95%62.6 → 69%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   74.6%85.2%
Samsung Galaxy XCover 5Smartphone (10)22.04.2021v778%67.3 → 90%0-75%85%44.2 → 63%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%89%82%9.7 → 15%0-64%49.7 → 58%0-86%92%100%58 → 64%0-90%49%   68.8%74.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga Gen2-20VK000VGEConvertible (5)22.04.2021v781.6 → 83%0-98%93%91%70.2 → 94%0-75%69.6 → 90%20-75%75%86%56.1 → 72%0-78%87.5 → 100%0-85%89%94%75.2 → 83%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   77.1%88.3%
Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2Smartphone (10)20.04.2021v786%70 → 93%0-75%96%56.6 → 81%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%91%88%71.1 → 100%0-64%87.5 → 100%0-86%84%85%84.6 → 94%0-90%77%   81.8%87.7%
Samsung Galaxy A52 5GSmartphone (10)20.04.2021v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%50.6 → 72%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%91%29.5 → 46%0-64%73.4 → 85%0-86%92%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%66%   77%83%
MSI GP66 Leopard 10UGGaming (3)19.04.2021v781 → 83%0-98%81%89%57.2 → 72%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%63.8 → 67%0-95%81%99%92%87.7 → 92%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%71%39 → 46%0-85%   75.2%84.2%
Lenovo Tab P11 ProTablet (9)19.04.2021v787 → 89%0-98%86.9 → 100%0-80%92%67.2 → 96%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%89%88%28.5 → 37%0-78%67.6 → 73%0-92%93%100%77.4 → 85%0-91%55 → 65%0-85%   78.1%86.2%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15 Gen2 ITLOffice (2)19.04.2021v779 → 81%0-98%79%82%67.7 → 85%0-80%65.9 → 83%20-75%67%82%60.8 → 78%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%91%94%82%31.2 → 37%0-85%   74.5%82.8%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 17 Rocket LakeGaming (3)19.04.2021v778 → 80%0-98%83%89%74.7 → 93%0-80%41.5 → 56%10-66%33.2 → 35%0-95%88%100%95%90.9 → 96%0-95%33.1 → 37%0-90%86%40.5 → 48%0-85%   71.7%84.9%
Realme 8 ProSmartphone (10)17.04.2021v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%45.2 → 65%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%86%32.7 → 51%0-64%76 → 88%0-86%85%100%66 → 73%0-90%63%   75.5%82.2%
Alienware m17 R4Gaming (3)17.04.2021v781.5 → 83%0-98%83%89%65 → 81%0-80%56.5 → 83%10-66%40.5 → 43%0-95%89%98%91%65.2 → 69%0-95%76.6 → 85%0-90%78%35.5 → 42%0-85%   72.9%85.3%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 ProSmartphone (10)16.04.2021v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%52 → 74%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%92%31.9 → 50%0-64%69.3 → 81%0-86%90%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%66%   77.7%83.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X12 20UVS03G00Convertible (5)16.04.2021v784.6 → 86%0-98%88%89%60.4 → 81%0-75%73.7 → 98%20-75%82%91%64.8 → 83%0-78%81 → 95%0-85%92%94%63.6 → 70%0-91%44.4 → 52%0-85%   77.6%88.5%
Tuxedo Aura 15 Gen1Office (2)16.04.2021v772.2 → 74%0-98%85%88%62.1 → 78%0-80%66.8 → 85%20-75%78%84%64.9 → 83%0-78%88.8 → 93%0-95%94%87%66%32.4 → 38%0-85%   74.5%83.3%
Lenovo Legion C7 15IMH05 82EH0030GEGaming (3)14.04.2021v775.1 → 77%0-98%82%84%66.3 → 83%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%85%95%92%90.8 → 96%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%66%38 → 45%0-85%   76.5%85.5%
Asus ROG Phone 5Smartphone (10)13.04.2021v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%72.7 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%89%92%67.3 → 100%0-64%87.8 → 100%0-86%72%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%70%   82.3%88%
Medion Akoya E14307Office (2)12.04.2021v775.8 → 77%0-98%76%86%45.1 → 56%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%73%83%35.4 → 45%0-78%53.8 → 57%0-95%95%100%48%38 → 45%0-85%   67.5%78.4%
LG Gram 16 2-in-1 16T90PConvertible (5)12.04.2021v774.7 → 76%0-98%81%88%64.5 → 86%0-75%69.6 → 90%20-75%91%80%72.1 → 92%0-78%92.4 → 100%0-85%92%94%79 → 87%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   78.2%85.8%
Doogee X95 ProSmartphone (10)10.04.2021v760%81.5 → 100%0-75%89%23.7 → 34%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%90%83%3.1 → 5%0-64%38.6 → 45%0-86%96%100%69.4 → 77%0-90%39%   66.4%71.3%
Xiaomi Mi 11Smartphone (10)10.04.2021v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%55.9 → 80%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%87%93%63.4 → 99%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%70%   81.7%87.3%
OnePlus 9Smartphone (10)10.04.2021v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%52.4 → 75%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%93%54.2 → 85%0-64%83.4 → 97%0-86%87%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%77%   80.7%87.2%
Xiaomi Redmi 9ATSmartphone (10)09.04.2021v779%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%36.9 → 53%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%92%86%6.3 → 10%0-64%49 → 57%0-86%90%100%66 → 73%0-90%51%   69.3%75.3%
Motorola Moto G10Smartphone (10)07.04.2021v785%66.2 → 88%0-75%95%45 → 64%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%83%9 → 14%0-64%53.3 → 62%0-86%91%100%70 → 78%0-90%53%   71.5%77.3%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G2 ITL 20VD008WGEOffice (2)07.04.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%84%81%71.9 → 90%0-80%69.1 → 89%20-75%68%81%62.8 → 81%0-78%88.7 → 93%0-95%91%94%70%22 → 26%0-85%   74.2%83.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga G1 20QA001RGEConvertible (5)06.04.2021v780.6 → 82%0-98%87%83%64.9 → 87%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%85%88%52.3 → 67%0-78%81.6 → 96%0-85%90%95%70.4 → 77%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   76.1%87.3%
Alienware m15 R4Gaming (3)05.04.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%85%89%65.4 → 82%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%50.4 → 53%0-95%88%97%94%65.2 → 69%0-95%73.3 → 81%0-90%78%33.2 → 39%0-85%   73.8%85.4%
Lenovo Yoga Creator 7 15IMH05 82DS000VGEMultimedia (1)04.04.2021v784.4 → 86%0-98%85%88%65 → 81%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%87.1 → 92%0-95%82%85.5 → 95%0-90%90.4 → 100%0-90%89%87.6 → 92%0-95%69%33.5 → 39%0-85%   77.9%87.1%
Motorola Moto G30Smartphone (10)03.04.2021v781%68.5 → 91%0-75%90%47.8 → 68%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%82%12.5 → 20%0-64%55.8 → 65%0-86%90%100%71.4 → 79%0-90%58%   72.1%77.6%
SCHENKER VIA 14 Late 2020Subnotebook (4)03.04.2021v782.9 → 85%0-98%87%87%61.5 → 82%0-75%74.1 → 98%20-75%91%90%62.9 → 81%0-78%87.5 → 100%0-85%95%86%67 → 74%0-91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   77.2%88%
OnePlus 9Smartphone (10)01.04.2021v787%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%52.4 → 75%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%93%54.2 → 85%0-64%83.4 → 97%0-86%87%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%77%   80.7%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold 20RL000FGEConvertible (5)31.03.2021v780.9 → 83%0-98%57%69%48.7 → 65%0-75%73 → 96%20-75%65%81%51.4 → 66%0-78%72.6 → 85%0-85%88%99%81.2 → 89%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   70.1%77.8%
Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T-58DNOffice (2)31.03.2021v784.3 → 86%0-98%74%97%49.6 → 62%0-80%74.9 → 100%20-75%90%87%70.2 → 90%0-78%85.5 → 90%0-95%95%96%48%35.6 → 42%0-85%   76%85.2%
OnePlus 9 ProSmartphone (10)31.03.2021v790%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.3 → 76%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%94%62.3 → 97%0-64%82.5 → 96%0-86%88%100%76 → 84%0-90%77%   81.9%88.6%
Huawei MateBook X Pro 2021Subnotebook (4)30.03.2021v791.5 → 93%0-98%84%78%56.7 → 76%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%88%88%64.4 → 83%0-78%92.3 → 100%0-85%89%94%87.8 → 96%0-91%46 → 54%0-85%   79.3%87.8%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Carbon 13 ITLSubnotebook (4)30.03.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%82%92%63 → 84%0-75%75.4 → 100%20-75%80%90%68.5 → 88%0-78%86.7 → 100%0-85%90%90%79.3 → 87%0-91%23.2 → 27%0-85%   77.4%87.6%
MSI GE76 Raider 10UHGaming (3)29.03.2021v779.8 → 81%0-98%88%78%66.3 → 83%0-80%56.3 → 83%10-66%70.1 → 74%0-95%83%100%93%88.1 → 93%0-95%78.4 → 87%0-90%84%39 → 46%0-85%   77.2%87.1%
Honor MagicBook Pro 10210UMultimedia (1)27.03.2021v786.6 → 88%0-98%84%86%54.3 → 68%0-80%66.6 → 90%20-72%88.2 → 93%0-95%89%64.1 → 71%0-90%85.7 → 95%0-90%85%89 → 94%0-95%76%34 → 40%0-85%   76%84.1%
Microsoft Surface Pro XConvertible (5)24.03.2021v783.4 → 85%0-98%79%92%56.3 → 75%0-75%74.4 → 99%20-75%79%88%50.8 → 65%0-78%52.7 → 62%0-85%89%100%72 → 79%0-91%56.4 → 66%0-85%   74.8%84.4%
Lenovo ThinkBook 15p Gen1 4KMultimedia (1)22.03.2021v779.1 → 81%0-98%85%78%51.8 → 65%0-80%63.5 → 84%20-72%79.5 → 84%0-95%94%85.7 → 95%0-90%89.2 → 99%0-90%91%91 → 96%0-95%70%34 → 40%0-85%   76.3%86.4%
Microsoft Surface Pro 7 PlusConvertible (5)21.03.2021v788.4 → 90%0-98%87%92%53.2 → 71%0-75%78.3 → 100%20-75%84%90%53.7 → 69%0-78%76.4 → 90%0-85%88%97%74.2 → 82%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   79.4%88.5%
Oppo Find X3 ProSmartphone (10)19.03.2021v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%55.2 → 79%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%89%93%65.3 → 100%0-64%85 → 99%0-86%88%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%79%   82.6%88.9%
Acer Spin 3 SP314-54N-56S5Convertible (5)17.03.2021v785.5 → 87%0-98%78%82%55.1 → 73%0-75%68.7 → 89%20-75%76%80%55.3 → 71%0-78%84.6 → 100%0-85%95%96%61.2 → 67%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   74%84.2%
Blackview A80 PlusSmartphone (10)17.03.2021v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%43.5 → 62%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%91%80%5.1 → 8%0-64%61.2 → 71%0-86%89%100%46 → 51%0-90%48%   68.4%74.5%
Tuxedo Pulse 15Multimedia (1)17.03.2021v785.8 → 88%0-98%91%91%50.8 → 64%0-80%69.3 → 95%20-72%89.9 → 95%0-95%87%62.4 → 69%0-90%91.7 → 100%0-90%91%91.7 → 97%0-95%63%25.6 → 30%0-85%   76.2%84.9%
Razer Blade 15 Base Edition 2021, i7-10750H RTX 3060Gaming (3)16.03.2021v790.6 → 92%0-98%81%85%64.2 → 80%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%62.4 → 66%0-95%84%93%92%86.3 → 91%0-95%80.9 → 90%0-90%71%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.4%85.5%
Dell Inspiron 14 7400-VY8JWOffice (2)15.03.2021v784.8 → 87%0-98%79%88%59.6 → 75%0-80%71.9 → 94%20-75%76%88%64.9 → 83%0-78%91.1 → 96%0-95%90%88%63%28.8 → 34%0-85%   74.8%84.3%
Lenovo Tab P11Tablet (9)15.03.2021v780.7 → 82%0-98%78.5 → 98%0-80%88%46.2 → 66%0-70%83.3 → 90%40-88%90%81%12.6 → 16%0-78%58.3 → 63%0-92%93%100%82.4 → 91%0-91%43.4 → 51%0-85%   72.1%82.1%
HP EliteBook x360 1040 G7, i7-10810UConvertible (5)15.03.2021v791.1 → 93%0-98%89%93%71.5 → 95%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%92%84%52 → 67%0-78%90.3 → 100%0-85%93%97%85 → 93%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   80.4%90.6%
Dell Latitude 12 7210 2-in-1Convertible (5)15.03.2021v782.1 → 84%0-98%86%96%70.6 → 94%0-75%72.9 → 96%20-75%84%86%51 → 65%0-78%82.1 → 97%0-85%94%98%56.8 → 62%0-91%59.2 → 70%0-85%   78.4%89.5%
Samsung Galaxy A02sSmartphone (10)15.03.2021v778%65 → 87%0-75%91%34.5 → 49%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%83%5.5 → 9%0-64%45.4 → 53%0-86%92%100%48 → 53%0-90%36%   66.1%72.5%
Samsung Galaxy A32 5GSmartphone (10)12.03.2021v779%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%50.5 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%93%81%25.7 → 40%0-64%61.8 → 72%0-86%93%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%58%   74%79.3%
MSI GF65 Thin 10UEGaming (3)11.03.2021v772.6 → 74%0-98%79%72%49.9 → 62%0-80%63.7 → 96%10-66%61.2 → 64%0-95%80%96%92%89.5 → 94%0-95%61.8 → 69%0-90%76%39 → 46%0-85%   71.7%80.4%
Asus ExpertBook B9 B9400CE-KC0166RSubnotebook (4)11.03.2021v785.3 → 87%0-98%78%91%63.6 → 85%0-75%75.1 → 100%20-75%89%91%70.4 → 90%0-78%90.2 → 100%0-85%88%84%81.2 → 89%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   78.8%87.1%
Oppo Find X3 LiteSmartphone (10)11.03.2021v785%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%48.1 → 69%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%90%89%36.5 → 57%0-64%76.4 → 89%0-86%92%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%60%   76.8%82.5%
Blackview A80Smartphone (10)10.03.2021v770%61.5 → 82%0-75%83%35.2 → 50%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%89%77%1.1 → 2%0-64%41 → 48%0-86%88%100%48 → 53%0-90%34%   62.9%68.8%
Acer Aspire 5 A517-52G-79Z5Office (2)10.03.2021v786.3 → 88%0-98%81%94%51.6 → 65%0-80%61.6 → 76%20-75%68%84%64.5 → 83%0-78%92.1 → 97%0-95%95%85%50%38 → 45%0-85%   73.2%82.7%
Acer ConceptD 3 Ezel CC314-72G-7513Multimedia (1)10.03.2021v784.8 → 87%0-98%84%92%59.1 → 74%0-80%65.7 → 88%20-72%84.8 → 89%0-95%91%84.4 → 94%0-90%90.9 → 100%0-90%88%87.1 → 92%0-95%66%22 → 26%0-85%   76.9%87.4%
Blackview BL6000 ProSmartphone (10)09.03.2021v785%67.3 → 90%0-75%92%52.2 → 75%0-70%86.8 → 74%50-100%90%83%42.3 → 66%0-64%77.7 → 90%0-86%89%100%70 → 78%0-90%59%   76.5%81.6%
Samsung Galaxy S21+Smartphone (10)08.03.2021v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%98%68.7 → 98%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%93%63 → 98%0-64%83.8 → 97%0-86%92%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%77%   83.5%89.6%
Xiaomi Mi 11Smartphone (10)08.03.2021v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%55.9 → 80%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%87%93%63.4 → 99%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%70%   81.7%87.3%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15 AmpereGaming (3)08.03.2021v779.3 → 81%0-98%82%83%63.3 → 79%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%66.3 → 70%0-95%84%95%93%83.4 → 88%0-95%77.6 → 86%0-90%76%41 → 48%0-85%   75.9%84.9%
Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED XCMultimedia (1)06.03.2021v787 → 89%0-98%77%82%72.3 → 90%0-80%61.5 → 80%20-72%71.2 → 75%0-95%90%95.2 → 100%0-90%92.2 → 100%0-90%79%73.6 → 77%0-95%77%38 → 45%0-85%   76.6%85.6%
Nokia 5.4Smartphone (10)05.03.2021v779%67.3 → 90%0-75%86%42.9 → 61%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%82%12.9 → 20%0-64%60.1 → 70%0-86%93%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%59%   71.8%77%
MSI GP76 Leopard 10UGGaming (3)05.03.2021v782.6 → 84%0-98%79%88%60.7 → 76%0-80%57.5 → 85%10-66%58.9 → 62%0-95%87%99%91%87 → 92%0-95%64.4 → 72%0-90%83%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75%85.1%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 15 (Early 2021, RTX 3080)Gaming (3)05.03.2021v782.8 → 84%0-98%83%88%72.7 → 91%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%89%97%93%70.3 → 74%0-95%57.8 → 64%0-90%76%34.8 → 41%0-85%   75.1%86%
Motorola Moto G9 PowerSmartphone (10)04.03.2021v782%66.2 → 88%0-75%93%45 → 64%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%85%10.9 → 17%0-64%57.9 → 67%0-86%87%100%64 → 71%0-90%56%   71.3%77.4%
Lenovo V15-ADA 82C7009SGEOffice (2)02.03.2021v772.6 → 74%0-98%80%78%41.3 → 52%0-80%64.8 → 81%20-75%58%74%50.9 → 65%0-78%80.8 → 85%0-95%96%95%53%10.4 → 12%0-85%   65.7%76.5%
Panasonic Toughbook FZ-A3Tablet (9)26.02.2021v787.9 → 90%0-98%81.5 → 100%0-80%89%51.2 → 73%0-70%76.1 → 75%40-88%77%82%15.2 → 19%0-78%56.1 → 61%0-92%92%100%77.4 → 85%0-91%45.5 → 54%0-85%   71.6%78.1%
Samsung Galaxy S21+Smartphone (10)26.02.2021v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%98%68.7 → 98%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%93%63 → 98%0-64%83.8 → 97%0-86%92%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%77%   83.5%89.6%
MSI Stealth 15M A11SEKMultimedia (1)25.02.2021v766.6 → 68%0-98%80%75%60.9 → 76%0-80%66.7 → 90%20-72%70.4 → 74%0-95%86%90.3 → 100%0-90%93.5 → 100%0-90%87%63.4 → 67%0-95%82%37 → 44%0-85%   73.7%82.4%
Motorola Moto G 5GSmartphone (10)25.02.2021v782%69.2 → 92%0-75%89%50.4 → 72%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%92%88%30.8 → 48%0-64%75.7 → 88%0-86%87%100%70.2 → 78%0-90%65%   75.9%81.3%
Aorus 15P XCGaming (3)24.02.2021v782 → 84%0-98%83%87%62.5 → 78%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%70.8 → 75%0-95%89%98%91%81.9 → 86%0-95%73.8 → 82%0-90%74%36.8 → 43%0-85%   76.2%86.1%
Realme 7iSmartphone (10)23.02.2021v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%42.6 → 61%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%94%82%16.8 → 26%0-64%70.4 → 82%0-86%88%100%54 → 60%0-90%54%   71.1%77.2%
Chuwi HiPad PlusTablet (9)22.02.2021v777.6 → 79%0-98%70.8 → 89%0-80%61%29.1 → 42%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%84%80%11.7 → 15%0-78%58.8 → 64%0-92%96%100%74.2 → 82%0-91%47 → 55%0-85%   67.2%75.2%
Asus ROG Strix G15 G513QRGaming (3)20.02.2021v784.1 → 86%0-98%83%84%58.3 → 73%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%82.5 → 87%0-95%84%96%96%86 → 91%0-95%74.2 → 82%0-90%84%0 → 0%0-85%   74.9%85%
Samsung Galaxy A12Smartphone (10)19.02.2021v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%40.3 → 58%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%84%6.1 → 10%0-64%42.1 → 49%0-86%88%100%66 → 73%0-90%59%   69.1%75.2%
Xiaomi Mi 11Smartphone (10)19.02.2021v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%55.9 → 80%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%87%93%63.4 → 99%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%70%   81.7%87.3%
Lenovo Legion Phone DuelSmartphone (10)19.02.2021v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%96%55.2 → 79%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%91%68.6 → 100%0-64%88.8 → 100%0-86%85%100%70 → 78%0-90%75%   81.6%87.3%
Samsung Galaxy S21Smartphone (10)18.02.2021v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%98%68.7 → 98%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%88%93%58 → 91%0-64%83.9 → 98%0-86%93%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%77%   83.6%89.5%
Razer Blade Pro 17 2021 (QHD Touch)Gaming (3)17.02.2021v793.5 → 95%0-98%82%92%70.5 → 88%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%68.4 → 72%0-95%81%99%92%88.7 → 93%0-95%75.4 → 84%0-90%83%40 → 47%0-85%   78.6%87.8%
F150 Bison 2021Smartphone (10)16.02.2021v782%69.2 → 92%0-75%87%48.8 → 70%0-70%86.1 → 72%50-100%99%82%7 → 11%0-64%55 → 64%0-86%94%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%50%   71.7%76.8%
Gigaset GS3Smartphone (10)16.02.2021v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%46.4 → 66%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%93%81%6 → 9%0-64%50.3 → 58%0-86%95%100%71.2 → 79%0-90%48%   69.9%75.4%
Aorus 15G XCGaming (3)15.02.2021v782.5 → 84%0-98%85%87%62.5 → 78%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%68.8 → 72%0-95%88%97%91%80.4 → 85%0-95%76.1 → 85%0-90%77%37.6 → 44%0-85%   76.6%86.4%
Dell Latitude 14 5411-WJ40NOffice (2)15.02.2021v782.1 → 84%0-98%82%86%66.5 → 83%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%82%80%63.6 → 82%0-78%87 → 92%0-95%91%81%70%24.4 → 29%0-85%   74.2%82.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Gen2-20TD002MGEOffice (2)14.02.2021v779.3 → 81%0-98%91%88%66.7 → 83%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%80%82%64.2 → 82%0-78%89 → 94%0-95%91%97%60%31.2 → 37%0-85%   75.7%85.8%
Motorola Moto E7 PlusSmartphone (10)13.02.2021v778%65.8 → 88%0-75%88%36.4 → 52%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%84%10.6 → 17%0-64%60.2 → 70%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%52%   70%75.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad T15p-20TN0006GEMultimedia (1)12.02.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%90%93%74.4 → 93%0-80%62 → 81%20-72%74.1 → 78%0-95%95%75.6 → 84%0-90%90.6 → 100%0-90%83%86.6 → 91%0-95%60%22.8 → 27%0-85%   76.1%86.6%
MSI GS66 Stealth 10UGGaming (3)12.02.2021v777.9 → 79%0-98%77%86%62 → 78%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%74.6 → 79%0-95%86%97%93%87.8 → 92%0-95%58.9 → 65%0-90%73%42 → 49%0-85%   75.2%84%
Cubot King Kong Mini 2Smartphone (10)12.02.2021v779%63.5 → 85%0-75%86%37.6 → 54%0-70%94.6 → 89%50-100%92%82%3.1 → 5%0-64%49.5 → 58%0-86%81%100%50 → 56%0-90%43%   66.1%73.5%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T 5GSmartphone (10)10.02.2021v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%49.1 → 70%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%92%85%25.8 → 40%0-64%72 → 84%0-86%91%100%70.8 → 79%0-90%56%   74.5%79.7%
Samsung Galaxy S21 UltraSmartphone (10)10.02.2021v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%98%69.4 → 99%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%62.5 → 98%0-64%85.3 → 99%0-86%92%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%81%   84.3%90.4%
Samsung Galaxy Note20 UltraSmartphone (10)10.02.2021v796%67.7 → 90%0-75%98%70 → 100%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%90%56.5 → 88%0-64%79.6 → 93%0-86%94%100%83 → 92%0-90%80%   84%89.6%
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5GSmartphone (10)10.02.2021v788%69.6 → 93%0-75%91%67.4 → 96%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%91%60.6 → 95%0-64%81.4 → 95%0-86%93%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%75%   82.2%87.9%
Xiaomi Mi 11Smartphone (10)10.02.2021v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%55.9 → 80%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%87%93%63.4 → 99%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%70%   81.7%87.3%
Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 15 SE GX551QSGaming (3)09.02.2021v782.4 → 84%0-98%80%83%63.7 → 80%0-80%59.7 → 89%10-66%64.8 → 68%0-95%87%99%95%88.9 → 94%0-95%84 → 93%0-90%84%0 → 0%0-85%   74.7%86.6%
Asus ROG Flow X13 GV301QHConvertible (5)09.02.2021v786.5 → 88%0-98%85%91%58.3 → 78%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%68%88%74.7 → 96%0-78%92.4 → 100%0-85%82%87%54.4 → 60%0-91%25 → 29%0-85%   74%84.7%
Lenovo Yoga 9 14 ITL 4KConvertible (5)08.02.2021v788.4 → 90%0-98%81%82%63.3 → 84%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%84%88%69.6 → 89%0-78%89.5 → 100%0-85%90%89%85.8 → 94%0-91%43.6 → 51%0-85%   78.7%86.9%
Alcatel 3T 10 4G 2020Tablet (9)05.02.2021v776.1 → 78%0-98%71.9 → 90%0-80%79%39.4 → 56%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%91%79%4 → 5%0-78%37.3 → 41%0-92%97%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   65.6%77.1%
HP Envy 14-eb0010nrMultimedia (1)05.02.2021v780.1 → 82%0-98%82%74%62 → 78%0-80%67.4 → 91%20-72%88.6 → 93%0-95%86%81.6 → 91%0-90%90.6 → 100%0-90%90%86.1 → 91%0-95%87%35.5 → 42%0-85%   77.7%86.5%
MSI Alpha 17 A4DEKGaming (3)03.02.2021v777 → 79%0-98%83%83%62.4 → 78%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%75.7 → 80%0-95%81%90%91%86.6 → 91%0-95%71.7 → 80%0-90%88%34 → 40%0-85%   75.6%83.3%
Asus TUF Dash F15 FX516PRGaming (3)02.02.2021v780.5 → 82%0-98%77%83%59.3 → 74%0-80%62.7 → 94%10-66%85.6 → 90%0-95%86%92%92%74.6 → 79%0-95%65.6 → 73%0-90%80%0 → 0%0-85%   72.3%82.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano-20UN002UGESubnotebook (4)02.02.2021v790.9 → 93%0-98%87%89%58 → 77%0-75%75.9 → 100%20-75%89%94%64.7 → 83%0-78%85.2 → 100%0-85%88%91%88 → 97%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   79.9%89.8%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-56-511AOffice (2)01.02.2021v776.7 → 78%0-98%79%89%46.2 → 58%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%74%83%58.1 → 74%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%92%95%60%31.2 → 37%0-85%   72%81.4%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G15 GA503QGaming (3)31.01.2021v780.9 → 83%0-98%73%88%55.1 → 69%0-80%63.1 → 95%10-66%87.4 → 92%0-95%86%96%95%76.8 → 81%0-95%74.5 → 83%0-90%88%0 → 0%0-85%   74.1%83.8%
MSI Summit E15 A11SCSTMultimedia (1)30.01.2021v780.5 → 82%0-98%80%82%62.2 → 78%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%84.9 → 89%0-95%80%81.1 → 90%0-90%89.8 → 100%0-90%79%80.2 → 84%0-95%79%41.5 → 49%0-85%   75.7%83.7%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 17 (Early 2021, RTX 3070, 5800H)Gaming (3)29.01.2021v780 → 82%0-98%89%81%55.6 → 70%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%54.6 → 57%0-95%89%97%96%83.3 → 88%0-95%62 → 69%0-90%81%39.5 → 46%0-85%   74.4%85.1%
Samsung Galaxy S21 UltraSmartphone (10)28.01.2021v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%98%69.4 → 99%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%94%62.5 → 98%0-64%85.3 → 99%0-86%92%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%81%   84.3%90.4%
OnePlus Nord N100Smartphone (10)28.01.2021v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%43.7 → 62%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%92%88%9 → 14%0-64%55.9 → 65%0-86%89%100%62 → 69%0-90%55%   70.8%77.2%
Gigabyte Aero 17 HDR YCGaming (3)26.01.2021v787.1 → 89%0-98%85%81%68.6 → 86%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%68.2 → 72%0-95%94%96%94%76.5 → 81%0-95%70.4 → 78%0-90%77%38.5 → 45%0-85%   76.4%87.6%
Motorola Moto E7Smartphone (10)22.01.2021v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%35.4 → 51%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%83%5.6 → 9%0-64%54 → 63%0-86%91%100%62 → 69%0-90%52%   68.7%74.6%
Dell Latitude 15 5511-VNJNWOffice (2)21.01.2021v778.9 → 81%0-98%81%86%63.9 → 80%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%90%81%50.8 → 65%0-78%88.1 → 93%0-95%93%94%64%24.4 → 29%0-85%   73.7%83.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen2-20TA000DGEOffice (2)21.01.2021v786.3 → 88%0-98%92%88%62.1 → 78%0-80%67.9 → 87%20-75%84%82%64.4 → 83%0-78%90.2 → 95%0-95%90%85%61%23.2 → 27%0-85%   75%85.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GEOffice (2)20.01.2021v782.3 → 84%0-98%94%86%69.4 → 87%0-80%70.3 → 91%20-75%71%82%59.2 → 76%0-78%87.1 → 92%0-95%89%95%65%41.2 → 48%0-85%   76.1%86.1%
Volla PhoneSmartphone (10)18.01.2021v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%36 → 51%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%82%6.7 → 10%0-64%54.5 → 63%0-86%90%100%60 → 67%0-90%50%   69%75.2%
Asus ZenBook Duo 14 UX482EAMultimedia (1)17.01.2021v784.4 → 86%0-98%80%73%66.7 → 83%0-80%68.1 → 93%20-72%82 → 86%0-95%89%70.7 → 79%0-90%90.8 → 100%0-90%88%88.6 → 93%0-95%69%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.2%85.1%
Cubot King Kong CSSmartphone (10)17.01.2021v777%63.8 → 85%0-75%86%29.3 → 42%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%91%80%2.1 → 3%0-64%37.6 → 44%0-86%91%100%46 → 51%0-90%26%   62.7%68.6%
Xiaomi Poco M3Smartphone (10)15.01.2021v781%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%46.1 → 66%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%92%88%13 → 20%0-64%59.9 → 70%0-86%93%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%51%   72.9%78%
Gigaset GS4Smartphone (10)14.01.2021v785%66.2 → 88%0-75%90%49.4 → 71%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%83%16.4 → 26%0-64%68.9 → 80%0-86%94%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%54%   74.2%78.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 9i 14ITL5Multimedia (1)14.01.2021v778.3 → 80%0-98%74%54%68.2 → 85%0-80%71.6 → 99%20-72%88.7 → 93%0-95%85%70.5 → 78%0-90%90.5 → 100%0-90%92%88.7 → 93%0-95%89%38 → 45%0-85%   76%84.2%
Vivo Y70Smartphone (10)13.01.2021v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%48.5 → 69%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%90%90%13 → 20%0-64%65.4 → 76%0-86%96%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%58%   74.6%79.9%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14s Yoga ITL 20WE0023GEConvertible (5)12.01.2021v782 → 84%0-98%85%86%72.8 → 97%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%89%83%62.1 → 80%0-78%88.4 → 100%0-85%94%98%60.2 → 66%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   77%88.1%
Honor MagicBook 15 4500USubnotebook (4)11.01.2021v784.4 → 86%0-98%82%91%42.9 → 57%0-75%68.9 → 89%20-75%88%83%57.1 → 73%0-78%87.6 → 100%0-85%92%94%59.8 → 66%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   74%84.7%
Fujitsu LifeBook U9310XConvertible (5)09.01.2021v779.5 → 81%0-98%72%82%78.9 → 100%0-75%74.7 → 99%20-75%89%87%50.7 → 65%0-78%84.7 → 100%0-85%92%96%50.6 → 56%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.9%86.2%
Dell Vostro 14 5490Office (2)08.01.2021v778.5 → 80%0-98%88%85%50.9 → 64%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%75%79%63.8 → 82%0-78%87.4 → 92%0-95%90%87%72%35 → 41%0-85%   73.9%82.1%
Asus Zenbook 14 UX435EGMultimedia (1)08.01.2021v780.6 → 82%0-98%80%87%64.3 → 80%0-80%71.5 → 99%20-72%83.2 → 88%0-95%80%71.3 → 79%0-90%87.3 → 97%0-90%93%89 → 94%0-95%58%39 → 46%0-85%   75.8%84.1%
Vivo Y20sSmartphone (10)07.01.2021v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%87%47.3 → 68%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%95%87%9.5 → 15%0-64%53.7 → 62%0-86%95%100%60.4 → 67%0-90%51%   71.1%77.1%
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s-ITL-20V90003GESubnotebook (4)06.01.2021v789.6 → 91%0-98%83%90%49 → 65%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%86%91%51.6 → 66%0-78%81 → 95%0-85%94%87%60.4 → 66%0-91%26 → 31%0-85%   73.9%86%
Dell Inspiron 15 7000 7506 2-in-1 Black EditionMultimedia (1)06.01.2021v777.3 → 79%0-98%80%78%65.3 → 82%0-80%63.8 → 84%20-72%88.1 → 93%0-95%81%68.6 → 76%0-90%91.9 → 100%0-90%88%79 → 83%0-95%74%36.5 → 43%0-85%   74.7%82.4%
Wiko View5 PlusSmartphone (10)05.01.2021v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%86%45.8 → 65%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%96%83%7.4 → 12%0-64%55.9 → 65%0-86%94%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%62%   72.4%77.9%
Oppo A73 5GSmartphone (10)05.01.2021v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%46.3 → 66%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%95%87%25.4 → 40%0-64%66 → 77%0-86%95%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%54%   74.4%80.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme Gen3-20TLS0UV00Multimedia (1)03.01.2021v790.6 → 92%0-98%95%91%66.3 → 83%0-80%66.5 → 89%20-72%88.7 → 93%0-95%90%85.4 → 95%0-90%91.8 → 100%0-90%89%86.7 → 91%0-95%74%30 → 35%0-85%   80.3%90.1%
Chuwi LarkBook CWI509Subnotebook (4)03.01.2021v778.1 → 80%0-98%71%72%46.7 → 62%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%60%75%20.5 → 26%0-78%61 → 72%0-85%91%100%79 → 87%0-91%26 → 31%0-85%   65.8%76.9%
Dell Inspiron 15 5000 5502Multimedia (1)03.01.2021v767.1 → 68%0-98%74%68%45.8 → 57%0-80%67.5 → 91%20-72%85.1 → 90%0-95%79%57.9 → 64%0-90%82.6 → 92%0-90%94%91.5 → 96%0-95%80%34.5 → 41%0-85%   71.3%78.2%
ZTE Axon 20Smartphone (10)03.01.2021v786%67.3 → 90%0-75%90%48.7 → 70%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%87%87%18.8 → 29%0-64%38 → 44%0-86%94%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%52%   71.7%77.2%
Aorus 15P WBGaming (3)02.01.2021v779 → 81%0-98%82%87%62.2 → 78%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%74.6 → 79%0-95%86%94%91%81.2 → 85%0-95%79.9 → 89%0-90%66%40.5 → 48%0-85%   75.8%84.5%
Oppo Reno4 Z 5GSmartphone (10)02.01.2021v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.5 → 68%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%91%84%35.6 → 56%0-64%70.7 → 82%0-86%84%100%64 → 71%0-90%59%   74.4%80.7%
LG WingSmartphone (10)31.12.2020v784%67.7 → 90%0-75%92%52.4 → 75%0-70%87 → 74%50-100%89%89%36.4 → 57%0-64%72.9 → 85%0-86%90%100%70 → 78%0-90%71%   77%82.6%
Dell Latitude 5310-23VP6Convertible (5)31.12.2020v784.7 → 86%0-98%89%83%55.9 → 75%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%89%85%49.9 → 64%0-78%85.8 → 100%0-85%92%97%60 → 66%0-91%32.5 → 38%0-85%   75%87.2%
HP Omen 15-en0375ngGaming (3)29.12.2020v773.5 → 75%0-98%83%75%59.6 → 75%0-80%62 → 93%10-66%88.4 → 93%0-95%82%90%93%84.1 → 89%0-95%74.8 → 83%0-90%77%40.5 → 48%0-85%   75.6%82.8%
Asus VivoBook S15 S533EQ-BQ002TMultimedia (1)28.12.2020v782.9 → 85%0-98%82%85%64.5 → 81%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%81.9 → 86%0-95%80%64 → 71%0-90%86.2 → 96%0-90%91%92.3 → 97%0-95%71%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76%83.4%
HP Spectre x360 14t-ea000Convertible (5)28.12.2020v789.6 → 91%0-98%89%85%70.9 → 95%0-75%70.9 → 93%20-75%89%85%68.8 → 88%0-78%91.3 → 100%0-85%90%93%84.4 → 93%0-91%38.5 → 45%0-85%   80.4%89.4%
Microsoft Surface Go 2, m3-8100YConvertible (5)28.12.2020v782.6 → 84%0-98%80%89%57 → 76%0-75%78.4 → 100%20-75%76%89%28.7 → 37%0-78%73.3 → 86%0-85%90%100%52.4 → 58%0-91%46.4 → 55%0-85%   72.6%85.4%
Dell Inspiron 15 7506 2-in-1 P97FMultimedia (1)28.12.2020v777.3 → 79%0-98%74%78%57.8 → 72%0-80%65.1 → 87%20-72%81.4 → 86%0-95%80%63.1 → 70%0-90%89.1 → 99%0-90%93%90 → 95%0-95%74%38 → 45%0-85%   73.9%81.2%
Samsung Galaxy M11Smartphone (10)23.12.2020v781%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%38.5 → 55%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%83%6.2 → 10%0-64%43.6 → 51%0-86%89%100%70.8 → 79%0-90%49%   68.8%74.4%
Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro 5GSmartphone (10)23.12.2020v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%53.4 → 76%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%93%89%61.2 → 96%0-64%81.1 → 94%0-86%92%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%73%   80.7%86.9%
Lenovo Legion 7 15IMH05-81YT001VGEGaming (3)23.12.2020v775.1 → 77%0-98%85%84%66.3 → 83%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%39.9 → 42%0-95%89%98%94%93 → 98%0-95%82 → 91%0-90%69%32 → 38%0-85%   74.4%86.3%
Acer Chromebook Spin 311 CP311-3H-K2RJConvertible (5)23.12.2020v771.5 → 73%0-98%75%85%35.7 → 48%0-75%74.4 → 99%20-75%90%76%14 → 18%0-78%55.5 → 65%0-85%98%100%69 → 76%0-91%43 → 51%0-85%   68.2%79%
Medion LifeTab E10802Tablet (9)22.12.2020v775.3 → 77%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%84%40.8 → 58%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%89%78%5.6 → 7%0-78%41.8 → 45%0-92%95%100%79.8 → 88%0-91%37.6 → 44%0-85%   67.7%78.4%
Nokia 3.4Smartphone (10)22.12.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%39.1 → 56%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%83%9.6 → 15%0-64%59 → 69%0-86%89%100%62 → 69%0-90%51%   70%76%
Apple MacBook Air Late 2020 (M1, 8 Core GPU, 8 GB RAM)Subnotebook (4)22.12.2020v787.4 → 89%0-98%92%100%49.9 → 67%0-75%71.4 → 93%20-75%91%92%77.5 → 99%0-78%92.7 → 100%0-85%90%100%86.2 → 95%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   82%91.1%
SCHENKER XMG Core 14Multimedia (1)22.12.2020v774.2 → 76%0-98%77%78%64.5 → 81%0-80%69.7 → 96%20-72%73.9 → 78%0-95%89%79 → 88%0-90%92 → 100%0-90%89%66.6 → 70%0-95%68%32.5 → 38%0-85%   73.3%82.5%
Apple iPhone 12 miniSmartphone (10)22.12.2020v791%64.6 → 86%0-75%95%58 → 83%0-70%93.7 → 87%50-100%89%93%63 → 98%0-64%92.8 → 100%0-86%95%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%76%   83.5%89.9%
SCHENKER XMG Core 17 Comet LakeGaming (3)21.12.2020v778.6 → 80%0-98%83%81%61.4 → 77%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%64 → 67%0-95%84%87%91%88.3 → 93%0-95%73.3 → 81%0-90%54%38 → 45%0-85%   72.6%81.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad L14-20U50003GEOffice (2)20.12.2020v778.9 → 81%0-98%87%93%64.1 → 80%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%78%83%56.3 → 72%0-78%88.8 → 93%0-95%89%95%58%38.5 → 45%0-85%   75%85%
Dell Latitude 15 3510 NK2MCOffice (2)19.12.2020v775 → 77%0-98%80%86%58.9 → 74%0-80%64.1 → 80%20-75%78%80%44.9 → 58%0-78%76.2 → 80%0-95%94%94%61%40.5 → 48%0-85%   71.6%81%
Honor MagicBook 14, Ryzen 5 4500UOffice (2)18.12.2020v783.2 → 85%0-98%87%91%49.1 → 61%0-80%70.4 → 92%20-75%90%82%62.7 → 80%0-78%89.2 → 94%0-95%91%97%70%30.8 → 36%0-85%   76.5%85.6%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 Late 2020 M1 Entry (8 / 256 GB)Subnotebook (4)18.12.2020v789.9 → 92%0-98%95%100%53 → 71%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%92%92%76.4 → 98%0-78%95 → 100%0-85%92%90%82 → 90%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   81.8%91.1%
Xiaomi Mi 10 UltraSmartphone (10)18.12.2020v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%52.8 → 75%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%89%93%61.8 → 97%0-64%86.7 → 100%0-86%94%100%79 → 88%0-90%78%   82.5%88.3%
Dell XPS 13 9310 Core i7 4KSubnotebook (4)17.12.2020v791.4 → 93%0-98%84%88%62.6 → 83%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%75%87%70.6 → 91%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%87%91%88.6 → 97%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   78.2%87.4%
Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite 5GSmartphone (10)16.12.2020v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%54.9 → 78%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%92%87%31.5 → 49%0-64%71.8 → 83%0-86%93%100%79 → 88%0-90%63%   77%82.1%
Samsung Galaxy A42 5GSmartphone (10)16.12.2020v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%49 → 70%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%91%88%31.6 → 49%0-64%72.8 → 85%0-86%87%100%64 → 71%0-90%59%   74.3%80.1%
Razer Book 13 FHDOffice (2)16.12.2020v790.1 → 92%0-98%75%88%69.7 → 87%0-80%70.2 → 91%20-75%90%88%71.6 → 92%0-78%92.3 → 97%0-95%92%88%77%34.5 → 41%0-85%   79%86.6%
Vivo X51 5GSmartphone (10)15.12.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%52.1 → 74%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%91%90%36.2 → 57%0-64%75.4 → 88%0-86%94%100%76 → 84%0-90%74%   78.9%84.9%
Asus ROG Phone 3Smartphone (10)15.12.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%72.1 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%91%90%62.9 → 98%0-64%90.7 → 100%0-86%92%100%84.6 → 94%0-90%70%   84.1%89%
Acer Chromebook 15 CB315-3HT-P297Office (2)15.12.2020v774.6 → 76%0-98%77%87%45.9 → 57%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%88%81%16.7 → 21%0-78%73.4 → 77%0-95%97%100%65%40 → 47%0-85%   69.9%80.7%
MSI Prestige 14 Evo A11M-005Office (2)13.12.2020v781 → 83%0-98%79%89%62.5 → 78%0-80%72.6 → 96%20-75%77%87%69.9 → 90%0-78%92.9 → 98%0-95%77%79%61%39 → 46%0-85%   74.4%82.5%
Acer Predator Triton 300 PT315-52-79LPGaming (3)13.12.2020v782 → 84%0-98%79%86%59.7 → 75%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%66 → 69%0-95%81%91%90%70.2 → 74%0-95%77 → 86%0-90%75%38 → 45%0-85%   73.6%82.1%
HP Pavilion 13-bb0015clSubnotebook (4)11.12.2020v771 → 72%0-98%75%75%58.9 → 79%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%61%85%67.4 → 86%0-78%89.8 → 100%0-85%91%90%83.2 → 91%0-91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   73.4%81.5%
Alcatel 3X 2020Smartphone (10)10.12.2020v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%40.2 → 57%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%94%83%7 → 11%0-64%54 → 63%0-86%97%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%54%   71.2%76.7%
SCHENKER Compact 17Gaming (3)08.12.2020v768.1 → 69%0-98%83%78%69.6 → 87%0-80%57.2 → 84%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%88%95%89%91.3 → 96%0-95%62 → 69%0-90%77%39 → 46%0-85%   73.7%84%
Huawei MateBook 14 2020 IntelSubnotebook (4)07.12.2020v787.1 → 89%0-98%82%92%57.4 → 77%0-75%68.9 → 89%20-75%89%86%66.9 → 86%0-78%88 → 100%0-85%88%92%65.8 → 72%0-91%21.2 → 25%0-85%   75.7%86.3%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 14ARE05 82A20008GEMultimedia (1)06.12.2020v782.9 → 85%0-98%85%78%59.6 → 75%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%88.6 → 93%0-95%79%65.7 → 73%0-90%90 → 100%0-90%93%97.2 → 100%0-95%68%37 → 44%0-85%   76.4%84.2%
OnePlus Nord N10 5GSmartphone (10)06.12.2020v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%51.3 → 73%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%87%24.7 → 39%0-64%64.4 → 75%0-86%90%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%69%   75.4%81.3%
Lenovo Yoga 9i 14ITL5Convertible (5)04.12.2020v787.9 → 90%0-98%81%90%62.5 → 83%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%88%83%69 → 88%0-78%90.7 → 100%0-85%88%92%90 → 99%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   79.3%87.1%
Apple MacBook Air 2020 M1 EntrySubnotebook (4)03.12.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%92%100%49.9 → 67%0-75%71.7 → 94%20-75%91%92%65 → 83%0-78%92.7 → 100%0-85%90%100%86.2 → 95%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   81.2%91.1%
SCHENKER Vision 15Multimedia (1)03.12.2020v790.6 → 92%0-98%93%94%63.1 → 79%0-80%67.1 → 91%20-72%90.8 → 96%0-95%85%69.4 → 77%0-90%94.5 → 100%0-90%91%90.9 → 96%0-95%77%27.6 → 32%0-85%   79.4%87.7%
Asus ZenBook UX535-M01440Multimedia (1)03.12.2020v786 → 88%0-98%83%89%58 → 73%0-80%63.2 → 83%20-72%88.3 → 93%0-95%88%82.8 → 92%0-90%85.6 → 95%0-90%92%91.3 → 96%0-95%63%38.4 → 45%0-85%   77.6%87%
Apple iPhone 12 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)03.12.2020v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%53.8 → 77%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%92%94%64.6 → 100%0-64%92.8 → 100%0-86%90%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%80%   82.9%88.7%
Xiaomi Mi 10T 5GSmartphone (10)30.11.2020v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%53.4 → 76%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%93%90%61.2 → 96%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%91%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%66%   80.3%86.3%
Doogee N20 ProSmartphone (10)30.11.2020v761%63.8 → 85%0-75%86%38.1 → 54%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%90%78%13.5 → 21%0-64%60.4 → 70%0-86%92%100%71 → 79%0-90%47%   68.5%73.6%
Samsung Galaxy A31Smartphone (10)29.11.2020v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%44.2 → 63%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%91%13.4 → 21%0-64%57.5 → 67%0-86%88%100%66.8 → 74%0-90%55%   71.6%77.7%
Huawei P Smart 2021Smartphone (10)28.11.2020v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%90%43.8 → 63%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%88%13 → 20%0-64%60.2 → 70%0-86%93%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%59%   73.1%78.4%
HP EliteBook 845 G7 Ryzen 7 Pro 4750USubnotebook (4)28.11.2020v789.6 → 91%0-98%93%89%52.1 → 69%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%90%91%65.4 → 84%0-78%89.9 → 100%0-85%90%85%82.4 → 91%0-91%26.4 → 31%0-85%   78%88.2%
HP EliteBook 855 G7-23Y52EAOffice (2)27.11.2020v788.5 → 90%0-98%85%89%62.3 → 78%0-80%66.6 → 85%20-75%89%82%54.9 → 70%0-78%87.7 → 92%0-95%95%96%57%30.6 → 36%0-85%   75.5%85.9%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 Comet LakeGaming (3)27.11.2020v782.8 → 84%0-98%89%86%67.1 → 84%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%76.7 → 81%0-95%86%96%94%75.8 → 80%0-95%66.1 → 73%0-90%76%32.4 → 38%0-85%   76%85.9%
Medion Erazer Beast X10 MD61804Gaming (3)26.11.2020v786.1 → 88%0-98%83%83%65.6 → 82%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%74.9 → 79%0-95%84%96%90%79.8 → 84%0-95%65.5 → 73%0-90%71%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.4%84.7%
Realme 7 5GSmartphone (10)26.11.2020v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%47.1 → 67%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%84%34 → 53%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%89%100%56 → 62%0-90%56%   74.3%80.1%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)Tablet (9)24.11.2020v780.1 → 82%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%44.9 → 64%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%89%82%13.2 → 17%0-78%57.5 → 63%0-92%93%100%80.8 → 89%0-91%46 → 54%0-85%   71.4%81.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad S540-13ARE-82DL000YGESubnotebook (4)24.11.2020v783.8 → 86%0-98%83%84%48 → 64%0-75%71.7 → 94%20-75%89%83%60.9 → 78%0-78%88.9 → 100%0-85%94%92%70.2 → 77%0-91%31.8 → 37%0-85%   75.3%85%
Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Gen2-20T9S00K00Office (2)24.11.2020v779.3 → 81%0-98%91%88%61.1 → 76%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%76%79%62.9 → 81%0-78%89.2 → 94%0-95%84%94%69%31.2 → 37%0-85%   74.7%83.9%
Honor 10X LiteSmartphone (10)24.11.2020v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%40.3 → 58%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%87%13.6 → 21%0-64%60.3 → 70%0-86%88%100%64 → 71%0-90%45%   70%75.6%
Huawei Mate 40 ProSmartphone (10)23.11.2020v796%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%72.6 → 100%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%92%66.9 → 100%0-64%80.2 → 93%0-86%94%100%78 → 87%0-90%85%   85%90.6%
Lenovo Yoga 7 14ITL5Convertible (5)22.11.2020v782.4 → 84%0-98%85%75%62.7 → 84%0-75%69.6 → 90%20-75%88%83%58.8 → 75%0-78%89.3 → 100%0-85%91%85%89.6 → 98%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   76.6%85.1%
Samsung Galaxy A20sSmartphone (10)20.11.2020v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%38.1 → 54%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%83%6.3 → 10%0-64%42.2 → 49%0-86%91%100%68.2 → 76%0-90%54%   69.3%75.4%
Honor 9ASmartphone (10)20.11.2020v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%38.4 → 55%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%84%6.3 → 10%0-64%45.9 → 53%0-86%91%100%50 → 56%0-90%47%   67.7%74.5%
Sony Xperia 5 IISmartphone (10)19.11.2020v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%49.1 → 70%0-70%91.2 → 82%50-100%90%91%60.7 → 95%0-64%79.5 → 92%0-86%88%100%69 → 77%0-90%69%   79.5%86.6%
HP EliteBook 835 G7 23Y57EASubnotebook (4)18.11.2020v789.9 → 92%0-98%91%87%65.4 → 87%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%89%82%56.3 → 72%0-78%85.6 → 100%0-85%91%90%60.4 → 66%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   76%87.7%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G7Convertible (5)18.11.2020v789.8 → 92%0-98%92%90%72 → 96%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%88%84%51.9 → 67%0-78%88.9 → 100%0-85%93%90%89.6 → 98%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   79.9%90%
Apple iPhone 12 ProSmartphone (10)17.11.2020v792%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%56.9 → 81%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%93%64.2 → 100%0-64%93.1 → 100%0-86%93%100%75 → 83%0-90%80%   83.9%89.8%
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5GSmartphone (10)17.11.2020v788%69.6 → 93%0-75%91%67.4 → 96%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%91%60.6 → 95%0-64%81.4 → 95%0-86%93%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%75%   82.2%87.9%
Samsung Galaxy M31sSmartphone (10)17.11.2020v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%45.9 → 66%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%93%90%13.7 → 21%0-64%53.9 → 63%0-86%91%100%72 → 80%0-90%58%   72.9%79.4%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 17 Comet LakeGaming (3)16.11.2020v779.9 → 82%0-98%89%81%66.3 → 83%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%56.5 → 59%0-95%87%96%92%80.4 → 85%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%78%42 → 49%0-85%   75.2%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14-20UES00H00Office (2)16.11.2020v784.6 → 86%0-98%93%91%73.2 → 92%0-80%69.3 → 90%20-75%85%90%55.6 → 71%0-78%89.8 → 95%0-95%85%97%61%32 → 38%0-85%   77.4%88.9%
Apple iPad Air 4 2020Tablet (9)14.11.2020v787.3 → 89%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%89%91%64.9 → 83%0-78%93.4 → 100%0-92%93%100%83.8 → 92%0-91%58 → 68%0-85%   81.9%90.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14-20RA001LGEOffice (2)13.11.2020v786.8 → 89%0-98%92%88%59.6 → 75%0-80%66.9 → 85%20-75%79%80%65.3 → 84%0-78%83.3 → 88%0-95%87%92%51%22.4 → 26%0-85%   73.3%84.1%
Google Pixel 4a 5GSmartphone (10)13.11.2020v780%65.8 → 88%0-75%96%49.6 → 71%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%92%27.7 → 43%0-64%71.9 → 84%0-86%93%100%78.4 → 87%0-90%71%   77.5%83.8%
Realme 7Smartphone (10)13.11.2020v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%46.5 → 66%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%85%29.4 → 46%0-64%80.2 → 93%0-86%89%100%58 → 64%0-90%55%   73.9%79.7%
Xiaomi Redmi 9ASmartphone (10)13.11.2020v780%66.2 → 88%0-75%90%37.8 → 54%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%93%86%5.9 → 9%0-64%43.2 → 50%0-86%91%100%69.8 → 78%0-90%52%   69.5%75.7%
Dynabook Portégé X40-G-10KOffice (2)12.11.2020v787.9 → 90%0-98%75%92%66.7 → 83%0-80%72 → 95%20-75%79%88%50.2 → 64%0-78%85.1 → 90%0-95%92%92%65%42.5 → 50%0-85%   75.9%85.4%
ZTE Blade V2020Smartphone (10)12.11.2020v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%47.6 → 68%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%92%84%15.2 → 24%0-64%61 → 71%0-86%95%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%49%   73.3%78.6%
Dell Latitude 7410 Chromebook Enterprise 2-in-1Convertible (5)11.11.2020v785.7 → 87%0-98%93%92%63.9 → 85%0-75%68.4 → 88%20-75%91%81%37.9 → 49%0-78%81.5 → 96%0-85%93%93%76.2 → 84%0-91%26.8 → 32%0-85%   75.6%87.9%
Realme 7 ProSmartphone (10)11.11.2020v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%46.1 → 66%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%91%30.8 → 48%0-64%81 → 94%0-86%89%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%60%   75.9%81.1%
Asus ROG Strix G15 G512LWGaming (3)10.11.2020v780.6 → 82%0-98%85%86%58.1 → 73%0-80%60.8 → 91%10-66%71 → 75%0-95%83%94%91%85.2 → 90%0-95%71.9 → 80%0-90%83%0 → 0%0-85%   73%83.4%
Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 13IML05-82AS000WGEConvertible (5)09.11.2020v789.2 → 91%0-98%85%89%55.7 → 74%0-75%72.8 → 96%20-75%80%84%31.4 → 40%0-78%84.8 → 100%0-85%95%98%40 → 44%0-91%53 → 62%0-85%   73.7%87.1%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020Desktop (11)09.11.2020v787.9 → 90%0-98%79%89%66.7 → 82%0-81%   10-0%   0-0%93%88%91%90%75%91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   67.7%86.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad L15-20U8S0AH00Office (2)07.11.2020v777.1 → 79%0-98%91%86%71.5 → 89%0-80%64.1 → 80%20-75%75%81%54.2 → 69%0-78%89.9 → 95%0-95%91%95%61%29.2 → 34%0-85%   74.3%84.9%
HP EliteBook 845 G7-23Y60EASubnotebook (4)05.11.2020v789.6 → 91%0-98%93%89%52.1 → 69%0-75%69.2 → 89%20-75%85%83%54.2 → 69%0-78%87.7 → 100%0-85%94%98%59.4 → 65%0-91%24.4 → 29%0-85%   75.3%87.8%
Razer Blade Stealth i7-1165G7 GTX 1650 Ti Max-QSubnotebook (4)04.11.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%75%88%63.1 → 84%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%85%89%81.8 → 100%0-78%92.1 → 100%0-85%87%83%70.8 → 78%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   77.9%85.5%
Apple iPhone 12Smartphone (10)04.11.2020v789%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%46.4 → 66%0-70%91.3 → 83%50-100%91%93%62.9 → 98%0-64%91.1 → 100%0-86%91%100%62 → 69%0-90%76%   81.2%88.2%
Honor MagicBook Pro (AMD)Multimedia (1)04.11.2020v786.6 → 88%0-98%84%86%53.4 → 67%0-80%66.6 → 90%20-72%87.5 → 92%0-95%89%61.1 → 68%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%89%93.5 → 98%0-95%66%34.8 → 41%0-85%   76%84.5%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53-77N5Gaming (3)03.11.2020v782 → 84%0-98%83%92%57.7 → 72%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%62.4 → 66%0-95%83%90%90%90.3 → 95%0-95%78.9 → 88%0-90%64%42 → 49%0-85%   74.9%82.9%
Dell Latitude 7410 Chromebook EnterpriseSubnotebook (4)01.11.2020v783.1 → 85%0-98%91%83%63.9 → 85%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%89%87%36.4 → 47%0-78%79.8 → 94%0-85%87%98%77.4 → 85%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   75.2%87.7%
Dell XPS 17 9700 i5-10300HMultimedia (1)31.10.2020v789.1 → 91%0-98%89%88%67.6 → 85%0-80%61.2 → 79%20-72%90.7 → 95%0-95%91%49.1 → 55%0-90%88.4 → 98%0-90%93%93.9 → 99%0-95%82%39 → 46%0-85%   78.6%85.8%
Wiko View5Smartphone (10)31.10.2020v781%65.8 → 88%0-75%84%45 → 64%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%92%82%4.7 → 7%0-64%44.3 → 52%0-86%94%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%62%   70.7%76%
Google Pixel 5Smartphone (10)29.10.2020v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%50.5 → 72%0-70%92.2 → 84%50-100%91%92%28 → 44%0-64%72.6 → 84%0-86%94%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%71%   77.8%84.6%
Fujitsu LifeBook U7310Office (2)29.10.2020v783 → 85%0-98%89%77%70.2 → 88%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%89%89%39.8 → 51%0-78%80.8 → 85%0-95%94%95%55%40.4 → 48%0-85%   75%86.7%
Dynabook Satellite Pro C50-E-105Office (2)28.10.2020v776.3 → 78%0-98%76%91%53.5 → 67%0-80%65.9 → 83%20-75%88%83%50.9 → 65%0-78%76.4 → 80%0-95%92%87%51%39 → 46%0-85%   71.5%80.7%
Dell XPS 13 9310 Core i7 FHDSubnotebook (4)28.10.2020v791.4 → 93%0-98%84%88%61.7 → 82%0-75%71.5 → 94%20-75%89%84%69.4 → 89%0-78%90.8 → 100%0-85%89%95%83.4 → 92%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   79%88.1%
HP 17-ca1149ngOffice (2)28.10.2020v771.8 → 73%0-98%79%87%47.6 → 60%0-80%60.1 → 73%20-75%65%83%57.9 → 74%0-78%80.4 → 85%0-95%96%85%64%36.5 → 43%0-85%   70.2%78.6%
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go Core i5Subnotebook (4)27.10.2020v777.8 → 79%0-98%84%86%50.6 → 67%0-75%73.7 → 98%20-75%80%87%53.5 → 69%0-78%81.8 → 96%0-85%89%88%87.2 → 96%0-91%41.8 → 49%0-85%   75.4%84.6%
Oppo Reno4 ProSmartphone (10)27.10.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%50.9 → 73%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%91%89%35.1 → 55%0-64%71.3 → 83%0-86%93%100%74 → 82%0-90%64%   77.3%83.4%
Nubia RedMagic 5SSmartphone (10)27.10.2020v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%59.2 → 85%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%89%87%61.1 → 95%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%92%85%73.2 → 81%0-90%58%   78.5%84.7%
Dell Latitude 14 5410-RJ80DOffice (2)27.10.2020v783.7 → 85%0-98%88%87%69.5 → 87%0-80%67.9 → 87%20-75%90%80%50.5 → 65%0-78%79.5 → 84%0-95%93%94%71%23.6 → 28%0-85%   75.2%85.3%
Nokia 8.3 5GSmartphone (10)27.10.2020v783%65 → 87%0-75%94%49 → 70%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%91%84%35.4 → 55%0-64%69.8 → 81%0-86%91%100%58 → 64%0-90%64%   74.8%81.1%
Asus Zenfone 7 Pro ZS671KSSmartphone (10)27.10.2020v788%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%54.8 → 78%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%92%63.7 → 100%0-64%85.5 → 99%0-86%92%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%67%   81.3%87%
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 15-NP950Convertible (5)26.10.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%79%95%68.9 → 92%0-75%68.2 → 88%20-75%89%86%62.6 → 80%0-78%88.3 → 100%0-85%90%94%56.6 → 62%0-91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   76.8%87.3%
Xiaomi Redmi K30 UltraSmartphone (10)24.10.2020v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%50.6 → 72%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%91%93%55.6 → 87%0-64%75.1 → 87%0-86%90%100%68.4 → 76%0-90%66%   78.9%85.4%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7-14IIL05Multimedia (1)23.10.2020v782.6 → 84%0-98%85%78%60.3 → 75%0-80%69.8 → 96%20-72%88.6 → 93%0-95%83%66.1 → 73%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%86%88.5 → 93%0-95%86%37 → 44%0-85%   76.9%84.4%
Chuwi GemiBook CWI528Subnotebook (4)21.10.2020v760 → 61%0-98%65%67%36.5 → 49%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%67%80%14.1 → 18%0-78%62.6 → 74%0-85%94%96%75.2 → 83%0-91%25.5 → 30%0-85%   62.6%73.5%
OnePlus 8TSmartphone (10)21.10.2020v785%66.2 → 88%0-75%97%51.2 → 73%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%93%59.3 → 93%0-64%80.6 → 94%0-86%86%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%77%   80.8%87.8%
Dell Latitude 15 5510-D90XKOffice (2)20.10.2020v778.9 → 81%0-98%81%86%67 → 84%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%89%79%47.7 → 61%0-78%86.1 → 91%0-95%92%97%73%24 → 28%0-85%   74.4%84%
Dell Latitude 5310-GXX0DSubnotebook (4)20.10.2020v781.5 → 83%0-98%84%91%69.5 → 93%0-75%72.4 → 95%20-75%90%82%50.5 → 65%0-78%83.7 → 98%0-85%88%93%68.2 → 75%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   75.7%86.8%
Nokia 2.4Smartphone (10)19.10.2020v774%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%35.8 → 51%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%90%84%6.6 → 10%0-64%54.5 → 63%0-86%92%100%56 → 62%0-90%50%   68.4%74.5%
Apple iPad 10.2 2020Tablet (9)17.10.2020v785.4 → 87%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%92%50.4 → 72%0-70%83.2 → 90%40-88%90%87%56.8 → 73%0-78%84.8 → 92%0-92%94%100%75.6 → 83%0-91%47.6 → 56%0-85%   78.5%88%
Motorola Moto G9 PlusSmartphone (10)17.10.2020v779%68.1 → 91%0-75%89%47.3 → 68%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%84%28.8 → 45%0-64%67.3 → 78%0-86%88%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%60%   74.5%79.8%
Lenovo Legion 5 17IMH05Gaming (3)17.10.2020v775.6 → 77%0-98%82%85%61.9 → 77%0-80%57.1 → 84%10-66%89.1 → 94%0-95%84%85%80%88.7 → 93%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%74%36 → 42%0-85%   75.3%81.9%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7Tablet (9)16.10.2020v787.7 → 89%0-98%71.5 → 89%0-80%94%65.8 → 94%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%90%88%62.7 → 80%0-78%82.8 → 90%0-92%94%100%89.4 → 98%0-91%57.4 → 68%0-85%   82.1%90.1%
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5GSmartphone (10)16.10.2020v788%73.1 → 97%0-75%97%48.9 → 70%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%89%91%60.4 → 94%0-64%83.2 → 97%0-86%92%100%80 → 89%0-90%77%   82.1%87.6%
Eluktronics RP-17Gaming (3)16.10.2020v780 → 82%0-98%89%75%61.3 → 77%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%59.9 → 63%0-95%84%93%92%90.2 → 95%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%73%36 → 42%0-85%   74.6%84.3%
MSI Creator 15Multimedia (1)14.10.2020v788 → 90%0-98%85%84%61.6 → 77%0-80%64.7 → 86%20-72%57.2 → 60%0-95%91%92.1 → 100%0-90%93.2 → 100%0-90%88%73.6 → 77%0-95%66%32.6 → 38%0-85%   75%84.7%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M15 GU502LU-BI7N4Gaming (3)14.10.2020v780.5 → 82%0-98%79%75%61.9 → 77%0-80%62.7 → 94%10-66%68.1 → 72%0-95%80%93%90%83.2 → 88%0-95%69.2 → 77%0-90%88%0 → 0%0-85%   71.6%82.1%
Xiaomi Poco X3 NFCSmartphone (10)13.10.2020v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%54 → 77%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%92%87%31.1 → 49%0-64%68.6 → 80%0-86%90%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%60%   76.2%81.8%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 17 Comet LakeGaming (3)13.10.2020v779.4 → 81%0-98%83%89%71.1 → 89%0-80%41.3 → 56%10-66%56.5 → 59%0-95%87%98%96%88.1 → 93%0-95%39.4 → 44%0-90%87%43 → 51%0-85%   73.7%85%
Asus Strix G17 G712LWSGaming (3)11.10.2020v775 → 77%0-98%89%92%56.6 → 71%0-80%57.8 → 85%10-66%68.1 → 72%0-95%85%96%91%83.5 → 88%0-95%60 → 67%0-90%83%0 → 0%0-85%   72%83.1%
Motorola Moto G9 PlaySmartphone (10)09.10.2020v780%66.2 → 88%0-75%95%45.7 → 65%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%83%12.9 → 20%0-64%61.8 → 72%0-86%91%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%55%   72.4%77.9%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH317-54-75G8Gaming (3)09.10.2020v777.6 → 79%0-98%82%84%58.5 → 73%0-80%57.6 → 85%10-66%64.2 → 68%0-95%89%93%90%78.2 → 82%0-95%69.1 → 77%0-90%78%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73.9%83.6%
MSI GT76 Titan DT 10SGSGaming (3)09.10.2020v779.1 → 81%0-98%85%92%68.3 → 85%0-80%47.7 → 67%10-66%45.6 → 48%0-95%90%98%95%88.4 → 93%0-95%72.4 → 80%0-90%88%36.5 → 43%0-85%   75.7%87.4%
Jumper Tech Ez Book X3 Air ()09.10.2020v7   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   67.1%79.4%
Samsung Galaxy Book Ion Aura SilverSubnotebook (4)06.10.2020v781.5 → 83%0-98%81%95%64.2 → 86%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%81%86%59.6 → 76%0-78%86.2 → 100%0-85%90%94%56.4 → 62%0-91%35.6 → 42%0-85%-5%69.8%81.7%
ZTE Axon 11 5GSmartphone (10)06.10.2020v788%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%51.2 → 73%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%90%89%35.1 → 55%0-64%73.6 → 86%0-86%93%100%78.4 → 87%0-90%63%   77.9%83.8%
CAT S62 ProSmartphone (10)06.10.2020v787%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%49 → 70%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%89%82%14.3 → 22%0-64%54.6 → 63%0-86%90%100%80 → 89%0-90%59%   73.3%78.2%
Aorus 5 KBGaming (3)06.10.2020v776.5 → 78%0-98%81%83%65.4 → 82%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%62 → 65%0-95%88%91%93%81.7 → 86%0-95%63.8 → 71%0-90%80%32.8 → 39%0-85%   73.8%83.7%
Aorus 7 KBGaming (3)06.10.2020v775 → 77%0-98%81%83%66 → 83%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%62.3 → 66%0-95%86%92%89%80.5 → 85%0-95%42.1 → 47%0-90%81%33.2 → 39%0-85%   71.6%81.6%
Lenovo ThinkBook Plus 13 i7Subnotebook (4)06.10.2020v785.6 → 87%0-98%83%89%60.9 → 81%0-75%70.1 → 91%20-75%80%84%50.2 → 64%0-78%82.5 → 97%0-85%95%94%56.6 → 62%0-91%24.8 → 29%0-85%1%68.4%86.9%
MSI GF75 Thin 10SDRGaming (3)06.10.2020v773.8 → 75%0-98%77%75%51.9 → 65%0-80%61.5 → 92%10-66%57.5 → 61%0-95%82%90%90%83.4 → 88%0-95%62.8 → 70%0-90%80%43 → 51%0-85%   71.4%79.8%
Vivo X50 ProSmartphone (10)03.10.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%51.7 → 74%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%91%90%35.8 → 56%0-64%65.5 → 76%0-86%94%100%76 → 84%0-90%72%   77.9%84.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga 20SX0004GEOffice (2)03.10.2020v787.1 → 89%0-98%91%91%73.6 → 92%0-80%71.5 → 94%20-75%81%88%47.8 → 61%0-78%88.7 → 93%0-95%85%93%59%31.2 → 37%0-85%   76%87.9%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 PlusTablet (9)01.10.2020v786 → 88%0-98%72.3 → 90%0-80%95%59.8 → 85%0-70%81.9 → 87%40-88%80%89%61.9 → 79%0-78%83 → 90%0-92%96%100%88.6 → 97%0-91%57.4 → 68%0-85%   80.8%88.1%
Samsung Galaxy M51Smartphone (10)30.09.2020v777%66.2 → 88%0-75%97%47.1 → 67%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%95%89%26.6 → 42%0-64%69.5 → 81%0-86%87%100%64 → 71%0-90%63%   74.5%81.3%
Asus ZenBook Flip S UX371Convertible (5)30.09.2020v786.4 → 88%0-98%86%91%54.4 → 73%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%75%83%51.8 → 66%0-78%86.1 → 100%0-85%87%98%72.6 → 80%0-91%30.8 → 36%0-85%   74.9%86.3%
Asus ZenBook 14 UX425EAMultimedia (1)30.09.2020v773.6 → 75%0-98%80%81%60.1 → 75%0-80%73 → 100%20-72%89.6 → 94%0-95%90%65.5 → 73%0-90%91 → 100%0-90%89%84.1 → 89%0-95%76%36.5 → 43%0-85%   76%84.2%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M15 GU502LGaming (3)30.09.2020v780.5 → 82%0-98%79%75%61 → 76%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%65.5 → 69%0-95%92%92%87%75.2 → 79%0-95%55.1 → 61%0-90%90%0 → 0%0-85%   70.4%82.5%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15-ec1177ngGaming (3)30.09.2020v773.6 → 75%0-98%82%85%49.1 → 61%0-80%63.2 → 95%10-66%69.4 → 73%0-95%88%88%91%90.8 → 96%0-95%84 → 93%0-90%50%38.4 → 45%0-85%   73.2%81.1%
Samsung Galaxy Note20Smartphone (10)30.09.2020v791%67.3 → 90%0-75%94%66.1 → 94%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%90%59 → 92%0-64%77.2 → 90%0-86%93%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%74%   82.5%88.1%
Blu G90Smartphone (10)29.09.2020v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%40.4 → 58%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%83%5.1 → 8%0-64%53.3 → 62%0-86%91%100%48 → 53%0-90%54%   68.2%74.6%
Huawei MatePad 10.4Tablet (9)28.09.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%74.6 → 93%0-80%87%44.8 → 64%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%92%82%32.1 → 41%0-78%68.2 → 74%0-92%94%100%84.2 → 93%0-91%50.2 → 59%0-85%   75.2%84.7%
Asus ZenBook 14 UX434FL-DB77Subnotebook (4)28.09.2020v779.9 → 82%0-98%84%81%53.8 → 72%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%76%78%61.5 → 79%0-78%84.8 → 100%0-85%83%87%75.4 → 83%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   73.3%82.4%
Asus Zephyrus S15 GX502LGaming (3)27.09.2020v780.5 → 82%0-98%79%75%65 → 81%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%52 → 55%0-95%86%95%92%81.8 → 86%0-95%56.7 → 63%0-90%90%0 → 0%0-85%   70.4%82.9%
LG K51SSmartphone (10)25.09.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%38 → 54%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%90%84%6.8 → 11%0-64%53.3 → 62%0-86%91%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%58%   70.5%75.9%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15 GK5NR0OGaming (3)25.09.2020v775.3 → 77%0-98%83%81%63.9 → 80%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%67 → 71%0-95%82%87%93%77 → 81%0-95%76.3 → 85%0-90%75%38 → 45%0-85%   73.9%82.1%
Samsung Galaxy M21Smartphone (10)24.09.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.1 → 66%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%93%91%17.3 → 27%0-64%56.7 → 66%0-86%89%100%68.2 → 76%0-90%60%   73%79.7%
HP Envy x360 15-ee0257ngConvertible (5)23.09.2020v779.1 → 81%0-98%82%89%59.9 → 80%0-75%63 → 78%20-75%87%77%47.6 → 61%0-78%82.3 → 97%0-85%93%88%58.8 → 65%0-91%35 → 41%0-85%   72.4%82.8%
Xiaomi Redmi 10X 5GSmartphone (10)22.09.2020v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%51.7 → 74%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%90%44.3 → 69%0-64%76.6 → 89%0-86%88%100%66.2 → 74%0-90%69%   77.6%83.8%
HP EliteBook 830 G7Subnotebook (4)21.09.2020v790.2 → 92%0-98%89%85%74 → 99%0-75%71.5 → 94%20-75%89%89%51.7 → 66%0-78%87.5 → 100%0-85%90%91%85 → 93%0-91%34.5 → 41%0-85%   79%88.7%
Google Pixel 4aSmartphone (10)21.09.2020v780%65 → 87%0-75%94%50.5 → 72%0-70%92.9 → 86%50-100%90%93%27.8 → 43%0-64%71.7 → 83%0-86%92%100%78.4 → 87%0-90%67%   77.1%83.6%
Huawei MatePad T8Tablet (9)19.09.2020v777.7 → 79%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%84%37.5 → 54%0-70%86.2 → 96%40-88%91%82%8.2 → 11%0-78%43.3 → 47%0-92%96%100%75.2 → 83%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   68.4%80.5%
HP Omen 15-ek0456ngGaming (3)19.09.2020v773.1 → 75%0-98%82%75%60.9 → 76%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%87%92%90%91.3 → 96%0-95%74 → 82%0-90%51%43.5 → 51%0-85%   73.1%82.1%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9Smartphone (10)17.09.2020v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%50.1 → 72%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%87%14 → 22%0-64%63.5 → 74%0-86%92%100%76.6 → 85%0-90%66%   74.7%79.9%
HP ProBook x360 435 G7, Ryzen 5 4500UConvertible (5)16.09.2020v785.4 → 87%0-98%86%87%65.8 → 88%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%88%84%57.2 → 73%0-78%87.6 → 100%0-85%91%90%67.2 → 74%0-91%22.4 → 26%0-85%   75.6%86.8%
Acer Aspire 3 A317-51G-72MDMultimedia (1)15.09.2020v774.2 → 76%0-98%72%85%41.4 → 52%0-80%57.8 → 73%20-72%64.7 → 68%0-95%82%63.7 → 71%0-90%84.6 → 94%0-90%89%85.7 → 90%0-95%55%33.5 → 39%0-85%   68.4%76.4%
LG K61Smartphone (10)15.09.2020v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%40.7 → 58%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%90%83%6.1 → 10%0-64%44.9 → 52%0-86%90%100%50 → 56%0-90%44%   67.5%74%
Sony Xperia 1 IISmartphone (10)15.09.2020v786%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%50.2 → 72%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%84%89%60.8 → 95%0-64%80.6 → 94%0-86%84%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%70%   79%85%
Oppo A52Smartphone (10)15.09.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%47.7 → 68%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%86%10.5 → 16%0-64%58.5 → 68%0-86%93%100%75 → 83%0-90%57%   71.8%77%
Xiaomi Redmi 9Smartphone (10)15.09.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%48.1 → 69%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%91%84%14 → 22%0-64%62.3 → 72%0-86%86%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%60%   72.4%77.8%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G15 GA502IU-ES76Gaming (3)14.09.2020v782.6 → 84%0-98%79%75%57.7 → 72%0-80%62.3 → 93%10-66%64.8 → 68%0-95%81%89%91%81.8 → 86%0-95%76.1 → 85%0-90%82%0 → 0%0-85%   71%81.2%
Asus VivoBook 15 K571LI-PB71Multimedia (1)14.09.2020v771.6 → 73%0-98%79%68%56.7 → 71%0-80%62.6 → 82%20-72%55.8 → 59%0-95%79%87.5 → 97%0-90%90.5 → 100%0-90%79%71.1 → 75%0-95%72%38 → 45%0-85%   70.1%78.6%
SCHENKER Key 15 Comet LakeGaming (3)10.09.2020v778.7 → 80%0-98%81%86%72.3 → 90%0-80%62.8 → 94%10-66%63 → 66%0-95%81%97%91%74.5 → 78%0-95%60.3 → 67%0-90%85%39 → 46%0-85%   74.7%84.5%
Asus VivoBook 17 F712FA-AU518TOffice (2)10.09.2020v773.3 → 75%0-98%71%84%45.1 → 56%0-80%61.1 → 75%20-75%66%80%51.7 → 66%0-78%84.2 → 89%0-95%92%87%59%40 → 47%0-85%   68.8%77%
Motorola Edge PlusSmartphone (10)10.09.2020v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%47.7 → 68%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%91%88%59.2 → 93%0-64%84.1 → 98%0-86%84%100%70 → 78%0-90%71%   79.2%85.8%
Alienware m17 R3 P45EGaming (3)09.09.2020v781.8 → 83%0-98%85%89%63.3 → 79%0-80%56.6 → 83%10-66%53 → 56%0-95%88%98%94%80.1 → 84%0-95%64.5 → 72%0-90%75%39.5 → 46%0-85%   74.3%85.3%
Asus VivoBook 17 S712FA-DS76Multimedia (1)09.09.2020v773.3 → 75%0-98%75%84%45.3 → 57%0-80%61.1 → 79%20-72%68.4 → 72%0-95%79%51.8 → 58%0-90%86.6 → 96%0-90%91%82.3 → 87%0-95%64%49.5 → 58%0-85%   70.1%76%
Dell G3 15 3500-G4DG2Gaming (3)08.09.2020v777.8 → 79%0-98%79%84%65.6 → 82%0-80%60.8 → 91%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%83%87%88%79.6 → 84%0-95%77.6 → 86%0-90%65%32.6 → 38%0-85%   72.7%81.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad Duet Chromebook 10Convertible (5)06.09.2020v784.1 → 86%0-98%72%89%29.6 → 39%0-75%76.3 → 100%20-75%89%83%11.1 → 14%0-78%53.4 → 63%0-85%94%100%63.4 → 70%0-91%35 → 41%0-85%   67.7%79.8%
Samsung Galaxy Note20 UltraSmartphone (10)03.09.2020v796%67.7 → 90%0-75%98%70 → 100%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%90%56.5 → 88%0-64%79.6 → 93%0-86%94%100%83 → 92%0-90%80%   84%89.6%
Huawei Y6pSmartphone (10)02.09.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%39.3 → 56%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%91%84%6.2 → 10%0-64%48.3 → 56%0-86%89%100%60 → 67%0-90%45%   68.2%74.3%
Asus ROG Phone 3 Strix EditionSmartphone (10)02.09.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%99%72 → 100%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%93%90%60.8 → 95%0-64%84.6 → 98%0-86%92%100%84.6 → 94%0-90%70%   83.6%89.1%
MSI GE75 Raider 10SE-008USGaming (3)02.09.2020v774.4 → 76%0-98%85%89%61.2 → 77%0-80%59 → 88%10-66%56 → 59%0-95%86%94%92%87 → 92%0-95%79.1 → 88%0-90%80%38.5 → 45%0-85%   75.5%85.1%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TM420IAConvertible (5)02.09.2020v778 → 80%0-98%78%72%50.9 → 68%0-75%68.3 → 88%20-75%80%76%63.6 → 82%0-78%89.5 → 100%0-85%87%90%84.8 → 93%0-91%35.5 → 42%0-85%   73.3%80.7%
Nexoc GH7 716IGGaming (3)01.09.2020v775 → 77%0-98%81%83%64.6 → 81%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%58.6 → 62%0-95%83%90%90%82 → 86%0-95%59.4 → 66%0-90%76%35.2 → 41%0-85%   72.1%81.5%
HP 250 G7-15S40ESOffice (2)01.09.2020v767.8 → 69%0-98%78%75%45.7 → 57%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%68%70%52.7 → 68%0-78%81 → 85%0-95%94%87%64%30.5 → 36%0-85%   67.6%75.4%
Dell Latitude 14 9410 2-in-1 P110GConvertible (5)01.09.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%89%89%71.4 → 95%0-75%68.9 → 89%20-75%92%85%51.7 → 66%0-78%86.4 → 100%0-85%88%89%80 → 88%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   78.2%88.7%
Samsung Galaxy A21sSmartphone (10)31.08.2020v775%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45.4 → 65%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%82%10.3 → 16%0-64%50.9 → 59%0-86%88%100%64 → 71%0-90%57%   70.2%76.4%
Lenovo Yoga Slim 7-14AREMultimedia (1)29.08.2020v782.6 → 84%0-98%85%78%60.2 → 75%0-80%69.8 → 96%20-72%88.4 → 93%0-95%84%67.4 → 75%0-90%91.4 → 100%0-90%89%92.8 → 98%0-95%86%37 → 44%0-85%   77.7%85.3%
Acer TravelMate P6 P614-51T-G2-72ZUOffice (2)29.08.2020v783 → 85%0-98%85%88%71.6 → 90%0-80%73 → 96%20-75%89%87%52.8 → 68%0-78%82.4 → 87%0-95%92%95%55%39 → 46%0-85%   76.4%87%
Acer Spin 5 SP513-54N-79EYConvertible (5)29.08.2020v784.3 → 86%0-98%82%86%66.3 → 88%0-75%72.8 → 96%20-75%87%90%48.1 → 62%0-78%85.3 → 100%0-85%93%96%56 → 62%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   75.9%88.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen2-20T7S00W00Office (2)28.08.2020v786.8 → 89%0-98%92%88%59.6 → 75%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%80%82%61.1 → 78%0-78%88.2 → 93%0-95%87%95%71%23.2 → 27%0-85%   75.5%85.6%
Honor 9X LiteSmartphone (10)27.08.2020v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%44.2 → 63%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%90%86%12.8 → 20%0-64%63.7 → 74%0-86%85%100%66 → 73%0-90%55%   71.2%77%
LG Gram 17 17Z90N-V.AA77GOffice (2)26.08.2020v783.4 → 85%0-98%83%87%69.8 → 87%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%89%80%58.9 → 76%0-78%79.7 → 84%0-95%93%94%67%40 → 47%0-85%   76.6%85.2%
MSI GS66 10SGSGaming (3)25.08.2020v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%86%62 → 78%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%73.5 → 77%0-95%89%95%91%85.8 → 90%0-95%59.2 → 66%0-90%74%43 → 51%0-85%   75.1%84%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15-ec1206ngGaming (3)25.08.2020v773.6 → 75%0-98%82%85%49.2 → 62%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%86.7 → 91%0-95%84%85%90%83.6 → 88%0-95%81.9 → 91%0-90%74%42 → 49%0-85%   75.3%81.2%
Acer TravelMate P215-52Office (2)24.08.2020v772.5 → 74%0-98%83%88%64.4 → 81%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%79%78%50.6 → 65%0-78%82.7 → 87%0-95%89%94%66%34.5 → 41%0-85%   72.9%82%
Razer Blade 15 RTX 2070 Super Max-QGaming (3)24.08.2020v786.6 → 88%0-98%81%89%69.1 → 86%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%70.6 → 74%0-95%87%96%93%79.7 → 84%0-95%75 → 83%0-90%79%40 → 47%0-85%   77.5%86.9%
Sony Xperia 10 IISmartphone (10)22.08.2020v786%64.6 → 86%0-75%91%46.1 → 66%0-70%92.2 → 84%50-100%89%91%13 → 20%0-64%54.9 → 64%0-86%88%100%74.4 → 83%0-90%49%   72.3%78.6%
HP Pavilion Gaming 16-a0242ngGaming (3)19.08.2020v774.1 → 76%0-98%77%75%54.4 → 68%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%79.7 → 84%0-95%85%87%90%83.8 → 88%0-95%63.4 → 70%0-90%70%45.5 → 54%0-85%   72.7%79.9%
Nexoc GH5 515IGGaming (3)19.08.2020v775.3 → 77%0-98%81%83%62.7 → 78%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%83%86%86%86.5 → 91%0-95%67.2 → 75%0-90%73%40 → 47%0-85%   73.5%81.2%
Asus ZenBook 13 UX325JASubnotebook (4)18.08.2020v781.9 → 84%0-98%81%88%68.6 → 91%0-75%74.2 → 99%20-75%90%88%60.8 → 78%0-78%81.4 → 96%0-85%92%93%53 → 58%0-91%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.5%87.5%
Asus Zephyrus S17 GX701LXSGaming (3)16.08.2020v779.5 → 81%0-98%77%69%61.1 → 76%0-80%59 → 88%10-66%51 → 54%0-95%87%96%92%74.7 → 79%0-95%65.8 → 73%0-90%89%0 → 0%0-85%   69.3%82.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13-20UGS00800Subnotebook (4)15.08.2020v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%92%71.9 → 96%0-75%71.6 → 94%20-75%80%85%62.2 → 80%0-78%90.6 → 100%0-85%91%97%64.4 → 71%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   78.2%89.5%
Lenovo IdeaPad 1-14IGL05Office (2)14.08.2020v769.5 → 71%0-98%78%77%31.3 → 39%0-80%70.5 → 92%20-75%86%74%19.9 → 26%0-78%51.9 → 55%0-95%92%100%55%14.8 → 17%0-85%   63%74.6%
Dell Latitude 7410Office (2)14.08.2020v791.9 → 94%0-98%93%84%69.7 → 87%0-80%69.7 → 90%20-75%89%87%51.6 → 66%0-78%86.7 → 91%0-95%89%97%72%37 → 44%0-85%   78.2%88.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X13-20T20033GEOffice (2)13.08.2020v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%92%72.1 → 90%0-80%71.6 → 94%20-75%88%85%50.9 → 65%0-78%82.7 → 87%0-95%89%97%64%34 → 40%0-85%   77.2%88%
Sony Xperia L4Smartphone (10)13.08.2020v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%39.4 → 56%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%90%83%7 → 11%0-64%54.8 → 64%0-86%88%100%46 → 51%0-90%53%   68.4%75.1%
Amazon Fire HD 8 Plus 2020Tablet (9)12.08.2020v775.3 → 77%0-98%68.5 → 86%0-80%87%37.8 → 54%0-70%85.5 → 95%40-88%90%85%8.3 → 11%0-78%43.1 → 47%0-92%95%100%74.6 → 82%0-91%34.4 → 40%0-85%   68%80.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s-20UJS00K00Office (2)11.08.2020v787.6 → 89%0-98%95%91%69.2 → 87%0-80%71.7 → 94%20-75%89%92%61.3 → 79%0-78%90 → 95%0-95%90%98%64%28.8 → 34%0-85%   79%90.5%
Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition 2020Tablet (9)11.08.2020v778.6 → 80%0-98%68.5 → 86%0-80%87%37.1 → 53%0-70%85.5 → 95%40-88%91%85%8.2 → 11%0-78%46.4 → 50%0-92%95%100%80.6 → 89%0-91%34.4 → 40%0-85%   69%81.3%
CAT S42Smartphone (10)11.08.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%43.2 → 62%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%83%3.4 → 5%0-64%42.3 → 49%0-86%92%100%64 → 71%0-90%39%   67.6%73%
Aorus 15G XBGaming (3)11.08.2020v784.9 → 87%0-98%90%87%70.6 → 88%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%73.3 → 77%0-95%88%95%90%83.1 → 87%0-95%60.5 → 67%0-90%76%41.5 → 49%0-85%   76.9%86.5%
HP Envy 15-ep0098nrMultimedia (1)11.08.2020v780.7 → 82%0-98%82%74%64 → 80%0-80%62.7 → 82%20-72%68.9 → 73%0-95%86%92.7 → 100%0-90%88 → 98%0-90%87%61 → 64%0-95%77%40 → 47%0-85%   74.2%83%
Razer Blade 15 RTX 2080 Super Max-QGaming (3)11.08.2020v786.6 → 88%0-98%81%89%69.1 → 86%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%70.1 → 74%0-95%89%92%88%81.1 → 85%0-95%84.7 → 94%0-90%65%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.6%85.9%
Amazon Fire HD 8 2020Tablet (9)10.08.2020v775.4 → 77%0-98%68.5 → 86%0-80%87%37.1 → 53%0-70%85.5 → 95%40-88%90%85%7.8 → 10%0-78%40.9 → 44%0-92%95%100%80.6 → 89%0-91%34.4 → 40%0-85%   68.3%80.8%
MSI GS75 10SF-609USGaming (3)09.08.2020v771.3 → 73%0-98%79%75%67.7 → 85%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%63 → 66%0-95%87%95%94%85 → 89%0-95%58.3 → 65%0-90%80%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.7%83.7%
Motorola Moto G 5G PlusSmartphone (10)08.08.2020v780%68.1 → 91%0-75%89%52.9 → 76%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%87%89%33.1 → 52%0-64%71.8 → 83%0-86%86%100%70.6 → 78%0-90%59%   74.9%80%
Asus ROG Strix G15 G512LIGaming (3)07.08.2020v780.6 → 82%0-98%85%86%58.1 → 73%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%60.7 → 64%0-95%79%89%90%88 → 93%0-95%65.7 → 73%0-90%80%0 → 0%0-85%   70.9%80.8%
Huawei Y5pSmartphone (10)06.08.2020v776%63.1 → 84%0-75%86%37 → 53%0-70%92.8 → 86%50-100%90%83%6.2 → 10%0-64%47 → 55%0-86%91%100%70 → 78%0-90%41%   67.9%73.9%
Xiaomi Mi Note 10 LiteSmartphone (10)06.08.2020v786%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%48.4 → 69%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%90%28.2 → 44%0-64%67.8 → 79%0-86%89%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%68%   76.7%82.9%
HP ProBook 450 G7 8WC04UTOffice (2)06.08.2020v778.6 → 80%0-98%76%95%63.6 → 80%0-80%64.1 → 80%20-75%75%79%63.1 → 81%0-78%82.7 → 87%0-95%85%89%81%35.5 → 42%0-85%   74.5%81.4%
Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)05.08.2020v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%49.5 → 71%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%92%92%36.5 → 57%0-64%72.7 → 85%0-86%89%100%74 → 82%0-90%72%   77.6%84%
MSI GS66 Stealth 10SE-045Gaming (3)05.08.2020v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%86%62 → 78%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%85%93%90%80.8 → 85%0-95%61.5 → 68%0-90%75%42 → 49%0-85%   73.9%82.5%
Asus ROG Strix Scar 15 G532LWSGaming (3)05.08.2020v783.1 → 85%0-98%85%86%58 → 73%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%62.8 → 66%0-95%88%97%93%84.7 → 89%0-95%62.9 → 70%0-90%84%0 → 0%0-85%   72.6%84.4%
Alienware m15 R3 P87FGaming (3)03.08.2020v781.1 → 83%0-98%85%89%62.1 → 78%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%50.7 → 53%0-95%86%96%92%79.7 → 84%0-95%71.3 → 79%0-90%72%38.5 → 45%0-85%   74.2%84.8%
MSI GL75 10SFRGaming (3)01.08.2020v777.6 → 79%0-98%85%86%61.2 → 77%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%59 → 62%0-95%88%94%86%89.3 → 94%0-95%62.4 → 69%0-90%71%41.6 → 49%0-85%   73.8%83.5%
Xiaomi Poco F2 ProSmartphone (10)01.08.2020v785%67.3 → 90%0-75%94%49.4 → 71%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%92%60.9 → 95%0-64%82.2 → 96%0-86%86%100%75 → 83%0-90%70%   80.2%86.6%
ZTE Axon 11Smartphone (10)31.07.2020v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%47.4 → 68%0-70%91 → 82%50-100%88%87%14 → 22%0-64%61.7 → 72%0-86%94%100%73.8 → 82%0-90%61%   74.3%80.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14s-20T00044GEOffice (2)30.07.2020v787.6 → 89%0-98%95%91%69.8 → 87%0-80%72 → 95%20-75%90%91%50.8 → 65%0-78%84.6 → 89%0-95%90%90%64%28.8 → 34%0-85%   77.2%88.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14IIL05Office (2)29.07.2020v774.2 → 76%0-98%74%87%43 → 54%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%69%81%52 → 67%0-78%81.7 → 86%0-95%93%96%54%30 → 35%0-85%   69.3%78.9%
OnePlus NordSmartphone (10)27.07.2020v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%46.6 → 67%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%90%90%36.3 → 57%0-64%76.6 → 89%0-86%86%100%76 → 84%0-90%71%   77.3%83.6%
Dell Latitude 9510 2-in-1Office (2)24.07.2020v792.9 → 95%0-98%93%86%69.7 → 87%0-80%66.8 → 85%20-75%92%81%51.2 → 66%0-78%88.5 → 93%0-95%91%96%84%38.5 → 45%0-85%   79.3%88.6%
HP ProBook 445 G7 175W4EAOffice (2)24.07.2020v780.5 → 82%0-98%78%95%50.6 → 63%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%84%80%55 → 71%0-78%84.6 → 89%0-95%94%98%71%26.4 → 31%0-85%   74.1%83.2%
Oppo A72Smartphone (10)23.07.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%48.1 → 69%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%82%12.5 → 20%0-64%62.3 → 72%0-86%92%100%74.6 → 83%0-90%59%   72.2%77.3%
Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 15 GX550LXSGaming (3)22.07.2020v782.6 → 84%0-98%80%83%63.7 → 80%0-80%59.7 → 89%10-66%57.2 → 60%0-95%93%94%89%79.6 → 84%0-95%69.3 → 77%0-90%80%0 → 0%0-85%   71.7%84.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020-20U9003BGEOffice (2)21.07.2020v788.1 → 90%0-98%90%89%74.4 → 93%0-80%73.9 → 98%20-75%73%69%51.5 → 66%0-78%89.2 → 94%0-95%89%98%74%38 → 45%0-85%   76.7%85.8%
Dell Latitude 7310Office (2)21.07.2020v788.1 → 90%0-98%93%84%69.7 → 87%0-80%72.4 → 95%20-75%89%89%51.2 → 66%0-78%88.5 → 93%0-95%89%96%83%38.5 → 45%0-85%   79.4%89.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T15 Gen1-20S7S02U00Office (2)21.07.2020v784 → 86%0-98%91%91%72.5 → 91%0-80%65 → 82%20-75%75%92%63.8 → 82%0-78%83.5 → 88%0-95%85%97%58%25.2 → 30%0-85%   75.6%87.2%
Asus VivoBook S14 S433FLMultimedia (1)21.07.2020v785.4 → 87%0-98%77%87%50.8 → 64%0-80%70.2 → 97%20-72%82.8 → 87%0-95%79%64.2 → 71%0-90%84.6 → 94%0-90%90%85 → 89%0-95%59%31.8 → 37%0-85%   72.8%80.7%
Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 13.3Convertible (5)21.07.2020v784.7 → 86%0-98%83%95%46.9 → 63%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%75%82%55.4 → 71%0-78%84.8 → 100%0-85%91%91%61.6 → 68%0-91%26.8 → 32%0-85%   73.1%84.4%
Xiaomi Black Shark 3Smartphone (10)20.07.2020v784%67.7 → 90%0-75%94%49.5 → 71%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%89%88%62 → 97%0-64%79.6 → 93%0-86%88%100%68 → 76%0-90%71%   79.1%85.3%
Razer Blade Pro 17 RTX 2070 Max-Q 300 HzGaming (3)17.07.2020v793.5 → 95%0-98%82%92%70.5 → 88%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%63.1 → 66%0-95%82%97%93%84.7 → 89%0-95%77.8 → 86%0-90%80%40 → 47%0-85%   77.9%87.4%
HP Envy 17t-cg000Multimedia (1)16.07.2020v784 → 86%0-98%84%86%58.7 → 73%0-80%58.3 → 74%20-72%61.1 → 64%0-95%84%61.9 → 69%0-90%88.4 → 98%0-90%90%87.1 → 92%0-95%81%25.6 → 30%0-85%   73.1%80.9%
Honor MagicBook 15Office (2)16.07.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%82%91%41.9 → 52%0-80%68.6 → 88%20-75%69%84%59.7 → 77%0-78%84.7 → 89%0-95%92%97%58%40.4 → 48%0-85%   73.3%82.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2020-20UCS03S00Convertible (5)15.07.2020v787.7 → 89%0-98%92%95%67.4 → 90%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%85%88%51.1 → 66%0-78%79.8 → 94%0-85%89%96%77 → 85%0-91%41.2 → 48%0-85%   78.4%89.8%
Dell XPS 17 9700 Core i7 RTX 2060 Max-QMultimedia (1)15.07.2020v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%88%65.9 → 82%0-80%59.8 → 77%20-72%88.1 → 93%0-95%86%85.9 → 95%0-90%87.6 → 97%0-90%86%83.8 → 88%0-95%80%39 → 46%0-85%   79%87.9%
Motorola Moto G ProSmartphone (10)15.07.2020v782%60.4 → 81%0-75%87%42.7 → 61%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%90%82%13 → 20%0-64%58.9 → 68%0-86%87%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%63%   71.7%77.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 14ARE05Subnotebook (4)15.07.2020v781.4 → 83%0-98%86%86%58.2 → 78%0-75%70.4 → 92%20-75%88%85%62 → 79%0-78%88.4 → 100%0-85%93%92%51 → 56%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   74.9%86%
Razer Blade Stealth Core i7 GTX 1650 Ti Max-Q 4KSubnotebook (4)14.07.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%75%88%63.1 → 84%0-75%69.2 → 89%20-75%71%88%82.3 → 100%0-78%86.7 → 100%0-85%82%91%59.4 → 65%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.6%84.8%
LG VelvetSmartphone (10)14.07.2020v795%68.5 → 91%0-75%93%55.9 → 80%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%89%90%33 → 52%0-64%73.4 → 85%0-86%93%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%72%   79.4%85%
Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 13.3Subnotebook (4)14.07.2020v784.3 → 86%0-98%78%95%55.7 → 74%0-75%75.5 → 100%20-75%88%86%47.1 → 60%0-78%87.4 → 100%0-85%90%75%56.2 → 62%0-91%27.6 → 32%0-85%   72.7%83.8%
Huawei P40 Pro PlusSmartphone (10)14.07.2020v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%69.7 → 100%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%90%92%57.5 → 90%0-64%83.2 → 97%0-86%93%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%84%   83.3%89.3%
LG Gram 15Z90NSubnotebook (4)10.07.2020v776.7 → 78%0-98%80%83%60.7 → 81%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%89%84%53.4 → 68%0-78%76.6 → 90%0-85%94%95%66.8 → 73%0-91%31 → 36%0-85%   74.1%84.8%
Samsung Galaxy Book S IntelSubnotebook (4)10.07.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%80%88%51.2 → 68%0-75%76 → 100%20-75%88%84%44.9 → 58%0-78%67.2 → 79%0-85%93%100%84 → 92%0-91%33.6 → 40%0-85%   74.9%85.1%
Xiaomi RedmiBook 16 R5Office (2)09.07.2020v784.9 → 87%0-98%81%79%51.7 → 65%0-80%65.9 → 83%20-75%89%85%58 → 74%0-78%85.3 → 90%0-95%94%93%75%0 → 0%0-85%   72.4%82.9%
Lenovo Legion 5 15IMH05HGaming (3)09.07.2020v775.4 → 77%0-98%87%87%60.2 → 75%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%77.7 → 82%0-95%83%93%89%89.5 → 94%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%54%30.8 → 36%0-85%   74.8%83.3%
Huawei MatePad Pro 10.8Tablet (9)08.07.2020v787.4 → 89%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%93%55.9 → 80%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%90%87%48.4 → 62%0-78%77.6 → 84%0-92%94%100%88 → 97%0-91%64.4 → 76%0-85%   79.9%88.4%
Samsung Galaxy M31Smartphone (10)08.07.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%46 → 66%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%93%91%17.4 → 27%0-64%50.4 → 59%0-86%88%100%68 → 76%0-90%61%   72.7%79.8%
Huawei P40 Lite 5GSmartphone (10)08.07.2020v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%83%49.2 → 70%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%88%45.7 → 71%0-64%73 → 85%0-86%92%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%63%   77%82.3%
Realme X3 SuperZoomSmartphone (10)08.07.2020v781%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%47.9 → 68%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%94%82%55.1 → 86%0-64%79.3 → 92%0-86%91%100%76 → 84%0-90%67%   78%83.5%
Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15IIL05Multimedia (1)07.07.2020v779.5 → 81%0-98%86%86%58.3 → 73%0-80%67.1 → 91%20-72%89.4 → 94%0-95%82%68.9 → 77%0-90%85.9 → 95%0-90%87%87 → 92%0-95%57%32 → 38%0-85%   74.4%83%
HP ProBook 455 G7-175W8EAOffice (2)07.07.2020v778.6 → 80%0-98%76%95%64.4 → 81%0-80%64.8 → 81%20-75%73%81%57.8 → 74%0-78%82 → 86%0-95%94%97%62%25.6 → 30%0-85%   73.1%82.6%
Fujitsu Lifebook U939 i5Subnotebook (4)04.07.2020v779.5 → 81%0-98%72%71%61.9 → 83%0-75%76.6 → 100%20-75%81%86%43.7 → 56%0-78%84.6 → 100%0-85%91%97%69.8 → 77%0-91%36.8 → 43%0-85%   73.1%83.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T14-20S1S06B00Office (2)04.07.2020v784.8 → 87%0-98%93%91%74.1 → 93%0-80%69.5 → 90%20-75%87%90%48.3 → 62%0-78%82.9 → 87%0-95%81%96%61%32 → 38%0-85%   76.2%88%
Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3i 15IMH05Gaming (3)03.07.2020v777 → 79%0-98%84%87%44.3 → 55%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%70.6 → 74%0-95%80%84%88%88.9 → 94%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%55%35.6 → 42%0-85%   71.8%78.4%
Alcatel 3L 2020Smartphone (10)02.07.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%37.4 → 53%0-70%91 → 82%50-100%95%82%7 → 11%0-64%53.1 → 62%0-86%93%100%70 → 78%0-90%59%   70.2%76.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 3 11IGL05Convertible (5)02.07.2020v771.3 → 73%0-98%70%83%39.8 → 53%0-75%73.4 → 97%20-75%87%79%16.8 → 22%0-78%56.1 → 66%0-85%93%100%62.6 → 69%0-91%34.4 → 40%0-85%   66.7%78.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020-20UAS04T00Subnotebook (4)02.07.2020v788.1 → 90%0-98%90%89%70 → 93%0-75%74 → 98%20-75%89%86%51.5 → 66%0-78%89.2 → 100%0-85%89%98%74.4 → 82%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   78.9%90.2%
Fujitsu Lifebook U939XConvertible (5)01.07.2020v779.4 → 81%0-98%72%82%65.4 → 87%0-75%74.7 → 99%20-75%88%86%44 → 56%0-78%83 → 98%0-85%90%97%48.4 → 53%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   72.9%84.7%
HP Envy x360 13-ay0010nrConvertible (5)01.07.2020v785.9 → 88%0-98%81%89%56 → 75%0-75%71.9 → 94%20-75%89%86%61.1 → 78%0-78%87.6 → 100%0-85%89%88%51.3 → 56%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   74.9%85.5%
Huawei MateBook 13 2020 AMDSubnotebook (4)30.06.2020v784.1 → 86%0-98%84%86%45.1 → 60%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%72%83%51.4 → 66%0-78%82.8 → 97%0-85%91%97%64.6 → 71%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   72.8%84%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-44-R5FTGaming (3)27.06.2020v774 → 76%0-98%77%81%51.6 → 65%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%83.4 → 88%0-95%81%87%89%85.6 → 90%0-95%76 → 84%0-90%67%41 → 48%0-85%   73.5%79.8%
Microsoft Surface Book 3 13.5Convertible (5)27.06.2020v787.3 → 89%0-98%90%87%52.4 → 70%0-75%67.3 → 86%20-75%72%87%77.3 → 99%0-78%83.3 → 98%0-85%86%98%58.8 → 65%0-91%52.8 → 62%0-85%   76.9%86.9%
Dell G5 15 SE 5505 P89FGaming (3)26.06.2020v773.8 → 75%0-98%79%83%61.1 → 76%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%84%93%92%79.6 → 84%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%73%37 → 44%0-85%   75%83.7%
MSI Bravo 17 A4DDRGaming (3)26.06.2020v776.3 → 78%0-98%77%81%52.8 → 66%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%64.7 → 68%0-95%83%89%90%85 → 89%0-95%72.3 → 80%0-90%82%34.5 → 41%0-85%   73%80.9%
HP Envy x360 15-dr1679clConvertible (5)25.06.2020v776.4 → 78%0-98%73%83%56.3 → 75%0-75%62.7 → 78%20-75%87%75%50.8 → 65%0-78%85.1 → 100%0-85%88%90%62.5 → 69%0-91%37 → 44%0-85%   71.3%80.4%
Lenovo V340-17IWL 81RG001YGEOffice (2)23.06.2020v773.8 → 75%0-98%81%76%46.8 → 59%0-80%57.8 → 69%20-75%64%82%25.8 → 33%0-78%65.5 → 69%0-95%96%95%67%28.4 → 33%0-85%   66.1%77.1%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 ProSmartphone (10)23.06.2020v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%50.4 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%89%29.2 → 46%0-64%69.5 → 81%0-86%91%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%65%   77%82.9%
Wiko View 4 LiteSmartphone (10)23.06.2020v777%66.2 → 88%0-75%83%37.1 → 53%0-70%90.2 → 80%50-100%92%84%6.6 → 10%0-64%52.8 → 61%0-86%93%100%68 → 76%0-90%50%   69.2%74.7%
Oppo Find X2 LiteSmartphone (10)23.06.2020v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%48 → 69%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%89%86%36 → 56%0-64%74.8 → 87%0-86%90%100%71 → 79%0-90%68%   76.5%82.3%
Oppo Find X2 NeoSmartphone (10)23.06.2020v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%49.7 → 71%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%89%87%35.9 → 56%0-64%76.3 → 89%0-86%91%100%79.8 → 89%0-90%67%   77.8%83.5%
Samsung Galaxy Book SSubnotebook (4)22.06.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%80%88%60.2 → 80%0-75%75.8 → 100%20-75%92%85%45.8 → 59%0-78%68.5 → 81%0-85%89%100%84 → 92%0-91%33.6 → 40%0-85%   75.9%86.2%
Microsoft Surface Book 3 15Convertible (5)20.06.2020v788 → 90%0-98%90%87%58.3 → 78%0-75%64.1 → 80%20-75%86%88%84.1 → 100%0-78%82.7 → 97%0-85%89%98%55.6 → 61%0-91%59.4 → 70%0-85%   79.2%88.3%
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-52-77DSGaming (3)19.06.2020v777.1 → 79%0-98%82%89%52.9 → 66%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%71.5 → 75%0-95%79%89%88%86 → 91%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%55%37 → 44%0-85%   73.5%80.6%
Samsung Galaxy A41Smartphone (10)19.06.2020v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%47.5 → 68%0-70%92.1 → 84%50-100%89%90%13.4 → 21%0-64%56.9 → 66%0-86%93%100%68.2 → 76%0-90%62%   72.7%78.8%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-42-R27BOffice (2)18.06.2020v785.2 → 87%0-98%82%86%62.8 → 79%0-80%72.6 → 96%20-75%89%81%54.8 → 70%0-78%84.5 → 89%0-95%94%97%52%30 → 35%0-85%   74.6%85%
OnePlus 8Smartphone (10)17.06.2020v789%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%51.7 → 74%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%91%93%60.9 → 95%0-64%81.5 → 95%0-86%94%100%72.8 → 81%0-90%74%   81.5%88.4%
Realme 6 ProSmartphone (10)17.06.2020v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%80%48.3 → 69%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%92%84%28.6 → 45%0-64%72.9 → 85%0-86%93%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%63%   74.9%79.6%
Dell XPS 15 9500 Core i7 4K UHDMultimedia (1)17.06.2020v792.3 → 94%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 83%0-80%63.3 → 83%20-72%85.8 → 90%0-95%87%88.6 → 98%0-90%89.6 → 100%0-90%85%84.5 → 89%0-95%95%42.5 → 50%0-85%   81.8%90.1%
Alcatel 1S (2020)Smartphone (10)17.06.2020v775%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%37.8 → 54%0-70%91 → 82%50-100%93%81%6.5 → 10%0-64%51.1 → 59%0-86%95%100%70.4 → 78%0-90%47%   69.1%74.6%
HP EliteBook 735 G6 7KN29EASubnotebook (4)16.06.2020v789 → 91%0-98%88%86%62.7 → 84%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%81%81%54.6 → 70%0-78%76.9 → 90%0-85%91%96%72.4 → 80%0-91%20.4 → 24%0-85%   74.4%86%
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active Pro T545Tablet (9)15.06.2020v785.4 → 87%0-98%71.9 → 90%0-80%92%66.4 → 95%0-70%80.6 → 85%40-88%91%86%19.1 → 24%0-78%57.7 → 63%0-92%95%100%80 → 88%0-91%60.8 → 72%0-85%   75.8%83.9%
Realme X50 ProSmartphone (10)13.06.2020v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%52.7 → 75%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%89%61.3 → 96%0-64%83.8 → 97%0-86%94%100%76.2 → 85%0-90%67%   80.6%86.1%
Oppo Reno3Smartphone (10)12.06.2020v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%45.5 → 65%0-70%90.6 → 81%50-100%90%87%16.6 → 26%0-64%69.4 → 81%0-86%86%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%70%   74.3%80.1%
Oppo Reno3 ProSmartphone (10)10.06.2020v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%44.8 → 64%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%91%87%38.7 → 60%0-64%79.5 → 92%0-86%87%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%70%   77.6%84%
Huawei MateBook 13 2020 i5Subnotebook (4)09.06.2020v784.1 → 86%0-98%84%86%43 → 57%0-75%71.4 → 93%20-75%79%83%50.1 → 64%0-78%87.4 → 100%0-85%90%97%64.6 → 71%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   73.4%84.4%
Motorola Razr 2019Smartphone (10)08.06.2020v773%65 → 87%0-75%94%44.4 → 63%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%81%85%21.9 → 34%0-64%63.7 → 74%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%55%   71.2%76.1%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 LiteTablet (9)06.06.2020v785.9 → 88%0-98%74.2 → 93%0-80%89%46.8 → 67%0-70%83.7 → 91%40-88%90%83%17.4 → 22%0-78%50.3 → 55%0-92%93%100%84.4 → 93%0-91%52 → 61%0-85%   73.1%83.1%
LG Gram 14Z90NSubnotebook (4)05.06.2020v778.9 → 81%0-98%72%78%65 → 87%0-75%75.1 → 100%20-75%90%82%54.4 → 70%0-78%85.4 → 100%0-85%92%98%80.8 → 89%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   76.6%85.3%
HP 470 G7 8VU24EAOffice (2)05.06.2020v771.8 → 73%0-98%84%87%50.4 → 63%0-80%60.7 → 74%20-75%62%82%53.6 → 69%0-78%85.2 → 90%0-95%93%82%53%34.4 → 40%0-85%   69.1%78.8%
Nubia RedMagic 5GSmartphone (10)05.06.2020v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%51.6 → 74%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%88%83%60.8 → 95%0-64%83.1 → 97%0-86%90%88%76.4 → 85%0-90%61%   78.2%84.2%
HP 14s-dq1431ngSubnotebook (4)04.06.2020v773.8 → 75%0-98%72%79%43.8 → 58%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%67%81%53.6 → 69%0-78%82.8 → 97%0-85%94%89%62.8 → 69%0-91%29.6 → 35%0-85%   69.1%79.1%
Acer Swift 3 SF313-52-52ASSubnotebook (4)04.06.2020v779.9 → 82%0-98%82%88%52.9 → 71%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%89%85%55.4 → 71%0-78%82.7 → 97%0-85%95%97%59.4 → 65%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   74.8%85.9%
HP 15s-fq1440ngOffice (2)04.06.2020v774.6 → 76%0-98%74%87%42.2 → 53%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%65%73%55.9 → 72%0-78%86 → 91%0-95%94%93%65%39.2 → 46%0-85%   70.3%77.9%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-42-R4XJSubnotebook (4)03.06.2020v785.2 → 87%0-98%82%86%61.9 → 83%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%90%82%60.8 → 78%0-78%88.4 → 100%0-85%92%97%51.8 → 57%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   75.3%86.5%
Xiaomi Black Shark 3 ProSmartphone (10)03.06.2020v785%71.2 → 95%0-75%94%51.3 → 73%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%90%85%59 → 92%0-64%83.2 → 97%0-86%90%100%69.4 → 77%0-90%71%   79.7%85.3%
Huawei MateBook X Pro 2020 i7Subnotebook (4)03.06.2020v791.4 → 93%0-98%84%89%47.4 → 63%0-75%70.9 → 93%20-75%88%90%58.9 → 76%0-78%87.8 → 100%0-85%86%94%71 → 78%0-91%51 → 60%0-85%   77.6%87.4%
Realme 6Smartphone (10)02.06.2020v783%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%47.4 → 68%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%91%85%28.9 → 45%0-64%69.5 → 81%0-86%90%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%68%   75.3%80.7%
Realme 6iSmartphone (10)02.06.2020v780%66.9 → 89%0-75%84%38.5 → 55%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%94%83%15.1 → 24%0-64%63.4 → 74%0-86%93%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%64%   73.1%78.2%
Realme C3Smartphone (10)02.06.2020v780%66.9 → 89%0-75%84%40 → 57%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%94%83%13.5 → 21%0-64%62.5 → 73%0-86%91%100%70.6 → 78%0-90%56%   71.6%76.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2020 2GHz i5 10th-GenSubnotebook (4)01.06.2020v788.8 → 91%0-98%96%100%65.6 → 87%0-75%70.4 → 92%20-75%89%91%58.6 → 75%0-78%81.9 → 96%0-85%93%94%87.6 → 96%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   80.9%92.1%
Huawei P Smart 2020Smartphone (10)30.05.2020v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%41.8 → 60%0-70%91.2 → 82%50-100%79%83%30 → 47%0-64%56.2 → 65%0-86%86%100%60 → 67%0-90%55%   70.7%76.6%
Dell XPS 15 9500 Core i5Multimedia (1)30.05.2020v792.3 → 94%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 83%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%86.7 → 91%0-95%88%50.6 → 56%0-90%88.5 → 98%0-90%93%95.7 → 100%0-95%95%42.5 → 50%0-85%   80.5%86.8%
Asus TUF A17 FA706IU-AS76Gaming (3)27.05.2020v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%86%55.2 → 69%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%82.6 → 87%0-95%81%92%92%87.7 → 92%0-95%77.1 → 86%0-90%69%42.5 → 50%0-85%   75.9%82.9%
Motorola Moto G8 Power LiteSmartphone (10)27.05.2020v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%39.3 → 56%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%82%7.1 → 11%0-64%55.6 → 65%0-86%90%100%75 → 83%0-90%48%   70.1%74.9%
Oppo A91Smartphone (10)26.05.2020v787%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%47 → 67%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%88%85%15.5 → 24%0-64%74.1 → 86%0-86%92%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%67%   74.9%79.8%
Nokia 5.3Smartphone (10)26.05.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%43.3 → 62%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%90%82%14.7 → 23%0-64%64.1 → 75%0-86%78%100%62 → 69%0-90%44%   69.5%75.7%
Xiaomi Mi 10Smartphone (10)26.05.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54 → 77%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%62.3 → 97%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%90%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%73%   81.6%87.8%
Motorola EdgeSmartphone (10)25.05.2020v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%49.3 → 70%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%86%33.1 → 52%0-64%73 → 85%0-86%86%100%68.6 → 76%0-90%61%   75.2%81%
Razer Blade 15 RZ09-0328Gaming (3)22.05.2020v790.6 → 92%0-98%81%88%65.6 → 82%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%57.8 → 61%0-95%90%91%89%81.3 → 86%0-95%79.4 → 88%0-90%71%47 → 55%0-85%   76.5%86%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9SSmartphone (10)20.05.2020v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%44.3 → 63%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%85%29.3 → 46%0-64%68.5 → 80%0-86%88%100%72 → 80%0-90%59%   74.6%80.7%
Asus ZenBook Flip 14 UX463FA-AI039TConvertible (5)20.05.2020v786.3 → 88%0-98%84%87%51.5 → 69%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%78%80%51.1 → 66%0-78%83.5 → 98%0-85%92%99%60.4 → 66%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   73.4%85%
Asus ExpertBook B9450FA, i7-10510USubnotebook (4)20.05.2020v785.3 → 87%0-98%79%91%55 → 73%0-75%75.1 → 100%20-75%91%89%51.2 → 66%0-78%76.4 → 90%0-85%92%97%53.4 → 59%0-91%37.4 → 44%0-85%   74.8%86.5%
Dynabook Portege X30L-G1331Office (2)19.05.2020v778.6 → 80%0-98%80%83%55.8 → 70%0-80%77.3 → 100%20-75%82%91%51 → 65%0-78%86.3 → 91%0-95%91%96%73%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.7%85.1%
Huawei P smart ProSmartphone (10)19.05.2020v780%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%37.7 → 54%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%82%12.4 → 19%0-64%62 → 72%0-86%88%100%79 → 88%0-90%60%   71.8%76.7%
HP ProBook 430 G7-8VU53EAOffice (2)18.05.2020v781.1 → 83%0-98%81%88%66.3 → 83%0-80%69.9 → 91%20-75%81%83%50.3 → 64%0-78%82.2 → 87%0-95%91%98%71%25.6 → 30%0-85%   74.5%84.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad E490-20N90004GEOffice (2)18.05.2020v783.8 → 86%0-98%94%88%64.6 → 81%0-80%64.6 → 81%20-75%75%83%62.2 → 80%0-78%84 → 88%0-95%81%92%59%40 → 47%0-85%   74.6%84.6%
Apple iPhone SE 2020Smartphone (10)17.05.2020v782%68.1 → 91%0-75%89%50.7 → 72%0-70%92.5 → 85%50-100%89%90%59.9 → 94%0-64%83 → 97%0-86%88%100%71.4 → 79%0-90%63%   79%85.2%
Nokia 1.3Smartphone (10)17.05.2020v760%61.5 → 82%0-75%78%33.1 → 47%0-70%91.9 → 84%50-100%91%82%3.8 → 6%0-64%31.1 → 36%0-86%85%100%50 → 56%0-90%34%   61.6%68.3%
Xiaomi Mi 10 ProSmartphone (10)16.05.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%60.8 → 95%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%93%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%76%   82.1%88.2%
Honor Magicbook 14Subnotebook (4)15.05.2020v783.6 → 85%0-98%87%91%46.4 → 62%0-75%70.4 → 92%20-75%88%84%57.6 → 74%0-78%83.1 → 98%0-85%92%98%64.6 → 71%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   75.9%86.5%
Aorus 17G XBGaming (3)14.05.2020v785.5 → 87%0-98%89%86%68.9 → 86%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%76.9 → 81%0-95%89%94%94%81.6 → 86%0-95%60.7 → 67%0-90%76%37.5 → 44%0-85%   76.7%86.5%
HP 17-by2437ngOffice (2)14.05.2020v768.9 → 70%0-98%77%87%38.1 → 48%0-80%60.4 → 73%20-75%67%70%45.4 → 58%0-78%78.5 → 83%0-95%95%92%52%22.4 → 26%0-85%   65.7%75.2%
Apple MacBook Air 2020 i3Subnotebook (4)13.05.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%92%100%57.4 → 77%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%88%92%32.9 → 42%0-78%71.2 → 84%0-85%92%97%87.2 → 96%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   77.1%89.6%
Apple iPad Pro 12.9 2020Tablet (9)13.05.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%78.5 → 98%0-80%99%50 → 71%0-70%80.8 → 85%40-88%90%90%60.6 → 78%0-78%81.8 → 89%0-92%88%100%86.8 → 95%0-91%67.6 → 80%0-85%   81.3%89.3%
Dell XPS 13 9300 4K UHDSubnotebook (4)13.05.2020v791.4 → 93%0-98%86%88%61.7 → 82%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%89%83%61.7 → 79%0-78%85.4 → 100%0-85%89%95%75.2 → 83%0-91%31.2 → 37%0-85%   77.6%88%
Motorola Moto G8Smartphone (10)12.05.2020v779%65.8 → 88%0-75%91%37.3 → 53%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%86%13.1 → 20%0-64%56.2 → 65%0-86%88%100%67.4 → 75%0-90%53%   70.5%76.6%
Huawei P40 ProSmartphone (10)12.05.2020v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%68.8 → 98%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%57.7 → 90%0-64%82.2 → 96%0-86%95%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%83%   83.4%89.4%
Samsung Galaxy S20 UltraSmartphone (10)12.05.2020v794%67.7 → 90%0-75%98%68.6 → 98%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%91%59.3 → 93%0-64%78.5 → 91%0-86%92%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%75%   83%88.9%
OnePlus 8 ProSmartphone (10)12.05.2020v791%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.2 → 76%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%94%61.1 → 95%0-64%82.6 → 96%0-86%82%100%76 → 84%0-90%78%   81.5%88.5%
Xiaomi Mi 10 ProSmartphone (10)12.05.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%60.8 → 95%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%93%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%76%   82.1%88.2%
Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED XB-8DE51B0SPGaming (3)11.05.2020v786.9 → 89%0-98%85%81%69.2 → 87%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%90%94%92%79.1 → 83%0-95%56.6 → 63%0-90%77%40 → 47%0-85%   75.5%85.8%
OnePlus 8 ProSmartphone (10)09.05.2020v791%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.2 → 76%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%94%61.1 → 95%0-64%82.6 → 96%0-86%82%100%76 → 84%0-90%78%   81.5%88.5%
OnePlus 7T ProSmartphone (10)09.05.2020v789%66.2 → 88%0-75%98%46.3 → 66%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%90%58.9 → 92%0-64%77.5 → 90%0-86%85%100%76 → 84%0-90%76%   80.1%86.9%
Honor 9X ProSmartphone (10)08.05.2020v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%47.7 → 68%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%83%28.5 → 45%0-64%70.2 → 82%0-86%93%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%59%   74.7%79.7%
Motorola Moto E6sSmartphone (10)06.05.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%32.9 → 47%0-70%91.4 → 83%50-100%90%85%6.2 → 10%0-64%54.1 → 63%0-86%93%100%69.4 → 77%0-90%40%   68.9%74.8%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 15 NH57AF1Gaming (3)06.05.2020v775.3 → 77%0-98%83%78%67 → 84%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%19.4 → 20%0-95%85%94%95%84.9 → 89%0-95%40.2 → 45%0-90%70%44 → 52%0-85%   68.8%81.2%
Oppo Reno3 Pro 5GSmartphone (10)06.05.2020v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%46 → 66%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%90%87%38 → 59%0-64%77.4 → 90%0-86%91%100%76 → 84%0-90%70%   77.9%84.1%
Chuwi Hi10 XConvertible (5)06.05.2020v771.9 → 73%0-98%49%43%41 → 55%0-75%81.5 → 100%20-75%67%75%15.1 → 19%0-78%53.4 → 63%0-85%88%100%46.6 → 51%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   59.3%69.1%
Huawei P40 ProSmartphone (10)05.05.2020v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%68.8 → 98%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%57.7 → 90%0-64%82.2 → 96%0-86%95%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%83%   83.4%89.4%
Huawei P40Smartphone (10)05.05.2020v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%58 → 83%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%90%91%53.9 → 84%0-64%76.2 → 89%0-86%88%100%72 → 80%0-90%77%   80.6%87.4%
Huawei P40 LiteSmartphone (10)05.05.2020v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%46.6 → 67%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%86%31.5 → 49%0-64%73.7 → 86%0-86%92%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%60%   75.6%81.3%
Asus ZenBook Duo UX481FLMultimedia (1)02.05.2020v785.1 → 87%0-98%78%73%52.7 → 66%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%88 → 93%0-95%85%61.2 → 68%0-90%88 → 98%0-90%89%93.9 → 99%0-95%75%43.5 → 51%0-85%   75.2%82.7%
MSI GS66 Stealth 10SFSGaming (3)01.05.2020v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%86%62 → 78%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%69.1 → 73%0-95%86%93%93%78.1 → 82%0-95%59.2 → 66%0-90%74%41.5 → 49%0-85%   73.8%82.8%
Huawei P40 ProSmartphone (10)30.04.2020v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%68.8 → 98%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%57.7 → 90%0-64%82.2 → 96%0-86%95%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%83%   83.4%89.4%
Huawei P30 ProSmartphone (10)30.04.2020v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%66.4 → 95%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%91%48.1 → 75%0-64%77.3 → 90%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%81%   82.5%88.5%
Durabook S15ABG2Office (2)29.04.2020v787.5 → 89%0-98%76%56%59.3 → 74%0-80%59.3 → 71%20-75%73%75%50.4 → 65%0-78%78.2 → 82%0-95%91%94%70%52 → 61%0-85%   70.9%78.3%
Huawei Mate XsSmartphone (10)24.04.2020v766%68.5 → 91%0-75%89%64.8 → 93%0-70%86.4 → 73%50-100%84%89%47.1 → 74%0-64%77.4 → 90%0-86%92%100%72 → 80%0-90%79%   78.1%82.6%
Umidigi F2Smartphone (10)24.04.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%42.3 → 60%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%92%82%15.2 → 24%0-64%73.1 → 85%0-86%87%100%66 → 73%0-90%64%   72.5%78.1%
MSI GF75 Thin 10SCXRGaming (3)24.04.2020v772.5 → 74%0-98%77%75%45.3 → 57%0-80%61.9 → 93%10-66%61.8 → 65%0-95%80%85%88%86.7 → 91%0-95%80.6 → 90%0-90%78%44 → 52%0-85%   71.9%78.5%
Umidigi Power 3Smartphone (10)23.04.2020v777%71.5 → 95%0-75%93%44.6 → 64%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%81%15.1 → 24%0-64%70.5 → 82%0-86%87%100%40.6 → 45%0-90%64%   71.1%77.5%
OnePlus 8 ProSmartphone (10)21.04.2020v791%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%53.2 → 76%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%94%61.1 → 95%0-64%82.6 → 96%0-86%82%100%76 → 84%0-90%78%   81.5%88.5%
Asus Vivobook 15 F512DA-SH31Multimedia (1)21.04.2020v765 → 66%0-98%77%67%37 → 46%0-80%66 → 88%20-72%68.5 → 72%0-95%75%48.6 → 54%0-90%69.7 → 77%0-90%94%96.1 → 100%0-95%79%35.5 → 42%0-85%   67.6%73.1%
Xiaomi Mi 10 ProSmartphone (10)19.04.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%60.8 → 95%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%93%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%76%   82.1%88.2%
Xiaomi Mi 10 ProSmartphone (10)18.04.2020v788%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%54.4 → 78%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%93%60.8 → 95%0-64%82.3 → 96%0-86%93%100%78.2 → 87%0-90%76%   82.1%88.2%
Huawei P40 LiteSmartphone (10)18.04.2020v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%46.6 → 67%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%86%31.5 → 49%0-64%73.7 → 86%0-86%92%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%60%   75.6%81.3%
Huawei P40Smartphone (10)16.04.2020v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%58 → 83%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%90%91%53.9 → 84%0-64%76.2 → 89%0-86%88%100%72 → 80%0-90%77%   80.6%87.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 20SA000GUSConvertible (5)15.04.2020v787.8 → 90%0-98%92%95%66.5 → 89%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%86%83%51.7 → 66%0-78%87 → 100%0-85%90%97%76 → 84%0-91%43.5 → 51%0-85%   78.9%89.8%
Google Pixel 4 XLSmartphone (10)15.04.2020v788%65.8 → 88%0-75%97%50.9 → 73%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%88%89%55.2 → 86%0-64%78.7 → 92%0-86%92%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%67%   79.8%85.8%
SCHENKER VIA 14Office (2)15.04.2020v783.2 → 85%0-98%87%87%56.1 → 70%0-80%74.1 → 98%20-75%90%88%49.1 → 63%0-78%79.3 → 83%0-95%95%94%51%30.4 → 36%0-85%   74.1%85.6%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2020Tablet (9)11.04.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%76.9 → 96%0-80%99%50.7 → 72%0-70%83.6 → 91%40-88%90%91%60.6 → 78%0-78%82.1 → 89%0-92%89%100%82 → 90%0-91%66.8 → 79%0-85%   81.2%90.4%
SCHENKER VIA 15Office (2)09.04.2020v780 → 82%0-98%81%81%54.1 → 68%0-80%70.3 → 91%20-75%90%88%56.8 → 73%0-78%80.9 → 85%0-95%91%94%47%31.2 → 37%0-85%   72.7%83.3%
Huawei P40 ProSmartphone (10)09.04.2020v793%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%68.8 → 98%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%92%57.7 → 90%0-64%82.2 → 96%0-86%95%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%83%   83.4%89.4%
Jumper EZbook X3Subnotebook (4)07.04.2020v746.1 → 47%0-98%52%57%33.1 → 44%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%79%78%17.5 → 22%0-78%44.6 → 52%0-85%93%100%55.6 → 61%0-91%20 → 24%0-85%   57.5%67.7%
Acer Chromebook 514 CB514-1HT-P1BMSubnotebook (4)07.04.2020v781.5 → 83%0-98%77%86%48 → 64%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%88%73%15.2 → 19%0-78%55.7 → 66%0-85%95%100%66.8 → 73%0-91%20 → 24%0-85%   67.5%79.9%
Acer Chromebook 314 CB314-1H-C7SJSubnotebook (4)07.04.2020v762.8 → 64%0-98%64%72%47.7 → 64%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%90%68%8.2 → 11%0-78%65.9 → 78%0-85%95%100%61.2 → 67%0-91%15.5 → 18%0-85%   63.1%74.7%
LincPlus P1Subnotebook (4)06.04.2020v772.8 → 74%0-98%84%60%34.2 → 46%0-75%70 → 91%20-75%70%76%17.9 → 23%0-78%51.9 → 61%0-85%95%100%54.6 → 60%0-91%18 → 21%0-85%   61.8%75.2%
Acer ConceptD 5 CN517-71-74YAMultimedia (1)04.04.2020v782.9 → 85%0-98%87%87%55.1 → 69%0-80%57.5 → 72%20-72%66.4 → 70%0-95%91%89.5 → 99%0-90%89.7 → 100%0-90%88%89.8 → 95%0-95%49%20 → 24%0-85%   73.3%84.7%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-54GMultimedia (1)04.04.2020v776.7 → 78%0-98%79%89%47.7 → 60%0-80%66.1 → 89%20-72%84.7 → 89%0-95%83%63.1 → 70%0-90%82.9 → 92%0-90%94%94.7 → 100%0-95%69%25 → 29%0-85%   73.3%81.5%
HP Elite Dragonfly-8MK79EAConvertible (5)03.04.2020v789.6 → 91%0-98%94%93%72.4 → 97%0-75%73.3 → 97%20-75%88%86%50.5 → 65%0-78%81.1 → 95%0-85%90%91%83.2 → 91%0-91%26.4 → 31%0-85%   78.5%90.3%
Asus Zephyrus G14 GA401IVGaming (3)31.03.2020v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%85%55.3 → 69%0-80%67.8 → 100%10-66%88.1 → 93%0-95%86%92%93%90.7 → 95%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%74%0 → 0%0-85%   74.7%83.6%
Samsung Galaxy S20 UltraSmartphone (10)31.03.2020v794%67.7 → 90%0-75%98%68.6 → 98%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%90%91%59.3 → 93%0-64%78.5 → 91%0-86%92%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%75%   83%88.9%
Samsung Galaxy S20+Smartphone (10)30.03.2020v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%51.9 → 74%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%90%92%56.5 → 88%0-64%74.6 → 87%0-86%85%100%80 → 89%0-90%78%   80.6%87.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G7 20R1-000YUSOffice (2)30.03.2020v789.5 → 91%0-98%92%95%64.5 → 81%0-80%72.3 → 95%20-75%88%81%51.3 → 66%0-78%85.7 → 90%0-95%96%94%74%38.5 → 45%0-85%   78.7%88.5%
Asus ZenBook Flip 15 UX563FD-A1027TConvertible (5)27.03.2020v786.5 → 88%0-98%85%87%50.5 → 67%0-75%64.2 → 80%20-75%88%87%72.2 → 93%0-78%84.6 → 100%0-85%90%95%70.2 → 77%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.9%86.5%
Oppo Find X2 ProSmartphone (10)27.03.2020v791%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%52.7 → 75%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%89%87%60.7 → 95%0-64%81.4 → 95%0-86%91%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%72%   80.4%86.1%
Acer Chromebook 715 CB715-1WT-527FOffice (2)27.03.2020v782.3 → 84%0-98%88%94%49.5 → 62%0-80%63.6 → 79%20-75%89%79%51.4 → 66%0-78%71.4 → 75%0-95%93%93%74%30 → 35%0-85%   73.7%82.8%
BMAX MaxBook Y11 H1M6Convertible (5)25.03.2020v786.9 → 89%0-98%60%69%44.5 → 59%0-75%74.6 → 99%20-75%58%76%13 → 17%0-78%55.9 → 66%0-85%94%100%59.2 → 65%0-91%24.6 → 29%0-85%   62.7%74.9%
Dell XPS 13 9300 Core i7-1065G7Subnotebook (4)25.03.2020v791.3 → 93%0-98%86%88%61.7 → 82%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%90%88%60.4 → 77%0-78%88.3 → 100%0-85%88%96%75.2 → 83%0-91%30.4 → 36%0-85%   78.1%88.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga 20R6S00800Convertible (5)25.03.2020v781.6 → 83%0-98%93%91%66 → 88%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%73%89%50.9 → 65%0-78%86.1 → 100%0-85%87%98%56.8 → 62%0-91%37.6 → 44%0-85%   75.3%88.2%
Blackview BV5900Smartphone (10)25.03.2020v785%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%33.4 → 48%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%92%83%3.6 → 6%0-64%51.4 → 60%0-86%91%100%48 → 53%0-90%35%   66.9%73%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15-ec0002ngGaming (3)25.03.2020v773.3 → 75%0-98%82%88%47.7 → 60%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%82 → 86%0-95%74%75%79%92.8 → 98%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%46%38.8 → 46%0-85%   71.4%75.4%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G4 7YL44EAConvertible (5)25.03.2020v789.4 → 91%0-98%92%96%56.6 → 75%0-75%71.8 → 94%20-75%87%83%50.4 → 65%0-78%83.1 → 98%0-85%93%98%64.6 → 71%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   76.9%89%
Samsung Galaxy S20Smartphone (10)24.03.2020v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%51.2 → 73%0-70%91.2 → 82%50-100%89%92%55.7 → 87%0-64%74.7 → 87%0-86%84%100%80 → 89%0-90%78%   80.5%87.7%
Motorola Moto G8 PowerSmartphone (10)23.03.2020v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%41 → 59%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%83%13.2 → 21%0-64%58.8 → 68%0-86%90%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%59%   72.3%78.1%
Samsung Galaxy Z FlipSmartphone (10)22.03.2020v781%66.2 → 88%0-75%85%50.1 → 72%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%83%90%51.5 → 80%0-64%79.3 → 92%0-86%92%100%70 → 78%0-90%69%   77.4%82.5%
Oppo Reno2Smartphone (10)21.03.2020v787%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%49.1 → 70%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%88%27.4 → 43%0-64%64.1 → 75%0-86%94%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%64%   75.8%81.2%
Dell XPS 13 9300 i5 FHDSubnotebook (4)19.03.2020v791.3 → 93%0-98%86%88%61.7 → 82%0-75%72.7 → 96%20-75%89%89%55.3 → 71%0-78%87.8 → 100%0-85%90%94%75.2 → 83%0-91%29.2 → 34%0-85%   77.6%88.8%
Asus ZenBook 15 UX534FTC-A8190TMultimedia (1)17.03.2020v784.1 → 86%0-98%82%86%49.8 → 62%0-80%68.4 → 93%20-72%88.9 → 94%0-95%84%80.3 → 89%0-90%85.3 → 95%0-90%91%95 → 100%0-95%52%42.5 → 50%0-85%   76.1%85.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad E15 20RD0011GEOffice (2)17.03.2020v778 → 80%0-98%85%88%60.3 → 75%0-80%65.5 → 83%20-75%81%79%50 → 64%0-78%80 → 84%0-95%83%95%57%37.2 → 44%0-85%   72.3%82.1%
Blackview A80 ProSmartphone (10)16.03.2020v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%36.9 → 53%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%91%83%8.4 → 13%0-64%55.2 → 64%0-86%91%100%40 → 44%0-90%51%   67.6%74.5%
Wiko View 4Smartphone (10)16.03.2020v774%66.2 → 88%0-75%93%33.9 → 48%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%92%86%5.2 → 8%0-64%47.7 → 55%0-86%93%100%56 → 62%0-90%55%   68.5%75.3%
Lenovo Ideapad S340-15IILMultimedia (1)15.03.2020v777.5 → 79%0-98%85%86%45.1 → 56%0-80%66 → 88%20-72%59.4 → 63%0-95%80%55.4 → 62%0-90%87.9 → 98%0-90%93%97 → 100%0-95%79%43.5 → 51%0-85%   73.5%79.4%
Sharp Aquos VSmartphone (10)13.03.2020v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%44.6 → 64%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%89%85%48.3 → 75%0-64%69.7 → 81%0-86%90%100%60 → 67%0-90%53%   74.3%80.6%
Acer TravelMate Spin B1 B118-G2-RN-P7EDConvertible (5)12.03.2020v776.5 → 78%0-98%70%77%32.7 → 44%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%83%80%20.5 → 26%0-78%63.9 → 75%0-85%91%100%53.2 → 58%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   65.5%77.3%
MSI Modern 15 A10RBOffice (2)12.03.2020v776.3 → 78%0-98%79%78%52.8 → 66%0-80%67.8 → 87%20-75%71%86%64.9 → 83%0-78%91.7 → 97%0-95%82%81%78%37.5 → 44%0-85%   72.7%80.1%
MSI Modern 14 A10RB-459USOffice (2)12.03.2020v771.3 → 73%0-98%75%77%46.4 → 58%0-80%72.4 → 95%20-75%83%89%64.5 → 83%0-78%83.9 → 88%0-95%88%93%70%35 → 41%0-85%   72.8%80.9%
Huawei MateBook D 14-53010TVSSubnotebook (4)12.03.2020v784 → 86%0-98%87%91%46.4 → 62%0-75%70.4 → 92%20-75%90%83%59.6 → 76%0-78%81.1 → 95%0-85%92%98%67.4 → 74%0-91%   79.2%87.3%
Oppo Reno2 ZSmartphone (10)10.03.2020v786%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%47.5 → 68%0-70%88.4 → 77%50-100%88%84%20.3 → 32%0-64%66 → 77%0-86%95%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%62%   74.3%79.2%
Huawei MateBook D 15-53010TUYSubnotebook (4)09.03.2020v784.4 → 86%0-98%82%91%48 → 64%0-75%68.7 → 89%20-75%79%83%59.3 → 76%0-78%81.9 → 96%0-85%91%98%64.8 → 71%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   74.9%85.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad T490 20RY0002USOffice (2)07.03.2020v784.3 → 86%0-98%93%91%68.8 → 86%0-80%69.5 → 90%20-75%82%83%51.7 → 66%0-78%88.4 → 93%0-95%82%95%40%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.3%86.3%
Lenovo Yoga C740-14IMLConvertible (5)05.03.2020v776 → 78%0-98%79%85%55.4 → 74%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%86%80%49.3 → 63%0-78%86.6 → 100%0-85%93%95%84.2 → 93%0-91%38.4 → 45%0-85%   75.2%84.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 20RA001MGEOffice (2)03.03.2020v778.7 → 80%0-98%88%88%58.3 → 73%0-80%67.2 → 86%20-75%84%82%50.6 → 65%0-78%81.4 → 86%0-95%92%99%57%31.2 → 37%0-85%   73.7%84.5%
Lenovo ThinkBook 14-IML-20RV006TGEOffice (2)02.03.2020v782.8 → 84%0-98%80%82%62.6 → 78%0-80%68.2 → 88%20-75%80%76%47.2 → 61%0-78%83.6 → 88%0-95%92%98%39%34 → 40%0-85%   71%82%
Samsung Galaxy XCover ProSmartphone (10)02.03.2020v789%69.2 → 92%0-75%95%47.2 → 67%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%89%84%17.2 → 27%0-64%53.1 → 62%0-86%90%100%50 → 56%0-90%59%   71.6%78%
Samsung Galaxy S10 LiteSmartphone (10)28.02.2020v790%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%50.3 → 72%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%91%90%57.4 → 90%0-64%77.4 → 90%0-86%93%100%75.6 → 84%0-90%63%   79.9%86%
Alienware m17 R2 P41EGaming (3)28.02.2020v781.1 → 83%0-98%85%89%60.4 → 76%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%62.5 → 66%0-95%83%96%93%80.7 → 85%0-95%68.5 → 76%0-90%79%36.5 → 43%0-85%   74.8%84.2%
Fairphone 3Smartphone (10)25.02.2020v786%66.2 → 88%0-75%90%46.5 → 66%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%89%81%7 → 11%0-64%52.4 → 61%0-86%90%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%54%   71.4%76.5%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 13 Core i5-1035G7Office (2)25.02.2020v778.5 → 80%0-98%80%89%47 → 59%0-80%71.5 → 94%20-75%81%89%59.9 → 77%0-78%86.7 → 91%0-95%87%96%87%26 → 31%0-85%   75.4%84%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 17 PB71RD-GGaming (3)24.02.2020v773.1 → 75%0-98%83%78%73.3 → 92%0-80%57.7 → 85%10-66%58.1 → 61%0-95%83%91%89%87 → 92%0-95%63.2 → 70%0-90%80%39 → 46%0-85%   73.4%83.2%
Xiaomi Redmi K30 5GSmartphone (10)22.02.2020v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%50.1 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%88%35.9 → 56%0-64%75.9 → 88%0-86%93%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%61%   76.8%82%
Microsoft Surface Pro 7Convertible (5)21.02.2020v789.5 → 91%0-98%87%92%44.3 → 59%0-75%78.4 → 100%20-75%78%90%50.4 → 65%0-78%87.3 → 100%0-85%90%94%73.6 → 81%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   78.8%88.1%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 15Gaming (3)19.02.2020v774 → 76%0-98%83%78%73.3 → 92%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%54.6 → 57%0-95%84%93%91%88.5 → 93%0-95%55.7 → 62%0-90%75%38 → 45%0-85%   72.8%83.3%
MSI Prestige 14 A10SC-009Multimedia (1)18.02.2020v780.3 → 82%0-98%81%92%45.8 → 57%0-80%71.5 → 99%20-72%68 → 72%0-95%92%79.7 → 89%0-90%79.7 → 89%0-90%87%90.8 → 96%0-95%80%34 → 40%0-85%   75.5%84.2%
Acer ConceptD 5 CN515-51-73Z7Multimedia (1)17.02.2020v780.4 → 82%0-98%85%89%53.3 → 67%0-80%69.3 → 95%20-72%65.2 → 69%0-95%87%76.3 → 85%0-90%85.8 → 95%0-90%91%90 → 95%0-95%48%28 → 33%0-85%   72.9%82.7%
Acer Swift 3 SF313-52-71Y7Subnotebook (4)17.02.2020v779.9 → 82%0-98%82%88%53.7 → 72%0-75%73 → 96%20-75%87%89%58.3 → 75%0-78%85.8 → 100%0-85%96%98%56.8 → 62%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   75.6%87%
Cubot Kingkong MiniSmartphone (10)17.02.2020v779%63.5 → 85%0-75%86%37.7 → 54%0-70%94.5 → 89%50-100%91%81%3.1 → 5%0-64%49.6 → 58%0-86%82%100%50 → 56%0-90%43%   66.2%73.5%
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 1-14AST-05Subnotebook (4)17.02.2020v773.5 → 75%0-98%79%87%36.8 → 49%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%67%72%11.6 → 15%0-78%25.3 → 30%0-85%95%100%51.2 → 56%0-91%12 → 14%0-85%   60.1%73.5%
Acer Aspire 5 A514-52Multimedia (1)16.02.2020v772.5 → 74%0-98%77%82%48 → 60%0-80%66.9 → 90%20-72%87.4 → 92%0-95%82%51 → 57%0-90%82.5 → 92%0-90%93%95.1 → 100%0-95%71%30 → 35%0-85%   72.1%79.2%
Samsung Galaxy A71Smartphone (10)15.02.2020v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%48.5 → 69%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%90%23.8 → 37%0-64%66.2 → 77%0-86%94%100%76.8 → 85%0-90%64%   76.1%82.1%
HP Pavilion x360 14-dh1153ngConvertible (5)14.02.2020v776.1 → 78%0-98%80%87%45.3 → 60%0-75%68 → 87%20-75%74%76%50.3 → 64%0-78%80.1 → 94%0-85%95%96%55.6 → 61%0-91%22 → 26%0-85%   69.7%81%
Samsung Galaxy Note10 LiteSmartphone (10)14.02.2020v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%50.6 → 72%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%91%85%42.2 → 66%0-64%63.4 → 74%0-86%90%100%72 → 80%0-90%73%   76.4%82.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme 2019 20QV000WGEMultimedia (1)13.02.2020v790.7 → 93%0-98%90%91%73.4 → 92%0-80%66.5 → 89%20-72%60.4 → 64%0-95%88%81.4 → 90%0-90%87.1 → 97%0-90%86%95.4 → 100%0-95%60%45.2 → 53%0-85%   78%87.1%
Acer Extensa 15 EX215-51-56UXOffice (2)12.02.2020v775.8 → 77%0-98%73%88%41 → 51%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%74%71%46 → 59%0-78%82.1 → 86%0-95%94%90%61%14 → 16%0-85%   67.3%76.6%
Asus ZenBook 14 UM431DA-AM020TSubnotebook (4)12.02.2020v780.3 → 82%0-98%80%75%40.9 → 55%0-75%70.3 → 91%20-75%73%82%57.2 → 73%0-78%75.7 → 89%0-85%95%96%61.4 → 67%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   71.2%81.2%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15 GK5CP6VGaming (3)10.02.2020v772 → 73%0-98%83%78%59.3 → 74%0-80%63.1 → 95%10-66%55.4 → 58%0-95%85%89%91%83.3 → 88%0-95%74.6 → 83%0-90%69%26.5 → 31%0-85%   71.4%81.3%
HP Pavilion x360 15-dq0065clMultimedia (1)10.02.2020v766.3 → 68%0-98%68%78%42.7 → 53%0-80%63.8 → 84%20-72%59.3 → 62%0-95%62%50.3 → 56%0-90%82.7 → 92%0-90%94%97.1 → 100%0-95%80%30 → 35%0-85%   67.2%72%
Blackview A60Smartphone (10)08.02.2020v766%61.5 → 82%0-75%83%27.6 → 39%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%89%81%1 → 2%0-64%31.8 → 37%0-86%92%100%68.8 → 76%0-90%34%   63.6%69.3%
MSI Alpha 15 A3DDK-034Gaming (3)07.02.2020v774.4 → 76%0-98%83%83%59.6 → 75%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%56.3 → 59%0-95%84%86%84%86 → 91%0-95%43.2 → 48%0-90%76%24 → 28%0-85%   69.3%78.8%
HP 15s-fq1556ngOffice (2)05.02.2020v775.6 → 77%0-98%73%87%39.8 → 50%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%69%80%54.7 → 70%0-78%78.3 → 82%0-95%95%95%62%32 → 38%0-85%   69.8%78.5%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2019 2TB3Subnotebook (4)04.02.2020v789.9 → 92%0-98%85%100%59.3 → 79%0-75%70.5 → 92%20-75%90%92%55.7 → 71%0-78%85.5 → 100%0-85%90%97%83.4 → 92%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   80.5%90.6%
Huawei P30 Lite New EditionSmartphone (10)30.01.2020v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%50.1 → 72%0-70%91.5 → 83%50-100%89%86%10.6 → 17%0-64%59.5 → 69%0-86%86%100%73 → 81%0-90%63%   73%79%
Apple Macbook Air 2019Subnotebook (4)30.01.2020v788.6 → 90%0-98%86%100%57.2 → 76%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%89%90%41 → 53%0-78%68.9 → 81%0-85%92%75%77.6 → 85%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   74.4%85.6%
Lenovo IdeaPad S740-15IRHMultimedia (1)29.01.2020v773.8 → 75%0-98%84%85%60.5 → 76%0-80%64 → 85%20-72%85.4 → 90%0-95%86%85.2 → 95%0-90%87.4 → 97%0-90%86%86.8 → 91%0-95%73%35 → 41%0-85%   76.3%85.5%
Apple MacBook Pro 15 2019 i9 Vega 20Multimedia (1)28.01.2020v791.1 → 93%0-98%90%100%63.8 → 80%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%88.9 → 94%0-95%91%81 → 90%0-90%91.9 → 100%0-90%89%80.7 → 85%0-95%80%28 → 33%0-85%   80.1%89.4%
Asus VivoBook 17 M712DA-AU017TMultimedia (1)28.01.2020v773.3 → 75%0-98%67%84%42.4 → 53%0-80%61.1 → 79%20-72%53.7 → 57%0-95%81%57.7 → 64%0-90%79.8 → 89%0-90%96%97.5 → 100%0-95%64%42.5 → 50%0-85%   69.2%75.6%
Nokia 2.3Smartphone (10)27.01.2020v780%66.2 → 88%0-75%85%39.2 → 56%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%91%82%4.3 → 7%0-64%53 → 62%0-86%96%100%68.4 → 76%0-90%46%   69.3%74.3%
Wiko Y80Smartphone (10)27.01.2020v774%66.2 → 88%0-75%86%38.6 → 55%0-70%89.3 → 79%50-100%89%82%7.2 → 11%0-64%46.6 → 54%0-86%94%100%72.6 → 81%0-90%44%   68.5%73.5%
Lenovo Ideapad S540-15IMLMultimedia (1)25.01.2020v782 → 84%0-98%81%81%49.7 → 62%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%89.2 → 94%0-95%83%60.4 → 67%0-90%88.3 → 98%0-90%89%80.6 → 85%0-95%75%40 → 47%0-85%   74.1%81.4%
Lenovo Chromebook S340-14T 81V30002GESubnotebook (4)25.01.2020v771.8 → 73%0-98%75%87%52.5 → 70%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%83%81%13 → 17%0-78%65.2 → 77%0-85%95%100%59.8 → 66%0-91%22 → 26%0-85%   67.3%80.6%
Medion Akoya P17605Multimedia (1)25.01.2020v781.8 → 83%0-98%81%85%51.8 → 65%0-80%61.1 → 79%20-72%61.7 → 65%0-95%87%60.7 → 67%0-90%86.2 → 96%0-90%91%88.4 → 93%0-95%53%28 → 33%0-85%   70.5%79.3%
Huawei Y6sSmartphone (10)24.01.2020v774%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%34.8 → 50%0-70%92.3 → 85%50-100%89%82%6.1 → 10%0-64%44.9 → 52%0-86%89%100%76 → 84%0-90%52%   69%75.3%
Asus M509DA-EJ153TOffice (2)23.01.2020v775.4 → 77%0-98%77%87%39.2 → 49%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%67%75%51.5 → 66%0-78%74.4 → 78%0-95%96%91%52%22 → 26%0-85%   67%76.6%
Blackview BV9800 ProSmartphone (10)23.01.2020v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%82%50 → 71%0-70%86 → 72%50-100%95%82%13.7 → 21%0-64%61 → 71%0-86%93%100%77 → 86%0-90%52%   72.5%77%
Xiaomi Mi Note 10 ProSmartphone (10)22.01.2020v786%69.2 → 92%0-75%96%49.1 → 70%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%92%87%30.6 → 48%0-64%72.4 → 84%0-86%90%100%74 → 82%0-90%75%   77.7%83.8%
Asus Chromebook Flip C434TA-AI0264Convertible (5)21.01.2020v777.4 → 79%0-98%73%87%45.4 → 61%0-75%69.6 → 90%20-75%88%79%23.9 → 31%0-78%75.4 → 89%0-85%96%100%53.4 → 59%0-91%22 → 26%0-85%   68.5%81.2%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8TSmartphone (10)21.01.2020v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%48.5 → 69%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%88%14.5 → 23%0-64%63.9 → 74%0-86%94%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%60%   74.2%79.3%
Asus F507MA-BR117TOffice (2)21.01.2020v768.9 → 70%0-98%68%86%40.7 → 51%0-80%66.8 → 85%20-75%82%72%23 → 29%0-78%63.5 → 67%0-95%95%95%53%12 → 14%0-85%   63.5%74.2%
Xiaomi Redmi 8Smartphone (10)20.01.2020v782%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%41.6 → 59%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%88%5.7 → 9%0-64%44.9 → 52%0-86%95%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%52%   70.6%76.1%
HP Pavilion 14-ce3040ngMultimedia (1)20.01.2020v775.4 → 77%0-98%73%81%51.9 → 65%0-80%68.4 → 93%20-72%69.5 → 73%0-95%84%62.1 → 69%0-90%90.3 → 100%0-90%87%63.8 → 67%0-95%75%35 → 41%0-85%   70.5%77.8%
TCL PlexSmartphone (10)17.01.2020v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%52.6 → 75%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%88%86%13.6 → 21%0-64%75.7 → 88%0-86%88%100%75 → 83%0-90%66%   75.2%80.2%
Realme XTSmartphone (10)17.01.2020v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%50.2 → 72%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%89%86%23.2 → 36%0-64%63.5 → 74%0-86%94%100%73 → 81%0-90%56%   74.4%79.7%
MSI GF63 Thin 9SCGaming (3)16.01.2020v774.1 → 76%0-98%79%72%50.5 → 63%0-80%65.6 → 99%10-66%59.8 → 63%0-95%83%80%88%86.6 → 91%0-95%69 → 77%0-90%70%37.5 → 44%0-85%   70.4%77.6%
HP Spectre X360 15-5ZV31AVMultimedia (1)16.01.2020v783.8 → 86%0-98%85%86%69.9 → 87%0-80%62.3 → 81%20-72%88.6 → 93%0-95%84%64.4 → 72%0-90%84.7 → 94%0-90%87%90 → 95%0-95%85%38 → 45%0-85%   77.6%85%
Apple MacBook Pro 15 2019 i9 Vega 16Multimedia (1)15.01.2020v791.1 → 93%0-98%90%100%63.8 → 80%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%88.9 → 94%0-95%91%79.9 → 89%0-90%92.9 → 100%0-90%89%80.7 → 85%0-95%80%28 → 33%0-85%   80%89.2%
Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab YT-X705FTablet (9)15.01.2020v782.1 → 84%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%82%40.4 → 58%0-70%81.8 → 87%40-88%90%86%6.3 → 8%0-78%44.4 → 48%0-92%93%100%87.2 → 96%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   69.1%79.4%
Dell Inspiron 14 3493-4KWCFMultimedia (1)15.01.2020v772.4 → 74%0-98%74%87%42.5 → 53%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%74.4 → 78%0-95%78%53.7 → 60%0-90%82.8 → 92%0-90%89%82.4 → 87%0-95%36%26 → 31%0-85%   66.4%74.5%
Motorola One HyperSmartphone (10)14.01.2020v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%45.7 → 65%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%85%16.3 → 25%0-64%74.7 → 87%0-86%86%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%68%   74.9%80.3%
Samsung Galaxy A51Smartphone (10)13.01.2020v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45.5 → 65%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%89%90%17.4 → 27%0-64%50.2 → 58%0-86%91%100%71.4 → 79%0-90%63%   73.1%79.8%
Acer Swift 5 SF514-54T-501USubnotebook (4)10.01.2020v779.1 → 81%0-98%81%91%60.7 → 81%0-75%75.9 → 100%20-75%77%88%53.2 → 68%0-78%83.5 → 98%0-85%93%96%58.4 → 64%0-91%32.8 → 39%0-85%   74.5%86.3%
Lenovo Ideapad S145-15API 81UT002XGEOffice (2)10.01.2020v773.3 → 75%0-98%77%89%39.5 → 49%0-80%64.8 → 81%20-75%61%69%44.5 → 57%0-78%69.9 → 74%0-95%96%97%54%22 → 26%0-85%   65.9%75.8%
Lenovo Yoga C740-15IMLConvertible (5)09.01.2020v787.2 → 89%0-98%79%85%62 → 83%0-75%64.7 → 81%20-75%88%77%51.9 → 67%0-78%83.2 → 98%0-85%93%97%65.4 → 72%0-91%34.4 → 40%0-85%   74.5%84.8%
Motorola Moto E6 PlaySmartphone (10)09.01.2020v768%65.4 → 87%0-75%81%33.6 → 48%0-70%93.1 → 86%50-100%88%82%2 → 3%0-64%40.7 → 47%0-86%92%100%56 → 62%0-90%43%   65%71.1%
Lenovo Tab M8 HDTablet (9)08.01.2020v782.7 → 84%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%86%36.9 → 53%0-70%86.3 → 96%40-88%93%83%3.7 → 5%0-78%43.3 → 47%0-92%97%100%70.8 → 78%0-91%32.4 → 38%0-85%   67.8%81%
Chuwi UBook CWI509Convertible (5)06.01.2020v753.8 → 55%0-98%64%37%49 → 65%0-75%78.1 → 100%20-75%66%73%15.3 → 20%0-78%54.9 → 65%0-85%94%100%45.6 → 50%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   59.3%70%
Nokia 6.2Smartphone (10)04.01.2020v787%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%49.3 → 70%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%88%83%11.2 → 18%0-64%53.4 → 62%0-86%92%100%67 → 74%0-90%58%   72%77.6%
CAT S52Smartphone (10)02.01.2020v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45 → 64%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%89%89%6.1 → 10%0-64%48.9 → 57%0-86%90%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%55%   71.5%77.2%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019 Wifi SM-T290Tablet (9)01.01.2020v776.6 → 78%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%88%35 → 50%0-70%85.6 → 95%40-88%90%80%3.3 → 4%0-78%42.2 → 46%0-92%95%100%77.6 → 85%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%   67%79.6%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 15 i7-1065G7Office (2)30.12.2019v777.5 → 79%0-98%80%89%47 → 59%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%81%88%61.6 → 79%0-78%88.2 → 93%0-95%90%95%87%35 → 41%0-85%   76%83.9%
Lenovo Tab M7Tablet (9)29.12.2019v783.3 → 85%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%83%29.4 → 42%0-70%87.4 → 99%40-88%73%80%2.1 → 3%0-78%14.2 → 15%0-92%95%100%69.8 → 77%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%   62.6%75.4%
HP Spectre x360 13-aw0013dxConvertible (5)28.12.2019v787 → 89%0-98%89%85%69.6 → 93%0-75%72.1 → 95%20-75%88%86%58.3 → 75%0-78%87.6 → 100%0-85%94%92%85 → 93%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%-1%73.7%88.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2019-20QD00M7GEOffice (2)25.12.2019v789.5 → 91%0-98%92%95%71.2 → 89%0-80%72.3 → 95%20-75%77%87%46.8 → 60%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%90%98%74%50 → 59%0-85%   79.3%89.7%
Asus ROG Zephyrus S GX701GXRGaming (3)24.12.2019v779.5 → 81%0-98%75%72%56.2 → 70%0-80%58.6 → 87%10-66%49.4 → 52%0-95%86%94%85%80.4 → 85%0-95%72 → 80%0-90%88%0 → 0%0-85%   69%81.2%
MSI GE65 Raider 9SF-049USGaming (3)23.12.2019v778 → 80%0-98%83%88%60 → 75%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%55.4 → 58%0-95%86%95%93%86.4 → 91%0-95%70.2 → 78%0-90%83%35 → 41%0-85%   74.9%84.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad S540-13APISubnotebook (4)22.12.2019v784.9 → 87%0-98%81%92%33.6 → 45%0-75%71.7 → 94%20-75%88%86%60.1 → 77%0-78%80.6 → 95%0-85%91%97%78.6 → 86%0-91%39 → 46%0-85%   75.6%84.9%
Gigaset GS290Smartphone (10)20.12.2019v782%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%45.1 → 64%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%91%85%6.4 → 10%0-64%53.9 → 63%0-86%92%100%67.2 → 75%0-90%46%   70.2%75.5%
LG K50SSmartphone (10)20.12.2019v784%67.3 → 90%0-75%86%43.8 → 63%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%91%83%5.9 → 9%0-64%44.6 → 52%0-86%92%100%74 → 82%0-90%53%   70.2%75.5%
Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Edition 2019Tablet (9)19.12.2019v766.4 → 68%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%83%36 → 51%0-70%78.6 → 80%40-88%91%84%12 → 15%0-78%54.9 → 60%0-92%96%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   67.3%77.3%
Lenovo Yoga C940-14IIL 81Q9Convertible (5)19.12.2019v789.2 → 91%0-98%83%90%63.4 → 85%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%76%82%61 → 78%0-78%86.6 → 100%0-85%89%95%74 → 81%0-91%47.5 → 56%0-85%   77.5%87%
LG K40SSmartphone (10)19.12.2019v771%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%38.7 → 55%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%90%84%5.5 → 9%0-64%42.3 → 49%0-86%89%100%66 → 73%0-90%48%   67.9%74.1%
Xiaomi Mi Note 10Smartphone (10)17.12.2019v786%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%48.4 → 69%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%93%88%28.2 → 44%0-64%67.6 → 79%0-86%90%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%74%   77%83.3%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 17 XNE17M19Gaming (3)17.12.2019v780 → 82%0-98%89%75%61.3 → 77%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%82%90%91%84.9 → 89%0-95%76.6 → 85%0-90%73%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.3%83.2%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 XNE15M19Gaming (3)17.12.2019v782.1 → 84%0-98%89%81%61.3 → 77%0-80%62.6 → 94%10-66%67 → 71%0-95%86%89%91%68.3 → 72%0-95%64.8 → 72%0-90%74%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.6%82.8%
Huawei Mate 30 ProSmartphone (10)17.12.2019v795%66.9 → 89%0-75%97%68.3 → 98%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%90%91%56.3 → 88%0-64%81 → 94%0-86%91%100%67.8 → 75%0-90%81%   82.5%89%
Lenovo Yoga C940-15IRHMultimedia (1)17.12.2019v785.5 → 87%0-98%77%78%61.6 → 77%0-80%63 → 83%20-72%88.1 → 93%0-95%82%84.4 → 94%0-90%89.1 → 99%0-90%89%86 → 91%0-95%80%47.5 → 56%0-85%   77.8%86%
Huawei Nova 5TSmartphone (10)16.12.2019v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%98%47.4 → 68%0-70%90.2 → 80%50-100%90%83%48.1 → 75%0-64%76.1 → 88%0-86%93%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%63%   78%84.2%
Asus ROG Mothership GZ700GXGaming (3)15.12.2019v781.6 → 83%0-98%81%78%72.9 → 91%0-80%40.5 → 54%10-66%48.8 → 51%0-95%81%98%96%88.8 → 93%0-95%55.1 → 61%0-90%88%47.5 → 56%0-85%   73.6%84.7%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-43-R6WWMultimedia (1)14.12.2019v780.3 → 82%0-98%77%94%43.2 → 54%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%78.3 → 82%0-95%79%53.9 → 60%0-90%79.5 → 88%0-90%94%95.6 → 100%0-95%52%32 → 38%0-85%   71.1%78.4%
Blackview BV9100Smartphone (10)11.12.2019v778%65.8 → 88%0-75%83%46 → 66%0-70%84.6 → 69%50-100%99%78%5.8 → 9%0-64%53.6 → 62%0-86%93%100%63.4 → 70%0-90%45%   68.8%73.7%
Samsung Galaxy A90 5GSmartphone (10)09.12.2019v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%48 → 69%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%86%56.9 → 89%0-64%78.6 → 91%0-86%87%100%66 → 73%0-90%69%   77.6%84.2%
MSI GE63 Raider 8SGGaming (3)06.12.2019v777.5 → 79%0-98%83%78%60 → 75%0-80%59.3 → 88%10-66%57.4 → 60%0-95%87%90%90%91.5 → 96%0-95%66.4 → 74%0-90%90%35 → 41%0-85%   74.1%83.4%
Aorus 17 YAGaming (3)04.12.2019v781.4 → 83%0-98%85%83%70.9 → 89%0-80%51.1 → 73%10-66%57.2 → 60%0-95%88%95%96%88.1 → 93%0-95%21.5 → 24%0-90%68%33 → 39%0-85%   70.6%82.4%
Asus ROG Phone 2Smartphone (10)04.12.2019v789%70.8 → 94%0-75%98%65.6 → 94%0-70%87.4 → 75%50-100%90%85%58.3 → 91%0-64%81.8 → 95%0-86%92%100%77.2 → 86%0-90%70%   81.9%87.2%
Amazon Fire HD 10 2019Tablet (9)04.12.2019v764.4 → 66%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%83%36 → 51%0-70%83.1 → 90%40-88%92%84%12.7 → 16%0-78%52.1 → 57%0-92%95%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   67.3%78.9%
SCHENKER Slim 15 L19Office (2)04.12.2019v781.5 → 83%0-98%84%82%67.9 → 87%20-75%70%82%60 → 77%0-78%80.3 → 85%0-95%92%87%53%34 → 40%0-85%   72.8%82.1%
Xiaomi Redmi 8ASmartphone (10)03.12.2019v772%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%38.4 → 55%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%92%84%6.3 → 10%0-64%40.7 → 47%0-86%94%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%44%   68.7%74.5%
Xiaomi Mi 9 LiteSmartphone (10)03.12.2019v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%47.8 → 68%0-70%89.8 → 80%50-100%89%92%21.2 → 33%0-64%61.5 → 72%0-86%90%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%58%   74.3%80.5%
LG K20Smartphone (10)01.12.2019v759%60.8 → 81%0-75%86%31.8 → 45%0-70%92 → 84%50-100%89%74%1.9 → 3%0-64%37 → 43%0-86%91%100%48 → 53%0-90%35%   62%68.3%
LG K30Smartphone (10)30.11.2019v756%65 → 87%0-75%83%33.1 → 47%0-70%92.5 → 85%50-100%89%82%4.7 → 7%0-64%37.7 → 44%0-86%89%100%50 → 56%0-90%40%   63.2%69.8%
Trekstor Surftab Theatre S11Tablet (9)29.11.2019v772.3 → 74%0-98%70.8 → 89%0-80%82%39.3 → 56%0-70%79.6 → 83%40-88%63%77%2.8 → 4%0-78%40.4 → 44%0-92%93%100%40.2 → 44%0-91%18.8 → 22%0-85%   59.9%69.6%
Eurocom Sky X4C i9-9900KSGaming (3)28.11.2019v772.4 → 74%0-98%83%83%71.1 → 89%0-80%52.9 → 77%10-66%50.5 → 53%0-95%80%99%97%86.2 → 91%0-95%78.5 → 87%0-90%63%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73.5%84.6%
Samsung Galaxy A30sSmartphone (10)28.11.2019v787%65.8 → 88%0-75%96%46.5 → 66%0-70%90.9 → 82%50-100%89%91%8.2 → 13%0-64%51.7 → 60%0-86%95%100%69.4 → 77%0-90%57%   72.8%79.2%
Samsung Galaxy M30sSmartphone (10)26.11.2019v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%46.1 → 66%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%92%90%14.9 → 23%0-64%59.3 → 69%0-86%94%100%68.8 → 76%0-90%62%   73.3%79.8%
Google Pixel 4Smartphone (10)25.11.2019v787%65 → 87%0-75%97%52.1 → 74%0-70%91.3 → 83%50-100%82%93%54 → 84%0-64%78.8 → 92%0-86%93%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%68%   79.9%85.7%
LG G8X ThinQSmartphone (10)25.11.2019v780%65.8 → 88%0-75%96%45 → 64%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%86%54.5 → 85%0-64%75.6 → 88%0-86%92%100%65 → 72%0-90%73%   77.9%84.6%
Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Core i5-1035G4Convertible (5)19.11.2019v789.5 → 91%0-98%89%92%43.5 → 58%0-75%78.7 → 100%20-75%88%84%55.9 → 72%0-78%85.5 → 100%0-85%85%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   79.6%88.4%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 ProSmartphone (10)18.11.2019v787%67.3 → 90%0-75%92%49.6 → 71%0-70%88 → 76%50-100%90%84%26.1 → 41%0-64%69.6 → 81%0-86%91%100%70.8 → 79%0-90%64%   75.3%80.7%
Xiaomi Mi Gaming Laptop 2019Gaming (3)18.11.2019v784.9 → 87%0-98%83%81%56.1 → 70%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%60 → 63%0-95%85%92%92%81.5 → 86%0-95%55.1 → 61%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.1%82.3%
Motorola Moto G8 PlusSmartphone (10)16.11.2019v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%43 → 61%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%91%84%12.9 → 20%0-64%57.9 → 67%0-86%87%100%76 → 84%0-90%63%   72.3%78.4%
Chuwi UBook ProTablet (9)15.11.2019v771.4 → 73%0-98%51.9 → 65%0-80%69%42.2 → 60%0-70%78.6 → 80%40-88%66%82%25.1 → 32%0-78%59.6 → 65%0-92%92%100%43.8 → 48%0-91%22.5 → 26%0-85%   61.9%70.1%
Motorola One MacroSmartphone (10)15.11.2019v775%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%35.3 → 50%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%91%85%14.4 → 23%0-64%59.4 → 69%0-86%89%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%49%   70.7%76.8%
Nokia 7.2Smartphone (10)14.11.2019v788%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%47.3 → 68%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%88%83%15.8 → 25%0-64%57.8 → 67%0-86%92%100%69.2 → 77%0-90%61%   73%78.6%
Sony Xperia 5Smartphone (10)14.11.2019v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%48.3 → 69%0-70%91.1 → 82%50-100%75%88%53 → 83%0-64%73.9 → 86%0-86%87%100%72.8 → 81%0-90%76%   77.8%83.3%
Dynabook Tecra X50-FOffice (2)14.11.2019v788.5 → 90%0-98%78%86%64.7 → 81%0-80%70 → 91%20-75%61%81%50.7 → 65%0-78%84 → 88%0-95%91%96%69%24 → 28%0-85%   72.6%82.9%
Dell XPS 13 7390 Core i7-10710USubnotebook (4)13.11.2019v787.2 → 89%0-98%85%87%59.6 → 79%0-75%72.2 → 95%20-75%82%81%51.8 → 66%0-78%83.7 → 98%0-85%89%91%82 → 90%0-91%31 → 36%0-85%   75.5%85.9%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8Smartphone (10)13.11.2019v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%46.1 → 66%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%89%12.8 → 20%0-64%57.2 → 67%0-86%92%100%81 → 90%0-90%60%   73.7%79.2%
MSI Prestige 15 A10SCMultimedia (1)13.11.2019v778.8 → 80%0-98%76%89%63 → 79%0-80%67.2 → 91%20-72%77.4 → 81%0-95%89%82.4 → 92%0-90%86 → 96%0-90%79%87.5 → 92%0-95%82%35 → 41%0-85%   76.4%85.2%
Razer Blade Stealth 13, Core i7-1065G7Subnotebook (4)12.11.2019v788.5 → 90%0-98%75%88%57.8 → 77%0-75%69.3 → 90%20-75%66%83%77.4 → 99%0-78%80.4 → 95%0-85%86%96%59.4 → 65%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.2%83.7%
Acer TravelMate X514-51-511QSubnotebook (4)12.11.2019v783.8 → 86%0-98%84%88%42.6 → 57%0-75%75.3 → 100%20-75%70%86%50.4 → 65%0-78%77.5 → 91%0-85%91%97%49.8 → 55%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   71.6%83.9%
Gigaset GX290Smartphone (10)11.11.2019v788%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%45.5 → 65%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%94%80%6.4 → 10%0-64%49.8 → 58%0-86%92%100%67.8 → 75%0-90%51%   70.5%75.9%
Honor 9XSmartphone (10)09.11.2019v776%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%45 → 64%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%90%76%12.4 → 19%0-64%63.8 → 74%0-86%89%100%60 → 67%0-90%61%   70.4%75.7%
Acer Swift 7 SF714-52T-76MRSubnotebook (4)08.11.2019v782.9 → 85%0-98%82%88%62 → 83%0-75%76.8 → 100%20-75%85%81%36.7 → 47%0-78%65.9 → 78%0-85%87%100%48.6 → 53%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   71.4%84.2%
Porsche Design Ultra OneOffice (2)07.11.2019v782.4 → 84%0-98%79%88%44.8 → 56%0-80%69 → 89%20-75%74%76%42.9 → 55%0-78%72.7 → 77%0-95%92%100%60%32.8 → 39%0-85%   70.2%80.1%
Acer ConceptD 7 CN715-71-743NMultimedia (1)05.11.2019v784.9 → 87%0-98%91%88%64.3 → 80%0-80%61.7 → 80%20-72%75.1 → 79%0-95%93%90 → 100%0-90%86.8 → 96%0-90%85%82.5 → 87%0-95%62%34.8 → 41%0-85%   76.9%87.3%
HP Envy 17-ce1004ngMultimedia (1)05.11.2019v779.8 → 81%0-98%82%85%53.6 → 67%0-80%57.9 → 73%20-72%57.8 → 61%0-95%79%63.4 → 70%0-90%82.4 → 92%0-90%92%96.1 → 100%0-95%64%28 → 33%0-85%   70.8%78.5%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-41-R8HZSubnotebook (4)05.11.2019v784.1 → 86%0-98%82%86%48.7 → 65%0-75%69 → 89%20-75%81%79%56.9 → 73%0-78%76.4 → 90%0-85%94%93%50.8 → 56%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   71.7%82.7%
Dynabook Portégé X30-F-10NSubnotebook (4)05.11.2019v788.1 → 90%0-98%75%92%66 → 88%0-75%74.4 → 99%20-75%89%88%50.2 → 64%0-78%80.6 → 95%0-85%95%92%61 → 67%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   75.7%87%
OnePlus 7T ProSmartphone (10)04.11.2019v789%66.2 → 88%0-75%98%46.3 → 66%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%90%90%58.9 → 92%0-64%77.5 → 90%0-86%85%100%76 → 84%0-90%76%   80.1%86.9%
Dynabook Portege A30-E-174Subnotebook (4)04.11.2019v770.9 → 72%0-98%77%87%64.2 → 86%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%89%91%51 → 65%0-78%81.1 → 95%0-85%94%89%54.6 → 60%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   73.5%84.9%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-52-79TYGaming (3)04.11.2019v780.3 → 82%0-98%83%92%55.6 → 70%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%53.3 → 56%0-95%84%89%90%87.2 → 92%0-95%82.3 → 91%0-90%57%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.6%82.1%
Razer Blade Pro 17 4K UHD 120 HzGaming (3)02.11.2019v791.3 → 93%0-98%81%92%69.3 → 87%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%56.1 → 59%0-95%82%96%91%85.8 → 90%0-95%80.3 → 89%0-90%80%40 → 47%0-85%   77.1%86.7%
Motorola Moto E6 PlusSmartphone (10)01.11.2019v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%39.5 → 56%0-70%92.3 → 85%50-100%90%81%5.6 → 9%0-64%43.3 → 50%0-86%92%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%51%   69.2%74.9%
OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren EditionSmartphone (10)01.11.2019v788%66.2 → 88%0-75%98%44.9 → 64%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%91%90%60.3 → 94%0-64%82.1 → 95%0-86%85%100%71.2 → 79%0-90%76%   80%86.9%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 15 Ryzen 5 3580UOffice (2)30.10.2019v777.5 → 79%0-98%80%89%45.8 → 57%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%86%86%57.3 → 73%0-78%81.3 → 86%0-95%85%96%87%35 → 41%0-85%   75%82.9%
Dell G5 15 5590-P8RVWGaming (3)29.10.2019v773.4 → 75%0-98%79%81%69.2 → 87%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%67.4 → 71%0-95%84%91%88%80.3 → 85%0-95%68.7 → 76%0-90%73%40 → 47%0-85%   73.3%82.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L590-20Q70019GEOffice (2)28.10.2019v776 → 78%0-98%91%86%69.5 → 87%0-80%62.9 → 78%20-75%77%79%45.2 → 58%0-78%73.4 → 77%0-95%90%99%53%38 → 45%0-85%   72.2%83.2%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15-ec0017ngGaming (3)28.10.2019v773.3 → 75%0-98%82%88%48.2 → 60%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%78.1 → 82%0-95%83%87%85%90.2 → 95%0-95%82.6 → 92%0-90%55%34 → 40%0-85%   72.9%79.7%
Asus ROG Zephyrus M15 GU502GU-XB74Gaming (3)27.10.2019v780.5 → 82%0-98%79%75%55.3 → 69%0-80%63.1 → 95%10-66%60.4 → 64%0-95%85%88%91%81.3 → 86%0-95%74 → 82%0-90%86%0 → 0%0-85%   76.5%82.9%
HTC Desire 19+Smartphone (10)26.10.2019v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%39.6 → 57%0-70%90.6 → 81%50-100%90%84%7.5 → 12%0-64%57.4 → 67%0-86%88%100%73.2 → 81%0-90%58%   71.1%77.3%
Gigaset GS190Smartphone (10)25.10.2019v765%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%35.6 → 51%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%90%80%4.3 → 7%0-64%47.6 → 55%0-86%90%100%60 → 67%0-90%29%   65.2%70.8%
TP-Link Neffos X20Smartphone (10)25.10.2019v784%66.2 → 88%0-75%81%44.2 → 63%0-70%90.5 → 81%50-100%89%80%3.7 → 6%0-64%50.1 → 58%0-86%93%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%42%   69.5%73.8%
Lenovo Ideapad C340-15IWL-81N5004QGEConvertible (5)24.10.2019v780.4 → 82%0-98%84%92%48.2 → 64%0-75%63 → 78%20-75%83%76%58.1 → 74%0-78%81.1 → 95%0-85%94%92%54.4 → 60%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   72.2%82.6%
Gigaset GS195Smartphone (10)24.10.2019v772%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%35.5 → 51%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%81%5.4 → 8%0-64%45.3 → 53%0-86%83%100%50 → 56%0-90%30%   64.5%70.9%
Dell G5 15 5590-PCNJJGaming (3)23.10.2019v773.4 → 75%0-98%79%81%63.3 → 79%0-80%58.4 → 86%10-66%79.8 → 84%0-95%79%85%84%84.7 → 89%0-95%68.7 → 76%0-90%71%40 → 47%0-85%   72.8%79.6%
Blackview BV9700 ProSmartphone (10)22.10.2019v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%80%44.7 → 64%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%92%84%13.9 → 22%0-64%60.1 → 70%0-86%89%100%60 → 67%0-90%62%   71.1%76.3%
Razer Blade Stealth i7-1065G7 Iris PlusSubnotebook (4)22.10.2019v786.5 → 88%0-98%71%88%57.5 → 77%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%88%92%61 → 78%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%94%89%82.8 → 91%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   77.9%86.3%
LG K50Smartphone (10)21.10.2019v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%40.7 → 58%0-70%90.6 → 81%50-100%90%84%5.5 → 9%0-64%33.7 → 39%0-86%91%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%51%   69%75%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 SM-T860Tablet (9)21.10.2019v786 → 88%0-98%75 → 94%0-80%92%45.1 → 64%0-70%84.4 → 93%40-88%88%82%55.5 → 71%0-78%78.9 → 86%0-92%94%100%88.6 → 97%0-91%56.4 → 66%0-85%   78.8%87.8%
Lenovo Legion Y740-17IRHGaming (3)21.10.2019v774.4 → 76%0-98%81%83%62.5 → 78%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%58 → 61%0-95%84%92%89%87.1 → 92%0-95%69.3 → 77%0-90%87%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.3%83.2%
Lenovo Yoga C940-14IILConvertible (5)15.10.2019v789.2 → 91%0-98%83%90%63.4 → 85%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%89%84%59.4 → 76%0-78%87.9 → 100%0-85%92%95%74 → 81%0-91%47.5 → 56%0-85%   78.8%88.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X395Subnotebook (4)14.10.2019v787.2 → 89%0-98%89%92%63.9 → 85%0-75%71.6 → 94%20-75%87%88%55.9 → 72%0-78%77 → 91%0-85%93%97%60 → 66%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.8%88.8%
Motorola One ZoomSmartphone (10)10.10.2019v784%67.3 → 90%0-75%91%49.2 → 70%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%89%84%13.5 → 21%0-64%64.7 → 75%0-86%93%100%68.8 → 76%0-90%65%   73.7%79%
Asus Strix Scar III G531GW-AZ062TGaming (3)09.10.2019v782.5 → 84%0-98%85%83%56.8 → 71%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%66.4 → 70%0-95%84%93%89%81.3 → 86%0-95%78.5 → 87%0-90%66%0 → 0%0-85%   71.1%82.1%
Samsung Galaxy FoldSmartphone (10)09.10.2019v779%68.1 → 91%0-75%89%66.7 → 95%0-70%86.8 → 74%50-100%89%90%56.6 → 88%0-64%77.6 → 90%0-86%94%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%79%   81.4%86.4%
OnePlus 7TSmartphone (10)08.10.2019v787%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%44.2 → 63%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%90%90%58.8 → 92%0-64%75.6 → 88%0-86%84%100%72.6 → 81%0-90%70%   78.8%85.8%
Dell G3 3590Gaming (3)08.10.2019v775 → 77%0-98%75%84%49.6 → 62%0-80%60 → 89%10-66%72.6 → 76%0-95%79%86%87%85.7 → 90%0-95%84.9 → 94%0-90%74%36.5 → 43%0-85%   73%79.3%
MSI GL65 9SEKGaming (3)08.10.2019v772.5 → 74%0-98%83%81%55.1 → 69%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%56.7 → 60%0-95%80%92%91%81 → 85%0-95%65.1 → 72%0-90%71%57.5 → 68%0-85%   72.8%80.8%
Dell XPS 13 7390 2-in-1 Core i7Convertible (5)07.10.2019v780 → 82%0-98%84%86%62.4 → 83%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%85%86%60.3 → 77%0-78%89.1 → 100%0-85%84%94%82.6 → 91%0-91%35 → 41%0-85%   76.8%86.3%
Lenovo Ideapad C340-14API 81N6004UGEConvertible (5)07.10.2019v779 → 81%0-98%71%92%46.6 → 62%0-75%67.2 → 86%20-75%77%77%56.8 → 73%0-78%80.1 → 94%0-85%94%93%58.2 → 64%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   71.1%80.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L580-20LW000VGEOffice (2)06.10.2019v776 → 78%0-98%91%86%68.6 → 86%0-80%62.7 → 78%20-75%77%82%49.1 → 63%0-78%79.9 → 84%0-95%92%95%68%38 → 45%0-85%   74.3%84.3%
Asus ROG G703GXRGaming (3)05.10.2019v777.6 → 79%0-98%89%88%68.6 → 86%0-80%41.9 → 57%10-66%69.4 → 73%0-95%82%97%92%86.9 → 91%0-95%70.9 → 79%0-90%84%47.5 → 56%0-85%   76.4%85.8%
HP EliteBook x360 830 G6Convertible (5)04.10.2019v788.7 → 91%0-98%87%93%68.5 → 91%0-75%69.5 → 90%20-75%88%88%48.9 → 63%0-78%79.4 → 93%0-85%93%85%70 → 77%0-91%35.2 → 41%0-85%   76.5%87.9%
Apple iPad 7 2019Tablet (9)03.10.2019v783.7 → 85%0-98%73.1 → 91%0-80%93%42.4 → 61%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%89%91%34.5 → 44%0-78%64 → 70%0-92%92%100%76 → 84%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   74.7%85.4%
MSI GL75 9SEK-056USGaming (3)03.10.2019v770.9 → 72%0-98%84%82%57.9 → 72%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%59.1 → 62%0-95%82%91%92%82.7 → 87%0-95%78.6 → 87%0-90%82%56.8 → 67%0-85%   75.2%82.9%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2019 i5 4TB3Subnotebook (4)02.10.2019v789.9 → 92%0-98%85%100%65.6 → 87%0-75%70.6 → 92%20-75%89%91%53.7 → 69%0-78%85.8 → 100%0-85%89%94%83.8 → 92%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   80.6%90.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad S540-15IWL 81SW0015GEMultimedia (1)02.10.2019v785.2 → 87%0-98%84%85%49.8 → 62%0-80%64.5 → 86%20-72%86.7 → 91%0-95%86%82.7 → 92%0-90%85.9 → 95%0-90%90%89.8 → 95%0-95%61%38 → 45%0-85%   76%85.3%
Asus ZenBook 15 UX534FT-DB77Multimedia (1)01.10.2019v777.8 → 79%0-98%82%86%53.2 → 67%0-80%67.2 → 91%20-72%81.8 → 86%0-95%78%73.3 → 81%0-90%88.1 → 98%0-90%85%94.7 → 100%0-95%76%42.5 → 50%0-85%   75.8%83.1%
Dell Latitude 3400Office (2)01.10.2019v778.5 → 80%0-98%86%88%60.9 → 76%0-80%67 → 85%20-75%88%82%44.4 → 57%0-78%74.8 → 79%0-95%92%92%49%34 → 40%0-85%   72%83%
Lenovo Legion Y740-15ICHgGaming (3)01.10.2019v776.3 → 78%0-98%83%92%63.9 → 80%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%51.8 → 55%0-95%89%93%91%81.9 → 86%0-95%81.8 → 91%0-90%62%50 → 59%0-85%   75.1%84.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad L340-15IRH 81LK00BMGEGaming (3)30.09.2019v775.8 → 77%0-98%81%79%39.8 → 50%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%69.5 → 73%0-95%81%83%82%84.8 → 89%0-95%95.6 → 100%0-90%53%34 → 40%0-85%   70.9%77%
SCHENKER XMG Fusion 15 XFU15L19Gaming (3)30.09.2019v782.3 → 84%0-98%97%96%60.3 → 75%0-80%64.3 → 97%10-66%68.8 → 72%0-95%84%93%90%80.2 → 84%0-95%77.7 → 86%0-90%46%30 → 35%0-85%   74.6%84.2%
Dell Latitude 7200Convertible (5)27.09.2019v782.7 → 84%0-98%86%96%74.6 → 99%0-75%72.8 → 96%20-75%74%88%50.5 → 65%0-78%77.2 → 91%0-85%93%99%57.4 → 63%0-91%58 → 68%0-85%   77.6%89.1%
Dell XPS 15 7590 i5 iGPU FHDMultimedia (1)27.09.2019v793.8 → 96%0-98%89%94%65.6 → 82%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%90.3 → 95%0-95%89%50.7 → 56%0-90%88.4 → 98%0-90%93%96 → 100%0-95%75%39.6 → 47%0-85%   79%86.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad T590-20N40009GEOffice (2)27.09.2019v784 → 86%0-98%91%91%74.7 → 93%0-80%65 → 82%20-75%69%93%62.8 → 81%0-78%86.9 → 91%0-95%86%95%40%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75%87.2%
Panasonic Toughbook FZ-55Office (2)26.09.2019v785 → 87%0-98%73%69%49 → 61%0-80%61.5 → 75%20-75%92%84%49.6 → 64%0-78%80 → 84%0-95%95%95%74%37.5 → 44%0-85%   72.7%80.9%
XIDU PhilBook MaxConvertible (5)26.09.2019v761.3 → 63%0-98%77%83%35.5 → 47%0-75%68.8 → 89%20-75%67%74%14.7 → 19%0-78%47.8 → 56%0-85%91%100%55 → 60%0-91%35 → 41%0-85%   62.4%74.2%
HP ProBook 455R G6Office (2)25.09.2019v777.3 → 79%0-98%76%95%50.3 → 63%0-80%63 → 78%20-75%78%81%55.3 → 71%0-78%74.7 → 79%0-95%84%93%61%22 → 26%0-85%   70.1%79.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad T495s-20QKS01E00Office (2)24.09.2019v789.3 → 91%0-98%95%91%72.9 → 91%0-80%71.7 → 94%20-75%89%89%58.7 → 75%0-78%82.5 → 87%0-95%90%83%58%50 → 59%0-85%   78.4%88.4%
Acer Aspire 7 A715-74G-50U5Multimedia (1)24.09.2019v779.5 → 81%0-98%82%86%50 → 63%0-80%60.7 → 78%20-72%86.4 → 91%0-95%84%86.2 → 96%0-90%86.7 → 96%0-90%80%93.4 → 98%0-95%51%42 → 49%0-85%   74.5%84%
Asus ZenBook Flip 14 UM462DA-AI023TConvertible (5)22.09.2019v779.5 → 81%0-98%86%84%42.1 → 56%0-75%67.8 → 87%20-75%77%77%56.4 → 72%0-78%73.6 → 87%0-85%90%96%52.2 → 57%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   70.1%81.2%
Razer Blade 15 GTX 1660 TiGaming (3)21.09.2019v788.5 → 90%0-98%81%88%63.8 → 80%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%66.1 → 70%0-95%85%90%90%80 → 84%0-95%79.7 → 89%0-90%71%37.5 → 44%0-85%   75.5%84.2%
Apple iPhone 11 ProSmartphone (10)20.09.2019v791%66.2 → 88%0-75%97%52.1 → 74%0-70%89 → 78%50-100%90%93%61.2 → 96%0-64%88.7 → 100%0-86%89%100%57 → 63%0-90%76%   80.8%87.8%
Apple iPhone 11Smartphone (10)20.09.2019v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%50.5 → 72%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%91%90%62.2 → 97%0-64%88.4 → 100%0-86%86%100%56.4 → 63%0-90%75%   79.8%86.5%
Lenovo V155-15APIOffice (2)19.09.2019v770.5 → 72%0-98%80%78%36.2 → 45%0-80%61.7 → 76%20-75%62%73%59.9 → 77%0-78%74.4 → 78%0-95%83%98%49%24 → 28%0-85%   65.3%74.7%
Apple iPhone 11 Pro MaxSmartphone (10)19.09.2019v791%67.3 → 90%0-75%96%51.6 → 74%0-70%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%93%61.6 → 96%0-64%79.7 → 93%0-86%88%100%53.6 → 60%0-90%76%   79.7%87.1%
Dell Latitude 7400-8N6DHOffice (2)19.09.2019v791.4 → 93%0-98%93%84%67.6 → 85%0-80%68.6 → 88%20-75%89%83%48.9 → 63%0-78%82.5 → 87%0-95%90%91%72%42 → 49%0-85%   77.2%87.2%
HP Spectre x360 13-ap0312ngConvertible (5)19.09.2019v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%88%67.8 → 90%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%86%78%46 → 59%0-78%85.5 → 100%0-85%93%97%77 → 85%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%-2%71.6%86%
Asus ZenBook Pro Duo UX581GVGaming (3)18.09.2019v782.5 → 84%0-98%77%76%52.8 → 66%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%58.5 → 62%0-95%88%91%92%85.1 → 90%0-95%86.6 → 96%0-90%72%35 → 41%0-85%   73.5%82.9%
Motorola One ActionSmartphone (10)18.09.2019v781%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%49.6 → 71%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%89%83%15.4 → 24%0-64%58.2 → 68%0-86%91%100%70 → 78%0-90%59%   72.5%78.1%
Alcatel 3 2019Smartphone (10)18.09.2019v783%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%38.7 → 55%0-70%92.7 → 85%50-100%91%79%6.3 → 10%0-64%43.3 → 50%0-86%94%100%69.8 → 78%0-90%54%   69.8%76.3%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G3-4QZ12ESConvertible (5)17.09.2019v791.1 → 93%0-98%92%93%64.1 → 85%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%85%87%50.8 → 65%0-78%86.7 → 100%0-85%91%98%60 → 66%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%-2%72.3%88.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad E495-20NE000JGEOffice (2)16.09.2019v783.4 → 85%0-98%88%88%60.5 → 76%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%77%81%54.9 → 70%0-78%78.9 → 83%0-95%89%97%61%41.7 → 49%0-85%   74.4%84.2%
Lenovo Ideapad L340-17IRH 81LL001YGEGaming (3)16.09.2019v775.5 → 77%0-98%81%88%42.2 → 53%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%69.8 → 73%0-95%85%82%85%82.6 → 87%0-95%90.8 → 100%0-90%46%42 → 49%0-85%   71.5%77.9%
HP Omen X 2S 15-dg0075clGaming (3)15.09.2019v773.8 → 75%0-98%85%78%59.9 → 75%0-80%60.5 → 90%10-66%40.3 → 42%0-95%83%93%90%79.6 → 84%0-95%77.3 → 86%0-90%70%45 → 53%0-85%   71.9%82.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2019-20QES01L00Office (2)13.09.2019v790.1 → 92%0-98%92%95%72.3 → 90%0-80%73.6 → 97%20-75%88%87%46.8 → 60%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%90%98%74%50 → 59%0-85%   80.3%90.5%
Acer Aspire Nitro 5 AN515-54-53Z2Gaming (3)13.09.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%75%75%47.9 → 59%0-81%62 → 93%10-66%90%85%91%99%88 → 93%0-95%77.5 → 86%0-90%70%   78.1%82.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad T490-20N30000GEOffice (2)12.09.2019v785.1 → 87%0-98%93%91%69.4 → 90%20-75%71%89%78.2 → 100%0-78%86.9 → 91%0-95%86%93%55%38.8 → 46%0-85%   78%87.4%
Asus VivoBook 14 X403FASubnotebook (4)12.09.2019v789.4 → 91%0-98%78%87%45.5 → 61%0-75%71.2 → 93%20-75%90%81%51.5 → 66%0-78%78.2 → 92%0-85%93%91%58.6 → 64%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   73.6%83.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T495-20NKS01Y00Office (2)12.09.2019v785.5 → 87%0-98%93%91%68.7 → 86%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%87%90%58 → 74%0-78%83.1 → 87%0-95%89%98%55%38.8 → 46%0-85%   77.4%88.7%
Dell XPS 13 7390 2-in-1 Core i3Convertible (5)11.09.2019v780 → 82%0-98%87%86%62.4 → 83%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%85%86%53.6 → 69%0-78%79.8 → 94%0-85%87%94%50 → 55%0-91%35 → 41%0-85%   73.6%85.9%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-54-P2RKSubnotebook (4)11.09.2019v784.1 → 86%0-98%82%86%48.3 → 64%0-75%67.8 → 87%20-75%88%82%27.7 → 36%0-78%61.9 → 73%0-85%95%97%63.4 → 70%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   71.2%82.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2019-20QE000VGEOffice (2)10.09.2019v790.1 → 92%0-98%92%95%72.8 → 91%0-80%73.6 → 97%20-75%82%87%46.8 → 60%0-78%88.6 → 93%0-95%90%98%74%50 → 59%0-85%   79.9%90.1%
Dell Latitude 7300-P99GSubnotebook (4)09.09.2019v786.9 → 89%0-98%89%88%64 → 85%0-75%70.7 → 92%20-75%88%83%50.9 → 65%0-78%81.7 → 96%0-85%87%89%71.2 → 78%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   76.1%86.8%
HP ProBook x360 11 G4Convertible (5)09.09.2019v779.5 → 81%0-98%84%88%52.3 → 70%0-75%69.7 → 90%20-75%89%77%21.9 → 28%0-78%64 → 75%0-85%88%100%61.6 → 68%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   70.5%82.5%
Xiaomi Mi A3Smartphone (10)08.09.2019v777%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%40.2 → 57%0-70%90.2 → 80%50-100%91%83%12.9 → 20%0-64%58.5 → 68%0-86%87%100%75.8 → 84%0-90%62%   72.1%78.4%
Alienware m15 R2 P87FGaming (3)07.09.2019v781 → 83%0-98%83%89%57.5 → 72%0-80%62 → 93%10-66%66.3 → 70%0-95%82%94%91%83.9 → 88%0-95%60 → 67%0-90%79%47.4 → 56%0-85%   75%83%
Lenovo ThinkPad L490 20Q6S08600Office (2)07.09.2019v779.6 → 81%0-98%87%93%62.1 → 78%0-80%66.8 → 85%20-75%84%81%50.2 → 64%0-78%80.8 → 85%0-95%91%99%66%42.1 → 50%0-85%   75.5%85%
Acer Predator Helios 700 PH717-71-785MGaming (3)04.09.2019v771.9 → 73%0-98%87%78%65.7 → 82%0-80%40 → 54%10-66%50.8 → 53%0-95%80%97%94%91.2 → 96%0-95%52.4 → 58%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   71.5%82.5%
Gigabyte Aero 17 XA RP77Gaming (3)03.09.2019v787.5 → 89%0-98%86%81%66.4 → 83%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%75.1 → 79%0-95%92%93%92%85.2 → 90%0-95%68 → 76%0-90%68%38.2 → 45%0-85%   76.2%86.1%
Dell Latitude 5500Office (2)02.09.2019v778.9 → 81%0-98%81%86%60.2 → 75%0-80%63.8 → 80%20-75%89%82%52.3 → 67%0-78%85.5 → 90%0-95%92%98%50%45 → 53%0-85%-1%68.8%82.9%
Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1Convertible (5)02.09.2019v786.1 → 88%0-98%89%89%63.6 → 85%0-75%68.9 → 89%20-75%89%83%50.8 → 65%0-78%79.4 → 93%0-85%87%99%80 → 88%0-91%70 → 82%0-85%-1%73.9%87.8%
Asus Strix Hero III G731GVGaming (3)30.08.2019v784.3 → 86%0-98%94%92%59.2 → 74%0-80%57.4 → 85%10-66%60.6 → 64%0-95%87%88%90%86.6 → 91%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%80%   79.5%86%
HP Envy 13-aq0003ngSubnotebook (4)29.08.2019v782.3 → 84%0-98%82%87%51.2 → 68%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%83%85%58.9 → 76%0-78%81.2 → 96%0-85%91%92%48 → 53%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   73.5%84.5%
Samsung Galaxy Note10+Smartphone (10)28.08.2019v792%68.5 → 91%0-75%97%67.1 → 96%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%87%91%47.3 → 74%0-64%77.3 → 90%0-86%92%100%74.2 → 82%0-90%80%   81.8%87.5%
Dell Inspiron 7390 2-in-1Convertible (5)28.08.2019v681.6 → 83%0-98%81%78%56.2 → 70%0-80%70.3 → 82%35-78%89%87%59.6 → 88%0-68%87.7 → 100%0-87%87%91%70 → 77%0-91%57.9 → 68%0-85%   76.6%84.3%
Eurocom Nightsky RX15Gaming (3)28.08.2019v672.9 → 74%0-98%88%78%72.2 → 89%0-81%59.8 → 89%10-66%72%84%100%95%87.3 → 92%0-95%70.4 → 78%0-90%60%50 → 59%0-85%   76.1%85.9%
Dell Latitude 5300Office (2)28.08.2019v779.6 → 81%0-98%84%86%61.5 → 77%0-80%70.5 → 92%20-75%82%87%51.8 → 66%0-78%83 → 87%0-95%90%97%50%45 → 53%0-85%   74.4%84.9%
Samsung Galaxy Note10Smartphone (10)28.08.2019v790%68.1 → 91%0-75%97%52.1 → 74%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%89%91%43.1 → 67%0-64%77 → 90%0-86%85%100%77.6 → 86%0-90%77%   79.7%86.3%
HP Omen 17-cb0020ngGaming (3)27.08.2019v779.9 → 82%0-98%81%78%67.3 → 84%0-80%54.6 → 80%10-66%53.5 → 56%0-95%89%97%94%82.1 → 86%0-95%61.8 → 69%0-90%79%45 → 53%0-85%   74%85.1%
Medion Akoya E4253-30025387Subnotebook (4)26.08.2019v773.9 → 75%0-98%74%86%51.1 → 68%0-75%70.2 → 91%20-75%87%81%26.7 → 34%0-78%55.2 → 65%0-85%93%100%44 → 48%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   67.9%79.9%
Asus VivoBook 14 X412FJ-EB023TMultimedia (1)25.08.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%80%86%46.4 → 57%0-81%69 → 100%20-67%88%88%70.8 → 83%0-85%85.1 → 93%0-92%91%90.1 → 95%0-95%65%33.3 → 39%0-85%   74.7%83.8%
Acer Aspire Nitro 5 AN517-51-7887Gaming (3)21.08.2019v680.8 → 82%0-98%80%89%45.5 → 56%0-81%58 → 86%10-66%88%86%94%97%83.6 → 88%0-95%83.1 → 92%0-90%81%41.1 → 48%0-85%   77.5%84.3%
Honor 20Smartphone (10)20.08.2019v686%65.4 → 87%0-75%98%44.8 → 75%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%94%91%60.7 → 96%0-63%80.5 → 100%0-70%92%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%81%   80.3%89.4%
Lenovo Ideapad L340-17API-81LY0004GEOffice (2)20.08.2019v676.8 → 78%0-98%79%88%44.2 → 55%0-80%57.8 → 80%20-67%89%76%65.6 → 96%0-68%86.6 → 94%0-92%93%90%50%43.8 → 52%0-85%   72.3%80.8%
Blackview A60 ProSmartphone (10)18.08.2019v670%65.4 → 87%0-75%76%35.9 → 60%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%95%85%16.7 → 27%0-63%48.2 → 69%0-70%89%100%48.2 → 53%0-91%42%   66.2%76.2%
Eurocom Nightsky Ti15Gaming (3)18.08.2019v672.9 → 74%0-98%88%78%73 → 90%0-81%59.8 → 89%10-66%72%87%98%96%82.2 → 87%0-95%76.7 → 85%0-90%60%55.3 → 65%0-85%   76.8%86.5%
Ulefone Armor 6ESmartphone (10)17.08.2019v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%85%39.3 → 56%0-70%86.9 → 74%50-100%91%82%13.2 → 21%0-64%61.8 → 72%0-86%85%100%60 → 67%0-90%63%   70.6%76.2%
SCHENKER Key 16Gaming (3)16.08.2019v779.3 → 81%0-98%83%92%64.7 → 81%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%65.4 → 69%0-95%87%92%90%75.3 → 79%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%57%42 → 49%0-85%   74.3%83.7%
Acer Predator Triton 500 PT515-51-71PZGaming (3)15.08.2019v777.9 → 79%0-98%83%81%61.8 → 77%0-80%62.1 → 93%10-66%79.5 → 84%0-95%85%92%92%75.5 → 79%0-95%69.6 → 77%0-90%84%40 → 47%0-85%   75.6%84%
Samsung Galaxy A10Smartphone (10)15.08.2019v772%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%37.7 → 54%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%89%83%6.5 → 10%0-64%47.9 → 56%0-86%91%100%74 → 82%0-90%48%   69%74.9%
Origin PC EVO16-S i7-9750H RTX 2080 Max-QGaming (3)14.08.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%89%75%63.1 → 78%0-81%62.4 → 94%10-66%80%86%99%97%81.6 → 86%0-95%69.9 → 78%0-90%60%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.2%85%
Dell XPS 15 7590 9980HK GTX 1650Multimedia (1)14.08.2019v793.8 → 96%0-98%89%94%64.8 → 81%0-80%63 → 83%20-72%78.4 → 83%0-95%88%83.8 → 93%0-90%88 → 98%0-90%83%84.5 → 89%0-95%80%38 → 45%0-85%   79.1%87.8%
Razer Blade Pro 17 RTX 2060Gaming (3)13.08.2019v696.1 → 98%0-98%81%92%71.2 → 88%0-81%58.1 → 86%10-66%79%90%98%97%88.8 → 93%0-95%80.7 → 90%0-90%70%42.1 → 50%0-85%   80.2%89.4%
Lenovo Legion Y540-15IRH-81SX00B2GEGaming (3)13.08.2019v772.6 → 74%0-98%85%86%50.9 → 64%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%45.3 → 48%0-95%86%89%87%85.1 → 90%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%74%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.4%82.3%
Chuwi LapBook ProOffice (2)11.08.2019v787.8 → 90%0-98%79%87%47.3 → 59%0-80%69.8 → 91%20-75%82%76%19.6 → 25%0-78%54.2 → 57%0-95%87%97%40%40 → 47%0-85%   66.7%78.7%
SCHENKER Slim 15-RE-E19Office (2)11.08.2019v681.8 → 83%0-98%82%83%60.5 → 76%0-80%69 → 100%20-67%78%81%60 → 88%0-68%86.8 → 94%0-92%92%82%50%35.4 → 42%0-85%   72.4%82.6%
Xiaomi Redmi 7ASmartphone (10)08.08.2019v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%39.1 → 65%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%96%83%31.8 → 50%0-63%49.6 → 71%0-70%87%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%63%   72.2%82.6%
Dell Inspiron 15 5000 5585Multimedia (1)08.08.2019v666.1 → 67%0-98%73%69%54.2 → 67%0-81%65.4 → 97%20-67%89%82%72.1 → 85%0-85%85.1 → 93%0-92%88%94.7 → 100%0-95%50%28.9 → 34%0-85%   70.6%79.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2019-20QGS00A00Convertible (5)08.08.2019v787.8 → 90%0-98%92%95%67.4 → 90%0-75%70.8 → 92%20-75%84%85%49.4 → 63%0-78%84.9 → 100%0-85%90%96%76 → 84%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   78%89.6%
Samsung Galaxy XCover 4sSmartphone (10)05.08.2019v777%66.2 → 88%0-75%84%38.6 → 55%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%86%80%7.3 → 11%0-64%49.5 → 58%0-86%94%100%62 → 69%0-90%57%   68.7%74%
Chuwi MiniBook CWI526 ()05.08.2019v6   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   63.3%76.2%
Xiaomi Mi 9T ProSmartphone (10)05.08.2019v685%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%46.9 → 78%0-60%88.8 → 78%50-100%96%95%70.1 → 100%0-63%79.6 → 100%0-70%88%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%79%   81.3%88.6%
Asus Strix GL531GV-PB74Gaming (3)04.08.2019v784.2 → 86%0-98%85%83%52.5 → 66%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%60.4 → 64%0-95%83%97%96%87.9 → 93%0-95%75.6 → 84%0-90%88%0 → 0%0-85%   73.3%84.4%
Lenovo Legion Y540-15IRHGaming (3)04.08.2019v675 → 77%0-98%85%86%58.8 → 73%0-81%61.1 → 91%10-66%70%88%96%95%77.1 → 81%0-95%74.5 → 83%0-90%76%   78.5%85.7%
HP Gaming Pavilion 15-dk0009ngGaming (3)03.08.2019v772.9 → 74%0-98%82%88%61.4 → 77%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%62 → 65%0-95%90%87%88%85.4 → 90%0-95%93 → 100%0-90%71%40 → 47%0-85%   75.5%83.9%
Honor 20 ProSmartphone (10)02.08.2019v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%98%47.8 → 68%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%85%32.8 → 51%0-64%73.7 → 86%0-86%85%100%80 → 89%0-90%66%   76.7%82.9%
Asus ASUS ROG Strix SCAR III G731GW-XB74Gaming (3)31.07.2019v785.6 → 87%0-98%92%92%57 → 71%0-80%57.4 → 85%10-66%57.3 → 60%0-95%85%90%91%87 → 92%0-95%71.7 → 80%0-90%80%   78.8%85.4%
Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED XAGaming (3)30.07.2019v786.9 → 89%0-98%86%81%69 → 86%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%67.2 → 71%0-95%88%92%86%77.2 → 81%0-95%56.7 → 63%0-90%76%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.2%84.4%
LG Q60Smartphone (10)30.07.2019v685%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%40.7 → 68%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%99%84%21.8 → 35%0-63%39.5 → 56%0-70%89%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%66%   71.8%82.1%
RugGear RG655Smartphone (10)29.07.2019v785%70 → 93%0-75%90%45.7 → 65%0-70%88.3 → 77%50-100%91%80%5.5 → 9%0-64%41 → 48%0-86%95%100%44 → 49%0-90%45%   67.7%73.6%
Samsung Galaxy S10 5GSmartphone (10)29.07.2019v791%67.3 → 90%0-75%98%67.2 → 96%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%88%90%51.6 → 81%0-64%73.1 → 85%0-86%95%100%72 → 80%0-90%79%   81.5%87.4%
Wiko View 3Smartphone (10)29.07.2019v683%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%35.9 → 60%0-60%89.9 → 80%50-100%100%84%22.2 → 35%0-63%35.8 → 51%0-70%94%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%52%   69.5%80.5%
Lenovo Legion Y540-17IRHGaming (3)28.07.2019v772.6 → 74%0-98%85%86%56.2 → 70%0-80%57.9 → 86%10-66%53.8 → 57%0-95%85%91%89%80.3 → 85%0-95%74.5 → 83%0-90%78%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.2%82.3%
HP Pavilion Gaming 17-cd0085clGaming (3)26.07.2019v772.8 → 74%0-98%77%75%60.5 → 76%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%66.9 → 70%0-95%85%91%91%87.2 → 92%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%50%40 → 47%0-85%   72.6%81.6%
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s-20R90071GESubnotebook (4)26.07.2019v786.6 → 88%0-98%83%90%52.1 → 69%0-75%71 → 93%20-75%87%89%50.1 → 64%0-78%76.6 → 90%0-85%92%96%44 → 48%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   73.4%86%
Samsung Galaxy A20eSmartphone (10)26.07.2019v779%65.8 → 88%0-75%83%41.3 → 59%0-70%93.1 → 86%50-100%89%82%6.6 → 10%0-64%49.2 → 57%0-86%92%100%68.2 → 76%0-90%57%   69.6%75.5%
Honor 20 LiteSmartphone (10)26.07.2019v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%38.8 → 65%0-60%91.1 → 82%50-100%94%85%46.4 → 74%0-63%63.1 → 90%0-70%85%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%73%   75.2%84.6%
Asus VivoBook S15 S532FMultimedia (1)24.07.2019v676.8 → 78%0-98%79%81%46 → 57%0-81%65.4 → 97%20-67%82%83%76.5 → 90%0-85%92.1 → 100%0-92%89%90 → 95%0-95%50%38.8 → 46%0-85%   73.1%82.6%
Oukitel K9Smartphone (10)24.07.2019v678%67.7 → 90%0-75%84%37.4 → 62%0-60%87.5 → 75%50-100%100%83%25.6 → 41%0-63%53.4 → 76%0-70%93%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%53%   70.7%79.9%
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SGGaming (3)24.07.2019v777.9 → 79%0-98%85%83%69.4 → 87%0-80%47.9 → 68%10-66%63.6 → 67%0-95%89%96%96%80.7 → 85%0-95%52.8 → 59%0-90%83%46.5 → 55%0-85%   74.7%85.5%
Xiaomi Mi 9TSmartphone (10)23.07.2019v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%45.1 → 64%0-70%88.8 → 78%50-100%91%90%26 → 41%0-64%66.9 → 78%0-86%94%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%65%   75.8%81.6%
HP Omen 15-dc1020ngGaming (3)23.07.2019v776.4 → 78%0-98%81%78%65.8 → 82%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%72.7 → 77%0-95%80%84%86%88.9 → 94%0-95%91.6 → 100%0-90%61%42 → 49%0-85%   74.5%81.5%
MSI PS63 Modern 8SCMultimedia (1)21.07.2019v777.5 → 79%0-98%85%86%59.9 → 75%0-80%67 → 90%20-72%85.4 → 90%0-95%84%80.7 → 90%0-90%89.8 → 100%0-90%77%77.9 → 82%0-95%70%37.5 → 44%0-85%   75.1%83.8%
Asus ROG Strix G GL731GU-RB74Gaming (3)20.07.2019v675 → 77%0-98%90%97%55.7 → 69%0-81%57.5 → 85%10-66%81%88%97%99%88.7 → 93%0-95%66.1 → 73%0-90%80%0 → 0%0-85%   81.2%87%
Samsung Galaxy A80Smartphone (10)18.07.2019v686%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%41.3 → 69%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%95%87%60.3 → 96%0-63%68.8 → 98%0-70%88%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%79%   77.8%87.2%
Amazon Fire 7 Kids Edition 2019Tablet (9)17.07.2019v677%61.2 → 77%0-80%83%26.9 → 41%0-65%83.8 → 91%40-88%90%80%9.6 → 14%0-68%35.2 → 46%0-76%91%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%27.1 → 32%0-85%   62.8%76.8%
Amazon Fire 7 2019Tablet (9)17.07.2019v673%61.2 → 77%0-80%83%26.9 → 41%0-65%86.6 → 97%40-88%90%80%9.6 → 14%0-68%38 → 50%0-76%91%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%27.1 → 32%0-85%   63%77.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad E595-20NF0000GEOffice (2)16.07.2019v685.8 → 88%0-98%89%88%65.2 → 82%0-80%63.7 → 93%20-67%90%88%64 → 94%0-68%88.4 → 96%0-92%89%97%61%42.9 → 50%0-85%   77.7%88.4%
SCHENKER XMG Core 17Gaming (3)16.07.2019v681.6 → 83%0-98%87%81%62.1 → 77%0-81%59.8 → 89%10-66%80%88%97%95%85.1 → 90%0-95%72.6 → 81%0-90%70%   79.9%86.7%
MSI GF75 Thin 9SCGaming (3)16.07.2019v772.5 → 74%0-98%77%75%43 → 54%0-80%61.4 → 92%10-66%61.9 → 65%0-95%88%85%91%85 → 89%0-95%79.9 → 89%0-90%50%37.5 → 44%0-85%   69.7%78%
LG G8s ThinQSmartphone (10)14.07.2019v785%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%53.1 → 76%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%89%89%43.6 → 68%0-64%73.6 → 86%0-86%90%100%77.8 → 86%0-90%79%   79.4%85.7%
Lenovo Flex 14IWLConvertible (5)12.07.2019v681.6 → 83%0-98%71%92%50.3 → 63%0-80%67.1 → 75%35-78%93%78%56.3 → 83%0-68%89.1 → 100%0-87%92%96%70 → 77%0-91%41.1 → 48%0-85%   75.1%83.2%
Asus ZenFone 6 ZS630KLSmartphone (10)12.07.2019v785%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%51.5 → 74%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%94%86%55.4 → 87%0-64%78.7 → 92%0-86%92%100%75 → 83%0-90%71%   79.7%86%
Google Pixel 3aSmartphone (10)09.07.2019v780%65 → 87%0-75%92%47.8 → 68%0-70%92.5 → 85%50-100%88%87%19.2 → 30%0-64%62.8 → 73%0-86%91%100%82 → 91%0-90%58%   74.3%80.2%
Sony Xperia 1Smartphone (10)09.07.2019v786%65.8 → 88%0-75%94%51.2 → 73%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%82%92%50.1 → 78%0-64%71.5 → 83%0-86%92%100%78 → 87%0-90%73%   79%84.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad S540-14IWLMultimedia (1)09.07.2019v684.7 → 86%0-98%83%92%47.2 → 58%0-81%70.1 → 100%20-67%90%87%69 → 81%0-85%89.2 → 97%0-92%91%96.96 → 100%0-95%51%41.1 → 48%0-85%   76.3%84.9%
Chuwi LapBook PlusMultimedia (1)08.07.2019v669.7 → 71%0-98%92%56%41.2 → 51%0-81%68.6 → 100%20-67%72%87%51.1 → 60%0-85%45.2 → 49%0-92%87%100 → 100%0-95%30%21.1 → 25%0-85%   63.2%72%
Lenovo ThinkPad T590-20N4002VGEOffice (2)05.07.2019v784 → 86%0-98%91%91%73.9 → 92%0-80%64.2 → 80%20-75%89%83%62.6 → 80%0-78%86.9 → 91%0-95%86%95%40%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.6%86.6%
ZTE Blade V10 VitaSmartphone (10)05.07.2019v681%66.5 → 89%0-75%82%35.1 → 59%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%93%88%21.3 → 34%0-63%45.8 → 65%0-70%92%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%46%   69.2%79.6%
Asus TUF FX505DT-EB73Gaming (3)05.07.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%87%75%41.1 → 51%0-81%61.5 → 92%10-66%80%83%90%92%90.4 → 95%0-95%84.2 → 94%0-90%50%50 → 59%0-85%   73.9%80.4%
ZTE Axon 10 ProSmartphone (10)03.07.2019v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%51.1 → 73%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%90%88%55.4 → 87%0-64%76.6 → 89%0-86%89%100%80.4 → 89%0-90%68%   79.4%85.1%
Eurocom Nightsky RX17Gaming (3)02.07.2019v671.6 → 73%0-98%88%78%73 → 90%0-81%57.2 → 84%10-66%63%88%99%96%85.9 → 90%0-95%77 → 86%0-90%70%55.3 → 65%0-85%   77.1%87.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad S940-14IWLSubnotebook (4)02.07.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%77%92%52.2 → 65%0-80%72.2 → 87%35-78%81%84%59.1 → 87%0-68%84.8 → 97%0-87%85 → 93%0-91%95%80 → 88%0-91%52.6 → 62%0-85%   76.4%85%
HTC Desire 12sSmartphone (10)01.07.2019v667%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%33.6 → 56%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%94%82%21.2 → 34%0-63%40.9 → 58%0-70%85%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%65%-2%63.9%78.3%
ZTE Blade V10Smartphone (10)28.06.2019v684%66.5 → 89%0-75%85%41.3 → 69%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%94%82%49.2 → 78%0-63%63.9 → 91%0-70%90%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%65%   75.1%84.2%
HP Envy x360 13-ar0601ngConvertible (5)28.06.2019v683.7 → 85%0-98%83%87%49.9 → 62%0-80%71.5 → 85%35-78%89%86%67.7 → 100%0-68%79.9 → 92%0-87%82%84%51.3 → 56%0-91%41.1 → 48%0-85%   73.6%84.3%
MSI GS75 Stealth 9SGGaming (3)27.06.2019v771.3 → 73%0-98%79%75%63.3 → 79%0-80%61.2 → 91%10-66%68.6 → 72%0-95%90%93%91%69 → 73%0-95%70.7 → 79%0-90%73%42.5 → 50%0-85%   72.9%82.9%
Razer Blade Pro 17 RTX 2080 Max-QGaming (3)27.06.2019v793.8 → 96%0-98%81%92%69.3 → 87%0-80%58.1 → 86%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%87%95%90%87.3 → 92%0-95%80.3 → 89%0-90%80%40 → 47%0-85%   78.1%87.7%
Dell Latitude 13 5300 2-in-1Office (2)26.06.2019v780 → 82%0-98%84%86%69.4 → 87%0-80%69.8 → 91%20-75%88%84%50.7 → 65%0-78%83.6 → 88%0-95%86%93%50%45 → 53%0-85%   74.6%84.7%
Nokia 4.2Smartphone (10)26.06.2019v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%33.4 → 56%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%94%84%27.5 → 44%0-63%48 → 69%0-70%90%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%58%   70.6%80.7%
Nokia 3.2Smartphone (10)25.06.2019v670%66.2 → 88%0-75%85%32 → 53%0-60%89.6 → 79%50-100%99%83%13.8 → 22%0-63%51.4 → 73%0-70%87%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%56%   68.2%78.8%
Dell Latitude 15 3590Office (2)24.06.2019v676.1 → 78%0-98%89%94%56.2 → 70%0-80%62.5 → 90%20-67%92%74%47.5 → 70%0-68%87.2 → 95%0-92%94%79%50%39.5 → 46%0-85%-3%66.9%79.6%
HP Omen 15-dc1303ngGaming (3)24.06.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%78%68.7 → 85%0-81%60.5 → 90%10-66%71%89%95%95%84 → 88%0-95%77.5 → 86%0-90%74%43.8 → 52%0-85%   76.6%86.2%
Medion Erazer X15805Gaming (3)24.06.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%90%81%61.9 → 76%0-81%62.4 → 94%10-66%70%86%98%98%77.3 → 81%0-95%63.7 → 71%0-90%60%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75%84.9%
LG K40Smartphone (10)22.06.2019v670%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%39.4 → 66%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%95%84%22.6 → 36%0-63%43.1 → 62%0-70%89%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%67%   70.3%81.7%
Dell Vostro 15-5581Office (2)22.06.2019v680 → 82%0-98%78%79%53.4 → 67%0-80%63.1 → 92%20-67%89%64.5 → 95%0-68%85.7 → 93%0-92%91%80%59%39.5 → 46%0-85%   71.8%81.1%
Lenovo Ideapad 330S-15ARR-81FB00C7GEOffice (2)22.06.2019v688.2 → 90%0-98%80%86%39.8 → 50%0-80%64.6 → 95%20-67%76%83%66.9 → 98%0-68%78 → 85%0-92%94%92%57%27.1 → 32%0-85%   71.7%82%
LG X power3Smartphone (10)21.06.2019v669%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%39.3 → 66%0-60%90.5 → 81%50-100%100%81%12.5 → 20%0-63%32.6 → 47%0-70%87%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%56%   67.5%79%
Dell G7 17 7790Gaming (3)20.06.2019v679.7 → 81%0-98%83%81%63.7 → 79%0-81%54.9 → 80%10-66%75%87%96%94%83.3 → 88%0-95%87.3 → 97%0-90%64%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.9%85.3%
Motorola One VisionSmartphone (10)20.06.2019v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%46.4 → 66%0-70%89.6 → 79%50-100%90%82%15.3 → 24%0-64%58.3 → 68%0-86%88%100%82.4 → 92%0-90%64%   72.7%77.7%
Oukitel C15 ProSmartphone (10)20.06.2019v677%65.4 → 87%0-75%75%37.3 → 62%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%93%84%15.8 → 25%0-63%21.8 → 31%0-70%92%100%47.3 → 52%0-91%36%   64.1%74.1%
Huawei P Smart Z 2019Smartphone (10)20.06.2019v682%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%43.9 → 73%0-60%88.3 → 77%50-100%95%83%49.6 → 79%0-63%68.8 → 98%0-70%85%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%63%   75.2%83.5%
Nubia Red Magic 3Smartphone (10)20.06.2019v686%68.1 → 91%0-75%97%40.7 → 68%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%98%79%69.5 → 100%0-63%89.1 → 100%0-70%86%75%69.1 → 76%0-91%79%   78.8%86.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad T490-20N2004EGEOffice (2)19.06.2019v784.3 → 86%0-98%93%91%74 → 93%0-80%69.7 → 90%20-75%88%88%47.9 → 61%0-78%81 → 85%0-95%91%95%40%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.4%87.9%
MSI GP75 Leopard 9SDGaming (3)19.06.2019v677.6 → 79%0-98%85%86%62.7 → 77%0-81%59.3 → 88%10-66%70%89%97%96%85.8 → 90%0-95%60 → 67%0-90%72%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.7%85.1%
Vivo IQOOSmartphone (10)18.06.2019v687%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%39.3 → 66%0-60%88.3 → 77%50-100%100%85%71.9 → 100%0-63%84.7 → 100%0-70%86%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%76%-1%74.7%87%
Chuwi AeroBook 13 inch 2019Subnotebook (4)18.06.2019v783.9 → 86%0-98%80%83%38.9 → 52%0-75%72.6 → 96%20-75%70%80%31 → 40%0-78%66.6 → 78%0-85%86%100%30 → 33%0-91%45.6 → 54%0-85%   66.7%79.8%
Samsung Galaxy A70Smartphone (10)17.06.2019v685%67.3 → 90%0-75%88%40.3 → 67%0-60%89.5 → 79%50-100%97%86%50.3 → 80%0-63%68.2 → 97%0-70%91%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%76%   77.1%86.1%
HP 14-dk0008ngOffice (2)17.06.2019v676.6 → 78%0-98%72%79%42.2 → 53%0-80%69 → 100%20-67%89%88%67.1 → 99%0-68%80.3 → 87%0-92%94%92%56%43.8 → 52%0-85%   73.1%81.9%
Dell Inspiron 15 3585 (2300U, Vega 6)Office (2)17.06.2019v679.6 → 81%0-98%70%85%45.7 → 57%0-80%63.7 → 93%20-67%80%74%63.8 → 94%0-68%70 → 76%0-92%90%90%50%37.5 → 44%0-85%   69.1%77.6%
Aorus 15-SAGaming (3)16.06.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%83%83%63.9 → 79%0-81%62.2 → 93%10-66%67%88%97%97%82.2 → 87%0-95%53.1 → 59%0-90%66%   77.4%85.5%
Alienware m15 P79FGaming (3)14.06.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%88%89%64 → 79%0-81%62 → 93%10-66%83%91%97%91%80.7 → 85%0-95%52.6 → 58%0-90%60%47.4 → 56%0-85%   76.1%85.3%
Huawei Y5 2019Smartphone (10)14.06.2019v771%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%38.4 → 55%0-70%92.6 → 85%50-100%89%83%3.8 → 6%0-64%39 → 45%0-86%90%100%66.8 → 74%0-90%46%   66.7%72.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X390 Yoga-20NQS05R00Convertible (5)12.06.2019v690.3 → 92%0-98%91%91%73.9 → 92%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%91%85%59.3 → 87%0-68%89 → 100%0-87%90%87%43.6 → 48%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   77.3%87.4%
OnePlus 7Smartphone (10)11.06.2019v787%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%47.7 → 68%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%89%58.1 → 91%0-64%76.9 → 89%0-86%81%100%75.2 → 84%0-90%63%   78.3%85.1%
Acer Aspire 1 A114-32-P0K1Office (2)11.06.2019v766.3 → 68%0-98%69%67%43.4 → 54%0-80%67.2 → 86%20-75%71%73%19.7 → 25%0-78%56.8 → 60%0-95%92%100%50%28 → 33%0-85%   61.8%72.5%
Lenovo Yoga 530-14ARR-81H9000VGEConvertible (5)11.06.2019v685 → 87%0-98%91%91%48.7 → 61%0-80%67 → 74%35-78%89%80%66 → 97%0-68%82.3 → 95%0-87%91%92%50 → 55%0-91%53.7 → 63%0-85%   75.9%84.1%
Lenovo Ideapad S340-14IWL-81N70056GEMultimedia (1)11.06.2019v690.8 → 93%0-98%77%93%38.5 → 48%0-81%67.8 → 100%20-67%88%84%74 → 87%0-85%95 → 100%0-92%91%90.5 → 95%0-95%62%45.4 → 53%0-85%   76.7%84.8%
Dell Latitude 13 3390Convertible (5)11.06.2019v677.4 → 79%0-98%85%89%55.3 → 69%0-80%67.6 → 76%35-78%87%79%57.4 → 84%0-68%84.4 → 97%0-87%92%98%60 → 66%0-91%41.1 → 48%0-85%   74.9%82.9%
MSI GS65 Stealth 9SGGaming (3)08.06.2019v768.1 → 69%0-98%77%88%59.6 → 75%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%69 → 73%0-95%89%94%91%84.4 → 89%0-95%78.4 → 87%0-90%74%45 → 53%0-85%   75.4%83.8%
CUK Model Z GK5CQ7ZGaming (3)07.06.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%89%81%62.9 → 78%0-81%61.9 → 93%10-66%69%89%98%97%80.7 → 85%0-95%67.2 → 75%0-90%60%   78.2%86.5%
HP Chromebook 14 G5Office (2)06.06.2019v678.4 → 80%0-98%76%86%38.3 → 48%0-80%68.5 → 100%20-67%94%90%53.6 → 79%0-68%57.7 → 63%0-92%88%100%53%41.7 → 49%0-85%   71.1%81.5%
Wiko View 3 ProSmartphone (10)05.06.2019v685%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%44.8 → 75%0-60%89.4 → 79%50-100%98%81%49.5 → 79%0-63%66.3 → 95%0-70%91%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%54%   75.7%84.3%
Huawei Matebook 13-53010FYWSubnotebook (4)03.06.2019v786.5 → 88%0-98%84%84%39.5 → 53%0-75%71.3 → 93%20-75%74%83%51.5 → 66%0-78%82.2 → 97%0-85%91%96%70 → 77%0-91%52.5 → 62%0-85%   74.3%84.2%
MSI P65 Creator 9SF-657Multimedia (1)03.06.2019v782.5 → 84%0-98%81%84%52.4 → 66%0-80%64.2 → 85%20-72%68.5 → 72%0-95%88%92.3 → 100%0-90%87 → 97%0-90%84%81.2 → 85%0-95%74%   78.2%85%
Asus TUF FX705DT-AU068TGaming (3)03.06.2019v778 → 80%0-98%81%78%46.9 → 59%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%76.6 → 81%0-95%86%78%83%93.2 → 98%0-95%85.4 → 95%0-90%46%40 → 47%0-85%   71.5%77.8%
Asus Strix Scar III G531GWGaming (3)03.06.2019v686.8 → 89%0-98%85%83%59 → 73%0-81%60.9 → 91%10-66%69%84%99%96%82.7 → 87%0-95%55 → 61%0-90%88%0 → 0%0-85%   79%86%
Asus ROG Zephyrus G15 GA502DUGaming (3)31.05.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%79%75%53.3 → 66%0-81%62.4 → 94%10-66%90%84%91%91%82.6 → 87%0-95%74 → 82%0-90%76%   78.6%83.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad E490-20N8000RGEOffice (2)31.05.2019v784.9 → 87%0-98%88%88%64.6 → 81%0-80%65.4 → 83%20-75%84%85%47.9 → 61%0-78%81 → 85%0-95%92%97%64%41.7 → 49%0-85%   75.5%85.9%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2019Tablet (9)30.05.2019v778.6 → 80%0-98%69.2 → 87%0-80%89%36.4 → 52%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%89%84%8.1 → 10%0-78%50.5 → 55%0-92%92%100%77.8 → 85%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   69.1%80.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad E590-20NB0012GEOffice (2)28.05.2019v685.8 → 88%0-98%89%88%66.5 → 83%0-80%63.8 → 93%20-67%90%86%46.8 → 69%0-68%91.9 → 100%0-92%83%95%60%42.9 → 50%0-85%   76%87.6%
Google Pixel 3a XLSmartphone (10)27.05.2019v781%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%46.5 → 66%0-70%90.8 → 82%50-100%90%91%18.9 → 30%0-64%60.8 → 71%0-86%91%100%80.8 → 90%0-90%58%   74.5%80.6%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-55G-768VSubnotebook (4)27.05.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%82%86%55.8 → 70%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%90%89%74.9 → 100%0-68%91.3 → 100%0-87%88.4 → 97%0-91%92%55 → 60%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   77.2%86.2%
Honor 8ASmartphone (10)27.05.2019v774%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%39.8 → 57%0-70%92.3 → 85%50-100%90%82%5 → 8%0-64%43.6 → 51%0-86%94%100%60.9 → 68%0-90%40%   66.5%72%
Dell G5 15 5590Gaming (3)26.05.2019v780.4 → 82%0-98%80%86%70.2 → 88%0-80%58.6 → 87%10-66%77.2 → 81%0-95%79%91%85%88.5 → 93%0-95%79.8 → 89%0-90%62%40 → 47%0-85%   75.2%83%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e SM-T720Tablet (9)25.05.2019v786 → 88%0-98%74.6 → 93%0-80%88%54.9 → 78%0-70%84.8 → 93%40-88%89%90%16.3 → 21%0-78%57.3 → 62%0-92%93%100%88.8 → 98%0-91%44.8 → 53%0-85%   74.4%84.5%
Dell Inspiron 15 5000 5584Multimedia (1)25.05.2019v665.8 → 67%0-98%69%69%47.5 → 59%0-81%63.6 → 93%20-67%72%82%62.3 → 73%0-85%89.6 → 97%0-92%91%97.4 → 100%0-95%50%28.9 → 34%0-85%   68.3%77.2%
Huawei P Smart Plus 2019Smartphone (10)23.05.2019v686%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%43 → 72%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%91%89%45.3 → 72%0-63%63 → 90%0-70%88%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%71%   75.8%85.2%
Razer Blade 15 RTX 2080 Max-QGaming (3)22.05.2019v689.5 → 91%0-98%81%89%61.7 → 76%0-81%61.6 → 92%10-66%89%91%99%97%84.7 → 89%0-95%90.5 → 100%0-90%68%47.4 → 56%0-85%   80.6%88.8%
TP-Link Neffos C9Smartphone (10)22.05.2019v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%37.6 → 63%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%92%85%6.7 → 11%0-63%33.8 → 48%0-70%93%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%60%   68.7%79.4%
RugGear RG650Smartphone (10)22.05.2019v684%67.3 → 90%0-75%81%37.2 → 62%0-60%88.3 → 77%50-100%92%82%6.8 → 11%0-63%30.6 → 44%0-70%91%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%51%   67.3%76.2%
Huawei P30 LiteSmartphone (10)21.05.2019v785%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%47.4 → 68%0-70%91.5 → 83%50-100%86%88%11.4 → 18%0-64%57.2 → 67%0-86%86%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%62%   72.4%78.3%
Huawei Y6 2019Smartphone (10)20.05.2019v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%37 → 62%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%95%83%15.6 → 25%0-63%45.2 → 65%0-70%94%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%48%   68.8%78.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T490-20N3S02L00Office (2)20.05.2019v784.3 → 86%0-98%93%91%71.1 → 89%0-80%69.5 → 90%20-75%82%87%64.2 → 82%0-78%86.7 → 91%0-95%86%94%40%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.8%87.4%
Huawei MateBook D 14 W00D-53010GXLOffice (2)19.05.2019v783 → 85%0-98%87%91%46.5 → 58%0-80%69.4 → 90%20-75%91%83%55.6 → 71%0-78%74.2 → 78%0-95%91%97%70%51 → 60%0-85%   76.2%84.6%
MSI GE75 9SGGaming (3)19.05.2019v774.6 → 76%0-98%85%89%58.9 → 74%0-80%58.7 → 87%10-66%62.9 → 66%0-95%89%98%93%82.6 → 87%0-95%75.4 → 84%0-90%81%47.5 → 56%0-85%   76.6%86.1%
Gigabyte Aero 15 Classic-XAGaming (3)16.05.2019v784.4 → 86%0-98%83%78%67.8 → 85%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%71.4 → 75%0-95%86%92%88%71.2 → 75%0-95%63.4 → 70%0-90%82%40 → 47%0-85%   74.5%84%
Asus Zephyrus S GX502GWGaming (3)16.05.2019v780.5 → 82%0-98%79%75%58.1 → 73%0-80%62.6 → 94%10-66%55.8 → 59%0-95%87%92%92%79.5 → 84%0-95%61.4 → 68%0-90%78%0 → 0%0-85%   69.3%81.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad T490s-20NYS02A00Office (2)15.05.2019v789.3 → 91%0-98%95%91%71.5 → 89%0-80%71.8 → 94%20-75%89%90%51.4 → 66%0-78%82.7 → 87%0-95%91%91%50%48 → 56%0-85%   77.8%89.3%
OnePlus 7 ProSmartphone (10)14.05.2019v789%67.7 → 90%0-75%96%50.3 → 72%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%92%56.2 → 88%0-64%78.4 → 91%0-86%85%100%72.4 → 80%0-90%67%   79.3%85.7%
Dell Inspiron 17 3780Multimedia (1)13.05.2019v671.3 → 73%0-98%81%78%43.2 → 53%0-81%57.9 → 81%20-67%76%86%62.6 → 74%0-85%91.2 → 99%0-92%90%81.8 → 86%0-95%56%44.7 → 53%0-85%   70.8%78.9%
RugGear RG850Smartphone (10)13.05.2019v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%35.8 → 60%0-60%87.9 → 76%50-100%97%79%21.8 → 35%0-63%39.9 → 57%0-70%88%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%64%   69.6%79.2%
TP-Link Neffos C9ASmartphone (10)13.05.2019v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%37.9 → 63%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%88%87%6.8 → 11%0-63%33.2 → 47%0-70%91%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%61%   68.7%79.8%
Xiaomi Black Shark 2Smartphone (10)09.05.2019v688%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%44.2 → 74%0-60%87.9 → 76%50-100%94%83%72.7 → 100%0-63%78.9 → 100%0-70%94%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%77%   81.1%87.3%
Huawei P30Smartphone (10)09.05.2019v789%65.8 → 88%0-75%95%57.7 → 82%0-70%91 → 82%50-100%90%92%41.6 → 65%0-64%73.9 → 86%0-86%93%100%72.2 → 80%0-90%77%   79.8%86.4%
Huawei MateBook 14 KLV-W29Subnotebook (4)08.05.2019v690.5 → 92%0-98%82%86%56.2 → 70%0-80%68.6 → 78%35-78%91%84%76.5 → 100%0-68%92.8 → 100%0-87%82.9 → 91%0-91%90%70 → 77%0-91%60.5 → 71%0-85%   79.3%86.5%
Samsung Galaxy A40Smartphone (10)07.05.2019v789%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%45.5 → 65%0-70%93.1 → 86%50-100%89%84%8.1 → 13%0-64%50.6 → 59%0-86%89%100%73.6 → 82%0-90%59%   72.4%79.1%
Xiaomi Mi 9 SESmartphone (10)04.05.2019v685%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%43 → 72%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%93%90%57.8 → 92%0-63%66.5 → 95%0-70%92%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%77%   78.5%88%
Asus ZenBook S13 UX392FNSubnotebook (4)02.05.2019v691.3 → 93%0-98%85%78%41.5 → 52%0-80%73.8 → 90%35-78%91%88%73.5 → 100%0-68%93.8 → 100%0-87%87.5 → 96%0-91%91%50 → 55%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   76%86.6%
Gigaset GS280Smartphone (10)30.04.2019v669%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%41.9 → 70%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%95%84%19.3 → 31%0-63%40.1 → 57%0-70%90%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%52%   68.1%78%
Lenovo ThinkPad X390-20Q1S02M00Subnotebook (4)30.04.2019v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%92%69.6 → 87%0-80%71.6 → 85%35-78%92%90%59.5 → 88%0-68%87.5 → 100%0-87%91.6 → 100%0-91%97%63.6 → 70%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   79.7%90.3%
VAIO A12-92993Convertible (5)30.04.2019v674.2 → 76%0-98%81%86%62.8 → 79%0-80%73.8 → 90%35-78%81%86%54.7 → 80%0-68%85.1 → 98%0-87%88%100%46.3 → 51%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   73.9%84%
MSI GF75 8RD-001Gaming (3)29.04.2019v773.7 → 75%0-98%77%75%44.4 → 56%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%74.8 → 79%0-95%89%92%91%92.9 → 98%0-95%88.5 → 98%0-90%50%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73%80.8%
Oukitel C13 ProSmartphone (10)29.04.2019v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%35.9 → 60%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%89%78%10.5 → 17%0-63%36.6 → 52%0-70%93%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%48%   66.2%75.3%
HP ProBook 445 G6Subnotebook (4)29.04.2019v682.6 → 84%0-98%76%95%58.6 → 73%0-80%67.8 → 76%35-78%83%83%64.1 → 94%0-68%80.4 → 92%0-87%92.2 → 100%0-91%91%63.6 → 70%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.1%83.7%
Asus VivoBook 14 F412FJ-EB084TMultimedia (1)28.04.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%80%86%44.8 → 55%0-81%69.5 → 100%20-67%85%88%72.1 → 85%0-85%83.6 → 91%0-92%91%93.2 → 98%0-95%65%   78.1%84.6%
Xiaomi Redmi 7Smartphone (10)28.04.2019v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%38.8 → 55%0-70%89.7 → 79%50-100%90%85%7 → 11%0-64%52.7 → 61%0-86%89%100%73.4 → 82%0-90%54%   70.7%76.8%
Chuwi Hi10 AirConvertible (5)28.04.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%75%76%44.4 → 56%0-80%73.8 → 90%35-78%89%84%29 → 43%0-68%34.6 → 40%0-87%90%100%57.5 → 63%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   67.5%79.2%
Chuwi HeroBook 14Office (2)27.04.2019v769.5 → 71%0-98%68%75%35.2 → 44%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%70%79%8 → 10%0-78%38.4 → 40%0-95%94%100%30%22.5 → 26%0-85%   58.4%71.7%
Apple iPad Mini 5Tablet (9)24.04.2019v783.4 → 85%0-98%67.3 → 84%0-80%93%31.5 → 45%0-70%86.4 → 97%40-88%90%90%53.3 → 68%0-78%75.2 → 82%0-92%92%100%87.4 → 96%0-91%48 → 56%0-85%   76.7%88.3%
LG Gram 17Z990-R.AAS7U1Multimedia (1)23.04.2019v667.9 → 69%0-98%79%84%56.8 → 70%0-81%70.9 → 100%20-67%95%85%64.1 → 75%0-85%89.5 → 97%0-92%96%96.1 → 100%0-95%50%44.7 → 53%0-85%   75.2%83.5%
SCHENKER Work 15Office (2)22.04.2019v675 → 77%0-98%81%88%54.7 → 68%0-80%61.9 → 89%20-67%88%84%66.3 → 98%0-68%95.1 → 100%0-92%93%89%44%42.1 → 50%0-85%   74%83.8%
Aorus 15 W9Gaming (3)21.04.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%83%83%65.5 → 81%0-81%61.6 → 92%10-66%64%87%96%95%79.7 → 84%0-95%55.9 → 62%0-90%66%   76.9%85.1%
HP Pavilion 15-cs2019ngMultimedia (1)21.04.2019v676.1 → 78%0-98%72%88%46.2 → 57%0-81%63.7 → 93%20-67%81%86%77.7 → 91%0-85%88.2 → 96%0-92%91%84.2 → 89%0-95%68%47.9 → 56%0-85%   74.6%83%
Nokia 9 PureViewSmartphone (10)20.04.2019v689%65.8 → 88%0-75%92%44.2 → 74%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%92%90%69.4 → 100%0-63%77.4 → 100%0-70%94%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%60%   78.8%86.8%
Asus TUF FX705DY-AU072 Gaming (3)19.04.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%78%41.9 → 52%0-81%58.5 → 87%10-66%89%90%85%93%94.1 → 99%0-95%81.8 → 91%0-90%60%43.8 → 52%0-85%   74.9%80.9%
VAIO SX14Subnotebook (4)18.04.2019v687.9 → 90%0-98%84%84%72.3 → 90%0-80%74.9 → 93%35-78%87%77%59.8 → 88%0-68%89.8 → 100%0-87%93.1 → 100%0-91%81%40.9 → 45%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   74.6%85.4%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-52G-723LMultimedia (1)18.04.2019v778.9 → 81%0-98%81%89%51.2 → 64%0-80%65.4 → 87%20-72%88.6 → 93%0-95%86%76.5 → 85%0-90%89.9 → 100%0-90%87%87.9 → 93%0-95%53%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.2%84.2%
Samsung Galaxy A50Smartphone (10)17.04.2019v784%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%45.7 → 65%0-70%90.9 → 82%50-100%89%89%14.1 → 22%0-64%57 → 66%0-86%89%100%78.6 → 87%0-90%60%   73.5%79.8%
Sony Xperia 10Smartphone (10)16.04.2019v685%64.6 → 86%0-75%91%45.5 → 76%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%92%85%40.1 → 64%0-63%52 → 74%0-70%91%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%65%   74.4%83.9%
Sony Xperia 10 PlusSmartphone (10)16.04.2019v686%64.6 → 86%0-75%91%42.6 → 71%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%93%85%45.6 → 72%0-63%59.6 → 85%0-70%90%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%66%   75.2%84.2%
Samsung Galaxy M20Smartphone (10)15.04.2019v672%62.3 → 83%0-75%81%37.8 → 63%0-60%89.2 → 78%50-100%99%84%23.4 → 37%0-63%55.2 → 79%0-70%90%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%57%   70.1%79.5%
Alienware m17 P37EGaming (3)15.04.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%86%89%65.3 → 81%0-81%58.9 → 87%10-66%81%88%98%93%79.6 → 84%0-95%80.6 → 90%0-90%70%47.4 → 56%0-85%   78.6%87.4%
Lenovo V145-15ASTOffice (2)13.04.2019v674.5 → 76%0-98%77%88%42.8 → 54%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%76%75%54.8 → 81%0-68%62.1 → 68%0-92%96%93%50%25 → 29%0-85%   67.3%77.5%
Apple iPad Air 3 2019Tablet (9)12.04.2019v779.4 → 81%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%95%37.5 → 54%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%89%89%58.8 → 75%0-78%75.1 → 82%0-92%91%100%80.2 → 88%0-91%47.2 → 56%0-85%   76.7%87.5%
Ematic EWT117Subnotebook (4)10.04.2019v651.3 → 52%0-98%56%44%34 → 43%0-80%74.5 → 92%35-78%75%80%29.1 → 43%0-68%33.8 → 39%0-87%91.4 → 100%0-91%100%20 → 22%0-91%23.7 → 28%0-85%   54.8%68.6%
Sony Xperia L3Smartphone (10)10.04.2019v685%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%41.5 → 69%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%93%88%27.3 → 43%0-63%50.1 → 72%0-70%94%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%61%   73%82.5%
Huawei Y7 2019Smartphone (10)10.04.2019v780%67.7 → 90%0-75%84%40 → 57%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%83%6.1 → 10%0-64%43.9 → 51%0-86%90%100%73 → 81%0-90%47%   69%74.6%
LG Gram 14Z980-U.AAW5U1Subnotebook (4)10.04.2019v673.7 → 75%0-98%69%78%47.7 → 60%0-80%75.1 → 93%35-78%95%84%58.7 → 86%0-68%84.9 → 98%0-87%91.2 → 100%0-91%96%50 → 55%0-91%   75.3%85%
Cubot J3 ProSmartphone (10)09.04.2019v662%65.4 → 87%0-75%81%35.6 → 59%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%91%79%5 → 8%0-63%30.2 → 43%0-70%87%100%50 → 55%0-91%54%   63.8%73.9%
Dell Latitude 14 5495Office (2)06.04.2019v680.8 → 82%0-98%81%81%65.4 → 82%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%92%84%64.9 → 95%0-68%77.3 → 84%0-92%93%93%55%38.8 → 46%0-85%   74.8%84.8%
Cubot J3Smartphone (10)06.04.2019v662%61.5 → 82%0-75%62%29.7 → 50%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%89%69%4.6 → 7%0-63%21.2 → 30%0-70%90%100%50 → 55%0-91%38%   59.1%68.4%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TP412UA-EC969TConvertible (5)06.04.2019v679.2 → 81%0-98%77%83%51.7 → 65%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%89%83%58.5 → 86%0-68%85.4 → 98%0-87%95%92%61.3 → 67%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   73.8%82.8%
Asus Zephyrus S GX531GXGaming (3)05.04.2019v782.4 → 84%0-98%77%72%52.2 → 65%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%52 → 55%0-95%88%94%89%85.3 → 90%0-95%69.5 → 77%0-90%65%40 → 47%0-85%   71.4%81.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad E485-20KU000NGEOffice (2)04.04.2019v684.5 → 86%0-98%88%88%50.7 → 63%0-80%65.3 → 96%20-67%84%85%63.1 → 93%0-68%88.9 → 97%0-92%91%96%64%41.7 → 49%0-85%   76.1%86.4%
Asus Zenbook 14 UX433FN-A6023TSubnotebook (4)04.04.2019v681.1 → 83%0-98%84%75%52.4 → 66%0-80%72.7 → 88%35-78%91%81%75.2 → 100%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%90.8 → 100%0-91%90%60 → 66%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   75.7%84.7%
HP Chromebook x360 14 G1Convertible (5)04.04.2019v675.3 → 77%0-98%80%88%46.9 → 59%0-80%67.7 → 76%35-78%95%81%60.1 → 88%0-68%90.9 → 100%0-87%96%93%50 → 55%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   74.3%83.4%
Dell Latitude 7424 Rugged ExtremeWorkstation (8)04.04.2019v687.6 → 89%0-98%89%47%78.7 → 97%0-81%53.6 → 78%10-66%94%87%77%91%90.8 → 96%0-95%95.4 → 100%0-90%50%48.4 → 57%0-85%   76.1%84.3%
Cubot King Kong 3Smartphone (10)03.04.2019v783%69.2 → 92%0-75%90%38.3 → 55%0-70%86.7 → 73%50-100%93%79%6.4 → 10%0-64%46.6 → 54%0-86%90%100%58 → 64%0-90%63%   69.5%75.7%
HP 250 G7 6HM85ESOffice (2)03.04.2019v663.2 → 64%0-98%74%75%45.4 → 57%0-80%64.2 → 94%20-67%87%74%54.6 → 80%0-68%86.6 → 94%0-92%94%90%56%33.3 → 39%0-85%   69%77.8%
Asus E203MA-FD825TSSubnotebook (4)02.04.2019v771.9 → 73%0-98%74%83%37.4 → 50%0-75%75.3 → 100%20-75%81%71%17.4 → 22%0-78%57.8 → 68%0-85%93%100%50 → 55%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   65.3%76.8%
Huawei P30 ProSmartphone (10)29.03.2019v792%67.3 → 90%0-75%97%66.4 → 95%0-70%88.7 → 77%50-100%91%91%48.1 → 75%0-64%77.3 → 90%0-86%91%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%81%   82.5%88.5%
MSI GS75 8SG StealthGaming (3)29.03.2019v672.4 → 74%0-98%79%75%65.7 → 81%0-81%61.2 → 91%10-66%83%91%98%100%77.6 → 82%0-95%65.8 → 73%0-90%62%   77.6%85.5%
Aorus 15 X9Gaming (3)29.03.2019v686.1 → 88%0-98%83%83%65.5 → 81%0-81%60.4 → 90%10-66%55%89%98%96%86.5 → 91%0-95%68.6 → 76%0-90%60%39.5 → 46%0-85%   74.6%85.6%
Xiaomi Mi 9Smartphone (10)28.03.2019v784%66.5 → 89%0-75%95%49.8 → 71%0-70%90.3 → 81%50-100%88%92%55 → 86%0-64%75.6 → 88%0-86%94%100%81.2 → 90%0-90%70%   80.1%86.2%
Samsung Galaxy S10eSmartphone (10)27.03.2019v794%63.1 → 84%0-75%96%53.2 → 76%0-70%92.3 → 85%50-100%81%91%48.1 → 75%0-64%73.8 → 86%0-86%83%100%81.8 → 91%0-90%69%   78.9%85.1%
Vivo Nex Dual DisplaySmartphone (10)27.03.2019v783%66.2 → 88%0-75%91%40.8 → 58%0-70%88.1 → 76%50-100%90%85%48.5 → 76%0-64%74.8 → 87%0-86%93%100%54 → 60%0-90%75%   76%82.6%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15 TuringGaming (3)26.03.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%89%81%62.9 → 78%0-81%62.8 → 94%10-66%80%86%97%95%70.1 → 74%0-95%68.6 → 76%0-90%60%   78%85.6%
Alldocube M8 T801Tablet (9)25.03.2019v668%63.5 → 79%0-80%78%22 → 34%0-65%85.6 → 95%40-88%89%79%46.6 → 69%0-68%49.3 → 65%0-76%90%100%30 → 33%0-91%26.3 → 31%0-85%   63.7%78.7%
LG G7 FitSmartphone (10)25.03.2019v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%81%44 → 73%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%80%85%58.2 → 92%0-63%59.7 → 85%0-70%88%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%69%   75.1%82.2%
MSI GE75 8SG RaiderGaming (3)25.03.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%85%89%63.1 → 78%0-81%58.8 → 87%10-66%79%90%100%94%83.6 → 88%0-95%61.4 → 68%0-90%86%   80.5%87.6%
Dell Latitude 5420 Rugged-P85GWorkstation (8)22.03.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%94%90%76.8 → 95%0-81%57.6 → 85%10-66%100%89%74%91%91 → 96%0-95%96.9 → 100%0-90%50%57.9 → 68%0-85%   80.9%89.2%
Gigabyte Aero 15-Y9Gaming (3)22.03.2019v782.5 → 84%0-98%83%78%67.1 → 84%0-80%62.2 → 93%10-66%65.5 → 69%0-95%93%89%89%65.2 → 69%0-95%76.3 → 85%0-90%74%40 → 47%0-85%   74.2%84.6%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 17Gaming (3)22.03.2019v780 → 82%0-98%89%72%60.2 → 75%0-80%59.8 → 89%10-66%56.2 → 59%0-95%87%92%90%83.4 → 88%0-95%80 → 89%0-90%60%42.5 → 50%0-85%   73.2%83.3%
Alienware Area-51m i9-9900K RTX 2080Gaming (3)22.03.2019v786 → 88%0-98%89%89%62.2 → 78%0-80%50.8 → 73%10-66%39.7 → 42%0-95%86%100%95%84.5 → 89%0-95%57.6 → 64%0-90%84%37.5 → 44%0-85%   73.9%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad E590-20NC0003GEOffice (2)21.03.2019v783 → 85%0-98%89%88%63.4 → 79%0-80%63.9 → 80%20-75%74%83%50.5 → 65%0-78%70.3 → 74%0-95%92%96%52%41.2 → 48%0-85%   72.7%83.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad 330-17IKB 81DMMultimedia (1)20.03.2019v659.2 → 60%0-98%65%61%41.3 → 51%0-81%57.8 → 80%20-67%74%75%75.8 → 89%0-85%91.7 → 100%0-92%88%91.6 → 96%0-95%50%39.5 → 46%0-85%   66.9%75.8%
HP ProBook 450 G6-5TJ93EAOffice (2)19.03.2019v678.4 → 80%0-98%79%89%59.9 → 75%0-80%63.1 → 92%20-67%91%84%64.5 → 95%0-68%88.4 → 96%0-92%89%93%59%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.1%84.6%
Lenovo Legion Y740-15ICHgGaming (3)19.03.2019v776.3 → 78%0-98%83%92%62.2 → 78%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%50.6 → 53%0-95%87%90%91%88.7 → 93%0-95%83.6 → 93%0-90%79%50 → 59%0-85%   76.5%85.1%
Lenovo Ideapad 330-15IKB-81DC00SWGEOffice (2)17.03.2019v673.7 → 75%0-98%77%81%44.1 → 55%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%80%76%62.1 → 91%0-68%82 → 89%0-92%86%91%55%31.6 → 37%0-85%   69.3%78.6%
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13 i7 256GBTablet (9)16.03.2019v688%72 → 90%0-80%96%64.2 → 99%0-65%70 → 63%40-88%70%79%70.3 → 100%0-68%88.9 → 100%0-76%85%80%40 → 44%0-91%44 → 52%0-85%   72.9%79.3%
Xiaomi Redmi GoSmartphone (10)15.03.2019v668%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%34.8 → 58%0-60%93.4 → 87%50-100%96%82%5.9 → 9%0-63%30.9 → 44%0-70%87%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%59%   66.6%78.8%
Samsung Galaxy S10Smartphone (10)15.03.2019v794%66.5 → 89%0-75%98%67 → 96%0-70%91.7 → 83%50-100%82%90%49.5 → 77%0-64%73.1 → 85%0-86%92%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%78%   81.5%87.4%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7Smartphone (10)15.03.2019v778%66.2 → 88%0-75%82%44.8 → 64%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%90%87%16 → 25%0-64%55.7 → 65%0-86%93%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%60%   72.2%77.3%
Eurocom Sky X7C i9-9900KGaming (3)14.03.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%85%78%75 → 93%0-81%46.3 → 65%10-66%63%87%100%99%92.2 → 97%0-95%74 → 82%0-90%82%50 → 59%0-85%   77.7%88.3%
HP ProBook 430 G6-5TJ89EAOffice (2)13.03.2019v781 → 83%0-98%81%88%60.9 → 76%0-80%69.8 → 91%20-75%84%82%48.6 → 62%0-78%79.5 → 84%0-95%94%97%50%37.2 → 44%0-85%   73.3%83.8%
HP Spectre x360 15-df0126ngMultimedia (1)12.03.2019v783.8 → 86%0-98%85%86%69.7 → 87%0-80%61.8 → 80%20-72%78.3 → 82%0-95%82%74.5 → 83%0-90%83.8 → 93%0-90%89%87.4 → 92%0-95%60%38 → 45%0-85%   75.4%83.9%
Dell XPS 13 9380 i7 4KSubnotebook (4)12.03.2019v691.8 → 94%0-98%85%87%59.6 → 75%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%90%86%60.8 → 89%0-68%89.7 → 100%0-87%90.3 → 99%0-91%88%80 → 88%0-91%29.2 → 34%0-85%   77.7%87.7%
Xiaomi Mi 8Smartphone (10)12.03.2019v687%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%48.8 → 81%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%95%86%60.8 → 97%0-63%73.1 → 100%0-70%87%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%80%   79.7%88.3%
Lenovo Ideapad S530-13IWLSubnotebook (4)10.03.2019v691.3 → 93%0-98%85%93%45.2 → 57%0-80%72.7 → 88%35-78%89%80%58.5 → 86%0-68%84.4 → 97%0-87%92.6 → 100%0-91%92%61.8 → 68%0-91%45.4 → 53%0-85%   76.2%86.6%
HP ProBook 440 G6-5TK01EAOffice (2)10.03.2019v682.6 → 84%0-98%76%95%61 → 76%0-80%68.3 → 100%20-67%90%83%58.7 → 86%0-68%92.3 → 100%0-92%91%97%64%38.8 → 46%0-85%   76.7%86.3%
Asus TUF FX505DYGaming (3)09.03.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%87%75%41.1 → 51%0-81%61.7 → 92%10-66%84%82%86%93%90.5 → 95%0-95%82.9 → 92%0-90%50%50 → 59%0-85%   73.8%79.5%
Cyrus CS24Smartphone (10)09.03.2019v681%61.5 → 82%0-75%82%35.1 → 59%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%100%80%11.1 → 18%0-63%36 → 51%0-70%90%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%55%   67.3%77.4%
MSI GE75 8SFGaming (3)08.03.2019v771.3 → 73%0-98%85%89%61.4 → 77%0-80%58.8 → 87%10-66%55 → 58%0-95%91%91%85%90.3 → 95%0-95%67.8 → 75%0-90%90%47.5 → 56%0-85%   75.6%84.6%
Dell Inspiron 13 7380Subnotebook (4)08.03.2019v683.7 → 85%0-98%86%93%59.4 → 74%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%88%82%60.9 → 90%0-68%88.7 → 100%0-87%91.4 → 100%0-91%92%56.3 → 62%0-91%43.2 → 51%0-85%   76.6%86.3%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 17 TuringGaming (3)06.03.2019v775.9 → 77%0-98%85%78%72.6 → 91%0-80%45.7 → 64%10-66%39.8 → 42%0-95%86%96%95%87.8 → 92%0-95%61.7 → 69%0-90%79%45 → 53%0-85%   72.8%84.8%
Trekstor SurfTab B10Tablet (9)05.03.2019v676%66.5 → 83%0-80%67%27.7 → 43%0-65%83 → 90%40-88%91%76%8 → 12%0-68%27.4 → 36%0-76%93%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%34.2 → 40%0-85%   61.8%73.7%
Crosscall Trekker-X4Smartphone (10)05.03.2019v786%65.4 → 87%0-75%96%41.5 → 59%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%90%81%15.9 → 25%0-64%55.8 → 65%0-86%84%100%50 → 56%0-90%71%   71%78%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 15 TuringGaming (3)04.03.2019v675 → 77%0-98%83%81%75.7 → 93%0-81%53.1 → 77%10-66%66%85%100%100%88.6 → 93%0-95%54.5 → 61%0-90%80%   78.4%87%
Meizu X8Smartphone (10)03.03.2019v680%63.5 → 85%0-75%76%39 → 65%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%94%84%57.2 → 91%0-63%63.6 → 91%0-70%93%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%61%   74.7%82.8%
Trekstor Surftab Theatre L15Tablet (9)01.03.2019v679%69.2 → 87%0-80%78%35.5 → 55%0-65%67.7 → 58%40-88%92%75%11 → 16%0-68%34 → 45%0-76%95%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%22.5 → 26%0-85%   63.2%71.2%
Samsung Galaxy J6 Plus 2018Smartphone (10)01.03.2019v681%66.2 → 88%0-75%87%36.5 → 61%0-60%89.9 → 80%50-100%93%84%6.6 → 10%0-63%38.3 → 55%0-70%94%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%66%   70.6%79.9%
Lenovo Legion Y740-17ICHGaming (3)01.03.2019v673.7 → 75%0-98%83%83%56.7 → 70%0-81%57.8 → 85%10-66%70%84%99%98%90.7 → 95%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%80%42.1 → 50%0-85%   77.1%85.6%
Lenovo ThinkCentre M920zDesktop (11)01.03.2019v690.9 → 93%0-98%74%73%50.5 → 62%0-81%   10-0%87%59%91%87%82%80%72.9 → 86%0-85%   72.6%79.1%
Asus Zephyrus S GX701GXGaming (3)28.02.2019v681.6 → 83%0-98%75%72%57 → 70%0-81%58.9 → 87%10-66%74%91%100%99%77.9 → 82%0-95%70.3 → 78%0-90%76%   77.6%85.6%
Motorola Moto G7 PowerSmartphone (10)28.02.2019v784%66.9 → 89%0-75%87%39.5 → 56%0-70%88.6 → 77%50-100%100%74%6.8 → 11%0-64%53.6 → 62%0-86%94%100%79.6 → 88%0-90%57%2%66.7%79.2%
Motorola Moto G7 PlaySmartphone (10)28.02.2019v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%39.6 → 66%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%94%85%26.8 → 43%0-63%59.4 → 85%0-70%94%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%58%   71%80.6%
Lenovo Z5 ProSmartphone (10)27.02.2019v685%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.5 → 74%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%95%83%56.9 → 90%0-63%64.3 → 92%0-70%91%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%73%   76.7%85.4%
Lenovo Yoga Chromebook C630-81JX0008UXConvertible (5)27.02.2019v683.4 → 85%0-98%90%94%42.9 → 54%0-80%62.8 → 65%35-78%88%86%82.9 → 95%0-87%97%99%50 → 55%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   77.2%83.4%
Gigabyte Aero 15-X9Gaming (3)25.02.2019v686.8 → 89%0-98%83%78%70.4 → 87%0-81%62.2 → 93%10-66%87%90%95%95%71.5 → 75%0-95%70.7 → 79%0-90%74%   80.2%87.4%
Motorola Moto G7 PlusSmartphone (10)24.02.2019v684%69.2 → 92%0-75%87%43.2 → 72%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%95%86%40.4 → 64%0-63%60.9 → 87%0-70%93%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%79%   76.1%85%
Samsung Galaxy S10 PlusSmartphone (10)22.02.2019v794%66.9 → 89%0-75%98%70.4 → 100%0-70%88.2 → 76%50-100%85%90%51 → 80%0-64%73.5 → 85%0-86%90%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%79%   81.7%87.4%
Umidigi One MaxSmartphone (10)22.02.2019v683%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%40 → 67%0-60%87.9 → 76%50-100%94%84%26.8 → 43%0-63%49.3 → 70%0-70%85%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%59%   70.7%80.2%
LG V40 ThinQSmartphone (10)21.02.2019v788%67.3 → 90%0-75%91%46.7 → 67%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%85%90%42 → 66%0-64%67.8 → 79%0-86%94%100%44 → 49%0-90%79%   75.9%82.9%
Lenovo IdeaPad 730S-13IWL 81JB0004USSubnotebook (4)21.02.2019v787 → 89%0-98%85%93%46.7 → 62%0-75%73.9 → 98%20-75%89%85%50.9 → 65%0-78%76.2 → 90%0-85%90%96%80 → 88%0-91%66 → 78%0-85%   78.3%87%
Asus TUF FX705GE-EW096TGaming (3)19.02.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%78%46.7 → 58%0-81%59.1 → 88%10-66%91%90%91%94%89.7 → 94%0-95%78.7 → 87%0-90%60%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.5%82.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad L390-20NR0013GEOffice (2)18.02.2019v684.7 → 86%0-98%90%86%67.6 → 85%0-80%69.3 → 100%20-67%90%84%56.9 → 84%0-68%87.8 → 95%0-92%89%99%61%39.2 → 46%0-85%   77.2%88.4%
Asus ROG Strix Scar II GL704GWGaming (3)18.02.2019v682.9 → 85%0-98%83%86%64.1 → 79%0-81%57.2 → 84%10-66%75%82%97%97%79.7 → 84%0-95%63.9 → 71%0-90%80%   78.9%85.6%
Oukitel U25 ProSmartphone (10)18.02.2019v681%66.5 → 89%0-75%87%38.1 → 64%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%91%82%14.3 → 23%0-63%40.8 → 58%0-70%93%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%56%   68.8%78.5%
Asus ROG G703GXGaming (3)16.02.2019v777.6 → 79%0-98%89%86%68.6 → 86%0-80%41.9 → 57%10-66%55.7 → 59%0-95%83%94%88%84.5 → 89%0-95%66.1 → 73%0-90%84%47.5 → 56%0-85%   74.2%84.3%
HP Elitebook x360 1040 G5Office (2)16.02.2019v791 → 93%0-98%92%93%69.9 → 87%0-80%70.8 → 92%20-75%88%90%51.6 → 66%0-78%84.7 → 89%0-95%92%97%80%54 → 64%0-85%   81%90.5%
Motorola Moto G7Smartphone (10)15.02.2019v689%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%40.9 → 68%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%95%85%29.9 → 47%0-63%60.6 → 87%0-70%93%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%73%   75.3%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad L390 Yoga-20NT000XGEConvertible (5)15.02.2019v683.9 → 86%0-98%94%91%69 → 86%0-80%68.8 → 79%35-78%89%84%57.8 → 85%0-68%92.1 → 100%0-87%90%99%59.1 → 65%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   78.2%86.3%
MSI GL73 8SE-010USGaming (3)14.02.2019v672.4 → 74%0-98%81%73%57.6 → 71%0-81%58.5 → 87%10-66%68%83%94%95%90.5 → 95%0-95%73 → 81%0-90%60%44.7 → 53%0-85%   73.1%81.8%
Acer Predator Triton 500Gaming (3)14.02.2019v680.3 → 82%0-98%83%81%61.7 → 76%0-81%62.1 → 93%10-66%70%86%98%100%74.9 → 79%0-95%74.5 → 83%0-90%75%   78.9%86.5%
Nokia 3.1 PlusSmartphone (10)11.02.2019v681%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%36.9 → 62%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%99%84%23.8 → 38%0-63%48.3 → 69%0-70%91%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%59%   71.2%81.2%
Asus ZenBook 15 UX533FDMultimedia (1)11.02.2019v681.8 → 83%0-98%82%82%48.4 → 60%0-81%67.8 → 100%20-67%91%82%87.7 → 100%0-85%92 → 100%0-92%90%87.4 → 92%0-95%60%44.7 → 53%0-85%   76.6%85.7%
Acer Swift 5 SF515-51T-76B6Subnotebook (4)11.02.2019v683.2 → 85%0-98%79%86%53.6 → 67%0-80%75.2 → 93%35-78%89%87%58.6 → 86%0-68%88.9 → 100%0-87%91.2 → 100%0-91%92%57.5 → 63%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   75.6%87.1%
Honor 10 LiteSmartphone (10)09.02.2019v686%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%35.8 → 60%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%90%89%47.8 → 76%0-63%57.4 → 82%0-70%93%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%63%   75.1%84.3%
Razer Blade 15 RTX 2070 Max-QGaming (3)08.02.2019v787.5 → 89%0-98%81%88%56.1 → 70%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%71.2 → 75%0-95%87%92%90%85.4 → 90%0-95%89.9 → 100%0-90%62%45 → 53%0-85%   76.7%84.7%
Honor View 20Smartphone (10)08.02.2019v686%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%45.8 → 76%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%98%87%67.1 → 100%0-63%85.5 → 100%0-70%94%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%76%   80.1%87.7%
Tuxedo Book BU1307Office (2)08.02.2019v678.9 → 81%0-98%82%74%46.6 → 58%0-80%70.2 → 100%20-67%92%88%56.7 → 83%0-68%88.1 → 96%0-92%94%93%50%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73.2%83.9%
Asus Zenbook 14 UX433FA-A6018TSubnotebook (4)08.02.2019v681.1 → 83%0-98%84%75%52.1 → 65%0-80%72.8 → 88%35-78%92%80%60.4 → 89%0-68%85.7 → 99%0-87%92.2 → 100%0-91%94%60 → 66%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   74.9%84.8%
Motorola Moto E5 PlaySmartphone (10)07.02.2019v667%65.4 → 87%0-75%72%35.9 → 60%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%88%74%7.1 → 11%0-63%38.6 → 55%0-70%91%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%47%   63.9%73.1%
Nokia 8.1Smartphone (10)06.02.2019v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%41.7 → 70%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%95%86%57.2 → 91%0-63%63.7 → 91%0-70%86%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%73%   76.7%86.9%
Elephone A5Smartphone (10)06.02.2019v678%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%40.5 → 68%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%89%85%46.6 → 74%0-63%66.6 → 95%0-70%94%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%59%   74.2%82.8%
Lenovo V330-14IKB-81B0004MGEOffice (2)05.02.2019v676.1 → 78%0-98%75%76%59.3 → 74%0-80%67.2 → 100%20-67%81%74%57.8 → 85%0-68%87.4 → 95%0-92%94%94%55%30 → 35%0-85%   71.2%81.1%
Dell Inspiron 17-7786Multimedia (1)03.02.2019v683.4 → 85%0-98%80%91%59 → 73%0-81%57.7 → 80%20-67%90%83%78.7 → 93%0-85%87.7 → 95%0-92%92%91.9 → 97%0-95%59%44.7 → 53%0-85%   76.8%85.6%
Acer Aspire 7 A715-72G-704QMultimedia (1)02.02.2019v671.1 → 73%0-98%79%83%49.7 → 61%0-81%60.7 → 87%20-67%87%84%91.5 → 100%0-85%93.3 → 100%0-92%92%88.4 → 93%0-95%56%31.6 → 37%0-85%   74.5%84.2%
Dell XPS 13 9380 2019Subnotebook (4)02.02.2019v691.8 → 94%0-98%85%87%59.6 → 75%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%91%86%59.5 → 88%0-68%86.7 → 100%0-87%89.4 → 98%0-91%93%80 → 88%0-91%29.2 → 34%0-85%   77.8%88%
MSI PS63 Modern 8RCMultimedia (1)01.02.2019v783.8 → 86%0-98%90%91%58.6 → 73%0-80%67.1 → 91%20-72%88.9 → 94%0-95%88%73.5 → 82%0-90%83.9 → 93%0-90%83%92.8 → 98%0-95%50%28 → 33%0-85%   75.3%85.1%
Huawei P Smart PlusSmartphone (10)01.02.2019v683%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%37 → 62%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%84%49.1 → 78%0-63%67 → 96%0-70%91%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%63%   74.1%84.1%
Acer TravelMate X3410-M-866TOffice (2)31.01.2019v678.7 → 80%0-98%76%79%66.7 → 83%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%93%82%58 → 85%0-68%85.6 → 93%0-92%94%97%50%39.2 → 46%0-85%   74.3%84.6%
Ulefone Armor 6Smartphone (10)31.01.2019v688%70.4 → 94%0-75%85%45.4 → 76%0-60%86.9 → 74%50-100%98%86%43.8 → 70%0-63%64.3 → 92%0-70%94%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%66%   76.4%84.1%
Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 ZB630KLSmartphone (10)30.01.2019v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%81%36.3 → 61%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%99%81%51.5 → 82%0-63%60.1 → 86%0-70%93%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%64%   74.4%83.1%
Huawei MateBook 13 i7Subnotebook (4)30.01.2019v688.4 → 90%0-98%84%84%42.7 → 53%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%90%86%77.8 → 100%0-68%90.9 → 100%0-87%87 → 96%0-91%90%70 → 77%0-91%55.3 → 65%0-85%   78.3%86.3%
Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 14Office (2)29.01.2019v681.8 → 83%0-98%76%79%64.6 → 81%0-80%70.2 → 100%20-67%85%90%61.2 → 90%0-68%89.5 → 97%0-92%95%91%50%36.8 → 43%0-85%   74.5%85.2%
Acer Swift 3 SF313-51-59SZSubnotebook (4)28.01.2019v678.7 → 80%0-98%84%88%52.2 → 65%0-80%71.2 → 84%35-78%91%85%59.8 → 88%0-68%84.7 → 97%0-87%92.1 → 100%0-91%96%45.5 → 50%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   74.4%85.7%
Lenovo Tab M10Tablet (9)26.01.2019v774 → 76%0-98%72.3 → 90%0-80%79%37.7 → 54%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%86%77%6.1 → 8%0-78%38.8 → 42%0-92%94%100%77.2 → 85%0-91%36 → 42%0-85%   66.3%76.8%
Xiaomi Mi 8 LiteSmartphone (10)26.01.2019v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%43.9 → 73%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%92%87%54.2 → 86%0-63%60.3 → 86%0-70%93%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%67%   75.9%84.8%
NuVision Encite Book 12 PlusSubnotebook (4)26.01.2019v667.1 → 68%0-98%58%64%27.5 → 34%0-80%74.5 → 92%35-78%89%86%44.6 → 66%0-68%46.9 → 54%0-87%94 → 100%0-91%100%28.9 → 34%0-85%   65%77.1%
Dell Inspiron 13 7386Convertible (5)23.01.2019v683.2 → 85%0-98%86%89%50.9 → 64%0-80%69.6 → 80%35-78%79%85%60.9 → 90%0-68%91.3 → 100%0-87%92%88%72.5 → 80%0-91%55.3 → 65%0-85%   77.1%84.3%
Wiko Harry 2Smartphone (10)23.01.2019v669%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%35.3 → 59%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%93%83%5.4 → 9%0-63%31.3 → 45%0-70%94%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%53%   67.2%78.8%
Lenovo V320-17IKB-81CN000MGEOffice (2)22.01.2019v676.8 → 78%0-98%76%88%46.4 → 58%0-80%57.8 → 80%20-67%76%88%59.2 → 87%0-68%87.9 → 96%0-92%96%92%50%25 → 29%0-85%   70.7%81.8%
Poptel P60Smartphone (10)22.01.2019v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%38.4 → 64%0-60%87.2 → 74%50-100%100%81%26.2 → 42%0-63%44 → 63%0-70%92%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%56%   70%79.3%
Lenovo Tab P10Tablet (9)21.01.2019v680%69.2 → 87%0-80%80%44.5 → 68%0-65%84.1 → 92%40-88%98%82%26.2 → 39%0-68%47.4 → 62%0-76%92%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%44.2 → 52%0-85%   71%82.7%
Dell Inspiron 7486 Chromebook 14 2-in-1Convertible (5)21.01.2019v688.7 → 91%0-98%91%96%45.5 → 57%0-80%65.3 → 70%35-78%92%88%83 → 95%0-87%96%98%75.5 → 83%0-91%62.1 → 73%0-85%   81.8%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2018-20KGS5DU00Subnotebook (4)21.01.2019v691.8 → 94%0-98%95%91%72.8 → 91%0-80%73.4 → 89%35-78%91%87%66.5 → 98%0-68%91.6 → 100%0-87%81.7 → 90%0-91%84%77.3 → 85%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   81%90%
Alldocube Alldocube XTablet (9)18.01.2019v662%66.5 → 83%0-80%90%31.5 → 48%0-65%83.2 → 90%40-88%76%86%40.1 → 59%0-68%59.5 → 78%0-76%93%100%40 → 44%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   67.1%79.5%
Lenovo Yoga C630 (Snapdragon)Convertible (5)18.01.2019v687 → 89%0-98%75%89%22.8 → 29%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%95%80%48.6 → 71%0-68%43.8 → 50%0-87%95%100%40 → 44%0-91%63.2 → 74%0-85%   70.1%82.1%
Wiko View 2 GoSmartphone (10)17.01.2019v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%36.7 → 61%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%95%84%18.5 → 29%0-63%39.2 → 56%0-70%93%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%59%   69.3%80.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet G3-20KJ001NGEConvertible (5)16.01.2019v785.8 → 88%0-98%95%93%73.2 → 98%0-75%71.7 → 94%20-75%75%86%46.6 → 60%0-78%77.5 → 91%0-85%88%94%30 → 33%0-91%56 → 66%0-85%   74.7%88.3%
Wiko View 2 PlusSmartphone (10)16.01.2019v677%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%38.4 → 64%0-60%90.9 → 82%50-100%98%75%26.8 → 43%0-63%48.6 → 69%0-70%95%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%60%   70.7%81.1%
Oukitel U23Smartphone (10)14.01.2019v678%66.9 → 89%0-75%84%39.7 → 66%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%92%84%29 → 46%0-63%46.8 → 67%0-70%93%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%58%   70.5%79.3%
Ulefone Armor 3TSmartphone (10)14.01.2019v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%74%46.7 → 78%0-60%85.2 → 70%50-100%100%83%29 → 46%0-63%46.9 → 67%0-70%94%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%61%   72.6%79.4%
Lenovo Legion Y730-17ICH, i7-8750HGaming (3)10.01.2019v773.1 → 75%0-98%85%83%56.4 → 71%0-80%57.3 → 84%10-66%72.5 → 76%0-95%83%80%86%89.1 → 94%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%67%40 → 47%0-85%   73.9%80.4%
HP Pavilion 15-cs0003ngMultimedia (1)10.01.2019v676.1 → 78%0-98%72%88%42.8 → 53%0-81%63.8 → 93%20-67%80%81%70.4 → 83%0-85%87.3 → 95%0-92%79%83.8 → 88%0-95%64%50 → 59%0-85%   72.1%79.6%
Nokia 5.1 PlusSmartphone (10)10.01.2019v690%64.6 → 86%0-75%92%43.9 → 73%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%96%85%41.5 → 66%0-63%44 → 63%0-70%91%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%70%   75.2%85.2%
Huawei Mate 20 XSmartphone (10)10.01.2019v788%69.2 → 92%0-75%96%52.2 → 75%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%90%91%39.6 → 62%0-64%73 → 85%0-86%94%100%72 → 80%0-90%69%   78.6%84.5%
Asus Zephyrus S GX531GMGaming (3)07.01.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%77%72%56.7 → 70%0-81%62.4 → 94%10-66%70%88%94%94%89.2 → 94%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%76%41.7 → 49%0-85%   76.6%85.3%
Oukitel WP1Smartphone (10)07.01.2019v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%37.7 → 63%0-60%87.1 → 74%50-100%100%81%30.4 → 48%0-63%50.2 → 72%0-70%90%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%57%   70.9%80%
HP Pavilion x360 14-cd0002ngConvertible (5)07.01.2019v676.3 → 78%0-98%80%87%48.1 → 60%0-80%67.4 → 75%35-78%86%78%54.2 → 80%0-68%84.6 → 97%0-87%92%70%56.4 → 62%0-91%40.4 → 48%0-85%   70.8%79.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad A285-20MX0002GESubnotebook (4)05.01.2019v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%91%68.1 → 85%0-80%73.3 → 89%35-78%84%84%63.6 → 94%0-68%79.3 → 91%0-87%90.2 → 99%0-91%99%63.6 → 70%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   78.3%88.4%
Lenovo Legion Y730-15ICH i5-8300HGaming (3)05.01.2019v675 → 77%0-98%83%86%54.3 → 67%0-81%61.7 → 92%10-66%83%85%90%93%94.7 → 100%0-95%84.5 → 94%0-90%60%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.4%83.1%
Chuwi HiPadTablet (9)03.01.2019v674%59.6 → 75%0-80%50%18.2 → 28%0-65%83.1 → 90%40-88%93%81%53.3 → 78%0-68%48.4 → 64%0-76%95%100%30 → 33%0-91%28.9 → 34%0-85%   62.7%75.2%
OnePlus 6T McLaren EditionSmartphone (10)03.01.2019v690%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47.4 → 79%0-60%89.3 → 79%50-100%98%83%69.3 → 100%0-63%78.2 → 100%0-70%87%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%88%   80.8%88.8%
ZTE Axon 9 ProSmartphone (10)03.01.2019v692%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%44.4 → 74%0-60%89.8 → 80%50-100%94%89%69.5 → 100%0-63%78 → 100%0-70%95%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%81%   81.7%88.5%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-55-31N8Subnotebook (4)03.01.2019v685.5 → 87%0-98%82%86%60.9 → 76%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%93%87%55.3 → 81%0-68%85.7 → 99%0-87%93.6 → 100%0-91%95%55 → 60%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   76.3%86.4%
Acer TravelMate X3410-M-50DDOffice (2)03.01.2019v783.4 → 85%0-98%84%87%63 → 79%0-80%66.7 → 85%20-75%88%81%70 → 90%0-78%78.6 → 83%0-95%90%96%40%37.6 → 44%0-85%   74.3%84%
Toshiba Portege X30T-E-109Convertible (5)03.01.2019v688.9 → 91%0-98%87%93%55.1 → 69%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%92%85%56.3 → 83%0-68%81.2 → 93%0-87%90%92%68.2 → 75%0-91%47.1 → 55%0-85%   77.4%86.6%
Microsoft Surface Laptop 2-LQN-00004Subnotebook (4)02.01.2019v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%92%39.7 → 53%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%87%86%50.8 → 65%0-78%59.8 → 70%0-85%92%97%86 → 95%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   76%85.4%
Lenovo Chromebook C330-81HY0000USConvertible (5)29.12.2018v679.7 → 81%0-98%69%87%44.4 → 56%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%89%83%58.4 → 67%0-87%96%100%50 → 55%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   72.4%82.3%
Motorola Moto E5Smartphone (10)28.12.2018v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%36.4 → 61%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%95%84%6.6 → 10%0-63%36.1 → 52%0-70%93%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%65%   69.9%80.6%
Lenovo V130-14IGMSubnotebook (4)28.12.2018v770 → 71%0-98%74%86%43 → 57%0-75%67.8 → 87%20-75%76%73%23.5 → 30%0-78%61.4 → 72%0-85%96%95%54 → 59%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   66.1%77%
Asus ZenBook 13 UX333FASubnotebook (4)28.12.2018v681.8 → 83%0-98%80%75%47.4 → 59%0-80%72.7 → 88%35-78%82%59.6 → 88%0-68%84.9 → 98%0-87%93 → 100%0-91%94%60 → 66%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   72.9%83.5%
Honor Magic 2Smartphone (10)28.12.2018v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%47.8 → 80%0-60%87.9 → 76%50-100%96%85%63.4 → 100%0-63%80.8 → 100%0-70%91%100%78.2 → 86%0-91%85%   81.5%88.4%
Acer Aspire ES1-732-P7YAOffice (2)28.12.2018v770.1 → 72%0-98%73%85%44.4 → 56%0-80%57.8 → 69%20-75%64%70%15.8 → 20%0-78%50.5 → 53%0-95%95%92%40%38 → 45%0-85%   61.2%72%
Huawei P Smart 2019Smartphone (10)28.12.2018v686%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%42.7 → 71%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%90%90%45.3 → 72%0-63%57.9 → 83%0-70%92%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%68%   75.8%84.9%
Samsung Galaxy A9 2018Smartphone (10)23.12.2018v688%67.3 → 90%0-75%93%47.4 → 79%0-60%89.5 → 79%50-100%96%90%53.6 → 85%0-63%61.2 → 87%0-70%94%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%74%   78.7%87.5%
Lenovo Yoga Book C930 YB-J912FConvertible (5)23.12.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%60%78%40.7 → 51%0-80%78.6 → 100%35-78%88%86%46.9 → 69%0-68%66.6 → 77%0-87%90%100%36.4 → 40%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%2%64.2%84.2%
Lenovo Yoga S730-13IWLOffice (2)22.12.2018v687.1 → 89%0-98%82%91%55.7 → 70%0-80%73.8 → 100%20-67%90%88%59.9 → 88%0-68%83 → 90%0-92%90%91%61%38.8 → 46%0-85%   76.3%86.3%
Samsung Galaxy J4 Plus 2018Smartphone (10)21.12.2018v681%66.9 → 89%0-75%82%37.7 → 63%0-60%89.9 → 80%50-100%95%82%6.5 → 10%0-63%37.6 → 54%0-70%94%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%66%   69.5%78.9%
HP x2 210 G2Convertible (5)21.12.2018v663.2 → 64%0-98%73%78%41.8 → 52%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%92%79%31.7 → 47%0-68%39.6 → 46%0-87%91%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   66.2%77.3%
Razer Blade Stealth i7-8565USubnotebook (4)18.12.2018v786.5 → 88%0-98%71%88%56 → 75%0-75%71.3 → 93%20-75%88%93%64.6 → 83%0-78%88.2 → 100%0-85%87%89%70 → 77%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   76.7%85.6%
CAT B35Smartphone (10)17.12.2018v675%55.8 → 74%0-75%28.1 → 47%0-60%94 → 88%50-100%93%51%3 → 5%0-63%12 → 17%0-70%94%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%38%   58.4%69.1%
Lenovo Legion Y530-15ICHGaming (3)17.12.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%85%89%43.9 → 54%0-81%61.1 → 91%10-66%74%86%94%94%89.3 → 94%0-95%86.6 → 96%0-90%73%47.9 → 56%0-85%   77.1%84.1%
BQ Aquaris CSmartphone (10)15.12.2018v679%88%44.2 → 74%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%92%85%6.6 → 10%0-63%31.7 → 45%0-70%93%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%67%   69.4%80%
Alienware m15 GTX 1070 Max-QGaming (3)14.12.2018v684.2 → 86%0-98%88%89%62.9 → 78%0-81%62 → 93%10-66%90%87%96%96%83.3 → 88%0-95%84 → 93%0-90%60%47.4 → 56%0-85%   79.2%87.1%
Chuwi Hi9 PlusTablet (9)13.12.2018v676%74.2 → 93%0-80%82%36.4 → 56%0-65%82.3 → 88%40-88%93%82%44.8 → 66%0-68%48.1 → 63%0-76%93%100%60 → 66%0-91%47.9 → 56%0-85%   70.6%82.3%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15-cx0003ngGaming (3)13.12.2018v675.1 → 77%0-98%81%79%62.1 → 77%0-81%60.4 → 90%10-66%80%84%90%93%86.4 → 91%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%55%41.7 → 49%0-85%   74.7%82.5%
Asus VivoBook S13 S330UA-EY034TSubnotebook (4)12.12.2018v678.2 → 80%0-98%75%86%42.9 → 54%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%91%85%61.4 → 90%0-68%81 → 93%0-87%92.2 → 100%0-91%98%40.9 → 45%0-91%   75.3%85%
Dell Inspiron 14 5000 5482 2-in-1Convertible (5)11.12.2018v665.8 → 67%0-98%71%78%54 → 68%0-80%66 → 72%35-78%89%75%57.7 → 85%0-68%91.2 → 100%0-87%94%96%40 → 44%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   71.2%78.3%
Toshiba Tecra A50-E-110Office (2)10.12.2018v683.4 → 85%0-98%77%79%52.5 → 66%0-80%63 → 91%20-67%81%85%44 → 65%0-68%82.5 → 90%0-92%93%93%57%43.3 → 51%0-85%   71.8%82.5%
HP Omen 15-dc0015ngGaming (3)10.12.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%78%65.8 → 81%0-81%59.6 → 89%10-66%74%88%97%95%83 → 87%0-95%82.1 → 91%0-90%74%43.8 → 52%0-85%   76.8%86.1%
HTC U12 LifeSmartphone (10)10.12.2018v683%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%47 → 78%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%93%76%45 → 71%0-63%54.4 → 78%0-70%93%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%68%   74%83.4%
Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 Black EditionMultimedia (1)08.12.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%75%83%49.7 → 61%0-81%62.5 → 90%20-67%89%81%77.5 → 91%0-85%81.7 → 89%0-92%90%75 → 79%0-95%70%78.9 → 93%0-85%   76.5%82.8%
Asus VivoBook S15 S530UN-BQ097TMultimedia (1)06.12.2018v678.4 → 80%0-98%79%81%46 → 57%0-81%65.4 → 97%20-67%89%86%74.5 → 88%0-85%85 → 92%0-92%87%92.1 → 97%0-95%50%38.8 → 46%0-85%   73.2%82.7%
BlackBerry Key2 LESmartphone (10)06.12.2018v686%68.1 → 91%0-75%92%44.5 → 74%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%94%76%39.9 → 63%0-63%58.7 → 84%0-70%92%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%62%   73.9%83.6%
Nokia 2.1Smartphone (10)04.12.2018v672%61.5 → 82%0-75%78%35.2 → 59%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%96%82%6.3 → 10%0-63%23 → 33%0-70%94%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%44%   64.7%74.9%
Lenovo Legion Y7000P-1060Gaming (3)01.12.2018v777.9 → 79%0-98%87%86%54.4 → 68%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%67.5 → 71%0-95%84%88%89%85.3 → 90%0-95%79.1 → 88%0-90%64%48 → 56%0-85%   74.6%82.1%
Razer Phone 2Smartphone (10)01.12.2018v691%88.8 → 100%0-75%100%52.9 → 88%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%92%88%64.5 → 100%0-63%76.2 → 100%0-70%89%100%78.2 → 86%0-91%82%   83.9%89.6%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-42-R6V0Gaming (3)30.11.2018v771.9 → 73%0-98%75%75%51.9 → 65%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%67 → 71%0-95%84%72%81%87.7 → 92%0-95%86.3 → 96%0-90%79%40 → 47%0-85%   71.6%77.2%
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3Smartphone (10)30.11.2018v687%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%47.5 → 79%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%95%91%68.9 → 100%0-63%76 → 100%0-70%94%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%82%   81.4%88.6%
Huawei Mate 20Smartphone (10)30.11.2018v692%67.7 → 90%0-75%96%54.8 → 91%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%98%90%68.1 → 100%0-63%86.3 → 100%0-70%90%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%82%   83.6%90.4%
Xiaomi Redmi 6Smartphone (10)30.11.2018v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%38.6 → 64%0-60%92.6 → 85%50-100%94%84%21 → 33%0-63%49 → 70%0-70%93%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%67%   71.2%81.5%
Nokia 7.1Smartphone (10)27.11.2018v686%66.2 → 88%0-75%85%43.7 → 73%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%88%83%44.8 → 71%0-63%57.5 → 82%0-70%91%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%70%   75.3%83.5%
Google Pixel 3 XLSmartphone (10)26.11.2018v787%66.2 → 88%0-75%97%44.7 → 64%0-70%89.4 → 79%50-100%89%90%48.1 → 75%0-64%69.2 → 80%0-86%89%100%82 → 91%0-90%60%   77.8%84.1%
Google Pixel 3Smartphone (10)26.11.2018v784%65.8 → 88%0-75%95%49.2 → 70%0-70%92.5 → 85%50-100%84%92%46.1 → 72%0-64%73.1 → 85%0-86%92%100%80.2 → 89%0-90%60%   78%83.9%
HP Spectre Folio 13t-ak000Convertible (5)24.11.2018v684.2 → 86%0-98%87%83%51.2 → 64%0-80%69.1 → 79%35-78%97%85%53.7 → 79%0-68%77.3 → 89%0-87%89%100%68.8 → 76%0-91%65.8 → 77%0-85%   77.8%85.7%
Asus ROG PhoneSmartphone (10)23.11.2018v686%77.7 → 100%0-75%98%52 → 87%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%93%83%69.6 → 100%0-63%83.2 → 100%0-70%86%100%87.3 → 96%0-91%80%   83.4%88.2%
Amazon Fire HD 8 2018Tablet (9)22.11.2018v777.3 → 79%0-98%70 → 88%0-80%89%32.3 → 46%0-70%85.4 → 95%40-88%78%77%2.5 → 3%0-78%27.4 → 30%0-92%95%100%69.6 → 76%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   63.7%76.5%
Acer Switch 7 BE SW713-51GNPConvertible (5)21.11.2018v683 → 85%0-98%82%92%43.1 → 54%0-80%68.4 → 78%35-78%75%82%73.2 → 100%0-68%80.9 → 93%0-87%88%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   74.4%82.3%
Asus ZenBook 14 UX433FASubnotebook (4)20.11.2018v681.1 → 83%0-98%80%75%47 → 59%0-80%72.7 → 88%35-78%93%81%58.7 → 86%0-68%90 → 100%0-87%89.4 → 98%0-91%93%60 → 66%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   74.2%84.2%
Samsung Galaxy A7 2018 Smartphone (10)20.11.2018v684%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%44.3 → 74%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%94%91%41.7 → 66%0-63%58 → 83%0-70%93%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%70%   76.2%85.5%
Nokia 5.1Smartphone (10)20.11.2018v789%61.9 → 83%0-75%91%44.8 → 64%0-70%92.2 → 84%50-100%85%85%5.5 → 9%0-64%25.9 → 30%0-86%91%100%73 → 81%0-90%51%   68.8%75.4%
Apple iPad Pro 11 2018Tablet (9)19.11.2018v784 → 86%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%94%54.8 → 78%0-70%83.6 → 91%40-88%90%91%64.9 → 83%0-78%84.1 → 91%0-92%92%100%83.2 → 91%0-91%53.6 → 63%0-85%   80.5%89.8%
Xiaomi Redmi 6ASmartphone (10)19.11.2018v677%64.6 → 86%0-75%81%34.7 → 58%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%96%85%16 → 25%0-63%45.8 → 65%0-70%93%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%63%   70.4%80.6%
Huawei MateBook D 14 W50FOffice (2)16.11.2018v685.3 → 87%0-98%87%91%49.3 → 62%0-80%69.4 → 100%20-67%93%85%55.7 → 82%0-68%88.3 → 96%0-92%91%91%69%53.7 → 63%0-85%   77.5%86.8%
Sharp D10Smartphone (10)15.11.2018v680%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%41.7 → 70%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%93%86%41 → 65%0-63%52.8 → 75%0-70%92%100%53.8 → 59%0-91%80%   74.4%84.7%
Medion Akoya S6625Multimedia (1)15.11.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%81%87%44.8 → 55%0-81%62.9 → 91%20-67%88%82%58.3 → 69%0-85%90.6 → 98%0-92%94%82.6 → 87%0-95%50%41.7 → 49%0-85%   72.2%80.1%
Medion Erazer P6705-MD61131Gaming (3)13.11.2018v675 → 77%0-98%77%78%67.6 → 83%0-81%60.2 → 90%10-66%89%72%90%95%88.3 → 93%0-95%69.3 → 77%0-90%55%   76.3%80.7%
Dell XPS 15 9570 Core i9 UHDMultimedia (1)13.11.2018v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%65.8 → 81%0-81%62.9 → 91%20-67%91%84%90.3 → 100%0-85%94 → 100%0-92%85%88.5 → 93%0-95%75%39.6 → 47%0-85%   81.1%89.7%
Oukitel WP2Smartphone (10)13.11.2018v686%65.4 → 87%0-75%72%33.9 → 57%0-60%85.3 → 71%50-100%100%82%14.8 → 23%0-63%34.2 → 49%0-70%93%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%61%   67.9%76.4%
Sony Xperia XZ3Smartphone (10)12.11.2018v692%68.5 → 91%0-75%96%43.9 → 73%0-60%88.6 → 77%50-100%89%84%64.5 → 100%0-63%75.2 → 100%0-70%89%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%86%   80%87.8%
Acer Chromebook R 11 CB5-132T-C4LBConvertible (5)12.11.2018v675 → 77%0-98%74%87%38.5 → 48%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%89%80%46.6 → 69%0-68%56.9 → 65%0-87%96%100%57.5 → 63%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   70.4%81.1%
Umidigi Z2Smartphone (10)12.11.2018v684%67.3 → 90%0-75%87%40.7 → 68%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%95%81%26.6 → 42%0-63%48.9 → 70%0-70%94%100%57.5 → 63%0-91%69%   72.4%82.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad 330-15IGMOffice (2)08.11.2018v673.7 → 75%0-98%71%44%39.6 → 50%0-80%63.1 → 92%20-67%85%73%47 → 69%0-68%54.7 → 59%0-92%93%100%55%31.6 → 37%0-85%   63.9%73.3%
Apple MacBook Air 2018Subnotebook (4)08.11.2018v690.8 → 93%0-98%86%100%56.7 → 71%0-80%72.1 → 86%35-78%94%91%56 → 82%0-68%74.6 → 86%0-87%82.4 → 91%0-91%75%81.8 → 90%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%   78.8%88.4%
Motorola OneSmartphone (10)08.11.2018v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%41.1 → 69%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%94%82%32.6 → 52%0-63%52.4 → 75%0-70%94%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%77%   74.4%83.6%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G3 45X96UTConvertible (5)07.11.2018v693.2 → 95%0-98%92%93%66 → 83%0-80%71.9 → 86%35-78%92%87%57.9 → 85%0-68%92.4 → 100%0-87%91%97%70.9 → 78%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   80.8%89.5%
Motorola Moto E5 PlusSmartphone (10)07.11.2018v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%37.9 → 63%0-60%88.3 → 77%50-100%100%74%6.4 → 10%0-63%38.4 → 55%0-70%93%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%68%   68.7%78.6%
Apple iPad Pro 12.9 2018Tablet (9)07.11.2018v786.9 → 89%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%96%60.6 → 87%0-70%81 → 85%40-88%90%93%68.5 → 88%0-78%87.9 → 96%0-92%89%100%88.8 → 98%0-91%53.6 → 63%0-85%   82%90.2%
Asus GL704GM-DH74Gaming (3)07.11.2018v684.7 → 86%0-98%84%87%65.7 → 81%0-81%57.2 → 84%10-66%77%88%93%96%86.7 → 91%0-95%59.5 → 66%0-90%76%47.4 → 56%0-85%   77%85.5%
Asus Zephyrus S GX531GSGaming (3)06.11.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%77%72%55.5 → 69%0-81%62.4 → 94%10-66%67%89%94%97%73.8 → 78%0-95%62.3 → 69%0-90%76%   76%83.8%
Trekstor Yourbook C11BConvertible (5)06.11.2018v785.7 → 87%0-98%74%81%50.7 → 68%0-75%73.1 → 97%20-75%82%77%12.6 → 16%0-78%45.7 → 54%0-85%88%100%30 → 33%0-91%38 → 45%0-85%   64.5%78.2%
Honor 8XSmartphone (10)06.11.2018v686%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%43.8 → 73%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%97%83%49.1 → 78%0-63%61.9 → 88%0-70%93%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%72%   76.3%85.4%
Gigabyte Sabre 17-W8Multimedia (1)02.11.2018v677.6 → 79%0-98%86%78%69.7 → 86%0-81%57 → 79%20-67%83%81%86.1 → 100%0-85%93.5 → 100%0-92%93%78.2 → 82%0-95%30%44.7 → 53%0-85%   73.7%84%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4Tablet (9)02.11.2018v786 → 88%0-98%66.5 → 83%0-80%94%58.8 → 84%0-70%83.4 → 90%40-88%85%89%39.1 → 50%0-78%60.4 → 66%0-92%95%100%75.4 → 83%0-91%51.2 → 60%0-85%   75.7%85.5%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 ProSmartphone (10)02.11.2018v682%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%42 → 70%0-60%89.9 → 80%50-100%98%89%45.1 → 72%0-63%58.9 → 84%0-70%94%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%70%   75.8%85.5%
Elephone SoldierSmartphone (10)01.11.2018v778%65.4 → 87%0-75%82%40 → 57%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%81%85%10.3 → 16%0-64%47.9 → 56%0-86%90%100%54 → 60%0-90%50%   67%71.7%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-52G-53PUMultimedia (1)01.11.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%89%50.8 → 63%0-81%65.4 → 97%20-67%89%87%76.3 → 90%0-85%89.5 → 97%0-92%89%86.9 → 91%0-95%53%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.3%84.6%
Umidigi Z2 ProSmartphone (10)30.10.2018v688%67.3 → 90%0-75%93%45.1 → 75%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%94%80%47.3 → 75%0-63%65.4 → 93%0-70%93%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%72%-1%71.3%85%
Ulefone Armor 5Smartphone (10)30.10.2018v686%65.4 → 87%0-75%82%40 → 67%0-60%87.5 → 75%50-100%93%80%26.3 → 42%0-63%49.7 → 71%0-70%92%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%52%   70.8%78.6%
OnePlus 6TSmartphone (10)29.10.2018v690%70 → 93%0-75%94%46.6 → 78%0-60%89.3 → 79%50-100%97%90%53.8 → 85%0-63%78.3 → 100%0-70%85%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%88%   80.2%88.9%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 17 Coffee Lake RefreshGaming (3)29.10.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%83%78%75 → 93%0-81%46.5 → 65%10-66%62%89%99%98%83.9 → 88%0-95%55.5 → 62%0-90%84%   77.8%87.5%
Microsoft Surface Pro 6, Core i5, 128 GBConvertible (5)29.10.2018v789.5 → 91%0-98%89%92%45.9 → 61%0-75%78.6 → 100%20-75%86%86%49.7 → 64%0-78%69.5 → 82%0-85%89%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   77.2%87.2%
Razer Blade 15 Base ModelGaming (3)28.10.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%81%88%65.7 → 81%0-81%62.8 → 94%10-66%85%89%93%95%86.8 → 91%0-95%80.4 → 89%0-90%68%47.4 → 56%0-85%   79.3%87%
LG Q StylusSmartphone (10)28.10.2018v687%68.5 → 91%0-75%87%38.5 → 64%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%90%85%14.5 → 23%0-63%40 → 57%0-70%94%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%63%   70.9%80.3%
Microsoft Surface Pro 6, Core i7, 512 GBConvertible (5)27.10.2018v789.5 → 91%0-98%89%92%48.1 → 64%0-75%78.5 → 100%20-75%91%87%59.9 → 77%0-78%85.5 → 100%0-85%88%94%86.4 → 95%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   81.4%89.1%
Apple iPhone XRSmartphone (10)26.10.2018v790%66.9 → 89%0-75%96%48.3 → 69%0-70%88.5 → 77%50-100%90%91%54.9 → 86%0-64%78.5 → 91%0-86%90%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%69%   79.9%86.2%
Dell Chromebook 11 3181 ()26.10.2018v6   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   67.9%77.4%
MSI GF63 8RCGaming (3)26.10.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%83%69%42.2 → 52%0-81%64.7 → 98%10-66%85%83%89%92%83.3 → 88%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%50%39.5 → 46%0-85%   72%79%
Oppo Find XSmartphone (10)24.10.2018v689%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%48.8 → 81%0-60%89.2 → 78%50-100%92%85%69.1 → 100%0-63%78 → 100%0-70%91%100%70 → 77%0-91%82%-1%75.2%87.2%
Honor MagicbookSubnotebook (4)23.10.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%83%86%49 → 61%0-80%69.7 → 81%35-78%93%87%75.5 → 100%0-68%90.4 → 100%0-87%84.8 → 93%0-91%87%64 → 70%0-91%   79.2%86%
HP 17-ca0013ngMultimedia (1)23.10.2018v675.3 → 77%0-98%73%83%43.7 → 54%0-81%60.1 → 85%20-67%74%86%67.3 → 79%0-85%85.7 → 93%0-92%92%83 → 87%0-95%50%42.1 → 50%0-85%   70.4%79%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320-15IAP-80XR018UGEOffice (2)23.10.2018v677.6 → 79%0-98%80%75%31.1 → 39%0-80%64.7 → 95%20-67%81%76%40.1 → 59%0-68%53.8 → 58%0-92%93%100%31%36.8 → 43%0-85%   64.7%76.7%
Lenovo Ideapad D330-10IGMConvertible (5)23.10.2018v772.2 → 74%0-98%77%89%49.9 → 67%0-75%73.3 → 97%20-75%89%82%22 → 28%0-78%58.2 → 68%0-85%90%100%44 → 48%0-91%48.8 → 57%0-85%   68.8%81.1%
Lenovo Yoga 730-15IKBConvertible (5)23.10.2018v684.2 → 86%0-98%87%86%61.865 → 77%0-80%63 → 65%35-78%85%84%84.6 → 100%0-68%89.2 → 100%0-87%92%92%59.1 → 65%0-91%44.6 → 52%0-85%   77.9%82.7%
Lenovo Yoga C930-13IKBConvertible (5)21.10.2018v690.4 → 92%0-98%83%90%63.5 → 79%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%92%81%57.7 → 85%0-68%85.6 → 98%0-87%92%97%81.8 → 90%0-91%58.9 → 69%0-85%   80.2%87.3%
Xiaomi Mi Max 3Smartphone (10)19.10.2018v677%64.6 → 86%0-75%82%44 → 73%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%100%91%45 → 71%0-63%60.1 → 86%0-70%94%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%64%   75.6%83.7%
Dell Chromebook 11 3181 2-in-1 ()19.10.2018v6   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   71.9%80.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme-20MF000RGEMultimedia (1)19.10.2018v693.9 → 96%0-98%95%91%77.8 → 96%0-81%66.6 → 99%20-67%91%86%90.2 → 100%0-85%94.5 → 100%0-92%88%85.7 → 90%0-95%68%50 → 59%0-85%   82.9%91.6%
Porsche Design Huawei Mate RSSmartphone (10)18.10.2018v692%65.4 → 87%0-75%97%50.5 → 84%0-60%89.5 → 79%50-100%94%90%47.1 → 75%0-63%67.6 → 97%0-70%84%100%97%   81.1%89.8%
Huawei Mate 20 ProSmartphone (10)16.10.2018v793%67.7 → 90%0-75%97%67.2 → 96%0-70%88.9 → 78%50-100%89%93%47.4 → 74%0-64%76.5 → 89%0-86%86%100%74.5 → 83%0-90%70%   80.8%86.9%
Asus TUF FX705GMGaming (3)16.10.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%81%78%51.7 → 64%0-81%58.1 → 86%10-66%77%88%92%98%83.3 → 88%0-95%64.8 → 72%0-90%60%   75.9%82.5%
Lenovo Tablet 10-20L3000KGETablet (9)16.10.2018v674%75.8 → 95%0-80%87%57.2 → 88%0-65%80.5 → 84%40-88%92%81%49.8 → 73%0-68%58.8 → 77%0-76%91%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%45.8 → 54%0-85%   73%83.6%
Xiaomi Mi Notebook 15.6 (E58514D1D)Office (2)16.10.2018v671.1 → 73%0-98%83%89%43.7 → 55%0-80%61.8 → 89%20-67%88%87%66.5 → 98%0-68%82.4 → 90%0-92%87%83%60%   75.1%82.1%
Lenovo Yoga 530-14IKB-81EK00CWGEConvertible (5)15.10.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%91%91%47.7 → 60%0-80%67.8 → 76%35-78%90%82%57.6 → 85%0-68%89.1 → 100%0-87%90%93%50 → 55%0-91%53.7 → 63%0-85%   75.8%84.3%
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5 SM-T590NTablet (9)15.10.2018v783 → 85%0-98%74.6 → 93%0-80%90%40.8 → 58%0-70%82.6 → 89%40-88%90%89%6.1 → 8%0-78%37 → 40%0-92%92%100%73.2 → 80%0-91%46 → 54%0-85%   69.6%81%
Panasonic Toughbook CF-54G2999VMOffice (2)11.10.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%73%68%45.4 → 57%0-80%64.1 → 94%20-67%87%70%60.4 → 89%0-68%87.7 → 95%0-92%93%95%40%   72.8%80.4%
Huawei Mate 20 LiteSmartphone (10)11.10.2018v786%66.9 → 89%0-75%92%45.9 → 66%0-70%90.4 → 81%50-100%90%82%10.2 → 16%0-64%56.8 → 66%0-86%92%100%70 → 78%0-90%50%   71.7%77.3%
HP Pavilion 14-ce0002ngMultimedia (1)11.10.2018v678.7 → 80%0-98%72%88%48.9 → 60%0-81%66.7 → 99%20-67%87%83%74.1 → 87%0-85%86.9 → 94%0-92%90%79.3 → 83%0-95%60%34.2 → 40%0-85%   73%82%
Fujitsu Lifebook A357-A3570MPH06DEOffice (2)11.10.2018v677.4 → 79%0-98%84%83%50.7 → 63%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%90%84%56.2 → 83%0-68%83.1 → 90%0-92%94%92%56%52.6 → 62%0-85%   74.3%83.9%
Alcatel 1T 10Tablet (9)11.10.2018v667%66.5 → 83%0-80%77%28.1 → 43%0-65%84.5 → 93%40-88%92%77%7.1 → 10%0-68%21.7 → 29%0-76%94%100%48.2 → 53%0-91%33.3 → 39%0-85%   61.2%74.7%
Archos Sense 50xSmartphone (10)11.10.2018v681%65.8 → 88%0-75%88%32.2 → 54%0-60%87.6 → 75%50-100%92%81%11 → 17%0-63%37.1 → 53%0-70%89%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%44%   66.4%76.2%
Getac S410Office (2)10.10.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%73%68%50.4 → 63%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%83%76%58.7 → 86%0-68%93 → 100%0-92%91%97%50%   74.2%81.9%
HP Envy 13-ah0003ngSubnotebook (4)09.10.2018v779.8 → 81%0-98%82%87%49.6 → 66%0-75%72.5 → 95%20-75%73%89%57.9 → 74%0-78%79.8 → 94%0-85%89%91%48 → 53%0-91%32 → 38%0-85%   71.5%83.5%
Archos Diamond GammaSmartphone (10)09.10.2018v668%65.8 → 88%0-75%95%35.4 → 59%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%91%79%20.7 → 33%0-63%41.6 → 59%0-70%84%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%59%   68%79.1%
SCHENKER Slim 14 M18Office (2)05.10.2018v681.8 → 83%0-98%76%79%61.1 → 76%0-80%70.2 → 100%20-67%89%89%60 → 88%0-68%90.3 → 98%0-92%92%92%50%36.8 → 43%0-85%   74.4%84.9%
Chuwi LapBook SESubnotebook (4)04.10.2018v690.8 → 93%0-98%87%91%44.2 → 55%0-80%69.8 → 81%35-78%90%71%44.7 → 66%0-68%61.4 → 71%0-87%93.3 → 100%0-91%100%31.3 → 37%0-85%   72.9%82.9%
Asus Zenfone 5 ZE620KLSmartphone (10)02.10.2018v683%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%44.7 → 75%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%91%87%45.2 → 72%0-63%62.4 → 89%0-70%91%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%70%   76.5%84.8%
Gigaset GS100Smartphone (10)02.10.2018v665%50 → 67%0-75%78%34.2 → 57%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%91%79%5.3 → 8%0-63%21.9 → 31%0-70%93%100%45.5 → 50%0-91%43%   61.2%72.3%
HP Pavilion 15-cw0003ngMultimedia (1)02.10.2018v676.1 → 78%0-98%70%88%45.8 → 57%0-81%64.8 → 95%20-67%77%80%65 → 76%0-85%75.8 → 82%0-92%95%91.2 → 96%0-95%50 → 59%0-85%   73.3%80.2%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TP412UA-DB51TConvertible (5)01.10.2018v679.2 → 81%0-98%77%83%47.3 → 59%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%92%81%58.1 → 85%0-68%83 → 95%0-87%92%95%61.3 → 67%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   73.3%82.6%
HP Elite x2 1013 G3-2TT14EAConvertible (5)01.10.2018v785 → 87%0-98%89%92%67.2 → 90%0-75%73 → 96%20-75%72%86%50.6 → 65%0-78%78.7 → 93%0-85%83%94%44 → 48%0-91%70.4 → 83%0-85%   75.7%87%
Xiaomi Poco F1Smartphone (10)01.10.2018v780%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%51.6 → 74%0-70%89.5 → 79%50-100%90%86%46.9 → 73%0-64%69 → 80%0-86%92%100%69.8 → 78%0-90%55%   75.9%81.5%
Sony Xperia XA2 PlusSmartphone (10)30.09.2018v686%66.9 → 89%0-75%89%48.5 → 81%0-60%87.9 → 76%50-100%96%89%41.5 → 66%0-63%52.8 → 75%0-70%93%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%72%   75.7%84.6%
Medion Erazer X6805-MD61085Gaming (3)29.09.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%89%78%60.6 → 75%0-81%59.4 → 88%10-66%78%85%94%96%84.3 → 89%0-95%64.5 → 72%0-90%78%   78.9%85.2%
Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer EditionSmartphone (10)28.09.2018v687%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%48.8 → 81%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%94%86%64 → 100%0-63%73 → 100%0-70%86%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%80%   79.8%88.3%
Microsoft Surface Go MHN-00003Convertible (5)28.09.2018v784.9 → 87%0-98%80%89%50.1 → 67%0-75%82.8 → 100%20-75%72%92%35.4 → 45%0-78%45.3 → 53%0-85%90%100%60 → 66%0-91%   73.3%83.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad A485-20MU000CGEOffice (2)27.09.2018v785 → 87%0-98%94%89%65.3 → 82%0-80%67.4 → 86%20-75%66%83%54 → 69%0-78%71.5 → 75%0-95%90%96%46%37.2 → 44%0-85%   72.6%84.3%
Huawei MediaPad M5 liteTablet (9)27.09.2018v783.1 → 85%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%88%42.1 → 60%0-70%83.5 → 91%40-88%90%81%5.8 → 7%0-78%46 → 50%0-92%95%100%80.4 → 88%0-91%45.2 → 53%0-85%   70.1%80.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme-20MF000XGEMultimedia (1)26.09.2018v789.2 → 91%0-98%95%91%75 → 94%0-80%64.9 → 86%20-72%68.3 → 72%0-95%86%78.7 → 87%0-90%87 → 97%0-90%86%92.8 → 98%0-95%50%48 → 56%0-85%   77.8%86.8%
Huawei MediaPad T5 10Tablet (9)25.09.2018v778.9 → 81%0-98%70.8 → 89%0-80%81%39.1 → 56%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%83%85%5.6 → 7%0-78%45.3 → 49%0-92%93%100%75.6 → 83%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   67.6%78.2%
Asus ZenFone 5Z ZS620KLSmartphone (10)23.09.2018v787%67 → 89%0-75%94%49.8 → 71%0-70%91.9 → 84%50-100%89%87%51.6 → 81%0-64%72.2 → 84%0-86%91%100%70.4 → 78%0-90%66%   78.1%84.7%
CAT S61Smartphone (10)22.09.2018v783%66.5 → 89%0-75%91%49.3 → 70%0-70%87.2 → 74%50-100%90%83%9.9 → 15%0-64%45.3 → 53%0-86%88%100%56 → 62%0-90%71%   70.7%77.2%
Blackview BV5800 ProSmartphone (10)21.09.2018v687%66.2 → 88%0-75%88%41 → 68%0-60%87.6 → 75%50-100%96%81%6.8 → 11%0-63%34.8 → 50%0-70%91%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%49%-10%62.8%67.9%
Apple iPhone XSSmartphone (10)21.09.2018v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%96%49.7 → 71%0-70%90 → 80%50-100%88%93%51.9 → 81%0-64%81.2 → 94%0-86%90%100%72.8 → 81%0-90%73%   80.2%86.8%
Apple iPhone Xs MaxSmartphone (10)21.09.2018v790%68.1 → 91%0-75%96%48.6 → 69%0-70%87.9 → 76%50-100%89%92%48 → 75%0-64%73.1 → 85%0-86%89%100%74.8 → 83%0-90%73%   79.2%85.5%
Acer Extensa 2519-P35UOffice (2)21.09.2018v770 → 71%0-98%85%66%35.2 → 44%0-80%60.4 → 73%20-75%50%68%15.2 → 19%0-78%39.5 → 42%0-95%94%91%40%35 → 41%0-85%   57.6%69.3%
HP Pavilion Gaming 15t-cx0000Gaming (3)20.09.2018v675.1 → 77%0-98%82%69%57.7 → 71%0-81%60.7 → 91%10-66%88%88%93%97%84.6 → 89%0-95%80.6 → 90%0-90%55%41.7 → 49%0-85%   74.7%83%
HP ProBook x360 440 G1Convertible (5)20.09.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%87%91%60.1 → 75%0-80%66.1 → 72%35-78%91%90%60.3 → 89%0-68%87.6 → 100%0-87%92%94%56.4 → 62%0-91%41.1 → 48%0-85%   77.1%85.6%
MSI GS65 Stealth Thin 8RE-051USGaming (3)18.09.2018v669.7 → 71%0-98%77%81%64.1 → 79%0-81%64.8 → 98%10-66%88%89%94%97%83.6 → 88%0-95%85.6 → 95%0-90%74%50 → 59%0-85%   78.3%85.8%
HP EliteBook 1050 G1-4QY20EAMultimedia (1)18.09.2018v790.2 → 92%0-98%86%87%66.7 → 83%0-80%62.6 → 82%20-72%83 → 87%0-95%88%71 → 79%0-90%82.7 → 92%0-90%90%84.5 → 89%0-95%76%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.3%85.7%
Lenovo IdeaPad 330-15ARR-81D2005JGEOffice (2)18.09.2018v673.7 → 75%0-98%71%44%39.1 → 49%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%66%75%55.4 → 81%0-68%55.7 → 61%0-92%94%90%55%31.6 → 37%0-85%   62.5%71.4%
Dell XPS 15 9570 i7 UHDMultimedia (1)17.09.2018v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 82%0-81%62.9 → 91%20-67%93%86%88.9 → 100%0-85%86.9 → 94%0-92%85%88 → 93%0-95%75%39.6 → 47%0-85%   80.8%89.8%
Sony Xperia XZ2 PremiumSmartphone (10)16.09.2018v692%68.1 → 91%0-75%96%49.2 → 82%0-60%87.4 → 75%50-100%91%88%68.8 → 100%0-63%74.2 → 100%0-70%89%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%79%   81.3%88.1%
Honor PlaySmartphone (10)15.09.2018v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%42.2 → 70%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%94%87%63.4 → 100%0-63%65.4 → 93%0-70%80%100%76%   77.8%86.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad 330S-15IKB-81F500N5GEOffice (2)14.09.2018v688.2 → 90%0-98%74%86%38.3 → 48%0-80%64.6 → 95%20-67%87%85%58.6 → 86%0-68%85.8 → 93%0-92%93%92%57%27.1 → 32%0-85%   72%82.5%
Xiaomi Mi Pad 4Tablet (9)13.09.2018v780.6 → 82%0-98%66.2 → 83%0-80%90%44.3 → 63%0-70%85.7 → 95%40-88%90%81%16.1 → 21%0-78%56.7 → 62%0-92%89%100%72.4 → 80%0-91%44.4 → 52%0-85%   70.5%82.1%
HP EliteBook 735 G5 3UN62EAOffice (2)13.09.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%86%86%50.3 → 63%0-80%71 → 100%20-67%85%88%64.6 → 95%0-68%83.2 → 90%0-92%93%92%71%27.1 → 32%0-85%   76.1%86.4%
HP 15-da0405ngOffice (2)13.09.2018v673.9 → 75%0-98%76%84%44 → 55%0-80%65.8 → 97%20-67%88%72%65.2 → 96%0-68%87.2 → 95%0-92%95%91%54%41.7 → 49%0-85%   72.1%80.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad 330-15ARR 81D2005CUSOffice (2)12.09.2018v673.7 → 75%0-98%75%44%39.1 → 49%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%75%77%59.8 → 88%0-68%78 → 85%0-92%92%92%55%31.6 → 37%0-85%   65.6%73.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon G6-20KG0025UKOffice (2)12.09.2018v787.2 → 89%0-98%95%92%74.1 → 93%0-80%73.4 → 97%20-75%88%90%42 → 54%0-78%76.3 → 80%0-95%92%95%60%48 → 56%0-85%   77.9%89.5%
Wiko Jerry 3Smartphone (10)11.09.2018v669%63.1 → 84%0-75%54%29.8 → 50%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%89%72%4.6 → 7%0-63%21.3 → 30%0-70%87%100%85.5 → 94%0-91%33%   61.4%67.5%
Monster Tulpar T5 V18.1.1Gaming (3)11.09.2018v782.3 → 84%0-98%89%81%59.5 → 74%0-80%62.5 → 94%10-66%58 → 61%0-95%86%87%90%74.7 → 79%0-95%60.7 → 67%0-90%57%42.5 → 50%0-85%   71.5%81%
CAT S41Smartphone (10)11.09.2018v779%65.4 → 87%0-75%82%32.8 → 47%0-70%87.7 → 75%50-100%91%83%7.7 → 12%0-64%42.7 → 50%0-86%90%100%50 → 56%0-90%56%   66.7%72.9%
MSI Prestige PS42 8RB-059Office (2)10.09.2018v767.5 → 69%0-98%77%75%45.4 → 57%0-80%72.7 → 96%20-75%91%88%64.2 → 82%0-78%80.2 → 84%0-95%84%91%50%42.5 → 50%0-85%   71.4%79.9%
HP Omen 17t-3AW55AV_1Gaming (3)09.09.2018v682.9 → 85%0-98%88%81%64.3 → 79%0-81%51.6 → 74%10-66%90%97%95%85.6 → 90%0-95%78.8 → 88%0-90%69%50 → 59%0-85%   77.7%87.3%
Alienware 17 R5Gaming (3)06.09.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%85%81%67.7 → 84%0-81%44.8 → 62%10-66%73%84%97%99%80.7 → 85%0-95%74.1 → 82%0-90%85%   79.6%87.3%
Lenovo Ideapad 530S-15IKBMultimedia (1)06.09.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%79%81%45.2 → 56%0-81%66.9 → 100%20-67%89%86%55.7 → 66%0-85%89.2 → 97%0-92%92%97.2 → 100%0-95%54%55.3 → 65%0-85%   74.7%81.9%
Asus Strix GL504GMGaming (3)05.09.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%85%81%64.3 → 79%0-81%60 → 89%10-66%88%88%93%96%88 → 93%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%86%47.4 → 56%0-85%   79.8%87.3%
Acer Predator Helios 500 PH517-51-93LSGaming (3)03.09.2018v671.1 → 73%0-98%87%83%69.6 → 86%0-81%50 → 71%10-66%68%91%94%93%88.5 → 93%0-95%92.48 → 100%0-90%39.6 → 47%0-85%   77.3%87.7%
Sharp B10Smartphone (10)03.09.2018v671%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%35.7 → 60%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%98%83%19 → 30%0-63%38 → 54%0-70%88%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%51%-2%62.7%76.4%
HP 14-ma0312ngOffice (2)01.09.2018v676.6 → 78%0-98%72%79%38.7 → 48%0-80%68.9 → 100%20-67%89%74%58.8 → 86%0-68%88.9 → 97%0-92%94%92%56%43.8 → 52%0-85%   71.7%79.9%
Dell Latitude 5591Office (2)31.08.2018v681.3 → 83%0-98%86%83%70.5 → 88%0-80%60.8 → 87%20-67%95%77%71.9 → 100%0-68%95.7 → 100%0-92%86%81%56%45.8 → 54%0-85%   76.2%84.2%
Dell Latitude 5491Office (2)29.08.2018v680.8 → 82%0-98%92%83%67.6 → 85%0-80%65.5 → 97%20-67%92%69%71.5 → 100%0-68%95.7 → 100%0-92%83%81%64%45.8 → 54%0-85%   76.2%83.8%
HP Spectre x360 15-ch000Multimedia (1)29.08.2018v688.9 → 91%0-98%85%86%68.9 → 85%0-81%62.1 → 90%20-67%86%81%80 → 94%0-85%90.9 → 99%0-92%85%84 → 88%0-95%63%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.9%86.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad T580-20L9001AUSOffice (2)28.08.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%94%89%61.1 → 76%0-80%63.5 → 93%20-67%76%84%57.8 → 85%0-68%87.8 → 95%0-92%85%90%70%40 → 47%0-85%   75.7%86.4%
Acer Swift 7 SF714-51TSubnotebook (4)28.08.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%79%82%44.7 → 56%0-80%72.9 → 88%35-78%89%86%55.5 → 82%0-68%78.5 → 90%0-87%91.7 → 100%0-91%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   74.3%85.5%
Acer TravelMate P2510-G2-MG-50WEOffice (2)28.08.2018v667.4 → 69%0-98%84%93%46.6 → 58%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%91%87%68.6 → 100%0-68%87 → 95%0-92%90%92%56%51.1 → 60%0-85%   75%83.9%
Wiko View GoSmartphone (10)28.08.2018v671%66.9 → 89%0-75%77%34.1 → 57%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%100%81%5.4 → 9%0-63%18.6 → 27%0-70%84%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%41%   63.7%75%
HP ProBook 645 G4 3UP62EAOffice (2)28.08.2018v677.9 → 79%0-98%81%86%64.8 → 81%0-80%66.2 → 98%20-67%78%81%63.4 → 93%0-68%82.8 → 90%0-92%94%92%50%41.7 → 49%0-85%   73.7%83.9%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G3Convertible (5)27.08.2018v791 → 93%0-98%92%93%63.6 → 85%0-75%71.9 → 94%20-75%88%86%50.4 → 65%0-78%78.4 → 92%0-85%92%97%60 → 66%0-91%45 → 53%0-85%   77.5%89.5%
MSI GS73 Stealth 8RF-011Gaming (3)25.08.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%79%78%64.6 → 80%0-81%60.3 → 90%10-66%71%86%95%96%70.6 → 74%0-95%76.4 → 85%0-90%70%   77.2%84.8%
Samsung Galaxy Note 9Smartphone (10)23.08.2018v691%65.8 → 88%0-75%97%54.6 → 91%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%96%86%50.8 → 81%0-63%56.3 → 80%0-70%84%100%80.9 → 89%0-91%97%   80.5%88.7%
Huawei MediaPad M5 10.8 ProTablet (9)23.08.2018v685%71.2 → 89%0-80%93%47.6 → 73%0-65%83.2 → 90%40-88%93%79%54.9 → 81%0-68%58.5 → 77%0-76%90%100%76.4 → 84%0-91%67.5 → 79%0-85%   76.9%87.5%
Lenovo Ideapad 720S-15IKB 81AC001AGEMultimedia (1)23.08.2018v686.1 → 88%0-98%84%79%47.8 → 59%0-81%64.2 → 94%20-67%92%89%88.8 → 100%0-85%90.8 → 99%0-92%85%90.1 → 95%0-95%63%51.1 → 60%0-85%   77.7%86.9%
Acer TravelMate 2410-G2-MG-82E6Office (2)22.08.2018v669.7 → 71%0-98%83%89%45.7 → 57%0-80%65.4 → 97%20-67%90%85%68.7 → 100%0-68%88.1 → 96%0-92%90%87%56%51.1 → 60%0-85%   74.5%83.1%
Poptel P9000 MaxSmartphone (10)21.08.2018v676%65.4 → 87%0-75%85%40.5 → 68%0-60%85.8 → 72%50-100%100%81%19.9 → 32%0-63%38.2 → 55%0-70%94%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%62%   69.4%78.6%
Asus GL504GSGaming (3)21.08.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%85%81%64.3 → 79%0-81%60 → 89%10-66%65%88%96%99%78.9 → 83%0-95%63.4 → 70%0-90%86%   79.1%86.9%
Trekstor Primetab T13BConvertible (5)20.08.2018v772 → 73%0-98%70%79%44.2 → 59%0-75%69.4 → 90%20-75%58%78%15.9 → 20%0-78%44.8 → 53%0-85%88%100%20 → 22%0-91%33.2 → 39%0-85%   59.4%73.4%
Huawei MateBook X Pro, i7Subnotebook (4)20.08.2018v691.6 → 93%0-98%84%86%37.8 → 47%0-80%71 → 84%35-78%91%89%77.5 → 100%0-68%83.1 → 96%0-87%87.9 → 97%0-91%89%72.7 → 80%0-91%56.3 → 66%0-85%   78.2%86.8%
Sharp Aquos C10Smartphone (10)20.08.2018v773%66.5 → 89%0-75%90%46.8 → 67%0-70%93.1 → 86%50-100%89%83%4.3 → 7%0-64%38.2 → 44%0-86%88%100%71 → 79%0-90%54%   69%75.5%
MSI GE63 Raider RGB 8RF-008Gaming (3)20.08.2018v680.6 → 82%0-98%83%78%62.9 → 78%0-81%59.7 → 89%10-66%75%84%97%95%81.4 → 86%0-95%66.6 → 74%0-90%80%   78.6%85.5%
Doogee S55Smartphone (10)15.08.2018v678%67.3 → 90%0-75%78%38.5 → 64%0-60%86.9 → 74%50-100%97%81%16 → 25%0-63%41.4 → 59%0-70%86%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%48%   67.6%76.1%
Xiaomi Redmi 6 ProSmartphone (10)14.08.2018v782%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%43.4 → 62%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%91%85%6.5 → 10%0-64%44.3 → 52%0-86%88%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%52%   70.2%76.1%
Oukitel K7Smartphone (10)13.08.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%72%40.3 → 67%0-60%86.3 → 73%50-100%100%83%12.8 → 20%0-63%23.6 → 34%0-70%89%100%70 → 77%0-91%61%   67.9%75.9%
Crosscall Action-X3Smartphone (10)13.08.2018v781%66.5 → 89%0-75%88%43 → 61%0-70%87.8 → 76%50-100%90%82%4.3 → 7%0-64%33.8 → 39%0-86%80%100%40 → 44%0-90%63%   66.2%73.5%
Wiko View LiteSmartphone (10)11.08.2018v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%37.4 → 62%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%93%84%6.6 → 10%0-63%32 → 46%0-70%84%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%66%   67.8%78.8%
Lenovo Yoga 330-11IGMConvertible (5)08.08.2018v771.8 → 73%0-98%74%88%41.8 → 56%0-75%72 → 95%20-75%88%69%22 → 28%0-78%58.9 → 69%0-85%93%100%40 → 44%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   65.9%77.4%
JVC J20Smartphone (10)07.08.2018v679%64.6 → 86%0-75%89%37.8 → 63%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%95%72%41.2 → 65%0-63%52.1 → 74%0-70%85%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%64%   71.1%81.3%
LG Gram 15Z980-B.AA78BSubnotebook (4)07.08.2018v673.7 → 75%0-98%71%83%55.6 → 70%0-80%73.8 → 90%35-78%96%86%64 → 94%0-68%79.4 → 91%0-87%91.5 → 100%0-91%93%80 → 88%0-91%   78.9%86.4%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-52-74DRGaming (3)07.08.2018v675 → 77%0-98%77%78%55 → 68%0-81%60.9 → 91%10-66%89%85%90%96%80.1 → 84%0-95%79.4 → 88%0-90%70%   78%83%
BQ Aquaris U2Smartphone (10)07.08.2018v668%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%43.9 → 73%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%94%76%24.5 → 39%0-63%41.8 → 60%0-70%89%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%68%   70.2%79.8%
Dell G3 15 3579Gaming (3)07.08.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%75%84%43.1 → 53%0-81%59.6 → 89%10-66%89%81%89%93%84.9 → 89%0-95%84 → 93%0-90%46%38.8 → 46%0-85%   72.7%78.8%
LG K9Smartphone (10)05.08.2018v682%65 → 87%0-75%73%32.4 → 54%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%87%81%3.9 → 6%0-63%22.5 → 32%0-70%91%100%60 → 66%0-91%60%   65.4%75.1%
OnePlus 6Smartphone (10)04.08.2018v691%70.4 → 94%0-75%94%47.2 → 79%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%95%89%68.9 → 100%0-63%72.8 → 100%0-70%87%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%87%   81.2%89.6%
Land Rover ExploreSmartphone (10)02.08.2018v780%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%38.3 → 55%0-70%87.5 → 75%50-100%84%81%11.2 → 18%0-64%47.6 → 55%0-86%85%100%52 → 58%0-90%68%   68.2%74%
LG K11Smartphone (10)01.08.2018v678%66.2 → 88%0-75%81%36.2 → 60%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%95%80%15.7 → 25%0-63%38.3 → 55%0-70%91%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%56%   68.7%78.3%
Nokia 3.1Smartphone (10)01.08.2018v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%38.5 → 64%0-60%93.3 → 87%50-100%92%84%12.6 → 20%0-63%39.1 → 56%0-70%92%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%59%   69%80.2%
LG Q7 PlusSmartphone (10)31.07.2018v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%38.3 → 64%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%91%83%14.4 → 23%0-63%39.6 → 57%0-70%90%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%64%   70.9%80.5%
Lenovo Legion Y530-15ICHGaming (3)31.07.2018v680 → 82%0-98%85%89%54 → 67%0-81%61 → 91%10-66%76%83%89%95%87 → 92%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%70%50 → 59%0-85%   77.5%83.8%
Wiko View MaxSmartphone (10)30.07.2018v679%66.5 → 89%0-75%89%38.6 → 64%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%100%74%5.5 → 9%0-63%29.9 → 43%0-70%87%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%74%   69.4%80.2%
Lenovo Yoga 730-13IKBConvertible (5)30.07.2018v690.8 → 93%0-98%83%91%62.5 → 78%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%88%85%58.9 → 87%0-68%82.5 → 95%0-87%92%93%47.3 → 52%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.7%86.3%
BQ Aquaris U2 liteSmartphone (10)30.07.2018v662%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%42.1 → 70%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%93%84%6.4 → 10%0-63%37.9 → 54%0-70%89%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%55%   66.8%77%
Cubot R11Smartphone (10)29.07.2018v670%65.4 → 87%0-75%79%31.5 → 53%0-60%90.9 → 82%50-100%93%77%4.4 → 7%0-63%21.3 → 30%0-70%89%100%47.3 → 52%0-91%45%   62.7%73.5%
Honor 7SSmartphone (10)27.07.2018v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%76%37.2 → 62%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%97%87%6.7 → 11%0-63%22.8 → 33%0-70%89%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%66%   66.8%78%
Lenovo Ideapad 720S-13ARROffice (2)27.07.2018v687.1 → 89%0-98%80%87%45.8 → 57%0-80%73.3 → 100%20-67%89%87%59.7 → 88%0-68%75.2 → 82%0-92%91%92%50%56.3 → 66%0-85%   74.8%84.2%
BQ Aquaris X2 ProSmartphone (10)26.07.2018v683%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%58.2 → 97%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%92%85%53.7 → 85%0-63%59.6 → 85%0-70%88%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%73%   78.2%86.3%
HP Omen 15-dc0001ngGaming (3)26.07.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%78%66.2 → 82%0-81%60.3 → 90%10-66%90%80%90%95%78.3 → 82%0-95%71.5 → 79%0-90%74%   78.6%83.5%
Asus VivoBook 15 X570UDMultimedia (1)26.07.2018v667.1 → 68%0-98%62%50%44 → 54%0-81%64.2 → 94%20-67%84%85%88.9 → 100%0-85%94.2 → 100%0-92%89%84.4 → 89%0-95%60%42.1 → 50%0-85%   70.3%79.8%
Blackview A20Smartphone (10)25.07.2018v675%65.4 → 87%0-75%77%27.6 → 46%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%92%70%4.6 → 7%0-63%20.6 → 29%0-70%86%100%50.9 → 56%0-91%36%   61.2%71.2%
BQ Aquaris X2Smartphone (10)25.07.2018v683%66.2 → 88%0-75%92%57.9 → 97%0-60%91.2 → 82%50-100%93%85%45 → 71%0-63%58 → 83%0-70%89%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%73%   77.5%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad X380 Yoga-20LH000LUSConvertible (5)24.07.2018v687.4 → 89%0-98%92%94%74.8 → 94%0-80%70.7 → 83%35-78%82%62.4 → 92%0-68%89.4 → 100%0-87%89%96%50 → 55%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   77.7%87.1%
Vivo Nex UltimateSmartphone (10)23.07.2018v679%65.8 → 88%0-75%96%40.7 → 68%0-60%88.1 → 76%50-100%100%81%61.7 → 98%0-63%63 → 90%0-70%85%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%84%   77.4%86.8%
Nokia 8110 4GSmartphone (10)23.07.2018v693%65.8 → 88%0-75%29.6 → 49%0-60%95.1 → 90%50-100%90%73%3 → 5%0-63%12 → 17%0-70%94%100%70 → 77%0-91%37%   63.5%74.5%
Fujitsu Stylistic Q738Convertible (5)22.07.2018v681.3 → 83%0-98%83%42%51.4 → 64%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%88%86%54.5 → 80%0-68%79.3 → 91%0-87%87%93%43.6 → 48%0-91%41.3 → 49%0-85%   69.3%77.3%
Dell G3 17 3779Gaming (3)22.07.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%75%84%46.5 → 57%0-81%56.7 → 83%10-66%84%86%89%91%85.3 → 90%0-95%87.8 → 98%0-90%46%38.8 → 46%0-85%   73%80.1%
HP EliteBook 755 G5 3UN79EAOffice (2)20.07.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%89%52.5 → 66%0-80%65.6 → 97%20-67%91%84%64.5 → 95%0-68%79.9 → 87%0-92%92%92%71%27.1 → 32%0-85%   76%86.4%
Samsung Galaxy J6 2018Smartphone (10)20.07.2018v684%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%34.3 → 57%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%95%85%13.9 → 22%0-63%44.9 → 64%0-70%94%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%65%   71.5%81.6%
Apple MacBook Pro 15 2018 (2.6 GHz, 560X)Multimedia (1)19.07.2018v791.3 → 93%0-98%90%100%62.1 → 78%0-80%65 → 87%20-72%88.3 → 93%0-95%91%72.6 → 81%0-90%82.6 → 92%0-90%89%80.7 → 85%0-95%95%28 → 33%0-85%   79.7%87.9%
Huawei Y5 2018Smartphone (10)18.07.2018v667%63.5 → 85%0-75%82%32 → 53%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%94%79%6.2 → 10%0-63%34.9 → 50%0-70%91%100%38.2 → 42%0-91%49%   63.7%75.7%
BlackBerry Key2Smartphone (10)18.07.2018v686%76.2 → 100%0-75%88%45 → 75%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%94%85%52.4 → 83%0-63%59.6 → 85%0-70%91%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%64%   76.6%84.7%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2018 Touchbar i5Subnotebook (4)17.07.2018v692.1 → 94%0-98%90%100%64.9 → 81%0-80%70.6 → 83%35-78%92%93%66 → 97%0-68%85.5 → 98%0-87%88.8 → 98%0-91%90%95.5 → 100%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%-1%77.9%90.6%
Razer Blade 15 GTX 1060Gaming (3)17.07.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%81%88%64.9 → 80%0-81%62.5 → 94%10-66%88%88%93%97%80 → 84%0-95%81.2 → 90%0-90%68%   81.7%87.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad 530s-14IKBSubnotebook (4)16.07.2018v685 → 87%0-98%83%88%46.3 → 58%0-80%69.3 → 80%35-78%90%83%74.6 → 100%0-68%86.8 → 100%0-87%91.7 → 100%0-91%89%62.5 → 69%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   76.2%85%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A PrimeSmartphone (10)16.07.2018v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%79%41 → 68%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%93%88%20.5 → 33%0-63%28.9 → 41%0-70%89%100%88.2 → 97%0-91%75%   71.8%80.5%
Xiaomi Redmi 5ASmartphone (10)16.07.2018v676%64.6 → 86%0-75%79%36.5 → 61%0-60%93.4 → 87%50-100%100%83%6.4 → 10%0-63%39.7 → 57%0-70%88%100%87.3 → 96%0-91%63%   70.6%80.3%
HP EliteBook 745 G5 3UN74EAOffice (2)16.07.2018v789.8 → 92%0-98%89%89%61.5 → 77%0-80%68.5 → 88%20-75%71%89%54.4 → 70%0-78%72 → 76%0-95%93%92%36%32 → 38%0-85%   72%84.5%
Xiaomi Black SharkSmartphone (10)16.07.2018v690%66.2 → 88%0-75%89%39.5 → 66%0-60%88.9 → 78%50-100%94%85%64.4 → 100%0-63%65.6 → 94%0-70%83%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%77%   77.4%86.1%
Toshiba Tecra X40-E-10WOffice (2)15.07.2018v691.1 → 93%0-98%75%92%70.9 → 89%0-80%72 → 100%20-67%91%86%57.2 → 84%0-68%89.6 → 97%0-92%90%86%56%50 → 59%0-85%   77.4%86.8%
Alienware 15 R4Gaming (3)15.07.2018v688.2 → 90%0-98%85%83%71 → 88%0-81%53.1 → 77%10-66%82%85%97%100%72.7 → 77%0-95%53.7 → 60%0-90%74%   78.7%86.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T480s-20L7002AUSOffice (2)13.07.2018v693.7 → 96%0-98%94%89%62.5 → 78%0-80%70.3 → 100%20-67%91%85%56.4 → 83%0-68%90.5 → 98%0-92%92%94%68%45.8 → 54%0-85%   79.4%90.1%
Xiaomi Redmi S2Smartphone (10)13.07.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%81%38.7 → 65%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%98%76%27.5 → 44%0-63%50.5 → 72%0-70%89%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%71%   71.4%80.9%
HP Spectre x360 15-ch011nrMultimedia (1)12.07.2018v688.9 → 91%0-98%85%86%63.9 → 79%0-81%62.5 → 90%20-67%93%81%78.4 → 92%0-85%89.1 → 97%0-92%86%90.6 → 95%0-95%63%39.5 → 46%0-85%   77.4%86.5%
Gigaset GS180Smartphone (10)10.07.2018v679%63.5 → 85%0-75%78%36.7 → 61%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%91%78%5.5 → 9%0-63%23.4 → 33%0-70%85%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%51%   65.1%75%
Asus Strix GL703GM-DS74Gaming (3)10.07.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%83%77%64.9 → 80%0-81%57.3 → 84%10-66%72%86%94%97%87.4 → 92%0-95%81.4 → 90%0-90%70%50 → 59%0-85%   76.5%85.1%
Aorus X7 DT v8Gaming (3)10.07.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%81%78%71.4 → 88%0-81%54.1 → 79%10-66%74%90%99%100%76.5 → 81%0-95%58.5 → 65%0-90%74%   78.1%87.1%
Honor 7A Smartphone (10)09.07.2018v669%65.4 → 87%0-75%95%36.6 → 61%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%94%83%19.8 → 31%0-63%44.1 → 63%0-70%88%100%64%   70.9%81.7%
Alcatel 3XSmartphone (10)08.07.2018v676%66.9 → 89%0-75%86%37.8 → 63%0-60%92.8 → 86%50-100%94%84%5.8 → 9%0-63%36.3 → 52%0-70%89%100%60 → 66%0-91%66%   68.9%79.8%
Motorola Moto Z3 PlaySmartphone (10)08.07.2018v685%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%44 → 73%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%92%81%45 → 71%0-63%60 → 86%0-70%91%100%60 → 66%0-91%67%   74.9%84.7%
SCHENKER XMG Neo 15Gaming (3)07.07.2018v782.5 → 84%0-98%89%81%60.3 → 75%0-80%63.5 → 96%10-66%59.4 → 63%0-95%88%88%90%74.3 → 78%0-95%57.4 → 64%0-90%60%42.5 → 50%0-85%   72%81.8%
Fujitsu Lifebook U938Subnotebook (4)06.07.2018v788.5 → 90%0-98%82%81%60.2 → 80%0-75%76.3 → 100%20-75%76%88%50.3 → 64%0-78%77.8 → 92%0-85%93%94%56 → 62%0-91%34 → 40%0-85%   73.6%85.7%
Xiaomi Mi 6XSmartphone (10)03.07.2018v687%66.5 → 89%0-75%92%42.9 → 72%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%83%54.2 → 86%0-63%59.8 → 85%0-70%91%100%70 → 77%0-91%75%   77.2%85.9%
Alcatel 5Smartphone (10)03.07.2018v682%64.6 → 86%0-75%86%37.4 → 62%0-60%92.8 → 86%50-100%96%86%15.8 → 25%0-63%29.2 → 42%0-70%81%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%66%   68.8%80.4%
Asus ZenBook Pro 15 UX580GEMultimedia (1)02.07.2018v686.3 → 88%0-98%84%85%63.8 → 79%0-81%64.4 → 94%20-67%88%86%89.7 → 100%0-85%88.4 → 96%0-92%86%85.6 → 90%0-95%86%25 → 29%0-85%   78.4%87.8%
Alcatel 3VSmartphone (10)02.07.2018v674%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%40.8 → 68%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%86%85%10.3 → 16%0-63%30.1 → 43%0-70%89%100%60 → 66%0-91%66%   68%78.1%
HTC Desire 12 PlusSmartphone (10)02.07.2018v679%66.5 → 89%0-75%71%36.7 → 61%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%92%81%24.3 → 39%0-63%26.7 → 38%0-70%92%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%51%   66.5%75.8%
Wiko View 2 ProSmartphone (10)01.07.2018v685%68.5 → 91%0-75%90%38.6 → 64%0-60%91.1 → 82%50-100%97%82%26.9 → 43%0-63%48.2 → 69%0-70%93%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%58%   73.2%82.8%
Fujitsu LifeBook U728Subnotebook (4)30.06.2018v684.7 → 86%0-98%88%77%66.9 → 84%0-80%73.6 → 90%35-78%89%84%56.1 → 83%0-68%86.6 → 100%0-87%91.3 → 100%0-91%98%36.4 → 40%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   74.6%86.5%
Gigaset GS185Smartphone (10)29.06.2018v682%66.2 → 88%0-75%83%36.3 → 61%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%94%80%6.6 → 10%0-63%35.8 → 51%0-70%88%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%63%   68.9%78.8%
SCHENKER XMG A707 Coffee LakeGaming (3)29.06.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%81%75%65.7 → 81%0-81%57.2 → 84%10-66%88%85%90%96%81.7 → 86%0-95%70 → 78%0-90%45%   75.9%82.3%
Samsung Galaxy A6 2018Smartphone (10)29.06.2018v686%68.1 → 91%0-75%88%41.5 → 69%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%94%87%14.3 → 23%0-63%45.6 → 65%0-70%96%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%68%   73.1%82.7%
Umidigi S2 LiteSmartphone (10)28.06.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%89.2 → 78%50-100%93%84%19.8 → 31%0-63%41.2 → 59%0-70%86%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%58%   71.4%79.1%
Dell Latitude 7490Office (2)28.06.2018v690.8 → 93%0-98%94%72%72.9 → 91%0-80%68.3 → 100%20-67%92%87%56.9 → 84%0-68%90.7 → 99%0-92%87%96%70%55.3 → 65%0-85%   79.4%89.8%
Samsung Galaxy A6 Plus 2018Smartphone (10)27.06.2018v689%69.2 → 92%0-75%87%41.1 → 69%0-60%88.8 → 78%50-100%97%92%26.7 → 42%0-63%48.3 → 69%0-70%96%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%72%   74.4%84%
Razer Blade 15 2018Gaming (3)27.06.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%81%88%64.9 → 80%0-81%62.6 → 94%10-66%83%89%95%97%71.8 → 76%0-95%75.6 → 84%0-90%68%   80.4%87.1%
MSI GP63 Leopard 8RE-013USGaming (3)27.06.2018v668.4 → 70%0-98%90%81%57.6 → 71%0-81%60.9 → 91%10-66%80%82%94%96%88.2 → 93%0-95%76.8 → 85%0-90%40%60.5 → 71%0-85%   75%82.2%
Xiaomi Mi Gaming Laptop 7300HQ 1050TiGaming (3)26.06.2018v688.2 → 90%0-98%87%81%59.6 → 74%0-81%58.2 → 86%10-66%79%86%89%89%85.4 → 90%0-95%65.7 → 73%0-90%78%   78.8%84.4%
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5Smartphone (10)25.06.2018v683%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%44.1 → 74%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%97%85%44.7 → 71%0-63%56.3 → 80%0-70%91%100%75%   76.8%85.5%
HP ProBook 650 G4 3UP57EAOffice (2)23.06.2018v676.8 → 78%0-98%80%82%62.1 → 78%0-80%61.7 → 89%20-67%91%87%57.2 → 84%0-68%87.8 → 95%0-92%95%86%36%38.8 → 46%0-85%   72.4%83.6%
SCHENKER XMG A517 Coffee LakeGaming (3)23.06.2018v664.5 → 66%0-98%83%76%63.3 → 78%0-81%61 → 91%10-66%79%88%93%97%84.5 → 89%0-95%69.4 → 77%0-90%50%   75.8%82.8%
SCHENKER Key 15 Coffee LakeGaming (3)23.06.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%83%81%66.7 → 82%0-81%61.4 → 92%10-66%73%89%95%97%75.9 → 80%0-95%65.4 → 73%0-90%50%   76.1%84.3%
Umidigi A1 ProSmartphone (10)22.06.2018v688%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%41.2 → 69%0-60%90.3 → 81%50-100%93%83%6.8 → 11%0-63%35.3 → 50%0-70%90%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%62%   69.2%79.6%
Dell G5 15 5587Gaming (3)21.06.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%84%85%60.9 → 75%0-81%57.5 → 85%10-66%85%83%93%93%84.4 → 89%0-95%84.9 → 94%0-90%56%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.4%84%
Lenovo IdeaPad 720-15IKBMultimedia (1)21.06.2018v685 → 87%0-98%80%88%48.2 → 60%0-81%62.8 → 91%20-67%90%86%81.7 → 96%0-85%90.4 → 98%0-92%90%86.5 → 91%0-95%56%34.2 → 40%0-85%   75.3%85.2%
Doogee BL9000Smartphone (10)20.06.2018v678%68.5 → 91%0-75%81%36.7 → 61%0-60%86.8 → 74%50-100%100%81%26.5 → 42%0-63%43.5 → 62%0-70%93%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%55%   70.5%78.9%
Acer Swift 3 SF315-41G-R6BRMultimedia (1)20.06.2018v678.4 → 80%0-98%79%92%48.6 → 60%0-81%61.7 → 89%20-67%88%84%69.4 → 82%0-85%79 → 86%0-92%89%92 → 97%0-95%71%35.4 → 42%0-85%   74.4%82.4%
Cubot King KongSmartphone (10)20.06.2018v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%30.6 → 51%0-60%87.3 → 75%50-100%100%82%4.4 → 7%0-63%24.1 → 34%0-70%91%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%39%   65.8%76.2%
Asus VivoBook 15 F510UF-ES71Multimedia (1)18.06.2018v677.1 → 79%0-98%72%84%49.2 → 61%0-81%67.5 → 100%20-67%74%83%68.3 → 80%0-85%92.7 → 100%0-92%90%80 → 84%0-95%73%21.8 → 26%0-85%   71.7%80.6%
Acer Swift 5 SF514-52T-59HYSubnotebook (4)18.06.2018v675 → 77%0-98%79%91%50.8 → 64%0-80%76.1 → 96%35-78%86%84%39.7 → 58%0-68%79 → 91%0-87%91.4 → 100%0-91%91%41.3 → 45%0-91%33.3 → 39%0-85%   70.5%84.3%
Ulefone Power 5Smartphone (10)18.06.2018v681%68.1 → 91%0-75%83%41.5 → 69%0-60%85.9 → 72%50-100%100%82%26.2 → 42%0-63%49.4 → 71%0-70%92%100%48.8 → 54%0-91%72%   71.5%80.6%
Ulefone Armor XSmartphone (10)18.06.2018v683%68.5 → 91%0-75%84%40.5 → 68%0-60%87.1 → 74%50-100%97%84%6.7 → 11%0-63%35.3 → 50%0-70%90%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%50%   68.4%77.5%
MSI GE73 8RF-008 Raider RGBGaming (3)13.06.2018v684.2 → 86%0-98%85%86%62.9 → 78%0-81%56.8 → 84%10-66%69%88%97%92%84.8 → 89%0-95%72.4 → 80%0-90%80%50 → 59%0-85%   77.5%86.4%
LG G7 ThinQSmartphone (10)13.06.2018v692%68.5 → 91%0-75%96%54.7 → 91%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%94%86%75.8 → 100%0-63%74.3 → 100%0-70%92%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%73%   82.4%89.5%
Dell Inspiron 15 5579-9672Convertible (5)09.06.2018v685.3 → 87%0-98%85%84%51.7 → 65%0-80%62.4 → 64%35-78%89%81%55.8 → 82%0-68%83.1 → 96%0-87%87%97%61.8 → 68%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   74.7%81.2%
MSI PL62 MX150 7300HQMultimedia (1)09.06.2018v668.4 → 70%0-98%68%80%50.2 → 62%0-81%61.7 → 89%20-67%77%75%79.8 → 94%0-85%77.3 → 84%0-92%90%81.3 → 86%0-95%51%45.4 → 53%0-85%   69.6%77.9%
Honor 7CSmartphone (10)07.06.2018v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%90%37.1 → 62%0-60%91.1 → 82%50-100%94%82%26.6 → 42%0-63%43.9 → 63%0-70%88%100%60 → 66%0-91%59%   70.5%81%
Asus Chimera G703GIGaming (3)07.06.2018v681.6 → 83%0-98%89%86%70.8 → 87%0-81%41 → 55%10-66%64%88%100%100%83.8 → 88%0-95%58.8 → 65%0-90%88%   79.2%88.3%
Asus ZenBook S UX391USubnotebook (4)07.06.2018v688.7 → 91%0-98%83%90%61.3 → 77%0-80%74.8 → 93%35-78%91%86%56.9 → 84%0-68%78.7 → 90%0-87%92.7 → 100%0-91%95%68.2 → 75%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   77.6%88.5%
Fujitsu Lifebook T938Convertible (5)05.06.2018v683.9 → 86%0-98%83%71%60.2 → 75%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%90%82%53.4 → 79%0-68%76.2 → 88%0-87%94%93%54.5 → 60%0-91%41.3 → 49%0-85%   73.4%82.3%
Fujitsu Lifebook P728, Core i5-8250UConvertible (5)05.06.2018v677.6 → 79%0-98%68%80%55.1 → 69%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%85%83%54 → 79%0-68%78.7 → 90%0-87%93%93%45.5 → 50%0-91%42.9 → 50%0-85%   71.3%81.3%
Motorola Moto G6 PlusSmartphone (10)04.06.2018v691%69.2 → 92%0-75%92%44.8 → 75%0-60%90.8 → 82%50-100%92%89%41.5 → 66%0-63%54 → 77%0-70%92%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%72%   76.9%86.1%
Dell Inspiron 15 5575-98MH4Office (2)03.06.2018v683 → 85%0-98%76%92%39.7 → 50%0-80%62.5 → 90%20-67%76%73%59.6 → 88%0-68%73.7 → 80%0-92%91%90%68%29.2 → 34%0-85%   70.3%78.9%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH317-52-51M6Gaming (3)02.06.2018v677.6 → 79%0-98%77%78%55 → 68%0-81%57.1 → 84%10-66%87%84%90%95%84.7 → 89%0-95%77.1 → 86%0-90%60%   76.9%82%
Dell XPS 15 2018 i5 FHD 97WhMultimedia (1)01.06.2018v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 82%0-81%63.8 → 93%20-67%99%91%87.7 → 100%0-85%93.1 → 100%0-92%83%89 → 94%0-95%75%39.6 → 47%0-85%   82.1%91.6%
Motorola Moto G6 PlaySmartphone (10)01.06.2018v689%68.5 → 91%0-75%92%37.9 → 63%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%98%85%19.7 → 31%0-63%41.8 → 60%0-70%91%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%63%   72.6%82.9%
Huawei Y7 2018Smartphone (10)31.05.2018v677%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%36.6 → 61%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%93%84%19.7 → 31%0-63%43.5 → 62%0-70%90%100%50.9 → 56%0-91%53%   68.3%79%
Dell Latitude 7390Office (2)31.05.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%91%88%63.1 → 79%0-80%71.3 → 100%20-67%94%91%58 → 85%0-68%93.6 → 100%0-92%91%91%44%62.5 → 74%0-85%   78.7%89.5%
Asus FX504GDGaming (3)31.05.2018v675 → 77%0-98%89%75%41.1 → 51%0-81%61.1 → 91%10-66%73%79%88%92%84.3 → 89%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%60%50 → 59%0-85%   73.1%79.4%
Dell Latitude 5490Office (2)30.05.2018v680.8 → 82%0-98%92%63.1 → 79%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%94%70%64 → 94%0-68%93.7 → 100%0-92%89%92%64%45.8 → 54%0-85%   76.3%85.8%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-41-R7BMOffice (2)29.05.2018v675.3 → 77%0-98%72%81%45.3 → 57%0-80%60.4 → 86%20-67%83%76%57.4 → 84%0-68%84.4 → 92%0-92%96%90%53%39.6 → 47%0-85%   70.2%79%
Gigaset GS270 PlusSmartphone (10)29.05.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%38.6 → 64%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%95%82%19.7 → 31%0-63%36.9 → 53%0-70%93%100%51.3 → 56%0-91%65%   69.4%80.1%
Xiaomi Mi Gaming Laptop 7300HQ 1060Gaming (3)29.05.2018v688.2 → 90%0-98%87%81%59.6 → 74%0-81%58.2 → 86%10-66%77%86%91%90%85.4 → 90%0-95%65.7 → 73%0-90%78%   78.9%85%
Blackview P10000 ProSmartphone (10)28.05.2018v682%68.8 → 92%0-75%89%42.6 → 71%0-60%86.4 → 73%50-100%100%81%19.1 → 30%0-63%48.6 → 69%0-70%85%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%70%   71.4%80.7%
Gigaset GS270Smartphone (10)27.05.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%83%37 → 62%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%95%83%20.3 → 32%0-63%35.8 → 51%0-70%89%100%51.3 → 56%0-91%65%   66.4%79.4%
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2SSmartphone (10)25.05.2018v686%68.8 → 92%0-75%92%46.9 → 78%0-60%88.9 → 78%50-100%94%86%68.2 → 100%0-63%72.6 → 100%0-70%86%100%77.3 → 85%0-91%84%   80.8%87.9%
Asus GL703GE-ES73Gaming (3)24.05.2018v677.1 → 79%0-98%83%77%68 → 84%0-81%58.3 → 86%10-66%80%88%91%94%82 → 86%0-95%85.5 → 95%0-90%70%50 → 59%0-85%   77.2%85.4%
Acer Predator Helios 500 PH517-51-79BYGaming (3)23.05.2018v671.1 → 73%0-98%87%83%68.2 → 84%0-81%51.4 → 74%10-66%68%84%96%96%88.7 → 93%0-95%74.2 → 82%0-90%64%39.6 → 47%0-85%   74.7%84.5%
Huawei Matebook X Pro i5Subnotebook (4)23.05.2018v691.6 → 93%0-98%84%86%56.4 → 71%0-80%71 → 84%35-78%92%86%73.8 → 100%0-68%87.6 → 100%0-87%84.2 → 93%0-91%91%70 → 77%0-91%60.5 → 71%0-85%   79.5%87.6%
Oukitel WP5000Smartphone (10)23.05.2018v683%68.5 → 91%0-75%87%36.3 → 61%0-60%86.7 → 73%50-100%100%78%28 → 44%0-63%48.9 → 70%0-70%86%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%59%   71.4%80%
Nokia 8 SiroccoSmartphone (10)23.05.2018v789%66.2 → 88%0-75%93%48 → 69%0-70%90.1 → 80%50-100%89%84%39.2 → 61%0-64%57.8 → 67%0-86%88%100%70.8 → 79%0-90%65%   75.4%81.9%
HTC U12 PlusSmartphone (10)23.05.2018v687%68.5 → 91%0-75%94%61.9 → 100%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%90%86%65.8 → 100%0-63%77.3 → 100%0-70%91%100%80 → 88%0-91%85%   82.7%88.6%
HP EliteBook 840 G5-3JX61EAOffice (2)22.05.2018v788.6 → 90%0-98%89%89%70 → 88%0-80%69.2 → 89%20-75%76%90%51.8 → 66%0-78%84.7 → 89%0-95%96%97%50%26 → 31%0-85%   75.2%87.8%
Nokia 1Smartphone (10)20.05.2018v668%63.1 → 84%0-75%74%32.9 → 55%0-60%93.9 → 88%50-100%92%81%4.5 → 7%0-63%27.2 → 39%0-70%93%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%46%   63.7%74.5%
Huawei Y6 2018Smartphone (10)19.05.2018v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%78%35.2 → 59%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%93%83%6.6 → 10%0-63%40 → 57%0-70%93%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%67%   68.3%78.7%
Dell Latitude 3490Office (2)18.05.2018v681.3 → 83%0-98%86%88%56 → 70%0-80%65.1 → 96%20-67%94%84%57 → 84%0-68%84.6 → 92%0-92%90%86%36%38.8 → 46%0-85%   72.9%84.4%
Xiaomi Mi A1Smartphone (10)18.05.2018v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%43.6 → 73%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%93%75%25.4 → 40%0-63%51.1 → 73%0-70%92%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%68%   72.7%82.4%
Lenovo Legion Y520-15IKBA-80WY001VGEGaming (3)18.05.2018v671.1 → 73%0-98%78%83%47.5 → 59%0-81%59.8 → 89%10-66%85%84%78%80%94.1 → 99%0-95%90.9 → 100%0-90%55%42.1 → 50%0-85%   72.9%77.5%
Honor 10Smartphone (10)16.05.2018v690%68.1 → 91%0-75%93%45.1 → 75%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%93%88%63.3 → 100%0-63%70.2 → 100%0-70%91%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%78%   79.7%89.1%
Xiaomi Redmi 5 PlusSmartphone (10)16.05.2018v688%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%41.1 → 69%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%91%88%27.9 → 44%0-63%50.3 → 72%0-70%91%100%70 → 77%0-91%67%   74%83.3%
HTC Desire 12Smartphone (10)15.05.2018v680%61.9 → 83%0-75%72%36.1 → 60%0-60%93.4 → 87%50-100%90%82%6.9 → 11%0-63%35.3 → 50%0-70%93%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%50%   65.8%75.9%
Asus Zenbook UX3430UN-GV174TSubnotebook (4)15.05.2018v684.7 → 86%0-98%85%93%54.2 → 68%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%90%88%76.9 → 100%0-68%83.6 → 96%0-87%88.8 → 98%0-91%90%72.5 → 80%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   78.9%87.7%
Aorus X5 v8Gaming (3)15.05.2018v677.6 → 79%0-98%83%78%71.4 → 88%0-81%58.8 → 87%10-66%71%90%97%99%73.5 → 77%0-95%60.5 → 67%0-90%80%   78.3%87%
Acer Swift 1 SF114-32-P8GGSubnotebook (4)15.05.2018v685.8 → 88%0-98%79%89%49 → 61%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%95%84%47.1 → 69%0-68%65.4 → 75%0-87%93.7 → 100%0-91%100%50 → 55%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   73.2%84.5%
TP-Link Neffos N1Smartphone (10)14.05.2018v678%67.7 → 90%0-75%87%39.4 → 66%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%96%84%33.8 → 54%0-63%53.6 → 77%0-70%94%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%70%   73.7%83.3%
Nokia 7 PlusSmartphone (10)14.05.2018v788%69.2 → 92%0-75%93%49.2 → 70%0-70%89.2 → 78%50-100%89%86%15.6 → 24%0-64%55.4 → 64%0-86%91%100%76.4 → 85%0-90%54%   73.5%78.9%
Nokia 6 2018Smartphone (10)14.05.2018v690%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%45.5 → 76%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%96%83%41.4 → 66%0-63%51.9 → 74%0-70%94%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%73%   76.2%85.5%
Asus VivoBook 15 X542UF-DM143TMultimedia (1)13.05.2018v676.1 → 78%0-98%73%83%45.2 → 56%0-81%61.1 → 87%20-67%89%83%67.5 → 79%0-85%88.6 → 96%0-92%92%89.9 → 95%0-95%50%31.3 → 37%0-85%   71.6%80.7%
Dell XPS 15 9575 i7-8705GMultimedia (1)12.05.2018v694.7 → 97%0-98%85%86%46.8 → 58%0-81%63 → 91%20-67%89%86%89.6 → 100%0-85%93.5 → 100%0-92%90%91.1 → 96%0-95%50%55.3 → 65%0-85%   78.4%87.4%
Huawei P20 LiteSmartphone (10)11.05.2018v688%70.8 → 94%0-75%91%45.1 → 75%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%91%87%18.3 → 29%0-63%52.9 → 76%0-70%92%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%65%   74.1%83.8%
MSI GT75 8RG-090 TitanGaming (3)10.05.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%87%75%70.5 → 87%0-81%43 → 59%10-66%67%88%100%100%85.4 → 90%0-95%54.6 → 61%0-90%84%   77.7%87.1%
Huawei MediaPad M5 8.4Tablet (9)09.05.2018v787.4 → 89%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%87%43.7 → 62%0-70%86.1 → 96%40-88%88%81%21 → 27%0-78%56.8 → 62%0-92%90%100%82.2 → 90%0-91%52.8 → 62%0-85%   72.9%83.3%
MSI GS65 8RF-019DE Stealth ThinGaming (3)08.05.2018v669.7 → 71%0-98%77%81%64.1 → 79%0-81%64.8 → 98%10-66%87%89%95%98%74.2 → 78%0-95%76.8 → 85%0-90%74%   79.2%85.5%
Motorola Moto G6Smartphone (10)08.05.2018v691%68.5 → 91%0-75%92%40 → 67%0-60%90.8 → 82%50-100%91%86%26.5 → 42%0-63%47.1 → 67%0-70%91%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%71%   74.3%83.9%
HP EliteBook 830 G5-3JX74EASubnotebook (4)07.05.2018v691.6 → 93%0-98%86%88%65.4 → 82%0-80%71 → 84%35-78%89%87%59.9 → 88%0-68%91.9 → 100%0-87%93.1 → 100%0-91%97%62.7 → 69%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   78.5%88.2%
Huawei P20Smartphone (10)07.05.2018v688%71.2 → 95%0-75%91%66.3 → 100%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%95%93%63.6 → 100%0-63%71.3 → 100%0-70%92%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%90%   83.1%90.8%
Fujitsu LifeBook U758Office (2)07.05.2018v682.6 → 84%0-98%87%79%67.2 → 84%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%82%91%59.4 → 87%0-68%84 → 91%0-92%92%97%44%43.7 → 51%0-85%   75%87.2%
Acer Swift 3 SF315-41-R6J9Multimedia (1)04.05.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%79%92%48.2 → 60%0-81%62.9 → 91%20-67%83%77%69.9 → 82%0-85%83.3 → 91%0-92%91%96.4 → 100%0-95%71%35.4 → 42%0-85%   74.2%81.8%
Acer Aspire 5 A515-51G-509AMultimedia (1)04.05.2018v682.6 → 84%0-98%77%94%47.8 → 59%0-81%61.7 → 89%20-67%89%76%71.7 → 84%0-85%88.9 → 97%0-92%91%81.6 → 86%0-95%50%44.7 → 53%0-85%   73.5%81.5%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-51-30YAOffice (2)03.05.2018v668.4 → 70%0-98%69%75%46.3 → 58%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%79%68%55.3 → 81%0-68%85.3 → 93%0-92%94%93%66%39.6 → 47%0-85%   69.4%76.8%
Sony Xperia XZ2 CompactSmartphone (10)02.05.2018v788%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%49 → 70%0-70%90.7 → 81%50-100%88%90%45.2 → 71%0-64%64.4 → 75%0-86%87%100%71.4 → 79%0-90%58%   76.3%82.9%
Fujitsu Lifebook E558 E5580MP581DEOffice (2)01.05.2018v677.1 → 79%0-98%74%87%65.5 → 82%0-80%62.7 → 91%20-67%89%85%56.5 → 83%0-68%86.9 → 94%0-92%93%94%44%39.6 → 47%0-85%   73.4%84.1%
Lenovo V330-15IKBOffice (2)01.05.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%75%83%51.2 → 64%0-80%65.4 → 97%20-67%79%76%57.6 → 85%0-68%81.7 → 89%0-92%89%94%50%39.6 → 47%0-85%   70.6%80.1%
Dell Latitude 5290Subnotebook (4)01.05.2018v685 → 87%0-98%75%89%57.8 → 72%0-80%70.7 → 83%35-78%93%74%57.6 → 85%0-68%84.5 → 97%0-87%89.9 → 99%0-91%96%56.4 → 62%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   74.3%84%
Fujitsu LifeBook U748Office (2)01.05.2018v686.3 → 88%0-98%87%79%62.3 → 78%0-80%67.8 → 100%20-67%88%89%57 → 84%0-68%88.3 → 96%0-92%91%96%48%38.4 → 45%0-85%   75.3%87.3%
SCHENKER XMG Apex 15Gaming (3)30.04.2018v673.7 → 75%0-98%85%83%63.7 → 79%0-81%57.9 → 86%10-66%83%86%94%99%81 → 85%0-95%66.7 → 74%0-90%50%63.2 → 74%0-85%   75.8%83.5%
Dell XPS 15 9575 i5-8305GMultimedia (1)27.04.2018v694.7 → 97%0-98%85%86%46.8 → 58%0-81%63 → 91%20-67%92%84%89 → 100%0-85%93.5 → 100%0-92%89%92 → 97%0-95%50%56 → 66%0-85%   78.5%87.3%
Dell XPS 13 9370 i7 UHDSubnotebook (4)26.04.2018v692.4 → 94%0-98%89%87%57.8 → 72%0-80%72.4 → 87%35-78%90%86%59.8 → 88%0-68%88.6 → 100%0-87%90.3 → 99%0-91%94%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%-2%73.5%86.8%
HP EliteBook 850 G5 3JX58EAOffice (2)26.04.2018v788 → 90%0-98%86%88%66.6 → 83%0-80%65.6 → 83%20-75%86%86%48.5 → 62%0-78%78.9 → 83%0-95%94%95%40%26 → 31%0-85%   73%85.5%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TP401NAConvertible (5)24.04.2018v675.3 → 77%0-98%73%87%40.2 → 50%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%89%82%45.8 → 67%0-68%56.6 → 65%0-87%92%100%52.5 → 58%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   69%79.6%
Fujitsu Lifebook E548Office (2)23.04.2018v674.2 → 76%0-98%72%78%58.8 → 74%0-80%65.4 → 97%20-67%91%83%55.1 → 81%0-68%79.3 → 86%0-92%93%94%50%41.7 → 49%0-85%   71.9%81.6%
Sony Xperia XZ2Smartphone (10)23.04.2018v692%68.5 → 91%0-75%95%48.3 → 81%0-60%88.2 → 76%50-100%94%91%69.5 → 100%0-63%72.2 → 100%0-70%88%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%87%   81%89.1%
Acer Spin 3 SP314-51-548LConvertible (5)23.04.2018v675.5 → 77%0-98%73%87%45.7 → 57%0-80%66.6 → 73%35-78%91%81%58.7 → 86%0-68%89 → 100%0-87%88%85%52.5 → 58%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   72%80.8%
Gigabyte Aero 14-K8Multimedia (1)23.04.2018v781.3 → 83%0-98%81%81%62.5 → 78%0-80%64.4 → 85%20-72%88.7 → 93%0-95%90%78.4 → 87%0-90%85.8 → 95%0-90%81%65.7 → 69%0-95%75%50 → 59%0-85%   75.7%83.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2018-20LD0015USConvertible (5)22.04.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%92%96%71.1 → 89%0-80%69.9 → 81%35-78%94%84%63.6 → 94%0-68%90.9 → 100%0-87%92%96%60 → 66%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   79.7%88.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad L380-20M5000WGEOffice (2)20.04.2018v684.7 → 86%0-98%90%86%53.3 → 67%0-80%70 → 100%20-67%94%83%56.4 → 83%0-68%85.5 → 93%0-92%93%94%61%39.2 → 46%0-85%   76.2%86.8%
Huawei P20 ProSmartphone (10)20.04.2018v693%71.9 → 96%0-75%97%66.4 → 100%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%95%92%63.5 → 100%0-63%69.3 → 99%0-70%90%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%97%   84.6%92.3%
BQ Aquaris VS PlusSmartphone (10)19.04.2018v680%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%45.6 → 76%0-60%89.5 → 79%50-100%93%85%19.2 → 30%0-63%38.7 → 55%0-70%88%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%67%   71.3%81.2%
Nomu M6Smartphone (10)16.04.2018v689%65.4 → 87%0-75%72%30.4 → 51%0-60%89.5 → 79%50-100%93%79%11 → 17%0-63%37 → 53%0-70%90%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%68%-5%62.9%72%
Aorus X9 DTGaming (3)16.04.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%87%78%72.2 → 89%0-81%52.2 → 75%10-66%70%91%100%100%80.6 → 85%0-95%44 → 49%0-90%80%-1%71.4%85.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad T580-20LAS01H00Office (2)15.04.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%94%89%72.7 → 91%0-80%62.2 → 90%20-67%91%91%75.1 → 100%0-68%85.7 → 93%0-92%86%89%64%40 → 47%0-85%   78.8%88.9%
BQ Aquaris VSSmartphone (10)14.04.2018v681%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%44.4 → 74%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%94%85%20.7 → 33%0-63%41.5 → 59%0-70%90%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%67%   71.8%82.3%
Dell Latitude 7390 2-in-1Office (2)14.04.2018v685 → 87%0-98%92%80%61 → 76%0-80%70 → 100%20-67%92%83%59 → 87%0-68%92 → 100%0-92%89%91%50%63 → 74%0-85%   77.5%87.4%
Acer Nitro 5 Spin NP515-51-86CXMultimedia (1)12.04.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%77%83%51.8 → 64%0-81%61.7 → 89%20-67%88%83%84.2 → 99%0-85%90.5 → 98%0-92%90%83.2 → 88%0-95%69%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.2%85.2%
Medion Lifetab P10606Tablet (9)11.04.2018v681%70 → 88%0-80%83%31.8 → 49%0-65%81.8 → 87%40-88%94%78%17.8 → 26%0-68%36.5 → 48%0-76%94%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   66.5%78.9%
Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1Office (2)11.04.2018v689 → 91%0-98%92%92%65 → 81%0-80%72 → 100%20-67%82%86%59 → 87%0-68%87 → 95%0-92%88%95%54%58 → 68%0-85%   78.4%88.9%
Huawei MediaPad M5 10.8Tablet (9)10.04.2018v783.1 → 85%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%90%48.9 → 70%0-70%83.2 → 90%40-88%89%88%23.4 → 30%0-78%52.4 → 57%0-92%93%100%80.8 → 89%0-91%52.4 → 62%0-85%   73.4%83.4%
Dell Latitude 7390Office (2)10.04.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%90%88%64.7 → 81%0-80%71.3 → 100%20-67%93%89%59.3 → 87%0-68%87.8 → 95%0-92%89%91%44%62.5 → 74%0-85%   78.2%88.7%
HP mt21Office (2)09.04.2018v673.2 → 75%0-98%71%96%53.6 → 67%0-80%67.4 → 100%20-67%91%76%51.4 → 76%0-68%64 → 70%0-92%95%94%64%   74.7%81.3%
Nokia 2Smartphone (10)09.04.2018v676%55.8 → 74%0-75%67%33 → 55%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%97%82%3.8 → 6%0-63%18.6 → 27%0-70%94%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%44%   62.9%73.3%
ZTE Blade V9Smartphone (10)05.04.2018v683%69.6 → 93%0-75%87%36 → 60%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%96%85%30.4 → 48%0-63%46.3 → 66%0-70%94%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%69%   72.9%83.3%
Gigabyte Aero 15X v8Gaming (3)04.04.2018v686.8 → 89%0-98%83%78%69.6 → 86%0-81%62.5 → 94%10-66%90%91%96%97%75.2 → 79%0-95%68.9 → 77%0-90%74%   81%88%
HP EliteBook 840 G5-3JX66EAOffice (2)04.04.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%89%61.8 → 77%0-80%68.5 → 100%20-67%89%87%55.7 → 82%0-68%86.7 → 94%0-92%94%94%68%27.1 → 32%0-85%   77%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad L380 Yoga-20M7001BGEConvertible (5)04.04.2018v682.6 → 84%0-98%94%91%64.4 → 81%0-80%69.5 → 80%35-78%90%82%56.7 → 83%0-68%90.7 → 100%0-87%91%96%59.1 → 65%0-91%39.2 → 46%0-85%   77.4%85.9%
HP mt43Office (2)04.04.2018v689.2 → 91%0-98%83%87%53.9 → 67%0-80%69.2 → 100%20-67%81%80%58.1 → 85%0-68%65.7 → 71%0-92%94%94%68%   76.8%84.1%
Asus Zephyrus M GM501Gaming (3)03.04.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%81%75%59.4 → 73%0-81%59.7 → 89%10-66%67%85%97%97%80.2 → 84%0-95%72.9 → 81%0-90%80%   78.3%85.7%
Sony Xperia XA2 UltraSmartphone (10)03.04.2018v687%69.6 → 93%0-75%90%45.7 → 76%0-60%87.7 → 75%50-100%96%88%38.6 → 61%0-63%52.2 → 75%0-70%91%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%80%   75.3%84.7%
Asus Zenbook UX430UNMultimedia (1)02.04.2018v669.7 → 71%0-98%74%75%46.4 → 57%0-81%71.2 → 100%20-67%92%88%72.4 → 85%0-85%87.8 → 95%0-92%90%88 → 93%0-95%70%44.7 → 53%0-85%   74.6%82.9%
Asus ZenBook Flip 15 UX561UDConvertible (5)01.04.2018v692.6 → 94%0-98%86%84%62.6 → 78%0-80%62.6 → 64%35-78%79%87%86.7 → 100%0-68%81.1 → 93%0-87%92%91%63.6 → 70%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   77.5%82.1%
ZTE Axon MSmartphone (10)31.03.2018v680%73.5 → 98%0-75%92%40 → 67%0-60%87.5 → 75%50-100%90%83%61.8 → 98%0-63%62 → 89%0-70%94%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%75%   77.6%84.9%
Samsung Galaxy S9Smartphone (10)31.03.2018v789%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%67.3 → 96%0-70%91.2 → 82%50-100%82%92%39.3 → 61%0-64%60.5 → 70%0-86%87%100%81.4 → 90%0-90%71%   78.8%84.8%
Apple iPad 6 2018Tablet (9)30.03.2018v784.3 → 86%0-98%73.8 → 92%0-80%93%36.5 → 52%0-70%83.6 → 91%40-88%89%89%34.3 → 44%0-78%58.3 → 63%0-92%88%100%75.4 → 83%0-91%47.2 → 56%0-85%   73.2%84.6%
Oukitel U18Smartphone (10)30.03.2018v684%68.5 → 91%0-75%87%43.3 → 72%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%93%82%20.1 → 32%0-63%41.4 → 59%0-70%87%100%53.8 → 59%0-91%65%   70.2%79.5%
Sony Xperia XA2Smartphone (10)30.03.2018v684%69.6 → 93%0-75%87%49.9 → 83%0-60%90.5 → 81%50-100%96%84%41.2 → 65%0-63%52.2 → 75%0-70%90%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%73%   75.8%84.5%
Lenovo IdeaPad 100s-14IBR 80R900K5GEOffice (2)30.03.2018v673.9 → 75%0-98%72%83%39.7 → 50%0-80%69 → 100%20-67%80%70%30.3 → 45%0-68%42.5 → 46%0-92%95%100%44%22.9 → 27%0-85%   63.3%74.7%
Asus FX503VM-EH73Gaming (3)29.03.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%89%75%50.9 → 63%0-81%61.7 → 92%10-66%79%83%92%88%82.4 → 87%0-95%81.4 → 90%0-90%60%50 → 59%0-85%   74.7%82.1%
HP ProBook 430 G5-3KX72ESOffice (2)28.03.2018v674.2 → 76%0-98%80%95%56.1 → 70%0-80%69.2 → 100%20-67%89%83%59.7 → 88%0-68%88.1 → 96%0-92%91%92%64%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.4%84.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad T480-20L6S01V00Office (2)27.03.2018v686.8 → 89%0-98%94%89%71.5 → 89%0-80%65.7 → 97%20-67%94%83%69.6 → 100%0-68%86.3 → 94%0-92%87%97%70%45.8 → 54%0-85%   79.9%89.6%
Razer Phone 2017Smartphone (10)27.03.2018v689%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%48.8 → 81%0-60%88.3 → 77%50-100%96%87%63.6 → 100%0-63%70.1 → 100%0-70%93%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%83%   79.9%88.2%
Samsung Galaxy S9 PlusSmartphone (10)27.03.2018v692%70.4 → 94%0-75%98%66.1 → 100%0-60%88.9 → 78%50-100%92%91%65.9 → 100%0-63%67.7 → 97%0-70%94%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%95%   84.3%91.3%
Asus  ZenBook Flip 14 UX461UAConvertible (5)26.03.2018v681.1 → 83%0-98%81%87%49.2 → 62%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%91%82%57.5 → 85%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%93%83%62.5 → 69%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   74.1%83.8%
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2Smartphone (10)26.03.2018v689%68.8 → 92%0-75%96%47 → 78%0-60%89.3 → 79%50-100%93%88%63.8 → 100%0-63%67.3 → 96%0-70%92%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%79%   80.5%88.6%
Trekstor Primebook C11Subnotebook (4)25.03.2018v688.9 → 91%0-98%67%58%35.1 → 44%0-80%73.1 → 89%35-78%90%79%50.3 → 74%0-68%45.5 → 52%0-87%94.2 → 100%0-91%100%43.8 → 48%0-91%33.2 → 39%0-85%   66%77.6%
Huawei Matebook EConvertible (5)24.03.2018v785 → 87%0-98%84%92%42.1 → 56%0-75%73.8 → 98%20-75%73%85%38.4 → 49%0-78%70.4 → 83%0-85%94%100%40 → 44%0-91%66 → 78%0-85%   72.6%84.5%
HP Envy 17-ae143ngMultimedia (1)22.03.2018v678.7 → 80%0-98%79%87%57.2 → 71%0-81%56.2 → 77%20-67%90%82%80.1 → 94%0-85%90 → 98%0-92%95%87.3 → 92%0-95%50%54.2 → 64%0-85%   75.9%84.7%
Dell Latitude 5590Office (2)20.03.2018v681.3 → 83%0-98%86%83%64.7 → 81%0-80%62.9 → 91%20-67%89%83%57.4 → 84%0-68%85.2 → 93%0-92%93%93%56%45.8 → 54%0-85%   75.4%85.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T480s-20L8S02E00Office (2)20.03.2018v693.7 → 96%0-98%94%89%70.4 → 88%0-80%70.8 → 100%20-67%91%91%72.8 → 100%0-68%82.9 → 90%0-92%87%96%68%45.8 → 54%0-85%   80.9%91%
HP Stream 14-ax002ngOffice (2)20.03.2018v674.5 → 76%0-98%68%73%40.5 → 51%0-80%69.7 → 100%20-67%92%59%33.3 → 49%0-68%43.2 → 47%0-92%92%60%29.2 → 34%0-85%   61.2%69%
Asus ZenFone 4 Max ZC554KLSmartphone (10)19.03.2018v686%67.3 → 90%0-75%96%38 → 63%0-60%89.6 → 79%50-100%99%83%19.3 → 31%0-63%42.6 → 61%0-70%93%100%56.4 → 62%0-91%60%   71.6%82.7%
HP 250 G6 2UB93ES Office (2)16.03.2018v662.6 → 64%0-98%78%83%43.4 → 54%0-80%63 → 91%20-67%89%74%54.5 → 80%0-68%69.3 → 75%0-92%97%92%63%28.9 → 34%0-85%   68.9%77.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad L480-20LS001AGEOffice (2)15.03.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%87%93%60.7 → 76%0-80%67 → 100%20-67%90%80%56.1 → 83%0-68%89.1 → 97%0-92%93%93%50%42.1 → 50%0-85%   75.6%86.5%
Asus VivoBook Pro 17 N705UD-EH76Multimedia (1)15.03.2018v672 → 73%0-98%64%81%49 → 60%0-81%61 → 87%20-67%78%87%88 → 100%0-85%92 → 100%0-92%82%92 → 97%0-95%80%46 → 54%0-85%   74.8%83.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2018-20LES01W00Convertible (5)13.03.2018v784.7 → 86%0-98%92%96%70.6 → 94%0-75%69.9 → 91%20-75%82%87%51.2 → 66%0-78%85.2 → 100%0-85%93%93%50 → 55%0-91%40 → 47%0-85%   76.4%89.3%
Honor 9 LiteSmartphone (10)09.03.2018v687%70.4 → 94%0-75%91%39.3 → 66%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%92%87%18.5 → 29%0-63%54.4 → 78%0-70%92%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%72%   73.8%84.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad X380 Yoga 20LJS02W00Convertible (5)09.03.2018v687.4 → 89%0-98%92%94%73.5 → 92%0-80%69.8 → 81%35-78%91%83%56.3 → 83%0-68%86.9 → 100%0-87%92%93%50 → 55%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   77.9%86.9%
Asus ZenFone 4 Selfie Pro ZD552KLSmartphone (10)09.03.2018v689%67.3 → 90%0-75%96%40.8 → 68%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%94%82%28.1 → 45%0-63%54.3 → 78%0-70%95%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%73%   75%85.5%
Dell Latitude 5490-TD70XOffice (2)07.03.2018v680.8 → 82%0-98%85%83%64.7 → 81%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%96%82%51.4 → 76%0-68%88.2 → 96%0-92%93%93%64%45.8 → 54%0-85%   76.3%86.3%
Lenovo Ideapad 720S-13ARROffice (2)07.03.2018v687.1 → 89%0-98%80%87%36.9 → 46%0-80%73.3 → 100%20-67%71%82%59.8 → 88%0-68%73.9 → 80%0-92%94%94%50%56.3 → 66%0-85%   72.7%81.8%
Asus Strix GL703VM-DB74Gaming (3)07.03.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%83%77%64.9 → 80%0-81%58.3 → 86%10-66%70%86%93%93%76.5 → 81%0-95%79.2 → 88%0-90%70%50 → 59%0-85%   75.1%84.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad E580-20KSCTO1WWOffice (2)07.03.2018v682.6 → 84%0-98%89%88%61.2 → 77%0-80%63.9 → 93%20-67%89%85%55.8 → 82%0-68%87.2 → 95%0-92%94%96%64%42.9 → 50%0-85%   76.7%87.4%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 15Gaming (3)05.03.2018v675 → 77%0-98%83%81%76 → 94%0-81%53.3 → 77%10-66%69%80%98%99%87.3 → 92%0-95%62.3 → 69%0-90%80%   78.7%86.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad E480-20KNCTO1WWOffice (2)05.03.2018v686.1 → 88%0-98%94%88%63.4 → 79%0-80%65.6 → 97%20-67%90%82%55 → 81%0-68%87.4 → 95%0-92%94%95%64%41.7 → 49%0-85%   77.3%88.4%
Lenovo V110-15IKB 80TH001WGEOffice (2)05.03.2018v670.5 → 72%0-98%72%83%38.7 → 48%0-80%64.2 → 94%20-67%75%77%57.5 → 85%0-68%86.2 → 94%0-92%95%93%30%22.9 → 27%0-85%   66.5%77.8%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-51-36YUOffice (2)05.03.2018v669.7 → 71%0-98%69%75%47.6 → 60%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%88%76%52.4 → 77%0-68%68.4 → 74%0-92%95%93%56%35.8 → 42%0-85%   68.3%77%
Asus ROG Strix GL702VI-WB74Gaming (3)02.03.2018v677.4 → 79%0-98%83%61%60.2 → 74%0-81%55.2 → 81%10-66%72%87%95%95%91 → 96%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%59%44 → 52%0-85%   74%83.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad X280-20KES01S00Subnotebook (4)02.03.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%91%68.7 → 86%0-80%73.4 → 89%35-78%91%87%59.5 → 88%0-68%81.3 → 93%0-87%91 → 100%0-91%94%63.6 → 70%0-91%40.8 → 48%0-85%   78.6%89.5%
HP Envy x360 15-bq102ngConvertible (5)02.03.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%73%83%47.3 → 59%0-80%62.6 → 64%35-78%89%82%65 → 96%0-68%83.4 → 96%0-87%93%91%62.5 → 69%0-91%50 → 59%0-85%   73.7%80.1%
HP 14-bp001ngOffice (2)02.03.2018v675.3 → 77%0-98%69%79%38.5 → 48%0-80%68.4 → 100%20-67%89%73%35.8 → 53%0-68%46.6 → 51%0-92%93%92%56%31.6 → 37%0-85%   65.2%74.6%
HP Spectre x360 13-ae048ngConvertible (5)01.03.2018v686.8 → 89%0-98%85%92%68.3 → 85%0-80%71.9 → 86%35-78%95%82%57.2 → 84%0-68%87.7 → 100%0-87%90%94%68.8 → 76%0-91%65.8 → 77%0-85%   80.2%88.1%
HTC U11 PlusSmartphone (10)01.03.2018v689%68.5 → 91%0-75%94%66 → 100%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%92%86%65.3 → 100%0-63%69.3 → 99%0-70%90%100%79.1 → 87%0-91%85%   82.5%89%
HP Spectre x360 13t-ae000Convertible (5)01.03.2018v687 → 89%0-98%83%89%49 → 61%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%89%86%60 → 88%0-68%84 → 97%0-87%89%94%60 → 66%0-91%71 → 84%0-85%   77.9%86.6%
Huawei P smartSmartphone (10)28.02.2018v787%69.2 → 92%0-75%91%40.6 → 58%0-70%92.9 → 86%50-100%86%85%5.8 → 9%0-64%46.2 → 54%0-86%92%100%71.6 → 80%0-90%52%   70.7%76.7%
Samsung Galaxy A8 2018Smartphone (10)28.02.2018v686%71.9 → 96%0-75%92%46.9 → 78%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%95%86%41.1 → 65%0-63%57.6 → 82%0-70%91%100%70 → 77%0-91%80%   77.5%86.4%
Asus G703Gaming (3)27.02.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%89%89%69.8 → 86%0-81%40.7 → 55%10-66%65%86%100%100%83.5 → 88%0-95%58.3 → 65%0-90%88%   79%87.7%
HP ProBook 440 G5-3KX87ESOffice (2)27.02.2018v673.2 → 75%0-98%75%96%57.5 → 72%0-80%68.4 → 100%20-67%81%83%57.2 → 84%0-68%89.3 → 97%0-92%93%93%64%38.8 → 46%0-85%   74.5%83.9%
Ulefone Power 3Smartphone (10)23.02.2018v682%69.2 → 92%0-75%84%37.3 → 62%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%100%84%3.8 → 6%0-63%39.5 → 56%0-70%95%100%67.5 → 74%0-91%68%   70.7%79.9%
SCHENKER XMG Ultra 17Gaming (3)23.02.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%85%78%75 → 93%0-81%45.4 → 63%10-66%65%90%100%98%82.3 → 87%0-95%54.2 → 60%0-90%85%   77.9%87.7%
Oukitel K10Smartphone (10)23.02.2018v680%69.2 → 92%0-75%81%36.1 → 60%0-60%86.6 → 73%50-100%100%81%18.2 → 29%0-63%36.2 → 52%0-70%92%100%67.5 → 74%0-91%73%   70.8%79.3%
HP Omen X 17-ap0xxGaming (3)22.02.2018v688.2 → 90%0-98%88%78%63.9 → 79%0-81%39.2 → 52%10-66%85%90%97%97%94.4 → 99%0-95%79.8 → 89%0-90%64%50 → 59%0-85%   77.9%87.2%
Sony Xperia L2Smartphone (10)22.02.2018v678%68.1 → 91%0-75%81%39.7 → 66%0-60%89.9 → 80%50-100%94%81%11.2 → 18%0-63%44.7 → 64%0-70%90%100%70 → 77%0-91%48%   68.9%77.5%
Trekstor Primebook C13Convertible (5)22.02.2018v688.9 → 91%0-98%71%58%38.2 → 48%0-80%70.3 → 82%35-78%77%78%41 → 60%0-68%47.4 → 54%0-87%91%100%43.8 → 48%0-91%33.2 → 39%0-85%   64.4%73.7%
Asus Zenbook 3 Deluxe UX490UAOffice (2)22.02.2018v684.2 → 86%0-98%81%92%53.5 → 67%0-80%73.8 → 100%20-67%92%84%57.6 → 85%0-68%83.6 → 91%0-92%95%93%69%43.8 → 52%0-85%   77%85.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad E580-20KS001RGEOffice (2)21.02.2018v682.6 → 84%0-98%89%88%63.7 → 80%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%90%87%67.7 → 100%0-68%92 → 100%0-92%80%91%64%42.9 → 50%0-85%   76.9%86.8%
HP ProBook 450 G5-2UB53EAOffice (2)21.02.2018v676.6 → 78%0-98%79%96%61.7 → 77%0-80%63.6 → 93%20-67%90%83%57.2 → 84%0-68%88 → 96%0-92%92%97%68%39.6 → 47%0-85%   76.3%85.8%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320s-14IKBOffice (2)20.02.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%78%83%44.2 → 55%0-80%66.7 → 99%20-67%91%85%64.2 → 94%0-68%82.8 → 90%0-92%92%92%63%39.6 → 47%0-85%   73.9%83.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad T480s-20L8S02D00Office (2)20.02.2018v693.7 → 96%0-98%94%89%68.4 → 86%0-80%70.6 → 100%20-67%92%90%56.9 → 84%0-68%90.4 → 98%0-92%88%96%68%45.8 → 54%0-85%   80.2%91.3%
Dell Inspiron 17-5770-0357Multimedia (1)20.02.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%81%83%43.2 → 53%0-81%58.4 → 82%20-67%85%88%53.7 → 63%0-85%87.4 → 95%0-92%95%84.2 → 89%0-95%50%42.1 → 50%0-85%   71.6%79.7%
HP Spectre 13-af033ngSubnotebook (4)20.02.2018v682.9 → 85%0-98%85%92%57 → 71%0-80%73.7 → 90%35-78%90%85%58 → 85%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%91.6 → 100%0-91%94%50 → 55%0-91%36.8 → 43%0-85%   75.6%87.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2018-20KGS03900Office (2)18.02.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%95%91%72.8 → 91%0-80%73.5 → 100%20-67%91%89%66.5 → 98%0-68%91.5 → 99%0-92%82%84%77%50 → 59%0-85%   81.2%90.3%
Asus ZenBook 13 UX331UNSubnotebook (4)16.02.2018v785 → 87%0-98%83%94%44.7 → 60%0-75%73.8 → 98%20-75%82%87%59.5 → 76%0-78%77.3 → 91%0-85%93%89%80 → 88%0-91%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.8%85.4%
Maze Alpha XSmartphone (10)16.02.2018v688%68.5 → 91%0-75%97%38.1 → 64%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%93%80%29.8 → 47%0-63%50.2 → 72%0-70%92%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%53%   71.6%81.4%
SCHENKER Key 15Multimedia (1)14.02.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%83%81%67.1 → 83%0-81%61.8 → 89%20-67%73%87%92.5 → 100%0-85%88.1 → 96%0-92%84%65.6 → 69%0-95%50%   75.8%83.4%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320-15IKBRN 81BG001KGEMultimedia (1)14.02.2018v676.8 → 78%0-98%76%88%45.9 → 57%0-81%62.9 → 91%20-67%79%77%74.8 → 88%0-85%82.6 → 90%0-92%88%90.8 → 96%0-95%50%25 → 29%0-85%   70.5%79.5%
Dell Inspiron 13-5379-9573Convertible (5)12.02.2018v678.2 → 80%0-98%82%79%47.9 → 60%0-80%67.6 → 76%35-78%84%79%82.5 → 95%0-87%87%94%68.8 → 76%0-91%31.3 → 37%0-85%   73.4%79.9%
Lenovo Miix 520-12IKB 20M3000LGEConvertible (5)12.02.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%82%83%37.6 → 47%0-80%71.9 → 86%35-78%85%82%59 → 87%0-68%90.2 → 100%0-87%86%94%59.1 → 65%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   73.5%83.3%
SCHENKER XMG Pro 17Gaming (3)08.02.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%82%83%67.9 → 84%0-81%55.9 → 82%10-66%72%87%96%89%78 → 82%0-95%63.7 → 71%0-90%78%   77.7%85.4%
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro i7Multimedia (1)08.02.2018v687.9 → 90%0-98%87%89%50.5 → 62%0-81%63.6 → 93%20-67%92%83%76.1 → 90%0-85%92.3 → 100%0-92%83%86.4 → 91%0-95%80%34.2 → 40%0-85%   77.3%85.8%
Asus VivoBook Flip 15 TP510UA-E8073TConvertible (5)08.02.2018v676.1 → 78%0-98%80%83%50.8 → 64%0-80%61.1 → 61%35-78%88%79%57.3 → 84%0-68%89.4 → 100%0-87%95%92%53.8 → 59%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   72.4%78.9%
Asus VivoBook E12 E203NA-FD026TSubnotebook (4)08.02.2018v675 → 77%0-98%73%83%37.4 → 47%0-80%75.1 → 93%35-78%91%74%47.1 → 69%0-68%46.6 → 54%0-87%90.4 → 99%0-91%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%27.1 → 32%0-85%   67.4%79.9%
Blackview BV9000 ProSmartphone (10)07.02.2018v685%70.4 → 94%0-75%82%44.2 → 74%0-60%87.1 → 74%50-100%92%82%31.6 → 50%0-63%45.2 → 65%0-70%87%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%63%   72%79.6%
Dell XPS 13 9370 i5 UHDSubnotebook (4)07.02.2018v692.4 → 94%0-98%85%87%59.5 → 74%0-80%72.4 → 87%35-78%89%86%59.8 → 88%0-68%88 → 100%0-87%89.9 → 99%0-91%94%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   79%88.3%
Asus VivoBook 17 X705UA-BX022TOffice (2)06.02.2018v673.2 → 75%0-98%50%57%42.9 → 54%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%89%76%53.1 → 78%0-68%65 → 71%0-92%96%93%70%30.5 → 36%0-85%   66%72.7%
Lenovo Ideapad 720S-13IKBOffice (2)06.02.2018v687.1 → 89%0-98%80%87%40 → 50%0-80%73.8 → 100%20-67%93%87%56.5 → 83%0-68%89.8 → 98%0-92%91%93%50%56.3 → 66%0-85%   75.7%85.2%
Gigaset GS370 PlusSmartphone (10)06.02.2018v686%69.6 → 93%0-75%87%41.8 → 70%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%90%80%20 → 32%0-63%42.2 → 60%0-70%88%100%51.3 → 56%0-91%69%   70.6%81%
Alienware 13 R3 (i5-7300HQ, GTX 1050 Ti)Gaming (3)05.02.2018v690.8 → 93%0-98%85%86%70.6 → 87%0-81%60.1 → 89%10-66%90%86%89%90%86.3 → 91%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%75%53.2 → 63%0-85%   80.8%87.4%
Asus ROG Strix GL702ZC-GC204TGaming (3)02.02.2018v678.9 → 81%0-98%75%78%63.9 → 79%0-81%55.2 → 81%10-66%50%85%93%88%84.6 → 89%0-95%79.6 → 88%0-90%80%41.7 → 49%0-85%   73.3%83.2%
Asus ZenBook UX530UX-FY070TMultimedia (1)01.02.2018v687.4 → 89%0-98%84%82%47.4 → 59%0-81%72.4 → 100%20-67%88%81%71.2 → 84%0-85%81 → 88%0-92%90%89.8 → 95%0-95%59%29.2 → 34%0-85%   74.1%82.7%
Nubia Z17 miniSmartphone (10)01.02.2018v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%45.6 → 76%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%91%83%45.4 → 72%0-63%51.4 → 73%0-70%84%100%50.9 → 56%0-91%76%   73.5%83.4%
Honor View 10Smartphone (10)31.01.2018v686%68.8 → 92%0-75%95%44.4 → 74%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%94%89%60.6 → 96%0-63%67.4 → 96%0-70%92%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%80%   79%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad E480-20KQS00000Office (2)29.01.2018v686.1 → 88%0-98%94%88%65.4 → 82%0-80%65.4 → 97%20-67%88%85%72.6 → 100%0-68%89.1 → 97%0-92%33%84%64%41.7 → 49%0-85%   73.5%83%
Medion Akoya E2228T-MD61250Convertible (5)29.01.2018v676.3 → 78%0-98%72%85%40.2 → 50%0-80%73.3 → 89%35-78%90%85%31.3 → 46%0-68%36.2 → 42%0-87%93%100%43.8 → 48%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   66.7%79.5%
Lenovo V110-15ASTOffice (2)29.01.2018v670.5 → 72%0-98%72%83%38.8 → 49%0-80%64.2 → 94%20-67%68%74%50.5 → 74%0-68%49.6 → 54%0-92%95%93%30%22.9 → 27%0-85%   62.5%73.7%
Dell XPS 13 9370 FHD i5Subnotebook (4)25.01.2018v691.3 → 93%0-98%85%87%72.5 → 87%35-78%94%86%57 → 84%0-68%89.3 → 100%0-87%90.7 → 100%0-91%92%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   80.7%89.3%
Asus VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV023TOffice (2)23.01.2018v674.2 → 76%0-98%83%88%42.2 → 53%0-80%72.6 → 100%20-67%90%75%59.5 → 88%0-68%88.6 → 96%0-92%93%89%59%41.7 → 49%0-85%   73.5%82.1%
Acer TravelMate P2510-M-51ZQOffice (2)23.01.2018v667.4 → 69%0-98%84%93%49.6 → 62%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%91%81%57.4 → 84%0-68%87.1 → 95%0-92%96%90%56%51.1 → 60%0-85%   74.3%83.3%
Asus Transformer Book T102HA-GR022TConvertible (5)22.01.2018v677.3 → 79%0-98%71%78%37.5 → 47%0-80%78.7 → 100%35-78%94%85%33.9 → 50%0-68%42.9 → 49%0-87%93%100%50 → 55%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   68.1%81.6%
Motorola Moto X4Smartphone (10)22.01.2018v690%68.1 → 91%0-75%91%46.8 → 78%0-60%91.2 → 82%50-100%93%84%41 → 65%0-63%53.7 → 77%0-70%92%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%75%   76.1%85.5%
SCHENKER Slim 15 L17Office (2)20.01.2018v775 → 77%0-98%81%81%66.9 → 84%0-80%62.7 → 78%20-75%77%88%59 → 76%0-78%90.9 → 96%0-95%93%89%40%50 → 59%0-85%   73.3%83.2%
HP Elitebook 1040 G4-2XU40UTOffice (2)18.01.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%86%89%66.5 → 83%0-80%86%91%97%64%45.8 → 54%0-85%   79.3%87.4%
Asus VivoBook 15 X510UQ-BQ534TMultimedia (1)18.01.2018v680.3 → 82%0-98%60%84%42 → 52%0-81%67.6 → 100%20-67%74%83%65.9 → 78%0-85%78.7 → 86%0-92%91%71.7 → 75%0-95%64%28.9 → 34%0-85%   68.6%76.8%
Motorola Moto Z2 ForceSmartphone (10)17.01.2018v686%74.2 → 99%0-75%89%46.8 → 78%0-60%92.9 → 86%50-100%93%85%63.7 → 100%0-63%71.1 → 100%0-70%94%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%81%   80.6%88.8%
Acer Iconia Tab 10 A3-A50Tablet (9)13.01.2018v666%69.2 → 87%0-80%91%37.6 → 58%0-65%82.6 → 89%40-88%89%80%27.3 → 40%0-68%50.5 → 66%0-76%92%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%30 → 35%0-85%   68.3%80.7%
HTC U11 LifeSmartphone (10)13.01.2018v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%42.3 → 71%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%95%85%41.3 → 66%0-63%52.1 → 74%0-70%92%100%39.1 → 43%0-91%74%   73.4%84.9%
Huawei Honor 7XSmartphone (10)12.01.2018v682%71.5 → 95%0-75%88%36.8 → 61%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%94%88%22.3 → 35%0-63%52.5 → 75%0-70%91%100%66.3 → 73%0-91%70%   73.3%83%
Panasonic Toughbook CF-XZ6Convertible (5)11.01.2018v683.4 → 85%0-98%68%69%65.8 → 82%0-80%72.8 → 88%35-78%97%85%55.5 → 82%0-68%86.3 → 99%0-87%91%94%36.4 → 40%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%   72%82.9%
Asus ZenBook 13 UX331UNSubnotebook (4)08.01.2018v685.3 → 87%0-98%83%94%45.1 → 56%0-80%73.3 → 89%35-78%91%88%70.2 → 100%0-68%81.9 → 94%0-87%91.5 → 100%0-91%90%81.8 → 90%0-91%38.8 → 46%0-85%   77.9%87.9%
Acer Swift 3 SF315-41-R4W1Multimedia (1)06.01.2018v675.8 → 77%0-98%79%92%48.2 → 60%0-81%62.8 → 91%20-67%83%82%66.7 → 78%0-85%81.8 → 89%0-92%91%90.7 → 95%0-95%71%35.4 → 42%0-85%   73.8%81.5%
HP 255 G6Office (2)06.01.2018v659.2 → 60%0-98%74%61%43.1 → 54%0-80%62.7 → 91%20-67%66%74%53.4 → 79%0-68%55.9 → 61%0-92%95%89%63%28.9 → 34%0-85%   63.3%71.8%
Eurocom Sky X9CGaming (3)05.01.2018v678 → 80%0-98%85%81%71 → 88%0-81%30.5 → 37%10-66%49%88%98%98%87.6 → 92%0-95%51.7 → 57%0-90%90%36.8 → 43%0-85%   72.7%85.3%
Lenovo Yoga 720-12IKB Convertible (5)04.01.2018v678.7 → 80%0-98%83%88%39 → 49%0-80%72.8 → 88%35-78%88%83%57.1 → 84%0-68%85 → 98%0-87%92%95%52.5 → 58%0-91%48.4 → 57%0-85%   74.1%84.6%
SCHENKER Slim 14 L17Office (2)04.01.2018v672.1 → 74%0-98%67%74%51 → 64%0-80%67.4 → 100%20-67%82%86%58.3 → 86%0-68%91.7 → 100%0-92%91%97%50%36.8 → 43%0-85%   71.1%81.1%
OnePlus 5TSmartphone (10)04.01.2018v691%67.3 → 90%0-75%96%52.9 → 88%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%94%89%63.7 → 100%0-63%68.3 → 98%0-70%93%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%85%   81.6%90.6%
BlackBerry MotionSmartphone (10)03.01.2018v687%73.1 → 97%0-75%91%42.2 → 70%0-60%90.8 → 82%50-100%96%82%26.9 → 43%0-63%47.8 → 68%0-70%93%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%58%   73.4%82.9%
Huawei Mate 10Smartphone (10)03.01.2018v689%74.2 → 99%0-75%96%66.5 → 100%0-60%89.2 → 78%50-100%97%91%63.2 → 100%0-63%71 → 100%0-70%93%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%85%   83.8%91.1%
Dell Inspiron 15 7000 7577Gaming (3)02.01.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%80%82%60.6 → 75%0-81%57.9 → 86%10-66%85%85%89%82%91.5 → 96%0-95%82.3 → 91%0-90%56%42.1 → 50%0-85%   75.1%82.3%
Lenovo Yoga 720-13IKBConvertible (5)02.01.2018v689.5 → 91%0-98%92%92%59.7 → 75%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%90%83%58.2 → 86%0-68%85.1 → 98%0-87%92%93%45.5 → 50%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.4%86.6%
HP ProBook 470 G5Office (2)02.01.2018v678.7 → 80%0-98%91%86%63.5 → 79%0-80%59.8 → 85%20-67%90%87%64.2 → 94%0-68%90.7 → 99%0-92%94%93%53%41.7 → 49%0-85%   76.3%87.1%
HP Pavilion 15-cc107ngMultimedia (1)01.01.2018v675 → 77%0-98%78%88%50.6 → 62%0-81%65.2 → 96%20-67%89%75%64.9 → 76%0-85%88.5 → 96%0-92%93%91 → 96%0-95%50%39.6 → 47%0-85%   72.9%80.9%
CAT S31Smartphone (10)30.12.2017v686%67.3 → 90%0-75%89%37.4 → 62%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%100%87%4.2 → 7%0-63%21.4 → 31%0-70%92%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%54%   68.2%79%
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 2Tablet (9)28.12.2017v686%72.3 → 90%0-80%87%42.6 → 66%0-65%82.9 → 89%40-88%90%86%15.6 → 23%0-68%45.1 → 59%0-76%92%100%44 → 48%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   70.3%81.3%
HP EliteBook x360 1020 G2Subnotebook (4)23.12.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%91%89%50.1 → 63%0-80%73.7 → 90%35-78%90%86%58.2 → 86%0-68%90.2 → 100%0-87%91.6 → 100%0-91%96%70 → 77%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   78.2%89%
Lenovo ThinkPad A275Subnotebook (4)21.12.2017v667.6 → 69%0-98%91%87%61.9 → 77%0-80%67.5 → 76%35-78%91%73%54.4 → 80%0-68%71.3 → 82%0-87%91 → 100%0-91%93%50 → 55%0-91%31.3 → 37%0-85%   71.6%81.5%
BQ Aquaris VSmartphone (10)21.12.2017v682%65.4 → 87%0-75%94%44.3 → 74%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%94%85%18 → 29%0-63%39 → 56%0-70%93%100%62.7 → 69%0-91%66%   71.9%82.5%
PC Zentrum Defiance IVGaming (3)20.12.2017v680.3 → 82%0-98%81%83%64.2 → 79%0-81%56.4 → 83%10-66%80%81%82%93%83.4 → 88%0-95%74.4 → 83%0-90%66%   77.1%81.7%
PC Zentrum Proteus VGaming (3)16.12.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%79%81%61.1 → 75%0-81%59.3 → 88%10-66%70%86%93%95%86.4 → 91%0-95%55.8 → 62%0-90%60%   75.2%82.2%
Panasonic Toughbook CF-33Convertible (5)15.12.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%71%88%60.4 → 76%0-80%57.8 → 53%35-78%90%80%57.4 → 84%0-68%86.2 → 99%0-87%95%94%48.8 → 54%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   73.8%79.6%
Lenovo Ideapad 120s-11IAPSubnotebook (4)15.12.2017v673.7 → 75%0-98%65%65%44.2 → 55%0-80%71.8 → 86%35-78%89%76%41.9 → 62%0-68%50.7 → 58%0-87%90.4 → 99%0-91%100%36.4 → 40%0-91%47.5 → 56%0-85%   65.6%76.8%
LG V30Smartphone (10)14.12.2017v690%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%51.8 → 86%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%95%84%64.8 → 100%0-63%61.4 → 88%0-70%94%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%92%   80.5%89.2%
Lenovo Miix 520-12IKB 81CGConvertible (5)13.12.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%82%75%39.8 → 50%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%85%80%57.5 → 85%0-68%86.8 → 100%0-87%88%92%59.1 → 65%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   72.5%82.2%
Dell Vostro 15 3568Office (2)13.12.2017v674.2 → 76%0-98%88%44.1 → 55%0-80%61.8 → 89%20-67%88%73%55.2 → 81%0-68%84.1 → 91%0-92%95%91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   72.4%81.4%
Acer Extensa 2540-580KOffice (2)12.12.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%75%83%43.1 → 54%0-80%60.4 → 86%20-67%90%75%57.2 → 84%0-68%86.9 → 94%0-92%96%93%49%27.1 → 32%0-85%   70.1%79.9%
Dell Latitude 13 7380Office (2)12.12.2017v692 → 94%0-98%94%75%61 → 76%0-80%72 → 100%20-67%93%87%60 → 88%0-68%90 → 98%0-92%91%85%60%55 → 65%0-85%   78.1%88%
SCHENKER Media 15Multimedia (1)12.12.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%66%79%53.3 → 66%0-81%62.4 → 90%20-67%89%87%79.2 → 93%0-85%92.9 → 100%0-92%93%79.5 → 84%0-95%30%44.7 → 53%0-85%   71.8%82.1%
Razer Blade (2017) UHDGaming (3)12.12.2017v693.2 → 95%0-98%79%89%62.7 → 77%0-81%63.6 → 96%10-66%86%92%91%86%87.4 → 92%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%66%71.1 → 84%0-85%   80.2%86.3%
Motorola Moto G5sSmartphone (10)08.12.2017v687%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%42.4 → 71%0-60%91.7 → 83%50-100%91%86%19.1 → 30%0-63%40 → 57%0-70%92%100%60 → 66%0-91%72%   72.3%83%
HP Omen 15t-ce000Gaming (3)08.12.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%79%75%64.5 → 80%0-81%58.9 → 87%10-66%72%88%92%89%85.6 → 90%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%75%   78.3%85.1%
Asus Zenbook Pro UX550VE-DB71TMultimedia (1)06.12.2017v686.3 → 88%0-98%84%81%63.8 → 79%0-81%64.8 → 95%20-67%91%79%87.1 → 100%0-85%93.3 → 100%0-92%89%82 → 86%0-95%86%25 → 29%0-85%   77.9%86.9%
Lenovo Ideapad 120S-14IAPSubnotebook (4)06.12.2017v671.8 → 73%0-98%71%62%44.2 → 55%0-80%69.7 → 81%35-78%89%76%45.8 → 67%0-68%49 → 56%0-87%91.5 → 100%0-91%100%27.3 → 30%0-91%47.5 → 56%0-85%   65%76%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320S-13IKBSubnotebook (4)05.12.2017v676.8 → 78%0-98%79%86%37.1 → 46%0-80%72.1 → 86%35-78%85%92%57.6 → 85%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%89.7 → 99%0-91%97%54 → 59%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   73.3%85.1%
Acer Spin 5 SP515-51GN-80A3Convertible (5)05.12.2017v686.6 → 88%0-98%84%89%54 → 68%0-80%61.3 → 61%35-78%86%85%83.2 → 100%0-68%91.9 → 100%0-87%89%84%54.2 → 60%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.1%81.5%
Dell Vostro 15-5568Office (2)05.12.2017v680.3 → 82%0-98%74%77%45.1 → 56%0-80%64.4 → 94%20-67%77%77%66.9 → 98%0-68%88 → 96%0-92%89%89%50%35.4 → 42%0-85%   70.2%79.2%
HP Envy x360 15m-bq121dxConvertible (5)04.12.2017v671.6 → 73%0-98%73%69%45.6 → 57%0-80%61.8 → 62%35-78%89%77%69.4 → 100%0-68%86 → 99%0-87%91%80%60 → 66%0-91%71.1 → 84%0-85%   72.7%76.9%
Asus ZenFone 4 ZE554KLSmartphone (10)01.12.2017v691%69.2 → 92%0-75%94%49.7 → 83%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%92%86%41.1 → 65%0-63%51.2 → 73%0-70%93%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%79%   77.9%86.8%
Sony Xperia XZ1 CompactSmartphone (10)30.11.2017v688%65.4 → 87%0-75%92%52.8 → 88%0-60%92.9 → 86%50-100%95%85%65 → 100%0-63%63.6 → 91%0-70%89%100%77.3 → 85%0-91%81%   80.5%89.3%
Sony Xperia XZ1Smartphone (10)30.11.2017v689%71.2 → 95%0-75%91%51 → 85%0-60%91.8 → 84%50-100%92%87%64.6 → 100%0-63%63.8 → 91%0-70%92%100%76.4 → 84%0-91%81%   80.7%88.7%
Razer Blade Stealth QHD i7-8550USubnotebook (4)30.11.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%73%83%60.5 → 76%0-80%70.8 → 83%35-78%88%86%57.1 → 84%0-68%84.7 → 97%0-87%86.5 → 95%0-91%92%80 → 88%0-91%   79.3%86%
Dell Inspiron 15 7000 7577Gaming (3)29.11.2017v683.7 → 85%0-98%80%82%59.3 → 73%0-81%58.2 → 86%10-66%89%83%91%89%91.3 → 96%0-95%91.8 → 100%0-90%56%42.1 → 50%0-85%   76.6%83.3%
Microsoft Surface Book 2Convertible (5)28.11.2017v690 → 92%0-98%88%87%50.5 → 63%0-80%67.4 → 75%35-78%95%91%88.6 → 100%0-68%86.5 → 99%0-87%88%80%81.8 → 90%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   81.9%87.4%
HP 17-bs103ngOffice (2)28.11.2017v672.9 → 74%0-98%73%83%39.1 → 49%0-80%59.1 → 83%20-67%87%75%60.2 → 89%0-68%82.8 → 90%0-92%96%89%50%42.1 → 50%0-85%   69.9%78.2%
Huawei Mate 10 LiteSmartphone (10)28.11.2017v687%72.3 → 96%0-75%92%36.8 → 61%0-60%91.1 → 82%50-100%90%85%21 → 33%0-63%51.8 → 74%0-70%92%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%75%   74.1%83.7%
Acer Aspire 7 A715-71G-53TUMultimedia (1)27.11.2017v671.1 → 73%0-98%79%83%52.7 → 65%0-81%60.3 → 86%20-67%83%85%89.9 → 100%0-85%91.5 → 99%0-92%92%88.9 → 94%0-95%56%31.6 → 37%0-85%   74.2%84.2%
Asus Transformer 4 Pro (i7-7500U, HD620)Convertible (5)27.11.2017v688.8 → 91%0-98%82%81%51.5 → 64%0-80%73.6 → 90%35-78%79%86%47.5 → 70%0-68%74.8 → 86%0-87%92%95%68.2 → 75%0-91%59.5 → 70%0-85%   75.2%83.9%
Motorola Moto G5s PlusSmartphone (10)23.11.2017v689%69.2 → 92%0-75%91%44.1 → 74%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%100%87%24.1 → 38%0-63%44.1 → 63%0-70%94%100%60 → 66%0-91%67%   73.8%84.3%
HP Spectre x360 15t-bl100Multimedia (1)23.11.2017v685.7 → 87%0-98%85%86%73 → 90%0-81%62.8 → 91%20-67%91%82%77.6 → 91%0-85%89.1 → 97%0-92%85%90.5 → 95%0-95%56%39.5 → 46%0-85%1%71.7%87.5%
Apple iPhone XSmartphone (10)22.11.2017v692%71.9 → 96%0-75%93%43.9 → 73%0-60%90.2 → 80%50-100%92%92%67.5 → 100%0-63%77.9 → 100%0-70%84%100%65 → 71%0-91%89%   81.4%89.5%
Acer Spin 5 SP513-52N-54SFConvertible (5)22.11.2017v679.7 → 81%0-98%82%88%55.4 → 69%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%91%85%58.2 → 86%0-68%86.5 → 99%0-87%91%93%56.3 → 62%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   75.1%84.4%
Lenovo Yoga 520-14IKB 80X80097GEConvertible (5)21.11.2017v677.9 → 79%0-98%78%84%44.4 → 56%0-80%66.2 → 73%35-78%91%79%54.8 → 81%0-68%85.6 → 98%0-87%95%96%63.6 → 70%0-91%31.3 → 37%0-85%   72.8%81.3%
Amazon Fire HD 10 2017Tablet (9)20.11.2017v772 → 73%0-98%71.2 → 89%0-80%90%33.6 → 48%0-70%83.2 → 90%40-88%84%83%5.9 → 8%0-78%41.6 → 45%0-92%93%100%75.2 → 83%0-91%24 → 28%0-85%   65.9%78.1%
Dell XPS 13 i5-8250USubnotebook (4)20.11.2017v694.7 → 97%0-98%85%87%58.8 → 74%0-80%71.3 → 84%35-78%94%83%58.9 → 87%0-68%80.3 → 92%0-87%91.7 → 100%0-91%92%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   78.5%87.7%
Eve-Tech Eve V i5Convertible (5)20.11.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%89%86%62.9 → 79%0-80%70.7 → 83%35-78%91%88%55 → 81%0-68%71 → 82%0-87%89%97%63.6 → 70%0-91%58.3 → 69%0-85%   77.8%86.4%
MSI GS63VR 7RG-005Gaming (3)17.11.2017v680.3 → 82%0-98%81%79%66.5 → 82%0-81%64.2 → 97%10-66%73%88%93%94%79.9 → 84%0-95%76.8 → 85%0-90%66%55.3 → 65%0-85%   76.7%85%
Bluboo S8Smartphone (10)17.11.2017v673%65.4 → 87%0-75%84%20.9 → 35%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%89%76%20 → 32%0-63%37.4 → 53%0-70%88%100%30 → 33%0-91%32%   61.7%72.5%
ZTE Blade V8 MiniSmartphone (10)17.11.2017v683%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%28.9 → 48%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%93%82%23.5 → 37%0-63%44.2 → 63%0-70%92%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%70%   72.4%82.4%
Medion Erazer X7857Gaming (3)16.11.2017v682.6 → 84%0-98%77%88%63.9 → 79%0-81%55.9 → 82%10-66%72%85%84%94%79.4 → 84%0-95%70.4 → 78%0-90%64%51.3 → 60%0-85%   74.4%81.7%
Dell Inspiron 13 7370Office (2)16.11.2017v683.4 → 85%0-98%86%93%52.9 → 66%0-80%70.2 → 100%20-67%86%83%60.8 → 89%0-68%84.3 → 92%0-92%90%93%56%43.2 → 51%0-85%   75.6%85.7%
Asus VivoBook Flip TP501UQ-FZ119TConvertible (5)16.11.2017v674.7 → 76%0-98%76%83%49.6 → 62%0-80%61.7 → 62%35-78%88%83%63.5 → 93%0-68%85.8 → 99%0-87%94%88%61.3 → 67%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   72.6%79.6%
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TP410UA-EC242TConvertible (5)13.11.2017v675.3 → 77%0-98%77%83%50.8 → 64%0-80%67.8 → 76%35-78%89%86%55.4 → 81%0-68%83.8 → 96%0-87%96%91%61.3 → 67%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   73.1%82.1%
Google PixelbookConvertible (5)11.11.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%87%92%31.1 → 39%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%97%85%68.3 → 100%0-68%68.8 → 79%0-87%93%95%30 → 33%0-91%37.5 → 44%0-85%   72.8%85.9%
Leagoo Kiicaa MixSmartphone (10)11.11.2017v659%63.5 → 85%0-75%72%21.7 → 36%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%77%85%22.3 → 35%0-63%40.1 → 57%0-70%88%100%20 → 22%0-91%37%   59.8%70.7%
HP 15-bs103ngOffice (2)09.11.2017v671.3 → 73%0-98%76%82%42.1 → 53%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%90%75%58 → 85%0-68%88.9 → 97%0-92%94%87%60%41.7 → 49%0-85%   71.4%79.6%
Dell Inspiron 15 7570Office (2)09.11.2017v688.9 → 91%0-98%90%88%59.4 → 74%0-80%63.1 → 92%20-67%58%82%55.1 → 81%0-68%91.4 → 99%0-92%91%89%51%44 → 52%0-85%-1%67.8%83.8%
Doogee BL5000Smartphone (10)08.11.2017v684%70.4 → 94%0-75%39.6 → 66%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%100%80%19.8 → 31%0-63%36.6 → 52%0-70%88%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%59%   68.9%78.3%
Dell Inspiron 17-7773-0043Multimedia (1)08.11.2017v682.9 → 85%0-98%78%91%54.6 → 67%0-81%57.3 → 79%20-67%88%81%73.2 → 86%0-85%85.9 → 93%0-92%90%88.1 → 93%0-95%64%52.6 → 62%0-85%   75.9%83.5%
Huawei Y6 Pro 2017Smartphone (10)08.11.2017v686%66.9 → 89%0-75%88%38.8 → 65%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%94%84%6.4 → 10%0-63%37.7 → 54%0-70%93%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%61%   69.9%80.8%
Lenovo Yoga 920-13IKB-80Y7Convertible (5)07.11.2017v681.3 → 83%0-98%84%91%55.3 → 69%0-80%70.5 → 83%35-78%94%80%58.9 → 87%0-68%94.6 → 100%0-87%91%95%79.1 → 87%0-91%58.9 → 69%0-85%   79.5%86.7%
SCHENKER XMG Core 15Gaming (3)07.11.2017v673.7 → 75%0-98%83%81%59.5 → 73%0-81%59.3 → 88%10-66%76%85%93%96%77.5 → 82%0-95%79.7 → 89%0-90%60%   77%83.6%
Dell XPS 13 9360 FHD i7 IrisSubnotebook (4)07.11.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%89%87%58.4 → 73%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%95%86%59.6 → 88%0-68%91.7 → 100%0-87%88.2 → 97%0-91%71%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   77.9%87.3%
Asus GL503VD-DB74Gaming (3)07.11.2017v682.4 → 84%0-98%85%79%61 → 75%0-81%61.5 → 92%10-66%87%87%89%91%82.7 → 87%0-95%78.4 → 87%0-90%64%43.8 → 52%0-85%   76.2%83.8%
Chuwi LapBook 14 inch 2017Subnotebook (4)05.11.2017v672.4 → 74%0-98%69%67%40.3 → 50%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%88%77%41.4 → 61%0-68%47.6 → 55%0-87%90 → 99%0-91%98%30 → 33%0-91%28.9 → 34%0-85%   63%74.2%
Asus ZenFone AR ZS571KLSmartphone (10)03.11.2017v686%71.5 → 95%0-75%93%47.5 → 79%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%91%84%59.8 → 95%0-63%61.2 → 87%0-70%92%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%82%   79.2%87.4%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-21-651YOffice (2)02.11.2017v668.4 → 70%0-98%69%75%44.6 → 56%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%75%75%51.8 → 76%0-68%56.4 → 61%0-92%96%88%66%39.6 → 47%0-85%   66.7%74.4%
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro i5Multimedia (1)02.11.2017v687.9 → 90%0-98%87%89%50.5 → 62%0-81%63.6 → 93%20-67%92%84%74.2 → 87%0-85%91.5 → 99%0-92%86%86.4 → 91%0-95%80%34.2 → 40%0-85%   77.3%85.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad L470-20J5S00C00Office (2)02.11.2017v681.6 → 83%0-98%89%85%55.7 → 70%0-80%63.7 → 93%20-67%91%83%54.3 → 80%0-68%83.6 → 91%0-92%90%85%52.6 → 62%0-85%   76.2%85%
Gigabyte Aero 15XGaming (3)01.11.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%83%81%68 → 84%0-81%61.9 → 93%10-66%90%85%94%95%77.4 → 81%0-95%74.8 → 83%0-90%75%   80.7%86.7%
HP 14-bs007ngOffice (2)01.11.2017v672.6 → 74%0-98%77%83%41.8 → 52%0-80%66.6 → 99%20-67%89%86%54.5 → 80%0-68%83.4 → 91%0-92%95%88%60%43.8 → 52%0-85%   72.4%81.7%
MSI GE63VR 7RF RaiderGaming (3)28.10.2017v681.2 → 83%0-98%83%81%64.5 → 80%0-81%60.3 → 90%10-66%71%88%96%93%82.2 → 87%0-95%58.6 → 65%0-90%80%50 → 59%0-85%   76.1%85.2%
Razer Blade Pro RZ09-0220Gaming (3)27.10.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%87%81%63 → 78%0-81%55.7 → 82%10-66%89%87%92%94%88.5 → 93%0-95%84 → 93%0-90%70%42.1 → 50%0-85%   78.8%86.6%
Alienware 15 R3 Max-QGaming (3)27.10.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%87%86%73.9 → 91%0-81%52.9 → 77%10-66%82%86%97%96%81.4 → 86%0-95%72.3 → 80%0-90%72%   81.2%88.4%
Acer Aspire 5 A517-51G-80LMultimedia (1)26.10.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%75%94%45.4 → 56%0-81%57.3 → 79%20-67%85%89%76.2 → 90%0-85%90.3 → 98%0-92%95%93.8 → 99%0-95%50%44.7 → 53%0-85%   75.3%84.7%
Fujitsu Lifebook E557Office (2)26.10.2017v666.4 → 68%0-98%64%78%58.4 → 73%0-80%62.4 → 90%20-67%78%76%52 → 76%0-68%74.6 → 81%0-92%96%93%44%41.7 → 49%0-85%   68%77%
Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 13 2017Subnotebook (4)26.10.2017v686.1 → 88%0-98%84%57%71 → 89%0-80%69.5 → 80%35-78%79%88%57.5 → 85%0-68%90.2 → 100%0-87%89.6 → 98%0-91%95%50 → 55%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   73.9%82.8%
Asus VivoBook X751BP-TY048TOffice (2)26.10.2017v672.7 → 74%0-98%78%81%36.8 → 46%0-80%59.1 → 83%20-67%68%79%54.5 → 80%0-68%59.9 → 65%0-92%95%92%60%42.1 → 50%0-85%   67.5%76.4%
Acer Swift 3 SF314-52G-89SLMultimedia (1)26.10.2017v681.6 → 83%0-98%76%81%49.2 → 61%0-81%67.8 → 100%20-67%90%79%76.1 → 90%0-85%91.6 → 100%0-92%89%92.1 → 97%0-95%73%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.7%84%
MSI GF72VR 7RFGaming (3)26.10.2017v671.1 → 73%0-98%90%76%59.8 → 74%0-81%58.5 → 87%10-66%65%83%91%93%86 → 91%0-95%78.3 → 87%0-90%50%43.8 → 52%0-85%   72.8%81.8%
Microsoft Surface Laptop i7Subnotebook (4)25.10.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%79%86%31.7 → 40%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%92%90%60 → 88%0-68%86.5 → 99%0-87%92.5 → 100%0-91%84%60 → 66%0-91%52.6 → 62%0-85%   74.2%84.9%
MSI GS73VR 7RGGaming (3)23.10.2017v679.5 → 81%0-98%81%79%60.7 → 75%0-81%60.2 → 90%10-66%70%82%95%94%84.1 → 89%0-95%81.4 → 90%0-90%74%42.1 → 50%0-85%   75.6%84.1%
Huawei Mate 10 ProSmartphone (10)20.10.2017v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%69.4 → 99%0-70%89.9 → 80%50-100%90%92%31.9 → 50%0-64%64.1 → 75%0-86%93%100%69.2 → 77%0-90%62%   78%84.2%
Asus ROG Strix GL703VD-DB74Gaming (3)20.10.2017v675.8 → 77%0-98%83%77%64.9 → 80%0-81%56.8 → 84%10-66%89%84%89%90%77.1 → 81%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%70%50 → 59%0-85%   76%83.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320-15IKB 80XL01NEGEMultimedia (1)19.10.2017v676.8 → 78%0-98%76%88%45.4 → 56%0-81%61.7 → 89%20-67%79%76%68.4 → 80%0-85%86.2 → 94%0-92%90%92.5 → 97%0-95%50%25 → 29%0-85%   70.4%79.3%
Aorus X9Gaming (3)19.10.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%87%78%65.6 → 81%0-81%52.4 → 76%10-66%64%82%99%97%68.3 → 72%0-95%45.8 → 51%0-90%85%   75.2%84.2%
Nokia 8Smartphone (10)19.10.2017v688%70.8 → 94%0-75%90%47.7 → 80%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%93%83%64 → 100%0-63%68.4 → 98%0-70%85%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%75%   79%87.2%
Lenovo IdeaPad 320s-14IKBOffice (2)18.10.2017v672.4 → 74%0-98%74%61%44.1 → 55%0-80%69.5 → 100%20-67%90%85%41.9 → 62%0-68%78.5 → 85%0-92%96%92%63%39.5 → 46%0-85%   69.7%79.5%
HP Envy 13-ad006ngSubnotebook (4)18.10.2017v685.3 → 87%0-98%71%81%57.7 → 72%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%89%81%72.2 → 100%0-68%89.2 → 100%0-87%92.5 → 100%0-91%92%54.5 → 60%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.5%84.2%
Asus Vivobook S15 S510UQ-BQ189TMultimedia (1)17.10.2017v677.1 → 79%0-98%72%84%49.2 → 61%0-81%66.6 → 99%20-67%80%88%67.6 → 80%0-85%83.1 → 90%0-92%93%83.6 → 88%0-95%73%28.9 → 34%0-85%   72.7%81.4%
Chuwi Lapbook 12.3Subnotebook (4)16.10.2017v688.4 → 90%0-98%84%83%38.3 → 48%0-80%70.2 → 82%35-78%89%90%44.6 → 66%0-68%49.4 → 57%0-87%92.3 → 100%0-91%100%77.3 → 85%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   72.4%83.6%
Acer Swift 3 SF315-51G-57E5Multimedia (1)16.10.2017v674.2 → 76%0-98%80%94%51.1 → 63%0-81%64.2 → 94%20-67%91%80%77.2 → 91%0-85%88.8 → 97%0-92%93%92.1 → 97%0-95%50%43.2 → 51%0-85%   75.3%84.2%
MSI GE73VR 7RF RaiderGaming (3)12.10.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%85%86%62.1 → 77%0-81%57.3 → 84%10-66%75%89%97%94%86.4 → 91%0-95%61.9 → 69%0-90%75%50 → 59%0-85%   77.1%85.9%
Gigabyte Aero 14-K7Multimedia (1)12.10.2017v685.5 → 87%0-98%81%83%64.9 → 80%0-81%64.4 → 94%20-67%90%88%90.8 → 100%0-85%94.4 → 100%0-92%81%66.4 → 70%0-95%70%63.2 → 74%0-85%   78.7%86.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad E470Office (2)12.10.2017v681.3 → 83%0-98%84%84%51.8 → 65%0-80%64.6 → 95%20-67%90%69%55.7 → 82%0-68%87.8 → 95%0-92%95%94%66%43.8 → 52%0-85%-2%68.9%81%
Lenovo Ideapad 320-17AST-80XW0013GEOffice (2)10.10.2017v676.8 → 78%0-98%76%88%39.6 → 50%0-80%57.8 → 80%20-67%73%74%49.1 → 72%0-68%47.8 → 52%0-92%95%94%50%25 → 29%0-85%   65.1%75.3%
Lenovo IdeaPad V110-15IKB 80TH001SGEOffice (2)10.10.2017v670.5 → 72%0-98%72%83%38.7 → 48%0-80%64.2 → 94%20-67%74%75%52.6 → 77%0-68%75.7 → 82%0-92%96%92%30%22.9 → 27%0-85%   65.2%76.5%
Asus VivoBook Pro 15 N580VD-DM028TMultimedia (1)09.10.2017v678.7 → 80%0-98%76%76%49.6 → 61%0-81%63.2 → 92%20-67%87%79%83 → 98%0-85%86.8 → 94%0-92%90%79.9 → 84%0-95%73%25 → 29%0-85%-1%67.5%81.2%
Guru Mars KGaming (3)09.10.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%85%78%72.6 → 90%0-81%47.3 → 67%10-66%65%88%99%100%81.2 → 85%0-95%54.4 → 60%0-90%85%   77.6%87%
Dell XPS 13 i7-8550USubnotebook (4)09.10.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%89%87%58.3 → 73%0-80%71.3 → 84%35-78%92%84%59.8 → 88%0-68%88.8 → 100%0-87%87.6 → 96%0-91%98%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   79.4%88.5%
Lenovo Ideapad 110S-11IBRSubnotebook (4)09.10.2017v673.7 → 75%0-98%80%78%30.6 → 38%0-80%74 → 91%35-78%89%77%34.6 → 51%0-68%44.7 → 51%0-87%92.5 → 100%0-91%46 → 51%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   63.2%77.1%
Acer Swift 3 (i5-7200U, HD 620)Subnotebook (4)09.10.2017v681.6 → 83%0-98%76%58%48.9 → 61%0-80%67.6 → 76%35-78%97%80%56 → 82%0-68%86.2 → 99%0-87%93.5 → 100%0-91%93%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73.1%81.1%
Lenovo Tab 4 8Tablet (9)09.10.2017v674%65.4 → 82%0-80%83%26.5 → 41%0-65%86.2 → 96%40-88%91%83%6.4 → 9%0-68%39.4 → 52%0-76%90%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%61.7 → 73%0-85%   66.7%79.2%
Aorus X5 v7Gaming (3)08.10.2017v682.9 → 85%0-98%85%81%66.3 → 82%0-81%59.1 → 88%10-66%66%88%93%97%72.9 → 77%0-95%58 → 64%0-90%75%50 → 59%0-85%   74.9%84.6%
Google Pixel 2Smartphone (10)06.10.2017v685%70.4 → 94%0-75%96%41.8 → 70%0-60%92.9 → 86%50-100%91%90%64.3 → 100%0-63%67.7 → 97%0-70%92%100%68.2 → 75%0-91%87%   80.4%90.1%
Google Pixel 2 XLSmartphone (10)06.10.2017v688%70.4 → 94%0-75%96%41.8 → 70%0-60%90.1 → 80%50-100%92%80%65 → 100%0-63%66.5 → 95%0-70%93%100%71.8 → 79%0-91%87%   80.1%88.3%
HP ProBook x360 11 G1 EE Z3A47EAConvertible (5)06.10.2017v688.7 → 91%0-98%85%88%56 → 70%0-80%69.5 → 80%35-78%85%69%43.8 → 64%0-68%60.8 → 70%0-87%93%100%50 → 55%0-91%54.2 → 64%0-85%   72.5%80.7%
Guru Fire KSGaming (3)05.10.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%85%78%63.6 → 79%0-81%61.7 → 92%10-66%84%87%92%92%74.1 → 78%0-95%56.8 → 63%0-90%65%   76.4%83.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad 25Office (2)05.10.2017v688.7 → 91%0-98%93%87%71.7 → 90%0-80%66.2 → 98%20-67%89%83%69.7 → 100%0-68%88.3 → 96%0-92%85%94%70%52.5 → 62%0-85%   79.9%89.2%
Huawei Mediapad M3 Lite 8Tablet (9)05.10.2017v686%73.8 → 92%0-80%96%35.6 → 55%0-65%86.2 → 96%40-88%98%84%20.4 → 30%0-68%40.1 → 53%0-76%91%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%68.8 → 81%0-85%   73.3%86.3%
Acer Swift 3 SF315-51G-55Z9Multimedia (1)04.10.2017v674.2 → 76%0-98%80%94%47.5 → 59%0-81%62.4 → 90%20-67%91%80%75.7 → 89%0-85%87.1 → 95%0-92%93%94.8 → 100%0-95%50%43.2 → 51%0-85%   74.8%83.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad E570-20H6S02M00Office (2)04.10.2017v672.6 → 74%0-98%87%84%52.2 → 65%0-80%61.1 → 87%20-67%89%74%55.4 → 81%0-68%86.6 → 94%0-92%94%94%69%39.5 → 46%0-85%   73.8%82.8%
Huawei Nova 2Smartphone (10)04.10.2017v688%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%39.3 → 66%0-60%92.9 → 86%50-100%93%85%22.3 → 35%0-63%52.5 → 75%0-70%88%100%73.6 → 81%0-91%76%   74.4%84.1%
Asus ZenBook Flip S UX370Convertible (5)03.10.2017v688.2 → 90%0-98%83%93%48.4 → 61%0-80%73.8 → 90%35-78%90%87%56.9 → 84%0-68%82.1 → 94%0-87%94%93%52 → 57%0-91%45.8 → 54%0-85%   75.9%87.3%
Lenovo Legion Y520-15IKBN 80WK0042GEGaming (3)02.10.2017v671.1 → 73%0-98%84%83%49.3 → 61%0-81%60.4 → 90%10-66%80%85%90%91%92.7 → 98%0-95%87.8 → 98%0-90%55%39.5 → 46%0-85%   74.4%81.3%
Lenovo Tab 4 10 PlusTablet (9)02.10.2017v681%92%40.5 → 62%0-65%83.5 → 91%40-88%94%88%27.8 → 41%0-68%50.6 → 67%0-76%93%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%76.3 → 90%0-85%   74%84.9%
Huawei MateBook D 15, i7-7500U 940MXOffice (2)01.10.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%84%82%29.5 → 37%0-80%64.9 → 96%20-67%90%82%57 → 84%0-68%88.9 → 97%0-92%86%91%64%57.9 → 68%0-85%   73.4%81.9%
Lenovo ThinkCentre M910z-10NR000KUSDesktop (11)29.09.2017v691 → 93%0-98%80%89%61 → 75%0-81%80%58%93%87%82%80%71 → 84%0-85%   79.3%79.7%
BQ Aquaris XSmartphone (10)29.09.2017v686%68.8 → 92%0-75%90%47.3 → 79%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%92%85%27.9 → 44%0-63%51.3 → 73%0-70%89%100%65 → 71%0-91%72%   74.4%84.1%
Lenovo Tab 4 10Tablet (9)28.09.2017v772.9 → 74%0-98%65.4 → 82%0-80%86%30.1 → 43%0-70%83 → 90%40-88%89%81%4.4 → 6%0-78%33.2 → 36%0-92%93%100%72.4 → 80%0-91%43.2 → 51%0-85%   65.6%77.4%
Razer Blade Pro 2017Gaming (3)27.09.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%87%81%63.9 → 79%0-81%52.6 → 76%10-66%70%80%97%95%67.2 → 71%0-95%62.7 → 70%0-90%70%   76.5%84.4%
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-51-788EGaming (3)27.09.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%81%50.8 → 63%0-81%58.5 → 87%10-66%85%85%91%94%91.8 → 97%0-95%82.7 → 92%0-90%63%35.4 → 42%0-85%   75.1%82.3%
Asus X510UA-BR305TOffice (2)25.09.2017v677.4 → 79%0-98%72%88%47.3 → 59%0-80%66.6 → 99%20-67%89%78%54.2 → 80%0-68%68.5 → 74%0-92%96%90%53%33.3 → 39%0-85%   70.2%79.7%
HP Elite x2 1012 G2-1LV76EAConvertible (5)24.09.2017v684.8 → 87%0-98%85%89%64.3 → 80%0-80%72.7 → 88%35-78%88%90%56.4 → 83%0-68%84.5 → 97%0-87%90%96%56.3 → 62%0-91%67.9 → 80%0-85%   78.9%87.7%
Apple iPhone 8 PlusSmartphone (10)23.09.2017v691%73.1 → 97%0-75%94%42.9 → 72%0-60%88 → 76%50-100%93%92%65.1 → 100%0-63%80.5 → 100%0-70%90%100%60 → 66%0-91%88%   81.4%89.1%
Apple iPhone 8Smartphone (10)23.09.2017v786%66.5 → 89%0-75%94%45.1 → 64%0-70%92.5 → 85%50-100%88%91%34 → 53%0-64%75.2 → 87%0-86%89%100%77.4 → 86%0-90%57%   76.7%82.9%
Acer Predator Triton 700Gaming (3)21.09.2017v688.2 → 90%0-98%83%58%62.6 → 77%0-81%60.5 → 90%10-66%61%85%97%96%67 → 71%0-95%70.3 → 78%0-90%70%   74.8%84.2%
Huawei Y7Smartphone (10)20.09.2017v686%64.6 → 86%0-75%91%32.2 → 54%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%95%86%19.3 → 31%0-63%39.5 → 56%0-70%88%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%68%   70.4%81.9%
Gretel GT6000Smartphone (10)20.09.2017v681%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%37.8 → 63%0-60%87.5 → 75%50-100%100%85%7.5 → 12%0-63%26.6 → 38%0-70%90%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%50%   67.1%77.6%
Acer TravelMate Spin B1 118-RN-P6BEConvertible (5)14.09.2017v680.5 → 82%0-98%74%72%44 → 55%0-80%69.1 → 79%35-78%87%84%39.7 → 58%0-68%60.2 → 69%0-87%89%100%50 → 55%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   68.7%78.2%
Asus GL702ZC-GC104TGaming (3)14.09.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%75%78%63.1 → 78%0-81%55.2 → 81%10-66%52%87%91%94%82.3 → 87%0-95%58.7 → 65%0-90%80%   74.6%82.6%
Doogee MixSmartphone (10)13.09.2017v687%66.2 → 88%0-75%94%38.2 → 64%0-60%88.2 → 76%50-100%92%73%33.9 → 54%0-63%50.1 → 72%0-70%89%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%52%   70.8%80%
Samsung Galaxy Note 8Smartphone (10)13.09.2017v694%74.2 → 99%0-75%95%69.3 → 100%0-60%88.4 → 77%50-100%91%90%62.7 → 100%0-63%65.6 → 94%0-70%92%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%93%   83%90%
Honor 6ASmartphone (10)12.09.2017v682%67.7 → 90%0-75%82%34.8 → 58%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%95%85%19.7 → 31%0-63%39.9 → 57%0-70%85%100%62.5 → 69%0-91%59%   69.7%80.3%
Toshiba Portege A30-D-139Office (2)12.09.2017v685.8 → 88%0-98%83%75%69 → 100%20-67%92%88%55.6 → 82%0-68%77.3 → 84%0-92%93%96%38%70 → 82%0-85%   76.8%86.7%
Lenovo Moto E4 PlusSmartphone (10)11.09.2017v684%65.8 → 88%0-75%85%40 → 67%0-60%88.2 → 76%50-100%96%84%6.1 → 10%0-63%30.7 → 44%0-70%92%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%65%   68.4%78.7%
Lenovo Moto E4Smartphone (10)11.09.2017v686%64.2 → 86%0-75%91%36.1 → 60%0-60%92.2 → 84%50-100%91%85%6.1 → 10%0-63%30.3 → 43%0-70%92%100%57.3 → 63%0-91%55%   68.1%79.5%
Eurocom Q5Gaming (3)11.09.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%89%66.7 → 82%0-81%61.8 → 93%10-66%77%84%94%93%77.6 → 82%0-95%70 → 78%0-90%40%50 → 59%0-85%   74.1%82.6%
Dell Latitude 7285Convertible (5)08.09.2017v689.2 → 91%0-98%92%92%62.4 → 78%0-80%70.7 → 83%35-78%88%89%54.4 → 80%0-68%72 → 83%0-87%85%100%54 → 59%0-91%57.9 → 68%0-85%   77.4%86.6%
Acer Aspire 3 A315-51-55E4Office (2)07.09.2017v668.4 → 70%0-98%69%75%44.2 → 55%0-80%60.4 → 86%20-67%87%83%53.6 → 79%0-68%82.5 → 90%0-92%95%93%66%39.6 → 47%0-85%   70.6%79%
Xiaomi Mi Max 2Smartphone (10)06.09.2017v688%71.5 → 95%0-75%91%47.7 → 80%0-60%87.8 → 76%50-100%100%85%27.8 → 44%0-63%49.7 → 71%0-70%91%100%67.5 → 74%0-91%70%   75.1%84%
Lenovo IdeaPad 520s-14IKB 80X200C1GEMultimedia (1)05.09.2017v680.8 → 82%0-98%78%84%46.3 → 57%0-81%67.6 → 100%20-67%91%83%68 → 80%0-85%87 → 95%0-92%87%95.1 → 100%0-95%64%41.7 → 49%0-85%   74.9%83%
Asus ASUSPRO P541UA-GQ1532Office (2)05.09.2017v667.1 → 68%0-98%69%81%35.9 → 45%0-80%63 → 91%20-67%74%77%54.4 → 80%0-68%68.7 → 75%0-92%95%85%53%27.1 → 32%0-85%   65.2%74.2%
Lenovo V320-17IKB 81AH0002GEOffice (2)04.09.2017v676.8 → 78%0-98%76%88%47.6 → 60%0-80%57.8 → 80%20-67%80%87%57.2 → 84%0-68%86.5 → 94%0-92%94%93%50%25 → 29%0-85%   70.6%81.7%
Toshiba Tecra X40-DOffice (2)01.09.2017v691.1 → 93%0-98%75%92%67.1 → 84%0-80%72 → 100%20-67%88%84%62.6 → 92%0-68%89.6 → 97%0-92%92%96%50%50 → 59%0-85%   77.5%87.1%
Lenovo Moto C PlusSmartphone (10)29.08.2017v681%63.8 → 85%0-75%86%33.5 → 56%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%97%85%8.7 → 14%0-63%29 → 41%0-70%93%100%55 → 60%0-91%61%   68%79.5%
HP Pavilion x360 14-ba011ngConvertible (5)29.08.2017v677.1 → 79%0-98%77%87%45.4 → 57%0-80%66.4 → 73%35-78%88%78%63.6 → 94%0-68%84.8 → 97%0-87%89%87%56.3 → 62%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   72.5%80.8%
Huawei Y6 2017Smartphone (10)29.08.2017v679%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%29.4 → 49%0-60%92.3 → 85%50-100%93%86%10.8 → 17%0-63%41.3 → 59%0-70%91%100%48.2 → 53%0-91%62%   68.1%79.8%
Lenovo Moto CSmartphone (10)29.08.2017v679%63.1 → 84%0-75%83%33.7 → 56%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%91%77%9.2 → 15%0-63%24.5 → 35%0-70%93%100%55 → 60%0-91%56%   65.9%76.5%
Asus Zephyrus GX501VSGaming (3)28.08.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%75%75%58.8 → 73%0-81%61.4 → 92%10-66%66%88%95%95%84.3 → 89%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%70%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75.3%84.6%
Lenovo Legion Y920-17IKBGaming (3)25.08.2017v682 → 84%0-98%73%75%71 → 88%0-81%45 → 63%10-66%80%83%95%98%87 → 92%0-95%86 → 96%0-90%85%50 → 59%0-85%   77.7%86.1%
LG Q6Smartphone (10)22.08.2017v689%65.4 → 87%0-75%88%36.2 → 60%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%91%85%15.8 → 25%0-63%37.6 → 54%0-70%91%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%72%   70.6%81.7%
Nokia 6Smartphone (10)21.08.2017v685%66.2 → 88%0-75%89%37.4 → 62%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%92%85%19.2 → 30%0-63%36.3 → 52%0-70%89%100%60 → 66%0-91%80%   71.6%82%
Honor 9Smartphone (10)21.08.2017v692%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%47.7 → 80%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%91%89%57.9 → 92%0-63%62 → 89%0-70%83%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%76%   77.7%87.5%
Acer Predator Helios 300Gaming (3)19.08.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%79%78%53 → 65%0-81%57.3 → 84%10-66%79%86%94%95%79.2 → 83%0-95%76.9 → 85%0-90%55%47.4 → 56%0-85%   73.6%82%
Acer Aspire 7 A717-71G-72VYMultimedia (1)17.08.2017v682.9 → 85%0-98%78%90%54.2 → 67%0-81%57.2 → 79%20-67%85%84%91.5 → 100%0-85%80.9 → 88%0-92%88%87 → 92%0-95%56%47.4 → 56%0-85%   75.6%84.1%
Asus ZenPad 10 (Z301ML)Tablet (9)17.08.2017v677%66.9 → 84%0-80%85%35 → 54%0-65%83.3 → 90%40-88%91%84%8.4 → 12%0-68%34.9 → 46%0-76%94%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%58.3 → 69%0-85%   67.6%79.3%
Wiko WIMSmartphone (10)16.08.2017v686%66.9 → 89%0-75%90%50.4 → 84%0-60%91.4 → 83%50-100%91%81%28.5 → 45%0-63%51.6 → 74%0-70%94%100%62.5 → 69%0-91%70%   74%83.2%
Lenovo Moto Z2 PlaySmartphone (10)15.08.2017v689%67.3 → 90%0-75%88%42.2 → 70%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%96%84%27.8 → 44%0-63%47.7 → 68%0-70%92%100%77.3 → 85%0-91%76%   75.4%85%
Aorus X7 v7Gaming (3)14.08.2017v681.6 → 83%0-98%87%81%67.3 → 83%0-81%53.9 → 78%10-66%68%84%97%98%73.1 → 77%0-95%64.3 → 71%0-90%70%   77%85.4%
Porsche Design BOOK ONEConvertible (5)11.08.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%83%88%55.5 → 69%0-80%68.1 → 77%35-78%92%89%82.1 → 94%0-87%89%67%63.6 → 70%0-91%66.7 → 78%0-85%-3%70.6%80.7%
Blackview BV8000 ProSmartphone (10)09.08.2017v685%70.4 → 94%0-75%87%49.2 → 82%0-60%87.3 → 75%50-100%94%79%34.5 → 55%0-63%45.9 → 66%0-70%88%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%64%-2%67.8%78.8%
MSI GT75VR 7RF-012 Titan ProGaming (3)08.08.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%87%75%69.7 → 86%0-81%42.5 → 58%10-66%65%90%99%97%83.4 → 88%0-95%53.2 → 59%0-90%90%   77.5%87%
Microsoft Surface Pro (2017) m3Convertible (5)08.08.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%89%89%49 → 61%0-80%74.1 → 91%35-78%93%89%54 → 79%0-68%76.3 → 88%0-87%88%100%86.4 → 95%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   80.5%89.2%
HP Omen 17-an014ngGaming (3)05.08.2017v680.3 → 82%0-98%83%78%70.8 → 87%0-81%51.4 → 74%10-66%77%88%94%95%82.5 → 87%0-95%61.8 → 69%0-90%69%50 → 59%0-85%   75.4%84.9%
Samsung Galaxy J3 2017Smartphone (10)04.08.2017v689%67.3 → 90%0-75%85%34.3 → 57%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%95%88%6.1 → 10%0-63%36.9 → 53%0-70%93%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%79%   70.7%82.2%
Nokia 5Smartphone (10)03.08.2017v686%67.3 → 90%0-75%86%37.9 → 63%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%94%84%19.5 → 31%0-63%42.4 → 61%0-70%92%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%80%   72.9%83.2%
Fujitsu LifeBook U937Subnotebook (4)02.08.2017v690.5 → 92%0-98%82%81%60.6 → 76%0-80%75.8 → 95%35-78%93%88%50.5 → 74%0-68%86.7 → 100%0-87%92.2 → 100%0-91%85%61.8 → 68%0-91%35.4 → 42%0-85%   75.5%87.7%
Acer Switch 5 SW512-52-5819Convertible (5)02.08.2017v682.4 → 84%0-98%88%91%42.8 → 54%0-80%71.5 → 85%35-78%88%81%57.2 → 84%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%86%100%40 → 44%0-91%45.8 → 54%0-85%   73.8%84.3%
LG X power2Smartphone (10)02.08.2017v678%66.5 → 89%0-75%86%36.7 → 61%0-60%91.1 → 82%50-100%100%81%15.7 → 25%0-63%35.8 → 51%0-70%90%100%52.7 → 58%0-91%61%   68.8%80%
LG K4 2017Smartphone (10)02.08.2017v682%73.8 → 98%0-75%89%37.9 → 63%0-60%93.5 → 87%50-100%93%82%3.5 → 6%0-63%20 → 29%0-70%88%100%52.5 → 58%0-91%67%   67.9%79.5%
Gigaset GS170Smartphone (10)01.08.2017v682%65.8 → 88%0-75%85%39.3 → 66%0-60%93.2 → 86%50-100%90%80%5.9 → 9%0-63%30.1 → 43%0-70%89%100%51.3 → 56%0-91%59%   66.9%77.9%
Nokia 3Smartphone (10)31.07.2017v676%65.4 → 87%0-75%87%35.9 → 60%0-60%93.1 → 86%50-100%92%82%6.1 → 10%0-63%29.8 → 43%0-70%93%100%47.3 → 52%0-91%54%   66.3%78%
Lenovo IdeaPad Miix 320-10ICR Pro LTEConvertible (5)27.07.2017v677.5 → 79%0-98%82%85%43.1 → 54%0-80%74.4 → 92%35-78%90%80%31.6 → 46%0-68%38.3 → 44%0-87%93%100%44 → 48%0-91%50.5 → 59%0-85%   68.4%80.4%
Sony Xperia L1Smartphone (10)27.07.2017v681%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%35.9 → 60%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%92%85%11.1 → 18%0-63%36.3 → 52%0-70%84%100%50.9 → 56%0-91%59%   67.7%78.8%
Gigabyte P56XTGaming (3)27.07.2017v673.7 → 75%0-98%81%72%69 → 85%0-81%58.6 → 87%10-66%88%85%95%94%63.7 → 67%0-95%64.2 → 71%0-90%75%-1%70.6%82.8%
Acer Switch 3 SW312-31-P5VGConvertible (5)26.07.2017v685.8 → 88%0-98%87%86%40.5 → 51%0-80%77 → 98%35-78%83%85%48 → 71%0-68%55.6 → 64%0-87%90%100%40 → 44%0-91%55.3 → 65%0-85%   71.7%83.8%
OnePlus 5Smartphone (10)26.07.2017v691%69.2 → 92%0-75%95%48 → 80%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%91%90%65 → 100%0-63%61 → 87%0-70%92%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%80%   80.1%89.3%
BQ Aquaris X ProSmartphone (10)25.07.2017v688%71.9 → 96%0-75%93%47.2 → 79%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%93%82%27.8 → 44%0-63%51.2 → 73%0-70%89%100%70 → 77%0-91%84%   76%85.3%
Gigabyte Sabre 15GGaming (3)25.07.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%81%81%58.2 → 72%0-81%59.8 → 89%10-66%77%79%89%92%91.5 → 96%0-95%69 → 77%0-90%30%55.3 → 65%0-85%   72.2%78.9%
Microsoft Surface Pro (2017) i7Convertible (5)22.07.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%89%92%50.6 → 63%0-80%74.1 → 91%35-78%91%87%55.3 → 81%0-68%88.7 → 100%0-87%89%95%86.4 → 95%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   81.3%89.6%
HTC U11Smartphone (10)22.07.2017v689%67.3 → 90%0-75%95%65.5 → 100%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%91%89%63.5 → 100%0-63%67.2 → 96%0-70%83%100%76.4 → 84%0-91%86%   81.8%89.4%
Samsung Galaxy J7 2017Smartphone (10)21.07.2017v691%66.9 → 89%0-75%94%44 → 73%0-60%89.6 → 79%50-100%98%88%14 → 22%0-63%42.5 → 61%0-70%93%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%63%   72%83.2%
HP Omen 15-ce002ngGaming (3)20.07.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%79%75%68.7 → 85%0-81%59 → 88%10-66%71%89%93%96%76.4 → 80%0-95%69.1 → 77%0-90%75%   77.3%85%
Acer Swift 1 SF113-31-P2CPSubnotebook (4)19.07.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%73%83%43.7 → 55%0-80%70.8 → 83%35-78%80%84%47.6 → 70%0-68%58.4 → 67%0-87%93 → 100%0-91%100%68.8 → 76%0-91%39.5 → 46%0-85%   70.6%80.6%
Sony Xperia XZ PremiumSmartphone (10)15.07.2017v692%67.3 → 90%0-75%93%48.9 → 82%0-60%88.8 → 78%50-100%94%90%62.4 → 99%0-63%65.6 → 94%0-70%85%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%80%   79.4%88.1%
Medion Erazer X6603Gaming (3)14.07.2017v690 → 92%0-98%94%92%47.7 → 59%0-81%59.4 → 88%10-66%75%85%89%92%92.3 → 97%0-95%88.5 → 98%0-90%48%47.4 → 56%0-85%   76.9%83.8%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2017Subnotebook (4)12.07.2017v693.4 → 95%0-98%87%100%43.3 → 54%0-80%70.6 → 83%35-78%93%92%61.1 → 90%0-68%88.1 → 100%0-87%91.1 → 100%0-91%86%90.9 → 100%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%-2%75.5%88.1%
Amazon Fire 7 2017Tablet (9)10.07.2017v673%63.1 → 79%0-80%83%23.2 → 36%0-65%86.5 → 97%40-88%90%81%8.1 → 12%0-68%25.4 → 33%0-76%88%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%25 → 29%0-85%   61.4%76.8%
Amazon Fire HD 8 2017Tablet (9)10.07.2017v680%70.4 → 88%0-80%89%28.7 → 44%0-65%85.3 → 94%40-88%95%79%9.6 → 14%0-68%34.8 → 46%0-76%91%100%79.1 → 87%0-91%24.2 → 28%0-85%   66.6%80.8%
BlackBerry KeyOneSmartphone (10)08.07.2017v689%75.4 → 100%0-75%91%45.9 → 77%0-60%89.7 → 79%50-100%93%86%22.3 → 35%0-63%46.9 → 67%0-70%89%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%68%   73.5%82.9%
EVGA SC15Gaming (3)07.07.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%84%81%65.9 → 81%0-81%57 → 84%10-66%68%85%92%96%88.2 → 93%0-95%80 → 89%0-90%50%47.4 → 56%0-85%   75.8%84.9%
Acer Spin 1 SP111-31-C79EConvertible (5)07.07.2017v675 → 77%0-98%76%88%40.2 → 50%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%92%82%33.4 → 49%0-68%48.3 → 56%0-87%91%95%50 → 55%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   67.6%78.9%
Toshiba Portege X30-D (PT274U-01N001)Office (2)07.07.2017v691.1 → 93%0-98%75%92%67.1 → 84%0-80%74.5 → 100%20-67%89%88%58.6 → 86%0-68%87.9 → 96%0-92%93%96%70%50 → 59%0-85%   79.4%88.2%
SCHENKER XMG A517Gaming (3)06.07.2017v663.2 → 64%0-98%83%75%63.3 → 78%0-81%60.2 → 90%10-66%81%86%92%94%76.6 → 81%0-95%69.9 → 78%0-90%50%   74.5%81.6%
Sony Xperia XA1Smartphone (10)29.06.2017v688%66.2 → 88%0-75%87%41.6 → 69%0-60%92.9 → 86%50-100%94%83%28.9 → 46%0-63%49.1 → 70%0-70%86%100%60.9 → 67%0-91%75%   73.2%83.6%
Apple MacBook 12 2017Subnotebook (4)28.06.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%87%99%41.3 → 52%0-80%76.3 → 96%35-78%91%87%57.7 → 85%0-68%72 → 83%0-87%90.9 → 100%0-91%100%87 → 96%0-91%42 → 49%0-85%   78.6%90%
Apple iPad Pro 12.9 2017Tablet (9)28.06.2017v689%76.9 → 96%0-80%96%45 → 69%0-65%80.2 → 84%40-88%94%93%71.6 → 100%0-68%80 → 100%0-76%90%100%79.1 → 87%0-91%80.8 → 95%0-85%   82.6%91.6%
Microsoft Surface Pro (2017) i5Convertible (5)26.06.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%89%92%50.6 → 63%0-80%74.1 → 91%35-78%95%87%54 → 79%0-68%75 → 86%0-87%88%100%86.4 → 95%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   80.8%89.7%
Huawei MediaPad T3 10Tablet (9)26.06.2017v782.3 → 84%0-98%72.7 → 91%0-80%90%38.3 → 55%0-70%83.8 → 91%40-88%77%84%4.4 → 6%0-78%33.9 → 37%0-92%94%100%69 → 76%0-91%34.8 → 41%0-85%   66.4%77.9%
Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) DuosSmartphone (10)24.06.2017v691%65 → 87%0-75%92%44.6 → 74%0-60%91.6 → 83%50-100%96%86%13.8 → 22%0-63%47.1 → 67%0-70%93%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%63%   71.9%83.2%
Apple MacBook Pro 15 2017 (2.8 GHz, 555)Multimedia (1)23.06.2017v693.4 → 95%0-98%90%100%51.1 → 63%0-81%65 → 96%20-67%92%91%78.2 → 92%0-85%91.4 → 99%0-92%90%81.7 → 86%0-95%91%53 → 62%0-85%-2%76.1%88%
Xiaomi Mi 6Smartphone (10)23.06.2017v690%66.5 → 89%0-75%93%50.1 → 84%0-60%90.7 → 81%50-100%95%86%65.7 → 100%0-63%70.3 → 100%0-70%88%100%72.5 → 80%0-91%78%   80.5%88.9%
Acer TravelMate P648-G2-M-73T0Office (2)22.06.2017v693.2 → 95%0-98%88%92%67.6 → 85%0-80%66.6 → 99%20-67%97%89%55.1 → 81%0-68%87.1 → 95%0-92%94%93%66%36.8 → 43%0-85%   78.7%90%
Microsoft Surface Laptop i5Subnotebook (4)20.06.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%79%86%31.7 → 40%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%93%90%58.4 → 86%0-68%78.2 → 90%0-87%92.1 → 100%0-91%96%60 → 66%0-91%52.6 → 62%0-85%   74.4%85.4%
Apple MacBook Air 13.3" 1.8 GHz (2017)Subnotebook (4)20.06.2017v685.5 → 87%0-98%87%86%54.5 → 68%0-80%71 → 84%35-78%93%75%56.4 → 83%0-68%81.8 → 94%0-87%91.8 → 100%0-91%90%77 → 85%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%   77.8%85.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2017-20HR0021GEOffice (2)18.06.2017v691.8 → 94%0-98%95%91%68.4 → 86%0-80%73.5 → 100%20-67%91%89%55.6 → 82%0-68%88 → 96%0-92%88%93%77%52.6 → 62%0-85%   81%90.9%
MSI GT83VR 7RF-206 Titan SLIGaming (3)17.06.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%90%78%68.3 → 84%0-81%31.3 → 38%10-66%62%84%100%98%81.1 → 85%0-95%40.4 → 45%0-90%90%-1%69.2%84.1%
Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017Tablet (9)16.06.2017v688%76.5 → 96%0-80%96%49.4 → 76%0-65%83.6 → 91%40-88%93%91%71.2 → 100%0-68%80.1 → 100%0-76%88%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%80.8 → 95%0-85%   82.3%92.2%
Samsung Galaxy XCover 4Smartphone (10)16.06.2017v690%69.2 → 92%0-75%92%37.2 → 62%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%93%82%7 → 11%0-63%40.4 → 58%0-70%89%100%49.1 → 54%0-91%66%   69.7%80.8%
Apple MacBook Pro 13 2017 Touchbar i5Subnotebook (4)14.06.2017v693.4 → 95%0-98%90%100%51.1 → 64%0-80%70.6 → 83%35-78%90%93%63.2 → 93%0-68%86.6 → 100%0-87%90.9 → 100%0-91%97%97 → 100%0-91%63 → 74%0-85%-2%77.4%89.5%
Asus VivoBook S15 S510UAMultimedia (1)12.06.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%72%75%42.2 → 52%0-81%67.6 → 100%20-67%77%82%58.5 → 69%0-85%86.2 → 94%0-92%90%92.2 → 97%0-95%64%25 → 29%0-85%   70%78.4%
Huawei P10 PlusSmartphone (10)08.06.2017v692%70.8 → 94%0-75%96%48.3 → 81%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%95%91%55.6 → 88%0-63%58 → 83%0-70%78%100%80.9 → 89%0-91%81%   79.8%88.8%
Sony Xperia E5Smartphone (10)06.06.2017v680%59.6 → 79%0-75%84%40.6 → 68%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%89%83%8.2 → 13%0-63%34 → 49%0-70%86%100%47.5 → 52%0-91%48%   65.5%76.8%
Huawei MediaPad M3 LiteTablet (9)06.06.2017v683%73.8 → 92%0-80%89%43.5 → 67%0-65%83.8 → 91%40-88%96%87%20.2 → 30%0-68%39.4 → 52%0-76%96%100%70 → 77%0-91%67.5 → 79%0-85%   73%84.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2017 20JES03T00Convertible (5)01.06.2017v686.6 → 88%0-98%92%94%69.4 → 87%0-80%70.6 → 83%35-78%88%88%56.5 → 83%0-68%91.1 → 100%0-87%91%91%60 → 66%0-91%60.4 → 71%0-85%   79.9%88%
Asus GL753VE-DS74Gaming (3)31.05.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%85%86%56.2 → 69%0-81%56.7 → 83%10-66%75%89%90%92%95.2 → 100%0-95%76.1 → 85%0-90%70%   79.1%84.7%
Lenovo Legion Y520-15IKBN-80WK001KUSGaming (3)31.05.2017v671 → 72%0-98%84%83%50 → 62%0-81%60 → 89%10-66%75%82%90%94%89 → 94%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%54%40 → 47%0-85%   73.8%81%
Oukitel U16 MaxSmartphone (10)30.05.2017v674%65.8 → 88%0-75%87%32.5 → 54%0-60%87.6 → 75%50-100%100%79%20.5 → 33%0-63%34.3 → 49%0-70%92%100%55.5 → 61%0-91%51%   67.6%77.8%
Dell XPS 13 9365-4537 2-in-1Convertible (5)26.05.2017v691.1 → 93%0-98%87%87%58 → 73%0-80%72.6 → 87%35-78%89%87%53 → 78%0-68%73.3 → 84%0-87%94%100%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   78.1%87.2%
Asus ZenPad 3S 10 Z500KLTablet (9)22.05.2017v686%70 → 88%0-80%88%42.4 → 65%0-65%83.3 → 90%40-88%92%85%41.8 → 61%0-68%54.8 → 72%0-76%92%100%70 → 77%0-91%44.2 → 52%0-85%   73.1%85.2%
Asus ASUSPRO B9440UA-GV0100TOffice (2)21.05.2017v690.3 → 92%0-98%91%86%41.3 → 52%0-80%74.4 → 100%20-67%91%84%57.7 → 85%0-68%87.1 → 95%0-92%93%93%65%0%79.5%87.4%
Fujitsu Lifebook T937Convertible (5)18.05.2017v683.2 → 85%0-98%83%88%68.2 → 85%0-80%70.4 → 82%35-78%91%84%48.6 → 71%0-68%79.6 → 91%0-87%96%92%63.6 → 70%0-91%41.3 → 49%0-85%   76%85.1%
Dell Latitude 5289Convertible (5)16.05.2017v687.9 → 90%0-98%85%78%64.6 → 81%0-80%70.9 → 83%35-78%95%83%57.7 → 85%0-68%85 → 98%0-87%89%88%45.5 → 50%0-91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   74.7%84.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad T470s-20HF0012USOffice (2)14.05.2017v693 → 95%0-98%94%87%73 → 91%0-80%71 → 100%20-67%90%81%58 → 85%0-68%92 → 100%0-92%87%94%69%53 → 62%0-85%-2%74.3%88%
Dell Latitude 12 5285 2-in-1Convertible (5)10.05.2017v684.8 → 87%0-98%87%92%57.1 → 71%0-80%72.3 → 87%35-78%90%82%58.1 → 85%0-68%85.1 → 98%0-87%90%98%57.9 → 68%0-85%   79.5%87.7%
Lenovo Yoga 720-13IKBConvertible (5)08.05.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%92%92%49 → 61%0-80%71.6 → 85%35-78%90%84%56.4 → 83%0-68%87 → 100%0-87%91%90%45.5 → 50%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%   75.3%86.2%
Alienware 17 R4Gaming (3)06.05.2017v686.8 → 89%0-98%89%83%56.1 → 69%0-81%44.8 → 62%10-66%69%84%99%97%82.5 → 87%0-95%61.1 → 68%0-90%80%52.6 → 62%0-85%   75.8%85.1%
Lenovo Lenovo Legion Y720 80VR002XGEGaming (3)05.05.2017v677.6 → 79%0-98%80%83%64.7 → 80%0-81%55.9 → 82%10-66%85%86%91%95%90.9 → 96%0-95%87.6 → 97%0-90%54%39.5 → 46%0-85%   76.2%84.2%
Honor 8 ProSmartphone (10)05.05.2017v689%66.9 → 89%0-75%93%48.8 → 81%0-60%89.4 → 79%50-100%92%87%54.6 → 87%0-63%68.5 → 98%0-70%85%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%74%   77.8%86.5%
Gigabyte Aero 15Multimedia (1)02.05.2017v684.2 → 86%0-98%83%78%68 → 84%0-81%62.2 → 90%20-67%89%86%92.3 → 100%0-85%94.3 → 100%0-92%76%77.7 → 82%0-95%70%   80%86.6%
Lenovo Moto G5 PlusSmartphone (10)01.05.2017v690%65.4 → 87%0-75%89%45.8 → 76%0-60%91.9 → 84%50-100%95%85%28.6 → 45%0-63%53 → 76%0-70%90%100%60 → 66%0-91%67%   73.8%84%
HP Spectre x360 13-ac033dxConvertible (5)20.04.2017v685.5 → 87%0-98%88%89%48.2 → 60%0-80%71.4 → 85%35-78%91%86%60.3 → 89%0-68%83.6 → 96%0-87%90%85%60 → 66%0-91%65.8 → 77%0-85%   77.2%86.4%
Lenovo V510-15IKB 80WQ0002GEOffice (2)19.04.2017v675 → 77%0-98%74%87%47.7 → 60%0-80%63 → 91%20-67%74%84%55.5 → 82%0-68%87 → 95%0-92%95%93%50%37.5 → 44%0-85%   70.9%81.3%
Lenovo Moto G5Smartphone (10)19.04.2017v688%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%43.7 → 73%0-60%92.8 → 86%50-100%92%87%19.2 → 30%0-63%38.3 → 55%0-70%88%100%63.6 → 70%0-91%66%   72.1%83%
ZTE Blade V8Smartphone (10)19.04.2017v685%69.2 → 92%0-75%86%39.4 → 66%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%95%85%16.2 → 26%0-63%43.2 → 62%0-70%91%100%59.1 → 65%0-91%68%   71.6%82.3%
Dell Latitude 3189Convertible (5)18.04.2017v683.4 → 85%0-98%82%83%42.5 → 53%0-80%69.9 → 81%35-78%91%83%52.1 → 77%0-68%62.7 → 72%0-87%87%95%54.5 → 60%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   71.9%81.9%
Dell Latitude 7480Office (2)18.04.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%94%72%72.5 → 91%0-80%68.8 → 100%20-67%95%90%57.6 → 85%0-68%89.7 → 98%0-92%92%73%70%55.3 → 65%0-85%-1%72.8%87.1%
Samsung Galaxy S8 PlusSmartphone (10)18.04.2017v693%73.8 → 98%0-75%98%65.2 → 100%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%94%93%63.5 → 100%0-63%65.1 → 93%0-70%92%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%94%   84.1%92.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad T570-20H90002GEOffice (2)15.04.2017v687.9 → 90%0-98%94%71.2 → 89%0-80%63.3 → 92%20-67%90%85%53.9 → 79%0-68%84.4 → 92%0-92%91%94%71%52.5 → 62%0-85%-3%72%86.4%
LG K10 2017Smartphone (10)15.04.2017v683%65.4 → 87%0-75%86%39.4 → 66%0-60%93.3 → 87%50-100%91%82%15.6 → 25%0-63%36.2 → 52%0-70%89%100%47.3 → 52%0-91%75%   69.5%81%
Huawei P10 LiteSmartphone (10)13.04.2017v690%70.8 → 94%0-75%92%42.2 → 70%0-60%92.6 → 85%50-100%92%86%21 → 33%0-63%49.9 → 71%0-70%91%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%76%   75%85%
HP EliteBook x360 1030 G2Convertible (5)12.04.2017v692.6 → 94%0-98%90%93%61.5 → 77%0-80%71.3 → 84%35-78%93%82%56.4 → 83%0-68%88.2 → 100%0-87%95%95%69.1 → 76%0-91%47.4 → 56%0-85%   79.5%88.3%
Acer Aspire VX5-591G-75C4 VX15Multimedia (1)12.04.2017v680 → 82%0-98%79%87%51.8 → 64%0-81%59.8 → 85%20-67%82%84%89.5 → 100%0-85%80.6 → 88%0-92%90%88.3 → 93%0-95%66%63.2 → 74%0-85%   77%84.6%
Nomu S30Smartphone (10)10.04.2017v678%69.6 → 93%0-75%81%42.9 → 72%0-60%87 → 74%50-100%97%81%19.7 → 31%0-63%37.4 → 53%0-70%88%100%50.9 → 56%0-91%56%   68.3%77.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370-20JJS00100Convertible (5)08.04.2017v687.4 → 89%0-98%92%94%68.8 → 86%0-80%70.1 → 82%35-78%91%84%55 → 81%0-68%86 → 99%0-87%90%93%50 → 55%0-91%44.7 → 53%0-85%   77.3%86.7%
Apple iPad (2017)Tablet (9)04.04.2017v689%73.8 → 92%0-80%93%47.2 → 73%0-65%83.5 → 91%40-88%95%90%59.4 → 87%0-68%64.3 → 85%0-76%92%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%64.6 → 76%0-85%   78.8%90.3%
Samsung Galaxy A3 2017Smartphone (10)01.04.2017v788%68.8 → 92%0-75%89%48.2 → 69%0-70%93.3 → 87%50-100%89%91%3.7 → 6%0-64%38 → 44%0-86%94%100%70 → 78%0-90%54%   71.3%77.8%
Samsung Galaxy S8Smartphone (10)30.03.2017v791%66.5 → 89%0-75%97%66.5 → 95%0-70%91.9 → 84%50-100%89%91%35.7 → 56%0-64%58.3 → 68%0-86%93%100%75.4 → 84%0-90%66%   78.6%85.2%
Fujitsu Lifebook A557Office (2)29.03.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%84%83%50.7 → 63%0-80%61.3 → 88%20-67%90%86%54.6 → 80%0-68%86.2 → 94%0-92%95%90%56%52.6 → 62%0-85%   74.3%84.1%
HTC U PlaySmartphone (10)29.03.2017v689%63.1 → 84%0-75%89%46.2 → 77%0-60%92.7 → 85%50-100%90%85%21.7 → 34%0-63%37.1 → 53%0-70%92%100%51.8 → 57%0-91%74%   71.7%82.7%
HTC U UltraSmartphone (10)24.03.2017v688%65.4 → 87%0-75%93%46.8 → 78%0-60%90.6 → 81%50-100%91%85%56.5 → 90%0-63%56.9 → 81%0-70%91%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%88%   78.1%87.4%
Lenovo Yoga 510-14ASTConvertible (5)23.03.2017v680.8 → 82%0-98%79%94%47.5 → 59%0-80%66 → 72%35-78%82%71%53.7 → 79%0-68%65.1 → 75%0-87%94%94%44 → 48%0-91%27.1 → 32%0-85%   69.1%78.4%
Lenovo Ideapad Miix 720-12IKBConvertible (5)21.03.2017v686.2 → 88%0-98%90%87%49 → 61%0-80%73.2 → 89%35-78%86%85%55.7 → 82%0-68%81.1 → 93%0-87%88%85%31.4 → 35%0-91%63.3 → 74%0-85%   73.9%84.7%
Fujitsu LifeBook U757Office (2)21.03.2017v681.6 → 83%0-98%87%79%64.1 → 80%0-80%66.4 → 99%20-67%90%87%54.1 → 80%0-68%84.3 → 92%0-92%94%93%43%43.7 → 51%0-85%   74.3%86.1%
Huawei P10Smartphone (10)19.03.2017v692%70.8 → 94%0-75%96%50.5 → 84%0-60%92.8 → 86%50-100%95%87%57.7 → 92%0-63%58 → 83%0-70%85%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%78%   79.8%89.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2017-20HQS03P00Office (2)16.03.2017v691.8 → 94%0-98%95%91%68 → 85%0-80%73.3 → 100%20-67%92%87%57 → 84%0-68%89.6 → 97%0-92%90%88%77%52.6 → 62%0-85%   80.9%90.4%
Dell XPS 15 9560 (i7-7700HQ, UHD)Multimedia (1)15.03.2017v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%66.5 → 82%0-81%62.5 → 90%20-67%89%84%83.6 → 98%0-85%90.4 → 98%0-92%90%70.4 → 74%0-95%75%56 → 66%0-85%   80.5%88.7%
Fujitsu LifeBook U747Office (2)10.03.2017v685 → 87%0-98%87%79%63 → 79%0-80%69.7 → 100%20-67%90%88%55 → 81%0-68%85.8 → 93%0-92%95%95%48%38.4 → 45%0-85%   75.2%87%
Honor 6XSmartphone (10)06.03.2017v683%71.5 → 95%0-75%88%41.9 → 70%0-60%91.3 → 83%50-100%97%84%18.7 → 30%0-63%46.6 → 67%0-70%91%100%66.3 → 73%0-91%73%   73.3%83.2%
Archos 50 SaphirSmartphone (10)06.03.2017v685%63.5 → 85%0-75%88%32.1 → 54%0-60%87.6 → 75%50-100%100%79%10.9 → 17%0-63%29.9 → 43%0-70%89%100%66.4 → 73%0-91%61%   68.6%78.6%
SCHENKER XMG P407Gaming (3)06.03.2017v676.3 → 78%0-98%83%86%66.3 → 82%0-81%62.2 → 93%10-66%73%86%90%94%85.8 → 90%0-95%75.6 → 84%0-90%71%52.1 → 61%0-85%   77%84.6%
Acer Predator 17 X GX-792-76DLGaming (3)01.03.2017v678.9 → 81%0-98%81%83%69.8 → 86%0-81%45.7 → 64%10-66%73%87%99%100%88.9 → 94%0-95%70.2 → 78%0-90%78%   79.5%87.4%
Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T-K0YK ()01.03.2017v6   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   70.2%81.4%
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 SM-T825Tablet (9)27.02.2017v688%76.9 → 96%0-80%94%51.4 → 79%0-65%84.2 → 92%40-88%93%90%61.2 → 90%0-68%58.2 → 77%0-76%94%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%61.2 → 72%0-85%   79.1%90.7%
HP ProBook 640 G3 Z2W33ETOffice (2)27.02.2017v683.4 → 85%0-98%85%88%59.8 → 75%0-80%63.6 → 93%20-67%91%80%54.6 → 80%0-68%85.1 → 93%0-92%96%94%56%39.5 → 46%0-85%   75%85.5%
LG G6Smartphone (10)27.02.2017v693%66.9 → 89%0-75%95%47.4 → 79%0-60%91.2 → 82%50-100%94%88%60 → 95%0-63%60.2 → 86%0-70%93%100%75.5 → 83%0-91%91%   81.1%90.2%
Lenovo P2Smartphone (10)26.02.2017v688%68.5 → 91%0-75%94%50 → 83%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%100%89%27.5 → 44%0-63%48.8 → 70%0-70%95%100%64.5 → 71%0-91%77%   76.3%86.5%
HP Spectre x360 15-bl002xxMultimedia (1)26.02.2017v686.8 → 89%0-98%85%86%71.6 → 88%0-81%63 → 91%20-67%91%84%67.7 → 80%0-85%84.4 → 92%0-92%87%82.6 → 87%0-95%56%39.5 → 46%0-85%1%70.4%85.5%
Asus UX310UQ-FC396TSubnotebook (4)24.02.2017v681.1 → 83%0-98%81%75%53.4 → 67%0-80%69.6 → 80%35-78%90%88%62.5 → 92%0-68%89.8 → 100%0-87%92.7 → 100%0-91%89%59.1 → 65%0-91%45.8 → 54%0-85%   75.2%84.4%
Asus ZenFone 3 Deluxe ZS570KLSmartphone (10)17.02.2017v691%70 → 93%0-75%92%51.2 → 85%0-60%90.4 → 81%50-100%92%87%61.7 → 98%0-63%58.9 → 84%0-70%90%100%63.8 → 70%0-91%76%   78.7%87.3%
Alienware 13 R3Gaming (3)14.02.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%85%86%70.6 → 87%0-81%60 → 89%10-66%85%88%92%92%79.8 → 84%0-95%84.5 → 94%0-90%75%   82.3%88.3%
Huawei P8 lite 2017Smartphone (10)13.02.2017v684%65.4 → 87%0-75%91%40 → 67%0-60%92.5 → 85%50-100%92%85%21.6 → 34%0-63%41.1 → 59%0-70%93%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%73%   72.1%83.1%
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017Smartphone (10)09.02.2017v692%66.9 → 89%0-75%91%47.2 → 79%0-60%91.5 → 83%50-100%97%92%40.7 → 65%0-63%50 → 71%0-70%92%100%58.2 → 64%0-91%71%   76.1%86.6%
Alienware 15 R3Gaming (3)08.02.2017v690.8 → 93%0-98%87%86%72.1 → 89%0-81%52.9 → 77%10-66%77%83%96%96%85.2 → 90%0-95%66.7 → 74%0-90%70%-1%73.9%86.1%
Dell Vostro 15-5568Office (2)31.01.2017v680.3 → 82%0-98%74%77%47.4 → 59%0-80%64.5 → 95%20-67%89%76%54.3 → 80%0-68%85.8 → 93%0-92%94%97%50%50 → 59%0-85%   72.1%81.3%
Dell Inspiron 15 5000 5567-1753Multimedia (1)31.01.2017v688.4 → 90%0-98%91%95%48.7 → 60%0-81%61.1 → 87%20-67%85%71%62.9 → 74%0-85%88.9 → 97%0-92%90%86.5 → 91%0-95%48%45.8 → 54%0-85%   74.1%81.2%
Acer Swift 5 SF514-51-59AVSubnotebook (4)09.01.2017v689.5 → 91%0-98%79%88%47 → 59%0-80%70.8 → 83%35-78%92%82%55.5 → 82%0-68%86.1 → 99%0-87%93.8 → 100%0-91%92%28.8 → 32%0-91%31.6 → 37%0-85%   71.9%84.4%
Alcatel One Touch Idol 4SSmartphone (10)30.12.2016v690%70.4 → 94%0-75%94%40.4 → 67%0-60%92.4 → 85%50-100%89%84%41.9 → 67%0-63%54 → 77%0-70%90%100%60 → 66%0-91%67%   74.8%84.9%
Asus ZenPad 3s 10 Z500MTablet (9)30.12.2016v688%70 → 88%0-80%92%40 → 62%0-65%84.3 → 92%40-88%91%83%40 → 59%0-68%49 → 64%0-76%92%100%69.1 → 76%0-91%52.1 → 61%0-85%   73.2%85.6%
Asus Zenbook 3 UX390UA-GS041TSubnotebook (4)03.12.2016v5.189.5 → 91%0-98%87%78%44.4 → 56%0-80%76 → 95%35-78%88%83%56 → 82%0-68%82.9 → 95%0-87%92.2 → 100%0-91%90%79.5 → 87%0-91%20.8 → 24%0-85%   74.4%85.3%
Aorus X7 DT v6Gaming (3)01.12.2016v683 → 85%0-98%87%78%66 → 81%0-81%55 → 80%10-66%65%82%100%96%85 → 89%0-95%57 → 63%0-90%70%65 → 76%0-85%1%70.7%86.2%
Wileyfox Spark XSmartphone (10)30.11.2016v5.180%75.8 → 100%0-75%85%38.8 → 65%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%94%82%9.7 → 15%0-63%29.6 → 42%0-70%88%100%53.6 → 59%0-91%58%   68.1%79.9%
Chuwi Hi10 ProTablet (9)30.11.2016v5.186%69.2 → 87%0-80%88%42.8 → 66%0-65%82 → 88%40-88%88%81%43.9 → 65%0-68%43.7 → 58%0-76%88%100%57.5 → 63%0-91%34.7 → 41%0-85%   69.6%83.1%
Fairphone 2Smartphone (10)25.11.2016v5.166%71.9 → 96%0-75%89%41.3 → 69%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%84%85%22.7 → 36%0-63%28.8 → 41%0-70%84%100%63.8 → 70%0-91%62%1%63.5%80%
ZTE Axon 7 MiniSmartphone (10)23.11.2016v5.190%69.2 → 92%0-75%91%43.7 → 73%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%89%81%24.6 → 39%0-63%33.3 → 48%0-70%92%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%71%   73%83.9%
Huawei MediaPad M3 8.4 inchTablet (9)16.11.2016v5.187%71.9 → 90%0-80%88%42.9 → 66%0-65%86 → 96%40-88%91%83%41.6 → 61%0-68%57.7 → 76%0-76%92%100%71.3 → 78%0-91%65 → 76%0-85%   75.2%87.1%
Lenovo Yoga Book Android YB1-X90FConvertible (5)09.11.2016v5.191 → 93%0-98%75%92%43.4 → 54%0-80%80 → 100%35-78%93%84%43.3 → 64%0-68%51.4 → 59%0-87%95%100%62.5 → 69%0-91%62.5 → 74%0-85%   74.8%88.3%
Huawei Mate 9Smartphone (10)08.11.2016v5.191%72.7 → 97%0-75%97%53.3 → 89%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%96%87%59.6 → 95%0-63%65.3 → 93%0-70%86%100%72.5 → 80%0-91%82%   80.9%89.2%
Dell XPS 13 9360 QHD+ i7Subnotebook (4)04.11.2016v5.192.1 → 94%0-98%89%87%58.3 → 73%0-80%71 → 84%35-78%91%86%57.8 → 85%0-68%81.9 → 94%0-87%87.6 → 96%0-91%94%80 → 88%0-91%43.8 → 52%0-85%   78.4%87.4%
Google Pixel XL 2016Smartphone (10)03.11.2016v5.180%70.4 → 94%0-75%96%48.7 → 81%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%90%85%61.5 → 98%0-63%57 → 81%0-70%89%100%71.2 → 78%0-91%86%   79%88%
Sony Xperia XZSmartphone (10)03.11.2016v5.190%65.8 → 88%0-75%87%54.1 → 90%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%90%85%57 → 90%0-63%57.3 → 82%0-70%88%100%67.3 → 74%0-91%84%   78.1%86.9%
ZTE Axon 7Smartphone (10)02.11.2016v5.190%69.2 → 92%0-75%92%43.7 → 73%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%91%84%59.9 → 95%0-63%58 → 83%0-70%90%100%74.5 → 82%0-91%79%   78.5%87%
Acer TravelMate P249-M-5452Office (2)01.11.2016v5.179.5 → 81%0-98%85%87%43.7 → 55%0-80%62 → 89%20-67%87%79%54.1 → 80%0-68%81.3 → 88%0-92%94%90%53%39.6 → 47%0-85%   71.9%81.5%
Lenovo Yoga Book 2016 Windows 64GB LTEConvertible (5)28.10.2016v5.191.4 → 93%0-98%72%76%45.7 → 57%0-80%80 → 100%35-78%91%87%46.4 → 68%0-68%38.3 → 44%0-87%94%100%54.5 → 60%0-91%70.8 → 83%0-85%   72.8%86.1%
Lenovo Moto Z PlaySmartphone (10)27.10.2016v5.193%70 → 93%0-75%94%50.8 → 85%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%98%89%32 → 51%0-63%50.3 → 72%0-70%93%100%68.8 → 76%0-91%72%   77.1%87.7%
HP Spectre x360 13-w023dxConvertible (5)24.10.2016v5.185.5 → 87%0-98%88%89%48.2 → 60%0-80%72 → 86%35-78%92%80%57.7 → 85%0-68%88.2 → 100%0-87%90%90%60 → 66%0-91%65.8 → 77%0-85%   77.4%85.4%
Asus Zenfone 3 ZE552KLSmartphone (10)22.10.2016v5.191%72.3 → 96%0-75%89%45.5 → 76%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%96%85%32.1 → 51%0-63%52 → 74%0-70%89%100%72.7 → 80%0-91%72%   76.1%86%
Medion Akoya S3409-MD60234Subnotebook (4)11.10.2016v5.178.9 → 81%0-98%83%84%47.9 → 60%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%76%82%56.3 → 83%0-68%85.5 → 98%0-87%93.9 → 100%0-91%87%50 → 55%0-91%41.7 → 49%0-85%   72%80.4%
Lenovo Moto ZSmartphone (10)29.09.2016v5.193%70.8 → 94%0-75%94%55.2 → 92%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%91%90%59.5 → 94%0-63%63.8 → 91%0-70%87%100%73.8 → 81%0-91%73%   80.3%89.3%
Honor 8Smartphone (10)28.09.2016v5.191%69.2 → 92%0-75%95%51.5 → 86%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%90%85%47.4 → 75%0-63%59 → 84%0-70%85%100%61.8 → 68%0-91%73%   76.9%86.9%
Ulefone MetalSmartphone (10)23.09.2016v5.184%60 → 80%0-75%86%40.3 → 67%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%89%80%18.6 → 30%0-63%31.7 → 45%0-70%88%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%65%   68.6%80.7%
Apple iPhone 7 PlusSmartphone (10)18.09.2016v5.192%73.8 → 98%0-75%94%42 → 70%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%93%93%60.5 → 96%0-63%69.9 → 100%0-70%87%100%63.8 → 70%0-91%80%   79.9%88.5%
BlackBerry PrivSmartphone (10)19.08.2016v5.187%82.7 → 100%0-75%93%51.5 → 86%0-60%89 → 78%50-100%91%85%49.3 → 78%0-63%52.6 → 75%0-70%83%100%76.3 → 84%0-91%77%   78.2%85.9%
Sony Xperia XASmartphone (10)11.08.2016v5.183%67.7 → 90%0-75%77%44.6 → 74%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%88%81%25.2 → 40%0-63%44 → 63%0-70%87%100%56.3 → 62%0-91%70%   70.6%80.7%
Sony Xperia XSmartphone (10)29.07.2016v5.185%69.6 → 93%0-75%94%45.6 → 76%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%90%82%38.6 → 61%0-63%52.3 → 75%0-70%87%100%70.9 → 78%0-91%74%   75.4%85.3%
OnePlus 3Smartphone (10)11.07.2016v5.189%70 → 93%0-75%97%48 → 80%0-60%91 → 82%50-100%96%86%61.8 → 98%0-63%62.9 → 90%0-70%88%100%52.5 → 58%0-91%76%   78.3%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T560-20FH002RGEOffice (2)18.06.2016v5.190 → 92%0-98%94%87%69.8 → 87%0-80%61 → 87%20-67%91%86%63.4 → 93%0-68%83.9 → 91%0-92%88%95%69%52.6 → 62%0-85%   79.3%89%
HP EliteBook Folio G1 V1C37EASubnotebook (4)11.06.2016v5.190.8 → 93%0-98%92%89%56.4 → 71%0-80%75 → 93%35-78%88%88%54.6 → 80%0-68%80.2 → 92%0-87%88.9 → 98%0-91%100%86.4 → 95%0-91%39.6 → 47%0-85%   79.1%89.6%
Huawei P9 LiteSmartphone (10)27.05.2016v5.191%69.2 → 92%0-75%88%43.1 → 72%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%92%86%24.6 → 39%0-63%46.8 → 67%0-70%88%100%65.5 → 72%0-91%71%   73.6%84.5%
Samsung Galaxy J5 2016Smartphone (10)12.05.2016v5.190%65.8 → 88%0-75%91%38.1 → 64%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%93%85%5 → 8%0-63%32.6 → 47%0-70%91%100%47.5 → 52%0-91%67%   69%82.4%
LG G5Smartphone (10)05.05.2016v5.191%70.4 → 94%0-75%97%58.8 → 98%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%90%86%60.7 → 96%0-63%59.6 → 85%0-70%90%100%68.8 → 76%0-91%81%   80.3%89.3%
Huawei P9Smartphone (10)29.04.2016v5.193%70 → 93%0-75%96%55.2 → 92%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%91%88%50.2 → 80%0-63%58.8 → 84%0-70%87%100%68.8 → 76%0-91%81%   79.4%89.5%
Apple iPhone SESmartphone (10)19.04.2016v784%58.8 → 78%0-75%93%41.2 → 59%0-70%95 → 90%50-100%89%88%21.1 → 33%0-64%53.2 → 62%0-86%88%100%79.2 → 88%0-90%52%   72.4%79.6%
Microsoft Surface Book Core i7Convertible (5)26.02.2016v5.190 → 92%0-98%88%86%53 → 66%0-80%69 → 79%35-78%93%89%67.1 → 99%0-68%80.2 → 92%0-87%86%89%70 → 77%0-91%0%80%86.7%
Samsung Galaxy S5 NeoSmartphone (10)08.12.2015v487%69 → 92%0-75%94%46 → 77%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%95%87%57 → 90%0-63%38 → 54%0-70%92%100%63 → 69%0-91%79%0%77%87%
Microsoft Surface Pro 4, Core i5, 128GBConvertible (5)18.11.2015v5.186.4 → 88%0-98%87%92%38.9 → 49%0-80%74 → 91%35-78%89%88%56.6 → 83%0-68%80 → 92%0-87%81%87%59.4 → 65%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%0%73.9%85.5%
Microsoft Surface Pro 4, Core i5, 128GBConvertible (5)31.10.2015v5.186.4 → 88%0-98%87%92%38.9 → 49%0-80%74 → 91%35-78%89%88%56.6 → 83%0-68%80 → 92%0-87%81%87%59.4 → 65%0-91%42.1 → 50%0-85%0%73.9%85.5%
Apple iPad Mini 4Tablet (9)22.09.2015v591%67.3 → 84%0-80%94%40.4 → 62%0-65%86 → 96%40-88%92%89%43.8 → 64%0-68%55.2 → 73%0-76%89%100%71.3 → 78%0-91%69.6 → 82%0-85%0%76.1%89.1%
Apple iPad Mini 4Tablet (9)18.09.2015v591%67.3 → 84%0-80%94%40.4 → 62%0-65%86 → 96%40-88%92%89%43.8 → 64%0-68%55.2 → 73%0-76%89%100%71.3 → 78%0-91%69.6 → 82%0-85%0%76.1%89.1%
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920ASmartphone (10)04.09.2015v591%72 → 96%0-75%94%43.1 → 72%0-60%90 → 80%50-100%89%89%54 → 86%0-63%54.5 → 78%0-70%91%100%65 → 71%0-91%80%0%77.9%87.6%
Dell Inspiron 17-5758Multimedia (1)03.09.2015v475 → 77%0-98%78%94%58 → 72%0-81%58 → 81%20-67%84%82%76 → 89%0-85%73 → 79%0-92%84%79 → 83%0-95%73%49 → 58%0-85%-1%69%78%
Asus Zenfone 5Smartphone (10)19.10.2014v485%67 → 89%0-75%92%44 → 73%0-60%93 → 86%50-100%92%85%54 → 86%0-63%29 → 41%0-70%90%100%59 → 65%0-91%65%0%73%84%
LG G3Smartphone (10)10.07.2014v492%74 → 99%0-75%94%55 → 92%0-60%92 → 84%50-100%87%82%64 → 100%0-63%50 → 71%0-70%82%100%71 → 78%0-91%83%-1%73%86%
HP EliteBook 2530pSubnotebook (4)22.10.200996 → 98%0-98%98%97%90 → 100%0-80%89 → 100%35-78%85%73%57 → 84%0-68%78 → 90%0-87%73 → 80%0-91%81%89%84%87%
HP EliteBook 6930p Office (2)01.07.200994 → 96%0-98%92%90%82 → 100%0-80%82 → 100%20-67%82%70%58 → 85%0-68%80 → 87%0-92%89%85%92%83%86%
Toshiba NB100 ()15.05.2009   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%81%80%87%
HP Compaq 2230s Subnotebook (4)04.05.200985 → 87%0-98%80%84%82 → 100%0-80%91 → 100%35-78%70%83%53 → 78%0-68%77 → 89%0-87%82 → 90%0-91%77%82%79%81%
Dell Inspiron Mini 12 ()19.12.2008   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%   0-0%90%77%86%
Dell XPS M1730Gaming (3)10.03.200888 → 90%0-98%85%86%88 → 100%0-81%48 → 68%10-66%40%88%98%95%80 → 84%0-95%75 → 83%0-90%90%80%87%
Dell XPS M1730Gaming (3)26.11.200788 → 90%0-98%85%86%88 → 100%0-81%48 → 68%10-66%50%88%96%100%77 → 81%0-95%94 → 100%0-90%98%83%89%
BEMI CW1710Gaming (3)16.12.200589 → 91%0-98%72%62%97 → 100%0-81%57 → 84%10-66%42%76%98%90%65 → 68%0-95%58 → 64%0-90%88%75%81%
MSI Megabook 645Multimedia (1)21.10.200581 → 83%0-98%75%76%86 → 100%0-81%77 → 100%20-67%82%86%80 → 94%0-85%87 → 95%0-92%77%71 → 75%0-95%92%81%81%
MSI Megabook 635Multimedia (1)16.10.200581 → 83%0-98%75%76%88 → 100%0-81%75 → 100%20-67%72%88%79 → 93%0-85%87 → 95%0-92%77%69 → 73%0-95%90%80%80%

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Autor: Klaus Hinum, 26.02.2006 (Update: 28.02.2022)